Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 18, 1921, PART THREE, Image 22

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British Motor
Expert Praises
Nasli Six Car
American Machine Extolled
With Glowing Description
Of Iu Good Point in
The Auto-Car.
From England, ton schooled in
th science of rninuucturt and a
nation charactrrized by Hern and im
partial judgment ti products cre
ated by man and nichiner. comes
tribute to the Nih Six, the
strength of which lies in itt sincer
iiy. Owen John, British authority
on motor can, is the spokesman; the
Autocar, a llritith motoring journal,
it the medium through which he
In the Auguit 20 itiue of the mac
aiine Mr. John deals with American
made motor cart in general and with
the Nash Six in particular. Follow
ing a description of the Nash, the
'j writer of the article quotes in price
delivered in England and then ex
' claima : "Value for the money, in
deed!" To thii he add: "I have
f owned and driven many Yankee earl
I in my time and I fancy it will take
' a quia pro quo amy on sucn im
porn at these before our home
i porductt can get on anything like
equal terms.
After citing the fact that he 'has
been driving a Nash Six cylinder
car, Mr. John says:
, "Standing at rest or sweeping
along at 55 miles per hour I cannot
i remember a tweeter engine; itspow-
er it glorious, its acceleration is
' swift without being violent and its
picking up abilities are all that could
be desired and nothing could be
more elegant than the way in which,
foot oft the throttle, the engine
comet into use as a brake. It has
a starter thin is quiet, its lamps give
i plenty of light and do riot rattle,
itt tires are big and its springing,
when the weight in the car is prop
erly distributed, would be hard to
; improve. Fast and quiet as it is
;on tht level, 1 think its best point
'is on hillt
Hudson Special Car Wins Pike's Peak
Hill Climb and Penrose Trophy Cup
I. .i i it
Many Changes
Appear in New,
Cadillac Cars
Radiator Shape Altered, Tires
Are Smaller and Many Me
chanical Improvements
Are Included.
The changes in the new Cadillac
as compared with the preceding
models may be divided into classi
ticatiuns relating to appearance, per
formance, riding dualities, appoint
ments and mechanical refinements,
The radiator shape has been
changed, the hood is slightly larger,
King Rhiley, driving a Hudson!)
super-six special, won the I'ike't
peak hill climb and the Penrose
trophy cup at Colorado Springs on
Labor day. Rhiley climbed to the
summit in 19 minutes and 16.2 sec
onds. This time it much faster than was
made last year, but does not equal
the record mad by a Hudson special
iu 1916, when the summit was
reached in IS minutes and 24 sec
ends. Several other cars of well known
makes competed in this national hill
climbing classic.
I ,Tj"" ,u. t, u. : ?!ipnt enrnges nave Dn maae in tne
j v..v. iB jlCg and the tentcr 0 gravity has
;in one long neat, unobstruc ive steel b , d without reduct;yon in
fhox. Everything seems closcd-in toj d ,
such an extent that, were it not for roaa c!t''ance- .
Us appurtenances, such as the dis- N,w Boa7 ?',
itributor. the engine starter, and the Two ncw and distinctive body
f radiator, there would appear no f1" have been added to the Cadil
t reason at all why any bonnet ' line. A two-passenger coupe
? (which Yankees call the 'hood.' the roadster in arrange
! believe V should be necessary. Like I,1 of scats and storage space,
.. mn nl It. hrthrcn it nnr.niH ' and a four-passenger coupe with a
Mo look after itself, and I am seeing
wow long jt will go without my in
f tcrference, save, of course, 'n such
.details as more petrol (18-23. miles
wider, range of utility.
A steering wheel made entirely of
selected black walnut and a new ar
rangement in the spark and throttle
per gallon), lubricating oil and plain 'levers has been substituted for the
water." j tilting wheel arrangement which
f characterizes other -ftnliiLie models.
