Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 02, 1921, WOMEN'S SECTION, Image 12

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Council Bluffs
To Wed in Washington
October Affair.
(Uny event rt planned (or Oc
tt, but three (tend out promi
nently among them til.
The Udiet of St Paul church are
completing arrangement! for their
tyle ihow which will be held in
the Auditorium next Wednndiy eve
ning. October 5, and the committee)
in charge prompt lometliing iiuite
out of the ordinary (or thit occ-lion.
Among the pretty models who will
diiplay autumn ciHitumei are Miei
' Adele Keeline, Therm and Claire
Kituri, Kathleen Peacock, Kodna
Hughe, Claire Melnnernry, Viola
Alii. Norma Tyler, Kalherine
Cbeyne. Kula KteeU, Jne Reed, Mil
dred and illiiahrth Tinley, Hemic
Kowe, Eluabeth Evans, Muriau
Spetman, Kathrrine Capell, Mary
Kluabeth Innes, ilazel May Larten,
Amy Robinson., Chase
and Mrs. Elvenling.
On October 17 and IS about ISO
delegate! will gather here (or the
Ninth district convention of the Iowa
Federation of Women's clubs, and
for this event an interesting program
is being arranged.
Then on the 27th will occur tne
cabaret dance, at the Auditorium un
der the aupice of the American Le
gion auxiliary. Elaborate prepara
tion! are under way for this affair,
which promise to eclipse anything
of a similar nature yet staged in
Council RHtfi's.
1'racticallv every- woman in the
city ha been appointed on some of
the various committees in connec
tion with one or more of these three
events, and as club life ha again
been resumed and church activities
are more spirited, the present month
will indeed be a busy one.
Hera From New York.
Mrs. George E. Stewart of New
York City arrives today to visit at
the home o( her brother, Charles T.
Stewart. She will also be the guest
of Mr. and Mrs. Emmet Tjnley and
during her stay win spena a tew
days with Mrs. A. M. Jackson and
Miss Mollie Rice.
Before her marriage Mrs. Stewart
was Miss Elizabeth Stewart and
Council Bluffs was her home. '
Council Bluffs Girl in Recital
A most artistic program waa given
Rt the First Presbyterian church
Tuesday evening , when Mis Edith
Flickinger, assisted by Mrs. Helen
Sadilek Kyhl, pianist of Omaha, sang
a group of lovely aongs before an
enthusiastic and music-loving audi
Miss Flickinger had her early
training with Miss Mary Munch
hoff and of later years has been
studying in New York with Mme.
and "Maestro Sapio. She is a thor
ough musician, whose glorious so
prano voice is every moment under
perfect control, and her program for
this occasion was especially well
chosen and arranged.
From the opening aria Tors e
lui" from Traviata to Edward El
gar'a "Pleading," every number was
enthusiastically received and Miss
Flickinger graciously responded to
the many demands for encores,
among which were the always pop
ular "Annie Laurie," "Her Dream"
and the charming little "Cuckoo
Clock." -
Mrs.' Helen Sadilek Kyhl acconv
i 1
((? a ir'A
Tht marriage of Miss Margaret.)
Green; daughter of Representative
and Mrs. William R. Green of Coun
cil Bluffs, to Courtney Campbell of
New York, will take place in Wash
ington, on October 6. It is to be
a very small church wedding, only
the immediate families being present.
The bride will wear a dark suit. Mr.
and Mrs. Campbell will take a trip
through the mountains of West Vir
ginia, and afterward will divide their
time between New York, Washing
ton and Mr. Campbell's ranch in
South Carolina.
Miss Green is being elaborately
entertained in Washington, D. C.
Mrs. John Briar gave a luncheon
for her Wednesday, when Mrs.
Henry C. Wallace and Miss Mary
Wallace, wife and daughter of the
secretary of agriculjure, were rank
ing guests.
Mrs. Briar gave the luncheon in
her beautiful country home at Well
ington. Va., which wai decorated
with autumn flowers and foliage in
Council Bluffs Personals
Mrs. W. F. Ash made a brief trip
to Atlantic, I. Lot week.
