Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 02, 1921, Page 6, Image 6

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. . ruw uvw. miAllA K1IM1AY. OCTOBER !. 1921.
Carmen Balloting
Over Whether to
Take Strike Vote
Interest Lagi During Morning
Actual DmImoii on Wage
Cut Atlion Depends
On Itault.
Vutiu? by union ret carmen
jrMcrday on the iue of whether
or not to take a Mrike vote in re
sistance of 12 jut cent wage tie
cree, effective yesterday, iccmetl a
tit cU-Kultory.
The carmen utraegleJ Into 'the
labor temple in cr"uP ol two and
thrrf. A continuous meeting, with
union officer on the platform, .wax
kM from 9: JO until noon. Another
reeling liehl last night to en
sile larnun workintf lay f vote.
Leucalcr Hai No Word.
R, A. I culler, general manager
of the ctrcit car company. ak!
imiou leaden had not communicated
with liim cince a conference with
hint and W. A. Smith, company
president. last Wednesday.
Since that conference the carmen
have voted against accepting the
wage decrease announced ly thi
company. Although notices that
carmen's wages would be decreased
7 cents an hour, starting today, are
posted in car barns, the men went to
work this morning as usual, company
cflkials said.
, Announce Result tonight.
A. II. Hurt oi Denver, member
A the international executive board
o the street car union, said the vote
y whether or not a strike vote
should be taken would be counted
ast night and the result announced.
Mr. Burt would make no ;redic
ion of the outcome of the voting
,-csterday. In case the men favor
i'.king a strike vote it will be called
for the fore part of this week, he
State Manufacturers
Urge Speedy Passage
Of Tax Legislation
t ii i
Chicago, Oct. 1. Speedy enact
ment of some form of taxation by
congress was requested in the resolu
tions of the final session of the con
ference of State Manufacturers asso
ciations today.
: The resolutions asked that the tax
sftion be "sufficient to provide the
necessary revenue of government
economically adminsteed." Other
resolutions called for an end to the
appropriation of United States
money as subsidies or aids to state
tml local government because of the
esulting confusion of national and
local finances.
.The conference also urged a "de
cided reduction in freight ratei as a
accessary step toward a revival of
business," and declared that to do so
"it is necessary that the railroads
be relieved of paying a higher wage
rate than prevails generally in the
communities through which they
pass and are paid by similar corpor
ations doing similar work." :
Bandits Rob Cashier
Of Fashionable' Club
You Can Roll 'Km If
You Choose, Says Hoard
R.ill 'em if jou want to. irl.
nat the word Iroin lite welfare board
Police and C of C. Fail
To Agree on Accidents
September did not mark a new
a the previous rctru-trrtns
month with J4 motor accident. A
re-check of July showed, however,
that 84 automobile accidents occurred
that month while the recoid tor
September wai (A.
trr revealed 64 reports of motor ac
ridentf, or nine more than the trai
lie safety committee figures,
The traffic committee figures on
deaths and injuries ala fad to co
incide wnh police figure, the Irat-
r;.,.,r a i.,h Aut .rwtAv -bv he commi t ive tne numuer oi m
ircord for automobile accident a .!.. ,ra)n. M(r,y committee how jur4 at J7 while Mice uport
In Ie Moines the nolie? matron' the fiiiuriiloiilv 55 accldeuts for Senumbtr but ihow six severclv injured mm m
lance halls, but Omaha will attempt iI!l!!!l!lJlrJdJ5L ?
to enforce no such regulation, ac
cording to Dr. Marry l'oMr of the
welfare board, Mayor Uahlman and
I'olice Commiiionrr Dunn.
given inn 'in vcMigaiion at police Iie4dguar-1 Mhilr "'i"rcd' ttit'p
.bow to deaths, while the trafiie
committet reports but on.
TIittr Koblxry Siuprct
Kutr Not Guilty Ilca
Joe Sliniwell, charged with being
one f the three men who broke into
iK Strand theater i4ie and ttok
$jf'H the;ht of member 6. was
arraigned before District Juilne I'iti.jthe future, lie was sentenced to th
gvrald vr.ird4y imd enirred a lr county Juu ir ju flays y wwiki
oi u..t iliv ude U n- ' ertlay on chart
oi ut pji'ln iV( ,hi(, hf M ,nooyej Sylvia Lane,
j 16, who works in kewpie doll fc
Clltiiuman 90-Day Senteiit'H lt.-ry at M South Thirueiiih street.
