THE BEE: OMAHA. SUNDAY. OCTOBER 2. 1921. 6-C CtmifieJ JUvertistag - Rites It per Dm imm an mmrtt to lie I ItiHMH ), mmuii ew,s It pee HM pet Of, 1 tMMWIlit eyt II per Dm . It muMtiin oert No 4s tokta lot I Um total ( ft , These rate appl ettaee u I he Dan. r Bandog Bee. All H" to Mta taaraiaa on) dally pep lw Ik uee (tun OOMTBACT RATES ON APPLICATION Wtal d hmmmI at U M'awtM W-M I MAIN OKKICE ITta aad Farae. tta. " . .... Itouia lia St Conned Bluff.,. I k,mi at. WANT AO KtCHTID v moNK ATLANTIC lt TUB BE! Ill Ml M MMHIHt Caff ore taae en tnrrt lawruoa of aa adrt4st ordered for or tUa aa (in CLOBINU ROUM 0 WANT ADi Exeaing C4Htea). lit A.M. Morang Edition... f at. Bandar Rditle) . M,l4inMit MONUMENTS. Beautiful Memorials And Monuments. Our Rntlra Strwic Now Offered AT I'ltli't.S OHKATI.Y REliUCKD. Writ fur fr istslug, or vian our display room Art Memorial Co. Atlanilo MM. T4 South Ilth Bt. CEMETERIES. FOREST LAWN CEMETERY. . An Ideal location )ui north of elty lliniia anil weal uf Florence wlta mile (if niateiiani pavement 12 acre I'vr prlual cor. Not opera ltd for profit. OffU iit anil No. CU Limit. City nffira. 7iu tlianrlele Theater. CARD OP THANKS. U K wl.h to ihanK tha I. '. O. F. Hearon I.o.Ik. No, :o, I. II, K. W., Hencli .'m. M. W. A.. Nebraska Power rnmpuny aud empto) anil our many friend and neighbor for their knldni-e ami aym palliv ahiiwn, and for tha beautiful flor nl offering al the death uf our be. loved hualiaiift, aon utid brother, Karl. Mra. K. A, Petersen. Mr. HophU 1'etei ain, I vkI Petersen, Alfred Petersen, sirs. Kether Mmlwn, Mra. Mary Kern. UK with to expr our heartfelt llianka lo our frlenda fu' their many exprn elone of eympnlhy anil floral ' tribute uifored at the iltuith of our dear mother. MtAnilrewa and Family, FUNERAL. DIRECTORS HULSE & RIEPEN, UNDERTAKERS (formerly at 701 South SUteanth Bt.) Have moved to 1214 rUMMINCI STRF.ET F. J. STACK & CO., Succeaenr to . Stack A Falconer OMAHA'S BEST. I'lKRCHA Uf DTTT A MOTSERVICM -HA. 0064. Thirty-third and Farntm. HEAFEY & HEAFEY Undertaktra and fSmbalmera. Phone II A 8M. Office mil Fnrnam H)K AMMULANCK call MA rkel uu Korlako Funeral Home. t3d and U Sta FLORISTS. - T t?T? T A"DT,fl".T l14 Uousmt Ph. Doug. 1344 .IOH1 flATH. 104 Farntm Jackaon H04. T Hemlcraoi. I r.u? Faniam. Jackaon 12S8. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Blrtha. Juatua and Francea Heaaler, 211 South Twemy-alxlh atrect, hoy. ' Ucorita and Oeorgle Tattereon, 1331 South Twentieth atreet. boy. John ami Anna Mlllan, 4005 South . Thlrty-lth a.ret, boy. Clement and Bortle Emory, 4108 Hamil ton elreet, boy . Olen and Ouata TWeon. Fifty-fit at and 8 etreeta, boy. Clyde and Matilda Bcnnatt, 1320 South Twenty-ninth street, girl. ' Arthur and Cathttlne Sautter, 203 Has kell atreet, boy. DrathK. Anna Ebrlght. 63, 6411 Leavunwortlt atreet ' ' , ,, , Lucille Oertrndn T'unlay, 11, houplttl. Anna PerlliiRer, tl. honplta). ' Ouatave Kmll Shukert, 6(i, hoavltal. Charlet J. H. Brand, 34, hoapltal. - Mary KrlBbaum, 12, S40I South Thirty tlghth ttreet. . . Mary Jane Jarman, 12, 2413 Spencer atreet N William A. Oreer, 78, 122 North Nine, tcenth' atreet. . . Nora Aahmuaaon. 41, hoapltal. 'Leonora Antoinette Dieti, 87, 410 South Thirty-eighth ttreet. ' ' Henry W. Byera. 74, 8640 South Thirty ; fourth atreet. ,u . Beaaie Kllen, 21. 8718 North Thirtieth atreet. ' MARRIAGE LICENSES. The following personl wert issued per mtta to wed: ....... v5 ; -;. Alflo Cnrmarl, SI, Omaha, and Mary i Mad, 22, Omaha. Howard V. Vore, 22, Omaha, and Opal Demon, II, Omaha Frank O. Paraona, over 21, Omaha, and R.x Amy Parker, over 21, Columbus, Neb. Clinton Tebblna, 25, Sioux City, la., and Margaret Oarman, 23. Omaha. v Wilbur Shaw, over 21, Harlan, la., and Ellen Curvirt, over 21, Omaha. Waltor L. Lunqulat, 21, Omaha, and - Blanche M. Foster, 81. Slous City, la. LOSTOUND AND REWARDS FOR ARTICLES LOST on atreet cara tele phone Tyler 100. We art tnnioua to ra ttort loat artlciet to rightful owner. OMAHA. A COUNCIL BLUFFS BT. RT. COMPANT HKWARD S. 00 for return of traveling bag and contents, taken from Ford Coupe, east T. M. C, A., Friday. No ' queatlona caked. . 1121 City National - Bank mag LOST In South Omaha Wednesday, a pocketbook; contains bills, eyesiaaees, addrena book In the owner'a nam on front Pge. Reward. Leave at Be of flce, Addrena Box Y IMt. Omaha Bee, l,OST-A brlndle bull dog 4monthaoldl bobbed tails liberal reward. A. B. Nel son, xoza ot. warya jv., i. LOST Brown Boaton bull dog, tag NO, 3644. Anawera to nam ot "Boole. Ho ward. Call Webster tin. LOST Rear axtt assembly of a car. .Rf ward, wainui eves, LOST Envelope containing I deeds. It reward, tail wensier "PERSONAL- TUB SALVATION Army Iitduatrial hom solicits your old clothing, fumltura, masaalnea We eolleot We distrihtita. - Phone Douglas 41JI and our wagon will call. Call and Inapect our new homt, 1110-1112-1114 nodgt fit. AN't'ONU knowing Oeorge W. Mossurter, former employee Oate City ice Co., ' communicate with Kenneth S. Finlay- eon. attorney. First Nat'l Bank Bldg. Mia atteatatlon to will sought to ba proven. ' WANT to hear from owner having farm for sale: give particulars and lowest price. John J. Black, Nebratka -St., Chippewa Falls, Wit, MASSAGE and scalp treatment, E3s Pax- ton block. Fifth floor. HATTIE Put man. Nubone Coraet Shop, 102 Ksrbach Block. AT. 2113 BAT IT WITH FLOWERS FROM HESS A 8WOBODA. 1411 FARNAM STRKBT KENT HOOVER vacuum. II up Har. 1071. Elcc. baths. Swedlxh masxage. Web. 2)11. EXPERT massage. Douglaa 1549. MASS AUti treatment. 311 Neville Block, ANNOUNCEMENTS. Accordeon Pleating CCO R DION. aide, kuifa, tunburat. bog pleating, covered button all alna aad ttylet; hemstitching, plcot edging, eye let cat work,, pennaota ' Ideal Button and Pleating Cew 11 Browa Blk. Jackaon 113. NEB. Pleating A Button Co., IIM Faraaal St. 2d floor Douglas 147 Con tractor-Pain ting. BRICK plasterer and cement, new aad repair work. J. Naa. Walnut 4SH. Repairing and Painting. . PAINTING and papw hangfag. - Vebatel If?, - -ceA s-fr.. , - .