4 My Marriage Problems AdcUs .arrtMii' "ew I1mm ( "REVELATIONS OF A WIFE" tlYrflUat, 1JI. t KraeeH IkTHM, W Marriage U like climbing i moun tain trait. I.liave Irirurd that today. Mjr huatwnd and I have jot re turned from a particularly difficult cent of one of our beloved Cat akill mountain, and c are rciinU. I in hammock twung, bvtweru lo gnarled old apple trrct. Dicky if btretched ltiurioii1y pit the Kra at my feet. What Dicky i thinking if. in deed, he is rxrrcUing hi brain at all I do not know, lor lie hat pulled hit hat over hi cyn. but to me there hai come a realization that the journey Me have jutt ended, it urtlinnly- like the liie pilKrimmage Uii-ky and I are taking together with the one great exception that we completed our ascent of the moun tain today, while we arc only a comparatively short way up that rocky and precipitous hill called marriage. ' The start of the trail today was delightful, a beautiful sun-dappled I alii which stretched fascinatingly and mysteriously upward. . So, 1 re member was our honeymoon, a wonder-time, a wonder-road, up which we blissfully wandered, with no thought of any change in the path ahead. All the doubts and fears, the cynicism' with which 1 had ap proached marriage, had been routed with the wonder of. Dicky' tempes tuous devotion. But all too soon in our climb to day the path narrowed. ' became stony, precipitous, precarious. We were compelled to watch our foot steps, carefully, for a false step meant a slip, perchance an ugly fall, bruises, acute discomfort, if not ac tual injury. . Sometimes we had to pull our selves 'by main strength up partic ularly difficult places, by grasping the branches of trees. And evety where thorhy-viites reached out tind scratched our hands and faces, while tiny gnats stinging exasperating!, buzzed around out heads. With a mental shrug, I hurried over tho comparison which flashed only too plainly before me, of the episodes in my life juorney with my husband which were so strikingly like the .bad places of the pilgrimage today. .'" But again there were comparative ' ly level spots lovely cool nook9, vwhere 1he sunlight filtered through the leaves ' Upon . the moss beneath the tree's. ' . K Such visions as these of what jlife can mean to united hearts also have been vouchsafed Dicky and me, in our life together, and come, I am : XtSN. The j cn IjSSynew sugar-coated kQSb&j chewing sum J J5Sr'' which everybody ' j likes - you JJvty The Flavor sure, to every man and wife whose marriage is worthy the name. What Madge Wondered. We passed people coming down the mountain, discouraged, dis gruntled, giving up before they had reached half way to the top, jut at many persons retreat before the dif ficulties of life together. But Dicky and I pertittetd, won at lst to the summit, and were rewarded by a sun lit panorama of lake and mountain and forest, which made ut grip each other' handt tightly. Would we ever gain that summit of achievement in our marriage, where we could know certainly that all the unpleasant portions of our journey together were past, that nothing but blissful peace lay before us? I look down at my husband, and find that he hat puhcd the hat from hii eyes and is staring at me quizzi cally. We-cl-l?'' he drawls. Stammcringly I try to toll him something of what I have been thinking, but I see only too quickly that he is in anything but a senti mental mood. '" 'Trobably we'll get to that summit of peace and joy you're spieling about." he says, with a provoking grin, "when we're ready to celebrate our golden or diamond wedding day. You know, like those dear old cou ples that have their pictures in the papers with the caption, "He never .'aid a cross word to her." Personal ly, I think either the consciences or the memories of those old people are at fault. We couldn't have any such caption. I might say: 'She never biffed me with a rolling pin.' but that's as far as 'I could truthfully go. And to tell you the truth, old dear, I wouldn't give a tinker's cuss for a continual peaceful valley or glorious mountain-top in mine. It would be too monotonous. And whatever our life has been, old girl, I don't think the most captious critic could say that it has been monoto nous." 1 have realized before that Dicky's volatile nature demands excitement, variety, and I have wondered some times how long I. with my rather methodical, prosaic temperament, could hold him loyal to me. There has been a long stretch cf peaceful valley in our life journey since the awful day when our baby boy was stolen from us by Grace Draper's pitiful tool, Tim. I came very near banishing my husband from my heart at that,time, because of his absence motoring with Edith Fairfax during the awful first hours of Junior's disappearance, but mm. 1 a?i teeth and