r THE DEB: OMAHA. IHIK.SOA. ouiUUhtt t. iw.'i Man Who Married Wife Three Times in Jail On Alimony Charge MWSSMMSSB Lincoln, Ott 5.(SpecUU Al fred Meyer, who hoped that his third marriage would stick, was ordered committed to the county jail by Di trict Judge V. M. Morning here for failure to pay alimony to nil former wife, Kathertue Meyer. The young man will be confined in the county jail until arrangement ate made to pay the alimony due or give bond for iu payment. Kathrrine Meyer obtained a dl orce from Alfred Meyer M.rch 30. The decree required him to pay all mony for the tupport of hi wife and child. Last May Meyer laid he and Mini Kuth A. Overton wers remarried in Council Bluff. The decree of divorce from hit first wife was not operative and the marriage was art aside. It became final last Saturday and Monday Meyer remar ried Mis Overton here. Meyer tiaid that he had not had a steady job for five months and could net find one. U. S. Representative rted in Mexico Repor Mexico City, Oct. S. (By The Atsociated Press.) Reports that Elmer Dover of Tacoma. Wash., had been named personal representa tive of I'resident Harding in Mexico, which were current some time ago. were revived here today by the news paper Excelsior.. "Information ob tained with the greatest difficulty from high Mexican sources," accord ing to the newspaper, indicated that overtures from the State department in Washington, expected to pave the way for speedy recoftnition. ,of the Obregon government by the United States were beinsr brought to Mexi co City by. Mr. Dover, who was ex pected to arrive here this afternoon. Mr. Dover was said to have given an autographed letter to President ObrcRon by Mr. Harding, this be ing the fourth in an imoortant series of personal communications between the two executives. State-Wide Probe Of Stock Swindles Being Considered Information on .Blue Sky Violation! Asked by Chif f Of Nebraska Securi- tlei Bureau. Lincoln, Oct. 5,--(Special.) Pes clbility of a itate-wide Investigation of stock sale during the last two years by grand juries in the different Nebraska countiei It forshadowed by a statement given out by Guy T. Touvelle, chief of the state securities bureau. Mr. Touvelle. in a formal state ment, asks- Nebraskam to unearth information relative to violations of the blue sky law and forwarJ it to his department. AH such. Informa tion will be regarded as confidential he declares. The bureau will answer queitions relative to operation of 'a doubtful character,' he declares. Both Mr.' Touvelle and Attorney General Davis indicated that such information might furnish the basis for a request by the attorney general for grand juries to investigate stock salei in Nebraska. Requisition Issued for Former Express Agent Lirrdn, Oct 5. (Special.) Requisition papers were issued from the governors office Wednesday for the return of Wiley E. Griffith, who is under arrest at Boston. Griffith is wanted by Nebraska authorities for alleged embezzlement of $50 from the American Exprest com pany, while acting as agent for the company. . Stolen Car Recovered Fremont, Neb., Oct. 5. (Special.) A. roadster belonging to Arthur H. Westphal, Fremont, itolen from Jixth street, was - recovered at Columbus. The thieves apparently had abandoend the car. U. S. Relief Courier in j Fire Inspector Says Russia Seized by Reds Nelson Man Set Blaze Riga, Letvla, Oct. S.