-t- fAPERHANGNQ, Interior palatine- Phono vaiasit tt. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Chiropractor. vr. franc. H. Turner, III Thealee Mldg.. Atlaatie III. Dancing ActdtmUa. I.KARN TO DANCE RIGHT Mlidrsd Matia leech all aunehee d.nring, SI.mIi Mflang Hidg. fMj, 4TH Keep a -III! Famam. aura malboda, o paaaoo.b a rata. Pa III Vc Vina txnoinf lei-rine rtrmm, rwiaa ll fill M(1lAir a, fancy, claaala. ballroom. tuiuivjr Mil Hodaa Wi, AT. IIM DttCCtiVMe flatl Hallway Bf. Ultfa.. JA tM. HUht, KM Kit Dettctivtt. lalacllva Bu'aau, 104 Navlllt MIH All. HBIl nHht. Wal. 4im K. . JAM.B ALLAN, Hi'NtvUI III KvlOanra a.turM In all eaara Allantl 1111 Drciimakinf. Fi nn. ault. draaaaa ramod.lad. ralln4. II. o. I.AMKK and children atwlnf, llarn.y 4011 Kodak Finishing. Ml. MM devainped; prtnilni and enlarjint. Writ far prlraa. Tba Cnaign Ca 1407 Howatd St. ENI.ARUICMfciNTB, all coloring, d.v.loplnt,, Kae. Studio, 111 Navlllt Hlk, Pstent Attorneys. PATENT ATTORNEYS J W MARTIN, patent alty., 1111 Dodaa Printing. Kildy rrlntlti Co.. Ill B. 13th St Phon. Dotiglaa 1047. Fine commercial printing Milccllaneons ' Announcements. DIM0NI)S Se.W.h.SS to tay back it tmall proM, UROSS JEWELRY CO. 411 N. lllh St. Unuf lea 1141. OMAHA PILLOW CO. made over In ntw tick at half tht price f new beda, 1107 Cumlna. Jarkaon 1417, RAZOR BLADES aharpened. Single. Ilei double edge, 4(e dot. Hall ordert ao llclted. Omaha Sr.wrp Co., 101 N. Ilth. JOHN TAFK SAXOPHONE SHOP, repair. Ing and tuppllea, lot Leriang Uldg. Ig. 1471. HiiUKRS Confectionary Hioia. 14tb and Famam St., .lackann 1117, W1I1TKLT, lire and radiator man; re. a prlrea: work guar. 1211 8. Ilth. DO. I40S. Kl'l.l. dreat and tuiadoa for rent. John Feldman. 1 N. Ilth Bt. Jackaon 1118. NEW ..end rebuilt electrical apparatus LrBmn Electric. Ill S. 12th Bt.. Omaha. ITALIAN CAMBIO; LIRE 1,400, 140.10. J. TRIBULATO. POUOLAS 4221. OAK DININO ROOM SET. CALL HAR. NEY 7114. CALL Herman the Olatlrr. Kenwood 4701. ALL klndt of hauling. Webster 4001. URITT Printing Co.. 1 Hike Bldg. FOR SALE. Furniture and Household Goods. FOR BALK. SECONn HAND FINR CONDITION. Waahlng machine. sewing machine, tireless conker, ice chest, git ttove. gat IliniW. writ. liu k n,...... - table, clotheg hnrae, itep ladder, garden rlag. 1 beda, I mattreaaes, mirror, small ruga, donr mat, porch chalra, rncKins: coair. cnniofiiwr, iini iun MONnAT TO WFinNBSDAT, 6112 CSSS Bt. nninm . , Tl .. , 111. a niul.l. W.alt. Ing Machine. Less than half price; now In storage at Omaha Van A Stor age company. 1th and Leavenworth. Call Douglas 41111. or A. P. Heggblade. DOUglas STai. aunnay xirtrn.y wn.. TRUNKS Baga Why pay two middlemen profits? Ttuy from fac tory direct - Send for Free Catalog. Acma Trunk and Bag Faotory, Spring valley. 111 WE are offering complete furnishings of . . . . . i . . . i M(.i,, . , . our noma in rieiu ciuu uibiu, . sacrifice; will ba glad to make sale Sunday. Call at 1104 8outh 3th Ave, FI'RNITITRB, glass, linens, china, pic Mrea and other household gooda. white china for docoratlng: afternoon. Mra T. M. Orr. 133 South 3th St. COMBINATION bookcase and desk, small tnhle and alx chairs, oak, suitable for . office or home. Call at 720 B, 22d St., after 10 a. m. . . ARTIFICIAL Eyes fitted at. horn, 2. Booklet free. Denver Optlo, III Bar. ' clay, Denver, Co , DININO room tet, Outler etk, phatrt, . bookcase, secretary, botiw, ri chins, mirror, Webster 1108. THREPi new bed comforters, silled with . ..n.T.luk 1027 imeni ruuo'ii nw.ic, . Hamilton, wainm , FOR SALTS A good regal pslacs base burner, call Douglaa 7414. Sunday' or after p. m ECLIPSE gss range, ohlna oloset and dresser, smi w. pstn ot. wnnm .my. 2 GOOD drop-head tewing machines, very cheap. Jsckson 0517. 718 S. 24th, FOR SALE Canopy top gas range and aae plate, new! half price. Harney 8276, FOR SALE Dark oak dlnlag table and 7 chain. Webster Q4l. BASE burner and aleel rang for sale. 1S1 Miami. ' DANDT g stove, 116, Harney 1711. Pianos and Musical Instruments. J&5.00 DOWN . Buy on of these b.tutlfui phono graphs and a lelectlon of records. W have cut prices and term to the quick on 80 high-grade slightly used phono graphs, and in addition will glv Abso lutely free a selection, of record with eaah machine.. Read This Partial List We. Have Many Others. t2 Vlotrola, and tight election, Jit. .140 grafonol and 10 eletlofi, 3. 1100 Teleton and II attectlon. 147.60. lilt Path and II ejection, 0. t io Vlotsbla and II selections, IS!. 12t Orafonola and II teleotlons, $70. ' Do "not delay. Call tomorrow If yott are Intereated in saving money on tht . purchase of a beautiful phonograph. Schmoller &Mueller Piano Co., 1814-lt-ll Dodge Bt. Phon CO. 1121 OEOROR 4. SMITH Dealer la drum, xylopho n, t., Instructioht, repairing Addrta t?ll Davenport St. for catalog. Phon Harney IMT. Try amiia peoai. VIOLINS, bow, string and repairing at lowest prlcta Matthtwf Bludlo. Dourlst Blk.. Opp. Htydena AT. toll. Clothing and Furs. Buy Your FURS Save ! Direct from Maker Our direct from th factory service saves you one-fourth and In many in atancea If. W eliminate tho profits of JebLei.w and a great margin ot the retail' profit. Our atock of Coat, Wrap. Capes, Coatees, Stole and Choker 1 complete enough to glv a teleotlon to most vtr led tsate. Inspection Invited. Charles J. Goldstein Fur Co., ICth and Douglas. Otsr Fry' Shea Shop. - Tel Jschson 1131. Mail Orders Solicited Sstisfactlon Guaran teed or Money Refunded. . FoR sale, a few unclaimed, all-wool "Dun dee" ultL cheap, alteration free. Mivntra wnot.cM MTT.IJL Northwest Cor. IStn and Harney Bta, FURS remodeled, rellned and cleaned. KNKETER ALASKA rtIR CO., B. 18th St. Donalaa Till. .Typewriters and Supplies- TYPEWKlTEKS AND ADDING MACHINES. : -All MAKES bought, told, rented and repaired. Sot agent for tk CORONA. Oat oar price before yon bay. Evary machine guaranteed. Central Typewriter Exc Jckson 41241. lflf