j TUB BEE: OMAHA. SUNDAY, OCTOBER 2. Ml. d A T, - Even Babies in Alliance Aw Prrm nf P!?fv Man a otpv County Seat of Box Butte County Only Town in State To Take Advantage of New Law Five Months Use Proves Plan Success Saving in ' Expenses More Than Pays Manager's Salary. Alliance, Neb., Oct .(Special.) 'Why, even every bby born in Al liance it a booster lor the city man Ifer form of government." Thut did R. M. Hampton, mayor oi Alliance and president of the First National bank, express I in en thujiv in for the city manager plan of municipal administration, under i which Alliance hat operated for the lad five montht. Alliance, by the way, hat the dis tinction of being the only city in Ne braska which has (his form f city government. It hat a population of 5,000, and is the county seat t f Box Dutte county. The new government was chosen at a special election last January and became effective April 19. With a city manager and five councilmen, it replaced the old form of a mayor and eight councilmen. Sound Business Basis. "After five months of operation, the city manager, plan is no longer an experiment," continued Mayor Hampton. "The only experiment . any city adopting it will have will he in he selection of the right men for city manager. The system is also- lutely sound and will result in untold , m benefits to any city which gives it jF fail trial. Alliance is highly pleased with the results so far attained, and I am confident that the accomplish ments of the future will fully lustify our present faith in this new f-m of city government It is a vast im , provement over the old mayor-and-tf" council plan, in that the city govern ' ment is simplified and the executive responsibility is centralized in one mnn, the city manager, who i able to give us a strictly business ad ministration, the same as the chief executive officer of any other cor poration." The man chosen at city manager ry me live councimirn is . a Kemriiih. civil ensineer bv profes sion, who had previously held sev eral positions of responsibility. He was for several years assistant gen eral manager of the Lincoln Traction company and during the war he wis a consulting engineer for the gov ernment For two yean prior to his coming to Alliance he was general manager of the York Public Service corporation, which controls lighting and heating, ice, cold storage and ras plants in 16 towns in Nebraska. He lived in Alliance from 1911 to 1913, during which period he was superintendent of the light and wa ter department and superintended the biulding of the electric light plant. Hit present salary it $5,(XX) a year, with a yearly increase of $500 up to $6,500. Five Departments. Mr. Kemmish's first act after hit appointment wat to reorganize the city government by establishing five departments as follows: TI.e de partment of finance, department of public safety, which includes the po lice and fire divisions; department of public welfare, department of law and the department of public service. The latter department includes the water and light plants, streets and' alleys, sanitation and storm sewers and cemetery. His next step was to investigate the city's finances, which he found to be in such bad condition that it was necessary to adopt a policy of rigid retrenchment in order to save the city from bank ruptcy. He stopped numerous "leaks" in the treasury and reduced expenses to the . lowest point con- itrnt with progrtiv policy of government The tpin tf the "leaks" alone, according to Mayor Hampton, in five months hat sued the city more than the manttfrr' salary for year. Manager KemmUh has succeeded to a remarkable degree in bringing order out of chaos In the mai.a. mrnt of city affairs in the five months he hat been here. Hit suc cess has been such that even those who were opoted to the city manager plan at the start have been won over until the entire city is solidly united in its approval of the change from the former mayor-and-council plan. Divorced From Politics. Oe of the most striking cature of the prctent city government i that it has been absolutely divorced from politics. "A square deal ti-r all, regardless of rolitical affiliation, re ligion or social standing," is Mr. Kemmish's slogan. "Strictly a busi ness administration first" is another motto that is being carried out in all departments of the city govern ment Mr. Kemmish has adopted the policy of keeping the people fully informed of all that is being done in the various 'departments. This he does in a semi-weekly letter entitled "The City Manager's