Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 06, 1921, Page 6, Image 6

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Ixxlges to Parade
On Columbus Day
RcDze Dfiigni Spmil Float! ;
Prominent Onulum to
Spe at Cflebrition.
Meir.Wrs oi four Julian lodfi
will march in the Columbus day pa
rade btrc October 12 and each lodge
will be headed by iti own band. All
Italian who are not memberi of
any lodge have been invited to join
in the parade. A committee headed
by Sebastian Salerno and Frank Fa
vara, it working to complete plant
or (he celebration.
Two teami are camming the
1 Italian districts for funds and more
than $1,000 hat been subscribed to
rover expentet. Gut Reme of Ak
Sar-Ben fame hat designed three
special float t for the parade.
The parade will ttart from Si,
ttenth and Nicholas atreets at 2 p.
rn. and after parading through the
downtown district, will dlsbsnd a!
Turner hall, Thirteenth and Dorcas
streets, where appropriate exercises
will be held. There will be a ball
at night. Mayor James Dahlman,
Kaymond Cofiey, deputy county at
torney: Louit J. Tiatti and Claudio
Delitala, attorneys, will speak.
The mayor, city commssioncrt
and Italian consul will have con
spicuous placet in the parade.
Leo Taletta will be marshal of the
Engineer to Report ou
East Omaha Levee Bids
Bids for the construction of a
flood protection levee from Florence
to the. lllinoit Central railroad
liridge were turned over to Roy
Towl. engineer, to tabulate, by the
' board of trustee of East Omaha
The project is estimated to cost
about $73,000.
Mr. Towl will report on the bids
within a day or two. he said. Con
struction will ttart immediately
upon the acceptance of a bid, and
effort will be nude to comptctc the
project this fall.
' Wild Cat" Grand Juror Is
Fined for Being Drunk
William Hefflingcr. 40J9 South
Twenty-third street, member of the
"wild cat" grand jury which inves
tigated stock selling schemes In
Douglas county, who was absent Sat
urday night when the indictments
were returned, fell into the hands of
South Side police at Twenty-third
and G streets Tuesday night.
Wo wa rharo-rl with hi-inff drunk.
He paid a $10 fine in police court
yestejaay. . i
My Marriage Problems
Adl Garrtaou't Kew I'Uat tl
tOerritftl UU. t Vwm Ttm rkt lit)
Th Curioua Newt oi Katie Mother
Graham's Letter Gave,
It was not until the pew car, with
Dicky driving and Heis Dean kitting
by hit tide, had disappeared down
the road, that with a little Mart 1
recollected an Important errai.d un
fulfilled. The collection of mail for
the familly was still in my hands.
Seeing my guest with mc, the
otheri nad waited my convenience
with a courtesy thtt spelled unusual
self-restraint, f hastened to the rear
of the grounds where the cahjtti were,
made my apologies, distributed the
mail and retired to my own veranda
with the epistlet for our immediate
household, Dicky's professional mail,
the letter from Alice Holcombe
which I had read at the posoffice
and the biggest and thickest of all,
the missive ironj Dicky't mother.
Mother Graham invaiiaoly writes
three lettert, one to Dicky, one to mc
and one to Junior, inclosm each in
a small envelope, suitably addressed,
adds a collection of picture postals
for Junior, then puis them e.II to
gether in a big manuscript envelope
addressed to Dicky. She has some
intricate system of reckoning by
.which khe figures that she saves
stamps by this method. I had mi
compunction in opening the big en
velope, even though addressed to
Dicky, for his letter within was
sealed. And after giving Jt'nior't
letter and the cards to him. with
Marion eager, to read them to him,
I opened my own .letter from my
mothcr-in-law, knowing that all the
household news, so important to the
chatelaine of a home, would be forth
coming. I scanned iu first pages hastily,
for my mother-in-law, like many
elderly women, never gett down to
the real meat of her letter until she
has gone through a series of prelimi
nary epistolary exercises. Thus I
read again of the wonderful time
Dicky's sister, Elizabeth, and her
children were having at the farm
thr-y fortunately were able fi keep
Mother Graham from fretting during
our absence beeus her heart did no;
permit a mountain tojourn of the
nelghborlinest of Mrs, Ticer. and the
good thowing of milk and eg. made
by the cow and heni.
A Dittant Memory.