Farntm. WE bay, aall aafoa. mak desk, show aaaea, etc Omaha Fixture A 8upply C n. W. Cor, nth aad Douglas. JA. 2784. MtscallaMous ArticWa. FIVE h. p. gasoline engine with or with . oat tracks, either Wsbeter m sane to er battefiva. Descrtptlca and price - ftrr aished by retara mall. Box X-.fc. Ome ha Bea. - FOR SALE. MiKclUneoua Artlcita. SEWrNG MACHINES Wa rab rpMr. a.11 aaadlr ad aartt MICKEL'S lllh and Harna lulaa tt CTaMuNU rim, IW rarat. bUia" whila, in. auluirly parfwti wundarful barfaln; aae. ritlea, Ijii; alau S rarai diamond rial, perfect, 1 1 in, Dug X-W, uiiiah IWa. )auila !. I'DTATOKB fur aala In tar Ma. Now ahlpplni labia ohloa, aaekrd or bulk tuut irnaaiadi. If inwtrited wlra M, 0,Harman. Ilamlnaford, Nab. riFTKKN H n1 tha ma waniilkund roK HALB OR ItEVT Irf.lilti huuae. J ruoma, lurbiaaau, ia floor. iti vum Int Bt, Lli.lbKK at low l rloaa: kludilni dallvaraj kICKLIN LUMBRH A WRKCKINii CO.. Ilth and Burdalta. tvab.iar ' BUTTKR KMT "popcorn poppar and ! nut rotator rhaap. IVoodinta Lata. Com.toik, Ntb. FUH BALK 4'ar luia applet and liutatoct. Kv.rrtt S. Bmlth, Balaia, Nab, SMITH motor wheel lor salt at a bar gain. Call H. 4017. WANTED TO BUY. DESK'S DESKS DESKS New dtakt, need de.lte bought, told and traded J. C Reed. 120? Famam. P. 1144 WANTED SITUATIONS. Male. OKNKRAL merchandise clerk wanla o altlon. Ka-aervice man, ata II, Minalei I years experience. Rcferenoea, Addreaa not Y-llll, Omaha Bee. ACCOUNTANT poaeesaing Inlliatlve nnd etecutlvo ability, deeirea ion at auditor or bookkeeper. At pretent em ployed but wlahet to make a change. Box X-14. Omaha Bee. PORTER or Janitor wanla work. Wl' lots, Laundry and Day Work. EXPERIENCED laundreaa wanla day work, waahlng, ironing and cleaning. Webater 19 J. HELP WAN'l ED MALE. Store and Offices. CLERKS II upward, for Postal Mall Service, flto month. Experience un necessary. For tree partlculara of ex animations, write J. Leonard (former Civil Service examiner). fOt Equitable Bldg., Waahlngton, D. C. WANTED Hundred, men, boya, over 17. government railway mall clorkt. Steady work. 1136-110 month. Ll.t poaitlone free.' Writ Immediately. Franklin In stltute. Dept. 121 T. Rochester. N. T. Professions and Trades. THREE BILLION DOLLARS More than aver before will be tpent thlt year on auto upkeep; big opportu nities; make 1150 to 1400 monthly; be come an auto and tractor expert tha Rah.-Way. Thre big schools, Chicago. Ontario and Michigan Blvd.) Kanaaa City and Cincinnati. Special aummer reduced tuition rate. Writ now for big book. Henry J. Rahe, Dept. 2131, nearest tchool. NO strike, no wage cuts. Be an auto motive electrical specialist. We teach you starting, lighting, Ignition, battery building, repairing, armature, generator, magneto work. Every detail automotive electricity. Area test tchnol, flneat re sults Position waiting. Join fall rlaee es. Pre booklet. Writ todsy. John son's Automotive Electrical School, De psrtment 10, 73f Broadway, Denver. MEN wanted to qualify for Firemen, Brakemen: experience unnecessary; transportation furnished. Writ W. Boggesa, Bt. Lou:.-. BR a dectectlve. Orsat demnnd. Travel. Experlonce unneceasary. Write Dept. 10. A. merles n Detectlvt System. 1840 Broadway, N. T. BR a detective, 160-1100 Weekly; travel over world; experience Unneceoaary. American Detective Agency, 718 Lucia, St. Louis. WANTEDA flrtt-cltss steem fitter, union man only. Apply to 1411 South 18th. Atlantlo 128. BE a detective. Big pay; easy work; w show you; writ Wagner, 188 East 78th St.. K T. MEN wanted for detective work. Ex- Jerlenc unnecessary. Write J. Oanor, nrmer t?. 8. OoVt Detective, Ht. TajuIh. sfrtLER riARBic'rt coLLebat 110 6 141 h. Writ for ostalot Salesmen and Solicitors. RUSH SEASON Now here, our active men gottlng big business. One more live wire "Go-getter" needed for Nebraska. Well known line, established 20 years. Nationally advertiaed staple goods selling to re tell storss. Unusual selling plan get you the order. Extraordinary commis sions, liberal advance to producers, W. T. Morgan, tnlea mansger, 120 Euclid Ave, Dept. 101, Cleveland, O. BUILDING MATERIAL SALESMEN In Omaha territory for hlgh-clas spe cialty. Want to hear from a steady, ambition salesman now emoloyed vis iting all regular dealers. Our' product la real seller of unquestioned merit. HUNTZINOER ADV. AND MANUFAC TURING CO., KANSAS CITT. MO. TRAVELING) talesmen; experienced men that are not afraid to work country townt to tell trult beveragei In kaea; exclusive side line. Thou traveling in auto make enormous money; com mlasfon contract, with ffiO per week drawing account to those who can pro duce. Red Cross Mfg. Co., 117 N. Flrat St., St. Loult. Mo. WANTEDExperlenced talesmen to tell on commission, the best business ttlm nlators on the msrket. Alto Crockery, Glassware, Enamelware, Alumlnumware, etc. Liberal commissions psld weekly. Exclusive or side line. Old established house, Reference, either Dun or Brad street's. Eagle Supply Company, St. Louis. Mo. WANTED Salesmen who are ambitious to clear from 1500 to 11.000 per month; exclusive territory In Nebraekai nme. thing entirely new; glad to hear from alc-nen any place who are hustlers: propa-dtlon has merit nnd gives every or clean deal. See ua Tuesday and an timo thereafter. Room 225, Hotel Lovsl. Omaha, Net). WANTFD Saleamanaffer; to open office, organise crew 20 epecialtv salesmen to cover Nebraska on Kiddle Bath Tubs. Something new; rapid seller; big profts; exclusive contract Shmi.ld havn 11,000 tn 83,000 coital to flounce itttns. Address President, Paul Rubber Co., Salisbury. N. c. A-NO-1 SAT.fSMATf On NWRASKA AND K ANNAS. TO REPRESENT UH IN IN TRODTTC7NO A HIGH-GRADE CANE AND MAPLE 8YRUP TO THE TRADE, ADDRESS. t.FTOHTON CO-OPERATIVE INDUSTRIES. 