Corner,' which is published in the local newspaper, giving a full account of the deliber ations of the council and the work of the manager's office. Several yean ago Alliance tried an experiment with another form cf the city manager plan. The plan adopted then was created by city ordinance, instead of by state law, m the present form ia created. The powers of the city manager were not clearly defined by the ordinance and a conflict of authority between the manager and the mayor resulted, so that the ordinance was repealed and the city manager plan abandoned. The town of Chadron also tried the seme experiment last year and met with the same disastrous results. Alliance is proud of the distinction, it hat of being the only city in the state to operate under this compara tively new form of municipal gov ernment. It would be hard to find one voter in the city who would favor r returning to the old mayor-and-council form of government The citizens are highly pleased with ortant Oct. 3, Hum Will Remain Open Until 8 p. m. Because of the insistent demand of our friends and patrons, we are going to remain open until 8 p. m. each evening. This will make it possible for you to have a Solar Bath Treatment after business hours. You business men and women who cannot get away from your desks until 5 o'clock can now get a better service than ever at The Solar Sanitarium. - v,. v .:::-..' : We have put on extra assistants so that you can pome direct from your business and be through with your treatment in time for your evening engagements. ,f Modern, business demands are; so strenuous that most of us find it im- . " possible to keep in the best condition ' unless we give some attention' to. our physical well being. Many of Omaha's most successful, hard - working - business men and women keep themselves in a condition of health by regular treatments at The Solar Sanitarium. For further information, prices and terms for any special course of treatment or baths, write, call or telephone Solar The Home of Solar Baths . ,Nw Masonic Tempi Bldg., 19th and Douglas ", ' Omaha, Neb. Two Doors Watt of Fontenelle Hotel Telephone AT lantie 0920 Great Sale of I Fireplace Fittings Thi s Week A Timely Selling These Chilly Days This week we are holding a special selling of fireplace fittings of quality and charm. I Brighten up your fireplace with a new fire screen, andirons or a wood basket. These chilly days you - need your open fire. Come in tomorrow and make your selec tion from our complete stock, reasonably priced. , Andirons Fire Screens Fire Sets Wood Baskets Basket Grates fjSTABLTSRED MBS ',. ILTON krOGERS S AND SONS COMPANY Hardware " Household Utilities 1515 HARNEY ST. V CSC THIS DISPLAY AT 1406 EABMZT STRHST the rctulu vf the f.rt fit months! of the administration and frrl thai a prvgrfative step has been taken M the management of city atfairt. j lie are satunea wun tne cny manager pln for the simple reajon that "it works." New Airplane Field Will He Named fur Omaha Pilot The new airplane field in North Omaha will be christened after some Umaha flyer who !t his life in the war if plan of the officials of the Omaha Aero dub are carried out. Diicuitn yestrrday centered on naming the field after William l'e terson. who crashed to his death in France. The field will be christened Colum bus duy. October 12, by simple ceremony attended by city officials. huinc men and executives of the Omaha Aero club. 1'ilot D. C Bow en. designer of the Ashmucn Blue Bird ptanc, will take the first hop off from the new field. Guaranty Finn Trustee Suet Hank for $25,000 Robert Webb, trustee for the Guarantee Securities company, filed suit yesterday in federal court anaiiiKt the American State bank to recover $25,000, representing 50 PIANO Competition Bewildered. 1 pCSTtT Prices All Shot To Pieces Profits will not be con cidered this week. Room We Must Have The contractors that are remodeling - our building are crying for more room, so rather than rent storage space, we are determined to clots out every slightly used Piano and Player Piano oil our floors, regard less of price and terms. Do not allow yourself to be talked out of one of tfcesa. Genuine Bargains Uprights ....;..$ 95 135 160 175 195 225 235 Hazelton Bacftman Vose & Sons Lagonda . . , Whitney ,. . Vose & Sons Gramer Schmoller & Mueller 265 Price & Teeple.... 275 Chickering 295 Player Mansfield Player.. 240 MiHon Player..... 