Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 02, 1921, PART THREE, Image 20

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    4 C
Public Demands
More Than Auto
Which Will Run
Luxury of Yesterday Becomes
Necessity of Today Speed
and Flexibility Require
meats of Popular Car.
America and American always
movs forward, never backward. The
standard of living in the United
Statet ritei ateadily. liathroom
and other thingi which were lux
uries to our forefather are the
commonest neceisitie. today.
So the automobile hit become a
Recently because it hai proved it
worth for ocrional transportation
and family recreation. When Mcj
Kinlev became orcnident there were
but four automobile, in the United
Statei. Today there are more than I
8,000,000. I
"N'ot only doei the standard of
living of the successful American of .
today require an automobile, but the j
taiulird of reauirrments for auto-1
mobile steadily rites," ay II. M.jCl,
Irupll nrrtiilrnt of the I'iiitfC-Dc- '1 1
troit Motor company. "A few years I
ago an automobile that would run
wa sufficient. Now the motorist
expect a great deal in the way of
performance. With improved road!
people drive greater distances and!
(!.mnnH trtppft. I
"The motor power that develops
pced is even more necessary in or-
(unary urivmg. iim i nj - ......
irto Paige six-cylinder motors. TK r.'l,,s on Why-Sol. a battery solu
American motorist of today want tion recently put on the market here,
to climb hills without shifting gears The firm will be known as the Why
and wants to weave through traffic gol Sales company and will be lo
without tduft'ng gears. On crowded- . ,.- . ,,. c:v,.,.,i.
ki.i,.,,.. want, tn W,f around. ,fd at '5 South Sixteenth street,
the car ahead and wants to be first
away at the turn of the traffic scma-
phore. l'aige cars are built to do
these things." i
Cadillac Production
Will Equal That of
. V C - DI ! The Why-Sol people have a bat
LaSt I ear, jayS tUCe tery solution which they claim will
revive any battery which has half
The Cadillac Motor Car company chance for life and unless the ep-
... . j . I. .., .u.,ii. arator are ruined, will put the bat-
r"tted.-?. P1?" .,c"1! tery in first-class shape within a few
J A .. t f n .1 . 1 I
lac' 100 distributors who git here J
at the factory from all parti cf the
type 661 Cadillac models.
"Indications from all parts of the
Country," H. H. Rice, president and
general manager, stated bcfoie the
convention, "show generally improv
ing conditions affecting the purchase
of motor cars.
"Business men can look for a more
teceotive mood from the buyirg pub.
lie from now on. We believe the
bottom has been reached, and tha
real recovery is actually in progress
tilmost everywhere". (
Brake Band Adjustment
Saves Wear on Tires
Properly adjusted brakes'' and
clutches constitute one of. the shott
cuts to tire economy. Auto owners
frequently find upon investigation
that one brake band grips hiore
tisrhtlv than the jBther. When this
condition orevaM the task of slow
ing the carwill fall on the wheel
with the tighter brake. This will
jtflifse the rear tires to wear uneven
Iy and the owner will be at a loss
to explain why one casing gave him
so much less mileage than another.
Sometime you will find improper
ly adjusted brakes on a new car.
$ut more often it follows the tak
ing up of the brake bands to com
pensate for wear. If this task is not
done carefully, one Dana wiu oe
tighter than the other.
Miller tire test cars have proven
that the clutch that grips too sud
denly will cause excessive wear on
tires as well as put an undue strain
on the differential and other parts
of the car. Aside from the big ques
tion of comfort, a car owner for the
sake of economy should always see
to it that his clutch engages grad
ually and easily. n -y
No One-Day Honeymoon for
James; He Seeks Divorce
Wichita, Kan., Oct. 1. A one
day honeymoon didn't suit James
Kasemos,. who filed suit for divorce.
Hw married in Wichita. January 31,
1920, and on February 1 he says his
wife left him and went to St. Louis,
where she stayed about three months.
When he wanted to know why she
left, she told him, he asserts, that it
iWas none of his business.
Grocer's Boy: "Well, mum, the
boss told me, if you came for any
thing, I should have to whistle for
the money."
Is the time to trade your old
Cadillac in on a later model 1
From purchasers of new Type ,
61 Cadillacs we have obtained
some Cadillac cars which are
wonderful values.
V7e h?73 Type 69 models '
borne like new also Type
57, 55 and 53 models in the
very finest of RE-NEW-ED
Only after the announcement
of a new model are we in
position to show such a line
of RE-NEW-ED Cadillacs.
is your chance to get a late
model Cadillac in RE-NEW.
ED condition and with our
guarantee. ' . -
A small down payment will
handle the exchange.
A Safe Place to Buy
Cadillac Co. '
New Haynes Model Attracting
Attention of Omaha Motorists
"irm urganizea in
Omaha to Sell New
Battery Solution
V. H. Sleeper, jr., who for the last
three year ha been general man
ager of the Omaha Blau Gas com
has contracted for the state
According to Mr. Sleeper, this so.
