Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 29, 1921, Page 10, Image 10

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Society Lecturer
rr t
lr I
Announcement U nude of the
tkrriaie ci Mi Marie llugtir.
auuhtcr of T. H. I duties, t)
.ing. which look place Wednesday
lomim at 6 o'ctwic at Sr. Johu'i
iiliolie church' The Hev. lita-
WE Dinrenfierformcd the cere
iy, which was preceded by a
kfast ios immediate re'silves at
home j6l the" bride.
'M Jrtixt Hughes, sisttr of the
Vr.C, itd Kmmeit A. King brother
of ; the groom, were the attendants.
Mis Margaret Judge played the wed
ding march, and selected solo were
Ktmir ly Mr. James llantey. .Mr.
and Mrs. King have left on a western
honeymoon. After October IS thry
will occupy their new home at ill
;orth Iwcnty-sixtli street.
Special Meeting.
. The Mother'i guild will hold i
pccial meeting at the Father Flana
Kan'a P.oya home. Thuriday after
noon, cptcnibcr 29, All members
pre requested to be prcicnt. Father
Flanagan will address the meeting
n tne coming campaign.
Fine Arts Entries.
Three hundred and seventy-five en
tries have been made by Nebraska
artists for the Nebraska exhibit to
be held in Omaha during October
tinder auspices of the Omaha So
ciety of I'ine Arts.
Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Sieucl an
nounre the marriaire of their daueli-
4 ter, Edith, to Mr. Joseph Lorkis,
wmcn took puce at Mrs. Mandril
home Sunday, September 25. Rabbi
if. Grodzinskv performed the cere.
-. ,nN,y. A reception for 75 guests
" followed the ceremony..
Mis Sicgel i a graduate of the
Omaha High School of Commerce.
?vhil Mr. Lorkis attended Central
InghV"1fe-tsmember of the Thor
' pean Athletic club and cx-president
;': of the Ka-Dcc-Md club.
" The young couple -are gncndiiiii
' their honeymoon in Kansas City,
' rfter which they will be at home at
' 4229 Maybcrry avenue, Omaha.
Entertains at Dinner.
Miss Rachael Mctcalf entertained
ct dinner Wednesday eveninjt at the
Athletic club in honor of Miss
Eleanor McGilton and Edward Con
nor, who will be married Saturday
t vening. A large basket of pir.k and
white flowers was used as the table
centerpiece and covers were placed
for Misses McGilton, Sarah Powell,
Milwaukee: Catherine Robertson,
Ruth McCoy, Rachael Mctcaii",
Messrs. Connor, Morton ' Wakclcy,
Robert Connor, Edward Phelps
Charles Matson, Kendall Hammond,
George Met'calf. Messrs. and Mes
dames Alfred Mungcr and Herbert
Smails. ...
Mrs. Robert Howe iJ in New York
; city. . -t ' ,
Miss Jeanctte Stout is attending
the University of Chicago.
(. J. E. Summers has returned
from rtimmer in Europe. .
i Ben Gallagher is stopping at the
Ambassador hotel in Los Angeles. -
- Mrs;, .Willianv Biackburn ' is a
guest at the 'Elms', Excelsior Springs,
: Mo. v ' "."'..'.'. - '
Gurdon W, Wattles, Jr., 'who has
: been seriously" il! is greatly im
: ''proved. k- ' ?a-. . -- ' ; ! '
I ' Mr.'! and- MrsA? P. Overgaard
' of Omaha are guests at thj l'ow
' h.atan, Washington, D. C , '
Mrs.. John N. Baldwin will return
to Omaha the first part of Oi tober
' ' after an extended stay in the cast. v
M rs. George Giffcn has returned
' to her home in Denver after a visit
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.
', B. Howard. v .
" Mr. Robert Connor of Dubuque.
; la., and Mf. Kendall Hammond of
Oklahoma arrived Wednesday for
the Connor-McGilton wedding.
v - Miss Florence Hyde of Kansas
City, who has been the' guest of
'Miss Dorothy Judson for several
. v ecks, left for her home Wednesday
Miss Maybelle Higdon. who was
Injured by a fall from her horse,
Sunday morning in Elmwood park,
' 'is improving, and will soon be able
to be out again.