moisten your throat. By toe makers of -After Every Wear Lasts.7 Dicky's terrible renwr.c and the re noration of cur baby brought u to grthrr again, and 1 have been given no reason to doubt him since, It he perhaps, beginning to weary oi the uneventful quiet tenor ol our wayf The summer month have gone wiftly since that terrible experience, witn my mo.t serious worry, tne condition of Lillian L'nderwood. She rallied so slightly, gained strength o slowly in her long convalcisenre, !.. tuh.n kI Irwt alt merit turaitll of her former sett, she was able to leave the hospital, Dr. l'cttit pro nounced her able to leave the hotpi tat. Dr. I'ettit pronounced mountain air the only restorative lor ner. Of course there was but one place to which Robert Savarin would hear ef her coming, to the Catskill moun tain home of hit tister, Mr, tos erove. and Lillian dun; to me to pitifully that Junior and I accom panied ner ana ner snuu aaugnter, Marion, to the place 1 remembered so well a the scene of the dra matic experience which gave Robert bavarm back to reason. Dicky "Retolvet." Of Grace Draper, since that night of Junior's recovery and her melo dramatic eccpe we have heard nothing. She hat vanished as if the had bitn snatched from the earth. That Hugh Grantland will not rest until the it found and put where the can menace me no more. I am cer tain, but of that loyal, true-hearted friend I have had no word tince the night he bade me farewell, save the inevitable postcards simply bear ing his address, which he sends me whenever his duties call mm to a new place. The man across the road was sent to prison for a long term, and only up here in this out-of-the-way moun tain resort, am I beginning to es cape the publicity consequent upon his trial after Junior's recovery. It has been a wonderfully restful time for me, with Lillian slowly gaining strength, and with Dicky spending a Rood deal of time with us there is a uttie ciutcn at my heart at the thought that he may not love 'the peaceful valley or gloriously mountain-top" as I do. Perhaps he reads my thoughts, bet ter than I imagine, for he sits up, moves to the side of the hammock and possesses himself of one of my hands. "Look here, old dear," he says, with a tenseness beneath his careless manner that tells me of strong feel ing. "Just let me tell you one thing. I may not care for monotony, but there's one kind I'm going to culti vate hereafter, and that's the ' fem inine line. No more platonic or jazz acquaintances, no more drives or teas or studio dances. I'm going to be the most domestic guy you ever saw in your life. I'm THROUGH in large capitals. Whatever va riety in life I get and you know I crave variety you'll have to provide it with a row, a career or a flirtation. But I'm going to be blameless little A delicious peppermint flavored suaar Jacket around pep permint flavored chewing turn that will aid your appe tite and digestion, polish your TIIK BEE: OMAHA. THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 29. KoUnd Reed from now on, I got mine, I don't mind telling you, the lUght I came home and found" Hit voice breaks hi eyet follow mine to Junior chtiing butterlliet witn Marion, i am sure mat r.uun Fairfax it no longer a danger to my happiness, if indeed the ever had been. I wish oh. to earnestly, to believe my husband's dramatic declaration! But my ycart of experience with my Peter Pan, who hat grown up iu many ways, but not emotionally, for bid acceptance of it with my brain. But Dicky drawt my face down to hi and whispers: "Believe me, sweetheart, it's jut YOU, all YOU. from this time ont" My heart accept t hit promise and gathert strength from it to conquer the stony, precipitous, difficult as centsto meet the marriage prob lems my reason tells me are yet in front of me on my mountain path with Dicky. Songsters to Be Feature of Parade Community singing will be a fea ture of the Omaha Woman t club parade which will be held Saturday October 8, to promote the tale of Omaha placard! for automobiles. Proceeds from the sale will be added to the Woman's club building fund. The cars in which the 500 mem bers of the Woman's club will ride are to be decorated in the club colors, yellow and white. Pilot L. L. Bowen, riving the fa mous airship, "Texas Tom Cat," VtWeV.VsV.VsVaW Catch a Cold! Thin clothing changeable weather a chill and you've started something. At the first tlgn use LUDEN'S. Soothe throat and nose clear the dogg-cd-up air passages. LUDEN'S mentnoi mdi dropi cow 5 a trrr US W.VAVAWaflWeV 24V2 Million Dollars ... .... . . .. :- ... Invested by Employes of Swift & Company I More than 21,000 employes of Swift & Company own or are paying for shares in the business. These men and women have attested their faith in the integrity and good will