Tor nnm!p" (iiri Cut tu SO' ;i"t: f"t ,,ow" M ntcne ta
Sing Cliii.ainan. will ' tmnt t rn M-ntencrd to "0 days in police
careful in addressing white pile in 'court Ut June and appealed.
Redick Upholds
Day on Defective
Appeal Bonds
Rules That One of 68 Ordered
To Pay Fines or Go to Jail
Hy Judge Day Must
Do So.
DiMrii Judge Redick yesterday'
upheld District Judge L. C. Day's'
decision of several days ago, de
claring deiective the appeal bonds
of OS defendants given in police
Charles Saap. one of the 68. who
has been convicted before on liquor
charges, fought the decision of Judge
Dav because under it his place at
1.M4 Pierce street would probably be
closed up for one year, injunction
nroceedines having already been
started by County Attorney Shot
well. On his last offense Saap was fp
fined ?100 in police court. p
Under the decisions of both these p
district judges. Saap and the other 67 p
sland convicted in police court with-Up
out power to make new appeals and pis
must cither pr.y their lines, serve J
their sentences or. appeal to the s,l'
prcmc court. Jtlf
Saap decided to da the latter, after -
the ilfcision by Judge Kedick. Judge
Kcuick also dismissed aap s naneas
corpus action, fought by T. J. Mc
Guire. special attorney for the
school board which is interested be
cause it gets the fines imposed in
police court.
)BMaaaWpl,l-, Ikr
I . limes totebeammu t atMffm, 1
llain and Frost Promised
For State the Coming Week
Washinjrton. Oct. 1. Weather
predictions for the week beginning jp
Monday are: Upper Mississippi ana
Lower Missouri Valleys Cool and
generally fair, but with local rains
over southern portion on Monday
and over these regions Wednesday
or Thursday. Local frosts probable.
: Chicago, Oct. 1. While, a police
man stood less than 50 feet away,
two armed bandits raided the Illi
nois Athletic club at 4:30 this morn
ing, robbed the cashier of $337 and
walked out while 2Q0 members of
the club and their guests were
asleep. - .' -
Policeman Martin Collins was en
gaged in conversation with a chauf
feur when be was startled by the
screams of a chambermaid who was
leaning out of a second-story win
dow. The policeman saw a cab dash
away from the club, but could not
jvertake it. ! , .' , ,
Both bandits were fashionably
dressed and the policeman mistook,
them for belated members, of thi
club, as both spoke pleasantly. The
officials of the club, of which Mayor
Thompson is a member, believe the
robbers were former employes.
Zimman's Shirt Sleeves
Fail to Hide Lack of Heat
City Commissioner Harry B. Zim
man sought to dispel the, chilly in
terior of the city hall yesterday
by breezing around in his shirt
sleeves, conveying the idea that the
temperature was . too warm for a
coat in comfort
The steam has not been ; turned
on, wherefore most of the women
workers in the building were wearing
their furs. . ; -
Commissioner Zimman is respon
sible for maintenance of the city hall.
He doffed his coat this morning for
psychological, effect, he explained.
Sadi Le Cointe, Aviator,
Slightly Hurt in Crash
Etampes, France, Oct. 1 (By The
Associated Press.) Sadi Le Cointe,
the noted French aviator holder of
the world's speed record, was in
jured and his airplane was smashed
when he made a forced landing in
the first lap of the Deutsche De La
Meurthe cup race Here today.
Le Cointe was first to take the air
and had made splendid time for the
first 50 kilometres, flying this dis
tance in 9 minutes, 33 4-5 seconds, a
new record. His injuries are under
stood to be only slight
September Bank Clearings
$12,000,000 Above August
Omaha bank clearings for the
month of September show an in
crease of nearly $12,000,000 over the
clearings for August, although con
siderably under the clearings for the
same month last year. Clearings for
September this year were $176,484,
953.84: clearings for August were
f 164.935.947.91: and clearings for
September, 1920, were $245,510,191.69.
This week's clearines were $35,-
103272.80; for last week, $38,371,
- 288.25; and for a year ago, $53,557,-
524.60. t : - . -. .
