Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 02, 1921, PART THREE, Image 19

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' IK.
Two Wives Have
Wl IT 11
if Is four Husbands,
(If 7 Two of Mates Say
One Ex-IIuhby Has Ex
Spouse'i Divorce Set Aside
Because Sbe Married Too
Soon After Decree.
The rule of "one husband at a
time" has been broken by two
women, according to papert filed In
district court yesterday.
Judge Con dismissed the di
vorce proceeding! of Marie Hainea
against Kobcrt Jlainea because alie
married Kenneth Gordon in Coun
cil Bluffa 10 days after ilie wai
awarded a divorce from Robert
Hainea here, June 28, not waiting
i the required fix montna cciorc
t marrying again. Her former husband
as t - a i i :
wane inc cumi'iaini.
Marie failed to answer the sum
mon, ordering her to show reason
why she had taken a double portion
of husbands.
James Spencer filed suit yesterday
to have his marriage to Doris Spen-
cer annulled. He married her August
23, 1921, but declares she married
him without obtaining the custom
ary divorce and allowing six
months "mourning" to elapse before
marrying another, lie says she
married Joseph C. Bender in Coun
cil Bluffs. May IS. 1920.
"Rennie the Rat" I Held
Or Additional Charges
. Sioux Falls, S. D.. Oct. 1. (Spe
cial Telegram.) Kenme rluver,
eC.uown as "Kenme the Rat, cap
iuicu line a.ivt IIS UU bllllC win-
pamons had shot . and wounded
Night Tatrolman Butters- while the
officer was endeavoring to arrest
them, will be held on the additional
charge of being implicated in the
rooDcry a lew mgnts ago 01 inc
f Bundle store at Arlington, from
which goods valued at !frS,WU were
In the battle with the officer Pul
er was wounded and was found lat
er by a posse beside an auto con
taining part of the Arlington loot.
The' officer's wounds are not seri
ous. Pulvcr's three companions escaped
with the remainder of the loot and
posses now are searching for them.
Attorney Sues Estate of
Nebraska Alien Enemy
William J. Hammond, attorney
of O'Neill, Neb., yesterday filed suit
' in federal court in Omaha to re
cover $450 attorney's fees from the
estate of an alien enemy.
Hammond is suing the heirs of
Herman Pappelbaum, who died at
O'Neill in 1916, and Thomas W. Mil-
ler, alien property, custodian at
Washington. The heirs are Julius
Pappelbaum, Louis Schlothaucr and
Karl Menzel, all of whom live in Ger
many. Hammond says he was en
gaged to handle the estate for them.
Lincoln Man Heads Retail
v Credit Men's National Body
:."P VJ Wtsnn r.f Lincoln. Neb..
1,'jc kon nstnrJI tn hparl the Retail
-Credit Men's National association, it
was announced yesterday.
I he association lias a nicmoersnip
of nearly 13.000 in the United States,
Canada. England and France.
H. O. Wrenn, C-maha,' is chair
man of the statp membership com
mittee. The national convention
will be held this year in Cleveland, O.
New Deputy U. S. Marshals
Take Office in Nebraska
Three new deputy United States
marshals took office in " Nebraska
yesterday. . , ' ' "
Anthony J. Ruddy, former state
senator irom Albion, JMet., assumed
his duties at the Omaha office; John
C. McClung, former sheriff of Paw
nee City, assumed office at Lincoln,
and John G. Gannon, former state
senator, at Rosalie. :
600 Gallons of Mash Found
In House North of Valley
W'illardV Flor, who lives a mile
north of Valley, was arrested Fri
day afternoon by Deputy Sheriffs
Halter and Johnson and three fed
eral prohibition agents who made a
raid on his place and discovered 600
gallons of mash and two illicit stills.
He was released under $750 bond in
county court to await trial.
