TUB BICE: OMAHA. ItttKMMY. bM ittMUfc.lt TJ. itf.l. 12 i Classifies! Mvertisinj Rates It wr lia iinM u wm4 t naval I Mr )t per ee day, I mmuii It ft l pt V, aneii. der. lie par at . M Mall V?t K. ail! Us, la Km the a fatal a It Ihaae ri oly lta? 4 i Daily f Suaaar Bn. All ad . U both ajaraiat a4 Sail e4ri far th ehra COMIkACT tUTMON APPLICATION Will 1 MMftsd st lk fl'wif of- MMW OFFICE ITth ( hrua . .th S4 till it Jtih Jt. twined 0ijffa I "' WANT AD HIECEIVf D IV I'HONC ATLANTIC lift THE itl trUI Ml M rMMMibl fat ntnr. IMa an leerrt l.aartlo f dvrttt (? far Kara tUa CUMINO BOUM f0 WANT AD9. Kvalng tdltton 1 1 (41A.M. Morning td'tloa . : F. SI. Sunday MiIMm . . . .. jMJj .urj DEATH V FUNERAL NOTICES. tVilACIIT lira. Anna". 4tY It.tAv-. Hi,t. 17 ( a local hospital, aged 31 leara. Kuiiar.l rvle from th reeldeti' Friday il U in,, to Hi. Jnaaph rburh t Jo a. w. Iniormeiit In family lut at hi. Mary Mdaln cematar,. ! seed I (urvlvad by bar huel.and. Ion- mil Hiliarht, and thra children; har ri.othar, Mrs. rrecentin lieneler, l0 le. lera. Mia Margaret flenelar and Mia. Catherine KrU'le; on brother. Andrew tiffiitlar. ... . . linAN'li t'hariai "X."lli."ra In local boa. pilal Kpt-inr II, 1121 : Si rt. 1 months. Funaral aarvlua from tlia noma or hit .i.i. r. lr. K. Man-ley. 1114 Mouth Kill Htreet, Friday, t p. ui. Daceaaad la survived by Ma niixbxr. Mr. M. Hran.l; hla alalara, Mr. F. Haaa and Mra. ('. Itltighufer. and Ida llrand: hla brother. Win. tlran.l. from Haml.ura, Mn. i'.lUiV ilobart A. d7ad apt. ST, aitcd It yrara. t'unaral i-rvlaa Thurmlay. f:3 p. in. front Hurkrll Clwi'rl, :04 I.aavan wrih Ci. C MONUMENTS. ' Beautiful Memorials And Monuments. Our Knit "rk Now Off'trd .t rnii'iitf r.uKATi.r KcnrrKD. M'rll f.ir fi-pa i-aUlof, or vla'.t our n .ilr ruor. Art Memorial Co. Ailanlle 0314 T South Ktb 81. CEMETERIES. FOREST LAWN v CEMETERY. An Idaal location luat north or city llmita and wart of Florance arltn mllaa of macadam pavement. 3to acrca. Per. I'Otual car. Not oporatad for profit, offlca 4'.'d and No. Clly Umita. City offlca. TCO Brandeia Tbaatar. FUNERAL DIRECTORS F. J. STACK & CO., Succaaaor to Atack & Kalcnnrr OMAHA'S BEST. i RnowA M BUL AN CEhT Vosi! Thlrly-thlrd and Farnam. HEAFEY & HEAFEY t'ndartakara and T!mbalmra. Thnn II A. tn. - Offlca 8611 Farnam. "HULSE & RIEPEN PIONEER FCNERAL DIRKCTORS. !?4 Cumin Pi. - Jackaon 12! KUH AMBDLANCB tall MA rket 0680. Korlako Funeral Home. J 3d and O 81a. FLORISTS. T W T iPllinWHK Douaiaa. OJXJAJ UXkUVAl Ph. Ph. Doug. 8244 JOHN BATH, 1104 Farnam. Jackaon 190H. ptgirna AMn nlTlTtK , ORIGINAL new Blue Bird Electrio Waah- PlKiHa AU tJAltlS. ng Machine Ije than nalf price; ; Blrthaj now In storage at Omaha Van & Stnr- . .u . m i.i ,7,1,. ,014 v-rfi, age company, 16th and Leavenworth. Charlee and Minnie aibaon, 4934 North . CJU DoUtM 4163i or A. P. Heggblade, Thlrty-thlrd avenue, rtl. Douglaa 6731. Sunday Harney 1050. w 'Uum ai)4Jf rle Mngaton, 40t North 5 . ; i T-antyiirsiui, gin. Pianos and Musical Instruments. rV.randndAd.COaPntle ho.e,..?rTrl. OEORaa A. SMITH -Dealer In drumaT Arthur and Margaret ' Ander.on, fioa- Phone Barney 8t67. Try Smlth'a pedal. Jiltal, girl. , - , VIOLINS, bowa. atrlnes and repairing at Oeorga and Margaret Thurman 42! lowest price. Matthew" Studio, B0 South Eighteenth. boy.! Doualaa Blk.;.Opp. Haydena. AT. 2038. William and Anna Kosal, 4C27 South .. . -,.. " Thirty-fourth, girl. - Clothing anq lurs, John and Jlivida.- Nagle, 633 North ,K Mo 3 dj ,on)f wjth UI, and lorly-aecond. girl. . . . , , pawa, J60; mink cape. 1100: chokera, 313 ; Clarence and Venetla Parson, hospital, Jp Big line of fur coata, Sacrifice boy. ' I prices. From manufacturer. Mr. Mc- Karl and Verna William. Thlrty-aUth Nnmara,.8Qi Wellington Inn. eSaC' 'ZXZS "DU" p.: .O, Madison. KtKcfrX St.. Fred and Emma Thoma, 3803 North ftjrs remodeled, relined and cleaned. Sixty-sixth avenue, girl. KNEBTER ALASKA FUR CO.. Nels and Elliabeth Palmqolst, 4118 tot 8. lath St. Doualaa 7338. Hamilton, boy. . Typewriters and SuppHes. Olesn Ralph Reeve, 7 months, 4208 ; TVPPWuITFPi; South Twentieth. 1 YlTWKlI K&. Chrlet Schwara, il, 6611 South Fifty- . .--AD fourth. , ADDING MACHINES. Anton Holoubalti 58, Sixty-second and Au MAKES bought, old, rented and N, R. F. D. R No. 4. ' repaired. Sola agenta for the CORONA. Bernard J. Kaenan, Infant, 442t South Get our priCea befor you buy. Every Sixteenth. ' ' machine guaranteed. ' ; jjXX?5S& o8:,ro.ptnhMpI,,, Central Typewriter Exc. John Johns, 83, hospital. Jackson 4120. " ltl2 Farnam. Mr FourUenth "a WE buy, aell a.fe.,' mak. desks, .how. MrS rirrla, Harrinir SO 2660 Marcy. cases, etc. Omaha Fixture & Supply Co., MraCarrla Herring. 