Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 15, 1921, Page 14, Image 14

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i - '
Cornhuskers and
Redskins MiXvO
Nebraska Gridiron l odax
Second Game
Of Season for
Dawson's Squad
Hani Wcfk of Practice Puti
Nuftltn on EJge for
Thii Afternoon
, Lincoln. Neb.. Oct, If (Special.)
lUtkrlls -'Hattling warrior are
mniing after the I tinker scalps. The
foi ball game at Lincoln tomorrow
will not be a vtalkaway for -Ne
braska at wa tbc Coyote elathr on
October I. Coach Dawson, realised
this two week i ago ami inaugurated
lerret i-ruttre lor thc-lliukcr squad
Warriori from ovrr 70 distinct
tribes ami band of Indians have
tried out for the Haakc,ll iquad.
Twcittv-two first stringer rrpreent
14 tlifterent trilws. Cherokee.
Arapahoe. Kiowa. 1'iutcs, Wichi
ta, Comanche and many other
trihes are represented. Captain Mc
Lcmore. q.iurterhark. in a Cherokee,
at is Wolford, halfback and substi
tute quarter.
But outside of their separate taste
as to language and custom the In
dian aggregation gets along together
splendidly. The machine which has
been developed this season is the
tame a was used in all the Haskell
games last year. Not a link, hurr
or screw is missing from tbc speedy
teani - of last year. , .
With this .tart the team has mere
ly been oiling up and wearing off the
rust before going into the season.
Preliminary practice did i necessitate
long hours with signal work. The
signals have been worked out for
some time and most of the first
stringers know them well, A few
substitutes have been added to the
lineup, but thec1are a splendid ag
gregation of felloes, who .threaten to
replace any ..worijout pqrts of the
machine. '; ? " i '
, Speedy and Shifty.'
Captain McLcraorc. Wolford. Levi
and Anderson form a quartet ,of
line buckcrs that wilt foYec tfle-beaOy
Xebraskans tor-use, all. the' mftat they
i. ... i 1.1:: .1. 'U j.i. i.:... . a
liatr -ill nwiuiim -ific iwiaatiiia.-nKiSiil!
Wolford and Anderson, halfbacks
have speed and shifting ability that
is dangerous to the Huskers if they
ever get into the- open- or m a -broken
field. Andcrsona'speedjv shifty lit
tle fellow, is barely hve tcet in height.
He is blocky and hard as nails, ac
cording to the report received, at the
university, and is a -power jto be
reckoned with in Saturday gape.
f Levi Is a tall warh'or.3 standing
over six feet in his stockings. He is
a; hard line plunger and gets away
with Bunts, with an amazing amount
of speed, iThetall Arapahbe is an
other aangiss2hajacrtie4f'for'Nei
braska plavers to allow' to run at
large; Wolford and McLemore form
a' pair of -' heady, fast line hitting
I.!.. tUt ...III m,L, iUm fnra.
buskers keep on the gp Davis, nght
eftd. is a fast and dangerous man; es
pecially on defensive work. Lassa. a
Flathead from Montana, holds' the
pivot, job when on offensive and' is
at, guard on defensiyvwrk4 His tall
hulk is a threatening , force to Ne
braska s center.
'V V Huskers Are. Ready. ;
Coach Dawson's Huskers 5 arc
ready for any and all comers.. Two
weeks of secret practice has Enabled
the Nebraska mentor to give his men
private instruction in the handling of
opponents in a masterly and effec
tive . manner. To supplement the
three hours of outdoor grid work
each' afternoon Coach Dawson has
added a two-hour- workout in the.
"gym" each night, going through
the plays slowly .--in. order to perfect
each and every.fliovement.
Signal drills 'are also' given."" The
signal practice has been toned to a
lugh point in order that there be no
mistakes, as were made in, the
Huskers' initial t? game, with. ,'Wes
leyan two w'eCks .ago;. Stiff wirk
with the cypher lias been one of
the features of the evening practices ,
and has placed the team in a condi-J
rton 10 Know aosoiuieiy wnai 11 wio
do when the . orders arc issued in
Saturday's game. , ,'
': Captain SwansOn and Scherer
will probably' hold dowrf- the, Cornr
husker . wing. . positions Saturday.
Scherer's ankle' is Improving1 and the
Nebraska .endis, again on the grid
iron", with his- same old. pep. Eucc
lik and Lyman, .veteran, tackles, will
probably enter the game at their old
stalls, iWhilciWienVe,' Berquis.t. and
Wcller will. be the three frornwFipm
two' will bechosen to take tRe.guard
ink, V- " iJ'': 1
Peterson is first choice-f-center ,4
-l?.!. "T . ,, 1.1- t.Jf k.l.
wun .rresion' prouauic . tuaf reruati.
Russell, who'is being, uset atSth
hnntino- irth will take' the 'fullback
jbb;-- arid Hartley, -.Wright, PewiuJ
and , Lewellen at bait. Hattman.
,iriay get a chaiCe-:t the backfield.
alto during the" game. -' 'V
; Odum has a chance to get irt at
guard in case any-substitutions ar!
made, while R.i McGlasson is the-
second choice 1foV"cente'r. Toft is-
out of the game-for the season witn
a -dislocated shoulder and will leave
the tackle job open to others, while
Klempke and : Schoeppel.jire second
choice for wingmehif- Layton, .Hoy
and H. McGlasson rate chances. at
the backfield positions, with. Lewcl
len second; chofcej for ttie engineer
ing job, which Prestion wilf p'robabry
take to openr ipi ':N)bl is a" choice
to"-supplant-ftsef at fullback.