Charles T. Stewart has returned
from his ranch in western Nebraska.
Mist Muriel Mann has gone to
Dubuque, ! to visit (or month or
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Spragus have
rriurned from motor trip to Eau
Uatr. Wi.
Mrs. C. E. Evans left Thursday for
Atlantic, la, to spend few days
wiln friends.
Fred Chambers U at Mercy hos
pital where he was operated upon last
week (or appendicitis,
Mrs. II. D. lUrle and' Mr Harry
Hrfltrnhauer have returned from
bort tiit in Chicago.
Mrs. J J. Spindler and daughter.
Flt lrn, nitf arrive today from Grand
I.ake, Colo., where they spent the
Mrs. Margaret Jayne departed fast
week for her home in Dr Moines,
afirr a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Kctd
I lickinger.
Mist Edith Flickinger left Thurs
day evening for New York City to
resume her concert and opera work
in the east.
Mr. Blaine Wilcox ha gone to
San Antonio, Tex., to visit her iter,
Mr. Thomas D. Davis, and Captain
Davis, who are stationed at Camp
Mrs. Fred Kurd and daughters,
Dorothy and Margaret. left Thurs
day for Washington, D. C, where
Miss Dorothy will enter national
i'ark seminary.
Mr. Thomas Christian, who has
been visiting her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. J. F. Hughes for the past three
weeks, left Friday morning (or her
home in San Antonio, lex.
Mrs. F. J. Day and daughter, Miss
Elizabeth, have moved into the home
of Mrs. Bruce Crossley on Fifth ave
nue, where they will remain during
an indefinite stay of Mrs. Crossley in
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Keeline re
ceived rather an alarming message
last week from their daughter, Mrs.
Roy Wilcox of Los Angeles, stating
that her son, Richarcj. had been run
down by an automobile and seriously
injured. He was immediately taken
to a hospital and more encouraging
word came later from Mr. Wilcox.
The little lad is now out of danger.
Mr. B. Shames announces the en-
Jagement of his daughter, Miss
eanette Shame, to Harry Kavich
of Omaha. No date has been set
(or the wedding.
Lakoma Club.
The annual harvest home dinner
of the Lakoma club was given Sat
urday evening in the club house,
Those entertaining included O. C.
Weller. who had eight guests: J. R
Seveick, four; Frank Myers, six; G
A. stemneimer, jo; v. K. .uchar
Ions .!v rii U R.p.11 tUrmmt T E
n..v, o . t , ... mill., jt j.
Bedmcr, six: I. Shulcr, six; August
Kadzweet, two; Ben Marti, four
James Adams, two; J. W. Skoglund,
six: 0. E. Harris, two: W. M. Smith
four; W. H. Shellberg, four; C. T.
Billings, 14; R. J. Heckley, two.
All Action.
Zizzy Doesn't the moon look
Zazzy Yes, there's a ring around
And their friends received invh
tions. Lehigh Burr.
panied this artist only a talented really suburban fascinating fashion,
musician can, and in addition at
lighted the audience with Mendel
ssohn's "Rondo Capriccioso," a pre-
, lude by Cui and a beautiful number
- of Gernsheim s.
For Mn. Everest
At the T.A. Clark home on Bluff
streti, a oriage party win d given
next Thursday by Mrs. Clark and
Mrs. Roy DeVol, in honor of Mrs.
Folsom Everest, a recent bride,
Informal Luncheon.
Mrs. F. W. Houghton invited
seven guests to an informal lunch
" , eon at her home last Monday.
Mrs. E. A. Wickham entertained
two tables of guests informally at
bridge Tuesday afternoon at her
home on Third street.
' ' Birthday Parties.
Jere Benton VanRessler is a little
miss of 4 who celebrated her birth
day last Saturday by entertaining 18
young friends at the home of her
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. n.
- Decorations for the affair were in
lavender, even .the candle-lighted
'birthday cake being in this shade,
and each guest was presented with
- a doll dressed in lavender organdy
with hat to match.
