Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 04, 1921, Page 3, Image 3

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Bnde Seeking Thrills
Plans to Exolore Thibet
Senate Expected
To Pass Free Toll
Bill October 10
(J;:ly a few months ago Mr. Wil
liam V. Alford, formerly a school
teacher in Ohio, returned trom a
honeymoon trip through Peru. In
t lie course of which she crossed the
Andes on mulcback, and penetrated
to the headwaters of the Amazon,
r.fter traversing country inhabited
by tribes of savage Indians, one ot
which was said to practice canni
balism. Now she is en route to China
in search of further thrills, which she
l 1 . i . . t . .
subjects of federaJJ .I" UU,"L" "'1""; thi. ircneral H'."T.. " . . Flvv,,,-vo
and in Manchuria ana Jibet. With
her husband, an engineer employed
by the Chinese, government, she
sailed from Seattle and expects to
General Counsel
Of A. B. A. Favors
Apix'iation Member Hear At
toriify Score Former Comp
troller for Demanding Pub
lication of Salary Lints.
N Lot Angln, Cal., Oct. 3. Thorn.
r.t C. Patton, ifenrrat counsel for the
American Hankers' astociation, in
addressing the convention of that or
Ionization here tmUy, after discuss
inf the subject of federal legislation,
reierred to the call for publication
of bank salaries by former comptrol
ler of the currency, John Skelton
"For the fiut time in the SH years'
liittrry of the national banking sys
tem," he said, "the comptroller on
February 4, dhortly before his re
fit f merit from cfiiie, issued a call
for report for publication cf items
showing the aggregate amount of
salaries paid to officers and em
ployes. General objection was im
mediately voiced and I'residcnt Mc
Kee of the national bank division
officially protested to the comptrol
ler and also rilled upon general
counsel fur an opinion as to the
power of the comptroller of the cur
rency to force the reporting banks
to publish this confidential informa
tion. '
Exceeded Authority.
"An opinion v.ns rendered in
which the conclusion was reached
that a statement of salaries paid did
not comic within the spirit or mean
tug of the law and that the comp
troller had exceeded his authority m
mak'ng the requirement that the
banks should publish this informa
Anion 2 the
h-giflation in which the genera! '
counsel participated, the report said,
were the bill proposing a tax of 1-4
to 1 per cent on bank deposits, to
be charged by the bank to the de
positor. One measure provided for
the establishment of saving depart
ments of national bank and special
investment of capital and assets in
a plan to relieve the housing short
age. The subject at present rests in
the files of the committee on bank
ing and currency in both houses.
Favor Blue Sky Laws. '
"Our association" said Mr. Pat
ton, "is vitally interested in federal
tegulation of fraudulent securities
ond has been co-operating with the
Investment Bankers association in
the procuring of federal legislation
which will adequately regulate the
Two bills are now pending in
congress which provide different
methods of regulation, the Denison
bill and the olstead bill. General
counsel favored the Volstead bill,
he said, because it was intended to
curb the sale and offering of fraudu
lent securities through special com
mittee in each federal reserve dis
trict. Chicago Union Men
Accepting Wage Cuts;
Building Boom Near
Cbicagq,. Oct. 3. Building con
struction on a great scale in Chicago
now seems a certainty, with the
im:ons accepting the wage terms and
working conditions laid down by
Judge Landis.
Thomas Kearney, president of the
Chicago Build'ng Trades council,
says the trouble and delay has been
caused by agents of the 1. V. W.
who have been working among the
men, urging general idleness. These
agents, presumably forking under
Russian soviet direction and drawing
Russian gold for their pay. are urg
ing the men to remain idle and
eventually seize all the plants.
Various labor union chiefs have re
ported to Kearney that they have
discovered highly organized groups
of I. W. W. agitators working among
their men.
-"-'Notices has been served upon
some of the affiliated locals that they
must rid themselves at once of the
I. W. W. propagandists and assist
iu driving them out of Chicago.
Four-Year Convict
led by "Lifer"
In California Pen
m mm x
VKrZtlX'i .'' '-; . I tal On the assumption of no fa
Vr ' ' ' -K 'N I change of previous attitude on the . &
'jrj' 'w'v-'-'VM '4 part of some of the non-committal S'J
itX-'- ';-:V-:" 3 ami absentee, the poll would stand: f,.
' V;s Itif .15 icr the bill. 8 aia:nt if and 17ij
Canvas Shows Enough Vote
To Approve Measure Kx
finpting American .Wi-Bfl '
Through Panama ('anal.
