THE BEE; .OMAHA. SUNDAY. SEPTEMBER 1. 1921. Rise in Cotton ! Price Benefit to Entire Country FirSering Men of City Rfal lie Im-rcase Is Sympathetic With General Improve inrnt in Businrn. Br HOLLAND. hfn referring to the advance in the market price of cotton atiten nf Galvriton. Tfx.. who i now in N'ew York and who has hrgt inter fill, not 10 much in cotton itself as in nonie of Hie bank which nave hern aiding the cotton planter, said that he felt certain that there wn rot full appreciation by the people of the north of the importance not only to the nouth, but to the entire country of thi. advance in cotton prire. lie had knowledge of the strain wine of the bank of the south were nut to in order to aid the farmer who were .trugling desperately on account j of the heavy drop in the market price of cotton. On the whole the hank of the toutll have khown an admirable disposition to aid the cotton planters. Hut in do ing this a large amount oi credit van, to use a familiar "iroeu. With the advance in the price of cotton it will be possible to thaw out these iroxeii credits and in fact irouFc of that kind i now under way. Increase Sympathetic, Hut the far-sceinu men of thu city and of the north do realize what the higher prices for cotton mean at leaiit from one point of view. For it is iiupofsiblc not to recogi:i-,e the tact that this increase is sympathetic with the improvement in business and in industry and, if not one of the causes (jf that improvement, has been on the other hand caused by it. . Sin one nil foretell how long the ttaare will t maintained There may b. anme (luiluHllnka In lliv msrkct. That wmihl appear, m be Inevitable In view .cf In furl that mint uf the feature as aurlmod with the aii'litrn rlaa I- tha market nrlrt of rotlnn havt ben anertac otur. One curloua feature aasnrtteri with tt.a Improved rot urn market t the half jo.ulnr remark attribute;! to Secretary Mi'llmi that the bonlweevll whlrh haa hitherto been hlamed for falling off hi .tottefl production nevertheleaa tllla year haa reused ao great an Impairment of the .rop that together with rttiwaxe the amalleet ha been harvested. rf .raw cotton Market, Financial and Industrial News of the Day Live Stock Omaha Grain Omaha, (apt. If, 5 decre-taed crop In 59 yeaia Therefore scarcity haa rome and nt a time inn- when the worM'a demand for Anvirl- -arr cotton la increoalna; la spoken of aa fairly good proof of Improved condl- uaa In Europo and also in meat nmain. Cottua and the World. tUntll about the close of lh.flerl rfur which haa Juat ended dlatrea un MKnmtile.1 atnea the rceonatructton era pre- lieu in innnjr imiis ui 111. v . abnormal drop in tn marker rrice cotton. It can oe truiniuur aaiu -na the. a. uth waa deeply In debt. It wat eoiberraaaed alao by aome of the credit restriction, f hut of a iudden there came a rise In tk.i- market price ot cotton of abnut f 40 a' bale. A tha carry-over cotton made nessll.l hy tire aid lven by tho banks ? the aouth waa a little over S, 000, 000 tiles, to which ahould be added the f , (tjt0 hales which Is the government fereciuit of thla year, there was almost iSi overnight Increase on the total nf early 1100.000. i It waa Inevitable when thla comnuta llmi was made that there be recollection of the years early In the present cer- v tf-yL wa.uvu porta .of catUuv .ruiyi tn ? five or Blx nionthsa'ggrated 5il0.0iii,o(i0 each year, and thla waa almost the ex act amount of the favorable vlsll-1" trade Lalance for the United States. Now a sudden Increase (40 a bale means nearly JeOMOMOO. 1 j Oulalde perhaps of the diaeovery and operation of aome of the preeieua metal mines tn Africa, there Is ho record which compares with tho increase In a tew days f the market value of a single crop. In fact at no time, not even when South Africa was bringing to the surace mil lions of new gold, was there such an In crease In gold production In , so. short a time as Is represented by the gain In, the market value of cotton. Of -oiitse the hope Is strong that this Increase aubject aa It may be to aome fluctuation will be maintained and tn fact enlarged. What It Means to Country. ' Thla Increase, sympathetic with, perhaps caused by. improved business and Indus trial conditions, not only hera but In Kurooe, will make It possible to liquidate debts. One of the authorities states that mw buying power has been created by tliis Inrreare and an over-night change t from something like penusy 'o an ap proach to affluence. This will affect all Industries and all business. Should this change In the" cotton situation be colncl- ; dnt in point of time with the undertak ing by Mexico to meet her outside finan cial obligations, followed by the recogni tion of Mexico by this government, then Irrefutable forces for business and Indus trie I prosrierltv will have been e-tated. ,Not only Europe, but Japan, will be stlmulnted by this Increase In tne price of cotton, because they will be sble now ta manufacture and market their cotton cloths at a reasonable price. They should find also that the public, who nave been holding off In the belief that a further decline In the price of cotton will take Mace, will now, realizing that appreciation Instead of decline is In progr.