Then after her usual invective
concerning Katie's houstkeepins
faultt, something which I never take
seriously, knowing that Mother Gra
ham only means about onc-ttntli of
what the says, I read with suddenly
acute interest and real dismay, these
"Actually, Margaret. I t!.i..k the
girl it going out of ht r mind. For
nearly a week now she hn gone
around looking as if the just had re
ceived advance newt df the Judg
ment day, and Elizabeth and 1 have
to wash the good china ourselves, for
she breaks almost everything shs
touches. I have asked her what Is
the matter several times, but she just
throws her anron over her head,
rockt to and fro and moans a little,
then gives a sullen 'Votings and
goes on about her work."
Like a lightning flash my memory
went back to a time long distant
when Katie had acted in much the
same manner as Mother Graham had
described. Put that cnV. in her life
had proved to have no reality save
in her own fears. There was no pos
sibility of any breath from that far
distant experience blowing adversely
upon Jicr now. With an involuntary,
puzzled shake of my head I went
back to my mother-in-law's letter.
"But that isn't the worst of it." her
screed ran on. "You know she al
ways was a snooper; why you haven't
! cured her of it in all these years U
j a mystery to me! But now the'i
wort thao ever. I find her in the
' A . . u It... . I. . I. , ,
PIV'l CUTIVVV J(, "ttf 0"O t"
no business to be, and early in the
morning before anyune it up, and at
night after everyone hat gone to
bed. 1 hear her traveling over the
house. She arts at if the were hunt
ing something all the time.
"Come Home."
"It was bad enough before jour fa
ther went away Ut week. I guess he
wrote you that he had a telegram from
that fool Allen Drake and started for
Washington within an hours time,
hut since your father's departure.
Katie hat fairly haunted the vicinity
of hit room. She cleaned it from top
to bottom without waiting for me to
tell her to, and that in itself it sus
picious, for the usually isn't hunting
extra work. And when she got
through, the iust sat down and cried
and howled like an animal, a regular
hysterical fit,
"Elizabeth and I thought we'd
have to send for Dr. Pettit. But aft
er we threw some cold water in her
face she tort of came to and said
the was taken with a sudden pain,
but I know better. She didn't have
any physical pain. She wat just
cray about not finding something
she wat looking for in your father't
room. She't always been honest, I
know, but she't the queerest acting
thing now I ever saw and has been
for the last week or two.
"My private opinion it that the got
all wrought up over Richard Sec
ond's disappearance and hat been ex
pecting somebody to kidnap her ever
tince. She's been terribly nervous
ever since you left. Why one night
about two weeks ago she came run
ning into the kitchen from outdoort.
white as death and half fainting, and
all we could get out of her wat that
she'd seen 'that man across the road.'
As he's safe in a prison cell, of course
(.he was mistaken, and we finally
proved it to her and she Quieted
down. But I'm almost afraid it hat
unhinged her brain it Uu't any too
iron, inrwtjr,
f A . M'leta UAH JA,,f.i MM, knt.'.
W f v. .pi, J VW1 tVi iiviii.
and straighten Katie out. She't too
l i i t : i .i j - M
uocn lor cti.aocin ann mc.
Sure Relief
sr twaa. Bivniiv
Hot water
Sure Relief
25c and 75 Packages Everywhere
XT. )l$s3&yS"
iv hjotib' . Fa.i
414-28 Securities
Cor. 16th and Far
turn Stt.
Tel. Dmiflu 5347
Omaha, Neb.
Dr. Burhorn's
Chiropractic Health Service
My office is located on the fourth floor
of the Securities Bldg. and is equipped
with private, individual adjusting and rest
rooms; also complete Spinographical lab
oratory for X-Ray analysis.
We make calls to your home when un
able to come to the office. Office adjust
ments are 12 for $10.00 or 30 for $25.00.
Removes the Cause
Chiropractic teaches that the cause of
95 of human ailments are found within
the body remove the cause and you get
Office hours 9 a. m. to 8 p. m. Lady
attendants. Call or write for free booklet
on Chiropractic today.
This is a Studebaker Year
Study the UGHT-SiX feature by feature
then consider die new
THIS remarkable light weight six
cylinder car combines all that we
believe the critical owner expects
in an automobile. It was built up to that
expectation. And because it is manufac
tured complete in the Studebaker plant
with middlemen's profits eliminated
Studebaker is able to offer it today at the
new low price.
At all driving speeds the LlGHT-Six is
remarkably free from vibration. Its power
ful 40-horsepower motor is an exclusive
Studebaker design built complete in
Studebaker factories. The flexibility the
power and the economy (18 to 22 miles
to the gallon) of the LlGHT-Six motor
are qualities not to be found in the aver
age six-cylinder car.