Washington, Oct. J. The Hurah
bill to exempt American coastwise
(hipping from payment of I'anamu
canal tolls, involving the utetiuii of
violation of the Jljy-i'auiiivlotc
treaty, is likely to be pacd by t!i.'
senate on October 10. mleos I'resi-
dent Harding thwarts the program.
( Out of C) senators whose attitude
l was canvassed. 30 saM thev will vote ' Px.
for Hie bill. 18 said th'y will votc'
against it and 21 wcr non-com mit-' f
9 to 3:30
U Will ie lore to U fee Tuesday
foX -----
non-committal, with l.o absentees un-'5
' recorded.
I The president supinutj the rcpub-
lican platform declaration in favor of . ss
i tolls fsemption for American ships. ' pf
but he has indicated his conviction l
that it should be achieved through gf
agreement with Great Britain revis-
ing or tavoraDiy construing me nay
Pauncefote treaty wliich prov:dcs:
"The canal shall be free and open
to the vessels of commerce and
war, of all nations observing the
rules on terms of entire equality so
that there shall be no discrimination
against any such nation r its citi
zens or subjects in respect of the
conditions or charges of traffic or
otherwise. Such conditions and
charges of traffic shall be just and
Britain Against Plan,
For Small Children
10 different styles, closely
knitted aviation cap with car
Mb, bonnets and stocking caps
In pink and blue stripes and all
white: trimmed In pink and
blue rlbltons; for both boys
and girls from 6 months to 2
years, for ibo one dny ouly, at
Third Floor East.
It was the British protest wliich '
led to the repeal of the toll exemp
tion law in 1914 and if the Borah bill
should become law it is certain that
C'.rrat Rritain. in the absence of a
remain in the Orient three years, j new understand:ng. would renew the
while Mr. Alford replaces, with steel , protest and ask arbitration of the
bridges, the ancient ferries on the
more important canals and rivers in
Grain Dealers to
Help Middleman ! g
Association to Formulate Plan
to Maintain Necessary
Chicago, Oct. 3. Preservation of t0us.
the middleman in tnc gram industry
is to be one or tne principal topics
for consideration at the three-day
convention of the National Grain
Dealers' association, which convened
here today, according to Charles
Quinn. secretary.
The 1,200 members of ti associa
tion attending the meeting, accord
ing to Mr. Quinn, expect to draw up
a course of action to frustrate plans
of various interests to do away with
the middleman.
The post-war breakdown of the
nation's commercial and , industrial
superstructure was due entirely to
the decline in farm products to lev
els that destroyed the produvjers' pur
chasing power, B. E. Clement of
Waco, Tex., president of the associa
tion, said in his address. '
"A -return to normal cannot mean
pre-war levels f6r .farm products;"
Mr. Clement said. "Values for farm
products that will enable producers
to meet obligations and regain pur
chasing power will start the wheels
of industry and wipe out unemploy
ment." Mr. Clement assailed ag'tators who
endeavored, to turn producers against
middlemen and said "to communize
farmers would destroy their indi
vidual initiative, place them at the
mercy of insincere leaders and bring
wreck and ruin upon America."
question, borne ot the advocates ot
tolls exemption think it would be
impolitic to pass the bill on the eve
of the assembling of the internation
al conference on limitation of arma
ment in which the United States de
sires the support of Great Britain
and would gladly postpone action.
i this cat. hardly be accom-
pilSneU UIIUCI lUC uliawmn.'U3 KKiy-
position of the bill on October 10.
Some semtors who regard Can
ada responsible for the British pro
test are in favo of amendment ;x
emotine Canadian coast wise ship
ping also from payment of the canal
Former King Wilhelm
Of Wurtemberg Dies
Stuttgart, Germany, Oct. o. For
mer Kins William II, of Wurtem
burg is dead.
William II, reigning king of the
monarchy of Wurthemburg, abdi
cated in "November, 1918, as a direct
outcome of the war. He had reigned
since 1891.
Big Decrease Reported
In British Unemployed j m
nn flrf .1. Statistirs on w-ii
London. (Jet. i. statistics on un
employment showed a drop of 20,000
., ' -..i -C 1.
m me persons uui oi wum msi
week, making a total decrease of
more than 500,000 in unemployed'
since the end of June. The figures:
j do nc$ include miners who resumed.
work. i .-
"Jury" of Attorneys
Exonerate Bergdoll's
Lawyers of All Blame
Washington, Oct. 3. A "jury"
of 12 prominent lawyers, after re
viewing the testimony taken in the
cases growing out of the escape of
Grover C. Bergdoll,' draft evader,
has found both his attorneys, E. C.