A beaver coat has a border and
cuffs of platinum goat The sleeves
snri honr of the coat are made in
one ar-d the bottom border fits close
Lyko Makes
Hope a Reality
Lyko brings a new view of life
to the weak and debilitated. Hope
springs again in the once discour
aged mind. Strength and courage
reappear and the man once more
takes his placo among those who
enjoy vibrant health and energy.
TlMOrcatOaMral Tonic
tsndstoputthe "human machine"
in perfect working order by help
ing to restore tnc
bodily functions to
their normal activity.
It regulates-ihe
boweli. prevent! conatipa
tion. increases theappetite,
stimulstss digestion and
tones up the system in
A Hygienic Remedy
,e' Lyko ! manufactured
in we most nKmeru w
oratoriesunder themost
hygienic conditions.
And every bottle is
tested as to the thera
peutic value of the
compounded drues.
Thephjrsiologieal effect
of its components is
recocnlzed by medical
Ask Your Druggist
Make the teat today of Lyko if you need
a laxative tonic. See for yourself how soon
a few doses will relieve yon. Sold only in
original pacluresat all leading-drug-store.
SoU Mannfactrnnr
New York Kansas City
i or f---e oy riaaton jurug co..irony, litji
and Farnam atreeta, and all retail dnifgists. ;
Made of 16-18-20
and 23 os. best
eleaa 100 per cent
sure copper. No
solder inside; ail
older outside. The
can screw is five
inches in diameter. Large enougn for
hand, easily cleaned. These cans are
built to last a lifetime of strenuous
wear. Erery part the spout the can
screw, ete. Is IndlTidually. solidly
and perfectly fitted..
Specifications. Price List
Si-e Diameter Betght
2 gal. ay, in. 11 in. S 5.00
4 gal. HVa in. 13V, In. 730
6 gal. laValn. lS'i in.
8 gal. 13V, in. IT in.
10 gal. 14V in. 18 in.
IS gal. 14y, in. 22 in,
20 gal. 18y, In. 24 in.
2Sgai. 19',, in. 26 in.
30 gaU 20 fa. 30 in.
SO 28 In. 3S in.
S-S inch soft copper tuMns SOe per
foot. 1-2 Inch soft copper tubine 0e
piv foot. These tubings are cut In
It and tl-fnot kaiths. adapted for
hot water testers, stesst vaporizers
and automobile cas feed pfpes.
Packed la atrcne plain wnodnt
boxes. Shipped by Am-rlcaa Bail-
wsv Kzpreea. Send dieft cr wooer
order to corer or we will ship C. O.
I. Orders slnwed ra nay as re
c'rM. To Shws: Writs for our
price list ha quantities.
The Maxwell Konln Ce, Not Inc.
SC4S W. Mswlsea St. Bask J7
9. SO
SO .00
40 Tears of' aon-st sjerrfcwdlstni
your rusrsntee of -"-r retisH.l,ty.
There are seven Hartman Stores in the U. S. A.
One in Omaha! Promptly at 9 o'clock tomorrow
morning a new era of low prices becomes effec
tive in all Hartman Stores. Prices are purposely
reduced to bring thousands and thousands of new
customers into these stores. Values will be ready
that positively defy duplication elsewhere.
If you teed furniture or borne furnishing:! of any kind
fcr economy's soke come to ycur Hartman. Store. Do
not feel obligated to buy just come in and compare
values and prices feel free to look about to judge for
yourself how,remarkably underpriced every article ("large
or small) really is. Despite the fact that stocks are now
complete early choosing has great advantage. Buy now,
save now pay later.
In addition to it:se unprecedented values you have the
privilege of taking a full year and a half to pay for what
ever you select! Think of it I You enjoy the comfort
pnd beauty of what you purchase immediately and can
take 18 lonr months to pay. Hundreds of thousands of
happy homes are furnished every year through Hart
man's liberal credit plan. Let yours be one of the thou
sands tM vear! Elections held free until needed
? Torrid Hot Blast
Has fuel-saving hot blast construc
tion. Large firepot, nickel tr.'w
mctl. Made of polished steel.
Dining Chairs
Of quarter-sawed and solid oak.
