V) THU NEE: OMAHA. MONDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1921. My Marriage Problems i I Adt to Garrtaon'e New I'lias of "REVELATIONS OF A WIFE" K4: Stunt" Madgt Punned lor Bess Dean. "H I can wear thfml" Dm Dtan rrpfittd my wordi with venomous little lanx in tier voiie. "Oil. I don't btlitve I'll have any trouble fn keep, tng them on. Sneakeri are to -cure! fastened that they ! not usually dip oil even if luose." I did not need the inflection in tier oice to tell me that I had corrd heavily in the queer little Iclow urface duel between ui, by my ca val rnt U hr rrquot to lorrow my sncakm, with the proviso ii the could wear them. Her clicrk hel- a fluh of anger, her tyei were like stiletto points, and that she hid tem porarily lot her cool poiic I knew liy her comeback to my thrust,. Urn Dean if clever cnougn to have ut tered 'imrtliiiig far different than . the rambling' retort she had made to the little speech which 1 would have given much to recall because of its banality. D'.cky'i Raillery. Dut it had served its purpose well iu goading her, a purpose which I realized lay beneath the surface of my emotions, but which constantly was thrusting itself into my con scious actions. Why is it, I wonder, in this day of feminine emancipation, that one of the surest ways to make the average woman anpry ii to In sinuate that her size in shoe is '..irger than other wo urn of approxi mately the same weight and height? 1 saw Mrs. Cosgrovc bite her lip to hide a smile, and in Lillian's eyes there glinted a swift amusement at the girl's evident anger, but I read something else in those clear eyes a disapproval of my petty cattmess. In Lillian's estimation I knew that for the moment I had forgotten to play the game. . . ; , Dicky's voice struck in with the careless, half-mocking inflection ho almost invariably uses in talking to Miss Dean. "You might stuff the toes with a pound or two of cotton." he drawled, "or if Mrs. Cosgrove will lend me her clothesline I'll tie them on witrt pieces of that, provided you find they won't stay on alone. Funny I never realized before what a Cin derella foot you have, Miss Dean. 1 thought my spouse's tooties took the cake and the pie in that direction. But we live and learn. Madge. I warn you I'm the original glass slipper gentleman. When I find a girl witn a foot smaller than yours, well 1 won't break your heart right here before everybody by telling yon the probable consequences.. But take a tip from the Chinese and begin to hind your feet right away today, t.ial is, if you value my fealty. N Madge's Change of Heart. Through the chagrin I felt at hav . ing belittled myself by the fehne little speech which had started this ' raillery there crept a tiny thrill ot triumph. Dicky, who always has been absurdly proud of my rather small feet, had taken my side in the undercurrent , duel between Bess , - Dean and me. He could not have expressed his dfsbelxf m her abili y to get on my shoes more strongly ? J than by this mocking assent to ner claim. . , .... - With the triumph came a suddeM distaste for the controversy, and I cast about for some means to avoid the humiliation which I was sure Bess Dean would feel when she tried to put on my sneakers. With a sud den remembrance of an extra pa'r of the comfortable footgear which I once had bought without trying on, that had proved a size too arge, and which I had brought with tne for a possible emergency, I rose to my feet, resolved to make things easv for the girl. . , "I'll get the shoes right away, Bess," I said with nonchalant friend liness. "I suppose you'll want to make an early start." "Thanks' so much," she returned with careful amiability. "What about ADVERTISEMENT. How To Make Laxatife Cough Syrup With. Granulated Susar and Men-tho-Lazene. First Dose Reliere Make a syrup with apmt or granulated sugar and a halt pint of boiling water, oool and pour into a bottle or Jar. Then add the contents of a SVi oz. bottle oc Jlentho-I.Rxene. shake well, and take a. taaspoonful 4 to 8 times a day for head or cheat colda. cougha. bronchitis, whoop ing couth or catarrh of head and throat. Actually, the very first doae will show you the wonderful virtues In Mentho I.exene. It la penetrating, healing, sooth ing and curative to a greater extent than anything ever discovered. Children like it and adult use it from Maine to Cali fornia. Physicians prescribe it, hospitals use it, and why ehould not you enjoy the benefits of a cheap home-made remedy free from narcotic,' sickening drurs. .0 barrels were used last year! 