- A light workbu't will be given this
afternoon,' with stress being laid on
the signal practice. Coach Dawson
is taking chances -.of- Josing to
the braves iT such cart be avoided,
but he also Ki's his j,es dri the Notre
Dame Irishmen, whom the.Hus.kers
meet'a week from -'Saturday at
South Bend, Ind.. artdTiis a double
task ion his hands in whipping the
formidable Kansans Saturday and in
saving his best men for the Catholic
battle - a week ahead. . r
Ready to Battle Creighton Gridsters Today
aMat 1''' v iliIC5 isiiiBIO:
Jf"' I "t " I .'. I'"--' ' 1 I
J a J. fcrrw.. -; H ; -K".V' H, ,
Each Member of New York Rational (2ub fill Get-
. Approximately $565 as. Share of Receipts for
r fi-fi ; First FiveContests.of 1921 World Series
New ,York, Oct. 14.-The 1921
world scries, -ended . yesterday, . set
new financial "and 'attendance .'.rec
ords. Total receipts, for the -.eight
games were $900,233, contributed by
209.976 spectators.- ; ?. . .
This was $177,819 more than the
best previous gate 'collected in the
1VI9 series : between,- Cincinnati - and
Chicago, when the total was $722,414,
for the eight games of that year.'The
attendance in the series just closed
was also ;8,w5 greater than the
.!.. ' 't '-' . T
cigni games. 01 me uianis-ooston
American play in 19t2owJhcn the total
count registered 251,901,' which has
stood as a, record for nine years.' v
As a result of the enormous gate
receipts all those 'who'. participate in ,
u 1 : - ... ....! , .. 'it . .
inc.; aitttiniK - ui 111c iuiius: wiii .icvcix
more than any of their' predecessors
in similar positionsVThe Giants, as
winners collect 60 per cent of 75 per
cent-of the p1ayersshare .of the rer
ceipts. .for ?-thc -; first' ....five: ' ganles,'
amduntincr tO -$.31,635. which. 'di-.
vided among sorti't?. 25 eligible liten;
gives approximately -: $5,265 to each
Under the- plan of distributing' 25-
per cent 'amo'ng cf'iib' pliyers finish
ing second and third :in both maior
leagues, the Cleveland Americans
and the Pittsburgh Nationals will di
vide $43,878.34 equally, while the two
St.' Louis teams, as third' place clubs,
shar6 $29:252.22. . v
The magnates also come in for a
record division of 'the money. .The
' ,1 . . , , , . it ' ! i
advisory ooara, wnicn succceocu iuc
National commission will take as its
15 per cent share, $135,034.95. The
club owners share ' will- amount' to
$472,675.82. This latersura .exceeds
by 582,853. the best previous club
owner; share made. during the -1919
series when" S3SfJ322 was .'divided., -
Owners : or : the. two' local . clubs.
however,': are not permitted to retain
and divide equally the .close'to $500,-
000 which appear,- at t first sight, to.
beJstheirs. .Kules -governing the "ti
nanciall affairs of .the world' series
provide that ".50 pet1 r-centi-of eaih
club's sh'atre".for.'the ,first.scyen,games
shall he - oaid. into ! their restiective
lt'ague. treasu. ies .ani.that ti . case ',an
. -J' : ' .!.
cignin. Rainc. is necessary as was imc
case today, . then 75 per-; cent of the
club's share of receipts for' that ga,''
must go ; to ,the league - treasuries.
Undo Sam,, in ; the guise ot war
tax and income tax Icplle'ctoe,: will'
also" share .in.,' the.. receipts. ! The
straight 10 5bcc cent ' tax was ' idi
ducted, before the gdte receipts were
made public, butv there-jate ' stills exj
perts . of. the" govef nnw'nV accpuntmg
departmertt to 4wprk ' otitwhait; eaeh
player, club .owner and umpire' shall
1 StiH another group will ' do some
figurin..ari'd - announce -the- league's
?olif,f,ibwtionsirin. -the. shape of excess
prtrfit is j-ftaxts sinid fo.tiie little de
tails ' which t busiftesi vcnterorises - are
peciit.(nwit!y;Qus-- into th(S
treasury at yvasninewii.'-'.jj . . . ,
-'iu.'X'a-r-. : -.'-. - ' -:'
Yi.n0; Iost- SMM Because
Hitters. Didn't Hit
So Everybody. Agrees' VGiats 1 Gpt the) Breaks ; We
'- nfi. :On'D.iii,, xT.t, ti. ' xt:u
jLiuii i vuiv,,, ,,. pay s . ivuiii-jf-iicHx jlcviit;o ivmni
, Inning ;Ysterday- Most Thrilling; He Ever
1 ; " rr Phe'i-Hoyteart-BrpJcen:
. : ; Bar Negro P&yer S
?'St Louis, Oct 13. Th.nthletic
director of St Louis university to
day announced he had telegraphed
the Engineering -School, of Milwaukee
tlgt thtc.-' foot ball 'game scheduled
f ofSSmHy-HSSt W-an'celd" un
less the Wisconsin school dispensed
with . the services for that day, of
UcMann, negro ( ,
. New. Vork,- .Oct.-- 14t-New1 York
went back .to' work-today yafter par
tially forgetting -.usinfs's'i,forriiore
than 'a1, weelc '' because1 : it .. 'interfered
with interest: W'thCvwOrld s series.
,'A ifew'.of the more.7 enthusiastic
fans -decided' loi-waiti'i while;: before
returning their noses- to" the." erind-
stonct .Thiy'felt it'whol befiftiilg
fp 'aii andifalk" about 'jwhat 'a", grpat
thing' it: alr.was-this4tr,Himpl pi the
Nv-y-6rk"i' Giants over the N'ew
York Yankees. . five games to. three.
itithfr ,fif st,pi1d sejies .that .Mjin,d
nqriau ever eujoyea,UKiisen. -. i nese
fans ? opened - the hot ''stove.' league
season -with fervor.... Much -.of, their
chatter concerned j yestprday's " final
in .which ,'the (Giants 'beat the. Yan
kees l 'ta -0.- .