60-660 aiarcy. s. wl Cor. 11th and Douglas. JA. 2724. MARRIAGE LICENSES. Miscellaneous Articles. J. Frank Wray. 6, Webster City, la., ; ; and Elsie Lillian Lessley, . 31, Denver, Colo. - Max 8osnowkl. S3, Omaha, and Phllo- - man Micltlar, 18, Omaha. . FOR SALE Dictaphonel nearly, neve. $o0 Edward E. Morrison, over SI. Omaha, 1k,e"t once- Address Box X-60; and Vera, Auer, aver 21, Omaha. Omaha Bee. Roy Stelnkamp. over SI, Mahley, Neb., and Kathryn L. Tyler, over 18, Omaha. . Frank A. Stewart, 30, ' St. Loula, Mo., ' ' DHoyBTovt Tah'r and SEWING MACHINES Ulary M. Hughea, over 21. Omaha. W rent, repair, sell needlei and parte. LOSTTfOUND AND REWARDS. , . ' MICKEL'S ' i . , , rr- 15th and Harney. . Douglas 1973. LOST Between Omaha and Lincoln, suit- caaa with black oilcloth cover. Inside DOWDKN potato digger; good as 'new: - of caaa marked Margaret Seward, Pitts- foot Standard mower, almost new; lots burgh, Pa. Finder- pleaaa communl- of second-hand lumber; good, strons; cat with Mra. 8. B. Bowman, 4341 lumber wagon. Phone Harney 7002. Carl Harney, Wal. 1043. Sorenaen. ' FOR ARTICLES LOST on street cars tele- LUMBER at low prices; kindling delivered, pfcona Tyler 800, We ara anxloua to re- MICKLIN LUMBER ft WRECKING CO., stora lost article to rightful owner. 24th and Burdette. Webster 6555. OM?av$ COUNCII. BLUFFS ST. BT. BUT your klndg wood now; .hortage COMPANT this falL Acme Box Co.. Harney 1837. LOST Whit n brtndle " dog; own- BUTTER K1ST pope- p0pper an,i pea- er' nam. on collar. Tag number 1063. t roast,r ch7ap. woodman Cafe. Reward. Webster 3626. Comstock. Nob. LOST Black Shepherd dog, whit ring around neck; named Bruce. Call Mar- WANTED TO BUY. ket 0306. 3220 M St. Reward. : LOST Pair shell rim eye glasses in black DESKS DESKS DESKS c.ae. Webster 3323. Reward. New desks, used desks bought, told and LOST Oold fountain pan, engraved R. H. traded. J. C. Reed. 1207 Farnam, D. 6146 N. Reward. Call Jackaon 436a. ' 11 LOST Sept. 17., on Eaat Farnam car, WANTED SITUATIONS. .man otter choker, jackaon 0373. Laundry and Day Work. " . PERSONAL - lst-clasa col. lauTfdrega with ret. Web. 53QS. THE SALVATION Army Industrial home EXP. laundress, called for. del. II. 6875. solicits your old. clothing, furniture, magaalnea. W. collect JTm 4Uatrtbuta. HELP WANTED MALE. Phone Douglaa 4118 and. our wagon . . wtu eaiL can ao tnpc our aw - Professions and Trades. bom. 1118-1111-1114 Dodra St. ' . irtOLER BARBER COLLEGE. MASSAGB and scalp treatment. 638 Pax- lt s. i4tB- writ for catalog, ton block. Fifth floor. v hattie potman. Nubon coraat shop. Salesmen and SoLcitors. 602 Karbach Block. -AT. 8tt8- WANTED Experienced candy salesmen SAT IT WITH FLOWERS FROM HESS f one of thjr beat Omaha territories; at 8WOBODA. 1416 FAKNAH STREET. taast bo huetler. State in first letter . . " experience, territory covered and refer- yNT HOOVER Taeuiim. 11 sr Har. 1071. ence. Addrew R-43. Omaha Bee. SWBPISH lfaaaaga. Chiropody. 10 S. it. WANTED Linotype operator by ecd of LADIES caa do art work at bom. spar, gj S ' chln. .hop. The Kearney - Mtn.: xparteitca unnecMaaxy. -. Call Hub. Kearney. Neb. Room it, Douglaa Block, op posit Hay- Miscellaneous. den ' DESK apnea, Including use of furniture, ANNOUNCEMENTS. telephone and atenographer If desired; f aiavviiav,aaia.ia. good location t reasonable rental. 313 AcCOrdeOB Pleating. . Cnrtney Bl'dg., 17th and Douglas Sts. 4? .,Sb52; help wanted-femaleT" JSLTSS. Store, ana Office Idaal Button and Pleating Co. Itl GIRLS to takeup ahortband. tyvewritting. Brown Blk. Jack IMS. aooktwplnc .etc Personal Instruction. tr. Wwttln ft ButtM Co, MM Fama Tan can qualify quickly. Don,. 7774. A SC, 2d floor. Douglaa II7S. WANTED Two girl to wait 'on trade, M . . muat be over 24 year old. Olympin OwttaKtors-PaUTfting. Candy Kitchen. fifties: piatrr and cement, new- and Professions and Trades. rbpalr work. J. Nau. Walnut 4I7. . . ; . .. WANTED experienced lady pre alter. Teddy Repaint!; and Painting. Bear Cleaners 113 N. 18th. APERHANONO. interior salntlagL Phoa EXPERIEXCKU - OorJun feeJtr. 41; Walaat Mil, . 