Bailey and Samuel T. Ansell, in
nocent of anv oarticioation in the
;an uuentm, cat., uct. J.mroid ' escape, the latter announced tonignt.
Wilson, serving a four-year sentence , Copies of the judicial review are be
for burglary, was stabbed to death jng sent to members of congress,
at San Quentiir prison by Louis 1 Three questions were considered
Koulouris, serving a life sentence by the lawyers: Whether Ansell and
for murder, according to prison au-, Bailey .were justified in ac
thorities. Koulouris is in the prison., renting a rftaimr' in th case.
hospital suffering from several minor whether Ansell was justified in mak-
. n . f i A . T" . . . t. ... ......
cuts inflicted by Aton titts, a
friend of Wilson who went to his
assistance. m
Preliminary Survey
Of New Highway Made
Ellsworth, Neb., Oct. 3. (Spe
cial.) County Commissioners F.
Derfeldt or Gordon and O. H.
Smith of Antioch, together with State
Engineers Gaddis and Anderson, have
just completed a preliminary obser
vation of the unfinished section of
the potash highway between here and
the eastern line of this (Sheridan)
county, a short distance cast of
Bingham. It is now proposed to
make a survey of this, after which
work will begin.
Italy to Bury Unknown .
Soldier Body at Rome
Rome, Oct 3. Reparations are
being made in Rome for the burial
of Italy's "unknown soldier" in a
conspicuous part of the colossal
monument to Victor Emmanuel II,
in Piazza Venezia. The solemn cere
mony will take place cn November
4, which is the third anniversary of
Austria's capitulation on the Piav
front The king, all the ministers of
state, and all the diplomatic repre
sentatives to the Quirinal will take
part in the ceremony. A slab of
marble will be placed over Ine grave
of the unknown soldier bearing the
following Latin inscription: "Igcoto
mg application, tor uergdous
temporary release under military
guard and. whether either member
of the firm was guilty of conspiracy
in connection with the escape. Af
firmative answeres were returned to
the first and second and a .negative
answer to the third, the statement
said. .
16 Cars of Oil Burn
St. Joseph, Oct. 3. Sixteen cars
6f oil were destroyedJy fire follow
ing a wreck on the Santa Fe rail
road near Marceline late last night,
according to telephone reports.
A BABY whose onrans
function reeularlv is
lauebinir. baoov babv.
Wben babv cries and is fret
ful look for constipation. It
is eenerallv the forerunner
of nervousness, feverisbnesa.
headaches, colds and many other
distressing; ailments. Give half
teasooonfuiof Dr. Caldwell's SyruD
Pepsin and the baby will quickly set
well. A dose costs less than a cent
Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin Is the
lanrest selling- liquid laxative in the
world, used by mothers for 30 years.
It is a combination of Egyptian Senna
and other simple laxative herbs with
pepsin, the safest remedy you can
givs a baby.
Few cscdf CDTUrifxiirim, so even if you do
tut rrqusn a laxativt at th.ts momenf let mg
send you a Half -ounce Trial BottU of my
Syrup Pepsin FREE OF CHARGE so that
you will nave it handy when needed. Simply
tend your name and address, to Dr. W. B.
CaUueli, ju Wajfunjttn St., bhmactllo,
III. Wrilt me tadxi.
Man Celebrates 25th
Wedding by Fight, Fire,
Hospital and Arrest
Boston, Oct. 3. Dennis O'Brien
of South Boston, celebrated his
twenty-fifth wedding anniversary by
getting into a fight, a fire, going to
the hospital, getting arrested and tak
ing an extended automobile ride.
Then he took another ride in the
police patrol wagon, as the result of
an argument with a neighbor, Julius
Chase. During the scuffle that took
place in the latter's apartment they
tipped over a lamp and set fire to
the carpet and curtains.
The fire department and police ar
rived at the same time. O'Brien was
taken into custody on a charge of
drunkenness and Chase was removed
to the city hospital where he was
, W -.Air. -wa.mJ -t ...
Make a Family Supply
of Cough Remedy
Beany better than ready-made
cough ayraiM, find saTes about az.
Easily and quickly prepared.
