THE J.EE: OMAHA. MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 19. 1921. 4 Investors Hit : By Fall In Price 'Of German Marks i. , Speculator! in Foreign K : change Lose Millions by ; . Slump In Value of, X Money. "1 bl.ese Trlbuas-OmaM IWs La4 Wlr. New York, . Sept. 1. Tli col "Jape of the German mark to a point .tclow I crnf, lor the first time in tinancial history, hat eaucd lo ' of millions of dollari to American in ' vctton and speculator! in the mark, j m well at other continental ex ' ihange. ' The exact amount of this !ot w tlifficnlt to even approximate, for marks have been sold In this coun- , try as well at in all other countries, in every conceivable manner and through hundred of varied chan- I tiels. The suets of one Linker is that no I lea than $100,000,000 worth of : marks have been disposed of in the ; United Slates since the armistice and that the average price paid for these ! marks was approximately 2 1-2 cents. On that basis and at the present quotation, approximately 60 , cents of every American dollar put ; into marks has been lost. Cuts Estimate in Half. ! Another banker cuts the estimate ' !n half and says that irrespective of the professional sales by bankers in cident to reparations settlements, about $30,000,000 lias been invested here in German exchange. Some of the big banking houses in the financial district have handled large amounts of this business since, the armistice. The books, of one house alone show transactions which total more than $10,000,000. It was not until midsummer, after the armistice was signed, that quo tations in the German mark were resumed. They started at 7 3-4 to 8 cents per mark. .In the mean while, many bales of the German currency appeared in the United States and were sold surreptitiously - to those of known German sympa thy. Open "Exchange Stores." New York appeared to be the center of this distribution. Small stores recently sprang up on promi nent corners, where the paper cur rency of Germany was sold to the extent of thousands of marks. "For eign exchange" stores began dotting the country as well as the cities. At one time no less than six were run ning day and night, on Broadway. The exchange of other countries could be purchased, too. . Peddlers also hawked the paper marks about the streets, selling from 1 mark up. One enterprising dis tributor sent a large crew of can vassers to call from door to door; Even the part payment system was p.dopted. Compared to the ..transac tions handled through banks, it was but a smalt part of the total, but it put , thousands of American dollars into Germany's till and no doubt aided the country -in amassing tile, .first reparations payment of 1,000,- 000,000 gold marks, recently dis charged. ? ; -': ". v'." jjPawnee Gty Mayor Names " r Committee to Run Parks Pawnee City, Neb., Sept. 18. "(Special.) Frank S. Colwcll, mayor !!'of Pawnee City, has appointed , a park committee whose duties it will '"be to superintendent the beautifying iTand upkeep of the parks. The re ;!tcnt purchase of the new park, "which will be turned into a tourists 'I'camp with all modern equipment, prompted - this , appointment. The ommittee is: Dr. W. R. Boyer, :"chairman; AV. D. Hartwell, C. r A. ;;chappel, Airs. . D. E, Wherry and ,'.Mrs. John Raper. - ' . - - "Helen of the Old House" is the .'latest novel of Harold Bell Wright :':jt is a romance with a moral. Many of the same ingredients of . Mr. Wright's nine other novels are found lin his latest work. There is pre- rented the same point of view which has made Mr. Wright's work so well ".known. 1 "Helen of the Old House" is a ..t-tory of the industrial life of today. ;l'J;here is little of the love theme in it, ;;ss compared to other novels of the mme sort. The girl for whom the .'book is named plays but the part of ; bringing together for Mr. Wright ' the forces he wishes to present. The '.book is a plea for industrial peace '.and good will between the capitalist nd wage earner. The story is an . extended sermon on the necessity of co-operation between the conflicting Wees and the possible means of .lunion. ' . ' ';; Mr. Wright thinks that the workers ;;vho played such an important role "in America's victory in the great Avar can be made to see the purt they ought