14 Bromley Bldg. 1 BRINGING UP IN THE HALL. OF r-W CN HVVE IT IFVOUI.U tNEv. IN AN TAKE IT ri ANNOUNCEMENTS Dancing Academiei. I.UAKN TO UAN'U llllllIT Hlldrad Manilla laai'baa all uiani-ha (lalK'lli. Nlud'o ltlan lilda. I'L; Vnnn'c ! Karoam. aura nialiioda. l KM! O raaaonaMa ralaa. Pa. i I? - TJJna Hrbool for Ilancln. t XVel-rine Kariiara. poualaa TIM. Midley niaat. fancy, claaalv, uaiiroum, 1713 1'iwla AT. 134. Detectivea. kKi.lA'll.t: Datrcllv lluraan. Railway K. Uld.. JA. S0i. Nlaht. KBN. 3MS. Indi-paudant I'ciaciiv Ilureau, 304 Neville blk. All. snu nunc wai. iu; n; JAM ICS ALUN, lit Neville lllk. F.vldeliC aacurad In all eaa Atlantio im. Dressmaking. i l fik aulle, draaara remodeled, rellued H. 4104. Sulla rinodld. Ilnadl'rfaacd, II A, 04, l.aili.a' uid "rhllilren'a awln. HA. I7, Kodak Finishing. ii'ii.kist dvaluiid: nrlntlnc and enlarKlna. Write for price. The Enalgo CoM 1407 Howard Bl. ' KNI.ARCKMKNTS. oil coloring dcveloulna, prlntlnc. Ku Studio. 313 Neville Blk. Patent Attorneys. PATENT ATTORNEYS J. W MARTIN, patent atty.. ITU Doda. Milcellaneous Announcements. DIAMONDS ..'ZAVtl tfta buy back at email profit. GROSS ejOEWK'-RX CO.. 403 . imn ow iou laa S04. OMAHA PILLOW CO. .Wattreeeee made over In new tick ac nair in price u new bed. ItOJ Cumlnc Jackaon mi, riAzriR BLADES ahamened. Slnrle, 35c double edve. ia a ox. Juan orn.ra mv Helled. Omaha Hr.iarp Co., 103 n. lain. KO0UR8 Confectionary Htore. 34th and Farnam Bt. Jackaon 0127. SHAMPOO and maeaaEe at home. Har. nay 6353. WHITKLT, tire and radiator man; reaa. prlcee; work guar, aau B. utn. w, ww. ri'l.L dreaa and tuxedoa for rent. John Feldman. lot N. mtn Pt. jacneon ana. NEW and rebuilt electrical apparatua. LeBron Electric, 318 H. istti St.. umana. Omaha Towel Supply, 20T S. 11th. JA. 053 BR1TT Printing Co.. 7 Klka Bids. CALL Herman the Glazier, Kenwood 2701, FOR SALE. FATHER HOUE help wanted female. Household and Domeitic. WA.MTKU Esperlancad girt for geiiarul buuaawork in modem bom. oittf nine from town; Inr. In family, tiood waga. Mra. A. A. Mtnlin, nt. Kdwaru, r. WANTKIa A houa.kpr on farm. Writ Herman Kurpaaweii, i,iiaon. ftap, WANTEI Whit, rook; clly rafarenc r. qulrad. 371.1 rarnam. Harnay IMS, Misceiianeoua, Girls Wanted for Candy Factory Work, bee John G. Woodward & Co., THFJ CANDT MEN." rtiL'NiML BLUFKH. IA. , Male and Female. WANTED Men. ladle and boy to leern barber trade; big demand; wage whll I'Brnlng, ctrictly modern. Call or writ i Doug Ht Trt-city Barber con.ga. BUSINESS CHANCES. WANT to hear from owner having buai. neaa ror aale. J. C. Mcconney, iar minal Illdg., Omaha. Neb. Fl)K SALE Hotel, 11 room. Udy alone; win aeii cneap; in a good town, au dreaa Box Y-1442, Omaha Bee. FOR RENT ROOMS. Furnlsned Rooms. FRKR ROOM DIRECTORY. Just off the preaa, th September laaue of The Be furnished room ana board director Contain, desirable va cancles, and la lupplled, fre. to room a?ekera. Room advertiser, can rent room quickly by ualng thl. plan. Phon Atlantio jouu, aiK lor anas nunier, lei her tell you bow others are keeping their rooms rilleu tnrougn in nee. MOST desirable large btdroom aultable for two. East and south rrontsgo, well furnished with beautlcu: mahogany convenient to cir line 361 N. 41t Ave Walnut 1957. PLEASANT furnlahed rouin. modern home, aultable for 2, laundry i.-iviages. breakrast If desired; 83.50 week, tval nut 2416. COMFORTABLE, heated room, suitable ror gentlemen, reasonable, sit) . :iin St. BI2ALTIFUL front room in lovely home, no children, fin location, garage, liar. 4761. FURNISHED rro. for 2. private family: gentle'n only. 708 N. 27th Ave. HA. 4963 1610 S. 24TH, furnished mom. strictly modern, private home. Douglas 4711. VERY desirable fur. rm. for gentlemen in Dundee. ReC Walnut 2557. DESIRABLE furn. room, close to Central Hlxh and Creighton. DO. 6766. WELL furnished room, students preferred, 2778 California. Harney 2263. Housekeeping Rooms. THE BEE'S September directory of house keeping rooms is now reaay. supplied free of charge to Bee readers. Call at office. Those with vacancies should learn about thl improved method of renting room. Phon. Atlantio 1000, ask for Miss Hunter. CENTRAL All modern, 2 corner rooms; apply ZwU in. zsa sr. uougias 2. FURNISHED room, also unfur rooms; gee, light and heat furnished. HA. 2349. 2567 MASON; three semi-basement room rurninnea or unfurnished, do. 5767. Board and Rooms. WOULD like four refined gentlemen to room and board; home atrictly modern and newly furnished, Harney 2863 or Harney 4868. BOARD and room to 4 young men who would appreciate horn privileges, Har ney 1777. 2808 Dewey Ave, Two desirable rooms, board optional, gentlemen. - Doug. 9491. CLEAN, large room with board, for two gentlemen, 19 a week; close In. II. 0458. FOR RENT HOUSES. Furnished. , FURNISHED HOME. Eight rooms fully furnished and a beautiful Hanscom park location. Owner going to California for 6 months. Adults only. Reference. Fair rent to right parties. BROWNE ft TRACY, . 542 Securities. AT. 3360. . 