'Why? Be cause it's best and cheapest. Ask your druggist for Mentho-Laxene and Insist on getting It. for it Is guaranteed to please everv purchaser or money back, by The Blackburn Products Co., Dayton, Ohio. ADVERTISEMENT. 1 SAGE TEA DANDY . TO DARKEN HAIR It's Grandmother's Recipe to Bring Back Color and Lustre to Hair. You can turn gray, faded hair beau tifully dark and lustrous almost oer night if you'll get a bottle ot "Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Com pound" at any drug store. Millions of bottles of this old famous Sage Tea Recipe, improved by the addi tion of other ingredients, are sold an nually, says a well known druggist here, because it darkens the hair so naturally and evenly that no one can tell it has been applied. Those whose hair is turning gray or becoming faded have a surprise awaiting them, because after one or two appl:cations the gray hair van ishes and your locks become lux uriantly dark and beautiful. This is the age of youth. Gray haired, unattractive folks aren t wanted around, so get busy with Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Coni ponnd tonight and you'll be delight ed with your dark, handsome hair and your youthful appearance within a few days. ,...... eau; At I left tht' room I heard Dicky expatiating- upon the joyi of a picnic hamper, eaten in a certain pavilion, which an enterprising Karage ownri furnished fr the comiort of auto, motvle tourists, and at which really gud collee and tea could be obtain td. I sped uptair, rummaged in riy trunk, found the txtra ncakrr uhflh I was sure would tit Best Dean, turned to the door again, and met Dicky in the doorway. Me ghmci-d at the shoes in my hand, then held out hit hand foi thern with a quiriral snvle. T gave them to him, and he held them up, gazed at ifiem critically, and then looked at my feet. ' J thought so." he (.aid with a pram. " remembered you had these, and was urc your N'ew Eng land conscience would prompt you to stage some such reparation stunt as this, Dut nothing doing, old deart I'm not saying you were cs pecially clubby in that meat-axe swing you gave the lady about the shoes iir the first place your foot work is usually more nifty hut at long as the thing's started we'll just play it out as is. And I do not choose to have that damozel get away with any claim she isn't en titled to. If she can get your sneak ers on. well and good, but we won't hand her anything on a platter like these." He tossed the shoes disdainfully to the side of the room, and obedi ently I produced my own sneakers and followed my liege lord down stairs with an unholy little joy at my heart. ADVKRTlKEHKNT. IF KIDNEYS ACT BAD TAKE SALTS Says Backache ia sign you have been eating too much meat. When you wake up with backache find dull misery in the kidney region it generally means you have been eating too much meat, says a well known authority. Meat forms uric acid which overworks the kidneys in their effort to filter it from th? blood and they become sort of paialyzed and loggy. When your kidneys get sluggish and clog you must relieve them, like you relieve your bowels; removing all the body's urinous waste, also you have backache, sick headache, dizzy spells; your stom ach sours, tortgue is coated, and when the weather is bad you have rheu matic twinges. The urine is cloudy. full of sediment, channels often get sore, water scalds and you are obliged to seek relief two or three times during the night. Either consult a good, reliable phy sician at once or get from your pharmacist about four ounces of Jad Salts: take a tablespoomul in a glass of-water before breakfast for a few days and your kidneys will then act fine. This famous salts is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined with lithia, and has been used for generations to clean and stimulate sluggish kidneys,- also to neutralize acids in the urine so it no longer irritates, thus ending bladder weakness. Jad Salts is a life saver for regular meat eatei-3, It is inexpensive, can not injure 'and makes a delightful, effervescent lithia-water drink. Are You Burning Up With Eczema? Stop it Now With Cooling Zemo This healing liquid soothes all skin Irritations. It relieves Tetter and rashes, does away with pim ples and