-ss.. beirln buying cotton Roods. They will do thla because of their apprehension that further Increases In the prices of rnw cotton may ' entail higher prices for cotton socds. It Is a most significant 'fact that at lha moment when thia government and Mexico seem about to establish normal neighborly relations the price ot the great staple cultivated in the south, much of It near the Mexican boundary, ishould have Increased, i , ' " Chicago Produce. Chicago, . Bept. 17. Butter Unsettled : creamery, extras, 42c; standards, 38c firsts,. X3H041c; aeconds. 30 He. - Eggs Higher; receipts, T.OOt esses; firsts, 34936c; ordinary firsts, 230c; miscellaneous, 31033c. . Poultry Alive; unchanged. ' " , Omaha, Sept. 17. -Cih heat price were ?c to 4c lower today, lorn wai on Ic to l4c. White wm Ic to Hie lower, yellowr e off and mixed le to Vt; ..ITL'i ower. Oati ere generally a cent 3MM in ai off. Rye declined 2c to Jc and bar iMli !ils!i 'y no mufh changed. Wheat HI. sir les.sae . . t i j . . , Huge I let let t 414 4 I 1e ll.til aesa is : II 4)1 II. M I 4.H4 Iteeelpts werei f atue Offi.ial MeeUay f,,,l4,tet tirruial 1ulr ... eels official WediM-ader. . orfirial ThuieDay 4.334 official Yn.ur .... k..tlihaie Memrdsy,, 3 is oare lh 1J : lal k . , i,UI Heme I wke, as ,. ?,( 3sw eaaaa m siaa M Jfca Jl x ,1 m ai mm t a.m. rear aai .... :m inn ui.tii ; receipt were nelpis and dispoaiftttaj of Hit siavk j,r''n I'jht, si in. I aiua arua, uiaens, r-.u , for hours, endiot at I p nt , lemuer It, l:i. R KfK I PT C A It LOT. , fault Hum tha i nlon Ptrint n n i I'. N. W, H., a.l.,,, ,, I'. N W, H.. w..i t Ml. P., M o My.. ,. ('., H. di Q. Hy al.... t t' H. I. I, mat O, K. I. P. ' Total recelpie 14 lIlHI'OrTI'llIN HKAU. A rniour t t'o :uu.hv I'acking I'd Hold Packing o Morris I'aiking 10 Hwift a ' ..'. J. W. Murphy Hwarls Co Tun I i I 44 I ... M4 ... 4 ... St ... 34 til ... 444 ... 44 ,3.01! faille All kinds of cat'le were nom inally aua.iy today, not tnuugh being oa ale to makt a market. Tuday a ar rivals of Jim head bring tha total lor the week up to 3l,S0d. Percentage of earn feds haa twn una Her this week and good patlve aleera art moatly Ike higher nlilie short fed Kinua have been slow at decline, of :l4er. Top for lh week wa. 110,10, Wuct.rn beeves and feeders are mo.tly ric lower this week tnuusn light "locker, do n..l show murn decline a n t. Hits siock haa been dull. brir. era ita and cow a moatly 40c. Ouotatloiia on Cattle Choice to prime neevee, is.nuej .; good to choice peeves. ii(M : lair to good beeves, 17. om S.Sa; common to fair beeves, fe.Coej 7. to; hoict to prime yenning., rrood to choice yearling.. t. It 44 MO: fair la good yearlings, "..."Sm.H; common to fair ycarllnua, IT, '.'Iff , 00; choice to prlmt grata beeves. tT.OflA7.74: good to i hnire graaa beevea, 16 ti0l&.H: fair to good grass beeves.; common to fair graaa beevea, l4.3S4rl.3S; Mexl- sna. 14.0114(9.00: chore grass helfere. .7(0.2u: fall' to good trass heifers. K.r.ol5 75: rholet to trune graaa rows, I4.7S4S.3S: good hoirt graaa rowa. M.5.rM.7&: fa r to acod traaa rowa. I3.7SW4 35; common t fair grass row., t?.OO(i3,70; rholct to prime feeders. II. la '7.;.: good In choice feedera. 11.0041 .;o;, 10 good feedera. lj.40ei.0A' common to fair fcedert, I4.7SW6.3S: good to choice stneker., S.2Sf 4.7S; fair to good slockers. H.bHtt.ii: common 11 fair atnekers, atnrk heifers, M.oOfcS.CO; .tnck rows. 13.:sei.2S: atork cnlvea. l4.SOf7.7S; veal calvea, 15.000 1.50; bulla, staga. etc., S3.00O3.7S. Hngy The week Is rloalng with a email Roturday run of bogs, abcut 3,700 head. Trade was active enough to pro duce an early clearance and w.iea, on an average, were not far from ateady. Occasional sales or light shipping hogs were possibly a little lower wli'le aome packing biialneaa appeared to be a little higher. Beat light hogs tonne 1 st 17.90 and hulk of the receipts sold from I8.1t 7.i. compared with a week no pack- ng hnga nre about 2SeHf,0c lowci while hlnnlng grades show a decline cl 7uc n - WHCAT Ka. I bard: I tar, tl 1 idaikl; I car. l Id (tallow . . ,v, 1 bsrd: I ear, II. It (dark, epfeM bllliagl; I rar. 11,11 Idaikt: I (tr, l II (dark, emutiyl; 4 rare, 11.14; 1 car., II II: car. 11.11 laiuunyl: I ee-. II II: I rart. 11.14 ly.lloel. I rer. II It ly. low; I rait, II II nmttlty,; t rait, II !3 ttmuliyl. So. 1 hard: I rar. II II (dark I: t rare. 1114 (dark, smutty): I rar. 1114 i.nsuitrl: I rar, 11.14 (mlt; I rare, II It lauiuityl: I rar. 11,11 it.lluwi; I rare, l II Oelltwl; I tar, 11,11 t enmity I. No. 4 hard: I rar, II 13 ieoxiiiylt 1 rar, li t (special billing); I car, 114 leinulty); I rtre, II. ai isiaully); I rar, II tl (smutty, yellow), 1 tprlng: I car, 11.41 (dark, north. Chicago Grain Financial New York Quotations .Bonds and Notes M III I btrat Tilkeae-Oataka He Imh4 M Irt, t hitago, Sept. 17.-Hcking I By ALEXANDER DANA NOYES. No. tral. Ira). No. No. I prlngj I rar, Idar, partV lioau. No. 15.. . "h. 70 ' 140 no. Av. 300 C2. . nr.s S4..320 SO. .321 ci..:i 1..304' ... 64. .261-... 3. .248 ... S..S16 40 4. .21 40 63.. 243 120 Sheep Only Pr. 10 Pr. Ko. Av. 8h. f 00 u S3. .400 ... K. 83. .843 ... I 26 . ' S3. .330 110 6m- 42. .3.10 ... 60. .310 ... 00 S4..2I4 ... 31 " 43. .253 ... 1 00. 6H...S24 1.. 7 35 3..237 ... 7 60 89. .IS ... 