604 WIRT, modern furnished 7-room house all on ground floor, block from car, double garage. Kenwood 0643. NICELY furnished 5-room house In Balaton., cheap to desirable tenant. Ad dress Box R-32, Omaha Bee. Unfurnished. For Rent. 117 So. 38th St. Bight-room: garage; (90. Immediate possession. Jackson 2561. FOR RENT APTS. AND FLATS. Furnished. TWO-ROOM and kitchenette, furnished apartment, close to boulevard and car, well located In Kountze park district; price, including ono-car garage, 350 per month. Call Douglas 7715, during day. TWO-ROOM apartment 'in College Ter. race, to party buying living . room fur niture. Atlantio 2722. FOR RENT Beautifully furnished 4- room apartment. Call web. 0957. BEAUTIFUL front apartment with kitchenette and bath. 2063 Farnam 8t. Unfurnished. Peters Trust Company, WHERE OMAHA RENTS. The Monticello and Mount Vernon Apartments r NEW lers old. than COMFORTABLE all outside rooms pleasant, well dec orated. ' ATTRACTIVE WELL ARRANGED lots of closet space SERVICE gooa janitor hot j water always. 9 In. connection, heated. reduced to 195.00 and tll6.00. , close In West Far- GARAGES PRICE LOCATION nam District, 620-5-4 South 31sg . street. Peters Trust Company, "Where Omaha- Rente." Atlantic 0644. 17th and Farnam Sts. R FINK 3-room apartment. Close in. Best condition. Possession October 1. 365 per month. Also one of 4 rooms, 367-50. W. T. Graham, Peters Trust Bldg. jjcksoa 1533. f . tlt OtfK ataflia a, 7 I ( WE't A FINE 7f . UP THE FOR RENT APTS. AND FLATS. Unfurnished. CI.AUl.MiA Jlst and Kama m; en. cliolia avH'ond floor apartment, .vail til ivtob.r I: vary laraa living room, r"l firepiaca, large dining room, three badrouma, h at-4 eleoplng porch, klicli. an aud two baths. Call DO, 7ilS, dur. Ih day. CrNTKAL AM inodnrn 4-rooin apt. or flat; apply 33t N. fid HI. I'O 703, FOR RENT Business Property. yuti-A vrn.i: roRA(iU and wake. Hiil'Ki; CO., llth and Jonea Kta, p., ii. iYknner" CO., TRACK AUK sec y. D. WKAD. 110 HO. ilTH ST MOVINO AND STORAGE. FIDELITY VSSVA .CO. STORAOB 310VINO, PACKING IIOUSKIIOI.D OOOOS AND PIANOS. HUAHONAFtl.E KATES. REDUCED FKKlriHT RATES TO ALL PRINCIPAL CITIES. 1107-11 Howard St. Jackson 0!4t FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separata locked room, for household good and piano, moving, packing aad hipping. .4EKINS OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE, to South Hth. Douglaa 4143. METROPOLITAN VAN and STORAGE CO. Owned by H R. Bowen Co. Atlantio 1400. ESTIMATES furnished on atoraae ft niov. Ing. Contract taken by job or nr. Olob. van ft ntoraga Co., J A.. 4J38. AT. 0230, 120-24 North lttb St. EDUCATIONAL. DAT SCHOOL NIGHT SCHOOL. Complete courae in accountancy, ma chine bookkeeping, romnlometry. eoort band and tyiiewrltlnit, railroad and wireless telegraphy, civil service and al largo Illustrated catalog. Addres BOYLES COLLEGE. Boyles Dldg., Omaha. Neb. English and commercial orsnches. Write, call or phone Jackson 1666 for Van Sant School of Business. Day and Evening School. 220 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Dougia. 6890. FRANK Henry aaxophon. Instruction,, 806 Lenang. POULTRY AND PET STOCK. ANGORA torn kitten, 4 months old. Call. Market 307 j. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. Replacing Old Equipment This causes us to sell a number of late 1919 and 1930 Ford touring cars with and without starters, i These have been kept In good con dition In our repair shop, and are real bargains. We are not used car dealers. hence you pay us no commission, or proiits. sc. or can C. D. Barnard, Tel. Doug. 3622 Drive It Yourself Co.," 1314 Howard St. FORDS. 'f FORDS. " FORDS. Used Ford cars. Largest stock'- In the city. Over 100 to choose from, Consisting of: TOURINGS, ROADSTERS, SEDANS, COUPEH, TRUCKS. Priced as low as 175. USED CAR CO. Of Authorized Ford Dealers. 205t Farnam Street. A. S. Avery, Mgr. DON'T isit our out-i and Douglas. forget to visit our out-door u.sed car sale at lvth and Douglas. 0. N. Bonney Motor Co. BUY A GUY L. SMITH USED CAR, A Safe Investment. 26th and Farnam Sts. Phone D. 1170. For Values See our out-door used car sale at 19th and Douglas. 0. N. Bonney Motor Co. SOME bargains In used Fords; prompt delivery on new Fords. M'CAFFREY MOTOR CO., Th Handy Ford Service Station. 15th and Jackson Sts, DO. 3500. LOOK d car exhib At our used car exhibit at 19th and Douglas. 0. N. Bonney Motor Co. FRANKLIN Chummy roadster, run only a few thousand miles; original paint and tires. Pelton'a Garage, 2019 Far nam. FOR SALE Victoria coupe Cadillac, mod el 57; excellent condition; no dealers. Call H. 0206 for demonstration. FOR 8 A LB Rauch Lang electric, newly painted; new batteries. Call at 206 8. 