blackheads, leaving the skin soft and clear. Excellent for after shaving. All Druggists'. t0 SKIN IRRITATIONS Remo veThoseSkin Discolorations Vse The Popular Skin Beautifier Beauty Bleach. Tonight cleaiuc the ittm with war 3 water and Black and White Soap. App y lightly to the kra Beauty Bleach a de hghtfully fragrant cream. Next morning, again cleanse the skin, rime with cool water. Then apply little bits of soothing, healing Qeaming Cream. Your skia is then ready for your face powder and "ock and White Beauty Bleach has many uses will remove tan, sunburn freckles, liver spots, make the skia dear,, soft and youthlut'unted. . Black and White C! earning Cream sr ideal for cleaminj the skin, relieving chape ' and other irritations. Black and White Beauty Bleach, 50c. Black and White Soap 2 Sc. Black and White Cleansing Cream 25e and SOc. can be found at good drug and department stores. Write Plough, Memphis, Tcnn., for Dream Book and leaflet which tells too a about Black and White Toilet PlTCetTBtlOltm. NEURALGIA IM or headache rob the iorebaaa melt and Inhal the vapors V VAPORUD Over 17 Million Jan Ud Ytk Shave. Bathe and Shampoo with one Soap. Cuticura and Say It With OURS Hess & Swoboda FLORISTS HIS Farnam St., Paxtoa Hotel, OMAHA Pboo. DO ugla 1501 tftmhers Klorl.'s' Telegrorh Delivery Association. Wt drl.ver flowers on short notice anywhere in the U. 8. r Canada, Offices Display MOTOR TRUCKS oanBaaasit . City Sales Room 816 S. 24th St. Service Station 815 S. 25th St. TELEPHONE AT LANTIC 3332 International Harvester Company of America Branch Home 714 S. 10th St., Omaha, Neb. Ford Transfer and Storage Co. 813 Douglas St., 1102 S. Main, Omaha Council Bluff Prompt Service Reasonable Rates (13100131101 Omaha Lace Laundry i EXCLUSIVE CLEANERS Curtains, Panels, Cretonnes, Lace and Austrian Shades 4718 Cumins St. Tel. Walnut 1351 We Rebuild and Repair All Kinds of Timepieces and Jewelry Guarantee to make it as good as new. Eyes examined, glasses fitted. Gradu ated and state Certified Optometrist. J. C. Grasfeorg & Son Watchmakers, Jewelers and Opticians 504 Electric Bldg, 15th and Farnam . TRY US FOR French Pastry Fancy Cake KUENNE'S Bakery, Delicatessen and Lunch Room 504 South 16th St. 2916 Leavenworth St. Stationery That Satisfies School Supplies Omaha Stationery Co. 307-309 South 17th Street Phone JAckson C805 WRECKED CARS REBUILT Fender, Top, Body Work Repairing of All Kinds NIGHT AND DAY Western Motor Car Company Farnam at Blvd. HA rney 0864 Reliable Service A specialty on Auto Top. Winter Curtains and tailored Seat Coven. Engdahl's Auto Top Co. Douglas 5677 1718 Cass St, TERMINAL WAREHOUSE OMAHA WAREHOUSE SPACE Available for Long or Short Terms Space Storage Ladies' Plush Sailors and Velonr Hats Cleaned and Reblocked RAMSER 215 South 14th Street CADILLAC A Permanent Value "Always Onward" J. H. Hansen Cadillac Co. Omaha Lincoln NOVELTIES in Pleating Buttons Hemstitching Embroidering Braiding Beading Button Holes Idea! Button & Pleating Company 300-308 Brown Bldg., 18th and Douglas Opposite Brandeis Stores Phone Dour. 1936 Omaha 900 separate fireproof, mouse proof, dustles rooms for furniture. Come and See for Yourself Motor Vans for Removals Bekins Omaha Van and Storage 806 S. 16th St. Douglas 4163 PaxtonMtchell Co. . 27th and Martha Sts. Harney 1682 Manufacturers of ' Brass, Bronze and Aluminum Castings Standard Size Cast Iron Bushings in Stock Closing Out THEIR ENTIRE STOCK Paints - Millwork Lumber At Rock-Bottom Price Now Is Your Tine to Get Busy C. Hafer Lumber Co. 135 W. Broadway Council Bluff. Responsibility By JACK LEE Jut iiuw the public it training it attention on Omaha, wlieia a grand jury ha. juat finished Indicting a numbi-r of widely known men for their nativities In alleged attck and get-rich-qulck nchemes. The grand jury hat released the whole lul of accuai'd and all iU finding to the court and day after day the lint of men who are arrested on various charges is growing. Just now it is not healthy for the reputation to be seen with a deputy sheriff, no matter of how long standing the acquaintance may be. Tenons who see you with one may think you are one of the indicted being taken up before District Judge Troup to fix a bond. So far none of the men arrested has had to go to jail for failure to find a bondsman. There teems to be plenty of bonds men and even bondswomen. Omuha feels quite proud of its share in turning