721 FLOOD BUILDING. SAN FRANCISCO. CAL. SALESMAN for Nebraska Toung man with plenty of pep. who la willing to work; Our lino consists ot .Suspenders, Belts, Neckwear, Handkerchiefs. Car ters, ets. Glv age. married or single; ability, references flrat letter. North western Suspender Co., Det Moines, la. SALESMEN Sell greases and roof coat ing to accessory, garage, hardware, coat and lumber dealers throughout the at ate Opportnnlty for experienced salesman to establish permanent busi ness esrnlng 11.000 monthly. Premier Co.. 1181 W. ilth St., Cleveland, O. HIGH grade aalesmen for entirely new accessory for an automobile, Makes night driving safe. . Can carry In pocket. Every car owner buys. Fl's every make. Men who can stand hi proflta and stsy on job, Ray Filter Co., Marlon. IniL - SALESMEN to veil greases and roof coat ln7 to accessory, gsrsge, hardware, ' rosl and lumber dealers throughout ' stste. Salary and commission. Only exprelenced soeclatty .nlr-m-n n-d an Ply. J. J. Maetersoa, 1131 W. Eleventh St. Cleveland. O. SALESMF.N W want salesmen to sell our national! known Ruga and Floor covtrlng. Clean-cut men with pleas ing personality. Can be had aide-line, Giod commissions. Texnltum Co., Main and Ashlev. St. Louis. Mo. TWO salesmen ta represent our line of Vending Machines In . Nebraska, ex clusively or side line. Reference re quired. Unlvrre! Dlttrlbntlng Co., Chimber of Commerce, Minneapolis, Mlna. SALESMEN wanted: High-grade eyeclal ty sells for 12.01 to stores, offices- and house entire year. Profits up to 10 per ' rent. Send for convincing particulars. Mellick Manufacturing Company, 140 Wrlghtwood Avenue. Chicago, HI. SALESMAN with car preferred! to tHl dealer new . mil guaranteed auto tire. No seconds or rebuilt. Main or sideline. Experience unnecessary: 110 weakly easy. Harrison Tlra Factory, Hammond. Ind. MEN aad women, wanted in . every lo cality to Mil direct ta consumer, the greatett Improved car for chlld-en on market. Every mother- buv. Easy sales, bit commissions. Writ at one. Wester Mf. Co.. Boone, 1. SIDELINE salesman for Nbr'wa. for waiter - check for -reata jraata. lunch rooms, soda fountains, etc. Hl-8ped Check A Sale Co, Kanaaa City, Me. HELP WANTEDMALE. ' Salesman and Solicitors. aI.IlUKM tailing a asaeral eutM uvsrtil business avomlna. uur apeeisl bw)f oi. rail big seller. I" I renimis siaa Reptal orders On atmyt. Ifvaatl Fviorirs, Clncinoall. . MLKSvTan'ib' H.'"Tuntry l..ns wit'i ...methint gtw la iha r f a drink which sell aa sight, bit rem. rniMinn, itulusi.s terrliury, Miasaarl Nuve'tv Co., St, Utuia. Mm. aiUKl.r.VKi fateinatiiig new adwtll.iuj aiiecialtiea: goad mminiesisn; si1 r. rl.snis good prospts. u pe.'.as ir samples. Bpsplslty lt. Co, 1st Wetra Ave, Mlttneeeolls. Winn. OO-UKT. HW alma wamsd. I'.r J coiiiniiseiiin. sslimg Must' prepsr-d was to d.slers and Inatiiuilona. K. It. Moor A Co, II East Via ilur.a, Chi. ago, kinMLINK Salesinsa A asw adv. ape.' 1. 1. ly and asw aale plan. A real IrsJ. stlinulalar. Ilia cominlaslonsi paid promptly. Oond-WIII Adv. Corp.. Almont ai iiesg IT., inqiansuniis. 8ALFSMRN "of" seller clee"i "cail oaPh7 tlilana and dentlela. Immediate, peiin. nent, remunerative work. Stats age. ei- rience, p. o. nog ill, ransu.ipnia, SIDR Una salesmen Allrartive propoei. Hon for live men: li lo i:i eommis' slnn esch order; full credit on repesta, csnrieid Mfg. Co,, 4i uroaaway. im cago. IT MILES oar aallon made with new pat ented g. saline vaporltse. Writ fur particular. Slransky Vaporiser to, I'ukwana. S, D. BALKSMKN Seaaon opening. 11.00 Ford henier. Sell garag aad owners; sample 11.81 with territory. Application blink. National, Inc., Toledo, Ohio, WANT KI Saleamen calling an hardware and Implement trade. Side line. No earn. plea. Addres Bos-It, Sheboygan, Wla. Agents and Canvassers. Wa want men and woman who are desirous of disking ?l lo 10 per week clear profit from the (tart In a permanent business of their own. illtcneiie siaais jsarvei Waahlng compound washo clothe potlrsaly clean In I lo If minutes. One hundred other usee In every home. Nothing else like It, Na turn mightiest rleanaer. Contains no lye, lime, acid or wax. Paatest aelllng article ever sold through agent. Free aainplea maka sale easy. Enormous repeat ordsra. 200 per cent profit. Ex. elusive territory. We guarantee aala of every package. No capital or ex. perience required, Baker. Ohio, made leoo last month. Tou ran do a wall. Send for free sample and proof. I Mitchell A Co., Deak 43, 1101-1114 K. 1st. Chicago, III. TAILORING agenta; wonderful all-wool, one-price line; retail per ault; 110 lo 110 cheaper than retail price; you collect profit at one; w ahip C O. D. to customer for balance; exclu sive territory! hustler wanted; none other considered. Writ fully; state experience. Sales Manager, 111 Weat Adam St., Chicago, III, AGENTS Sell Mlntmead for tires and tuboe; oonts le repair! vulrsn Ixlng, aave 100 par cent. Kv.ry auto and accessory dealer buys. Profltt are amaxlng. Shaw mad 121 flrat day; Hart, fill flrat week. Particulars -and free ssmples. The Continental Rubber Co., Dept. O, Philadelphia. Pa. AGENTS Men and women. Beat thl. Plummer banked MlS.tO In 10 dsys telling snappy Una of Allan made-to-meaaure raincoata. Big profits. No capital required. No delivering. Sell ing outfit tree. Writ quick tor full partlculara. Allan Manufacturing Com pany. Dept. 4t, Louisville. Ky. AS grower agent w offer fin large Early Ohio potatoe. unlrrlgated, In car lot at 11.22 per bushel, delivered East ern Nebraska polnta; subject to inspec tion. Ask for delivered price on applea and eabhaxe. WICKHAM BERRY FARM, SALEM, NET. NO DULL TIMES IN FOOD BUSINESS People must cat. Pleasant dignified work, paying 120 to 176 weekly for mas or woman In each locality. No ex perience or capital required. FEDERAL PURE FOOD CO., 880 Archer, Chicago. RAINCOAT agent. 10 a week. Carry eample line and wrlto raincoat orders. No delivering. No capital. Famous "2-in-l" reversible featured. Sample free. Parker Mfg. Co.,. 