TKe '.Ciant roc ters contended their
favorites were , the .gaihest in' base
baH iand cited how. .after they had
been 'shut out in? thei first? to cOn
tests, :.the tought pack,
winnnrf five of thejast- six games. v..
i Supporters' of theYsatilctes.'cib.un-:
tefed ...with the observation .that .un
fortunate . bf eiks r in l.luck; cost - the;
last two, games' fori,thc- American
Hoy, peHojrmedTmagflificentJy.,arid
deserved 'shutouts. Ahd 'thev ?also
Would have i Giant ".fah : remember,
that Babe -Ruth, the- tfoanwhonjer' of
all ; tnanwhottis,, mhie.vm'a'tter' of
clouting -base balls.iplayed .the early
games, handicapped by a -. multitude
of injuries -which, forced itirn out eh-- ,tbe final, trao jof contests:'
J. -'1-.':
-it-veryDoay- agrtca-: ttat -otte ..Dig
reasoh the- ' Yankees llostr the-v tiMc,
after.'" starting . out like'''. 4vl irlwinds.
wastKe' .failure jof 'their' ayyhit
jersi,to .hit'hoavily. ;,-'' -i-''!'
,' VJobody cah say rwe.wn,.".abe
Ruth' said. ','It's tolo badr. we'. lost?, hut
i(wen in defeat - wef fouh-t haird - untu
eot,the;breaks inkhe last two'irattiei.
iLoct was-with BAmjabut wegaye.
&ek rear figH.'0l i . M .g-t
.'-A vW V JKTiskl V.laal4rkrifltt4 .?.
.G&fcts to -the-wbrMVjchatrfbionshitf
ning was. the' most thrillitlgJie. ,had
ever, piayca. r Ktievvrimaa viipry
iand vthe title- within,' my 'reajeh when
'It vaal kedout' to t he rhdu,rtd.-.lpf th s,
Alil-lll -tic vviiiiiiucu. n.. j.- -itu: uw
-piaie- msicaavOi. pijp.-rmpej oiggi
reraeiltbercd & ;tht V jfKer;, beat
Nebraska Chy, Neb.,- Oct. 14.'
YSpCclaU Telegram.) Cpach - Janjes
Drummond's Commetxial ,.; - High
school foot - - bailers ", of ; ' Ohiaha
romped " away, with thelo'cii-'- hilf
school aggregation jn a game ot loot
ball here this afternoon winning1 by
tne score; oi w io u.
" Atlantic."!. Oct.y.l4(Special.)r
-riWrA$WW) damageshasibeen
fifedT'Jft.district courfjicre bj- Mrsi
J.E4DeNittof -31idti. prinst Win vCoctlin, Grit wofu gttrage pro
prieto' Thesuit 'is'brot)ght Ho recov
er - for "in'iurieS- reccnied '.when - the
The tnck plays 'of .the OmahansJDeWitt?ahd .5 Cocklini autorQobite
and the . line smashing-ability: -of the
Commercial gridsters --were . too
niuch for.vtt.S. light- Nebraska City
eleven,, which tried-hard, .throughout
the contest ' to puncture- the- stone
wall defense' ;of .tfies-visS-b-S.
Dpntal Society HoWs . :
Meeting at North Platte
" North " Platte, . Ncb.V Oct. 14.
(Special) The .annual : convention
of the - Northwest Nebraski District
Dental'society-was held"here with'an
attendance' of about- 60. The .visity
ors -were - entertained at the Country
club',, an auto ride to .the state 'sub
station and other points .of interest
and a banquet Fourbusiness ses
sions were held, with addresses 'On
different"" phases1? "of dental- work.
Dentists from towns from Hastings
west to .th .Wvoming line 'were
present ... .
Hi vf.'-'
r collided on ' the htehway ' jiear' Gris-
woid '-a tie ;ccwent s occurred . last
summer.., ;.. .' r
- In . her '.petition i- thec plaintiff i al
le tres Cokl in- Vva's dri v ii. ir - at a . reck-
Iss spoed.-Ji is 'car1, tftf big tdur
nig'.car .oi, the- JieWrtts ;.with -such
force thellarfeir' machlae ;turntf over.
Mnv ;DV5tifSuStainel two; broken
lcss. a'punctured lungand a hurt to
the - spiiJe- Other occupaats of the Dt
W'ittvcar were mo'resfe less 'seriously
ihtfred.:r- 1 -? V-,- ;
'.". j - Sr. , .v-
Forger Heads Guilty, and ; .".
f-. 1$. .Paroled for,T wo Yeart
iThornas, Johnson ' pleaded - guilty
to forging a check for $1 1 65 on 'the
iferchkntsNatibnal- bink -bst July
Hnl District; iulgeTroofvrioitt this
niornmg ana w pjroitu. lor iwn
years, to Adult Probation - Officer
Moses P. O'Brien ' 4 - . i
Mathewson in a i world's - cries ; by
making a home run irt tHe.-.uliith in
ning, I-.-pItche'd jparefully 4o Baker
and when- Kawlingsstbpped that ball
it .took a great-load off 'my tyind."
Waife Hoyt,'. the defeated Mwirler,
was almost '.heart-bcolteniat; his fail
urf to .win Jiis, third, straight: game
- f :.-. !V. - . T 1 1 .
fiid," he-said. p' f... "'
v'v-j i jftK'v Crowned.-': '
... .L '' ' ' , i ' '
v. The "tuckey-scrics," played of f by
the,, Meusel brpthers,VB)njtvof--, the
Giants and Bob of tBe Yankees, was
won by . the vformer --witn -a batting
averagp of ".345 to . BOb's .OO. In
29.. times ;at bat, EmiUscored ? four
- , : j in, :.. l- ) .,
runs aoa . iiiauc-, iu inn - ior , -,iuiai
of 17-baser. The Yankee Meusel, in
30 trips to itjie : plate-"scored .three.
runs and thadc six : hits tor, a.r,totaI
of eight , baie'si.. Under yjhe ; rules of
tlw . series woposed by?. Ejfijl,'..,- Bob
must furnish a Thanksgiving' din
ner for the "whole- Mfcu'sel jfamily. ,
f Babe Rth,' long Vkhown as Vthe
king ;;of.,. klout; andf stjltaniof .. swat,
by hjs'.'subject : fan's, ; was ' fbripMly
crowned in the club house after the
final of ',tw'riif.v:'ManaJg'ertKCiilcr
Huggins -of ficiat'd, at the 'coronation
ccfemoiiy.'-placinir ontbVreiral'lieadl
SW0 worth of silverffcrjoVirnorcsen'ted
u.. ..:.... tl. '. : 5 .
uy. aujinicrs. jx uc jcrown- was i,in
scribed .Kiiir?RatK? j";4;A4 f .