to 'play in peacetime by the philanthropic actions ot tne oet Iter class of employers. These own ers, spurred by patriotism, the sym- llthouffhts, will bring back the good pia cays ot personal reianonsrap e tween the capitalist and working Itlasses.' When the workers see they are treated 'right by the good hosses they will throw over all their connections with the more radical croups in their ranks and join hands i.with their employers to labor for the betterment ot America. Jndus trial war will become a thing of the past, says Mr. Wright, in effect, as Soon as "the spirit of 1917" pervades the entire industrial personnel of the land. ; The book is published by Apple iton. . ;And the Sphinx Spoke" by Paul Eldridge is a collection of stories and 'prose poems by a writer who has made auite a name for himself among the circle represented by H. Jlencken, Benjamin De Cagseres, etc Written from a pessimistic .snood and representing intellectual agnosticism, these stories are excel lent specimens of their type. lhc Stratford Co,., (Boston), publish the took. ... , Children Throw $2JS0O, Savings of Father In Fire to See Them Burn tV( Trit he Hh Leased Wlrs. Kenosha, Wis. Sept. 18. Finding their father's saving all tied up in a red handkerchief in M "mattress bank' at thrir home, three little chil dren ol Alex Nedwccky, the oldest one 5 vrars of gc played a while with the $500 worth of green hacks and then threw them in the stove to "see them burn." The mother, who had been to a store, re turned jut in time to see the last of the bills go tip in smoke. She burned her arms and hand trying to pull the bills out of the fire, but could only rescue a medicine glass full of tubes and charred corners of the bills. Nedwccky feared banks. He w planning to purchase a farm with the savings and had practialtv clos ed the deal when he went home to find that the "babies had burned up his money." Mrs. Caruso to Remain In Italy Six Months New York. Sept. 18. Mr?. F.nrico Caruso, with her daughter, Gloria, will remain in Italy for another six months, due to delay in completing the inventory of her husbands Ital ian estate. She has left Naples aii'J gone to Home, where she ha taken up her residence at the Grand hotel. Mrs. Caruso is understood to have expected a complete inventory by November, when she intended to re turn to this country to take up the American end of the appraisal. A message received by members of her family in New York stated that she had been advised to remain, i:i Italy until completion. of the inventory there and so had changed her. plans.. The inventory is expected to require until next March or April, when she will at once start for home. . Fremont and Grand Inland ' Kiwanians to Play Ball Fremont, Neb.. Sept. 13. (Spe cial.) Fremont " Kiwanis ball 'dub will journey to Lincoln next Friday to cross bats with the Grand Island base ball club as guests of the Lin coln organization. The Lincoln branch of the Y. W. C. A. will have charge of the sale of tickets and. will receive 25 per cent of the gate re ceipts. The .remaining '75 per, cent will go to the winning team, to be donated to a Camp Fire organization of their own choice. The Fremont Kiwanians recently walloped the Ro tary nine in a lopsided game that gave all the honors to the Kiwanians. County Attorney J. C. Cook, an old- time base ball player and southpaw, is the star twiner for. the Kiwanians and he will orobablv wOrh in the box at Lincoln 'against JGrand Island. ' Wives making income returns sep arate from their husbands in 1919. numbered 58,534. ' HOW TO REMOVE SKIN BLEMISHES There's no better '. way of quickly removing unsightly .' skin blemishes and keeping the face, hand, neck or arms clear, soft and youthful than by the -use of Black and White Beau ty Bleach and Black and White Soap. Black and White Beauty Bleach re moves the embarrassing skin blem ishes lightens and softens the skin. It is a delightful, flesh-tinted cream, exquisitely perfumed which can be applied before retiring or during the day. Can be used before makeup With face powder or rouge. Black and White Soap is an Ideal , cleanser. Will aid In removing blem ishes and keep the complexion In Ideal condition. All drug and department stores Sell Black and White Beauty Bleach. Black