Little hand-painted clowns were
used to mark the places at the lunch
eon table, and , lavender baskets of
candies served as favors, -Another
young hostess of the
- The river in its majesty
Stretches a topaz masterpiece
With filigrees of green and silver. "
On either shore the woods '
Are riotous in autumn colors
Only the cedars deep green with
stands Winter's first death kiss.
Softly the canoe glides on
There is scant need of the paddle
In his huge hands. . '
The sky is turquoise streaked with
The black things above
' Weaving fanciful lines
Are wild fowl from the north
Seeking the rice fields
And sunshine of the south.
On we glidenow through meadows
Burned by summer's hectic , breath,
Then back again
Into the forest's colors.
Is this a fairy stream,
In some enchanted land?
Is it a swan-drawn barque
Carrying me through some ,:
Fantastic realm of color? . ."
Then he speaks. . '
"There's a bunch of steers
Pete's fattening for market"
No, this is not Fairyland,
No swans draw my barque;
I am in a canoe on the Iowa
And he who paddles.
Complains of hunger I
. Three tablespoonfuts of gingered
pears arc a delicious addition to ap-
Among the other guests were the
Misses Cummins, sisters of Senator
Cummins of Jowa: Mrs. Arthur r.
Davis, Mrs. Goodrich, Mrs. Soyez,
Mrs. Edwin A. Merntt Miss Vir
ginia Merritt, Mrs. John Snure and
Mrs. Judson Wclliver,
Miss Florence Curry, daughter of
Representative and Mrs. Charles r
Curry of California, entertained for
Miss Oreen at a beautitui luncheon
on Thursday; Miss Irma Strong,
daughter of Representative and Mrs
James G. Strong of Kansas, will en
tertain her at luncheon on Monday
and Dr. and Mrs. Edwin A. Merritt
will give a dinner dance for the bride
and bridegroom and their families
Monday night. Mr. and Mrs. C. M
Campbell and Orlando Campbell of
New York,' parents and brother of
the bridegroom, and Mrs. C. H.
Lloyd pf Chicago, aunt of the bride
groom, will arrive in Washington to
morrow and be in the party.
week was Virginia Brown, who
reached her fifth milestone on Sep.
tember 27, and celebrated, the event
with a real party at the home of her
parents, Dr. and Mrs. A. U Brown.
A delightful feature of the day
was a fish pond from which many
treasures were drawn, and a birthday
cake, with other refreshments was
served to the 20 guests at the close
of the afternoon.
Mis O'Donnell Entertains.
A very enjoyable bridge party
was given Thursday by Miss Mar
garet O'Donnell at her home on Glen
About 30 guests attended and Mrs.
T. J. Leary had high score for the
afternoon. Miss Elizabeth Day was
awarded -the cut-for-all.
V Bridge.
Complimentay to four out-of-
town young women who have been
visiting in Omaha, the Misses Ger
aldine and Gretchen Hess enter
tained 16 guests at bridge last Mon
day afternoon at the Country club, j
Here They Are, Folks!
Little SunrMaids
"The Between Meal Raisins"
'-the Cure for 3 o'clock Fatigue
FOR years you've loved to munch on raisins.
Wouldn't you buy them down town, if you
could, in little 5c packages? ,
Well, mm ym cftn!
They're in drug stores, groceries, candy and
cigar stores, in the neatest k little 5c pocket
packages you ever saw.
Little Sun-Maids'thebetween-meal raisins,"
made from tender, luscious, juicy, seedless table
Spventy-five per cent pure energizing nutriment (146
calories for 5c) in practically pre-digested form. Quick
acting stimulant to counteract brain fag, lassitude and
let-down which come to millions at 3 o'clock, accord
ing to efficiency experts.
Rich in blood-building food-iron alsofrequently the
one lack that keeps thousands under par.
You need but a small bit of iron daily, yet that need
' vital. . ' ' 7 4 "
!o get raisins now, and form the habit. ' Have these
luscious little seedless raisins on yout desk or table
within easy reach all day to stave off hunger and fatigue.
A good way is to
Buy at Noon
' Always buy at noon to you'll hare them
for your afternoon refreshment make
that your daily, profitable habit
Packed just like "big filter" Suo
Maidi in a great, modern, sanitary plant
in California. Wholesome, iweet and
clean. Made from highest quality seedless
table grapes, the finest grown.