York Trims. Hastings -
In ' Hard-Fought Game V
- ,--..-:'-.' '.!.
by !or 6t to u
p- HtingsH?Njeb, OctiiJi-j(gpecial
j. cleg. rtm.-.A iaiiii((3 - jjiiuiicus
failcd to iiick and lost to? the York
eleven' by. a37to..0score, here jtoday.
The ; game ' -"was hard-fought. but
; from . the ? rst York seyMcd to" have
.a. slight advantage, i, hoi g ' en d rttn s
d)y.?:MiIugh;lin 'and J the Jsfnashing
virqe - ducks oi , .Muir cnaracieriiea
the YorlCplayihg?, ' ''t---! ' --
y--During 'Jtc fitst1. quarter? the ball
"i i j if -. j ;t '.
.wjis- ncra -wii lowarus ne Jcenier- or
tteufieW'but - eaHy "inHthe second
Nowka went, out with a broken- nose
-and: at the end of- the half Hastings
-Li.J kfl,L...l.-.- .rt . '- .!: ..
Eyiiic yu wiiinn yaw ui .inc
!gwHt'Was4rfefendfng.T"0 t
iS In. the ; third quarter York? rame
within 'five yards of a - goal; and lost
.;thel"ontfOWrisrT',The;'Jast quarter icarrvit- across twith straieht
u . . .- t,',.i ; . ..,?. - .
iooi., riasnngs swijnaa nopes
ot at least a tie in the few moments
thatremaihed for two 'runs by Hull
netted'2 ya'rds, but -theHimekeeper's
whUtle; Blew .'before' , the Broncos
could 'score.' ?
- Thejineupi . '' S:- -
' HASTINGS, Po-ltl-n K TORX. '
: Adcck y .j U E. ; A . S.-., BI1r
Pf IftUrX i . ..... U .T. .. B. y BitlUr
Tounr iv..j.; -;0,'.;-i.i.,.'. Conner
JkKu 5 ;-.C . . ; .... a row
, Rnunaa .C..R-- T.. Polle
-Flkf ' ..R. T...;;.-.V.. Nod art
Krlltcr i. ...... Rt. .';.-. Booth
.--. John . Mulr
fxlwtrdu ....Q ...... -.!'.mrr.- C)
Hull." ............L. n.V...'McLuhlln
Nowka t . i. . A .... p .... .-. . ...... -Noll
aubatUultonc : -H-atlnn, ' Hrtwll for
Cams, Crn (or rflker. Rurc for Now-
,, FT-Oen ror loeliri'r. Harry for Ca.rnav
Lincoln Eleven
Trbtinees South
Hidi, 14 lo 0
Csrne Wat Gruelling Battle
From Start to Finish
Touchdowns By ..
Lincoln High school foot ball war
riors established themselves as con
tenders for the state championship
yesterday when they battered South
High's line for a 14 to 0 victory at
League park. -, ,
Lincoln earned the verdict over
local bootcrs by fighting from the
second the referee's whistle sent
them into action - until it railed a
cessation of hostilities. - .
South High's playing was incon
sistent; one minute they played like
champions and the next like a sec
ond-string outfit.
Before rations eleven had awak
ened to the fact that the game was
on, Lincoln had scored a touch
down. After . this they made the
Lmcolmtes fight for every inch and
it was not until the last quarter that
their goal line was again crossed
and this time by a flip.
Gilbreth a Star. .
The last Quarter saw a change in
I'atton's formation, with Gilbreth
playing left halfback instead of left
guard, and. he demonstrated forcibly
his right to this position, for Re was
a ground gainer without a peer. .
The same opened with Lincoln
kicking off. South . punted on its
fourth down and Lincoln made three
down in succession, putting the ball
within IS yards of the goal. Here
they failed; on a place kick and lost
the ball, outh 'ltigh couldnrgain
and the ball went back to Lincoln,
On the third down. Lewis flipped
thevball to Gardner, .who -ran 20
yards to a touchdown. Lewis, the
negro left half, who proved to be
the ; most consistent,' grouhd-gstacr,
kicked goal.. ....
The second and third periods found
the teams fighting on every inch of
territory Inside the chalk, houtn
High's playing, improved "greatly in
the third-session.
"Beno" Took Acreage,
"Bcno" Sullivan starred . hv these
session bv making several long runs,
In the fourth quarter the, Mead
understudies -laid down a barrage , of
inev smashes and end runs which
carried them within five yards of
goal. But here the South.
fense became impregnable and . by
irtue- of -IaKXJ ; horseshoes. -. JLewis-
forward'pass behind 'the goal, was
caught by Gardner,.- who .downed it
for .the second touchdown. . v -
'-, It. was sheer luck that gave them
tliis'v touchdown, - howe.ver, tliere
was, a, mad scramble-rfor- the ' ball, in
ers shared about evenly. ' ..;
' Lewis added an additional point to
the' score bv-unedrkinff 'a kick after
touchdown v which -flopped over . the
sticks in, pretty fashion. , s ;
' Backfield Strong.
Lewis was easiry--; the' star of the
team: on offensive- ' olavmir. but
brommOnd 'Sdese'r.v'cs i" si Vorld of
credit for : his lihe-smasliing ' ability.
Harper also repeatedly niade. open
ings ;in;South High's line.
.fMocket'' quartcrf ', Brown, right
half;' and Thomas, fullback and captain,;-alsol.played
a great offensive
and defensive game, the backfield
combination' working for many long
gaiiis;t ' i : ' i
-The lineups: .
endekovlc ,
Caldwell ..