82d Ave i USED car. bought, sold and exchanged. TRAWVER AUTO CO.. 2210 Farnam St. visit : Our out-door used car sal. at llth and Dougia Sts. O. N. Bonney Motor Co. ; Repairing and fainting ' iioLLV. expert auto trimmer. 812 .'-F-ttn. fEK AND AtAtiClla IN FVIL rAce of colom in xhi iunoav icc YOUE A FINE AWMHAOTHCVAtiE N MEAAM. WHEN, TOUR WIFE CRA&BU3 it an' EOKl. IT OVtR MC HEAD. Piece or CHEEtE FARM LANDS. Minnettota Lands. Kg 1 1 IT V I .and Escbsnsa, St. Paul, Minn Nebraska Lands. Real Land Bargains. t'to acre Central N'ebrselta. Brown county; mighty good eoctiuti; only II. Hi su a'Ta. Another. let acre near Bella Fourcni. South Dakota, with water right; level tanii laud; only li.OO an acre, Ownjr going tu th coast. Another. 40 acre, nil fin farm land, on Blair High road four mile northwest of Irvlngton; fin walnut grove and email orchard ; thl will mak you rich If planted to grapea; priced at 1360.00 an acre laat year: 1250 an acre buy It to day; IJ.OOt caah or Liberty bonds; also 1 acre cloaa to above; very flue, larg Improvement; real (nap. S. S. & R. E. Montgomery, fit City Nat. Ilk. Bldg. Omnhn Neb. FOR SALE Farm of 160 cres, 10 mllee from th. Omaha postofflc. aod 4 mile irom tu ena or tn Florence car line, on th high road to Blair, which I to Ii paved next year. Two let of Im- firovements, worth at least 120.000. 'rlc 1250 per acre. Thla farm to b sold for lea. than pre-war price be caua. of death in th. family. For term, and Information see Henry An derson. Commercial Stat. Bank, or 1007 N. 31st St. Tel. Kenwood 4303. FINANCIAL. Real Estate Loans. W. have cash on hand to loan on Omaha residences. E. H. LOUDER. INC 638 KeKllne Bldg. OMAHA HOMES EAST NEB. FARMS. O'KEEFH REAL ESTATE CO.. 1018 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Jackaon 2718. tlOO to 110.000 mad oromntlv. F. D. WEAD. Wead Bldg. 810 8. 18th St. REAL ESTATE WANTED. . We Have Buyers Waiting. for the following property: 16,000 homo or bungalow, near Hans com park or Park school, 12,000 cash. 16,000 bungalow with garage, near croMtown car line, south of Leaven worth. 11,800 cash. 14.200 6-r. cottage, modern, north, 31.000 cash. 34,600 to 15.000 house, 6 or 6-r., north, 11,000 to 11.200 cash. Let us sell for you now. We get the buyers and know how to close our sales, l'hone D. E. Buck & Co., Realtors. 442 Omaha Nafl Jackson 2000 AVE have purchaser, for four, five and - six room nouses. For results ee .North wall & Johnson. DO. 7487. . 503 Eloctric Bldg. I HAVE a buyer with 3500 cash and good monthly payments who is not too par, tlcular. If you will sell on these terms. can Mr. Toitver at RASP ROS. AT. 0721.- FLATS WANTED. We have several investors with cah ; mat are ready to buy. JA. 2419. FIKE A PRICE. To buy or sell Omaha Real Esut see FOWLER & M'DONALD 1120 City Nat. Bk. Bldg. Jackson 1426. CONSULT u. If you contemnlato bulldlne-. or wish to buy or sell Omaha real estate. u. B. BTunT CO.. City Nat. Baak Bldg. DO. 8787. THE Old Reliable Real Estate Office. M CAGUE INVESTMENT CO., iou uoqge ar. Douglas 1345. BIRKETT sens.A ESTATE. Sells. Rents, Insures. 350 Peters Trust Bldg. Jackson 0633. PROMPT .ale of your real estate; w. hav. many buyer, and solicit your busi ness: Shopen & Co.. Realtor. JA. 4228. HAVE inquiries for homes do you want to aell your property? List It with ' C. A. Grlmmel, Omaha Nat'l Bk. Bldg. THOS. W. H AZ E N Real RmtaiS 806 McCague Bldg. DO. 8330. PPTTPMTl-Rea'ty Co. List wltk aa vi.u J A.ijixor quick results. 1418 1st. Natl. Bk. Bldg. Jackson 1961. Mark Martin Insurance, real estate, loan. 1045 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. OMAHA real estate bought and aold. WEST END REAL ESTATE CO. 811 North 40th St. Walnut 0840. LIST your property with FUNDERBURK & BROTHERTON. Douglas 6600. 601 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. LIST your property vacant or Improved. D. V. SHOLES COMPANY 915 City Nat. Bk. Bldg J A. 0046. LIST with us. W guarantee results. STIER REALTY CO.. 716 Bee. DO. 6545. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS. PRESSED BRICK FLATS. I have a real bargain In a Duplex flat near 26th and Dewey. In line with city progres. and bringing fin. interest on investment. .... Call Mr. Toliver, KE. 1086, AT. 0721. RASP BROS. . THREE strictly modern homes, corner lot. Will return 12,040 per year. 316.006, 15,000 cash. ALFRED THOMAS SON CO. 604 First National Bank. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE WANTED A good auto for 160 acres wheat land Wichita county. Kan., unim proved. Price. 