KeyserY Appointment as
y Kinsler's Aide Confirmed
George A. Keyser's appointment
a. aecivtant IT'S, district attorney
Mra confirmed bv Attorney Uen-
K.....1 rioiiA'hartv f C Kinlrr was
notified by wire. Keyser's commis
sion is on the way. . ne cannot
be sworn into office until it arrives.
Table Rock District Votes
12-Mill Levy for Schools
Table Rock, Neb., Oct 1.
.(Special.) Table Rock school dis
trict voted a 12-mill tax levy for
the support of the schools during
the coming year. A 16-mill levy was
defeated at a meeting in August
Rolled Stockings Taboo
. At Dances in Des Moines
Des Moines, la., Oct l. PolicV
Matron Emma S. Berkley issued an
order that all girls who attend Des
Moines dance halls must not wear
rolled stockings. "It is contrary to
good morals,' she declares. .
? w Visits in Capital
Washington, Oct. 1. (Special
Telegram!) James. Stevens of Ulys
ses, Neb., appointed to Annapolis- by
Congressman McLaughlin, was in
the capital en route to the naval
academy. . . t
Mrs. Caratla RnkbeD. '
Grand Island. Neb. Mr. Carotin Sank
bell. 14. a resident of eastern Merrick
eounty tor 41 yean, died at aer home
' after aa lllnen of about tare week.
Bbe was one of the pioneer residents of
that county. Burrivlni her are fovr
daughters and three son a Faneral aerr
Ices were held la the home. Burial was
' la the Grand Island cemetery.
' Hi. Joaa Wldiek. "
rrlend. Jfab. Mrs. John Wldfclr,"
rotnineat resident of this city and one of
the pioneers of Saline county, died at her
home in this city after a loos nines. 8ho
Is survived er feu band and ens daugh
ter. . .
Deaths and Funerals
Vettla maun.
MeCael, Csh. Mi Ur'uwn. 41, is.
St ta home h.ra. Its tur4 M la
MeCMl ceiAsie'r.
M Kaasasaa.
Randolph, N S.4 kunsntaa. (, died
hero whil !. lie came air
I yeara su,
c. i. rxad.
Auburn. Xa. funeral aervf-aa were
held hare fur C. f, I'vumt, it. ef
hart, Ka.t unrle ef Be Nasi. Mr. JWd
failed to raeovar from shark due le the
trade dem vf his .hew, sbat la his
homo near Hera. Dana! was la Praln
tale) eatnetsry.
Mrs. J. J. KsIleakeJf,
Jleatrtee. Hah, Mrs. J. J. kallaasarf,
stwM haebsnd died hero Bememuer 14.
died at the hams of her . tills Is sur
vived by four rollJiaa. funeral sarvlrai
war bsld hare end ths body taken to
uoiaan, in,, for aurisi.
I nasi MrVer.
Beatrice, 'b A military funeral was
held In the park at Virginia fr Charles
McVey, whs luet his lira la rrenre. ths
rvtnes bliig conducted by the Avierlest
Mficm. The sermon was liven ey Mv.
u. m. nurnhsm oc utterty.
Wllllai I- ttoldaa.
Oothenburi, Neb. The body of William
l. Uolden. vho was killed In Ihe Ar.
tonne drive October T, lll. was Interred
st the fart Mil'herson Nstlonsl rema
tery. Trre American lesion cundmted
me ranerai wun military boners.
Miss Julia Wynsor.
Deatiice. Neb. Uiea Julia Wvmnra. 14
daushter of Mr. and Mrs. U U'ymara of
vi ynioro, died at bar noma there after a
briar Illness.
Mrs, Jeeepbas Monetame.
Beatrice, Neb. Mrs. Joaephus Mana.
tamss. St. Xieilrsn. died here after
Illness of a few weeks. Met hneuand Is
employed on ths HurllnaTton st thle ntlnt
Hhs la eurvlved by her buaband and one
Joha Jh Woeteey.
hare for John U Woolsey, civil war vet
eran and a resident vf At.e.ilU 19 years.