-(By The Associated Press.) An American re lief administration courier on the way from I'rtrograd to Rise by way of Reval was searched and some of hit personal effects seized by the Russian soviet frontier authorities at Vamburg, near Narva, Esthonia, on Tuesday, he reported on his arrival here today, lie brought a sealed pouch containing relief ariminiMra t;on correspondence, which he de clared he only saved from seizure by the soviet authorities after a struggle. . This violation of the' agreement signed by Walter Lyman Brown of the relief administration and Maxim Litvlnoff, representing the soviet gov eminent, has teen reported to Colonel Ila.kell, head of the relief administration work in Moscow. Lincoln Men Seek to Keep Home Citizeni Employed Lincoln, Oct. 5. (Special.) I'lan to keep transients and hoboes out of Lincoln, and to see that men with families are employed on all building and construction work here were formulated at a meeting of the Chamber of Commerce, Labor Commissioner Frank A. Kennedy, C A. Becker of the fed eral department, members of the unions and C. B. Towle, president of the Chamber of Commerce, at tended the conference. Contractor! will be asked to em ploy no outside help until all of the unemployed in Lincoln are taken care of. Western Farmers Selliug Spuds Direct to Consumers Lodgepole, Neb., Oct. 5 (Spe cial.) Potatoes are being hauled here by truck loads and sold direct 'to consumers at $1.50 a bushel. Mott of them come from Kimball and Garden counties. Owing to the ex tremely dry season and the ravages of beetles, but few potatoes were produced in this locality. Alva Hart realized $400 from an acre and a half of water-melons. I Liticolu, Oct 5. (Special.) A telegram from Suit Fire Inspectot Hauser says F. G. Hartman of Nel son has confessed to setting fire to his I'hutograph gallery a few days tgo. Mjuicr'n report credits Hartman with admitting that he poured kero sene oil around the intide of tin place and over the stock of goods ti) helo the blaze alone. The omiit wa insured for $1.000,. vhiih Miv Maimer thought wa morel than It could have been sold for. I a .. l . 1 - mperior iiatiter nas gone to imjs Al t-BTIftKMCNT. FIVE MONTHS MRS. DONAHEY LAY IN HER BED "What Tanlac Did for Me la Almost Incredible," Say Omaha Woman. "I had bun confined to my bed for live months hardly able to move when I began taking Tanlac. and to day I'm in perfect health," was the remarkable statement of Mrs. Jessie J Donahcy. -1.208 South Sixteenth Street, Omaha,- Neb. "My neck, Moulders and both el bows hurt tue so bad I was almost frantic at times. I was told that . I had neuritis, but whatever it was the pains were almost unbearable. Noth ing I afcc agreed with me and 1 fell oft" fion a hundred and fifty to a hundred and twenty-one pound?. "What Tanlac did for me is almost beyond belief and I can hardly real ize myself that I'm a well woman. It's juxt beyond the power of words to express the joy and gratitude I feel." .Tanlac Is sold in Omaha by the Sherman '& McConnell Drug CO. and by leading druggists everywhere. S.iM'V.IM':!W:ii:SiiS.Wl SOOO11""111'1-''"'11-111""11'11'''111""""'1111 !I"I,T'!I'! .:iii.litliill:S;!SiiSiJ Floorcovering at Orchard & Wilhelm Co. Dauglicrtv Mav Aid Congress In Probe of K.K.K. Attorney General to Place Evidence in Hands of In vestigators Urges Speedy Action. Washington. .Oct. 5.-Auorney General Daughcrty announced that to concentrate, simplify and expe dite" the propoed investigation of the Ku Klux Klan by a congres sional committee, he had offered to Chairman Campbell of the hotie rules committee evidence in the De partment cf Justice and cross-exam-tr.ers to question the witnesses. He bid it would be well for congress to act on this matter, for action now "may stop a lot of cruelty, ani crimes and worry and anxiety." "The earlier and the spcerliir the Investigation the better," he added.' This means a drastic and thorough Inquiry by congress into the pur pose, practices and records of the 'invisible empire." Mr. Uaiigherty ansertcd that his co-operation with the house rules conmiitte and later an inve.tigatint; committer would not interfere with the probe bcins riadc by the Department of Justice. Ie indicated that already expert in vestigators are buy in the various s'ates of the nation picking up evi dence BKaiust 'he order. The guggcition of the attorney general that his men be used by the ho'ise committee to examine the wit nesses was voluntary and is a depar ture in