Groachcck j .
OraJianv ..
Sullivan i, . ,
Spencer ....
Bernard . ,i,
Accourt Defeats Otis in ;
?: .. Fir6t Billiard Match
rrrucn ir mnnrr, narir lor .arm, t ; , .. , , . , .
Carna for FKneh. -Brodertek for Roaeaan. U. Pittsburgh,-. Qct. : I3.T-rChai IcS AC-
court, Pittsburgh, . defeated Charles
0-tis.-New YorV. SO, to .43; in 68 iri
uines in' the' first match of -today's
play in , the - national ' three-cushion
billiafd championship. Pierre Mau
pome, Mexico, won from Hugh Heal,
Toled"o,v 50 to 44. in 62 innrng. " -
Nowkv:fpr -Ruefg. . Tpr, Johnson - for
- Seoro bjr qpartera:- .-..-
1 4
S 1
Referee:, Bcholte of Mlehlcan onlreraltr.
now roach Nebrsaka '- Umpire:
Swanaoa of Nebraaka university.
HigH Schix)! Grid Man
- Dies Fr( Injuries
-- . - . - ;-''-t - ..,
f'i Ablngton,Mass., -'0,ct.; 14.-N'or-man
Whitney of North : Pembroke.
17, member of the local1 high, school
foot ball eleven,- died last-night from
injuries . believed -to -have been re
Cetved m a game flayed a'TCw days
sgo . -. . - -.v."-r.
Poat tlo. !OUTH HIGH.
..I,EI.. ....... Morrison
, T.. . i .J . - Drummond
..V.- O....,.- Curamlngs
, . . .O. i. . ... . . Hutchinson
..ft. O........... Harper
,. .B. T.. ........ Durlsch
. . .R. B. i '. , .'; . , . Gardner
...J ..' Mock-t
..U H... lswla
, . R. H. ......... . Brown
. .P. B.. ......... Thomas
SubatltultnnR! Sacka :far Bakk.- Hoff.
Alan. for Mertllk, Davis for Bernard, Sue-
trr ror KroacnecK, . Bakke tor Backs, Mc
Intyre to-rlirht. end and Krled for Lewis.
- 8uihmarr -Touchdowns: Gardner, . 2,
Goals after touchdowns: Lewis, 2.
r Officials;. Mulllfan, Nebraska, referee;
Carey, Cornell, -.- umpire;. Morlarlty.
Creighton, head linesman. .,
-jEIectej Captain
- Of Husker (Team
,-. -. -- - . , ..'
"tr-- - . -v .'. ; '-
I :. Lincoln,1 Neb., Oct. 14. (Special.)
"Bill" MeCrory-of Efmwood wis
el.ected.?captaih - of the Cornhusker
b,ase ball ,team for this year- at a
j-ecentmceting of. the -"N"-. men of
last year's- squad. , AlcCrory is - a
law student and .a member of Delta
Upsilon-i .fraternity-' ? ' . .
' S'Mac' : starts 'his .third year ot
vafciitiy base ball, this year, and is the
oldest man .in 'point !of years on the
team.- ..He; has played two years
with the Husker , nine and-made his
letter in the diatiiond sport both; sea
sons. ; His batting and fielding av
erages;'are among .the highest ot
the Nebraska", team. ,
' During .the past .summer McCrory
played with-the La wlor Sporting
Goods City , league team. The Law
lors won the.' pennant in " the city
league 'race with ; ease arid .played
av number of the better class oi
team's in the ; state. McCrory's
batting average, was near the top
of the city league ratings.
Ural, l ItrvkM Mew, 1. .
ird, Ir. I ial T.l.fram
it4 drratr4 llruken Hv In faai
today, l I. ti4 had lh ball pre.
Utll I ha aullra lam, and rarrlad II
fi.ur llmvs Hi duunr mad by tiaks
lluw. ItrukMi How nirMl a luwhWuwo
In Mb ax ond nuarlar, S'n. I'if'l r.
eovarad a poor him la lh hak(Uld a ad
ra4 in aid r a iom-h,luii nrd I wa pom'a an aafxy In Ibo
fourlh quarter ail a, tuurlidon oil
sireifl.l o pail. ' ' , t ' ,f
Hay ard, SS Crawford, t.
Ilayaril. Nab. VI. M (Hpe.Ml' Tel.
rram ) I'.ayard dvfralrd 't'ruwlord, it to
. (.rand Isla'a aad llmlrtra Tl.
Grand Inland, Nab. IW-I. - 14. Iflpwtal
Telraruni I Tlio llrand Island and lira
tn. Kiah sa-hnul learns l.altlcd a eroro
laaa tie liara'ioday. Malrli- had but na
(nod opportunity l a.orr, unly altampt
ln( a drop kM-k from the It-yard .Una.
Grand Island entered l"atrl.-ea duhfar
inn on Urn urcanlana. Hi last 9t
whl.-h oaa Uurlna thr last iwa minulaa
of play, llrand l.laiul rmal oppuriunur
l a.-ore paaai'U wbon Healrl-e blm krd
nlar kirk. I'urdy as lttrl ln
round Miner, wh'l Kluk and bpenf
reeled "iff tit larvcat number or )rns
for Grand Island Ulark plsjea a friwi
drfenett f am.
rambrldf. ii Gedhrabiirc, 7.
Golhenbure. Neb.. Oct. 14, (Special
Telejrsm.l Thi- Ooih'nburif lllslr c-lionl
fool ball team la th flrol team to aeor
a touchdown on i-ainhridi in tnrao yen.