. Mr., and Mrs. Edward Quintl an
' ; nounce the birth of a son. Edward.
jr., September 28, at ,St. Josephs
hospital. Mrs. Quinn Was formerly
Miss Mary Goodland.
i Lieutenant A; C MeKinlcy, Lieu
' tenant and Mrs. James Jordon and
Lieutenant and Mrs.; Angie Foster,
are leaving Fort Omaha about Oc
tober 15, for Scott'a Field.
Mrs. E. O. Tulley has returned
from Long Beach, Cal, where she
spent the summer. Mr. and Mrs.
Tully nave taken an apartment at
. the Blackstone for the winter. .
' Major C. C Cresson will leave
; the latter part of this week for his
"new station at San Antonio, Tex.
.' His wife, Mary Jordan, leaves at
.' the same time for New York City.
" She plans to close her apartment
1' there and make her headquarters at
t 2 San Antonio for the winter. . . .
Miss Frances Patton left Saturday
for Wellesley college, where she will
enter her sophomore year. Mrs.. F.
G: Patton, who accompanied her
daughter as far as Chicago, has re
turned home.
. Miss Sarah Powell of Milwaukee
arrived Wednesday morning to be
"'the guest 'it the home of Mr. jand
Mrs. G. W. McGilton. Mis Powell
will act as bridesmaid at the wedding
of Miss McGilton and Edward Con
nor. Saturday evening. . ; :. ;-
Mrs. A. B. McConnell and her
guest. Miss Eleanor McPhillips of
London, Ontario. wDl leave next
v. eek for Boone, la., where the will
be the guests of Mr. Harold Mc
ConneL Miss McPhillips . is the
." .fiancee of Mr. McConnell. Before
teturning to Omaha Mrs. McConnell
V will go to Chicago to attend the
"'wedding of her niece. Miss Helen
Wrikht, and Miss McPhillips will go
to Sioux City for a two weeks Tisit.
School teachers in Bavaria we forbidden-
to marry.
Problems That Perplex
mH kr
It H Fair?
Mit lieatrke Fairfax: I lave tittle matter that I would like jour
opinion on. I have a very dear friend, a widow, 1 am a widower. We
have been the bet of friends for five years. We are not engaged, but
have expected to be married. She has a si.ttr living in Denver and went
there to live. An old friend of her family is living there, and hit wile
took tick; he got her to stay with them during her sickness and death.
He has a daughter, 13. After hi wife' death lie told her he needed her
in his home. He got a housekeeper and the continued Maying there for
two years and had employment in the city. He took her about con.
siderable. She says he never made any propotals of any kind to her,
end that they are only friends.
She has been away from there for over a year. A ohort time auo
they invited her to viit them. She went and he met her at the train,
took her to his h"Ue and she stayed with them for two weeks and not
with her' sitter. I claim this was not the proper thing for her to do.
She ays I am just jealous and that there wasn't anything wrong about
it. Will you please give your opinion and oblige. Our ages are all about 5U.
luibdlii! t lioiu. I' Hlinj ai all
i uuMaiiiia wtih liny . rr iu
taJjum ihuiu . Vt-s. 1 like th.i.i ever
1 u itiui'h tn Mil 1 1 n peupW, Tin re i
' tviMM Miy ri trenu'titlttuitly le,uiii'
ins to, in fcfm and out, un tlie
uUirr hn1, tlirr are wunifii Uq
litiiku ihrnimlvi t'tiniinuii Imikinij
wiitt quit tiiurtViikive lo'ikln rar
riiia. Whi-ilirr thry are to be tioup
ur pfmlitiii or I"K iHiina uri.nint'Min
liua lu Ih j.M'lii.-il iK-fura th minor
mid witti llio Nee tii
mu in rrkuliunt. I nut iuh
you wiiliuui un Milt nt your i pi-.