Union is being taken up very quick
ly by garage men throughout the
state. Their claims for this solution
are barked up by a definite guar
antee and they are making demon'
stratiens which prove quite conclu
sively that their claims are well
September Biggest Month
For Auto Service Concern
- Representatives of eastern factories
which manufacture electrical parts
for automobiles invariably spend
part of their day in Omaha at the
Auto Electric Service corporation.
They state that H. A. Wendland and
H. B. Noyes have one of the most
complete electrical service organiza
tions for automobiles in the middle
"Omahans and Nebraskans are
coming to appreciate a complete and
competent electrical service," states
Mr. Noyes. "We can take care of
any electrical difficulty in an auto
mobile and do the repair work in
our own shop. We have a complete
stock of factory repair parts and
never have to hold up a piece of work
because of lack of equipment. Sep
tember was the biggest month in our
Nash Dealers to
Visit Factory
Plans for Betterment of Serv
ice to Car Owners Will
Be Discussed.
Distributors representing the Nash
Motors company in various sections
of the country will gather at the
factory in Kenosha October 5, 6 and
7 to attend the company's regular
fall service meeting. The distribu
tors will be accompanied by their
respective service maimers.
"This is the time of year," said
Charle B. Voorhis, vice president
and general sales manager of the
company, "when all matters relating
to service arc discussed by the Nash
organization. Flans are formulated
and policies agreed on at this meet
ing for the betterment o service to
the owner.
"Service on the part of the dis
tributor and the dealer is one of the
cardinal policies of the Nash Motor
company; it is a factor in our gen
eral merchandising plan that has our
closest supervision. These service
meetings, therefore, with their frank
exchange of ideas and methods of
practice, have been extremely bene
ficial to the entire Nash organiza
During the period of the meeting
the service managers will- inspect
various operations in the factory. 1
Man, 30, Has Refereed
In 4,000 Ring Battles
Toe Wallis of Sydney. New South
Wales, claims a record as a boxing
referee.- formerly a boxer, ne quit
the gloves himself when he found he
was not destined to win the top
notch, and now, at 30 years of age,
he has been arbiter in nearly 4,000
battles, about 700 being 20-round
contests. His record was attained in
five years' refcreeing, officiating two
and three nights a week and often
in 14 bouts a night I
rissm-BMi-SI koto Co
33-35 FOURTH ST,
Dodge Brothers
. -.
Auto Prices Lower
Than at Any Period
Since Start of War
Automobile transportation, which
ir universally recognized as a t.eccs
tity today, is within the renh ol
more people with small incomes than
at any time aince the beginning of
the world war.
Take the Chevrolet line a an ex
ample. The new price of the Chev
rolet "Four-Ninety" touring car
$525 is $25 less than the intioduc
tory price of this model, fully
equipped, in 1915.
While the Chevrolet costs less to
day than ever before, it represent
greater value to purchasers.
It has been improved in construc
tion and equipment. Figured on i
basis of the value of equipment added
and improvement made, Chevrolet
"Four-Ninety" is sold today at a
price lower than ever before.
This also holds true of othei
Chevrolet models. Model "FB"
touring car is today listed at $160
less than its introductory price three
year ago. Chevrolet Model 'G" and
Model "T" trucks, also; have reach
td low price levels that have not
maintained for years.
George Van Brunt Goes With
Western Motor Car Company
Effective October I. George W
Van Brunt, former distributor of
Overland cars, sold out his interests
to the Willys-Overland company
and became actively associated with
the Western Motor Car company, of
which he is vice president.
Mr. Van Brunt, a graduate elec
trical engineer, has been in the au
temobile business in Council Bluff
and Omaha since 1903.
Motor-driven trench digging ma
chines taken to trance by the A. b.
F. during the war, are now being
used in laying a gasoline pipe line
from Havre to Paris, 126 miles
away. The pipe is 10 inches in
diameter and . can carry enough
gasoline to supply fans and all in
termediate points.
Admirer Comes
To Coolidge's Aid
When Car Stalls
Friend Paraphrases Cain
paign Slogan In Helping
Vice President Extricate
Self From Situation.
From far off Boston comes I
story about the nation' iccon 1 most
important executive It i. of ccursr,
sn automobile story and it throw
an amusing sidelight on the charac
ter of thii truly great man.
The first and only csr that vice
President Calvin Coolidge ever
owned i an Oldsmobile. which he
purchased while he wa governor of
Matsachusett. Hi first motoring
experience in this car is both inter
citing and amusing, and is still
talked of in Iloston motor circles
when his name is mentioned.
While learning to drive he stilled
his motor at a buy comer. A crowd
soon collected, larger in numbers
than the ordinary crowd, because
even at that time loolinsc was
Massachusetts foremost citien.
New at driving, the vice prendent
could not get the car darted. There
was a moment of embarrassing
ilence when an admirer stepped
from the crowd paraphrased C ool
ite's campaign slogan, which was.
Have faith in Massachusetts to
Have faith in the Oldsmobile. Cat.''
A big smile curved the lips of the
executive, while his friend stepped
on the starter and taking the wheel
shot him out of the heavy traffic
zone, it is characteristic ot the man
to keep his head at all times and to
rely on a ready sense of humor to
extricate himself from trying situa
In personal habits he is very dem
ocratic, having followed simple ways
and lived as a man of the people.