.Essex Wins Canadian Sts' have
' ' Suttumctalroei Rnrvs b"ccn made, among which are a new
sJWeepbldKei v(.ntilator control, Improved wind-
An Essex driven by Loots' Dis- shield, a trunk rack for the sedan
brow won- the sweeps,ts?.es feature and phaelon, a new design of carbil
'William IT on Ship
Put Kiel in Hubbub
race at the Canadianuational exhibi
tion at Toronto,.-i'nd at . the same
time lowered the track record. Dis
brow covered the 10 laps in 5 min
utes and 52 seconds. The previous
time was 6 minutes and 1 second.
German Maiden Vamps
Entire Staff of Factory
Berlin, Sept. 17. Irm Hellwig,
manager Of i an embroidery factory
at Plauen, a girl with a magnetic
personality, has been acquitted by
a Berlin court of the charge of embezzlement.
Her counsel, half way through the
' proceedings, submitted a number of i
love letters addressed to her by each
of tha partners.
It was further discovered that one
of th two members ci the firm had,
without the knowledge of his asso
ciate, authorized Hellwig to Spend
on hertclf money entrusted to her.
Other amorous letters addressed
to tha girt by the 'firm's 60-year-old
bookkeeper, the electrician, the 65-vcar-old
night watchman and the
; junior clerk also were read, r Hell
vig was discharged.
s "Jean Pole Aids Pickpocket
To Rob His Sleeping Victim
Elkins, W. Va., Sept. 17. Expe
ienced pickpockets or "dips," as
hey are known to the underworld,
reneralty depend upon the dexterity
)f their fingers to' ply their trade,
: but some fellow here has introduced
i novelty in the manner in which
coins may be extracted from the
pockets. He uses a long bean pole
with two conveniently placed nails
n on end. Arnold White of Job,
W. Va., was relieved of $80 in cash
nd a gold watch valued at '$40 at
toe Dove's annex. It happened after
White went to bed and to sleep.
The pickpocket took ' a ladder,
climbed to the second story window,
thrust in his pole and extracted the
cash and the watch from White's
trouser'a pockets.
rcbitects Hard Hit
By Slump in Building
London. Sept 17. "Scores of
architects who before the war were
earning more than $10,000 a year
are now glad to accept office jobs
it $20 a week."
. - This remarkable statement was
nade by one of the leaders of the
rofestion in London.
"I know one young member of the
rrofestion," he continued, ''who.
despairing of finding employment, is
now making women's girdles, which
'ie sella to fashionable dressmakers.
Another it designing and manufac-
tunng fancy articles In leather.
"I believe architectt have been
harder hit than members of any
other profession by the widespread
titrea and unemployment."
Sir Banister Fletcher, the famous
archtttect, agreed with this view.
Horse Remembers Hospital; v
Goes Back for Treatment
Springfield, I1L, Sept. 17. Use of
tommon horse sense ofttimes is
valuable to horses as well as htt
A horse belonging to a farmer
four miles from here became ill 'with
Colic, kicked tha barn door away
and appeared at a horse hospital in
the city for treatment. Tne veterin
arian alter treating the horse remem
bered that about a year ago he had
treated it for the tame ailment The
owner taid had not taken tht
horse there during tha intervening
rctor, a change of motor generator,
a new dram device for the water
pump, a smaller rear axle housing,
a larger torque arm bearing and
new style of grease cup.
The new- model Cadillacs are all
equipped with smaller tires. The
standard size now t is 33x5. This'
change in the tire size is responsible
in part for the lowering of the cen
ter of gravity. .
The Tierra' del Fuegans eat soap,
finding the fat therein really nourish
Painter's Promptness in Quit
ting Work at Whistle
Is Cause.
Kiel, Sept. 17. In a shipyard
hire, a ship's painter was occupied
in painting the ship's name upon the
bow preparatory to the launching.