and White Soap, Cold, Vanish ing. Cleansing and Dental Creams, as also Face and Talcum Powders pop ularly priced at 60c and 55c the pack age. Clip and mail this advertise ment to Black and White, Box 1507, Memphis. Tenn., for free literature of. Beauty Bleach and samples of. face and Talcum Powders adtertiskJ:nt Curious About Mentho Laxene FIRST DOSE PROVES IT Ventbo-Laxeus hat been en tha market 10 years. It ii a concentrated compound ot healing, soothing, curative extracts to be mixed at home with granulated sugar yrup a full pint or It may be taken HI doses or ten drops In the "raw" state by those who, do not like sweet syrup. The very first dose brings wonderful relief in head or cHest colds of children or adults. Kvery bottle sold is guaran teed to please or money back by The Blackburn Products Co., Dayton, Ohio. It Is economy to make a full pint. Much cheaper than buying ready-made cough or cold remedies besides, you cannot buy a more efefcttve medicine anywhere. One bottle will last a seseon for most families, and it checks or aborts a bad cold if taken promptly, and for - cough, sore . throat, hoarseness, whooping cough, bronchitis, etc., there Is nothing superior. Kvery well stocked druggist supplies Mentho Laxene. Pon't take a substitute for your sake. Remember that 4.809 barrels vrere used last year. That proves its virtue! Money bstk wrtkowt iiesUoa If HUNTS OU ASANT11D SKUs DfgBASS RSSUUIBB, (Hart's Salve and Soap).ll to j et tnatmmfc tt Itch, fessesaa. WaararBB.TsttarorerMries)- I last sMa dinssss Try this ' tioatust sr. of riak. Skersua McCsmbcII S Drug Stores mi i and Say It With OURS Hess & Swoboda FLORISTS HIS Farnam St., Psitoo Hotel, OMAHA Phone DOuglas 1501 Members Florets' Telegraph Delivery Association. We deliver flowers on short notice anywhere In the U. 8. -r Canada. Offices Display MOTOR TRUCKS v e)BSBBBSSSSSBSSB9BKS City Sales Room 816 S. 24th St. Service Station 815 S. 25th St. TELEPHONE AT LANTIC 3332 International Harvester Company of America ' Branch House 714 S. 10th Stj, Omaha, Neb. Ford TranisFer and Storage Co. 813 Douflas St., 1102 5. Main, Omaha Council Bluffs Prompt Service ? ' Reasonable 'Rates '" i (HiiuwanuG 5i HI Omaha Lace Laundry " ; EXCLUSIVE CLEANERS Curtains, Panel,; Cretonnes, ' Lace and Austrian Shades 4716 Cuming St. Tel. Walnut 1351 We Rebuild and Repair All Kinds of Timepieces and Jewelry Guarantee to make it as1 Rood as new. Eyes examined, glasses fitted. Gradu ated and state Certified Optometrist. J. C. Grasborg & Son Watchmakers, Jewelers and Opticians 504 Electric Bldg., 15th and Farnam TRY US FOR French Pastry rFancy Cakes KUENNE'S Bakery, Delicatessen and Lunch Room 504 South 16th St. 2918 Leavenworth St. T Stationery That Satisfies School Supplies Omaha Stationery Co. " 307-30 South 17th Street Phone JAckson OaOS ii-r- sTr-tH-rJ WWW WRECKED CARS REBUILT Fender, Top, Body Work Repairing of All Kinds NIGHT AND DAY Western Motor Car Company Farnam at Blvd. HA rssy 0868 Reliable Service A specialty on Auto Tops, Winter ! Curtains and tailored Seat Covers, Engdahl's Auto Top Co. Douglas 5677 1711 Cass St. -TERMINAL. WAREHOUSE lOVtsfONKS ftTtlff OMAHA WAREHOUSE SPACE Available for Long or Short Terms Space Storage Ladies' Plush Sailors and Velour Hats Cleaned and Reblocked ' RAMSER 215 South 14th Street CADILLAC A Permanent Value "Always Onward" J. H. Hansen Cadillac Go. Omaha Lincoln NOVELTIES in Pleating Buttons Hemstitching Embroidering Braiding Beading Button Holes Ideal Button & Pleating Company 300-308 Brown Bldg., 16th and Douglaa Opposite Brandeit Stores , Phone Doug. 1936 Omaha 900 separate fireproof, mouse proof, dustles rooms for furniture. , Come and See for Yourself Motor Vans for Removals , Bekins Omaha Van and Storage 806 S. 16th St. Douglas 4163 Paxton-Mitchell Co. 27th and Martha Sta. - Harney 1662 Manufacturers of Brass, Bronza and Aluminum Castings Standard Siie Cast Iron Bushings in Stock Closing Out THEIR ENTIRE STOCK Paints Millwork Lumber At Rock-Bottom Prices New Is Your Time to Get Busy , C. Hafer Lumber Co. 13S W. Braadway ' Ceuncil Bluffs QKDG) 1 4 r Better Business Outlook Week by week the trade situation is growing better. The market situation as a whole is upon a more substan tial footing than at any time