Practically ull the women in Ger
many are tilting in- for athletics and
have become members of om th
K tic aociatiou. , ,
Mrs. Ida Krtise ifcFarlane of Den
ver will give the first of a series of
light lecture on "New Fiction and
Drama" Saturday afternoon, .1
o'clock, at the First Presbyterian
church, Thirty-fourth and I rrna-n
street. "Scientific Rest," is t'ie sub
ject of the opening talk.
Birthday Luncheon.
Mrs. C. M. Barric entertained at
luncheon Tuesday, at her home, in
honor of the 76tli birthday annni
versary of her mother, Mrs. B. A.
Plantz. Garden flowers, decorated
the table and covers were placed
for Mcsdanus Plantz, K Arndt,
Henry Gcitzen. Carrtc Williams,
George Parkins, Samuel Bassett,
Tom Wiley and Barric.
For Miss McGiltoa
Mis Emily Keller entertained
Wednesday afternoon at her home
at a bridge party for .Miss hlcanor
McGilton, an October bride.
Jackson. Wyo., is ruled by tvomcn,
every officeholder from the mayor
down being a woman.
My. but you're a cowardly tort!
You have gone with this woman for
five yeart and intend to marry her
fwheii lOU get readv) and vet you
don't even consider yourself engaged
to her. What right have you to
criticise one for whom you snow to
little consideration.
Don t you know that there is noth
ing in the world a woman of 50
wants so much as her own home.
You were not thoroughbred enough
to give her this. hat rould be
more natural than she should remain
when she found a home wherein she
was needed, and where she really
rould take charge of things, with a
housekeeper to do the work and a
girl of I J to rear. The surprise to
me is that she ever left it. It is
much to her credit that she got along
so well that they were glad to have
her back for a visit. No doubt the
place seems more like home to her,
after managing it for two years,
than her sister's place.
If you mean to marry this woman,
why don't you do it? A woman of
50 can't dally along forever. You
may lose a good wife by waiting.
You trust this woman or you
wouldn't want to marry her. Prove
your trust by your conduct.
Lotting a Man Friend.
Dear Miss Fairfax: I year ago I
met a nice, home-loving fellow who
I soon grew to like. Wo lived quite
a dlKtance apart, but by correspond
ing our friomltihlp deeprned. A
month a?o I Invited him und a
frlond over the week-end, on a girt
friend was with me at the time.
Jiy Rirl friend made quite a fuss
over the man I like. I haven't heard
from him for a month, but I see this
girl friend of mine quite often and
hear tliut he tn!s her about ttilt
frequently. Would you pb'aoe Bive
me your opinion? J. C. It.
Neither of them hnri min h coindri
erutlon for you. Hut then ran t li.-y
ho Illumed If they fY It an uttnii-tlnii
stronger for each other limn the feel
ing eiilicr hud for you? You weren't
endued to the boy and ho wax under
no obligation to you. The girl was
Invited thero to meet him nmt he
seemed to liku her. Don't belittle
yourself nor Injure your own noul
by making a ftio over the situation.
He friendly und natural an I make
sure that you don't do your own na
ture far greater injury by taking the
wrong attitude.
IV J.i The ears are not pierced
for eurilngs any more. That was a
A standard treatment
with thousands who
know how quickly it
heals sick skins
Askanyone who has tried it
Soolhinq and Haalimj
I'm J -- w.
"Opera Hands"
Free from the Damages of Dishwashing
THE theatre is greater relaxation from
home duties when your hands do not con
stantly remind you of dishwashing. They need
not be reddened, roughened arid cracked by
harsh soap suds. Linn, the new powder that v
cleans dishes, keeps your hands smooth, white
and comfortable. Its pleasant lemon fragrance
tells you the secret. Linn also softens water,
makes glassware remarkably bright, and keeps
tarnish away from your silver. Prove its quali
ties at our risk. Your money will be gladly
returned unless you are completely satisfied.
0. W. EXDRIDGE BROKERAGE CO., Distributing Agemi
1318 Fanum Strut. Teltpbtn DougUi 3113
10c and 25c
In Blue Packages
at Your Grocer's
O . Sf Urn Tnim Ot.