7 75 45. .208 200 lambs were included live stock receipts this morning and no change occurred In sheep barn prices. Supply during the past week haa been moderate and prlcse for tat sheep and IKmbs ahow quite a little advance. The general market, rompared with a week ago, Is 75c(H1.00 higher. Best fat lambs are now quoted up to .00i0.00 and porkers are getting very few easterns under 10.0O, Good fat ewes have been bringing 34.0004.40, with wethers and yenrlingt scarce. Feeding la'nl-e ruled steady to easier for the weelt .ind coun try demand continue quiet. Omd feed ing lamb are bringing !.S04?0.?S, with 37.00 an outside price on chol-e lights. Quotations on Sheep Fat lambs, good choice, I9.40.0: fat lambs, fair to good, 8.73.S6; feeder Inmbs, good to choice, 16.7087.00; feeder lamba, fnlr to good, O.008.5O; cull lambs, I5.60O7.00; fat yearlings, 15.2C6.00: fnt ewes. 3.25i (i4.60; feeder ewes, t2.7592.ti- breeding ewes, 13.6065.50; eull ewes, 11.7602.25. 1 tutted: I rsr. It. II (smutty). ' i inlsed: 1 car. 11.14 (smutty)! 1 cart, 11. It (durum). No, mlard; I rar. II. M lamuttv). No. t durum; k,rar, II. It; I car, 11.1 Iredl. .N. t durum: I cars, l It timber). conv. No. 1 wlille: ears. 43r; car, lli (apecltl billing); I tar. 4.l,c. No. I wbliti 1 tar, 41c (ahlppirs" eight), K.tnpl yellow; I rar, 4, No. I yellow: tar, 43i bill lug I; I ran. lie. No. 1 yellow: t car, 43 So (special bill Int); I rart. 43c. No. 4 yellow; I car, 41e (muatr). No. I mlsed: 1 car, 42ec; 1 r, 41c (nsr yellow): I car, 4140. No. I mixed: I rsr, 42c; 4 cars, 41 40 OATH. No. it white: I rar. He; I rare, 3 J He No. 4 white: 1 car. 334c; 1 car, l.V: 4 cars. It 4c Rample white; 1 rar, lie. No. 1 mixed: I rar. lie. KTB. No. t: 1 rar, loo. No. S: I car, lie. 1 Ko. 4: 1 car, llu (heavy); cars, ,15,'. Sample: 1 rar. Use, BAR LET. No. 4: 1 car, 40c. PRlllAFtr RECEIPTS AND SHIPMENTS. Today. ....J.I 11.000 ....1.27.0i)0 ... 713.00 Year Ago. 1. 641.000 :n.o.oo 1.042,000 Wheat Corn Oats . Shipments- Wheat 1,640.000 , 782.000 Corn 4 374,000 22.000 Oata ,174.0011 43,000 KXPORT 1LEAHAXCE3. I5.00U M4.000 43.000 31.00 CtUC'AUU CAR I.OT HKCKiriB. Today Wk. Ago Tear Ago Wheat .61 H SI Corn 342 4 :.0 Oat 7 ISO 17 KANSAS CITY CAR I.OT RKCK1PTS. Today W k. Ago Year Ago 341 334 264 J ' 16 I 21 14 LOCI 3 CAR LOT RECEIPTS. Today Wk. Ago Yf ar Ago 14S 120 111 ...70 2 3 41 47 2 NORTHWESTERN CAR I.OT RECEIPTS Or WHEAT. Today Wk. Ago Tear Ago Mlnneapolia 600. Sl 423 Dulutb 353 481 22 Winnipeg 1,147 1 424 OMAHA HECEIPTS AND SHIPMENTS. Receipts Today Wk. Ago xr. Ago Wheat Corn Wheat Com . Oata . BT. Wbeat Corn . Oata . Bureau 16,000 steers, Kansas City Live Stock. Kansas City, Sept. 17. (U. S. nf Markets.) Cattle Receipts, head. For week; Heavy beef steady to 25o lower, other kinda moatly 1525c higher; she stock and . built, steady to 25c higher; canners strong: atockers, feedert and stock cows and heif ers, steady; veal calves. ateady to too higher; heavy calves, 7tcll.00 lower; stock calves, 5075c lower. Hogs Receipts, 600 head; market steady to strong; 190 to 210-pound weights, 8.10j8.25: bulk of sales, .00p 8.25; full load. 17.25; butcher sows, 17.00; weighty stock pigs, 17.65. - Sheep and Lamba No receipts. For week: Sheep, ll.001.50 higher; lambs, !l.OO01.2fo higher. Sioux City Live 8toek. Sioux City. Ia., Sept. 17. Cattle Re ceipts, 500 head; market stesdy; fed steers .and yearlings, 16. 60(010.25; grass steers and yearlings, 1 14.0007.00; beef steers, I6.50JM0; fat "cows and heifers, I4.00H9.00; csnners, I2.002.75; veala, I4.00.00; graaa cows and heifer. 12.76 06.00; calvea, 18.5006.25; feeding cows and helfera. I2.7505.2S; feeders, 14.000 0.26. . . ... ; . ... Hogs Receipts,. 2.000 ' head: market heavies steady to strong; llghta, 2560c lower; light, S7.50Sii8.00; mixed. IG.750 7.25; heavy, 16.0007.26; bulk of aales, 16.6007.75. , Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 100 head; market steady. St. foseph Live Stock. St. Joseph, Sept. 17. Cattle Recetptl, 300 head; market slow: steers, 14.600 9.26: cows and helfera, 13,60 01.25; calves, 15.0009.00; stockera and feeders, 16.000 6.6. Hogs Receipts, 1,600 head; market steady to strong; Jop, 18.30; built of sales. 16.7608.80. r. . Sheep and Lamba Receipts. 20 'head; market tttady; lambs, .OO01O.OO; ewes, 13.7601.60. Wheat Com Oata Ry Barley Shipments Wheat ....... Corn , . . . Oata Rya , Barley .. 15 .. 12 .. I ,.J07 .. 29 .. IS ., 10 .. 6 111 24 11 ' . 1 13S 34 1 1 CHICAGO CLOSING PRICES. By Updike Oraln Co. DO. 2627. Bept. 17. Art. I Open. I High. I Low. I Close. I Test. Wht I I I I -1 Sep. 1.25H 1.26 1.1'Mi 1.24 Dec. 1.29 l.H'.i 1.26 4 1.26 1.29 ' 1.28 i 1.254 1.29'i May 1.33 1.33- 1.29 1.39V4 1.33 -. 1.13X1....'..... I 1.WJ4 1.3114 Rye 1 i I I Sep. I 1 05 1.06 I 1.04 I 1.04 1.0611 Doc, 1.0 1.08 1i 1.06 4 1.014 1.09 May i 1.11, 1.11 J.lOlii 1.104 1.134 Corn 1 r I Sep. .62', .52 .65H .52H M Dec. .534 .534 .624 .62 4 .63 V. . 62". .634 May .684 -684 .57-5, .674 .584 1 .67. .6814 Oata Sep. .37 .374 .SI 14 .3614 ,.374 Dec. .394 .394 .3t .394 ..Mli 38 4 May .43. 43. 4 .424 .434 .434 .4354 Pork Sep. 11.00 18.45 18.00 18.45. 17.90 Lard Sep. 10.97, 10.47 10.90- 10.90 ' 10.82 Oct. 10.96 11.03 10.95 10.97 L 10.90 Jan. I 9.60 ' 9.67 1.60 9.62 I 9.65 Rlna- I III Sep. 1 7.65 1 7.95 7.66 7.95 7.60 Pet. I 7.76 I 8.00 7.76 7.92 7.62 Minneapolis Oraln. ' Minneapolis, Sept. 17. Flour Un changed. ... , Bran 114.00016.00. ' , ; Wheat Receipts, 600 cars, compared with 423 onrs a yar ago; No. 1 northern, 11.474; September, 11.4414; December, 11.394: May, 11.384. 