JfanWataj) tt,00e Grmctr
Dpt. P-47-23, FrMBo, Calif.
Had Your Iron Today?
See that raisins the iron food are
served regularly in your home.
Mail coupon below for tret book
containing 100 raisin recipes to make
from the "big sister" Sun-Maid pack
ages you buy at the neighborhood store.
Cut This Out and Send It 1
I California Associated Raisin Co., I
Dept. P-47-23, FrMno, Calif. j
Flaase send me copy of yonr tree book j
I "Sun-Maid Recipes."
Look for this Display Carton
on Your Dealer's Counter
. Sold at all Drug, Grocery, -Candy
and Cigar Stores 5c
, s Name......
I Street
I City...... ...... .
. State..
414-2 Securities
Cor. teth end Far
aaa Su.
Tel. DenaUa 8347
Omaha. Net.
Dr. Burhorn's
Chiropractic Health Service
My office is located on the fourth floor
of the Securities Bldg. and is equipped
with private, individual adjusting and rest
rooms; also complete Spinographical lab
oratory for X-Ray analysis. -
We make calls to your home when un
able to jome to the office. Office adjust
ments are 12 for $10.00 or 30 for $25.00.
Removes the Cause
Chiropractic teaches that the cause of
95 of human ailments are found within
the body remove the cause and you get
Office hours 9 a. m. to 8 p. m. Lady
attendants. Call or write for free booklet
on Chiropractic today.
For Speedy Results
Use Bee Want Ads
Rupture Kills
7,000 Annually
Seven thonand persons each year are
laid away the burial certificate being
marked "Rupture." Why? Because the
unfortunate ones had neglected themselves
or had been merely -taking care of the sign
(swelling) of the affliction and paying no
attention to the cause. What are you do
ing? Are you neglecting yourself by
wearing a truss, appliance or whatever
name you choose to call it T At best, the
truss is only a makeshift a false prop
against a collapsing wail and cannot be
expected to act as more than a mere me
chanical support. The binding pressure
retards blood circulation, thus robbing the
weakened muscles of that which they need
most nourishment.
But science has found a way, and every
truss sufferer in the land is invited to
make a FREE test right in the privacy of
their own home. The PLAPAO method is
unquestionably the moat scientific logical
and successful self-treatment for rupture
the world has ever known.
The PLAPAO PAD when adhering close
ly to the body cannot possibly slip or shift
out of place, therefore cannot chafe or
pinch. Soft as velvet easy to apply
inexpensive. To be need whilst you work
and whilst you sleep. Me straps, buckles
or springe attached. ,
Learn how to close the hernial opening
as nature intended ae the rupture CANT
come down. Send your name today to
PLAPAO CO, Block MO, St. Louis. Mo,
for FREE trial Plapao and the informa
tion necessary.
Cocoanut Oil Makes
a Splendid Shampoo
If you want to keep your hair in
good condition, be careful what you
wash it with.
Most soaps and prepared sham
poos contain too much alkali. This
dries the scalD. makes the hair brit
tle, and Is very harmful. Mulslfted ;
cocoanut oil shampoo (which Is pure
and entirely greaseless), is much
better than anything you can possi
bly use for shampooing:, as this can't
possibly injure the hair.
Simply moisten your hair with
water and nib It In. One or two tea
sponsful of Mulslfted will make an
abundance of rich, creamy lather,
and cleanses the hair and scalp
thoroughly. The lather rinses out
easily and removes every particle
of dust, dirt, dandruff and excessive
OIL The hair dries quickly and
evenly, and it leaves it fine and silky,
bright, fluffy and easy t6 manage.
you can get Mulsifled cocoanut oil
shampoo at most any drug More. It
is very cheap, and a few ounces is
enough to last everyone In the fam
ily for months. Be sure your drug
gist gives you Mulsifled..
Bee want ad charge rates are no
higher than the cash rate.