Luxudies have not been a part of
the Coolidge household plan. But
an automobile, he insists, is a neces
sity. In which sentiment he agrees
with President Harding, who re
cently declared that "the motot car
has become an indispensable instru
ment in our political, social nid in
dustrial life."
First Exhibition of New
1922 Gardner Car Is Held
First exhibition of the new 1922
Gardner car is being given by the
Western Motor Car company.
Charles R. Hanaan, jr., president of
the concern, considers it the best
car yet produced by the Gardner
; Dry Bearings
One cause of insufficient lubrica
tion in the bearings is found in ob
structions in the grooves in the
bearing holder. Sediment often col
lects in these grooves so that they
cannot perform . their appointed
function of carrying lubricating oil
to the bearing surfaces. An excess of
graphite if that be used with the oil
Sometimes producers the condition.
i tie Acoira
Suulebaker Car
Sets New Record
In Hawaiian Run
Circlet Island in Nine Hours
and Twenty Minutes, Low
ering Best Mark Ly Over
Two Hours.
Another Important addition to the
long string of notable records estab
lished by the Studebaker Light-Six
lias j.M been registered, this time
around the island of Hawaii, which
a stock model Light-Six touring csr
circled in the remarkable time of
nine hours and 20 minutes, smashing
the previous best mark by two hours
snd 10 minute. The 236.8-mile cir
cuit of the island was made on a
niiiht run. the start being made from
llito at 10 p. in., and the driver, Jack
Ness, checking back at this town at
7:20 the following mornina.
table reports forwarded to u. .
Bonney Motor company, Studebaker
distributors, refer to the run around
the island of Hawaii as a "trip of
terrors, with the roads in places ex
trcmcly difficult to negotiate even
for a car of light weight and far
more severe on heavier machines,
The Unlit-Six makincr this run was
the same car that previously lowered
three other time marks on the island
during its 3.000 miles of service. In
all these perforamnce not a single
mechanical adjustment was required.
J his car now holds all of the most
important records on the Island in
eluding, in addition to its latest
achievement, the folio wine:
Wainiea-Kawahae record, stiffest
climb on the island, a 12.5 mile trip
Involving an ascent from tea level
to an altitude of 2,600 feet. The
Studebaker made the trio in one
hour and 5 minutes.
Hilo to the volcano, an almost
steady 'uphill climb of 32 miles, in
54 minutes.
Waiohim to Hilo. in two hours and
II minutes.
Interest Evidenced
In Sale of Used Cars
According to J. H. Hansen of the
J. H. Hansen Cadillac company,
much interest is being evidenced in
the three-day used car sale which
started Friday of last week.
Mr. Hansen states that every car
in this sale was priced to sell and
that people who have looked at the
cars seem to realize instantly that
the prices are unusually low.
I he new Cadillac models are at
tracting so mut-h attention," asserted
Mr. Hansen, "that we felt the neces
sity of getting rid of all our used
cars in order that' the salesmen
might devote their time entirely to
the type 61 Cadillac.
"Keep the highways char of snow
make them 100 per cent efficient"
With this slogan, good roads advo
cates are going to make a concerted
effort this winter to boost snow re
moval programs. . I
HpHE Acorn Press, organ
ic ized in 1919 to fill a need
tor the better printing of
advertising that brings returns, wishes
to inform the public that they are still
in business and will continue to supply
the requirements of our large and in
creasing list of satisfied patrons. .
Your printing problems as applied to
getting larger returns from your invest
ment will be given personal and intelli
gent attention. 7
Concentration is the solution of future
business success.
Howard Street
Effective October lt, the Van
Brunt Automobile company will
discontinue as distributors of the
Overland and Willys-Knight Auto
President and General Manager
of the Van Brunt Automobile Co.,
will become actively associated
with the
Western Motor Car Co.
Farnara at the' Boulevard
WHY-SOL Battery Solution
The Wonder of the Age
Puts New Life in Your Battery
I will
Saves Time, Money, Inconvenience
The sooner you use Why Sol, the sooner your bat
tery troubles are over because Why Sol is guaranteed.
For sale by
Tilley Battery Station
"L" Garaco
2417 N. 24th St.
Reit Bro. Garage
. 6113 S. 21st St.
West Side Carat
3101 Q St.
South Sid Battery Station
4S2S S. 24th St.
Vinton Gang
1S30 Vinton St.
Driv-It-Youralf Co.
1314 Howard St.
Chain Battery Servica
2819 Leavenworth
615 South 16th St.
The flying rumors gathered as they rolled, and all
who told it added something newj and all who
heard it made enlargement too; in every ear it
spreads, on every tongue it grew. Pope.
Omaha. Nab.
prolongs the life of your battery,
does away with charging,
preserves your plate and sep
arators. will not sulphate your plates or
will not freeze.
will not require filling more than
three or four times a year.
not overcharge.
Carl Henwood Carage
4106 N. 24th St.
Nick Witt
Etkhorn, Neb.
' E. Dahmk Garage
Millard. Neb.
A. N. Peraene
Valley, Neb.
f arswat a) 26th