Mr. wuoieey wss a native ox Illinois, ne
eillnted ohm II snd was woq.ided at
the s.ese of Vlckebur. lie and bis wife
calcbratrd their Hlh weddlnc rnnlvorssry
a few tveeks so.
ni O. MaJsted.
Teouniseh, Neb Krd :. Haltted, II,
dleU at llolyoke, Col., followlnc an opera
tion for appendicitis. lie Is survived by
bis wifs snd two children. Mr. llsUted
wss a son of Mr. snd Mrs. C II. Hal.
sled of Tecutneeh and wss corn snd
reared here. His wire's parents ere Mr.
and Mrs. K. V. Morrlssey of Dundee.
Omaha. Ths body wss brought to To
cumseb for Interment.
iWrothy May Mcklelter.
Beatrice, Neb. Dorothy May Llcklelter,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Josepn Llck
lelter of this city, died from sn nttsck of
diphtheria, after sn Illness of but a few
days. Two other members of ttio family
are lit with ths dleesse.
J. H. Von Slen.
Beatrice. Neb. Funeral services for 3. 1
II Von bteen, pioneer business man wbu
died suddenly at his horn here ef hesrt
disesss, were held In the Mennonlto
church here, conducted by Rev. 11. 1.
Penner and Itev. J. K. Penner. A num
ber of representative business men from
Beatrice were in attendance.
Mrs. Elisabeth t'hambers.
Beatrice, Neb. Mrs. Kltzabetli Chamb
ers, one-time resident of Beatrice, died
at Lincoln, wners sne bad been receiv
ing; treatment In a hospital. She is sur
vived by her husband and several chil
dren. Burial was at Lincoln.
Lore Hlckrfl bottom.
Callaway, Neb. Lora Hickenbottom,
youngest child of Mr. and Mrs. R. C.
Hickenbottom, died after an Ulnees of two
Mrs. Artbnr O. Burton.
Beatrice, Neb. Mrs. Arthur O. Burton,
S3, of Alms. Neb., died at a biWDltal
here after a brief Itinera. She Is eurvlved
by her husband and two chll.lrcu. The
body was taken to Alma for burial.
Mrs. J. r. Baatlan.
Shelton, Neb. Mm. J. P. Baatlan, 7T.
a Yesldent of Shelton for nearly 40 years,
died here at the home of her son, Ouy
L. Bastlan, cashier of the Security State
bank. She Is survived by two other sons,
C. W. and J. O. Bastlan of Shelton. and
four daughters, Mrs. H. A. Hull of Seattle,
Mrs. H. U, Miller ot Ban Jacinto, CsL
Mrs. Bert Bernhard of Olendora, Cal.,
and Mrs, Anna Johnson of Denver,
Raymond J. Mnmee.
Broken Bow, Neb. Raymond John, the
lS-monthi-olu son ot Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Humes of Broken Bow, died at the home
of his grandfather, J. C. Ilutt, here.
The little boy and bis young sister were
preparing to go to tho hay fields with
their grandfather, in a hayrack, when
the child struck one of the torses with
pitch fork, a runaway resulted. The
little girl was thrown free, but the boy's
neaa caugnt in some manner ana me
body was so beaten against the sides of
the rack as to causa hla death. Funeral
services were held In the Christian
Elmer H. Cmland.
Auburn, Neb. Military funeral services
for Elmer H. Umland. Auburn's only
soldier to fall In the late war, were teld
in the Christian church here under aus
pices of .Auburn post No, 23, American
JLeglon. The casket was borne to the
cemetery on a cannon casslon drawn by
nix black horses, nags stood at halt
mast in the city during the funeral.
which was attended by 4.000 people. Um-'
land was killed in Belgium after he had
been In the service only three months,
Mrs. Dorthea Kappermnn.