335 per acre. Address C. L. W., Room 103. Fontenelle hotel, Omaha. Neb. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN. Benson. 1 YOUR FUTURE RESIDENCE You wilt carefully choose. See this among others, if a beauty; one block to car and achool; lovely location, handy yet exclusive. Large long living room, built In bookcases, roomy dining room, snappy kitchen and bedroom downstairs. two bedrooma and bat h, upstairs, cement basement, finished in oak downstairs. Pric only 1,000: tl.000 down. Call SHOPEN ft CO. JA. 4228. Dundee. HAPPY HOt-LOW. 9-EOOM .BRICK 1 . One of the finest brick homes In thla beautiful district. Large living room with fireplace, attrac tive dining room. ' aunroom and kitchen, first floor; four large -bedrooms and sleeping porch sec-' , ond floor: maid's room and bath third floor. Hot wter heat, double garage and driveway. A nice eaat front close to car and club grounds. Price 330.000. Posseaslon at once. Shown by ap pointment only. J. L. IT I ATT COMPANT. "Better Values" Iliett Bldg. ," 1J14-1S Douglas. Atlantic 3. ok: VELL- THATt, AJ-U fft RiCHT IF tTi BROKEN- JLHrj I WW WANT HER TO (-- rtT Me -WTri IT t)0 nat ir iT'L rAiuw tiwvict. tHal IZZ REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN. Dundee. list CAMS ST. pidi;k. On th. knoll overlooking Happy Hol low, farina south, is one of lb. choio at home. In Dundaa. Attractive thru out, Including four bedrooms, sun room and flnlahad maid', room (3d floor). Haautlful 76-foot lot. For full detail a. MATTSON ft S1IAII.S, 1 31 4 City Nat l. HO. 1103. Li'TM In Dnndo from 11,360 to l?.00 and hitlior. Can arrange to build ami finance. All Improvement In and go ing faar. Chas. E. Belman. 70 I'et.r Trust Bldg. J A. 5235. ROOMS DUNDEE. So attractive you muat aea It. Juat waiting for you to move In never oc cupied before, iieautnui location. 8. loth Ave. 31.600 rash; balance terms. MATTSON ft EMAILS. 1514 City Nat l. DO. I10J. Florence. Kethaway. Flor. prop, n colored, KE. I40t REAL ESTATE OTHER CITIES I ROOMS and 2 .eml-bsaemenl ; modern, 3 Int. on corner. Be. Owner, 10 B. 16th, Council Uluffa, la. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West- Owner Has Left City. And must aell hi beautiful six-room bungalow, large living room and dining room, kitchen and bedrooma In white. beautiful tiled bath, oak floors through out, hot water heat, double garhge, paved .treit. We are going to ell thl quick. Call us for appointment. Lo tated at 4209 Harney St. , Payne & Carnabyv Co. 618 Om. Nat l Bldg. J A. 1018. New Brick Bungalow. Beautiful G-room. nil modern homo In Edgewood; Just being finished end ran ne nougnt ai present ouuuinj cubis: comfortable living room across front with brick fireplace and built-in book case; large dining room and whit enamel kitchen with built-in b-eakfaat nook; paved street; wonderful location, A real home and built right. Evening phon. Mr. smith, Kis swo, or Mr. au derson, HA 3715, N. P. Dodge & Company. T. W. Metcalfe. Mgr. Local Dept. 404 Mlckel Bldg. Douglas 0829. $850 Cash. Leavenworth Heights. Must ell immediately, seven rooms, garage; a, bargain at 35,600. 135 month. Stier .Realty Co., 715 Peter. Trust Bldg. Douglas 6645. Evenings HA. 6701. Bemis Park District. 81x-room semi-bungalow at a r?al bargain ; four rooms down : two up ; oak finish down; beamed ceilings. Cut tu 15,000. term. also. Call SCHROEDER INVESTMENT CO., . Realtors, Jackson 3261. 638 Ralr Exchange. 5-Room Stucco House. Small payment down, balance monthly: Fontenelle Park District, near car; school and stores. Call Mr. Grier, evenings, Market 2544; days, Jackson 2438. Temple McFayden Co., 1505 Farnam Street. New Stucco Bungalow. WEST DODGE STREET. OAK FLOORS, MAHOGANY AND WHITE ENAMEL FINISH. STEAM HEAT. BUILT-IN FEATURES. 16,000 WITH 3700 CASH. JACK. 3566 OR AT, 1910 EVENINGS. IN CATHEDRAL DISTRICT 3 NICE R.. STRICTLY MOD., CHOICE LOCA.; 11,500 DOWN; PR. 16,000 350 MO. Price reduced from 19.000 to 36,000; out town owner must sell; act quick. Call Jackson 2282. OSBORNE RKALTY CO., Peter Trust. Only $2,500 ! ! A dandy 6-roora cottage, newly dec orated, modern but heat, close to car and school. Reasonable term or will consider good trade. BROWN REALTY CO., 205 So. 19th St. Jackson 1605. Clairmont Six-room modern home, paved atreet, convenient to car. Call Owner, Wal nut 0204. after 6 p. m. - SIX-ROOM modern home with garage, built 3 years, fine neighborhood, close to car and school. Oak floors and fln- ish; full cemented basement: 15,250. WA: 6704 OR JA. 0686. - CLAIRMONT semi-bungalow: 