In on of th arralrel over played
on th local field, fainbrld won over
I ha liu-ata by a "or-of SB 10 T. In th
rirMi nrl nf I ha ronlaat (iolhenbur re
ceived and carried lb ball o the Cam
k.l.l.. -a.v.rrf lln- rhleflv by th work
of Karr. Gothenburg- nurterhrk, who
tav llndwell, laat year' all-state quar
ter, a tla-ht run for honors. If not having-
th advantage, un a sen --" -
i-amhrtdirV, carried the ball
down the field when Gothenburg lost th
ball on downs Gothenburg held for
downs and dropped back to punt, but thli
waa blocked and ;nmbrtdge acored on the
play. Gothenl, rg cam Tlack nnd on a ae
rlea of wonderful opn rield playa by Karr
and Holmea and'lln plunging by Nelson,
lbs ball wu o th l-yard lino ,h
and of tha quarter. Art nd run by Karr
carried It over. Tha quarter ended 44 to
7. Cambrldg. earning Ita only ""Jf''"
tha last psrt of th first P"'"4,-,.Th
second two touchdowns wer recorded by
sheer luck. Karr. iiuarler; -r"ri"r.
. u,. ...i pnii ml center starred for
Oothenburg. The SWusel brothers and Rod
well wer th atara for Cm-bridge.
...Jtrtaoo, M BIaUI, t.
. . ...... ii f Rniwlal Tele-
aagrcgatlpn- won a victory over Bluo Hill
tor this afternoon. 14 to v. (
Ranertef. Sl Mra. .
"Saperlor, feb., Oct. 14. (Special Tele
ftam 1-Superlor' OefeaUd Heferon. 1 W
. here today, wtny siarrv .-. ..---
while Superior auKcred InJurl
The last quarter wee played '".h.h.I
field that had never worked th" J
fcr for Superior, feuporlor meet Geneva
next week, bo far Superior has plied up
Z1S point In four game.
" Beatrice Town, Ml Holmeavlll), 9.
' 'Seat rice. Nob.. Oct: 14. ISpsdal. 1 Th
Bdatrlce.lown foot ball team recently or,
ganlaed here., -defeated' th Holmesvlll
High sqhool eleven this afternoon at Atn
lntlc park, by th acor ot-54-to 0. ea
tricwas at no. tlm 4n darnter .JIo";
yjlla being - unable to putrat their Una,
" Tsorth Piatt. - S3; AJisley,'; IS."'
.?Nortli. Platte.' ; Neb.. Oct '"SeSlh
TelegrahiM-nefora a drowd or.,S0 Nort h
Platte defeated Ansley on the local -field
by a 53 to lt score. Thla .waa the. flrel
defeat Analfy - his suffered -In tw o years.
Tho gama waa hard ; fought throughotH
and the blr audience.: waa wfldly en
thuslastlc. Many drovo over from Ansley
t. witness the game. Lock.vShajter and
Healey wre. (ha brlghr apot for; North
Platte, w-hlla -Khodea,- prov.d;,th.o Ansley
Star. v i-;,. . , , .- - ".
; Adam, 7. : BrftMuijr. . ;. .
Llnceln'r Neb.. .'Oct.. 14. (Special .Tele
gram.) Adams ' High- ' achoot ' -dereaiati
Bethany High at Bethany,. Knday, by a
sc-ora of -7 to,0. '- " - -
j:.-i-nlveMy. Plaee St "athIi; S. "S
i.lncoln, NeC Oct. 14. (Special TH-
arsm.) University i Plaeo -mgn neicaieu
Cathedral High at University -Place rri
,.v h .o.irn of'60 to 0.. 1 he Cathe
dral boys were, una bla to-get under way,
and th auburbanllea ran - field - irt
wlIW'Tho gains y,od runs were, lemrthy
for tha University ..vFtaca : team, Mto.
Cathollo boys could do- nothing wHI them.
' ,' Curtui Afclea, 40;. tolad, 0, ;
Curtis. Neb.. Oct. 14. (Special ' Tale-
cram. I In.' a loosely . played . -asm tna
Curtis Aggies . wdn from---, COiad Mign,
school 'this afternoon. 40 - to 0. -' Toucn-
dovni wera miliary i-u, :w.ea-!
and Lofton. Thla Is the. third" mo
with as many-5 vlctarlea-fori" tha iASSIea.. -.
. Jfellgh. IS Creighton, . v .
whi; Ni.h. Oct. 14 (Special Telo-
gram.) Tho ' Creighton t High acnool foot
ball team'; of trelghton.' 'NJbJ.; nw com
pletely out-clasaed tills. alUynoon at
d cih. nark .when It '-went: down In.
defeat befora the NeUg-h bojr y a,-, score.
of 75 to 8. At 'no. stage of tho gam
was. the Nellrh-goal ih dangernnd- thf
locals wer' able to sore at wilt 'Several
of- tho CrelShton boys were taken frOtn
th field on account.. of Injuries. Nearly
all of the Neligh-aecond team boya wero
brought . into-play-. during th last half
of the game, " . '. ' ; ,f '. " " '
- Kearney High,: 7i Mlnden. 0. ,
- Keartey.e Neb.. Oct.:-14. (Special Tete-gramr-KeriM"y'
Htgh 'took an easy game
fibm the- Mlndenlte ,by i'Jha score of, 47
to-: 0. The visitors wera tinabla - to score
and on only a fe1 occasions threatened
ti, Kesrhev uoal. Kearney made mn
of Its tallies - by ploughing through; t h
visitors' line for touchdowns, varying- this
Cotner Bulldogs
Befit Doane Tigers
Lincoln. Oct. 14. (Special Tile-
gram.) i he Cot.irr tijimogf rubbed
the proud Doane I igrr ii'rs m tne
dun by defeating them by a 10 to
7 score at lietiiany today, l ne uoaue
team was unable to get urrtrr way
and' the Uulldogi were on thr of
fensive most of the time, rushing
the Tigers to the line on several oc-
orraeioiu. I lie ligrr wall hrcame
solid when their goal was in danger,
but played lootrly the rot of the
:' Coiner's first tally eaine in Kie sec
ond quarter, fliick's kick was Mopped
by Saladin of the Hulldogv who
broke through. Tl.r ball rehouiidrd
behind the' Uoanc line and Klrrl
miller, the' speedy end,
dropped on it. Srhutl kicked K"al.
