HIE UEE: OMAHA. THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 20. 1921. i Boy Confesses, Trying to Extort Money liy Threat Watclie J Vith Companion At Officer! Lay Trap for Black. mailer'i Wanted Wire 1cm Outfit. Two boy. mti Wil.oii, 15, and Gcorat Schwaibold, IJ. were nt to the Rivwiew tkicnlion home tfrday, charged fill) writing threat ening letter to Gould' and C. N. Diet, wealthy and prominent Oma l.a men. The boyi will have a hearing in juvenile court Saturday morning. The' alleged letters t;irctenfd the recipients with death unlets $.1K) was placed at a certain. tree .near Seven, ty-second street and Military avenue, l or five days a smalt army of of ficers worked on the case In an at tempt, to intercept the young black mailers, and all this time the boys V ..watched the officers . laying their tr.,- tqitj oenino a ciump 01 uuancs. Noted Evangelist Will Conduct Meetings Here When as.yd if he knew the police were workuv on the' case, young Wilson replitVi "I couldn't .help knowing it." X,hung around the flace and saw eircsv'thing they did." lad the boys received the $200, it was to have bought them a wireless outfit, aeeordinf to WiUon. James Wilson said that his friend, Schwaibold, had nothing to do with the writing of the .letter and had merely gone with him to the tree Tuesday :iighL -. They knew they were watched and walked away without the package that had been left there, and 'were, arrested at the Wilson home, where they were fol lowed by the police. , , Letters were written first 1t Pete Gravert of Benson ' and as they i failed to bring a response, letters were then written to the Diotz broth ers. '. 'v i Common Sense 1 v 'n3. Man Is Wounded By Bullet Fired Through Window Hit Roommate, Suspected of Shooting, Captured ' Easily Ai He Mistake Police1 ' Car for Taxi. A -series of revival services will be held in Omaha for 10 days by Bishop Alma White, founder of the Tillar of Fire organization. Services will he held in the Kelpine hall, Twenty-fifth and Farnam streets, every afternoon and night, starting next Sunday. George Davenport 1 in the city jail charged witti having shot hu roommate, Joe Harnett, 38, salesman, w hile the latter was wrapping a bun-bio- of clothes to send to his wife at Garfield, Ark., yeterdy morning, in their rooms at 211 North Eight eenth street. ' According to a statement made ty Harnett before he became un consrious at St. Josephs hospital, he 'anil n.ivrnnnrl hail nii.trroliwl the i.ight before over a loan cf money Davenport had requested. The shot was fired through a window of then home. While Detectives Graham and Trapp were in the house making an investigation of the shooting, 1 man staggered up to the police car and taking it for a taxi, asked the driv er, W. R. Vance, to take him to Tommy Hart's. The driver replied in the affirmative and after the of ficers came they started for the sta tion, where it was found that their passenger was Davenport. When .carclicd, revolver with one tar tntte tired, was found. Late reports from the hoipital stated that Harnett was in a critical condition. Target Prat-tire for P. 0. Clerks Who Carry Pi.toU Mail clerks will receive instruction in piitol shooting on the police pit tol range on October J, 5 and 7, it was announced yesterday by J. 11. Miunrave, superintendent of rail way mail service here. Clyde K. McCurmick. former major in the United States unity, wni nc in cnargc. ,-Muny nours will be from V a. 111. until noon. Recent order from Will Ways, postmaster general, requires all mail clerks to co armed about their duties. Interuhan Company Ask Regulation of litis Line Victor Wilson, attomey for the Omaha and Lincoln Traction and Liuht company requested the state railroad commission yesterday ia regulate the KaUton bus tine, which operates in competition with the in terurban line represented by him. His petition claims the busses run along ahead of the iiiterurhan cars picking the cream of the traffic. Nine New Diphtheria Cases Reported to City Physician Nine new cases of diphtheria were reported to the city health depart ment yesterday morn in sr. Seven were reported Tuesday. Yesterday's cases bring the total for the week so Lr up to 2u. AltoKcihcr, Vs cac are unaer surveillance by trie depart ment. Dr. A. S. 1'iuto, htaltli com iiiiioner, reports. millUM A TODAY-ALL WEEK fcWaft. f . 