Teshler. Neb. Mrs. Dorthea Kapper
nian, widow of Henry Kapperman, died at
her home tn Deshler. She retired in good
health, but falling to appear . at breakfast,
her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Frank Hack
hart h, visited her room, where she was
found dead. She was born October 15,
1852. In 1881 Mr. and. Mrs.' Kapperman
located In Thayer county on a farm near
Deshler, The funeral was held, in the
Missouri l.utaaraa rkarrh. ef wblrh ehe
wae a memwr, Itev, mills t, batcher
e.'rutetiKe, '
M. r. fetllfrwie.
sVNMiabluff, Neb. M. V. I'alllerate. .
sa oMiiltfe ef lbs Uieat W eater Huger
(smpany, aroepad daed f heart dieses
a hue at bit wurk.
IWaMr'fMl nVsWhtsaatfi
Yerb, Nab. Jumps fm-hul. :, di.J
at lb Luthera boepltal bare after under,
awn a aperatla. At tne tin.e ef ate
Ueaik he waa e.ialgnt csebur vt lb City
Sauouai bank.
Baby Caray.
tdgaaole, Neb. The Infant tklld. ef
Mr. a4 Mr. V, W. ary died her.
Job J add.
Atlantis, Is. ruiteiei servlee were
held hare for Juha Judd. a realdant of
Cae aovnty for ysera. He was bom In',
reirueiu. i., in leto. cemmv to inia
ceanty with bit ptteois I the summer of
tees, tie was engaged is terming iui
many years,
a,e7 ewaii, a
BaatHre. Neb. Lucy halt, daughter of
Mr. and Mr. Conrad iiait ef this eity.
died at a hospital her after brief III
IKeaaJd Edward (weseUa,
flrand lalanH. Neb Donald Edward
Coet-llo, t, son of Mr. and Mra Waller
J, Coetslle. died at bis home bare ful
lowing aa lllneas of two daya runeral
service were bald la at. Mary oat he
Cral, Jtev, August llalmea offlclailo.
rblllla Claridy.
Tork. Neb. Hhillip claridy, I, na ef
Mr. sad Mr. Hugh Claridy, died sudden
ly of dlpbtberls.
Mr. Mary Hayes.
ItcCoot. Neb. Mr. Mary Mayee, 74.
died suddenly at her homa hare. She la
survived by four sous. Kdward of Omaha;
V. V. ot Morris, Minn.; nayniond of
Ktlrmont and Lloyd of McCsol.
Jams R. Carllala.
Tork. Neb. Jain 11. C'arllal. 4. Ilv.
Ing IS mile northwest of York, died at
be family home. He bad lived oa the
bom, farm for IT years.
Mrs. Kit Tyler.
Benedict. Neb. Funeral services were
held front the Lutheran church. Mr.
Tyler died at Morton. III.
I red W. Padley.
Geneva. Neb. The funeral ef Fred W.
Padlay, l. resident of Fairmont sines
1114. was held In his residence, conducted
by Kev. W. II. Kline. Burial was In the
rematery at tltnevsl He la eurvlved by
nis wire, a daughter, Mrs. Francis rut
ins of Fairmont, snd sou, Charles V. Pad
ley of Columbia, . D.
tort Mania Tacker.
Beatrice, Neb. Doris Msiln Tucker,
little daushter of Mr. and Mr. F. 11.
Tucker of this city, died after a brief
Illness. Tho funeral wss held here.
Mrs. Jennie Cory.
Beatrice. Neb. lire. Jeuule Cory. ti.
an old reeldent of Beatrice, died at he
home after a prolonged lllneas bh la
survived by her huehand. Wlllain 11.
Corey, and a number of children.
Mr. Irene Judd.
Lewis, la. Tsksn III shortly after going
to bar euhool work In -the eonsolldsled
school here, Mrs, Irene Judd died a few
hours later. Mrs. Judd' home was bore.
Hh had been leaching for the last six
yea re. Mrs. Judd was the dsughter of
Mr. and Mrs.' F. E. Denlson, termers.