1.723 Call St,. Dayton, O. AGENTS "Varnl-Lae." . Thla la the moat wonderful aeller; putt A whol new Coat on an old automobile for ft.00. Ex cluslvs territory. Send I0! for 12.00 can. Republic Products Co., Prospect build ing. Cleveland, Ohio, ' . AGENTS Big money taking order over coat, pant, blanket direct woolen mill to wearer; no deliveries; no cap ital required. A knockout. Donahue mad (27 flrat day. Complete outfit free, Tylor-WlK, 1740 N. Paulina, Chicago. AGENTS, year round work, 1300 per month. Full or part tame. ?erfot Com fort Hosiery, guaranteed to wear or new hose free. Write quick. Control your county. Sample free. Jennings Mfg. Co., D. 808 Dye Bldg., Dayton, Ohio. DUPLEX TRANSFORMERS on every auto. Save gas. . Easily sold. Ex clusive distributors wanted. Low prices. Big profit. Addres President, 2312 Sta. C, Omaha. Neb. AGENTS Wonderful aeller, 160 profit very dollar tale. Deliver on spot. , unnecessary. Samp free. Mission, Factory 7, 1811 W. Pico, Lo Angeles, Cal. - 1100 TO 1300 monthly distributing cof fee; spar or full time. Guaranteed quality; tell leu than retail. Experi ence unnecessary. Ooldman Co., 340 River St.. Chicago, A BUSINESS of your own; make spark' ting glatt name plates, numbers, check : erboarda, medallion, signs; big lllus 4 trated book FREE. E. Palmer, 133 Wooster, O, AGENTS 860-2200 week. Free samples. Gold algn letter anyon can put on atore window. Slg damand. Liberal offer tn general agent. Metallio Letter Co., 411 N. Clark, Chicago. AGENTS wanted to advertles our gooda and distribute free (ample to con turner, too per hour. Writ for full particular. American Product Co., 4117 American Bldg,, Cincinnati, O. AGENTS wanted to sell made-to-measure union overtults, work and ; outing clothe to consumer. Quick aelllng good, exclusive territory. Union Mfg. Co., Qulncy, III. WHY work for other? Mak and sell your own goods. W how you how. Free book, exclaim sverythlna. N. H. Laboratories, 625 Main, Richmond, Va. PORTRAIT agent, 14-hour service on prints, finished work and frames. Write for wholesale catalog. E. H. Roberts Portrait Co.. Kansas City. Mo. AUTOMOBILE accident prevented by new Invention; costs agent 82.60; re tall at 17; wonderful self-selling plan, Carl Brown, Dept. 84, Columbus, O. Miscellaneous. ' IF YOU WANT WORK com in and u. Wa hand all kinds of work. Clerical, factory and killed trade. Com in tnd list with us. Free to employer and employe. EMPLOYERS' FREE EMPLOY. SERVICE llll Harney St. Atlantlo 2300. BE a RAILWAY TRAFFIC INSPECTOR' $110 to 1250 monthly, expenses paid after 2 months' apart time atudy. Splen did opportunities. Position guaranteed or money refunded. Write for free booklet, E-271. Stand. Business Training Inst.. Buffalo. N. Y. DO YOU want to earn money In your spar tlm? W have a wonderful of fer to make ambitious men and worn. n no previous experience necessary; no money required. Writ today for plans. American Produots Co., 4724 American Bldg., Cincinnati, O. MEN" Year round work. 1300 per month. Full or part time. Perfect Comfort Hosiery, guaranteed to wear or new hose free. Write quick. Control your county. Samples free. Jennings Mfg. Co., D. 1H08 Dye Bldg., Dayton. Ohio. MAN to work this city reflnlahing chandeliers, brass bed, automobile, by now method. 110 daily without capital or experience. Write Gunmetal Co , 174 Elm. Decatur. III. MKN Age 17 to 65, experience unneces sary. Travel; mak eecret Inveatlgatlone, report. Salaries; expenses. American Foreign Detective Agenay, 476 St. Louis. STOP dslly grind, start slivering mirrors, auto head lights, tableware, etc. Plana free. Clarence Sprinkle. Dept 44, Ma rion, Ind. HELP WANTED FEMALE, Stores snu Office CLERK Typists. 18 upward, for govern ment departments, II 10 mnntl?. Previ- . out experience unnecessary. For free . particular of examination, writ J. ' C. Leonard (former Civil Service ex emitter), 0f Equitable Bldg.. Washing ton. D. C. BECOME a beauty speeclallet; we want ladle In every town to mak ff.lo or more a day giving OIn Eden Beauty treatment; no experience necessary we t-acb you free. Write today for full partlculara. SEYLER LABORATORIES, DDt. li?, Cincinnati, Ohle. WANTED Expe-lenced stenographer, farm bureau of.'lc, Platto Center. leb. . Stat experience, glv references and ' ' elate salary wanted in first letter. Farm burtaa. riatte Center. Neb. - II ELP WANTED FEMALE. Stores and Office. UIHT.S lit lakeup aaanhaad. Ivpewrillind, bavkkeeplag ,ela t'eraal ,r.liu.lian Veu ran .uallf au Till. ProUa,ona and Trad. WANTED! 25 GIRLS TO WORK IN ICING DEPT. APPLY SUPT., LOOSE-WILES, 1202 Davenport. W'ANTriD Iridic lo Irara barber lieUo. Special rates snd Inducements T hlJ.'ITT WARM K II :oi..KOI. KXPEniKNcieU Gordon feeder. 410 Hwmler Bid. Saleewomen nd Solicitor. LADIES Do your own hemstitching, or for others. Attanhtnent Ills srry ma chine, lilt; buttonhole altsih., It; hand embroiderer, ft.! embroidery needle, 1 1.1" Agents wsnlcd K. Stephenson, Box 111. Kansas City, !' AVoNCB-FlveTbright eapabla ladlea' I travel, demonstrate nd sell d.slera; 140 to 17 per week, railroad faro paid. Writ at one. Goodrich Drug Co Dept. Ill, Omaha, Neb. Household antjDmeitjc. WHITE girl for gensral housework, small apariment family of two. Phono liar, pay 3:i, between houra of I a. m. and II 1. tn. WANTKIt Competent whlta girt for rooking and general bousework. UA. l'. WANTED A houaekeeiier an farm. Writ Herman Kurpgeweit. naaiaon, hid. Boy. WANTED Office and delivery boy over 1 years. Apply Monday. 1121 Flrat Na tional Hank Hldg. Miscellaneous. GIRLS WANTED NOW FOR STEADY WORK In various department of the Snow Whit Bakery. Good pay to good work ers. Must be ll year old or over. Apply at onca to Superintendent office, third floor. ITEN BISCUIT CO. 13th and Capitol Ave. WE HANDLE ALL LINES OF WORK. Coma in and Hat with lis. Faotory work, clerical, stenographer, bookkeeper or domeatlo work. Free to employer and employ. EMPLOYERS' FREE EMPLOY. SERVICE. 111 Harney St. Atlantic 3200. WANTED Immediately, name ot girls, women, 'over 14, wishing government poiltlon. 