335 Schmoller & Mueller 395 During this sale we will let the instruments, prices and terms do the talking. Record Breaker A- small cash payment and $5.00 or mora a month will se cure one of these bargains. We will also make lowest prices and terms on our entire line of new Steinway, Hardman, Emerson, Stager & Sons, McPhail, Linda man Sz Son, Behr Bros., Irving and Schmoller & Mueller Pianos, also Emerson, Lindeman 4 Sons, Waldorf, . Solo Concerto and Schmoller & Mueller Player Pianos. " Out-of-town customers should by all means write for catalog and bargain list and prices. Schmoller & Mueller i!ii'Piano Co. Steinway Representatives am THE DR. BENJ. F BAILEY SANATORIUM Lincoln, Neb. This institution is the only one in the central west with separate buildings situated in their own grounds, yet entirely distinct, and rendering it possible to classify case?. The one building being fit ted for, and devoted to the treat ment of noncontagious and nonmen tal diseases, no others being admit ted; the other Rest Cottage being designed for and devoted to the exclusive treatment of select mental cases requiring for a time watchful care and special nursing. THE DUBLIN INN WINTER GARDENS Dancing and Hlrh Clats Entertainers Every Nifht at 8:30 Car! "Strappy" Effle's laugh pro ducer bulling all the tim. Cabaret conducted br "Strappy." the Popular Pep Producer. Admission 25 Cents 1 You dance free. - We serve chicken dinners at $2.59 per plate. Also sea foods and short orders. For reservations call Walnut 1894. Sixty-Fifth and Center Star ; DUBLIN INN CO, Props. . - Fred Myers, Cen. Mgr. Boys Caught Stealing Candy Weep at Penalty Arthur Case, 4117 Patrick avenue, and Thomas Keegan, 4JJ0 Durdrtte itreet, IJ and 12 respectively, began tearful journey on foot out to Rivcrvirw home at 10:J0 a. m. yes in day, Arthur and Thomas were chargrd with breaking sud entering. It was their first otlrnse and would be their Ukt, they promised Judue Scars in juvrpilo court. I sot Sunday evening the boys craved candy. The store of C V. Warhetd, Military avenue, was dosed, but they found an open transom, covered only by a scrrcn. They cut the screen, entered, and had about $7 worth oi candy, buiu and tohacco piled up on the floor when Mr. Warficld caught them. C of C Endorse Drive for Father Flanagan! Home Endorsement of the drive for funds to be staged by Father Flanagan's hoys' home was made by the ecu I tivg committee of the Chamber cf Commerce at its meeting Tuesday J. Uavid Larson, commistionrr I the Chamber of Coiumrrce, adviked Father Flanagan yesterday, Dates (or the drive have not been an nounced. Bee Want Ads t roduce Results, The Fashion Whim Which Has Aroused Paris to Enthusiasm Canton Crepe Knee Length Blouse Unique in idea; cleverly executed th: full success of the designers dream Priced at 10.00 to 29.50 Unique blouses which bear the earmark of Pans. This blouse when worn with a suitable slip makes a bsauti ful frock. The colors are black and navy with green, red, tan and white pipings to relieve the solid color. There arc six different mode Is to select from. Second Floor South ! i - P jf ' oronet Mats Now 10.UU Wa dsslre to call special attention to our Coronet Hat. Aa'you have been advised frequently they are now 10.00. The Coronet is made especially for us, and we feature It in all styles, for dress wear, street wear end sports wear; in tha new shades. See our black lace 'draped hats, charming in 'their dainti ness. Other pretty models are-feather or flower trimmed. In all colors and in all combinations; models may be found to suit the most fastidious. Don't for get to ask for the Coronet. The Coronet Hats ; Always 10.00 Second Floor East Cool Weather Specials for Infants' Wear Outing Flannel Sleepers White and colored stripes, with drop seat, open front and back; with feet; Q sizes 1 to 8 years, WX Ve also have Dr. Denton's 8leepers In slze3 from 1 to 8 yra. l.CO TO 1.50- Baby Bath Robes White, pink and , blue; made of Eiderdown with "I QC trimmed collar and cuffs, special, L,i'' Wa have new Corduroy Bath Robes For Children from2 to 8 years; O QQ navy and cardinal, special, ' il ' tfO Children's White Chinchilla Coats For either boys or girls hat to match; sizes 2 to 4; priced 6.50 T0 10.00 Babies' Eiderdown Robea In soft shades of pink, blue and white; always practical and serviceable; for babies 6 months to 2 years; 1 QQ special, .X.0 Third Floor East Fundamentals cn the Subject of Corsetry Women who have heretofore accepted un scientific and unbeautl ful corsetry as a "necessary evil" are beginning to question its necessity. The new Silhouette demands a corset, but a corset that reflects the new Silhouette. 