If you combined the curative prop
erties of every known "ready-made"'
'cough remedy, you probably could
not cet as much real curative power
as there is in this simnle home-made
cough syrup, which is easily prepared
in a few minutes.
Get from any druggist ounces
of Pines, pour" it into a pin bottle
and fill the bottle with, syrup, using
either plain granulated "sugar syrup,
clarified molasses, honey, or corn
syrup, as desired.. The result is a
full pint of really better -ough syrup
than you could buy ready-made for
three times the money. Tastes pleas
ant and never spoils.
This Piner and Syrup preparation
gets right at the cause of a cough and
gives almost immediate relief. It
loosens the phlegm, stops the nasty
throat tickle and heals the sore, irri
tated membranes so gently and easily
that it is really astonishing.
A day's use will usually overcome
the ordinary cough and for bronchitis,
croup, hoarseness and bronchial asth
ma, there is nothing better.
Pinex is a most valuable concen
trated compound of genuine Norway
pine extract, and has been used for
generations to break severe coughs.
xo avoici aiPHTiDoiniment, aK yuur i
druggist for "2Vi ounces of Pinex"
with full directions, and don't accept j gp
anything else. Guaranteed to give v2
absolute satisfaction or money 1 20?
promptly refunded. The Pinex Co., fegl
P. & G. Naphtha Soap,
17 Bars for 1.00
Flftk rioui We.l.
Toilet Paper, 15 Rolls
for 1.00
Regular luc rolls; soft crepe
paper; special. IS for 1.00
Firth Floor West
Men's Union Suits,
. 1.00
Medium weight; long sleeves
and ankle lentcth; in ecru color;
sizes ZK to tc; very apecmi.
at 1.00
Baftrmcnt Arcade.
Venus Brassieres, 1.00
Made of firm pink Broche ma
terial; narrow lioiildr straps;
front closing; sizes 32 to 4:
special, at 1.00
Third Floor ftcrtk.
Misses' and Children's
Hosiery, 3 Pairs 1.00
Fine and heavy riDDea: uiaca,
brown and white: all size;
three pairs for 1.00
Mnln Floor gooth.
Collar and Cuff Seta,
The new styles for coat or
sweater; of organdie; clean and
fresh: stvlish effects: 1.50 val
ue, per set, 1.00
Mnln Floor aortb.
Velveteen Tarns, 1.00
Just the thing for school and
street wear; also little girls'
bonnets In black and navy blue.
special for Tuesday, l.OO
Second Floor East.
Fine Net Guimpes,
With Sleeves, 1.00
Lace trimmed collars: a good
1.50 style; special, each, 1.00
Main Floor North.
Eaton Vests, 1.00
A very good 2.25 value; excel
lent new style; for this dollai
sale, special, each, l.Of
Main Floor North.
Sterling Silver Bar
Pins, 1.00
Set with fine white stones,
beautiful, dainty designs; in
this lot are bow knot and many
other styles; regular 2.00 val
ues; special, each, 1.00
Main Floor Enst
Shaving Cup and
Brush, 1.00
In a neat box; white porcelain
cup, set in a pierced Sheffield
silver holder; best quality
brush; special, l.OO
Main Floor East.
Women's Fleeced
Union Suits, 1.00
Heavy cotton and medium
weight; long sleeves, half
sleeves and sleeveless; ankle oi
knee length; all sizes; special,
per suit. 1.00
Third Floor Center. .
Women's Vests and
Pants, 1.00
In gray or white; part wool
regular 2.00 - values; special,
each. 1.00
Third Floor Center.
Children's Union
Suits, 1.00
Tn Dart wool: with drop or
closed seats; from 1-year to 18
year sizes; regular 2.00 values;
special, per suit. 1.00
Third noor uenier.
Combination Hot
Water Bottle and
Syringe, 1.00
-quart size; complete with
rapid flow tubing and three fit
tings; special, i.uv
Main Floor West.
GREAT merchant once said: "A dollar is a dollar from
kFaine to California. But the ninouut of merchandise your
lollar will buy depends upon the store wherein you spend
it." Everyone knows that as a rule the dollar travels a mighty pood
pace in Drandeis Stores. It will maintain that good gait on Tuesday.
Head these items carefully. Every one is a money saver.
Percale Bungalow Aprons
Carefullv sized, 3G to 40; slip-overs and button front and backs; 1 QQ
very dosy-ablo styles and patterns in small designs; little ruffles, II -
pockets and ties; priced, for Tuesday, at JJ.
Third Floor South.