THAT the best hosiery need not be ex
pensive, is a fact we have demon
strated in Phoenix values. All will find it
advantageous to purchase Phoenix Hosiery
Dr. Bur horn's
Chiropractic Health Service
We invite every sick man,- woman or
child suffering with any acute or chronic
disease to call or write for one of our free
booklets on the science of chiropractic.
He who is suffering from disease is no
use to himself, and it is hard to say it
is of no use to others. - - s
Chiropractic will remove the cause of
your trouble just as it has done in cases
identical with yours. Many thousands who
once were sick attest the truth of its claims.
' An X-ray analysis of your spine will
show the exact location of the misplace
ment that is the cause of your trouble.
We make calls to your home when un
able to come to the office. Office adjustments are 12 for $10.00
of 30 for 125.00. . . T
: Our Council Bluffs office in the Wickham Block is in charge of
Drs. Ruberg & Ruberg. Phone 1075.- Hours 9 A. M. to 8 P. M.
Dr. Burhorn and associates!" are graduates of the Palmer School
of Chiropractic, Davenport, Iota. , tJ.
414-24 Securities
Car. ISA mm Far
aim Sts.
Tl. Dm (Us S347 .
. Omaha.- Nab. .
V 1
0 W
LI irf.'W For Mm
... ' 7V. SI. 00
U TW ' mM Be,,er
' Eft 1 av 'jwjffl U nl Better
l S- E- Corner
f 16th and Harney
Lf The Phoenix Store of Omaha
id -Week Special
Buy it
x Pay
for it later!
This , Wonderfully Efficient
Water Power Washer!
Very simple in operation! AH you need do to start this washer
is to turn on the faucet. ' Has 3j-inch inlet and discharge hose
coupling and non-splash discharge nozzle. Made of Louisiana
Cypress tub stock, thoroughly seasoned and kiln dried. Bot
tom diameter, 24 in. ; top, 2H in. ; height overall, 344 in.
Bound with three lK-in. hoops. Inside and bottom of tub are
corrugated. Water pressure of 25 pounds willive about 80
strokes per minute. Has eight-shirt capacity. Special for this
week only - '
j $2r2
SIXTEENTH STREET B ctvr c za. Hamoy ancj Hovard
irz. Mi
You will prevent j
naturally! WWi sweeps.
cleanses and purities !
Insist upon KeUoggs
"the original Bran
cooked andkrumhled
in the green and redpackage
Free your system from consti
pation! Kick out of the covers in
the morning feeling like a lark,
with your mind sparking keen and
true! It's great to get that way!
And, you can!
BRAN Kellogg's Bran,
cooked and krumbled unlike
cathartics, will relieve constipa
tion permanently! Itvis nature's
food and a natural cleanser!
Eat Kellogg's Bran regularly
with your favorite cereal or in
countless other enticing ways
such as in bran bread, muffins,
pancakes, cookies, macaroons,
gravies and you will head off
constipation naturally! Your
physician will indorse Kellogg's
Bran for constipation! ,
Don't just talk about Kellogg's
Bran and what it will do for your
family. Go get a package! Serve
it! Keep a dishful of Kellogg's
Bran on the table and sprinkle a
little in with your food at every
meal! Start the children eating
bran! Then you'll realize what
bran will do! Its mechanical
action is simply wonderful! IN
the original BRAN cooked and humbled
Buehler Bros. Market
Specials for Thursday and Friday
Our Cash Policy works to the benefit of our patrons. Not only are we able to offer
the finest quality meats obtainable, but at prices that spell saving in meat bills.
Fancy Sugar Cured
Picnic Hams.