Children's Theater
Established in
Omaha will have a "Children's
Theater" according to vUni ci Mit
Marguerite Bcckman, who ha
charge of the dramatic department of
the Sherwood school, now opening
at Jacobt hall, Seventh and limine
afreets, inc school is a branch of
the welt-known Sherwood school of
"Little Red Riding Hood" will be
the first play given. It it irhrriulcd
for October 8 and will be followed
by "The Traveling Musician." "One
Lye. Two Eyei and Three Fye," all
delightful Htorici of fancy. The chil
dren will play not only the charac
ter parti hut will represent anitnali
and even tree and flowers, it being
Miss Derkman'i purpose to develop
imagination, poise and power oi ex
pression in her pupils:
The cast for "fted Hiding Hood"
includes Dorothy Wahl in the title
role, Donalda Karla a the mother,
Hla'ne Wahl, the wolf, and Walter
Doty, the woodman.
The properties of the former
Craik theater will be taken over for
this work. A small door fee will be
charged for the plays;
Miss Rprlfni.m. uhn Is a turmbei
of the durational committee of the I
Drama league, has a class of 80
pupils at Mt. St. Mary's and several ,
private ciastrs or gins ciuus. as
well as individual pupils. She is fitted
for her instructional work through
professional dramatic and operatic
experience as well as through her
Humane Society
Holds Tag
Miss Jetsie Millard, one of the
trustees of the Nebraska Humane
society, which is to hold its second
annual Ug day Saturday, October
B, makes the following appeal:
The Nebraska Humane society fs
to have a tag day, Saturday, October
fc, and the generous people of Omaha
are asked to help an organisation
uniuue in its scope.
This organisation works for chil
dren, together with the Creche Child
Saving Institute, day nursery, Father
Flannagan's home, Visiting Nurses
and other helpful agencies, each
in its own chosen way, but the Hu
mane society is the only organira
lion that works for the dumb, help
less animals. Omaha has many piti
ful cases of abused and neglected
animals calling (or a "squar? deal"
and if it were not for the Humane
society no attention would be paid to
their suffering.
The Nebraska Humane society
has charge of the shelter, the dog
tax, hauls away the dead animals and
tries to answer all emergency calls
in this wide area called Omaha.
studies with Mme. . Marie Lydia
Standish of Chicago, who will ap
pear in Omaha this season before the ,
V , . . ... . ' t . I
l-rama league, ana xvciic uuuurn
of New York City, who was in
Omaha two seasons ago.
Spaghetti is delicious reheated in
the cream gravy of fried chicken and
served on a platter with the chicken.
c . '
f .-,-
Lena Ellsworth
, Dale
Voice Specialist
Returned from her summer's
atudy with David Uispham of
New York, anno 'nera the re
opening of her vocal studio.
51 6 Karbach Block
Thone WAlnut 2218
On Sale Tomorrow
DANCE to the latest fox-trot tune from "The Follies,"
the lively "Second Hani Rose" just out on Vocah'on
Records. The great American actor, Frank Bacon
star of "Lightnin'," has made two wonderful speaking records.
Don't fail to hear Kipling's "On the Road to Mandalay" a ung
by John Charles Thomas.
Let Us Play the New Vocation Records for You
RlSoletto Ptanl Fanciulla (Weep, My Child) In
Italian (ftrrfiiJlEvelyn Scotney & Giacomo Rimini
Ts Who Hava V earned Alone In Russian
CTcAnAoauM , Rosa Raiaa
On UM Road to Mandalay KtpUntSpakil
Joan uariea i nomas
FMy Dew (C. Uait an Fm)
tlieva Me It All Tboaa EnoWtaa Touna
Charms (Moore) Colin O'More
Whispering Hop yBaatlunu) Grace Kerns and
Nevada Van der Veer
Tne Nlthrlnaale Song ZtUer) Grare Kerns
Caprice Vlrnnola (Kreula) , Sssha Ciilbertson
Caralleria Rustlcana Intermesao Mascapn") )
The Aeolian Orchestral
Natoma Toe Dagger Dance (Herbert)
Elijah Ob Rest In the Lord (MemUUsokn)
Marguerite D'AJvares
LiShtnln' The Be Story 1
Ughtnln' In To Renof FranJt Bacon
If You Only Knew (FkMsavVoa Tilur) Elliott Shaw
Just a ausa f rom ou wans-Bauad (be, a.