Silk Hose
Women's silk hosiery, in
plain nml laee effects; blncU.
regular 1.50 to QO
1.7; vahicn, spe
cial, per pair,
Main Floor South.
Muslin Gowns
And envelope chemise: sowns
In high neck and long sleeves or
.iin.r atvles: trl-ied In
dainty tuck an
edgings : very spe
:ip' for Tuesday'!
sf .g, at,
Third Floor Center.
Men's Fine
Men's shirts, several hun
dred of them, well made,
good materinls in desirable
patterns; soft or stiff
cuffs; Tuesilcy.
1 00
Main e loorWest.
Wool Hose
Women' English rib wool ho
siery in heather
mixtures These
are our regular
2.00 values; spe
cial, per pair.
Main Floor South.
Of various makes, In pluk contil
and mesh materials; low tops
and medium and long tk!rts;
also a model with an
all elastic top; rust
proof boning; well
made; sizes 20 to 30:
special, at
Third Floor North.
oog iklrts;
Women's Handkerdilefj
Imported of fine Shamrock lawn,
with neat hemstitched edge and fine
hand loom embroidery corners in
white and colors; eyelet and solid
embroidery; special.
Main Floor East.
6 for
Men's Wool Sox
Wool Sox, a good heavy Shaker
knit in pure wool ; worth 50c per
pair; special Tuesday, three
pairs for
Main Floor West.
3 Pairs
Specials for Boys
au at l .00 ; K
Boys' plush and velvet Polo bats with inbands; verj
good for winter wear; special, Tuesday, at 1.00
Boys' high grade blounes and shirts; light and dark
colors; extra well made; good assortment of pat
terns; all sizes; special, at 1.00
Flannelette night shirts for boys; one and two
piece styles; cui full and roomy; fine for thes.
frosty nights; very special, at l.Cfl
Fourth Floor Center.
Drapery Specials
' All at 1.00
Unified Scrim Curtains Fine sheer quality wit!
ull ruffles and tie backs to match; regular 1.50 val
tes; special, per pair, 1.00
IariDisette I'nrtains of fine quality marquisettt
vith a two-inch hemstitched hem; regular 1.5(
alue; special, per pair, l.Of
tcrtm f urtalns of sheer quality scrim; hemstitched
ind trimmed with wide lace edge; worth 1.75; spe
tal, per pair, 1.C0
Sixth Floor East.
Women's Ankle Bloomers
Cut full and long; of good sateen; reinforced
crotch ; double stitched seams;
enff bottoms ; desirable colors
and black; for the one day
Only, at Bement East.
Men's Union Suits
l 1pp;s
Good heavy cotton knit with long 1pp:s and
'one sleeves; also a nice
medium weight union suit with
half sleeves and long legs; very
durable, Tuesday, at
Mli Floor Wwt.
Five Exceptional Jewelry Specials at 1
Back to the old price;
merican taffeta, tape edge,
jaragon frame, crooked and
straight handle; fl Q Q
an unusual offer- I
ing Tuesday for
Real Leather Bags Silk
lined fitted with purse and
mirror; black and colors;
pregularly 1.69 to 2.98; they
are slightly soiled; Tuesday,
each,' 1.00
Gold Filled Pencil On silk
ibbou, boxed; very spe
cial at 1.00
Rhinestone Rings Set in
Sterling silver mountings;
beautiful-pattern ; special for
Tuesday, 1.00
24-inch Opera Length Pearl
Beads -Oriental color,
graduated sizes; gold filled
clasp; 1.98 value, at 1.00
Basement Center.
Men's all pure Irish linen hand;
kerchiefs; hemstitched
borders; large size;
very special, five for
I llilllU-
Main Floor East.
Extra Size
Bungalow Aprons
Bungalow aprons tnd apron dresser
.of dark and light -percale; for stou'
women; well made; full length; belts,
pockets and tie backs;
wonderful values; spe
cial, Tuesday only, at
Basement East.
Work Pants
For the Mcn
COi) iuli of them in worMedn,
cheviots and khaki; blze 31 to
42 walut; at this prlco they are
fn tbun ovtrall; very upc
cial, at, if r pair,
Basement Arcade.
Dark Brocaded Rib
bons, Yard, 1.00
7 to t lm:ho wide: imi with
koIU nl silver flmiri-d effwu;
fur tli new BlrUlrH. fhi1.
baled, vrt, -tc; rRKi'lar 1 ni,
2.U0 ffnd 2.30 eood: hII mrkrd
for dollar nut at. yard, I OO
Mnln Moor Serm.