"cure, Cotner, 7j l)oane, 0.
In the third quarter the HuIMcs
rushed' the ball to the Tiger end
ol thr field by a scrim of tine bucks
and forward passes. The Tiger line
became too Miff to plug cud Srhutl
dropped bark to kick. Tho husky
Bulldog had the wind behind him
and drop-kicked a ' beautiful goal
from the 25-yard line. Score, Cot
ner. 10; Doane, 0.
. The fourth quarter found both
teams holding tight to the renter of
the field. Ncithir was aSle to make
much , headv.ay:' Line bucks were
more progressive than end runs,
since both ran the .ends in poor
shape, running back on the wide
runs. '.The fumbles of toth teams
were frequent, but neither gained
much' advantage over the other by
them. Doane found a wak spot in
the right wing of the Bulldog de
fense and pushed the bMl through
for three first downs by hitting the
tackle and guard positions frequent
ly, -Buck, Brown and Lauritson
carrying the ball. Twenty-five yards
from 'he Tiger, goal, Buck attempt
ed a place kick, which was blocked,
but Williams, Tiger center, fell on
the ball for a 10-yard gain. By a
succession of line bucks the Tigers
went . to the Bulldog five-yard line
and when the Cotner ttam concen
trated for an attack at the middle.
Barimore ran the end for a touch
down. The kickoff was followed by
the final whistle; , .
Earl Johnson, Doane. rcfereed the
game, with Bill Day, Nebraska, um
pire, and Ray Cowell, Peru, head
$15,000 for Big Air
ess Is Assured
Ibm with an occasional end run, and, goat-
leu. -. - i jr.
Auburn, 28;' Weeping-' Water,
' Auburn. Nob., Oct. 14. (8pedal Tele-.
jrinm.J Tha" local , high .school foot ball
team -defeated th -Weeping Water. a'ggrJ
gntioo here by the aooro, of , as-to 0. The
line smashing of the locals waa top jnuch
for - the visitors. . . . i , ;i . .
' . Randolph, IS rbivlew, 14.
': Randolph, Neb.,. Oct. -14. (Special .Tele
gram.) The Randolph High ' foot
ball aggregation addadVanother '. victory
to Its: string here this afternoon i when
it 'easily : defeated -the '.Plainview .. sojuad
by the score of 78 tor 14. ; , , .-'.-
i ' York," 18; rentrnl City,. . . ' '"" '
...forli, - Neb.,. Oct.. .' 14. (Special tele
gram.) Tork defeated - CentraU CIty.'-JIS
to . In tha. flrat quarter no points wer
made, in the aecond QUaVter - Carey , for
York made a drop' kick, from the 30-yard
ttne--and last, quarter, Groashan -for.-Tork
while Out bloom ' made a" 30-yard end nfn
ror a. touchdown. - - -j - ' . ;.
D eer ii to
Lightweight Contender to
Be Picked in Go Tonight
NewJ.York, .Oct.' H. Billy -Shade,
San Francisco light heary weight, will
appear ' tonight at Madison Square
garden', in a IS-round bout with Fay
Nciter of Cumberland, Md. .The
winner will be - a - prospective--coa-tender
'for hc "worltTs ngbtTic'avy-
weight title. "
' - '" lVoeatl. " ''-.v..-:,--Uncoln.
14; Sooth High, .
University of Omaha, S; Midland, S.
' ". Stat. .''"','
Commerce, 40; Nebraska City, 9. .
Cambridge, ?8; (Gothenburg, T. 1
4lrand Island, 0; Beatrice, 9. -Rayard.
S; Crawford. 7.
York col lege, 7 r Hastings, . .
Ord. S-; Broken Bow, 7. .
Kelson.-14; Blneblll; S. . . . .
Adams. 7; Bethany, 9.;. -".
Vnlvrrslty Mace, SO; Cathedral, 0.
Kearney High. 4S; Mlnden, 9. I
Ceatier rollrge, IS; Doaae, 7.
isaath riatta, AnMry, d- .
Boatrar Town. 84; Hafmesvllle High, 0.
iMHMioipa, in; i-minTiew, l.
Hniterlvr, 61; HArtnti ).- -.,
AuburB, K( TVrcpiac Wafer. . -Texas
A. Jt lSi Hanthera ' Ifetlut.
diet. .
Curtis Agglea, 4 Coiad. S.
.llgh. 73; Crrlchton (.Neb.) High, S. ,
. Yark. IS; Central tty, . .
; MeCook. IS; Alma, IS.
' t- -. . :
Chicago .Cubg Release
,' r ? Brown -and Marriott
Chicago, Oct. 13. The - Chicago
Kationals today announced' the re
lease of Don- Brown, utility infield
er, and Bill Marriott, second base
man, to the . Oakland-club of the
go as part pay men
who reports to
The sum cf $15,000 needed to put
the International Aero congress over
as originally planned has been as
sured. At a n'leeting attended by
many prominent business men of
Omaha Ttiursday afternoon at the
M, E. Smith & Co.," Evcfet Bucking-
am. Union Stock Yards company;
Willatd. iKosiord, ' John Deere
Plow company and Ward Burgess,
Burgess-Nashu.ycre selected as. tbc
committee, to make the final canvass
for the necessary tunds. .
Guv C. KiddOo,- secretary M. E
Smith.& Co. was-appointed o take
charge of the finance accounting and
bookkeeotug. ,
Earl Porter, general manager and
promoter of the congress, and his
assistants, , will retain their present
ositipnS.;' i 1 ..-.:-.'' v" 'y !'Jj2-. :',.-:
Miss Goflett One
C '" Of Semi-Finalists
' Philadelphfa. Oct. '14.-Miss Glen
na Collctt, of Providence,1 R. I., who
Wednesday1 defeated .Miss Cecil
Leifch, -- British, , Canadian and
French.'v woman's - golf, champion;
Mrs. Clarence. H. Vanderbeck, Phil
adelphia; Mrs. iV. A. Gavin, New
York and Miss Edith Cummings,
Chicago, won their way today to
the semwfmals' round of the tier-
thellyn cup golf , tournament at the
Huntington Valley course. .