11.100 year. Steady. Answer today, Addres Box Y-1H64, Omaha Bee. HELP WANTED. Male and Femala LADIES wanted, and men, too, to addreaa envelopee and mall advertising matter at homo for large mall order firms, spare or whole time. Can make 110 to 135 weekly. No capital or experience roqulred. Book explaining everything mailed for lOo to cover pottage, etc Ward Pub. Co,, Tllton, N. II. BTRAIOHT talary; $35 per week and ex pente to' man or woman with rig to Introduce Eureka Egg Producer, Eureka Mfg. Co.. East St. Louis, III. WANTED Man, ladlea and boy to learn barber trade; big damand: wage while loarnlng; atrlctly modern. Call or write 1402 Dodge Bt Tri-Clty Barber College. EDUCATIONAL. DAY SCHOOL NIGHT SCHOOL. Complete course In accountancy, ma chine bookkeeping, comptometry, abort band and- typewriting, railroad and wireless telegraphy, civil eervlce and ail 'large Ulustrstsd catalog. Addreaa BOYLE8 COLLEGE, , Boyle Bid., Omaha, Ntb, English and commercial branch. Write, call or phone Jackaon 161 for LEARN tire repairing and retreading; aleo tub repairing and all rubber yul canlxlng IN THE ONLY EXCLUSIVE TIRE REPAIR SCHOOL IN OMAHA. ' Three weeks' training: 126. Write or call, . NATIONAL TIRB SHOP. ' 17th Street and Capitol Avenue. W do not ll vulcanising machinery. Van Bant School ot Buslnes. Day and Evening Bohool. 120 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Dougia tflo. BUSINESS CHANCES. Learn of the Vale of Paradise Where dream come true. Till wonder city i having a magic growth, and a million dollar in municipal improve ment ar authorised for thl vrar. Ev ery kind of bualnes opening hr. W have seventeen mile of protected water front, with gorgeously beautiful home site. Wonderful home. Wonderful vel vety lawns. Wonderful flower In aeml tropical profusion. Fishing tuprem. Every day you can catch the big fel low until your back ache And your I nana blister, raraaia tor motor ooats, with hundred of mil of protected waterways With wonder spots to visit. Flneat motoring road in tha south. Bathing in bay and gulf wondarful. Healthiest city in America, with na bus iness for doctors. Greatest golf course In AmerlOA under construction. Coolest place In America in aummer, delightful In winter. You may own a beautiful home here, with a perpetual income, at practically no Investment. Grasp tho opportunity of a lifetime. Address THE MAYOR, Valparaiso, Fla. California Opportunities. ror . ft.uu 1 win put yuu in uircci communication with owner of Cali fornia lands, homes,, mining projects, enterprise, business opportunities, etc., thereby saving you hnndrede of dollars In brokers' and speculators' fee. 80 years' experience. E. L. Fesler and L. W. Miller, Stockton, Cal. LARGE manufacturing corporation want capable men to open brancn otiice ana manage salesmen; (300 upward necea aaryi handl your own money; exclu sive, rights; patented article; money making posslbilitea unlimited. Will pay expentet to Baltimore If you qual ify. Addret Secretary, S43 St. Paul PI., Baltimore, Md. WANT partner for Omaha branch eatab- lished line chemical specialties, sen readily to druggists and physioiant. Big mall order plan. About 1600 capital re quired and good references. Capable man can earn ever 1100 weekly. Sea Fred T. Smith. Hotel Keen. WANT to hear from owner having busi- nes for sale. J. C MoCnnney. Ter mlnsl Bldg., Omaha, Neb, BAKERY shop doing good business and In good location; must sell on nccouni of poor health. 4014 S. 13th St. FOR RENT ROOMS. Furnisned Rooms. MOST desirable large bedroom suitable for two. East and south fronts., well tarnished with beautiful mahogany, convenient to car Una 388 N. 41st Ave., Walnut 157. NICELY furnished room, near Methodist hospital, modern home, close to car. 37u4 Hawthorne Ave. Walnut ZSfll. 1 COMFORTABLE, heated room, suitable fur gentlemen, reasonable. 810 S. 21th Bt 2643 ST. MARYS AVB., 8 or 3 nicely fur nished modern front rooma Douglas 4482. 1124 DODGE Beautiful mahocany and white enameled furnished ruom with 4-poiter bed. stssm heat. 3328 Myrtle Ave. A very dguiraMe room for one or two gentlemen. With bath privilege. Harney 310. NEAT room, private home, gentlerueo. Good neighborhood. Harney 1388, CLOSE in. nicely furnished room adjoin ing bth. walking dtataace. AT 3511. TWO furnished rooms, breakf3st If de sired. 1923 Locust Webster 6992. I21t St Mary Ave. Two large pleasant rooms, all conveniences. AT 400. DESIRABLE furn. room, close to Central HlBh and Creihton. Do. S7SH. TWO furnished rooms: breakfast and din ner If desired. Web.ter 4313. 141 B. 24th Deairabl frJnt room, aultable for two. walking distance. PL:A8ANT room In . Dundee, Vmluut 344. NICE furnished room. KB. 6140. FOR R E NT ROOMS. rurniah(j Room. Ni. IXY fr.,i.h.a".ui laisidVliib'd. dillun. Ilsraey tl.l i;t HOI Attle Niielr turiil.h.4 rooms, few in in mes lo any part vf twa Mi KI.Y I mm. bed limit 10.111, vlwea in, 1"l IM piUsle fsinil,, l'h iwfl winter,) rentenl.nis, fn rte lino llsrney ! lo. Siri! sieephi tnu till Ituuglss. llouaekegping Koum. Ill PASK Ate, ia i.f.esd eoupla, "la 1 1 ream wtih kilrhen.Ke, eluset. runnip'r Hetki'is dlsisnee Harney ITnl. FIVH furnished bouekvplna ruems In Miadeia heme Phone W .baler lldl, tattings and Sunday. LAHOK modern limit rimm. Complete fur housekeeping. Kit JIT I or tt K lull. TWO housekaeplre ronis, parity fur pi.hrd. nearrer line Wri, 1147. 4 Nli'FI.Y furn. hitueekeopliig rots. at. It It leieiihsne eervlie. WA. J0l, MOt'KHN " houeeiniep'ln and Bleeping room, Web.ter tiil. M 1 l I : II N huuaekenlng rwina, everything furnished, rlo-a In. Harney fell. NICK modern hou.ek.ep n J rooms 10 em. ployed eoMMla 2;i I Sl Market 34U, 4 MOIii'MN rooms" Malister sbit," TWi"Ttnuekpg.rtna. 14 A. Sill" ' Dosrd and Rooms M ERR I A M HOTEL. Ilonm. larg. clean and warm. Meals, well thrv sre iliffrrenl. Alwsy surprising good. Horn, for business people. 