Hand Basp, 1.00
Odd and ends of new hand
bags: a mil clxan-up of bags
worth 1.50. 2.50 and 8.50: choir,
while they lHit, cai-h. 1 .OO
Main I'leor Kaat.
Coat's Six-Cord Ma-
chine Thread, 2 Dozen
Spools for 1.03
A wonderful opportunity for
drraamakera mid home aeam
atres.Mca to piircliaKi a supply of
thread: prlred for the dollar
sale, 2 dozen f pools ' 1 .OO
Main Moor-.. ..
O. N. T. and Silkine
Crochet Cotton, Per
Dozen, 1.00
A full line of sizes an. ci!ors
for this dollar sale, dorn, 1.00
A Mall or Phone Urrirrs.
Xo '. O. Il.'a
Main Floor South.
Men's Caps, 1.09
All wool blue serge and Import
ed Scotch tweed: worth 1.50 and
2.00; Tuesday, each, l.OO
o Mall or I'hone Orders.
No C. O. U.'a
fourth Floor Center.
Made-Up House Dress
for 1.00
Old Rosa, stamped for wool or
cotton embroidery! -reg-ularly
1.39: Tuesday. l.OO
t Third Floor Weal.
Women's Pure Thread
Silk Hosiery. 1.00
Foil fashioned; plain and fancy
clocks and lace effects. In col
ors; double heels, toes and
soles; all silk to the top. others
In lisle tops; so-called damaee
of 2.00 to 4.00 values; while 35
dozen last, per pair, l.OO
Mnln Floor
Infants' Cashmerette
Hose, 3 Pairs for 1.00
White, with pink tipped heela
and toes: sizes 4 to.6',4: first
qualities, three pairs for l.OO
Rnncmrnt Arcade.
Boys' Unn Suits,
In pray and yeager colors:
heavy flat fleeced; sizes 2 to 1(1
years, per suit, l.OO
Basement Arcade.
Women's Rib Top
Hosiery, "3 Pairs 1.00
In black and cordovan: mercer
ized: sizes S';i to lO'i; fine and
heavy rib tops; double heels, and soles; semMRshloned:
elastic rib top: seconds of 75c
qualities; special, three ratra
ror l.vo
Basement Arcade.
. Candy Jars, 1.00
Good, clear, pressed glass: dee
orated in cut design; covered
top: will hold a pound of candy;
special, each. l.OO
Fifth Floor Kaat.
Fine, Thin Blown
Tumblers, Dozen, .1.00
Plain and neat: good, clear
crystal: apodal, dozen. l.OO
Fifth Floor East.
Oven-G'ass Casseroles
for 1.00
Covered top: round or oval; the
iaeai ovenware and nice for ta
ble service: special, each. l.OO
Fifth Moor I,n.
Ruffled Voile Cur
tains, Pair, 1.00
500 pairs of them. 2i yards
long; white and cream; very
special, per pair, 1.00
Basemen I W eat
Fibre Rugs, 1.00
250 of them, in 27x54-inch sise:
attractive patterns and color
ings; special, each, l.OO
Baaemrnt West.
Engagement Extraordinary!
Braadeis brings Fifth Ave. artistry to Omaha for one week, begin
ning Oct. 3, in the person of
Miss Jeanne Lewis
Who, by special arrangement, comes to Omaha from the Fifth Ave
' Shop of Mme. Irene to be present during an exposition of new Fall
Mme. Irene Corsets
Nationally Known and
Admittedly Superior
Third Floor North
Continuing Tuesday
Sale of
n -a
Taff rtas, Sitins,
Gcorg:tte Crepe, Radium
Main Floor Center
Qur Great Linen Sale
1 Continues for Tuesday
Everybody should take advantage or this sale and purchase linens
for home use and for the gift season soon to come, A few in
stances of the low prices:
Linen Table
Linen Table Damask
Linen Tcwling, yard.
7.50, 10.50, 16.50 Maderia
Scarfs at.
8.00 Maderie Center Pieces
at 4.00
12.50 Maderia Napkins,
at G.9S
15.00 Imported Bed Spreads
at 7.98
2.98 Table Cloths, ,1.00
10c Wash Cloths, 3
Sample line of Irlsk Embroidered Dollies, Scarfs and Center riece.
Main Floor South
. WWwv,x;WSS .
i cn his right arm.
Tt. Wayne, lad. -