such inquiries, but members of congress like it. That would save the expense of a special attor ney to study the matter and interro gate the witnesses.' Formal Opening Feast Is Observed hy College Grand Island, Neb., Oct. 5. (Spe cial Telegram.) Splendid weather erected the authorities of Grand Jslard college for Us ."formal open ing feast on the college camnus this afternoon. There was a tine pro gram of speaking. J. Mason Wells,, newly arrived president of the instil tution, was the main socaker. Others representing the faculty made short addresses'. Good music Interspersed the program. A fine lunch of roast ed beef, a barbecue with the excep tion that the preparing of the meal was in down town -bakeries, com pleted the program. Alleged Booze Runner Is Arrested for Second Time Beatrice, Neb.. Oct. 5. (Siccial Telegram.) "Bill" Kennedy, alleged booze runner, appears to be having a hard time keeping out of jail. He was released- at Lincoln by Federal Judge Munger on' bond and shortly after his return home was arrested by an officer; from Fairbury on a booze charge "'and taken to that place. It is alleged that Kennedy sold contraband whisky to Johrf Scneider, a t farmer of Jefferson county, His 'car was confiscated. by the authorities there. Plans Are, Completed for . State' Baptist Convention Grand Island, Neb., Oct. 5- (Spe cial Telegram.) President A. B, Newe(I, Glcnville,' head of the state Baptist convention, in co-operation with the state Baptist headquarters has completed arrangements for the state convention to be held at Nor folk October 8 to 13. All of the leaders of the denomination's in the State, Including President Wells ,of the college and the heads of state departments from this city, will at tend. Eight . hundred Baptists are expected to conyene, ' McKelvie' Out o Office . When Morehead Called Lincoln, .Oct. o.--(SpeciaI.) Ex Goverpor John H, Morehead, defeat ed by Governor McKclvie in the flection last November, paid his first visit to the state house today. Gov ernor McKelyie was not In when Mr. Morehead tailed to pay his re spects, the governor being out of -the city.- - -..v: ; - . ' Mr Morehead said there was noth ing political in Ms visit and declared that he Was jn Lincoln strictly ou tUsineS. . ;: Women Form Auxiliary to Legion Post at Humboldt Table, Rock. Neb., Oct. 5. (Spe cial.) ' An auxiliary to Amrn Legion Post No. 269 of Humboldt was organized by Mrs. G. L. Cooper, , acting chairman. Officers for the year were elected as follows: Presi dent, Mrs. W, C. Norton: vice presi dent, Mrs. T, C Atwoodj honorary president, Mrs- Mary Mann; secretary-treasurer, Winnie Main. There are 16 names on the charter member list. ; - j,- r- . : ', . . : ' Columbus Relief Society . , A Makes Plans for Tag Day Columbus, Neb., 'Oct. 5. (Spe cial.) -The United Relief association has designated Saturday oj tag day , and 70 workers, under the direction of the Delphian society, will be in the field to secure funds which will be used for the relief of those whom the coming winter will find needing assistance. An employment bureau has been established to handle the labor situation. ' Indictment Against French -Bluebeard Is Drawn Up Veraailles, Oct 5. The indict, ment against Henri Desire Landru. the French Bluebeard, has been diawn up. There are 26 counts, 11 of thern charging murder of wo-nen to whom he had promised marriage, and the remainder forgery and other fraudulent operations. He will be arraigned for trial the first week in November, having been Jn jail since April, 1919. Western Nebraska Fairs j : Have Large Attendance Bigsnring, Neb., Oct 5, (Spe eU The fairs at Julesborgand Lewellen were attended by record crowds. Several people from Big pring attended the Lewellen . fair. Amftnor tlii rwrf at T r-ri!pn wt n inowi war nance, parutipaici hi j . . Tirf r rn - ...... ty 20 Indians from he reservation. ;tsJrs-as.jj:trj.4..SJ k WILHELM CO. i j 