for months past. This is the opinion expressed in the financial review of Henry Clews & Co. This Wall street banking house has sent out a report discussing the factors at' work, reading as follows: ' "President Harding's review of the work of congress and his statement of the plans of the adminstralion with respect to pending legislation once more furnishes evi dence of the effort that is being made by the govern ment now in power to improve business conditions by every feasible means. Coincident with this attitude on the part of the Washington authorities has been a very distinct turn for the better. Improved prospects in many branches of industry and a more hopeful tone with re spect to conditions in general are laying the foundation for progress during the autumn season. Stabilizing Prices '.'One of the best evidences of the turn toward a more stable condition of affairs is seen in the fact that prices have evidently been approaching a more f iXcJ. condi tion. The commercial indexes for the month 'of August vnow show that a slight average advance has taken place during that period. This advance is still less than a point, but is significant for what it indicates. There will still be adjustments to be made in some branches of business where the level has not accommodated itself to general conditions. On the average, however, the current price level has evidently touched bottom on this movement a fact which should give much greater as surance in the making of forward purchases. In some lines goods have already been distinctly advanced where the low level previously reached was manifestly out of harmony with costs. Elsewhere, accumulated stocks of various products must probably be disposed of before there can be any permanent change for the better. " Liquidation of Credit "Authorities now generally agree that the liquida tion of credit is well toward its last stages. Recession in the portfolios of Federal Reserve and member banks is apparently slowing down. In the southern and western districts, where there has been a large body of frozen loans, the process of settling obligations to the banks is now going forward with greater rapidity, due -to the steady marketing of the current crops and the disposal, of old holdings at prices that are decidedly better than those which have prevailed for some time past. This is conspicuously true for the cotton region, where the un expectedly low output has clearly established a perma nently better selling price for the staple, even though the extreme quotatiOns.consequent upon the announce-" ment of the government's estimate may not be sus tained,' as the experience of the past week has shown. The influx of gold continues to add to the technical strength of the banking system, and as long as it con- , tinues seems likely to insure a maintenance of rates no higher than those now in: force. Bill holdings of the reserve banks increased to about $1,553, 000,000, or about $26,000,000 above last week's report. With loans of member banks greatly reduced, conditions are favor able for a decided loosening of credit during the autumn -and this is clearly just beginning. Secretary .Mellon shows his belief in the better credit outlook by his offer of $600,000,000 in new certificates of indebtedness and notes at a rate 14 of 1 per cent below that fixed on the last corresponding issue. "The various foreign maturities falling due here dur ing the autumn and the necessity of providing dollars with which, to pay for goods shipped to continental countries, however, necessarily work against any early improvement of exchange quotations pending the jre establishment of a better balance between imports and exports. Worse financial conditions in Germany are against the, quotation of the mark, ; which ' is' under one cent.. , .,- ' -. , '' ; Railroads and Industrials "All the evidence that comes to hand is in favor of continuous improvement of railroad earnings. Presi dent Harding's assurance in his statement of September 7 that the railroad funding bill will be adopted at an early date after the reassembling of congress tends ma terially to help the credit; 'situation as affecting the , various lines. This has been reflected in better values for the rails during the past week. The