Nhe waa a gradual of the Wlota schools
and the Iowa State Teacher' college.
Charles Johnson.
Alliance, Neb. Cherlee Johnson, 61.
pioneer resident of western Nebraeks, died
suddenly at his home near Long Lake
poslofflce, nesr here, from srterlo-schler-osls,
ot which he hsd suffered occasions!
attack for the last two years. He had
been a resident of this section of the
etate for S3 years. He Is survived by bis
widow and three children, Frr.nk and
Clarence Johnson and Mrs Agnes Ben
schoter. all of this vicinity. Funeral serv
ice and burial were held at Alliance.
William Kregger.
Harvard, Neb. One of the largest fu
nerals in the county waa held here when
over 600 soldiers. Including a band and
firing squad, paid their last tribute to
Sergeant William Kregger. W. W. Hughes,
a former army officer, of Dsvld City, and
others spoke. The flag-draped casket wss
borne to the cemetery on an artillery cas
slon. drawn by six black horses. The pro
cession was led by tbe York regimental
band, a 25-plece company, and several
David City boys who were comrade of
Sergeant Kregger at the time of hi en
listment from thst place. Kregger was
one of the first Harvard boys to actual
ly fall on line of battle. The American
Legion had charge of the services.
Thompson F. Mart la.
Albion, Neb. Thompson F. Martin, ouo
of the oldest retired business men ot
this olty, died at his home here. He
came here in the early eighties as sta
tion agent for the Union Paclflo, after
ward engaged in the milling business and
later with the telephone company. He
held many offices of a public nature at
various times, member of the school
board, village trustee, member ot the cltv
council and mayor. He was a member
of the A. F. & A. M. lodge of this city.
He Is survived by hla widow, a son and
three daughters. , Interment will be In
New Tork.
William D. Sterner.
Madison, Neb. William V. Sterner, pio
neer resident of Madison county, lcd at
hi home in this city of old age. Funer
al services were held in the home,
Bev. Mr. Chamberlain ot the M. K. church
officiating. He was born In Vork coun
ty, Pennsylvania, May II, 183T, and mar
ried Agnes J. Kirk at Oquawka, 111., Jan
uary 16. 1867. He wa a civil war vet
eran, serving in Company A, 130th regi
ment. Pennsylvania volunteers, and was
wounded in the battle of Antietam. He
came to Madison county in 1884 and set
tled on a farm In Iowa valley. Since 18S3
he has resided in this city. He Is survived
by hi widow and two son, Adell O. of
Knola and W. Ralph of Hastings, and four
daughters, Mrs. Rose Anderson, Seattle:
Mrs. Fannie Martin, Gnola; Mrs. Ida
Brannan, Omaha, and Mrs. Edith Scalph,
Enola. . , r
A f
24th and Farnam 24th and Farnam
- Eighteen Hours a Day !
You will take a KEENER INTEREST in your
favorite Smoke when you buy them from
HUMIDOR SYSTEM keeps them in 100
Condition. ' . ,
' Imported and Domestic Cigars, Pipes, .
Smokers' Supplies and Candy Also .
Soda Fountain Service.
" . t r Pkon DO uflM 7902
24th and Farnam 24th and Farnam
School Teacher Held in
Probe of Stolen Check
llcJ Nicholson, siJ by k1u e U
lie traehrr in rural school neat
tlr. City, i fid'l fur imcM
tmn ii connrTtiiin with the 4'iii
f check (or $.7.5(1, teed to have
hern siolfit from Mrs. Lulu Hamp
ton, 612 South Liithtccnth ftr?ct, at
Dan'i Clothing flore.
Mitt Nicholson denln all know!.
edge of the check.
According to Chief of Detective
Van Demon. Miu Nicholson former.
ly lived with Mrs. Hampton in her
apartment On September 19, Mr.
Hampton reported to poli'e the
theft of a purie 'containtiifr a dia
mond necklace valued at $J'H), $15
in cash and two checks.