'Corn N. 3 yellow, 46045 c. ' Oata No. 3 white, 324 0:414. Barley 42 0 69c. , - Ry No. 2. 989814e. . , !; ' Flax No. 1, 12.0602.09. St. Loul Grain. St. Louis, Sept. 17. Wheat September, 11.334 asked: December, 11.2614 bid. Corn September, 494o asked; Decem ber. 6044 0604c bid. Oats September, 35o; ' December 1714c. City Oraln. .-r Kansas City, Sept. 17. Wheat Septem ber. 11.14; December, 11.17: May. 11.214. Corn September, 424c; j December, 4c;x May, 44c i - Bar SllTer. New Tork, Etpt, 17. Foreign bar ailvcr, lie; Mexican dollar, 10c. Dairy Farm or Country Estate Ideal For One Or Both Thirty minute north of th Pottoffice, a short diataac pad Florence, i a 60-acr tract for ale to tome man or men who have an appreciation of natural advantage' and convenience STUDY THIS OFFER 1 . THE LOCATION On th Loop road, or at the intersection of Thirtieth etreet, and the road to be called Memorial boulevard. , On mile by cinder road to pavement. Level roads alt the way to town. The north-and-south direction of roads keep them clean ia all weather. . .,---- THE BUILDINGS ' The honse is of nine room, newly painted and papered inside and out. Eleetrie light, furnace, cistern and , well. A comfortable, roomy home, built to enjoy lift in. ..- Convenient to the house is a brick and concrete cave, ideal for vegetable and fruit atorage, even in tne hottest weather. t Th bam Is a three-decker. XI stalls for horse and cattle en the ground. Next floor ia the implement shed and garage room, with plenty of storage spas thrown in for good measure. The hayloft ia floored with hard maple, making it an ideal danee hall. Room -for 71 couples. To give you an- idea of this barn's construction, the upright Are 1x8 feet and the joist 3x12 feet. - . The chicken house is 11x12 feet, with the hog barn , underneath. . X f.- . -. ' " .' THE, CROPS Thirty acre of thi farm i ia corn. Clover and four-foot stand of Sudan grass occupy two acre. Th orchard has apple, plum, pear end cherry tree all bearing. , , . TIMBER - " ! :: The twenty-five acres of timber on this tract were cruised a short time ago and estimated to contain at cords, valued at from 114 to 111 a cord. A va riety of wood ia there, comprising ash, elm, hickory . and has wood or linden. HERE'S A REAL FARM HOUSE, suitable for a dairy farm on account of it do proximity to tho city and tho nature of tho establishment. Bat because of tho location and view to bo had, no better aita for a country eitata could be found. Come and look it over. Phono Doug la 7464 or call and ee , L. L. SCHEIBEL 2574 Harney Street Omaha ftpuM buyers, combined wilh brnh nr irom ehratj. Ital a at .re-nne infturn-e tin all griit and cirrit4 fricn downward, making the cla at the lowest ol the day and week, with wl.fat off inc, torn I.fttlJ.c. oat Wale, and rve 2; J lower (or the day. There wa nothing to entourage buyirij erf)t that pricei were lower. Highest price ol the wetk were made .early and the lowet vhowed below the inside of the previoui week, and elomg trade on wheat a compared wit It a Week ago. were njjfii8je lower, corn 2Ct.'C. oats l'i.'sC and rye 4(ii6!ic lower, the distant future leading in all 'in Mitnce. I.ard and ihort ribi allowed a lo of i'it I7y,c, while fork gamed -X at compared with i week ago. , IJIti fit) lag Mlrtaglu. With Canadian wheat naarlv on an Ira porting baaia and with Canadian flour In ding taelern markets at lower prlres than ilonieailB romklned wilh claims of wheal priiea in Liverpool being I4m -heaper lhan it ran be laid down for from I his country. Ihet waa little dis position to buy future tsrept on lha rsirein di'lln of l3'e from the rloa of lha prevmut dev. wuh th flnlah el II :i for Mrpiemoer: II.1H4 for liecem. ber. and ll. for May. Corn and oala acted heavy alt day, with a break In rorn of IVo to Ue for May, while oat war off to 4;v,c. both prices holding at the rloe. J-oal tradert wtrt mart oearmn. rnare waa neavy aeiung nf rorn by strong eommuMlon hotlsea at tbe opening and (ha corn put up on the mantel wat not eigeaiea up to in note. Hula to the country wert lowered to IWeinber prut for mixed, Ma over for white, and to over fur No. 1 yellow. Ky waa weak, with niuat of the trtd Ing llnuiilatlng tad chanting from near to illalant futures. Mpot r wta ho ovtr ncpirmuer. Pit Note, lo'il trader generally went out of their holdings of grain today and a thort In tareat waa alao created. Hentlment le be coming mort variable wilh many heart and wnue it le conrearu mat the tlatlstlcal situation la strong, thera It not th en thusiasm that prevailed recently. The foreign sltuslion haa become a bit factor ana wnue part or tne bearish' news com ing from there wtt designated as "bunk" by one of the largest foreign buyers of tht seaboard. It bad Ita effect. It would bt no surprise tn the trade to tee lowtr or Ices on aionuay. joiioweii oy a gooa rally. Ont unfavorable feature In tht grain alt uatlon a present la the liberal quantity of wheat and corn held at tht Atlantic aeahoard, at Montreal and on ocean paa eage. which has Mint been told to foreign diatrlbutort. It waa shipped by exporters who were obliged to charter full cargoes to enable them to fill aalea of 40,0(19 to 100.000 buahls of grain, taking