Green) Ash
My Daddy ( NontorlKSvinstrtm-Uartcn)
Km est Hare
Sally, Won't You Com Backr from "Ziegfeld's
Follies of 1921" (BuckJSlampcr) Billy Jones,
Thar s Only On Pal After All (frasU Klukma)'
Stand Up and Sing for Tour Father, An Old
Time Song (Burr-Perkins) Aileen Stanley
Bring Baca My Biuanina nose introa. -sally,
ams u
3S1M It
MU5 16
Meia is
1422S IS
51 1'
14227 1
14234 It
1422t It .15
1423 It JK
14234 IS
Wont You Cnme Back ?" f OK-trotf rom "Zkgf dd's I
Follies ol lH.s. iumfer-triml) V
Second Hand Rose Introd. "I Know fox-trot
from "Ziegf eld's Follies of 1921" ( ease) I
Al lockers' Dance Orchestra
South Sea Isles Introd. "She's Just a Baby-
Fox-Trotf rom "Scandals of 1921" (GterteGtrikmn)
Fancies Fox-Trot (Herbert Spencer)
Yerkes' S. & Flotilla Orchestra.
Emallne Fox-Trot (McHugh)
In My Tippy Canoe Walts (F. Fischer)
Al lockers' Dance Orchestra
Remember the Rose Fox-Trot from "Snapshots'
of 1921" f.3. Stmens)
14211 It M
laave Me With a Smile Fox-Trot (Burtnett)
Selvin's Orch
HI 1807
ftM Farnam
' Street
14231 It .as
'. 143S3 it .a
L 14233 II
MOsric Co.
umana, m
Vocation Records Play on Any Phonograph
the opening of a new,
beautifully appointed
jewelry store
Monday, Oct. 3d
By '
' C. E. Reese, Jeweler
Corner 16th and Harney.
Mary F.Cooper--School of Dancing
For Information Call HArney 0945
Instructor at College Aeadeny of the Sacred Heart
Studio, 12-13 Baldric Block tOth and Farnam
Miss Ena Ballantine
.Voice and Piano
Studied with A nines and Fcbling
of lrrien
Studio, III Ksrkach Block
Itions Allanllc 821
Residence Harney t73t
Annie E. Glasgow
. S03 Karbach Btck
(299 Seulb 15th St.)
Studio Phone, JA. 101.
Rea. Phone, HA. 1181.
J. Edward Carnal
Teacher of Voice Culture
' Room 3 and 4, Davids' Rtk.
Phone Deuf las 4804
Voices Tested Frs by Appointment
J. H. Simms
Organist and Choir Master
All Saints' Church
School of Organ Playing,
Room 21, Baldrige Bldg.
Two Manual Organ for
Students' Practice
Res. Phone WA lnut!268
Albert F. Beck
309-10 Merriam Block,
Council Bluffs, la.
Teacher of Effa Ellis Teaching System
of Keyboard Harmony as applied to
piano study. Practical metnoa I or
children and adults. ,
Phone JAckson 0701
Suite, It Arl:ngton Block
Maude Graham Bell
Graduate Teacher of the
' Progressive Series of
Leopold Godowsky
" Editor-in-Chief
Studio, 14 Stutsman St.
Council Bluffa, la.
Telephone 3593
Mrs. J. Stanley Hill
Teacher of Slng-lnf
Director of muic North Side
Christian church. Residence studio,
280$ Dodge. Telephone Harney 2ttt.
Cecil Berryman
Concert Pianist and Instructor
Composition (
Walnut 3811
Studio 400 Barker Building
Frances Baetens
Studio lSUVs Dodge St.
Tel. Jackson 3084
Eleanor Jane Lear
Studio, 808 Patterson Bloclc
Phone KEnwood 1922
Louise Jansen Wylie
Suite 4 and 8, Batdrige-Wead
Phone Walnut 6343