6 rooms; brand new. ' Will take lot as part pay ment. Call Atlantio 3540. J B ROBINSON, real est t. and Invest ment. S42 Peter Trust. DO. 8097. D. E. BUCK CO. buy nd sell homes. North. Little Cash Easy Terms. Good 6-room house near 27th and Spencer Sts. Modern except heat. Just decorated. A real buy. 3250 cash; bal ance terms. , Corner- house 24th and Manderson St. S rooms, good condition. Chance for speculation. Price, 13,250. Easy term. " 2314 Manderson. Good 6-room house. Strictly modern. Oak finish downstair, i nlc. bedrooms. Price, 33,250. Easy terms. . - W. T. Graham, Peters Trust Bldg. Jackson 1633. , 5-Room Bungalow. Now under construction near Twenty seventh and Ellison avenue. Well built, well aranged and well located. Oak floors throughout. Oak finish in living and dining rooms. Full basement. Stair to attic. Price, complete. 34,750. Call Grant Benson evenings, Walnut 1580. Benson & Carmichael. 142 Paxton Block. : Atlantic 3540. MUST SELL THIS MONTH SUBMIT YOUR OFFER. Elegant home, full cement basement, laundry tub, beautiful living room with a real fireplace, large dining room, built-in buffet; well arranged kitchen, ' built-in cupboards, breskfast room. Oak floor and finish. Upstair ha three bedroom, and heated sleeping porch. Til floor in bathroom. East front. Shsubbery and r' -de. Easy term. Evening. caU . .-. Voorhees. WA. 1744. R. D. CLARK COMPANY. Realtors. 402-8 Securities Bldg. AT. 3631. 1717 WILLIS AVE. 6-room modem, oak finish, full ce-J merited basement. Brick foundation. paved street. One block from car. good location. Price ?i.t10. Terms. Callj Knlelv. J A. 1434. HA. 1731 cven7ta. Drawn for The B by McManut Ctfrrtlit. I til. laiaraaiisnal tm tariwa REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. North. MONTfLATR e-ltuoM tmVf'O Hl'NOAI.OW UAHAUE, II.V00. Now l-riwih atureo bungalow, onk throughout, lUmly haaviiiatil, attic, Karaite, one of the naleat little homea In thl addition. I'Hced st fa.Auo. on Irrms of I:,, too cash. J. L. IIIATT COMPAXr. "Ui-ltcr Valut;" llln't Illdg. 1914-16 Douglas. Atlantic 0061. $500 Cash $3,500. Keven room, alt modern except heat; dandy largo lot, only 3 block to (mm ha university; block to er: owner leaving city, muat aell. See thla at once. Evening call Douglas 1666. H. W. Volland, 711 Peter Truat Bldg. TWO EXCEPTIONAL VALl'KS. 20th and Miami Dandy t-atory l-r. home, trlctly mod., oak flnlahed, paving paid garage, 16.760. 11,000 caah. Immediate poaaealon. 36th and Grand Ave. 7-r. strictly modern home, newly decorated, (leaping porch, full cement basement, lot 64xl2t, double garage. 15.100, 12.000 caah. paving paid. For appointment call Mr. Rice, Atlantic 0721. Eve., Walnut 2583. RASP HROS.. 212 Keellna Bide. $750. Must sell this week. Will tacrine. S-room bungalow, corner lot, oak, hedgo; a bargain. Douglas 6543, Evenings Har ney 6701, Stier Realty Company, 71S Peter. Trust Bldg. FIND COMFORT AND HAPPINESS. In a homo of your own, with on of the best view In Omaha. Every mod ern convenience and for only 1500 cash. Five rooms, excellent location, an ex ceptionally well built stucco bungalow, A bargain. Mr. Carse, Douglas 7412 days. Atlantio 3501 evenings. HERE i.'i A REAL LIVE BUY. Five rooms, all modern; all on one floor; garage; house is about eight years old and in fine condition. Price 13.200: 3750 to 11.000 cash will handle. Tonight call Walnut 6711. H. S. MANVILLE. Realtor. Atlantic 240S. 515 Peters Trust Bldg. Minna Lusa, $8,500. Attractive nw home, facing1 Miller park on Redlck avenue: colonial MyJe, 6 nice rooms with breakfast nook; large lIvinK room arrangement with brick fireplace. About J CO 00 cash will h untile. Ready for occuDancy. Glover & Spain, Realtors. Jackson 2850. 818-20 City National. Montclair Bungalow. Five-room, oak floors and finish living rooms, bedroom finished in enamel: ga rage and paved mreet; only $1,000 down and o per mo nut. see tui at once. Glover &,Morell. 718 Keellne Bldg. Atlantic 3623. South. A Good Buy at $3,400. If jou are looking for something good In South Omaha we want you to see the six-room house which, we are offering in the neighborhood of Man dan park for only 33,400 and easy terms at that. It has six rooms Vlth igood plumbing. Garage with cementod floor and a very nice lot. This place Is well appearing with plenty of shade trees and a nice fence. Only 3400 or 3500 cash. Phone Mr. Chuda, Harney 6306. Amos Grant Co., Realtors. DO 83S0. 