a chance on aelllng the balance of tht cargo. Some of the grain htt arrived and haa depressed value abroad, which It reflcted In re duced export buying here and report of resales abroad at lower prices. Recent ralna lit- Argentina were bene ficial, according to Uroomhall a agent. Still further heavy ralna are needed In some nf the drier provinces. Weather la now fine. Canadian wheat ' wat reported offered e. I. f. Toledo, duty ptid, tt about a working buali and No. 1 northern which compare favorably with do mestic dark No. 1; northern. was re ported offered c. I. f. Buffalo, at IVic under Winnipeg, October, which after al lowing for the difference In exchange, waa also about on a working basis. Canadian flour, duty paid, was sold at New York at 8.!5 per barrel. A Chicago exporter bought back 41,000 bushels of corn sold abroad, for whicn ocean room hod not been chartered, at a profit of 4c There are numeroua reports of-canoeltatlons and resales of wheat. ' A Chicago man who spent the week in Iowa saya there Is not the corn crop there was last year. Much of It Is down and In bad shape. Farmers are through their reckless selling and will sell conservative ly on bulge to around 40c at loading atations. It looks at though short ribs were selling below their value at this tea son and that the lard market haa been rainy wit liquidated, saya w. L. Gregaon. Chicago Live Stock. Chicago, Sept. 17. (TJ. 8. Bureau of Mafkets.) Cattle Receipts, 600 head rompared with week ago; fat yearlings and good - choice light and medium weight tteers, mostly 25 to 40o higher; plain heavy and northwestern tteert, un even, mostly 25c lower; tpot off more; common light steers about ateady; fat heifera generally 25c higher; ther ahe stoc'.:, uneven, moatly steady; canners strong; bulls, mostly 60c higher; veal calves. 11.00 higher: stockert, 16 to 2 tic higher; feedera steady. Hogs Receipts, 8.600 head; steady to strong; noidover, ngnt; top. 18, su; bulk light and light butchers, I8.268.60; bulk, packing cows, C76 7.25; pigs, steady; bur. desirable, !7.267.60. Sheep Receipt, 2,600 head; compared with week ago; fat lamb around ,?5c higher; fat sheep and yearlings, 26 to 60c higher; feeding classes, firm. New York General. New Tork, Sept. 17. Flour Barely steady; spring clears, 1606.76. Wheat Spot, easy; No. 2 red winter, I1.37V4; No. 2 hard winter. 11.37 .; No. 1 Manitoba, 11.43 A: No. 2 mixed durum, I1.2SV;. c. 1. f. track, tq arrive. Corn Spot, easy; No. 2 yellow, Tlfie; No. '2 white, 72c; No. '2 mixed, 7114c; c. I. f. track. New Tork, 10-day shipment, Oata Spot, barely steady; No. 2 white, 61c. Lard Firm; middle west, 40011. 50. V Other articles unchanged. - ', , Chicago Potatoes. i Chicago, Sept. 17. Potatoes Receipt, 105 cars; market weak; Idaho whites, 12.70(512.80; Wisconsin, f 2.25$2.46; Red River Ohlos, !2.0o2.65; Main cobblers, X2.G0lgl3.65. ,-- IkkMft Trllmae-OaMhe Be I aeaed Wit. New York, Sept. 17. The week ended on nearly all the market today in keeping with the character of it previous movement, which clearly represented the arrctting of violent hiding of value to new level of the downward reaction on the (lock exchange a of the decline in cotton, both of which were returned todav. It I poible to ay that they indi cated a coiuervative attitude and were to that extent reassuring. It hat at lrat been proved by tht week 'a movement that neither atocka nor commoditiea are confronted with the danger of an excited , "runaway market." on the first appearance of newt making for higher pricea. There wa never any great probability of luch a result on the alock exchange, but week ago there aeemei to be an even chance of it in cotton and extravagancei of that sort are con-t&gioui. Market luaclieeary. Changes In price of dorks today were not Important and there wa a napect. able number of net advanett, but th gen eral drift of the Inactive market wat tnwtrilt fractional reaction, moatly email. Th trading la half a dosta In metritis atocka made up 10 per rent of tht day' Business, which wt wholly don by pro feoalonai operator. In eplte of tbe cor. reel Impression tbat the Paat week move ment of price bae been reactionary, com parison with lb prtvlou week' closing now mat nti advance prtannmate. tbtl many of them r of tuotttnlltl magnitude and that even where latt wtk brought decline from tht high point of tht preliminary autuino rise, It left price for active railway she ret I to 1 point! above the low level of June and pricea for active Induatrlal stock t 1 to 20 polntt aoovt Ibt yean bottom flgurca The marketa which attracted the moat attention today wore cotton and foreign tschangt. In the cotton market, .the day continued decline fairly mealured the-double Influence of two reaultt which the week-end trade atttlellra show to havt followed th rite la the price above 20 ctntt a week ago. -Shipment of cotton by producer to th market hava Increased heavily, but purrhate by northern tpln nert htvt been down to th lowest weekly totsl of th seaaon. Th cotton market I feeling about for a price yhlch will admit both free movement from th aouth ern atorage point and free abaorptlon of in atapie oy in muia. Recovery in th Qerntan mark, which crossed th lo prlc again today, wss th noetworthy Incident of a generally atrong foreign txchangt market. Omaha Hay Market. Prairie llay Recelota nightly heavier. fair demand for better grade. Price lower. Alfalfa Receipt nominal, fair demand. Price eotnewaht lower. Straw Light receipt, limited demand, t'nland Prairie Hav No. 1. 