10 South Jlih St. Douglss foil, LAHflK mom, with board, sullabT fur two. 111 Davenport. Atlantlo 1533, Ton8 Ho, "11th, Will board and room employed couple Jackaon 114 BOAR D AN "b It 60 M In tile horns. If k. Hit Hewsrd. Walnut 1477. Unfurnished Rooms. I KTKtCTLV mod.rma WA. 4l7" I ROOMS, prlv. home. WE. 470H, Rooms Wanted. k6r"renth6usesT f Unfuntifhed. NINE-ROOM modem house, lor.O 8. IKth Ht. J'hon llarney 2144 Bundays week days. Atlantlo 8:1155 6 ROOMS, atrlctly modern, oak finish; new 1-yoer'a, 600 rsah. Ill Urandeis Thsater Bldg. 7-ROOM modern house near 22d and Lo rust. 30. Hnmey 7842. FURNISHED two-room cottage. Call at 3S37 Ho. 23d Ht. EIGHT-ROOM modern home, located 1837 H. 18th St. Inquire In rear. FOR RENT APTS. AND FLATS, FurnlaherL PRIVATE apartment consisting of two furnished room and kitchenette, garage, ' nice Kounts park neighborhood, 3117 Wirt St Price 167.10, including heat, gas, light, water nnd phone. Bea it Rundav or phone Webstsr 4201, STRICTLY modern 7 -room and bath flat. .Newly necoraieu, to party ourm e rooma of furniture; rent 185. Inquire 131 So: 5th. L4S SOUTH 81 ST. coay four-room apart ment, private bath, heat, light, phone. Harney 4330. til week. VERY nice 6-room bunxalow furnished at 1474 Lothrop street A good home near Bherman avenue car line, weoster 11011. NICE furnished one-room and bath apart ment in Fata, flat and Farnam. 126 pes month. Phone Douglas 7716 Monday. LIVING room, kitchenette and bath to party buying furniture. Tel. HA. 3180 1063 PARK AVE. 2-room furnlahed Apt, reasonable. Harney 2472. Unfurnished. Peters Trust Company, Apartments Available NO. 2 KINOflBOROUOrt, 8531 Dodge St. Consisting, living room with wall bed. dining room, kitchen, hath and dressing room. Bent. .. .163.00 NO. 114 TURNER COURT, 31st and Dodge Street. consisting or living room wun wan bed, teparated from dining room by French doors, kitchenette, bath and dresalng room..... 170.00 NO. 25 MOUNT VERNON, 524 S. 31st St. Living room and wall bed, dining , room, alcove, sun porch, fine bed room, convenient kitchen and bath. One of Omaha'a newest and best building 15.00 NO. 4 MONTICELLO. (20 S. list Street. . Five comfortable room, vry con venlent and well arranged... 115.00 Peters Trust Company "Where Omaha Rents" 17th and Farnam Bt. Atlantlo 0644. In the Monticello and Mount Vernon Apartments. You Can still obtain one of tho very attractive smaller 6-room suites. This is a very convenient and comfortable arrangement, in one of the choicest building in Omaha, located in a good neighborhood; but convenient, at 180 626 South 31st St. Rent reduced to 195. Also a larger apartment at 1115; heated garage may be had In connection. . PETERS TRUST CO., "Where Omaha Rents" Atl. 0544. 17th and Farnam St. Peters Trust Company, WHERE OMAHA RENTS. WANTED TO RENT. COUPLE with child wants 2 or 3 rooms with bath and kitchenette. - Not over 145. Box X-63, Omaha Bee. FOR RENT Business Property. DESIRABLE office space in the Weed building; aultable for some large con cern. F .D. Weed, 310 S. 18th St At lantlo 0161. DESK epao. Including use of furniture, telephone and atenographer If dealred; good location; reasonable rental. 313 Courtney Bldg., 17th and Dougia St. GOOD store near 22d and Farnam; size 22x132. F. D. Wead, 310 S. 18th St Atlantic 0161. TWO stores at 20th and Pierce St.; size 40x6i; good location tor factory or shop. F. D. Wead, 310 S. 18th St. AT. 0161. MERCANTILE STORAGE AND WARE HOUSE CO., 11th and Jones Bts. SEE F. D. WEAD 110 SO. 18TH ST Garage. OARAGE for rent. 5101 Nichols. St Call Walnut 1566. ' MOVING AND STORAGE. FIDELITY "and van CO. STORAGE MOVINa. PACKING HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND PIANOS. REASONABLE RATES, REDUCED FRE'OHT RATES TO ALL PRINCIPAL CITIES. 1107-11 Howard St. Jackaon 028 FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separate locked room tbr household goode and piano, moving, packing and shipping. JEK1NS OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE. v(H fvnilh IKth. Dougia 41113. METROPOLITAN VAN and STORAGE CO. Owned by H R. Bowen Co Atlantic 1400. ESTIMATES furnished on storage A mov. Ing. Contract take by job or br. Glob Van A Storage Co., J A. 4331. AT. vliO. 520-24 North IStb St POULTRY AND PET STOCK. FOR lack of. room must sell choice regis tered Airedale dog II months old). 6il vw Star, a son of the winning Imported dog. Silver Illuminator. (Past puppy ti'e and a come.-). First dtaft. 60. gt him. Oliver N. Summers. 8345 R St.. Incoln. Neb. SCOTCH COLL)KS, Fox Tcrrlvrs. Toy Poodle;. pedigreed stock. re.iohble. Tarkay Kennels. 2102 South lt. s' tsUVI.0Viti. ill" rt."t "iVr. Wli'ili vt) .admin Jill N IH St, Walnut MMKAT .Tveiiit.. II l per Is lbs. d llveled 14 Salter. Ml N, IV it J A- III-' A UTO M OB!LEs"fO RS AL I HiiHleewkev inuring, ruanlag ardrr I liieiktntt ta ttHMlry 1 1 11 , I I after I or, 'analog order I Mata'll Imi'lm I 4-MI t. ruin taurine I Hunk Mesessw, ireptual raw till Inn I Msituual ,Mdler I HHlrk Track I fnrd gp daleg I ford Tearing ',,,.,.., I ImiI K .! er . . - . iliwa tea luxe iim 111 uiiinu j Atl 111. m 1- Mi It ' fu I.W 11 111 l.v. tru lrn, al. Huuglaa ti 1 aa 4 here to plrh tn ra A Used Car for Any Use. Price, wei never l they are today, Rtary man will own a rar la a short time. You will want your soon. Look over thl list before choosing, then let u show you those good bargains, W with to announc th re moval of our Service Station from 1714 Jnrkton St, to th second floor of our Retail Store at lltt Farntm St. We now can attend n all your rar needs at the lat ter address. CI1EVROLF.TS 1 1I7 40 touring 1 111 4A touring 1 1131 410 touring 1 40 sedan 1 FA aedsn ...... 1 "U" l-cyllndsr .. 1 21 4(0 100-100 7 no MISCELLANEOUS. I Dodgn lednn . 1 Ford roadster 10 71 COMMERCIAL. 1 Light delivery I Ton truck .... .6t0-t5 Chevrolet Motor Co., HA. 7210. 2151 Farnam Bt Open Sundsy, I a. m. to J p. m. Choice Used Cars. We are offering some excep tional bargain In .Choice Used Car and suggest that you Investi gate before yon buy. 1120 Big S Stude, Sport Model. 121 Special f Stud, Touring Demon. . strator. 