1 The , success of dress this season will depend completely on the un derneath material on which it will be built. We realize the wide divergence In figures and tastes and are therefore in a position to meet the demand of all types. Oar corsets are correct, flawless, scientific. Our line Is complete In Madam Irene Corsets and we will be delighted to help you select the right model for your figure. ' Third Floor North is v ii MONDAY MORNING BEGINS OUR GREAT OCTOBER SALE OF , HIGH GRADE ROOM SIZE RUGS Substantial reductions from our regular prices. Every rug guaranteed for service and durability. Every rug care fully selected for beauty of design and coloring. The prices quoted are the lowest in years and in all probability the lowest for years to come. ' . " j ," As an example of the savings we quote the 1920 price on each grade. 9x12 Royal' Wilton Rugs'! 9x12 Seamless Axminster Rugs 9x12 Seamed Axminister Rugs 9x12 Wilton Velvet Rugs 9x12 Brussels Rugs . 9x12 Brussels Rugs 11.3x12.0 Extra Size Rugs, 1920 Price Now 125.00 75.CO 75.00 37.53 69.50 32.50 79.50 45.00 55.00 . 24.50 45.00 19.50 98.50 62.50 8.3x10.6 Royal Wilton Rugs 8.3x10.6 Wilton Velvet Rugs 8.3x10.6 Brussels Rugs 7.6x9.0 Axminster Rugs 7.6x9.0 Wilton Velvet Rugs 6x9 Royal Wilton Rugs 6x9 Axminster Rugs 1920 Price 115.00 75.00 39.50 : 49.50 57.50 -i 89.50 " 49.50 Now 69.50 45.00 17.50 24.50 29.50 45.00 22.50 50 c S a 1 e of Ro saries For October Is the Month of the Rosary Five-Year Guarantee Priced for This Sale Beautiful medium sized, imitation cut stone beads, mounted on gold plated chain, with gold plated scapu lar medal center, and fancy new design cross with heavy corpus. Decade beads capped with gold. Choice of Amethysts, Garnet Topaz, Sapphire, Crystal, Emer ald, Jet, Jasper and Imitation Pearl Beads. Each in a box. With each Rosary we give a copy of the book "My Rosary" which contains 15 colored pictures of the mysteries and prayers for .same, and explanation of the Rosary. Every Catholic should have a Rosary and copy of the book for use during October, the month of the Rosary. . Main Floors-Arcade Demonstration and Sale of One Minute Washers 110.00 Beginning Monday October 3rd. we will hold a demonstration of the famous One Minute Washer. Mr. Ciynch, direct from the factory will be in charge. The prices on all Washers have been reduced to tha lowest price they will be sold for this year. Double Tub Modal Formerly 125.00 Now Single Tub Model Formerly ' Oft l?tV 100.00-Ncw :. , Oi7OU Stave Leg Model Formerly ff ,83.50-Now at OeUU Terms If Desired During This Sale We Will Give a Case of Peat's Crystal White' 8oap With Each Washer 8old. , Fifth Floor West EB1S MS . a- Arranged Especially For Homelovers Is This Celebration of HOME CRAFT WEEK We Invite you to come and look around, particularly during Home Craft Week ' the week set aside for featuring Curtains. Draperies, and other merchandise of Interest to home build e,Vnv,h2me ,oveHf- We naye.a th0Und,nJ one novel and beautiful patterns on display. And which is equally Important, we also have suggestions as to the latest Ideas and the most effective ways of using the goods. . , r Horns Craft Scotth Ism Cartels A lsrm vtrlet? et Renalsssacs and Brussels patterns; plain and Bgnrsd curtains with Ws and - nn oovtlty borders; per pair, WsUU Vsiles and BIsrqul4ts Fine quality tnsrcerlsed; with drawnwerk border; in whits, cream M anit belts; special, par yard. tfC Baffled CnrtsinlBs Ftns quality mercerised vohs with full narrow ruffing- for lone or sash on. portslnm snn-lsl, per ysrxt OeC Irish Point Curtaias Our own Importations; mads of fins Swiss net. with Borders and beautiful cmsdalllon, 70 w 18.00 Curtain BfarusUette Dotted and flcured pat tarns: la white, eream and belcs; a yery popular tZQgt curtain material; special, per yard OiC Lac Window Panels Made of fine quality net with heavy braided and Marl Antoinette p fwv work tn white and ecru; each O.VU Saafast Materials Plain colors, in pink, blue. ereen and tan; suitable for srerd rapes I (( 1.W and bed ests; per yard Preach laeet and Marls Antalt Made of fine quality net. braided pa turns aal ma-' oalllon corners; our own nn Importation; per pair ' . delU Qaaker Craft Net Cartalna Pins quality plain anil agursd patterns and wide Q CA 04 fflT novelty borders; per pair Uedvt ej1 ,04 iD Qaaker ' Craft Panels Beautiful fiaured patterns la white, cream and beige; -e rn peclai. per panel ' leUU iraaaer "jrait art Beautiful an erer patterns; In white, cream and beice; per yard ' 1 (TA tte and ledU 8ixth Floor East