Probable Showers Sunday,
Weatherman Prognosticates
Killing front waa reported to the
Omaha weather bureau from North
Dakota Friday night, but Omaha waa
not visited, the lowest temperature
being 5J at 7 a. in.
l'robablc showers tait night and
Sunday were predicted by M. V.
Kobini, federal prognosticator, with
not much change in temperature.
' I : 1!
Weddings .
W llllaaaaKafWa,
&la4isoa. N'B.wfetarrtaKe Itreeae a as la
avail nor a Krana H iiliama ani Cathar
ine Kalka, twin of llaamvr,
I M.Mumfanl.
Aurnr. Nab tr Munitnnl an4 Jamee
Ci at I'hai'prll aeia n.arrla.1 tiaia. li.a
stamrartt iiatitia4 I'aKiar i-ella fr
anma time. Ill ouUi will IJ la
J ( ft W MsA H
Cantral n. .u Alice Nurkmaa sn4
Warns U. W)inar, ao'h or I'almar, ware
marrlail in (list city, iter, Mr, LiiarUatH
rwna Rny Nab. I wan Inatban ef
rail f'Hy sn4 Vilas laphr fewsll ef I his
rny war marrl4 st l.lnruln by Rev,
tlarrr Hunnnina. UBlvrraiijr paainr far
Ihe Mlbo.iit rburrh. Tber lll live In
Lincoln, lr. Ku.iliao I a life Insurant
Slant, i
v. w i i nuun. M in, ,....
Plfrfk, bdlli of Initiajiuls, war lilsrllsJ
nr vy tuunijr juusa a, i kirk.
I.IUrly, Nab. Krlanda ot th L, K.
Palowlii family, war aurprlaad to laaro
that alia tlasrl wss sw roily msrrlea t
las Ki'kart, (ormarly of title plana, at
GUnaood, la.; June I. The youn rouil
will malt I hair bom In C'ouneil llluff.
(raham-Rraalf a.
Madlaon. Nab. Wnrri.-.l at brl.l.'e
hma, Wlnnlfreil Kaulsua, opulsr
Madison taarnar, to Klmar (italisiu,
promlli.nt Crastoo real eslat van.
Table ltv-k. Mab t harlrs llelsarmaa
and Mia Vlarll Cornish, prominent young
paopi or Mrs 1 1 la, Kan., ware marries: at
the court house In I'awnae City. County
Judge D. W. Nolll offlt'latlii. Th
bride s4 S"hnul taa.her In Hanaai
tuuniy, Thay aill wake iliair hunt oa
a faritl near rlumiiwli.ld, Kaa.
Weal Toint, Nb N'aaa waa ra'alaad
ar of the mainasa si rhi.sto i t Miaa
.anslr all.'.k of I hla aim l Ml, haal
I 'ally, funn.r rIJnt af tins ruumy,
but now Bitundliif Norihaaai.rn univar
any. The your. aoupla all) make ihrlr
haul In Chit'". Ihe bride la 111" dausH.
tar of J. r. y.ajlrak, aal.i.r of the N.
brka h'al bank, thia any.
Tolumbua. Noli 4is larl K. Binllh
snd liarbarl llabn ware nisrrtad at
tianeva by Itar. Jama A. WKan, Tli
bride I th daushlar of Mr. and Mra.
t'liarla Vinrih end ha been employed at
lh t'olumbu t'raamary rompsny, Mr,
llahn la adjutant ef lb Hartman Boat,
American lmn. snd la employed at
Lai k's ilru si or.
Waal relnt, N.b. Irene Hunker,
formerly of this city, and llarbert Uriaso
are married st Norfolk.