suggestion to sell some $380,000,000 of car trust certificates bearing 6 per cent has not been altogether favorably received, there being a decided belief that the securities are not entitled to the low rate suggested. Difference of stand ing between the certificates of the several roads is like-' wise to be expected. In traction securities generally the situation is distinctly more : encouraging, due to the readjustment, of costs which has been in progress throughout the country and which gives assurance that the sound lines will be able to-re-establish a balance in their budgets. This better outlook is also indicated by ;the improved values of bonds-issued by public utilities in general. Better conditions in pig iron production re flect a stronger condition in the steel market. Buying of steel on behalf of the railroads is apparently begin ning -It can now be stated without fear of contradic tion that liquidation has run its course; that plenty of money is obtainable on fair. terms, and that the trade situation is undergoing improvement week by week." McKenney-Dentists 14th and Farnam Street - JA ckson 2872 G. A. Steinheimer Co. Contracting Painters URFACE AVi nc OF QUALITY "Jarl't National Brand Solid Copper Oil Cant" All solder on the ouui.le of the tsn with a l-lneh serew csp. Airtight, uon. explosive and fireproof Prices i 4-rsl., S.00: !.. 111.00; d !.. 111.00; tO-s-sl.. $1 00; lft-esl.. ttl.00; 2S-kal.. 186.00; 60-gal.. 161.00. Special Attention Clvea to Mall Orders CHARLES JARL & Company 1703 Leavenworth Street ETHEL THRALL CHIROPRACTOR PALMER SCHOOL GRADUATE Second Floor Elks Bldf. 1303 Douglas Street 8,000 Homes in Omaha and Council Bluffs Ars Covered With Our Ready Roofing THERE IS A REASON Call us and let us explain. All work guaranteed. Easy terms. ' Northwest Ready Roofing Co. L. Riefenberg, Mgr. HA rney 2574 ' 3122 Loaveawarut i ' i Thirty years of experi ence in repairing and re building all kinds of ma chinery has plsced us in a position to do your work right. We do all kinds of automobile repairing and it is done right the first time. PilELCHIORS&SW 4l?aB&Sr,OrtAHA.NE&. ME Use Western Bond Paper For Your Offict Stationery Wholesale Distributors Carpenter Paper Co. OMAHA Welding ' Cutting I Reinforced Brazing General Welding Works "WE DO IT RIGHT" We Specialise in Automobile Welding 1508 Webster St. AT. 4459 RESTAURANTS There's one near you. Highest quality foods, with quick service. Puritan Automotive .Department , Automobile Cylinder Grinding New Pistons and Rings snd Wrist Pins Crankshafts Trued Up . High Class Workmanship. ., - No Better Equipment Puritan Mfg. & Supply Go. Atlantic 3783 - Omaha 1614 Isard St. Nettf Pressed Hog Trough Sanitary Solderless Seamless Mid. by Nebraska it Iowa Steel Tank Co. Omaha, Neb. .1 : :) . H , Experience . K 9HI il That "Alligator" Finish Is your car covered with little erlss erois lines where the varnish has cracked? Our pslniers will correct .hst. PFE1FFER 2525 Leavenworth Street Est. 1S8S MALTBY, D. C. JA ckson 3072 JldNS WITH A PERSONALITY Phono AT. 4683. 92 S2ASCGB O. L. Wiemer Well Paper, Paints, Glsss, Painting snd Decorating 1708 Cuming St. - Omaha, Neb. Phone OO uglas 8753 THE Bee '" CIEAMERS AND OVERS Main Olllc. and Plant I94I-4S Vlntes St. JA skies 1440 Flowers for Ak-Sar-Ben SEE JOHN H. BATH "The Caret id Florist ' 1804 Fanvam Street ' OP NEBRASKA 12th and Farnam Sts. OMAHA Modem Policies, Carrying l Full Protection E. M. SEARLE, JR., Prea. FALL RENOVATING of PILLOWS AND BEDDING Feathers steam renovated and - hot air dried. All your own feathers back when we renovate. OMAHA PILLOW CO. 1907 Cuming St. . Jackson 2487 Sherman & McConnell Drug Co. All the Drugs snd Toilet Articles for all the people all the time. 5 Good Drug Stores in Omaha. We Furnish Clean Linen FRONTIER TOWEL SUPPLY J. M. JENSEN, Prop, rhone Doug. 6291 1819 California Send Your Clothes to Be Cleaned DRESHER BROTHERS Dyers, Cleaners. Hatters, Fur riers. Tailors and Rug Cleaners 2217 Farnam Su Omaha We Pay Return Charges e Out-of-Town Orders Alexander Munroe Sheet Metal and Furnace Works 17 IS Cats St. Phoa JA. 406S All American Chemical Co. Chemical Manufacturers and Jobbers Phone Doug. 4S64. 1208-10 S. 18th St We anaha and manufacture anything. Give Us a Call - r.