of the company by investing their savings in the business. Their holdings represent a total of nearly 250,000 shares, the par value ($100 a'share) of which is more than $24,500,000. . These 21,000 represent more than one-third of our average number of employes ! One man out of every three, in plant, office, and branch house, from the handworker on the floor to the brainworker at the desk, working with us as well as for us; devoting himself to his own business while -devoting himself to ours; promoting his own interests in every motion or moment saved, in every product improved or maintained at perfection, in every service ' rendered through prompt, thorough, effective distribu tion of products. v ' This interested, eager group of fellow partners' working with us for the good of Swift & Company and the public which we serve, constitutes one-half of the ownership of Swift & Company in point of numbers, and nearly one- sixth in point of shares outstanding. r , It represents practical and successful progress toward the end at which enlightened modern industry is aiming for the solution of industrial problems toward cooperation, mutuality, brotherhood in busi ness, for the good of a& " . Swift & Company, U. S. A. V V Omaha Local Branch, 13th & Leavenworth Streets ', F.J. Souders, Manager backing Plant, So. Omaha - - ; ; : ' W Waller, Manager Kittie Doner, Orpticum Star, Tells How Rosie Quinn Was "Laid Off" for Giggling "Ronie Quinn would have become a star if he had remained on the sUge," said bewitching little Kittie Doner, who it appearing in an en gaging dance act at the Orpheum this week. "Know Rosie? Well of coure I did. We played together in 'The Passing Shows of ll.V and again in 'Dancing Around,'" Mis Doner re plied when asked about the former Winter Garden favorite who is now Mr. Lewis Hurgest of this city. Miss Doner had espied Mr. Durgest in the big Tuesday night audience at the Orpheum and it set her to reminiscing. "Rosie was very young when we which will be a feature of the Inter national Aero congrest to be held here in November, will circle above the streets before the parade dis tributing slogan for the club women. The parade committee includes: Mrs. Charles Johannes, president of the club. Mesdames Halleck Rose, F. J. Farrington. F. D. Wead, Anson Biglow and Mi L'nda Hamren, who is in charge uf publicity. Maple Leaf Kensington. Maple Leaf Kensington, O. E. S. will entertain at an evening party Friday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Worrell, 3411 Hawthorne ave- KEEPING PHYSICALLY FIT IS SIMPLY A MATTER OF TAKING SOLAR BATH TREATMENTS REGULARLY The Solar Sanitarium 19th and Douglas , ''Omaha's Battle Creek"- Writ for Llteratur. Phone AT. 0920 1921. f.rt met. She wa like-oh-tugar.'1 said Kittie expressivelv, "She was always laughing. Nothing rver teemed to go wrong with her, She and her pal, Kathrriue Perry, who hat just married Owen Moore, used to be laid off about every other week for giggling. "When hc lirt played with ficr triide Hoffman, MU Quinn was new and naive,'' Kittie remembered. "After she studied with Koslolf, she showed marked advance in poise and drlivery of tongs. She would have been a second Marilyn Miller, if "Well I know she married fr love," and Kittie became thoughtful, "for Komc could have, married any one of several New York mil lionaires that I know of myself, or," caressing her words, "she could have walked-the-path-to-stardom." New Fiction and Drama Lecture Course -by- IDA KRUSE M'FARLANE For information phone HArney 0130, Miss Thomas, Bransford Hotel. There Is No Comparison between our home cooked foods prepared southern style and the ordinary cafeteria and cafe prepared foods, of which you are undoubt edly aware. "The Mm lew prlcta I formtrly charitd at th. Y. M. C. A." Mrs. Baker's Cafeteria and Cafe Under City Nafl Bank Bldg. 16th and Haraay. Formerly th Quickterv Cafeteria B.&M.CampNo945 Modern Woodmen of America cordially invlta it memberi, their families, and frienda to attend the free entertainment and dance at their hall in th Crouna Block, 16th and Capitol Ave., Friday venlnf, September 30, 1921 : n Misncr School to Sponsor Little Theater The Miatier Schotd the Spoken Word ppmed iu fourth ran Mon day evruing with an cnroltmriit of nrarly I HO. Dora Saa MeilorrMt. who hw tprnt live ycr in Lyceum and chauuutpia work, will eoiiiimie at an instructor in the choo( All members uf the faculty arc.grad. uatci and rxpom-iiU of the art of the l.elanj I'ower' School of the Spoken Word, ISoiton, Ma. The Mincr fchocd'a, t-yrar course of Itt.triif Hon Brant with it diploma university credit toward the degree Bachelor pi Art and llachelor of Oratoty. In order tint Had your iron today? Eat niore raisins The New VICTR0LA Style 100 Pleases Them All Because of the endless pleas ures and benefits it affords New Features Cabinet New lines finished back invisible.hinges.