Tori', Kan, Marion l.ovaiov and Mia
Lena Nlerak. both of Kalrmonl, ware mar.
rled by County Juuse II, U. Hopkins,
Tork, Neb. claoria J, Kurhe, former,
ly of this oily, and ti Marlon Hannah
Jafferls of Cheyann. Wyo., wei marrial
In thai city. Mr, Forltaa I ecehler of
lh .Itock Urower National bank of
Tork. Nab. Raymond Joy and Mis
lluth Htephenaon, both of Kslrmont, ware
married by County Juilse II. U. Hopkins,
Tork. Neb. Oliver K. Uinilk and Ml
Helen Wubdsrnian, both of Columbus,
war marrlsd si ths first t'nnsraaallona!
church by Itev. Ueor Webar.
Ilaalrlce. Nab. John Kaaam. former I
ineinbar of the board of supervisor and
lai.r fisr of haliaaia aid Ma
I r..aa ti. Millar, dauskur of Mr, s
klr.. t M. llnl.r n ima n'y, mm
riad st l.lmoln by llav. It M. Idr.
Thav h reiur4 u4 aul msV ibair
bom IN lUalrl.a,
Tn a Mrl taHMHt k,
York, Xab lr, Harold K Vas
llatanporl and Mihi lu M Honaosli f
mis riiy aara married at a-aaid by llav
Mr, .ais la III fr.abtiarian thunk,
Tsbla Norh, Nab S.aa kaa r' hl
n.r nf tn marrias ar Mim Maud' nil
an, a furntar I'swua county alrl. I
t'barlr V. York of ilaotiiinta, Kaa..
Khi.'b ecturrad lh fual ef lha week el
ttaborna. Kaa. They will make Ikelr
home si MiainlBton. lh Iti.i I a
daushiar of Mr. and Mr, ti. Wllaoa. and
the sroom le a prominent yoan loan vf
HI bum any and a lrvlla( salaams.
(Irand Island. Nah Auguel Pollock end
Mary Uarua. both pi this rity, oars mar.
riad by County JuUge Mullln at Ihe
court house bar. x
ttrsnd t'lsnd, Nb Marl ten and
Kminal Mlrhsal l.uby, both resldrnl "I
lillnar, war married In this ally by
I'ouniy Jiiil, Mullln, Thay l raslda
si Ullinar,
Orsnd laland. Neb. Mia Kulh Barl-ar
MsUrar and Kdaln Carry Mordars, bain
of Urand l.lsnd. wsr insrrlad st ins
home ef the bride mother, Mr Kai
Msursr, Rev, Morton ! Mos nrflrlsllng.
Tliay will b at horn In till city,
Csllsway, Neb Josaph Varva and
l.ydla Taobenhrim. both of Amherst, ware
married at kesrney,
Qrand Island, Neb. The marriage of
Katharine Marie Wlese, daughiar of Mr,
Mil .1 1 T. 1111.111 r,. HI V 1 1",, i
to Arthur Kinlay Wall of Kndiroit, waa
k. m In boot of Ike bud rii
H lha pr a of only Ike llHHtadial
r.laiita. 1ly iald st l.i.dltall,
Titi Kk. .vi- 41. Ai. Villa "
J. .a. Mi llaurt lll ware uiarn.d el ba
taihi'iia iii4i.i Ih I.iuioi. Ike bride
an iMir ad ivartd a farm nuilhee.t
f T.l.l. Mob and lha iuatH le Ii.hh
i bildiaaa, Vi . ' he is eupei iniabd
am ft Ihe ny hMoa.
heaell llamaiaad.
I'sane Cuy, Srb ill-e Malll Haas,
mood of Una i'ly as Htariied la uia
kaa ai ,,f babaiba. ., t lllaaaiaa.