You can have the advantage of this
motor's wonderful gasoline economy and
the satisfaction of its smoothness of oper
ation only by owning a Studebaker
No motor car eeer bofoto otforod to tho omUie hoo rprmntd to much in eatomebil valaet
mo faW UCMT'SIX mt tho mom ptie: SES thio nmurkmblo car. DRIVE in it. KNOW
cry StmmtkmJtor nfon to it as "Tho WorWo Creator Light-might AatomoM:"
O. N. Bouncy, President
2554 Faman Street
C. S. Connor, Vice President
Omaha Phone HA rney 0676
f.o.b. Faetorit c
rMraf Cora aiuf Aaoaatara Cia mi SJmm
ataAUiri tourjng ca itjs sreaxusnc sass. stoAN.,
ucht-six b-pass. sedan tase
... IBBP
Romance in Origin
Of Superstitions
Cats' Eyes and tbt Tidt.
A common superstition along; the
sea-coast it that when the pupils of a
cat's tytt are nearly closed it ihow t
that it it low tide, while their widely
opened condition tignifiet that it it
high water. The journal of the
American Folk-lore Society in men
tioning thit superstition tayt: "In a
case in which the pupilt of a cat in
a Boston barber shop were nearly
dosed at high water the barber, who
owned the cat, explained the discrep
ancy by taying 'Oh, well, he't only
c kitten, anyhow and couldn't be ex
pected to know the tide like an old
cat.' "
The connection between the moon
goddess, Isis, and the cat has been
explained before in the course of thit
series and the connection between
Isis and the sea has also been re
ferred to. t Thit inter-relationship
easily explaint why the waxing and
waning of th pupilt of a cat't eyes
typifies the rising and the falling of
the tides.
The connection of Isis with the tea
and her special protection ot ma
riners it not a little curious at the
Egyptians were not a seafaring peo
ple. It may be, however, that the
solution is to be found in the fact
that the moon was considered as
the source of moisture, the celestial
fountain-head of alt earthly water.
And the greatest of t' waters wk,
of course, the sea. Now the fact
that the moon-goddess, Lis, pif tided
over the tea, and that the waning
and waning of the pupilt of the
moon-godde,' sacred cat follow
the ruing and falling of the tides
suggests a question. Was a knowl
edge ff the influence of tho moon
upon the tidet a part of the esoteric
knowledge which the Egyptian
priettt possetted and gave to the
feoplc only in a mythological form?
t hat long been suspected, by tome
strenuously argued, that the Egypt
ian myths veiled real jcientific
Copyright, SI. KCiur hr.
Nebraska School if Nrod
in t r.. v : i
lit i ruviit tb lur mmiiiri
Lincoln. Oct. 5. ( Special.)-In 5.1
couutiet from which Mute Superin
tendent Matzen has received report
this week, the total net shortage of
teachers October 1, was 111 as com
pared with 47J for the entire ttate
at the time of the last rcporU under
date of September IJ.
Mr. Matzcn comment that thit
indicates a marked improvement in
the situation. Licensed teachers
from neighboring ttates have come
in and are tilling the vacancies.
They can do so without taking ex
aminations. Thirteen counties reported a sur
plus, aggregating .IS while 12 othert
bad just enough to supply their own
Security Firm Bankrupt
Kansas City, Oct. 5. A voluntary
petition in bankruptcy, lifting liabili
ties totalling $1.080,7 Jo and assets es
timated at $36,994, was filed in fed
eral court by James K. Sutherlin,
bed of the butherliu Secuntiet com
any. Among the creditors Iite4 in
the petition is the .Njnrnul Surely
company of New Voik, l1)?,'.
Scenic Ham her HrlJ for
Shooting Wife's Half Urothcr
Sioux hU, S. D Oct. 5. (pe
cil Iclegrain.) At a result of a
shooting affray singed on a ranch
near Menic, Albeit Schultt, 30, it
in a hospital receiving treatment and
Ainiel mack, who is charged with
having wounded Schiiltt, i in the
Pennington county jail. Ilaack hat
'been tefaiatrd from Ms wife ane
cmiurea for about s year ana re
turned to the ranch where Sehutu
who it s halt biother of Mrs. Haaek
h.s also been living. The shooting
follow ed.
Kcdiscount Hates Reduced
Philadelphia, Oct. 5-The federt
te.erve bank of the Third dittric
i educed itt reitiicount rate en at
daises of paper from S 1-2 to S p
Folks Laugh
at Corns Now
MUUoets Havt) Proved Them Need-
Ivm. Tbay Stop Tbtm by Touch t
DO you know that one method it now
ending corns for millions of people?