Choice Cut
Round Steak
Choice Fresh '
- Choice
Beef Pot Roast
Fresh Halibut Steak ... .... 20c
Fresh Salmon Steak 18c
Fresh Cat Fish .28c
Fresh Lake Trout . .25c
Fresh White Fish f . . . . . . 25c
Fresh Halibut, Vi or whole .... . . . . 17c
Fresh Salmon, Vz or whole . .17c
Sugar Cured Breakfast Bacon,
' lz or whole 25c
Sugar Cured Breakfast Bacon 17c
' Sugar Cured Skinned Hams, Va or
whole .24c
Sugar Cured Regular Hams 25c
Fancy Early June Peas, 3 cans. . . . .38c
Fancy Sweet Corn, 3 cans. . .35c
Tomatoes, 3 cans ............... .35c
Special on AH Brands of Butterine
Choice Leaf Lard
Choice Beef Rib, for boiling. . . . .... .8c
Choice Fresh Hamburger Steak. .... 15c
Choice Corned Beef ....... . . . . . 122c
Choice Sirloin Steak ......... ... ,20c
Choicest Cut Chuck Roast
Choice Fresh Hams, Vz or whole. . . .20c
Choice Pork Chops .... . . . . . . . . .20c
Fresh Neck Bones, 4 lbs. ..... . . . .25c
Fred Pig Feet, 4 lbs. ......... . . 25c
Fresh Liver, sliced, 2 lbs. ... . .... .15c
Choice Boston Butts . . . . .20c
Cudahy's Puritan Lard, 10-lb. pail $1.90
. Cudahy's Puritan Lard, 5-lb. pail . . . 95c ,
Fancy Fresh Pork Sausage ....... ,20c
Cheapest and Best
1-lb. bars, 3 for 25c
Box of 60 bars $4.20
Swift's Classic Soap, 10 bars. .... . .55c
Buehler Bros. IVUairlkefts
212 North 16th Street
2408 Cuming Street
4903 South 24th Street
Big "Howard" Stove
Demonstration Will
Begin Saturday at
Union Outfitting Co.
Heating Stove Expert Will
Be in Charger-"Howard"
to Be Given Away.
With cool Fall evenings and
chilly, mornings here, one's
thoughts naturally turn to the
cheery warmth and protection
that . a "Howard" Range or
Heater can give, and so next Sat
urday the Union Outfitting Co.
opens an interesting "Howard"
"Howard" Heaters will receive
special prominence and they de
serve it when one considers the
many coal-saving and heat-giving
features which they possess. As
always, you make your own
This advertisement will aapesr every
Thursday. People afflicted with Rup
ture may receive information hew to
be successfully treated without a sur
gical operatiOB.
Dr. Wray's Hernia lact.tutc
410 Peters Trust Buildrnc, Omaha
How Yeast Vitamon Makes
Skin Clear and Flesh Finn
Concentrated Tablets Easy and Economical To Take-'
Results Quick.
. Every ' woman
who has heard of
the wondrous
health-and beauty
makiiiK power of
the vitamiucs io
'yeast, fresh vege
tables and other
raw foods will be
elad to know of
the sinaziuff re
sults being obtain
ed from the highly
concentrated Mas
tin's yeast VITA
MON Tablets.
These supply a
proper dose of all
three vitamines (A,
B and O) and are
now used by thou- Blackhead
sands of men and Unhealthy
women who appre- .
iMAta fhpir pmn OKIO
omy, convenience
and quirk results. Mastin's VITA
MON' Tablets mix with your food, help
it to dijeest and provide the health-giving,
strength-building nourishment that
your body must have to make firm
tMSuc, strong nervps, rirh Mood and
keen, active brain. They will not cause
gas or upset the stomach, but, on the
,V Vitamon '
seem to
S if by ma
A ing the
J. ion clear i
aid in overcom
ing indigestion ol
chronic ' constipa
tion. Pimples, I oils
and skin eruptions
seem to vanish as
magic, Icav
ion clear and beau
tiful. So remark
able are the bene
fits from these
highly concentrat
ed Mastiu'a yeast
lets that entire
satisfaction is ab
solutely guaran
teed or 'the small
amount you pay
fur the trial will be
gromptlw refunded,
e sure to remem.
ber 'be name Mas
tin's VI-TA-MON Tablet the orif
nal and genuine yeast-vitamin tablets.
There is nothing else like them, so do not
accept imitations or substitutes. You
can cet Mastin's VITAMON Tablet
at all wood (frornifU. such as Sherman.
A McConnell. Adams-Haight, Alexander
Jacob., J. L. Brandeis, Hajden Bros,
and Burgess-Keh.