Kau . abar ika brida niolk.r lite. Mia
swwail I a loimar iudnl vf lb tbi-
.raiiy vf Nabiaaaa. Iky alll ll
I Nhs f 'arlaa-Haoaaa,
flraanllald, a Ibousk b.y wsr mar.
riad three imxtilia au, tlaylerd H. I'on
Carlo and Mia Mbl lisnsaa, bolk of
piommenl families hare, euaada4 la
keaitlng lh l't a aairat ami! a fax
lata a to. The ai niaiilad al Hlalr, Jun :!. ftav. J A. Juluiana of lb
Malboillal I'lmrili of IHsIr pal furmlng Ilia
raraiiiwny Mr. I ion Carloa la MMielel
Uk lha Hon Carlo l.on sad Truel eoui
peny In'.
Joiil l.ul.
Ilaalrls. Nab Announcement wa r.
reived har of Ih marilage of Harry Jor
Ian, formally of this dir. and Mim Kdna
l.ul of Oakland, la., alihli orrurred t
Cuuncll llluffa. khrta Ih groom ha kn
amploycd for uin lima,
hllv.r Creek. Ntb. Mis llarlh II
Wmn end llrnry A. Itrhepporail of
lliualrr ware marrlad at Ih Mlbodi.l
.ituii-h k.M li,. w l. li.rf.11 .In.
nanus. The n.aly waddad roup l. after a
abort waddlna trio will make Ibalr haiue
vn a rani'h nrur Urawsier,
Dee Want Ada Produce Reultt.
Onen Until 9 o clock l(Awrn
VJypn VnUl U U ClUUIV an Automobile. Ijl
Sunday , ' 1
a D CM I An Automobile Bargain Carnival That I
- OkIMTvC I Dazzles the Imagination 1
wsaoJ WiK J ff piyf MSkjI a Jm Jyiillit M Never tn the history of automobile selling hav w shown such a variety of
5bL i4J "Vi'ffawA VJ0 i !&rFll lfniMlr I B rnaKe models prices and values every car shown here was renewed to sell a)
WuaL C' aVika HrJK 0 W VaQjP Kh?f!JLt I H or eore n,t hundreds of dollar more recent reductions are not a elr. U
f . 1 1 IX'fl'Xgf54 r R-ay a Wjyyi I cumstanee to the reductions we have placed on this renewed stock. W say
Jli? Tft f aVyffXjVT. i &S m I you wi,hou' 'r ' eonlradletion that assembled here are the greatest, grandest
al 1 fiQ a JaTssf KaW V 1 lr"" fz m and most extraordinary collection of automobiles in the history of this community
II 1 1 gf I ' jUi WWW ' ' J VS. ' S come here come prepared-and come at once.
ra)ll7H( PfS i A Do.llAr Spent Here Now Ha8
tntl . ilACwAvVwm S ilCmI ii Practically the Power of Two in
' ' il!
v6vvw Jut J tuiq pad tep th 'ioOT lomorrow
) 'Js inia laAK morning will buy this car for thia p2
' price and on njr torms within reaaiulO
Auto Bargain Carnival Has Created an Auto
mobile Buying Stampede Unparalleled in Automo
bile History. Buyers are Pouring in to This Sale
From All Over the State. TODAY IS THE LAST DAY.
If you cannot drive, we will supply you with the services of a competent instructor free of all expense to you.
We will teach you the care of a car and the proper way to handle it under all conditions,
I Would Buy a Car If I Could Learn to Drive
This is the expression we are often asked to listen to. Well, we will teach you how to drive, with the under
standing that if you cannot learn, you need not buy the car. -
I Cannot Afford to Pay All Cash
This is another reason advanced. You need not pay all cash. Our resources are such that we can give you
liberal credit and, bear in mind, you get immediate po ssession of the car. Come here, make a small cash pay
ment and pay the balance in reasonable monthly terms and drive the car away as soon as your first payment
is completed. V ; ; . . .
Drive the car you select five days. If at the end of that time you find the car to be' other than as represented
by us drive the car back and we will gladly allow you e very dollar you have paid on it to apply on the purchase
of any renewed car in stock. '
J. H. Haii sen Cadillac Co.
Farnam Street at Twenty-Sixth
Omaha, Neb.
Open Evenings