the "pitiless light of publicity" on sharks who helped bilk Xebraskans of mil lions in the past few years. Attorney General Davis id seriously considering another grand jury investigation of other cases. Lincoln talks of following Omaha's example and calling a grand jury of its own. Just now it looks as though the shark is In for a bit of stormy weather. Whether all will be found guilty at tho hands of the jury that hears the evidence in the case is yet to be seen. Anyway there's going to be a lot of thinking done before any more wildcat schemes are launched in Nebraska. All of which brings us down to a little speech made by an old time man of Omaha to a group of younger men at a luncheon recently. Said he: "This grand jury ntuff has got me worried and the worry is doing me a world of good. "I am a member of the board of directors in one of the com panies under fire. While I know nothing of the company or its affairs, I am just as liable for any of its transactions as though I had attended every meeting of the board of directors and as though I had taken an active part in its affairs. "We older business men take the appointment to a board of directors very lightly. We consider it quite an honor to be a di rector in as many companies as possible. We figure that it gives us a lot of business prestige without our exerting any special physi cal or mental action for the company. "We skip meetings, never keep tab on the company and let those in direct charge of all activities do as they please and abide by their reports. "It has never occurred to me until this grand jury investiga tion just how careless responsible business men can be and how close to the law some of us are flying without being aware of it. "I have come to the conclusion that being a director in the concern doesn't mean only that I have my name on the company's stationery and that I draw what dividends I am entitled to with out a qualm, but it means that I am responsible for everything that takes place in the name of that comnany.' If the company is hon est I am honest. If it is crooked, whether I know it to be or not, I'm crooked. ' "Hereafter men are not going to be so ready to be an officer in any old company that asks them, especially in Nebraska They're going to investigate and see just what the conoern is be fore they take a hand in it. "I hope there are other responsible business men as worried as I, for I know that it is going to awaken them to their true re sponsibility. "If the company I am in proves another 'wildcat' all the ex planations I can give might not be able to convince a jury I had nothing to do with it actively. The fact that I was one of the offi cers, even though a negligent one, will place ;ne in the same posi tion as those who really did the illegal acts."t . The promoters of these wildcat schemes are not altogether to blame. They had to have assistance in many cases to get the com pany started after they had raised the funds. On occasions the name of a prominent, safe business man on a board of directors or in Some official capacity will do more to get investors than all the silky talk a smooth salesman or promoter can put out. Investors are apt to follow the actions of a successful man and do as he does or suggests. Just why a man who has worked ear nestly for years to acquire a substantial business reputation will risk it on something of which he knows nothing is inexplicable. An old philosopher, Emerson possibly, said something to the effect that many a man's first step to ruin was taken when he first accepted something for nothing. Something for nothing is just as impossible as making some thing out of nothing. Promises of big returns on investments sound beautiful, but the certain smaller returns on a safe invest ment will buy more. When big concerns are going well they are known as "big business." All their success is centered in the hands of a. few operators who have the business brains to put their concern across successfully. t . But let one of those "big business" concerns get into trouble, financial difficulties, or go broke through mismanagement and see how quickly one can analyze "big business." The minute-the concern goes under there comes a wail from the stockholders. Who are they? Doctors, lawyers, merchants, clerks, stenographers, widows, orphans, salesmen, farmers, ranch ers, Tom, Dick and Harry and practically somebody from every