111.100 12.64: No. 2. M.60610.10: No. I. 17.000 t.00. Midland Prairie Hay No. 1. tl00 11.00; No. 2, 18.00 J. SO; No. I. $7.00 I.. Lowland Pralrl Hav To. l: II 004s 00: No. 2, 17.0091.00. Alfsira Hay Cholcs, 117.00011.00; No. 116.O0ei6.OO: atandard. 11 J oni4 no: No. 1. 11.00011.00; No. 2. 17.0001.00. Straw Oat. IJ.00et.0O: wheat 7 Ofttl 1.00. , Rtait f Hre tf Ik leading el a-as furnisttd by Lefte H'M. faieit Tiusi keil-ti Rtii.a, fridty tilth Low Close t'luae i,'t lt tat, Jli, lit, 4t SS Hi's n: ni ins us its nw " . t a a r Halt. A 0i ... Ctntdite ftrifi V I, Itairal ... I 'tea m Okie ... Krit R. R ,, US ll't 1S Ui. Nona pfd ... !4' lis us Chi. UI. Western .. IIIibois Caaira) ,, Its IIS ' He., Kan. 4k Teg , . .. K. C. Heulhera... ! 14 r He, Pee. is IIS I'H N'. T.. K. H. It. MS lS MS North. Par. My... 14 I IIS "S I'kt. t N. W 4T 7 tl fen R. K , a '' Heading t'o. ttS ItS Tl ". R. I. P IIS 91S l-S aouth. fac Co.... Us 77 U 1'. S aouth. Ry 2S lS :t 11. Mil. 4 l. f. IIS "S "4S laion I'te, tVtbtth ... Uu,' 1IW tfTKF.L. Am. Car a rdry...i:7 I2IV t:T Allll.t'btltuert ... 14 U ?4 Jit Am. Loco. .., S s OS Usld. L. Wka. ... S S lS Hath. M. Corp. ... IIS US coio. r. a i, co. . is 4s :4S Crucible kleel Co. . SIS S S Am. Mieel K. .... I 21 : Urk. 8. Co 43 42 41 Mid. I. Ord. ... MS 24 24 Pressed a, C, Co . i. a. Co. . is i i: Rail. Steel I. ... II II ti a.-ahef. a. i. .. it i V. 8, atetl UK 7IS 7'4 i.ui'rrriB. II HS 14S is M. 241 MS tlS S'S 71 US !! :4 i:S IS IJJ't 24 S l s IIS I I :s 21 42 l4 6S US 4 2 ts Th following euolallont ruralahttl by lha On.aht Iruat company! An pid Asaea yieia 20 2H lois 0i 21 5M. 21 IS -41S London Moneys, Sept. 16. Bar silver, 3Vid London, per ounce. Money 2 per cent. Discount rates, short bill. 2 per cent, three months bills, 4H4 3-16 per cent. Turpeotlae and Ketla. . Savannah. Ga.. Sent. 17 Turpentine Firm; 46S0I4HC: aale. 21 bble.; receipt. 12 bbl.; shipments, 2,136 bbis.; tock, ,262 bbls. . Rosin Firm; aale. III cask: receipt, lot casks: shipment, 2,065 tasks; atoek, 72,770 cask. Quote: B. D. E $4.10; F., $4.40; O. 14.60; H, 24.40: I., $4.70; K.. 14.10: M., 4.0; N., II; W. G 26.26; W. W., 15.76. New York Dried Fruit. New Tork, Bept 17. Evaporated Apple Nominal. . Prune Jood demand. v Apricot and Peaches Firm. Raisins Unsettled. THE OMAHA BEE furnishes a corapl e t e an d prompt - Base Ball Score Board An. Cop. VI In. ... IS I A. a. Rf. Co. . 27 1S 2IS Buttt m a. M. Co. . 1414 US MVa l.Tille top. Co. ... II I0S II 10S Chino Cop. Co. .; SJS :S 21S .... I nap. Com. op. .. 24 24 14 24 Ksnn. .Ctpptr ... 2014 - 20 2 2 Miami Cap. Co. .. :i 11U 2114 2IS Nay, C, l op. Co. . 1 1 S -1 1 S 'I I S II S Rty c. Cop. Co. . i:s 11s :s flah Cop. Co. ... II to 10 41 S INDUSTRIAL Am. R. S. Co. ... 2 S 2 S A.. O. W ill, 2 27S Am. Inter. Corp, ,22 ' 2IS Am. S. Tob. Co. . 44 '4 42 Am Cotton Oil Co ' Am Tel Tel..'. .101 S 104- Am Ag Ch Pro Bosch Magneto ..14 V. 34', American Can Co 27 S. 27 S Chandler blot Car 47 44 Ctntnl Lthr Co.., lt '2IS Cuba Can Bug Co Cal Pet'leum Corp 27 26 S Corn Pdcta Rfg Co 74V4 . 74 Nat Enam, Btanxp 17 27 Fltk Rubber Co.. 10 10 Oen Electrlo Co. . ,114; 1:44 l:'6t at North'n Ore.. 2li.2IS 21 V Oen Motors Co..... 10 10 10 Goodrich Co '. Internet Iltrvesttr II 1014 Hasksll, Brkr Car 61 S ' 61 U 8 Ind Alcohol Co 48 S 47 S Internet Nickel,.. 14S 14 Internet Paptr Co 60S 48 Island Oil ........ i AJax Rubber Co... 2! "4 l:ii Kelly-Spr'grid Tire 42 S 40 S Keystone Tire, riuo 12 lis tiex, ret liiTt 112S Mid. States Oil .. 12S 12 Pure Ol! Co. 24 S ' 24 '4 24 Wlllvs-Over. Co. . H S S Pacific Oil 25 S 26 S 35'. P.-A. Pet. A T. . 62( 60S 61S P.-Ar. Motor 1!' 12S 12S Royal Dutch Co. . 4S 48 S 41 S V. B. Rub. Co. ... 41 ' 4S 40 Am. 8. Rfg. Co. . 63 S 2 63 S Sin. Oil V R. .... 20 1S 1S Beara-R. Co 61 i 69 19 '4 Strom. Carb. Co. . 23 22 - 22 Stude. Corp. ..... ts 76S 70 Tob. Prod. Co. ... 69 68 6T4 T.-Con. Oil 8 8 Texa Co 25 35 14 264 U. S. F. Pr. Corp. 144 "S 124 Wilton Co.. Inc. . 214 25 25 Weat. E. M. Am. Woolen Co. .. 764 74 74 Total aale. 225.600. Money, Friday close. 64. Marks,' close, .0013; Frl. close, ,0092. Sterling, close.' 2.714; Frl. close, 2.70U. Liberty Bond. , Nw Tork, Sept, 17. Liberty bond doted: 24s, 17.44; first 4s, Sl.0;second 4s, 81.10 bid: first 44s. 81.00; second 44s. 84.01; third 44. 12.14; fourth 4 'is, 11.20; Victory 24. 11.04; Victory 4s, 1.04. , 26 l 27 S 47S 284 S 37', 74 io" 124 54 21 10 2H 04 61 !i 484 MS 60 24 SIS 41 12S ins ins 124 II 244 4 95 62 12 484 40 024 20 4 70 144 27 4 44 4 21 74 27 10 81 0814 41 14 48 414 11 Am. A, C 7 1, a. 1111.., !. If Am. T. T. 11. , 1412 IUj Am. T. T. fa. , HII II ' Anaconda 7a. tl.'l ll't iS Armour Is, me t S ..e(en i.ov, a. IBtl,,,ltia lt3' Heigun u..v J4e, 141, ,11 114 Hteel la. I,: til MS Mriu.h 4', a. .j nil Mu Jlnti.h It, s, l: ill? 1 C II. g. Jl. s, llll.losii .-s Chile ia, I4 .;. i' ,,2 h,nnitrk It, 1141 tejI lai'T Krtmh llcv. la, 1141 ,..tC lues O. F Uoodrlch 7a. U.. IIS i! Jap, Oov, let 4S. I:i. IIS ll'I Jap. Oov. 4s. 1l , 74 Norway la. 4 IIIU le s, w, n T, Co. , lilt, let iiiju .V. V. Ceo, 7a. 3 . 