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 j j s 1 1 Mini si iiiinikiWAi' kin to probe a $40,000 fire w hich oc curred there a day or to ago. No it ivrmation has been i reeked by the fire prevention bureau as to the char acter (4 the lus or the circunutaiic ts Surrounding the fire. Scotland ha opened Its first school of f ractirat forestry at !iriih.iiii in Perthshire, Beet Are Heiug Shipped To Grand Island Factory Gibbon. Neb., Oct. J. (Special.) The harvest of sugar beets in the Platte valley south of Gibbon is tin der tvay and the roads are lined with loads of beets coming to the beet dumps for shipment to the Crawl Island sugar factory. MeCoot Woman Badly Burned When Clothing Catrlri Fire York. Neb.. Oct. 5. (Social) Mrs. Louise J.mil, 8, !iviir Ja He- tool, was seriously burned when iicr-. clothing caught fire from a coal oil i burner. The burns were) from the knees down. Little hope is enter tained for her recovery, ' Nss iY" sMnryVH sjfr lift itmJfrJfit . .Vis.m s msW AStfL -f-. 'U jlL tWZIWrtrw-rr. . CslJbliSlKtf xi70 Thursday We Emphasize Many Items of Autumn Ready-to-Wear Garments Which all told, however, but barely sketch the character of our collection of Fashionable. Apparel and but hint at the opportunities for profitable purchases that remain unadver tised. "YYc Qualify by Quality.' The advantage will be yours of shopping from the largest and most complete stock of floor cover ings we have ever been able to present. With the indoor season upon us there is every rea son for making the home .warm, and cozy for the long winter evenings. The fact that prices are much lower and that every advantage it is possible to offer will be featured during this important homefumishmg week, are additional reasons you will appreciate. We Can Only Mention a Few of the Bargains Convincing virtues in " Axminster Rugs " Heavy seamless Brussels Velvet ' Yoa have beard ahoot lower Bug priei "hero they arej" Such repaUW lines as Sanford, Bigelow, Manhattan, Jasper and Ardsley are Included. All grades show the new mill reduction! in price and wa can but think that the best time to make: your purchase is while assortments are bountiful. You will find splendid values in 9xl2-ft. (room size), Administers, at Rugs Rug A Urge assortment of sizes and colors i offered at prices yon will instantly rteegniye as VERY low. 9xlJ.fU-. 3522 2650 These Rugs, always popular, have a," elosejy woven surface, without seams.: They wear well and the splendid color i' ings and designs will look well in any' home. Our assortments will enable you to get just the rug to fit your room, j You should especially ask to see the 0x12 (room size) Velvet Rug, at OTHER SIZES: 2754-inch Axminsters, at .....3.50 36x83-in, Axminsters, at ...... .5.50 6x9-foot Axminsters, at 19.50 8.3x10.0 Axminsters, at 31.50 OTHER SIZES: 27x54 Seamless Brussels Rugs, at 2.50 6x9 Seamless Brusael Rugs, at 15.00 8.3xl0.6-ft. Seamless Brussels Ruga, t .............24.00 OTHER SIZES: 27x54-inch Velvet Rugs, at 36x63'inch Velvet Rugs, at . , 6x9-inch Velvet Rugs, at , f.SxlO.6 Velvet Rugs, at , . ... . -2.50 ...6.00 23.50 25.00. Join 122 Our Christmas Club The Per week until December 25th puts a Victrola in your home for Christmas -After that we arrange easy and convenient terms for payment Illustrated Is Model No. 80 Victrola i A gem of the instrument makers' craft and art, and fit to faithfully play the Victor Records that all the world has learned to love. A short concert in one of our sound-proof rooms will convince you that it is worth $100.00 to possess it Make Arrangements for Yours Today A Sale of Fall Plaited Skirts in One Great Underpriced Group A special purchase brings these rare values iu ell wool plaited skirts. They're . mostly Prunellas in the smart stripes and velour checks and plaids bo new this Autumn. The values are most unusual, for these skirts are not a "job "' lot," but have been specially tailored for our regular stock. All the