1 r .as "III cjrni By the internationally famous novelist Vicente Dltsco Ibinei Vitalized by musical met ting artistically rendered. Prices tvtoinf and Saturday Matinee S9-7S I.OO.Sl JO-SJ.OO. Daily Mall mi S0c-7S and f 1.00. NEXT SUNDAY AND WEEK Omaka'i Faverlte Acter-Slnfer FISKE O'HARA la Nw Rsaaatle Slsr "The Happy Cavalier" O'Hara'a New Sonae Hava aa Indescribable Charm NUM. ?00 te ?4t: Sal. Ml. II JO 1U. Psealsr Matisse W.Sstioir. But Sears SI.M fMOTIifMIO. rMOTorutta. CNOTOfl Ata. By J. J. MUNDY. Be a Philosopher. - You have planned for the past year to do a certain thing when it came, time for you to take your vaea tion. And now, when the time has ar rived,, unforseen circumstances have anade if absolutely impossible. . . It seehjsrvto you that Jt;haS 8lw-ays' i n . 1 NVtanevcrotrKryour heart on a pleasure plan or duty and b?gar to make. i'VS-part Of your existence, your idea' '"hSsI'to. siMndond ' , Yotsare so discouraged, disgusted and:i disjoined with .nything else which; could possibly Sake place, that you are positively nfly. ; But: w hat aoesyour ug;y mooa get you in the waf of altering the caseB Nothinar. Aifdf it is appareiit to everyone with j TOhoor'vnti prime in contact thst YOU "f -ai.-iour abwrt -something and the - rlianres"are that one lookat your wsy lice impresses the beholder 'with j , . tlie $apt tnat you oescrvea wnaiever 'C - you'wt.. . . " AM maybe if ,yau were more , gracefjil and mow; philosophical ahout.it you would get a fair amount, of sympathy and rnake so 4uuch 1 betteti; . impression that youjwouid not lose' out in the end. 4 Copjflsht, ISil. Intottiattonal Fcatuia , .-.i . ... ' Service, Inc. :' I.. Cadillac tasting ' Superiority if known ., by informed ' .people. (- U is Quality tat counts. '. i;;""; See the. New . TYPE n Nbw. r Cbme i'Tonight. ' . . J. H. Hansen ; Cadillac Co. 2 Farnam at 26th. Street,' Wellington 'nn CAFE .! 75c Dinner from S to 8 P. M. .-r Oyatrr CocHUil " , Salary Haarfa or Yaaar Oaiaaa . ' Craam at Calary Sau Ckate ( . I : ab Staalc with JHwaareaa Sauca . " Titaas KOm f ImI as Jua - , BrtaaM Vaal Cullat, Crtaai Sauca Chlckaa Ah Ktas. on Taaat . ." Xaaat Lata at Park, Draaliaf aad v Aavto Saecc BaM PaUtoca ' Braa aad Buttar Haa4 Lattaca rjtfa 1000 I aland DraMtac T : And SacCraakarry Pla i"'. Calfaa ar Milk (wj DANCING j M j UaaW Eaaraaa Tlaatar ' j REFRESHMENTS I "ia Ctaaay Snr .. J limm The Lights of a Great City Suddenly: a black thunder-shower . rolls up over the. city, v Although it is rriid-after-rioon; lights are switched on in thousands of offices and homes until the towering city looks like an illuminated honeycomb. In many great cities huge Exide Storage Batteries in the central power stations are called on to supply current through the emergency. So powerful are these batteries, weighing hun dreds of -tons; that they can supply millions of candle power. Nearly all the central sta tion batteries in America are Exides. V Exide Batteries are used in scores of ways to supply the current for the vast network , oi teiepnone systems; 1.0 ligni trains; operate switches and fire alarms ; to propel mine locomotives and trucks. When you need a new battery for starting and lighting ybur automobile, the nearest service station can supply you with an Exide whose rugged power will add to your satis- faction in motoring and whose long life will prove a true economy. The Electric Storage Battery Co., Philadelphia BATTERIIES .: U ' mm X fmmmmmm m imi t v l. : hn "iiwH xntrtM m m r u ii imiih i' ii.' n n up: - wa ci.,t a f it, r . v FTTSEFEr fcfevtfJa Jfis 5- you can be eonddent of ikilful ;. ' aaBj fttj Nrta 1 IrtXlM repair work on every make of -: '' .' ' t:A Jl fHffl battery: and, when you need 5. Jn 1 f ' - J , a new battery, the ri(ht tue . . .' " , a .... L-jjja- J Exide for your car. ' , Visit the Nearest ' Exide Service Station :. s OMAHA Auto Elactric Servica Corporation, 220S Farnam St. .NEBRASKA Bluff Albion, Sntlta'a Battery Station' Arapahoe, Ezida Serrlca Sutioa Aurara, Auto Electric Shop Blua Hill, Exide Service Station Beatrice, Courtney Purdy, 116-11 N. 7 th St. Brietew. Jehnaaa, Garace j " Broken Baw, Delca Exide Service Station Cedar Rap id a. Battery Servica Company Celumaaa, Exide Storage Battery Service Sutioa CarUe, L. B. McCowta . . David City, Exide Electric Company