4 ioi I'enn, It, R. In, 7a, Ifm.lul', u M. W. II. T, Ce la. 1121, l?s t'4 Kwltt Co. 7a, llil Nwia Hov. ta, 1I0 a os I'. N. Rub. 7 4. 11 ... ltw Vacuum Oil 7a, 114 ,.,.183', 101 Weal, ktlen. ta, IHt ....183 1014 New Verk Curb Hlocka. Allied Oil 4 0 Ikialon Montana I tj) I'nston Wyoming 1 t Coaden Oil , I if Contolldattd Copper I 4 4 Klk Basin ! Federal Oil 144 Clenrork .Oil 10 0 Mernt Oil , 7 0 .11 iu west Refining Co, , 130 Sliver King of Arlsont 10 Mapulpa Oil- 2 0 Slinm Petroleum- r Tonopeh Divide 4 0 I . a. steamship 21 0 V. B. Retail Candy I0 t II I ! f II 1.10 I 7 71 7 5 7 II I 44 I It 72 IS IS .1 74 0131 0 20 .3 7 II IS Forelga JSirhaage Ma tea. Par Valuation Auatria 2 Belgium Its Canada 1,0 1 stcno-riiovikla , .27 4 II .112 , .::il .16 .115 ! .'ii . ".27 .116 60 7 14 44 764 for the benefit and convenience of SOUTH SIDE resi dents on the win dows of 4 PHILIPS " N DEPARTMENT STORE ; 24th and O Street TheOmfiha Bee The Updike Grain Company Operating a large, up-to-date Terminal EUrator in tha Omaka Market, i in a poiition to handle your ahipmenta in (the belt poitible manner i. e., cleaning, tranif erring, itoring,' etc. MEMBERS Chicago Board of Trade Milwaukee Chamber of Com merce Minneapolis Chamber of Commerce . .. St. Loui Merchant E change Kama City Board of Trad Sioux City Board of Trato Omaha Grain Exchange OMAHA, NEB. LINCOLN, NEB. HASTINGS, NEB. CHICAGO, ILL. SIOUX CITY, IA. OFFICES AT HOLDREGE, NEB. GENEVA, NEB. DES MOINES, IA. MILWAUKEE, WIS. HAMBURG, I A. ' KANSAS CITY. MO. All ef these office, eacept Kan, at City end Mil waukee, ar connected with each other by private wire. It will pay you' to get tn touch with one of our office " when wanting to BUY or SELL any hind of grain. We Solicit Your CONSIGNMENTS OF ALL KINDS OF GRAIN to Omaha, Chicago, Milwaukee, Kanaaa City and .Sioua,City Every Car Receive Careful Personal Attention. The Updike Grain Company 3 - - The Katlefcte Ceaaignaaant Heane Is the Market a Buy at Present Levels? Some Issue Are a Purchate, Qthara a Sale? 1' Writ lor and Rtad r "Stock Market Opportunities" Shtma&SDdand HmmmrsCmmmmm4MxUf.r 198BrdjNevrtrK lienmtrk Kngland ,. Kramt Uermtny .., llreec , . . , Italy , Jugo-81avla Norway .., Poland .... Sweden .... Bwitserland C'hlrata Htnrka Armour tt Co. p(d Armour Leather Co., common.... Armour Leather Co. pfd Cudahy Packing Co. common.... Continental Motors Hartman Corporation Common.. I.lhby. McNeil A Llbny Montgomery Ward Co...,'. National Leather Reo Motor Car Co Swift tc Co.... Swift International Union Carbide A Carbon Co - New York Sugar. New York. Bept. 17. No Chang occurred In th market for raw augar and there were no aales today. Centrifugal waa quoted at 4o for uncontrolled and 4.l6o for Cubaa. Raw augar (uturea doted 2 polntt lower to 4 higher. October cloaed 2.60c; December, 2.42c; March, 2.36c: May, 2.40c. Today .0011 .0700 .1121 .0121 .114. I 71 .0712 .0102 .oi;s .0410 .0041 .1200 .0033 .2IIS l:a :: ii .. ! .. 12 .. .. 71 .. 1 .. 1 .. H ..112 ,. 16'; .. 22 ,. 41 Omaha Produce Linseed OH. Duluth, Sept. 17. Linseed and arrived, 12.07 H. , on . trick Stale ef Nabraaht, V.parlnienl Af H. eunuia, II met 4 vt Maikel tad Mtik'l In. .v Poultry B..ll.r. ! blc prl.e. o:il .I.Mle eellli-t prue. t)lei sprints, holrtele uHat" pn. tteltri wkuletle wllia piUe, lie:.: hen lllthll, omilMale bulln l.n.e. Il tie; tiole.ala telling I'll, a, ivu-, kena thetvyl, wtvileeal hulint pi i'. HaMaal tailing price, lla'jvi iwae, ahaieetl hutinev pn t, l4j 1 4s ; hlete tilting pilc, ;eMS du he, k"leela buying prbe. Ileue; hnllt IUng prt. t, l foe; geete, Wk..teele tu,IHg prut. lelJu; huleel Hints l"le, lit IJA Urttard Poultry Itieilaae. wheleaete telling pi Ice, flwltes aprmie, wholesale telling prhe, !ltllr hetie, wholeMile telling prue. tlOIK'i eavks, btirel Mlltng prl't. l.tjIU' Kite Helw-I, whaleula huvllig Mice, Mwilc! wholeaale aelllng prl.f, llwitet Ko. I, whnleeal buHllg prl.e, I5t)e hnleeale aelllng prlrt, SUfllO! No I. wholeealt buyme pi I.e. I0(r:lc; ehnleaal Hint price, lltjrir; rra kt. aholeaale buying price. Atjltv; whuleul selling prut, JIOJJ.'. Hutler Crttmery ' (prlntal. wholeeate telling price, 4J,- rreamery ilubl, whole, ale celling price, litlie; rounlry ibeell, holeaale buying prl.e. SJc whnlaeele exiling price, fm It. ; munlry (i-ummen I, whoUaal. buying prl.e, tlttiif, wholctale aelllng price, in,: llutternul At atttllnne. wholeealt bur. Ing pi i.e.. se;!2c; Hired ehli.iwr. whult. (ale buying prl.e. 34 UJki Hay IVarte. No. I upland, whnlraale aellmg price. Ill .ij u ,a, so 2 upland. Wholeaale aelllng , ., tof Id L: No! 2 upland, wholeaale aelllng prtee, I7,nn 10; No J inMland. wliote-al aelllng pru t. l( e4i oa; N. . ,,' wholeealt telling pine, l loo ia 1111 nil.llan-l. whnle.ale aelliiit price, I; at IP I.HOj No I lowland, xtml-.M. aelllu price. Mono tan; Sn 1 l.,-i.,,d. ,i," salt telling price, 7 ontl nn. Alfalfa Choice, wholeaale eel,f ntl.e, Il7,0i)f l On: No I. wholeaale aelllng prlre, 114 00417. n: .tan.Ur-l Khnleaaia aelllng price. Ill ln mi; No .inrt. aid, ahnleaale aelllng prlre, MOUfriia; No. 2, tvhnleeal selling prl.