Choice of golden or fumed oak
finishes. Neatly paneled backs
and imitation Spanish brown
leather padded seats. Another un
usual value, each, at
Baker Ht
tj- y-g 1 nn
Rug Values!
9x12 size Seamless
Axni'mster Rugs, at
Gx9 size Axminster Rugs.
Special, at
9x12 size Seamless Brussels
Kugs, at........
Has 18-inch Oven
Here's a typical Hartman bargain
in a high-grade gas stove. A
guaranteed "Baker" make a
thorough baker in every sense of
the word. Has enamel door panel
and four burners. A regular ?45
value, special at
Brilliant Hot Blast
Has a tlnn hot blast construction
which In an important feature, aa
it is responsible for real fuel econ
oinv. Body of heavy polished atetJ,
mounted on cast Iron base. Nickel
trimmed. 16-Inch firepot.
aiEcisaii"!"" mmmmmmmtmwmmmMa mmim:
aa. . tS .
5-Piece Dining Room Suite ; :
Solid oak dining room set of solid oak, in golden finish.
heavy table that extends to six feet. , - mAfC
Chairs upholstered in imitation Spanish ;
leather. Complete for
PolycW'iie French Mirrors
These mirrors nre beautiful and artistic.
In upright and oblong shapes, in various
sizes. Finished in powdered gold, bur
nished polychrc v etc. All best plate
glass. ; They may" not last
long, they are such exceptional
bargains at
5-Piece Bedroom Suite
Consisting of bed, dresser, rocker, chair and center table. Full
size steel bed in Vernis Martin finish. Large A J7CI
dresser and, rocker, chair and center table to ? i'
M match in golden finish.
111 "o : "
Writing Desk
Oak wrltlnu desk In fumed or golden oak
finish. Has small com- a.a sops
partments for paper, pen- l I
oils, etc. Priced at only VssfV
ffifll ntTni iffH im
feRRrimn, ilhiSSHm Im
Sanitary Wood Beds at Half Price
In 4 ft. 6 in. size only.' Beautiful wood beds with sanitary steel side-rails in golden oak, fumed
oak, ivory, mahogany and walnut finish. The price represents a saving rt C
of over 50 per cent. Choice of many designs at only ..... ,...,...... , LiJJ
An unusual value, at. ... .
'll o ll o I U
Oak Buffet
I White Enamel Cabinet Base
0 Of selected hardwood, whits enameled.
.. Irga porcelain top. Draw-mf
g era and utensil cupboard a tt I W
m shown. A bargain at aJAsJsl V
This very sturdy solid buffet If built of
caretuny seieciea osjc in zumea iinias.
Has two top drawers, two
large cupboards and full
length drwT at hnttnm
Beautifully finished mahogany frames, upholstered ihblue or mul. $215
berry velour. Spring edge and loose cushions V
The "SeUers" Cabinet ;
High-grade kitchen cabinet in rolden
finish. Has china cupboard with dust
proof doors, flour bin. cutlery drawers
and ntensil cupboard. Easr-cleanlnt
porcelain top. ;
: Chair
Well con
s t r u cted
kitchen chair
finished in
water - proof
white ' enam
el. . Another
value, at
Stepladder Stool
Birch, natural finish,
varnished; one piece
steel braces; folds
automatically. Priced
Of aluminum. A regu
lar 1.50 value. Buy it
tomorrow forenoon at
Kitchen Table
With white enamr
eled base and
nickeloid top. Size
24x40; tomorrow
I . Simmons Wood Crib
tf Regular Simmons wood crib. In the neat
W Ivory enamel finish. Has An sjf
i steel drop side. Casn or
credit, at..... ............ ...T
High iC
Chair il l
H ardwood
high chair in
golden oak
finish. Sturd
ily construct
ed and capa
ble of givins;
excellent er
t 1 c e. H a
foot rest,
jeatljr de
signed back
Nickel Trim
"Sanico" Combination
The well-known "Hani" steel range. In
whits porcelain rniimv - it as
large caoklng aurfars and high
etoset. Guaranteed z ysais
Sixteenth Between Howard and Harney
m vita
s atoaat. Guaranteed Z rsais wavw . a z
$2.95 sixteenth Between Howard and Harney 3Eas:sMn3ES3
aroiui the hip,, '