People all around you em ploy it. They
never let a corn paw twice.
The method is Blue-Jay the liquid
or the plaster. It Is made by a surgical
dressing house of world-wide repute.
A touch applies it, and the pain slaps
Instantly. 8oon the whole corn loosens
and comet) out.
The way is gentle, scientific, sure.
Once you know It, you will laugh at
Get Blue-jay now apply K tonight.
Watch the effect on one com. Oct
Blue-jay at your druggist's.
liquid or Plaster
stops paln-eods coma
a Bauer & Black product
Learn How a'llovard'
Heater Will Reduce!
Your Fuel Bills At
Union Outfitting Co.
Special Factory Demonatra
tion Coins; on With Stove
Expert in Charge.
When downtown shopping this
week drop into the Union Outfit-,
ling Co. for a refreshing lunch
eon of Hot Biscuits and delicious
Coffee and see tho "fuel saving.
smoke consuming" device of the
Howard" Heater.
This is "Howard" Stove week.
during which $6.00 will be al
lowed on Tour old stove and a set
of aluminum ware included with
every "Howard" Range. A
"Howard" Heater and Range
given away next Friday.
(j ilnzjkw
f k EU
toe jttttior
F. O. B.
THIS new battery is designed especially for Ford
cars. It is powerful, rugged, and dependable.
From design to finished product the Exide Junior
is the work of the oldest and largest manufacturers
in the world of storage batteries for every purpose.
Exide Batteries send your voice over the telephone
wires; they run mine locomotives, propel beneath the
waves a majority of the world's submarines, light
railroad trains, operate fire alarm systems.
The longest experience and the largest facilities in
the battery business were brought to bear on making
a thoroughly efficient battery for Ford cars at the
lowest possible price.
The Exide Junior is now on sale by our Service
Stations. It should prove a decided asset to Ford
owners. Price $25, F. O. B. Philadelphia.
The Electric Storage Battery Company, Philadelphia
Eiida Batteries for all
makts of ears. Ex
pert repair sarvice on
all makes of batteries.
11 ' H
Visit the Nearest Exide Service Station
Auto Electric Serrica Corporation,' 2205 Farnam St.
Bluff City Exide Battery Company
Aiaiea, Smith's Battery Station
Arapahoe, Faw A Cos
Aurora. Auto Electric Shot
Blue Hill, Exld Strvlca SUtioa
Baetrlca. Courts? A PurJy. 1IS-I1S N. 7th St.
Briatow. Johnson Carase .
Brokea 'Bow, Delce Exide Service Station
Cedar Rapid, Battery Service Coorpeny
' CeluBOua, Exide Storef Bettery Service Station
CurtJa. L. B. MeOwta
Elweed. City Cerese
Fremont. Aotoaeetlve Electric Service
Gnaa- lebaA, Erie Service StatJea
Haatinf e, Exide Service Station, 41 Wcat 2nd St.
Hooper, Aa,ton Timbers
Hoskiaa, Wm. Veto Cerese
lmpariel, Imperial Motor Company
Kearney, Exide Service Station, Slat and Ave. A
Lexington, Exide Service Station
Lynch. R. B. KBae .
McCoob, McCook Exide Electric Company
Miaden. Mindea Bettery Company
Norfolk, Norfolk Exide Electric Company, 710
Norfolk Avenue
North Platte, North Platte Battery and Electrio
OcmUale, Ofellala Electric Service Station
rNcOL OTIeili Meter Company
Pierce, Hay Battery Station
Plainview, F. J. Weinman
Randolph, Brenner and Nelees
Red Ootid, Exide Service Stetiea
Schuyler, Kopae Bree.
Stemford, F. E. Getes
Straiten, Exide Serrica Station.
Stromaburf, Anstrom Ante Company
Sutton, Exide Service Station
Vedifree, Vodijreo Bottory Station
Wallace, The Wallace Gores 1 - '
Weueo, Peter Auto Co, W. C Pettr, Pre.
Wlnalde, Cebler Bettery Station, A. C. GeMer.
York, York Auto Company, S02 Lincoln Avenue
Have Your Electrical System Ti 0. B?iters. Auto Electnc DUt EXIDA!te':.!!!,eriM
" " . ana tiieciricai oemc n . ft
Inspected FREE of Charge . you wm it Service Corp.
"Our Reputation Is Your Protection"