-e, ; nun 1.0. Oat Straw Wholeaale selling prl.e. Straw llat. whole. ale eelllng prlre 200iliM; wheal, wholeaal aelllng prlc. 7.or.00. . Polatoea Vo. I, wholeealt telling prlre, IllOffie per cwt.j No. 2, wholratl selling price, 12 10 per rwt. New York Cotton. Kew Tork. Sept. 17. The rotlon market weakened further today, with Increaeed liquidation for the week-end and southern hedge aelllng. particularly in the last hour, and moat optlona dropped mure than He a pound under the preceding rlnainc level. Demand waa poor and Vara had thinga all their own way. Many nperaiorji feared tn hold their long cotton ner the week-end tnd told freely. The opening wit irregultr. but In the flrat hour nf the abbreviated aca.lnti I he markot alumped 21 to 10 points net loner Short covering for over Humley was not heavy enough to take rare or ihe ,n,,... of cotton thrown on the market through i-urnmieaion nouaea, ao tne llat I runnel! without much realatance at tint.. Tha heavy tone In tht ttock market wtt a factor. Final htda were tround tha 1nw i..i of tha aeaaion. 20 to 67 polnte ne- down. Th local apot market wss off to polnl Bet to 112.60. New York Produce. New Tork. Sept. 17. Butler Unsettled! creamery higher than estraa. 4.1044n' creamery extra. 44c; creamery Urals, 17 w43c. ,.?5,f,P,rn,: ,rMh gathered extra flrttt. 42 46c; do flrttt. 28 41c. - Cheese Firm; unchanged. Live Poultry Not quoted Dressed Poultry Firm; western chlck ns. 2645c; fowls, 18926c. I 1 I High Grade Listed Securities on Partial Payment Plan Your opportunity to purchase strontr , dividend-paying stocks Ad bonds on Partial Payment Plan in 20 Monthly Initallmenti Listed stocks and bonds are on the climb. Buy now at present market prices and pay a little each month, Payments as lWas ?5.00 per month, WRITE FOR DETAILS nMLi Ci. 1. C "D J n I vyinaiia jiut'K 7 jDona vompany M I tlantic 5027 250 Patera Truat Bldg. Omaha, Neb. !l reo stock privileges ri o c )0 Z PUTS AND CALLS d I 3 SO DAYS ODD LOTS - V Beat, safest way to trade. No manrln. cant possible, as risk is limited. Profit unlimited. Ask for free booklet. SUCCESS IN THE STOCK MARKET" With small outlay hundred of dollar are made. . UNLISTED SECURITIES KENNEDY & CO.. Est 1884 Manners Consolidated stock EschengeJI.Y. 74 BKUAUWAI. flCW TORK 1SF' Beyond Reach of Disaster A FIRST Mortgage on producing- Nebraska land representing only one-third to one-fourth of its pre-war value is, in our opinion, as near absolute safety as , anything human can be. It i such mortgage we offer our client. May we aubmit offer ing to yont The in terest rate i atill 7. ' Availahl in Amounts irom $100 up Peters TkusT Comranit and ..' -v"'-., Peters National Bank Faraam atjGnnteenth " TEXAS OIL NEWS PRODUCTION REPORT Bo you know that Taias produced -during 1020 250.000.000 worth of oil 7 If you own stock In any Texas Oil Company or are interested In Texas Oil Production write lor a FBEE copy of our quarterly production report. It tires naniea of all oil companies har in producing wells, number of barrela , produced and revenue recelTed from OIL Also special Information on Trans Perot Oil Fields. Write for free copy todty. . ... ,. , SCHIMMEL A CO. -Suit 51, Nell P. ' Aadtrtoa Bid. Fort Worth. Ttut ME-X-I-A Tht 8ntetloaal. New Oil Field aaat of Limestone County. Texas, la now I I conceded to be oue of the aresteit oil awal Th Sensational. New Oil Field or Limestone County. Teui, Is now conceded to be oua of the greatest olJ fields of America, the latest well re ported ha?lng come in with a flow of 20,000 barrels of oil per day. The cur rent Issue of the TEXAS OIL BULLETIN will be a Mexla Special: will contain the fullest details regarding this sen sational field; and will be replete with maps and photographs which will be found of great interest and valie. A copy of the Mexla Special Issue of the Texas Oil Bulletin will be mailed to you ABSOLUTELY FREE upon request. Write for It today and ask for any Information you desire bout any oil, r,',M "il caiui-atiy . , Texaa or the Southwest. TEXAS OIL BULLETIN aultt 214, Waggenar Bldg. Fort Worth, Ttxaa ' Unusual Profits With Business Safety R. E. Swain Tobacco Company North Carolina, Kentucky, South Carolina 1 Three Plant storage for 2,600 hogsheads. ' 2 Factory capacity 60,000 pounds per day. ' 3 $280,327.67 Assets before incorporation. 4 Foreicn aale recent months exceed $300,000. 5 Potential yield of Firt Serie at least 24 . . 622 years' tobacco experience in management. 7 Strong Banking and penonal references. a 8 Dealing with Treasury mtci salesmen's commissions. , 9 This advertisement appears in 100 newspaper iue. 10 This special offering limited to 5,000 Units. . 11 Unusual opportunity for individual investors. It is therefore adVUahle to write or wire for price, terms and Official Statement WITHOUT DELAY. Orders subject PRIOR SALE. CHtS. E. DODDRIDGE, AmL Treasurer .y - Two Eighty Broadway, New York ENORMOUS PROFITS Havt Best Hade During tht Past Was! I PUTS and CALLS ' With 140 yot eta ileal I 100 ihr el tny teek. Profits usllmlted. Writs for Bookltt No. 10. PAUL KAYE III Bread way New York $30 to $50 Monthly Invest NOW while giltedsre seasoned Dividend Paying Securities are purchasable on the New York Stock Exchange at lowest pricea in twenty years Will mean your Financial Independence Send for Booklet 'TarchMinf an Inoomt" STILWELL LEFFLER & LOWE 40 Exchange Place New York City ATTEND THE Big Cut Price Drug Sale "AT THE 5 Sfierman&McGonnell Drug Stores This Sale Lasts tha Entire Ak-Sar-Ben Week. '9- ail r 1 - r -r J a. aa i