- Motor Newly designed, double spring, special drive. Sound BOX Improved No. 2 The most sensitive and -accurate in the entire Talking . Machine World. And the Hospe Plan, that has place( most Victrolas in Omaha Homes. . 1 1 First Victrola 11 Payment Records The Pioneer Victor Store 1513-15 Douglas Street Miss EffieSteen Kittelson Rpopena Her Studio Monday, Oct. 3rd. 309 Balrd Buildinc Appointment May be Mad Thia Weak Between' 11 and 4.. ATLANTIC 1413 " DR. R. W. BAILEY Personally iq charge. Associate " Dr. B. Williamson Painless Extraction , X-Ray Service ' Reasonable , Price ' Bailey Dental Co., Inc. 706 City Nat. Bank Bide. JAckson 3420 Aluminum at Lowest Prices' . Ever Quoted In Omaha, Thursday Union Outfitting Co. You Will Be Amazed at the High Qualities and the. : Savings Presented. This, sale of .Aluminum Cook in?; Utensils at the Union Outfit ting Co. next Thursday . was a mammoth special purchase the greatest quantity ever bought by this store to sell at one price. The sale includes Sauce Pan Sets of 3 pieces, Rice Boilers, Preserving Kettles, Roasters, Convex Kettles, Percolators and Windsor Kettles, all guaranteed strictly first quality. There have been other Aluminum Sales, but none to compare with this. Advertisement A snOd STsUaa ad i Rectal Die ease k V CHOCOLATES INNER-CIRCLE ' UMa3S5SaBi wmMwa. n vaioranrw, jaiaHr or osaw: BJVSMBWI SMwMM )L A can guaranteed In every ease eeeated tor tiaatiaant. Bad aa aaoawr paid smtd mnd. Writ for book oa Rectal Dlasam, wttk naras jal taelliaalala f saor bM .j . t r. , use prominent peopie wao bay ba eraianenUy sals. DR. C R. TARRY Saaatarfcaa. rara Trearl Rbl (Ra Rew4 evrryboJy niifchl uke advantage I hi work a pntI evening coure t oprn'to trachrrt and buainra ntnt and women. Ihrri is alto a Satur day wonting cU of thildren, A little thratrr will be ruuducUil during the whiter under the au-piivi cf the Miaiirr kchool, Arrangement i are bring nude whereby ail in-' trrealrd can actively partirlU either' in acting, t'otiiine downing, Itage directing or lighting.. K. A. Mellrn, who wj wfoewted with the Liitle Theater movement in lloton for the patt tratou, it now aociaed wil'i the Miner trhmd and will hive rharge of Omaha' Little Theater. JJue-act at well a three-act plavt will be given. $uch men it J ante M. Uarne, lierunrd Shaw, A. W. l'inrro. Maurice M.ilcrhuck a.nl Cer hart llauptmann favor the ouc-act play. - ' 100-$150 $11 A Month Jl 11 $161 Total The Ideal Time TO VISIT EUROPE Orsat Brittle and Th Csatlmt Ar Mast Attractive la the Antum Sailing Every Few Daya from' Mon treal to Liverpool, Southampton, Lon don, Glasgow, Havre and Antwerp C. P. B.-N. 0: I. ComWnea Herrle - Canadian Pacific Batlwar Karlgazlone .General Italian Montreal Kapltt Genoa TriMt Te Llvtrseal from Pletureaiu, Quaint Old OutbM by Tha "Ehiprau t France" and "Empreta Britain" Two Delightful Day on tha Sheltered St Lawrence River and Cult Lea Than Four Day at Sea! Apply to Local Agent or to . R. S. Elworthy, Cen. Agti Pasa: Dept., 40 No. Dearborn St.. Chicago, III. Canadian Pacific Railway, Traffic Agents ADVERTISEMENT. Why Stay Fat? You Can Reduce The-answer of most tat' people) I that it in too hard, too troublaaome and too dangerous to force the weight down. However, In Marmola Prescription Tab lets, all these difficulties are overcome. They are absolutely harmless' entail no dieting or exercise, and have the added advantage of cheapness. A large cam i" sold by druggists at one. dollar. Or K preferable, they can be obtained by send Woodward Ave., Detroit, Mich. Now that you know this you have no excuse for beinj too fat, but can reduce two, three or four pounds a week without fear of bad after-effects. . tng price direct to the Marmola Co., 4613 VP yea at aarnss, despondent, weak. Ira dew, taroogh, aiessa or otber naaess, we want to nail yea our book which sell boot SKXTONIQUK, Metaratrra reawdr that will east yea DM Must If yea an aat and or baaeotad. Every aaa eediag teaie to sistuua personal weakness, ate., heokt get this tree book at ouca. CUMBERLAND CHEMICAL COMPANY 449 Berry Block, - Naabvill, Teen. Emm Money back without question if HUNTS GUARANTEED SKIN DUBASB REMEDIES . Uiunt't Salr and Soap lail iod the treatment ailteh. Beswaaa. Rlnarwoma.TettrQrotheriteD- i Ins; akin diataen. Tr tbi U taot si our rsak. . - Sherman dt McConneH 8 Drag; Store GOING TO THE THEATER? IF SO. READ THE ANNOUNCE.. MENTS PREPARED BY THE THEATERS AND SELECT THE entertainment; i .rvv rut t l "Vg M I Fistula-Pay When Cured (bar khsML wKkowt a aawm aawarUal - - . .... - I r 4 v;-'.v a.fc? ai f, est f ,-.. - it,. Mav, Ajs.'jo vb,. m - 4-wVs4as4sacy . J!.ti' -. y a-.e;4 tJ- X