Etvead, City Carafe Faua City, H. J. Prkliard, 17th and Chase Streeta Fremont, Autonathra Electric Service Grand lalaad, Exide Service Sutioa Hastinrt, Exide Service Station, 416 Weat 2nd St Holdrege, C S. Prima Hooper, Anton Tunberf Hoakina, Wm. Veaa Caraca Imperial, Imperial Motor Company , Kearney, Exide Servica Station, 21at and Aye. A Lexinfton, Exide Service Station Lynch, R. B. Kliae McCooh, McCook Exide Electric Company Mia den. Mindea Battery Company i ' North Platte, North Platte Battery and Electric 'Cainpany . , Of allele. Oiallala Elactric Servica Station , OTJelll, OTVein Motor Company ' COUNCIL BLUFFS City Exide Battery Company Pierce, Hayea Battery Station . Plain view, F. J. Weidmaa Randolph, Brenner and Nolton Red Cloud, Exide Service Staticn Schuyler, Kopac Bnx, t Stamford, F. E. Cttea Stratton, Exide Service Station : Stromburf, Anetrom Auto Companj , Sutton, Exide Service Station Vedleree, Vedifree Battery Station . Wallace, The Wallace Carara . Wauaa, Petera Auto Co, W. C. Peter. Pres. ' Wlnaide, GaUer Battery Station, A. C Gabler, Prop? ; I - York, York Auta.Compaay, 802 Lincoln Avenue . ' " Have Your Electrical ,Sy stem Inspected FREE of Charge .Try Our Battery t0 ElSCtflC D'" EXIDE Sloe Batteries' turn cjrccirii.'ai oervicu W ' ' W You win Lik it service Corp. 2205 FARNAM STREET "or Reputation la Your Protection" STARTS TODAY Thursday, Friday and Saturday LAYTOW ..in. QQHuumounlQicturs, Amid Crunxvkh Village gaiety ihe strug gled for fame. Then, wearied, she married, thinking wealth would solve all life's problems. That began the real struggle for love aid happiness! There's excitement and joy in , every icene of it! ALSO SHOWING HAROLD LLOYD in revival of hi carliar auceatt "BASHFUL" COMING SUNDAY ull see Kim doable i vo ItsC THE . Written and Directed by Chairle Chaplin His Latest and Best Comedy There isn't-an,idle moment in "The Idle Class," . .. because Chaplin's in it every minute. , Dual roles and laughs? Well, imagine him as Hobo, Society Man and a Knight in Armor all' in one picture ! ! A Golfing Hobo with more fancy strokes than Chick Evans. . v '; Now- Until Saturday TOM IWIX "The flight Horsemen" Start Sunday, George Beban "One Man In A Million' Return Engagement . Giersdorf Company in a r New Program TWO DAYS MORE LON CHANEY . BETTY COMPSON in for Those We Love' keaton VTough Lock" - - V SATURDAY , "Dangerous Curve Ahead" TODAY reatnre at lliSOltao.3,3o ' 5i3-ri3-i3a TODAY Feature mt II 130-1 tSO-3 ISO Sl30-7l30-lM MillaceReid Elliott Dexter Monte Blue iheorJoreBotoert Theodore Kotioff Raymond Hetton Gloria Swsnson Bebe Daniel. Wanda Hawtey Atfnea Ayrey Polly Moral Julia Faye) CECIL B. DeMILLES t . PRODUCTION TheAFfairs of Anatol- With Stars Enough for Ten Pictures - t AU the richness, romance and dashing fashion that have" made.De Mille the master of beautiful screen produc tionsmore brilliantly staged than ever before. A social lion's adventures in love. Bustling with silk en luxury. Alluring with beautiful women. NIGHTS Baleaalee - - 40c Mala riaar - Sfle Baxea - - - - Oe Includea Govt, tax Attend Matinees Silverman's Orch. Haupt at Organ 1 MATS, ta ila aleaalea - 3Se Mala Floor - - 33c Baxea . - - BOe includea Govt, tax AMUSKMF.NTS. I'sc Bre want ads for speedy re aults, . ' it LAST TIMES "Buried Treasure" TOMORROW - -THE WITCHING HOUR" , vnAim a7 a AHXSEME-Vra. "OMAHA'S FUN CENTER" Mat. ana Nlta Today ReaSicW Prlcea Oesttaai SsMr ta EnOctu lbs Steea Bene hssrnm own ksS OrS KAY. iOHWII! WAI.KrR. tTJW CANTOR and dozms ef MUeia. RAlllrktnc. IrrwMIMc. Cleaa Frltelltr that's mil? irorth erbila. . Bir Ladiea' Tkkata, lSe-30 Everv Weak Day let. Mat, Wk. MaHaaa Dally 2:19 ary NlaM t:iS KITTY OONER villi Sitter Rate aa Breraar Tatf Doaer: IACK IN0LI8; LYONS 4 VOSCO; KRAMER A BOYLE: atlu Nerlea: Paal Nick, altaa: Samsttd "arlaas "NIMa": Testae at the Day; Aews's FaMest Pstke Ntwa. Matlaaai is re Me: Saaie 7ie aaa II. 00. Sst. Saa. Nltntt IK la ll.Be: Saae tl.23. Sat A Saa. ta ix-fcTwr wwh vmr . Sebof Barrf "Maids ef AaMtlsa" 1 NEW SHOW TODAY EMPRESS NELSON MADISON ta "A Kube ana A Ruby": B A AD E It LA VELLS TROUPE, "A Cyclias; Faataay"! B LOUGH A AUSTIN, Coneay Sinfine. Taiklnr ajd Daaciac; THE BRIG.H TONS. "Artistic R.( Plckera"; Plwt. sJay Attractlaa. "LIVE WIRES", iaatitriaf dna Murpby anal Jekaav Walker. , I I I t -J f A