new stunning color tones are fully repre sented in knife plaits, bos and sido plaits. There are only 60 skirtg in this group waiiit measures including 30 inches. Thursday at To retain your youthful lines it is essential that you be properly Corseted 12S v Scientific eorseting can and will . preserve the youthfnl line? of the figure almost up to the point of advanced age if ' the . ordinary rules of nature are observed. Our expert fitters bavp found that the frontLaoed are unusually effective in assisting figures that have been improperly corseted and in preserving youthful Hns. In order that you may fully appreciate the remarkable merita of Modart Corsets we recommend TBU& FITTINGS and the FREE SERVICE as given in Kilpatrick's Corset Department Second Floor. Junior Coats Fur Trimmed Sizes 14 to 17 Beautiful Coats and Wraps especially designed for the Junior Girl end roall Woman and of the most sumptuous materials including Pollyanna, Marvella, Orlando, Veldyne and Bolivia with Fur Trimmings of Blended Squirrel, Paccoon, Nutria and Persian Lamb, $44.50, $54.50, $64.50 to $98.50 Other Fur Trimmed Coats low in price as ?15.&o New Wool Sweaters In Brownley Slip-over effects and Tux edoi in the newer weaves and color combinations including green and red plaid effects, navy and white, buff and brown and the smart solid colore. $3.95. S4.95 to S6.95 Dolly Madison Aprons Are undoubtedly the moat popular apron that we can recall. They are of Scout percale, pocketed and rick rack trimmed and come In striped and checked pat terns in pink, red, blue and lavender. Also other style coverall aprons Included in this special sale Thursday at Haa Drm SeitnStet Floor Brownley Wash Blouses They come in all-white dimity with fine self stripes and are most attractively priced at $2.50 Women's Hosiery To attract your attention we offer Thursday our "Venus" Silk Stockings tn black and brown, Priced $3 a pair and very rare at that For the day, pair Pie Plates, 59c Just another little drawing card for our floor below. Fry Oven Glasses, 7&4l PJe Plates, Thursday only, 596 $2.69 Fall Headwear for Children and Juniors HATS FOB LITTLE TOTS mos. to 2 yeare-Tbey are indescribably cunning and come in Velvet Crepe de Chine, Satin and Poplin S1.75. $2.75. 83.75 to S7,50 JUNIOR HATS AND TAMS New shipment Tains, new material, all colore; also bats that are modisbly Jaunty that edme in Beaver, Velvet, duvetyn and velour with exquisite trimmings . 82.00. 83-75. 86.50 to 815.00 3 as Children's Coats 2 to 13 years Warm Coats of Sturdy materials Chinchilla, Sllvertip, Vertlla, Camel's Hair,. Velour, Velvet and Heath er Mixtures all In smart styles, lined and interlined. Pur Collars add to the warmth and comfort of many of these coats. $11,50. 814.50. 819.50 to , 827.50 NEW WOOL SWEATERS Sizes to h years Closely knit attractive weaves in coat and slip-over effects all of the wanted colors including. Brown, Tan, Red, Copeo, Maroon and Green, $4.25 An Advanced Sale of Fur Trimmed Suits" Including Our Opening Suit Models and Sample Suits At savings that emphasize the advisability of an immediate purchase. These . ; Sample and Opening Piece Suits could not be duplicated today-so superb are they in workmanship, style and materialthe manufacturers simply would not give the same care and time to duplicates that they gladly gave . to these firsts Advance Models. . ' ' ; THE COLOHIXGS include Volney, Tor tolse, Brown, Navy, Black and Twilight LUXURIOUS MATERIALS such as Marvella, Veldyne, Pollyanna and e lour de Labe are among those used. THERE ARE RUSSIAN BLOUSES, Box Coat, flared and straight line effects some with beautiful artistry in stitching and embroidery. TIIE FUR TRIMMINGS are elegant anC effectively used and include Taupe Wolf Blended and Natural Squirrel, Molt Beaver and Persian Lamb. The Original Prices Were $125, $150 to $250 Sale Prices? Well they will not be quoted, but the saving will delight you. "' i f i- .