120 Special ( Stude, like new. . 120 Chandler Touring. '. 1820 Special f Studebaker Sedan, 131 Scrlpps-Booth. ( 120 Ford Roadster. 11 Dodge Touring. 111 Dodge Sedan. 1917 Ford Touring, lflf Naih Sedan. 1917 Hudson Sedan. . 191J Bulct Roadster, The 0. N. Bonney Motor Company, STUDEBAKER DISTRIBUTORS. TERMS IJ DESIRED. . 2160 J-ARNAK STREET. Phone Harney OSTS. Garages Built by u av you rent money, are dur able, and guaranteed to be Worth the money, and can be built at low cost Get an estimate, let Us show you tome of our jobs, talk with our ouatomtr. Any price, any style. Phone Micklin Lumber & Wrecking Co., 1 84th fthd BurdetU 8U. Tel. WK. 665S. LOOK. At our out-door display of used cars at 19th and Douglas. s The 0. N. Bonney Motor Company. BAltOATNS In used car for sale or trad Let us glv you a demonatrtlon. VINTON GARAGE. . . -130 VINTON BT, AUTOMOBILE Owners, Garage Men, Me chanic, Repair Men tend for Tee copy of thla month's Issue. It contain help ful. Instructive Information in over hauling. Ignition troublea, wiring, earbu. retort, ttorage batteries, etc. Over 120 - pages, illustrated. Send for free copy today. Automobile Dlgeat, 165 Butlei Bldg.. Cincinnati. IF YOU WANT. A good uacd car. Visit our out-door display at 19th and Douglas. The 0. N. Bonney Motor Company. Hudson Super-Six. Model H, in Al condition, overhauled and a beautiful paint Job. Will tako Ford Sedan as part payment. Call Walnut 4403 Sunday and Monday. - BOMB bargalna tn used Fords: prompt delivery on new Fords. H-CAFFRET MOTOR CO, The Handy Ford Service Station. 16th snd Jackson Sis, - DO. eiOO. BUY A GUY L SMITH USED CAR. A Asfe Investment, l;th end Ferns m m Phone D !, BRAND new Dodge tnurin rar, used but three wedts. :4 Cord tire Call Hst nvy 1401 Sunday. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. FORI) IiUYKRS, ATTENTION. We have a few 1920 ami 1921 Ford touring cars, with and without starters, for sale. They are in excellent running order, having been kept in good shape in our re pair shop. We do not deal in Fords, expect no commissions or profits. Any reasonable offer takes them. See C D. Barnard, Drive-It-Yourself Co., When You Think of Used Cars Think of "Meeks." If you era In tha market for a Teed Car. why shop around? Vou runnitt afford to take a chance vtieti buying a I'sed Car, we are the largest dealer in th tut. Tak a glance at our apeclal for the coming week. These esre ars alt In A-N'uinber One rondl. llun, ready for delivery. Will lake In old car as part payment Terms: One-half nosh, balance Ut to be paid monthly. ll Auburn Tourlster. 1920 Puick K-4i Touring, 1 to select. 11 H-46 liuick Touring. 191 Hulrk Coupe. 11)11 Hulrk K-46 Touring. 1IIH Hulrk K-44 Hoadater, 1 to select. 1917 bulck D-41 Touring. lt! Cadillac tl-nnadater, 110 Curtlt Plane, Pn.a. 1910 Chevrolet K. B. Touring. 1920 Chevrolet Baby tirand Touring. 1918 Cadlllao 57-Tourlng. 111 Chevrolet 4-90. 111 Chandler T-Patsengcr. 117 Chalmers l-Pae., 1 to select. 118 Cadlllao, 7-Paaseuger. lti'O Dodge f-Paesetigor. Bargain. 191 Dodge f-Passrnger. 111? Davl 7-Passenger. Ill Ford Truck. 1930 Ford Touring Car. 11 Ford Touring Car. 1918 Ford Touring Car. 1920 Ford Sedan. 191 Glide Touring. 11 Haynea -Passenger. ' 191 Hupmoblle Touring. 118 Hudson Touring, like new. 117 Haynoa -Cyllnder. 1917 Haynr Model "37." 117 Hayne Chummy Roadster. 191 Lexington, -Paangcr, 191 Mercer Roadster. 111 Mltcholl Roadater. 111 Indian Motorcycle. Ill Overland 90 Touring Car. 191 Oldemoblle "I" Road. ter. 191 Oldsmobll Pacemaker. 118 Overland 75 Roadster. 1917 Overland Touring. 116 Overland 83-Tourlng, t to aelect Oldemoblle Chassis. Bargain, 117 Packard Twin "4." 1917 Packard Single "." 1917 Regal Model D. 191 Stut 4-Pasenger. 111 Stearna-Knight T-Pass. 191 Saxon Touring. 1918 Studebaker Truck. 1914 Studebaker 7-Pas. 119 O. M. C. Truck. 191 Repuhllo Truck. 111 One-Ton Traffic Truck. WE ALSO CARRY A COMPLETE ' LINE OF WINTER TOPS FOR ALL MAKES OF CARS. CALL JACKSON 4101. Meeks Auto Co., 2047 FARNAM ST. FORDS FORDS FORDS Th largest stock: of used Fords . In the. city. Over 15 to choose , from. Our stock Include ', TOURINGS ROADSTERS SEDANS COUPES TRUCKS ,1 . - :. ' . . : ; We are certain to satisfy you. Call a to price and terms. - USED CAR CO., OP AUTHORIZED FORD DEALERS. 205 FARNAM. A. 8. AVERT, Mantgsr. -STOP- At our out-door utcd car sal at 19th and Douglas. - The 0. N. Boney Motor - Company. WHY Buy before easing our out-door dis play ot used cars at 19th and Douglaa. The 0. N. Bonney Motor Company. 60 FORDS, BUICK, DODGE, NAHH OTHER MODELS NEW AND USED RENEWED AND OVERHAULED CASH OR TIME. 11 Nash touring ..1750 11 Nash touring ., ., 460 120 Bulck roadster 750 1118 Chandler touring..... 1G0A lttl Dodge touring 760 1920 Ford roadster, atarter 175 10 120 Fords, touring 1190 and up 1917 touring 123 114 touring 75 I 120 Ford coupe, atarter. .... .1100 450 122 Ford aedan. new. at discount. 1923 Ford coupe, new, at dieoount. 5 121 tew Fords, atarter. at discount. 1919 Stearns-Kntght touring , 175 1920 Ford edan 413 If you have a car to sell, we will buy or ? sell It for y,?u. Ford Bodies. Winter Top, Dodge, Bulck and other model. QOLDSTROM AUTO SALES CO.. Central Garage, Open Day and Night. 1318 Harney St. Atlantic "714. STUDEBAKER car in good condition, al! new tires, on extra; reasonable price; . leaving town. 2504 Adama St alar. ket 4471. JORDAN SEDAN, 7-paaa., (-cylinder, fine condition, only ll.00; must sell, as I need the money. See It at Hit Fow ler Ave. Kenwood 046. FIFTY need cara at cut prices; cash, time or trade; prices from fit to fuse. Ford bogles, winter tops. GOI.DSTROM S ACTO SALES CO.. 131 Harney St. AT. 1714. USED cars bought, sold and exchanged. TRAWVF.R AUTO CO. 221 Farnam St. GARAGE for rent, IS per month, jour car. Cell at 3'? No-th 4th Stor Repairing and Painting Hot-I.Y. expert auto trimmer all 8. 4th. Accessories. INTERLOCK Inner Hie and r-llnet d prevent punctures and blowout.- Vl tanitr Supply Co, 21: t'araaw 7