" Miss Cdllett and Miss Cummings
meet tomorrow In -one of .the semi
finals and Mrs. Gavin and Mrs.' Van
dtrbeck in the-other. , , .-; -.-;.
Pilger Checker Players . :
in'Match From Albion
Madison, Neb., Oct., 14 (Special.)
rAlbion and Pilger checker , teams
met" at the city hall in Medison and
played-'off ea!-,. checker match .which
rcsulte'd in favor of Pilger with '33
games and 16 draws as against 23
games and 16 draws for Albion. A
return -match jwill. be played off by
these teams at Madison in the near
future. ' Lineup: Albion, : W. W.
Fink, N.-.u. Hastings, K. btOaks. Will
Rentier, John Meyers .and Jacob
YalHck; Pilger, . Parady, Brandt,
Bare, Cortey. Davis - and Ncubcrg.
Evidence on Other Mates' ,
f ' Deaths at Southard Trial
v Twih Fairs, Idaho.; Oct. 14 De
cision by' the court on the question
of the admission of testimony har
jngto dowith the deaths of three
previous husbands and a brother-in-law
of'L'yda Meyer Southard was an
nounced today in the trial of the
woman for the murder of her fourth
husbald, ' Edward F. Meyer. -r
The deefsion' has' the effect of let
ting in all testimony which thi: statj
may elect . to offer as to the circumstances.-
of , death :in all four
cases.' '- .-
Maroons Nose
Midland Out
Of 6 to 3 Score
FonvurJ l'it m From Banner
To Prody Stortu Only
Touclnltwii of
The Omaha university foot bailers
iionod Coach "Hob" Sihty's Midland
colleue uridstcm of I'rrinont out of
a 6 to 3 victory yesterday afternoon
at ronteiiclle park Hi th- ccon
game of the neason for both itiadr
loach Sihty's warriors mingled
line bucks with forward paes and
trit-k plays, only to run iitn a Mono
wall when in Omaha territory.
Twice in the last half the buy from
rremont were in a position to tarry
the oval across the goal line, but
each time the -Maroons dug their
cleats into the ground and held the
MMtors for downs.
rumbles also pluyrd an important
part in the game. During the initial
period of play the Midland gridsters
had the bali on Omaha's 10-yard
line, but two bobbles, which . were
quickly recovered by the black-jer-seyed
athletes from Sisty's camp, as
sisted the Maroons in holding their
opponents until Horn dropped back
for a drop kick. The boot was low.
and Omaha took the ball.
change of. punts. Midland carncc
the ball to Omaha's 6-yard line by
a series of trick plays and lint
smashes. The visitors were too anx
ious to score as a 5-yard penalty wai
slapped on the Fremont aggregation
for bcinir off-side. With the ball or
rimnlia'a 11-ar,t lini Mftrn aMetnnt',.
fit varfte
va aa, ll ivn i v a iui auo. a a w ---v a
Then this same Midland gridst
dropped back for a drop kick. Thii
time the ball tailed between the up
rights for the first score of the famt -and
the only markers for Fremont.
Soon after the start of the second
half -Horn booted -to Omaha. The
Maroons blocked the kick on Mid
land's 45-yard line and then' started
for a touchdown. .A flip,' Banner to
Pressly, was good , for a touchdown.
Davis failed to. kick the goal.
With only a few minutes left in
which to play in the fourth quarter,
Omaha- was penalized 30 yards for
roughing. The visitors took Ihe
oval and smashed : their, way to
8 mafia's ' two-yard line, where the
aroons, for the first time during
the 'game, dug their cleats into the
ground and displayed foot ball, TUe
Fremont hacks tried hard to punc-'f
ture Coach Adams' line but without I
success, finally losing the ball on
Omaha took the leather and Wil-
marflv dropped ' back within a foot
of the end zone to kick out of dan
ger.' 'Hawks of . Fremont broke
through the . line -. and,j blocked the
fcick, downing the ball outside of
ibo. field of play,,.. :
'; According to a' ruling of Referee'
Morton, the ball was .downed by a
Midland olaver nutsido nf thr . fluJ
of play thus no scoring on the oai
ot. the, visttors, much to the dissatis
faction of the Midland fans, .
.- -Foa Coach rSjsty' team on njtisf
say that Je'ycry. one played a -hard
game . throughout. ' However,' the
work, pf Horn, , Nixon and Harmon
featured for the - losers. '
: LeftrTackle Dowd of Omaha de
serves a world of credit for breakinK
up Fremont plays and tackling. -Banner,
Pressly and . Davis played a
good game.
Linseed is the -nearest approach toi
milk in composition of any natural
vegetable food.: ' -
On Sale
Saturday Only
Suit o F O'Coats
Order Order
Regular $59.00 Value
Perfect Fit Guaranteed
MacCarthy- Wilson
Tailoring Co.
', ' 317 South IStk. Street
t . Jcagut, The ,playejsi
t for Hack Miller,
the Cabs next spring. I
Salvation Nell
-."Those who wept with 'Mrs.
Fiske as she struggled along
Salvation Nell's thorny path
can - now' repeat that experi
ence without the inspiration of -the
actress throbbing voice.
The drama is as much t live as,
and even more tense on the
screen, than it was on the
speaking stage." .
X. V. San
Tkai'a Urge No. 4 .
To See It at the
25th and
- ; VS. ' -
Kansas.Aggies .
October 15th
Tlcketa oa Sale at Kallawlaa;
Merchants' Hotel Cigar Stand,
Kontenellc Hotel Cigar Stand,
I'axton Hotel Clitar Stand,
Caatln Held Cifrar Stand,
Barkalow Cigar Slur, ltth
and Karnam; llallory at Do.
24th and I-'amam; Townarna
Osin Co.. fceaton Prur Co,
Athlrtic Club, stock Exchange,
Jioulh DoiaJw. . .