walk in life is present. They are "big business." They have lent their savings in an effort' to get a bigger return than the savings banks or building and loan associations could offer. They have placed their confidence in the few who promoted and operated the "big business." When he discharged the grand jury that made the present in vestigations District Judge A. C. Iroup told the jurors that a greater service had never been given to the county or state by any similar jury. One way to prevent a recurrence of the wildcat promoter is for every business man to appoint himself a member of a personal ?rand jury. When a scheme or promotion is presented to him, let him go into the merits of the concern conscientiously. Let him weigh his findings and then if the facts warrant let him either rec ommend or condemn. Let him not be responsible for losses to men and women who cannot afford them and let him also be true to himself. The grand jury investigations have proven T. P. Barn urn's famous saying, "There is one bom every minute," and they are not all east of the Mississippi. This saying can be refuted in a short time if every man in a position to stop "Vildcatting" will feel his responsibility and do all in his power to clip the wildcat's fur. 1 TEETH . 1 rt -VfTT- arpm '1 a e-nt 2"&l McKenney-Dentisfc 14th and Farnam Streets JA ckton 2872 tfTvTEIIIIIEMEn'S 2 UERVICE 4 AVES SU Surface G. A. Steinheimer Co. vj Contracting Painters tOiiC Keeline Bldf. fllvL "Jarl'i National Brand I "t Solid Copper Oil Can," .gpSe-WW All inMer on the otttalile of the can with a 6-Inch screw cap. Alrtluht, non. Bed built our patent way esplosive and fireproof Prices I 4 el, jj jve maslmum of comfort 19.00; -!.. $11 00 J 8-al., Ill 00, , I0.gal.. 114.00. J5.R.I.. lil.OOi Z5-anl and body strength. 130.00; 60-t-al., ltl.00. Superior Workmanship Special Attention Given to Mall Order w em CHARLES JARL PFLlr 1 1 K & Company ZS2S Leavenworth Street 1703 Leavenworth Street Est. 1S8 : " T CHIROPRACTOR PALMER SCHOOL GRADUATE Second Floor Elks Bide 1303 Douglas Street 8,000 Homes in Omaha and , Council Bluffs Are Covered With Our Ready Roofing THERE IS A REASON Call us and let us explain. AU work guaranteed. Easy terms. Northwest Ready, Roofing Co L. Riefenbert, Mfr. HA rney 2574 3122 Leavenworth 30 Years' Experience Thirty years of experi ence in repairing and re building all kinds of ma chinery has placed us in a position to do yonr work right. We do all 1ind of automobile repairing and it is done right the tiis time. . PHelchiorsSSon Use Western Bond Paper For Your Office Stationery Wholesale Distributera Carpenter Paper Co. OMAHA Welding , Cutting . Reinforced Brazing General Welding Works "WE DO IT RIGHT" We Specialize in Automobile Welding 1508 Webster St. AT. 4459 RESTAURANTS There's one near you. Highest quality foods, with quick service, Puritan Automotive Department Automobile Cylinder Grinding New Pistons and Rings end Wrist Pins Crankshafts Trued Up High Class Workmanship No Better Equipment Puritan Mfg. & Supply Go. Atlantic 3753 Omaha 1614 Isard St. Neio Pressed Hog Trough Sanitary SolderleM Searalaee Mid. by Nebraska & town Steel Tank Ce. Omaha, Neb. OBiMliQQnq 'will f3XZ Wl Wm if ' JAckson 3072 I H G N s WITH A PERSONALITY Phone AT. 4603. O. L. Wiemer Wall Paper, Paints, Glass, Painting and Decorating 1708 Cumin St. - - Omaha, Neb Phone DO uglaa 8753 TUP SfX CLEANERS NU 0YEH8 Main Office aaS piast IMI.43 Vlslss St . JA ckwa 1440 1S04 Farnam St. The Careful Florist OF NEBRASKA 12th and Farnam Sts. OMAHA Modern Policies, Carrying Full Protection E. M. SEARLE, JR., Pres., " FALL RENOVATING of : P1LLQWS AND BEDDING - Feathers steam renovated and hot air dried. All your own feathers back when we renovate. OMAHA PILLOW CO. 1907 Cuming St. Jackson 2487 Sherman & McDonnell Drug Co. All the Drugs and Toilet Articles for all the people all the time, t Good Drug Stores in Omaha. We Furnish Ckwa Linen FRONTIER TOWEL SUPPLY J M. JENSEN, Prop. Phone Doug. 1291 1819 Calif erala . Send Your Clothe, to Be Cleaned DRESHER BROTHERS Dyers, Cleaners, Hatter. Fur riere. Tailors and Rug Cleaners Z2I7 Farnam St Omaha We Pay Return Charge. Out-of-Town Orders Alexander Munroe Sheet Metal and Furnace Works - 1718 Cm St. Phone J A. 4068 All AmericanGhemfcalGo. Chemical Manufacturers and Jobbers Phone Doug. 4M4. 120e-10 S. l(h St. We analyse end asaaufacture anything. Give Us a Can