330-2-4-6-8 Brandeia T!i. Bldg. East of Hanscom Park $1,000 Down $50 a Mo. 5-room strictly modern bungalow, fin Ished with oak floors. Oak finish; full cement basement; floored attic; dandy lot; paved street, all paid. Price 15,000. Payne Investment Co., v 537 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Douglaa 17S0. t 610 Forest Ave., dandy 6-room modern bungalow on very reasonable term. Crelgh, 608 Bee. J A. 0200. I t ' " 1 Ti' "";V vv ' ' - , i-'C'v-r'l e, a. ' f A'MsajaMniHMMiumaailT- .'. .... s i,1 - . " ' B 'U 'jWtl' 1 v ' - ! -r- ' f- - ' ' ? ? . iXl:. i BEAUTIFUL MINNE LUSA HOMiZ Located in the best part of this addition. One-half block from Miller Park. Has best of oak finish throughout. Large living room," 17x26, yith beamed ceilings. Fire place and bookcases. Paneled dining room. Splendid kitchen. Front and rear vestibule. Fine sunroom on first floor. Four dandy corner bedrooms and enclosed heated sleeping porch, with tile bath and shower room on second floor. Plenty of closet space. Solid brick foundation, full cemented basement. Garage and drive. Fine corner lot, 97x120, with nice hedge. The best buy in the city today. Price $11,500. CHARLES W. MARTIN & COMPANY REALTORS 742 Omaha National Bank Bldg. AT lantic 0167 South Side KtMTjitioti I 1 Mil for ltrv. ami Mn. (', C. Wil.on A reception ami dinner (or the lity. and Mr. C, i WiLon aivrn in the (Irfe MriWIiat church on the &outh Nile Turtday niglu. Utv. Mr. Wil.on lul jul t'tunietl irom the annual Mate Mrtlioilt.t con. frrciicf, where he mat tclccietl to fill the uliit of the (iracc Jtf cihot)it etui rih (or the mailing year. 'I hU will be the it!i year Rev. Mr. Vilun lut hren clnnrn ptlor 01 ihc South Side church. K. M. 1 avcrty wa tojatnuatc-r m the din ner, and nuilc a tlmrt auMrrt of wr. come. 10 which Ktv. and Mr. WiN ton repitilrl, The dmnrr was pre pared by the I-thr.' Aid inciety of the church. Mi l.nu.ir iVicr.on and Hyron Ilinlntr lung tolas during the evening. Woman's St ream Hunt Man Hrcnkinc St rtTii of Window A woman's tcrcani early thit iitoriiiiitf I'iiilik'iirtl a burglar auav from the home of A, t. Kieck. JO 1 4 South Twrnty-Mxih ttreet, he re ported to police. The prowler had mounted a ladder and w remov ing a screen from a iei-om story window when Mm. KiecU heard hiiii and tcrcamd. He fled. Later Sergeant Shcahan ami a tquad of policemen answered a bur glar call to 3WH South Twenty-sixth Ktreet, to find the entire neighbor hood engaged in a burglar hunt. The burglar escaped. Daby Beef Prices Here Satisfy Bancroft Farmer William Miller of Hancroit brought in 19 head of choice yearling cattle which sold for $10. Mr. Miller said he thotieht he cot a good price and when he got $10 a hundred for baby beef he was not going to com plain. Most of the shipment were of hit own raising and averaged 80ft pounds. Six-Months-Oltl Pigs From Snyder Top Omaha Market Charles J. Kaun of Snyder brought in 74 head of 6-months-old pigs that averaged 187 pounds. He said the shipment was picked out of a drove 01 J30. lhey were sold at tne ex treme top price of $8.10. I South Side. Brevities DR. BERRY'S OFFICE !n Epstein Build ing, 4823 South Twenty-fourth atreet. Phillips department store will b closed Monday and Tuesday. It will Reopen Wednesday morning at t. James Kennelley. 73, died Monday at hi! home, 4510 South Fifteenth atreet. Funerul services will be held Thursday at 9:30 at Si Roses church, burial to b. in St. Marys cemetery. There will be a big rally at th. South Sirio Congregational church. Thirty-ninth and Q. streets, Thursday evening, when there will be shown moving pictures, sev eral speakers will deliver addresses, there will be music, and refreshment will be served fre to all. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED South. Only $1,500. Another good investment en the South Side; walking distance from the busi ness district. Will sell this for only 1200 down. Phone Mr, Chuda, HA 5306. Amos Grant Co., Realtors. 330-2-4-6-8 Brandei Theater Bldg. Miscellaneous. Dandy Bargain. New all modern bungalow, garara and three lots for 14,600; 1750 cash, balance on payments. Jackson 2182. Acreage. 15 ACRES NEAR BENSON. ' This Is one of the most desirable 16 acre located near Omaha and Benson. Only half mile to Military paved road. Lies high and sightly. Ha a good road on 2 aides. 13 acres in a good atand of alfalfa and 2 acres In grape that bring good return. Price hss been reduced to 3575 an acre. Will surely be worth ' 11,000 an acre before long. AT. 0060. E. T. HEYDEN, QWNER, 1614 Harney Street, Second Floor. AUCTION ' "Entire furnishings of June A. Abbot Home 3328 Center Street Will be sold at auction. Thursday, Sept. 29th 1:30 P. M. FRANK B. STEPHENSON Auctioneer V V'-i- -