As the whistle blew to knock off
work, he promptly laid aside his
brushes and made for home. The fol
lowing morning, as the workers
streamed into the shipyard they saw
to their astonishment, in new, bright
ly painted colors upon the bowtfie.
name Wiihelm 11. - '
Invradiatcly there was great ex
citement throughout the yard. The
workers were furious and sent a
delegation demanding of the ship
owners, Wiihelm Ilclmsoth & Co.,
what they meant by christening a
new ship with the name of the
former kaiser. The owners, rather
puceled, explained that they had no
such intention but had named .the
ship after the firm's owner. Investi
gation then revealed that the whistle
had blown at the untimely moment
when the painter was about to paint
the btyr in the "H" of the name
Helmsoth and that the painter's
punctual stoppage of Work had left
the letter as a II.
The Workers were satisfied and
agreed to return to their work after
the painter completed his interrupted
job and the complete name of Wii
helm Helmsoth had been clearly
painted upon the bow.
Pipe and Liquor
Exhibits Warn of
Devil in Zion City
21 Bottles of "Hootch" to
Adorn Walls of Tabernacle
Well-Ripened Pipes 1
In "Zoo."
Zion City, 111., Sept. 17. An addi
tion to the faithful flock of Wilbur
Glenn Voliva, overseer of this city,
has been made, and with the new
convert has come an addition of the
tabernacle's "zoo."
Zion City's "zoo," wherein are ex.
hibited all the horrible devices con
ceived by man for his sinful pleas
ures, such as well ripened pipes,
cigarette stubs, cigarettes, and the
l:ke, is located alongside the organ
at Shiloh Tabernacle.
Now. to the other articles that
adorn the walls, are to be added 24
"blue devils." as they havi been
termed bv Overseer Voliva. Also,
one juicy looking pipe, that rost its
repentant owner $6, and another,
that "ain't so good," are to take their
The new convert, when "sworn
"in;" brought alortg with him the two
pipes and 24 bottles of a well-known
relic of the days when headaches
were numerous and could be ob
tained at reasonable cost.
"Them there bottles cost tne $1.70
each, and it s good headache medi
cine too," the convert said as he
handed over the tell-tale evidence of
a life of sin.
The pipes and medicine were then
passed through the audience for ex
animation, a vote on the matter of
the smell of the pipe being unani
motis that it very favorably com
pared with that of the Chicago
stock yards, following which, Voliva
announced that the bottles would be
so placed upon the wall as to spell
blue devils, which, the overseer
said, would be very appropriate in
view of the fact that the bottles con
taining the effervescent revivifier of
days of the morning after, were of
blue glass.
Try driving the Packard
Single-Six yourself See
hovir powerful it is, how
easily it handles, how
comfortably it rides You
will find it a Packard
through and through.
The Packard SingleSix Tour
ing is now $2975, f. o. b. Detroit
3016 Maraty Street
CLsh the man who owns mie
Records of Reo
Company Broken
By August Sales
Value of Proiluet Shipped
Never Before Equalrtl
Bum'iipm Returning to
Old'Time DaeU.
From a dollars and rents stand'
point, A uk tut, jukt ied, h l'Cii
the greatest month m the entire l:tu-
; lory of the Kco Motor far com
' lany.
The value of the product hipped
has never before been equaled. In
number of cars shipped the month
of AiiRiiHt has been surpassed only
twice m a M-uny period since tne
company's inception. This ran cer
tainly be taken as another indication
of a return to normally and a revival
of business on an old-time b.isis.
Records !iow that the uretitest
number of jobs was shipped in May,
1917. .1.485 units having- aone out
from the Lansing; factory. Kpccial
significance in attached to the record
for AuruM of this year owiiiff to the
fact that it marked the end ol a lut
eal year for the Kco company.
Branches, distributors and dealers
are also reporting enormous increase
in the volume of business done dur
ing the last four weeks. August has
been the greatest month in the his
tory of the Chicago and New York
branches and indications point to the
continuation ot activity.
The press of business and detail
work attending distributor changes
and rearrangement of territory would
seem to have had a tendency to
Slow up business which, instead,
was surprisingly accelerated, in
other words, that oeriod "between
hay and grass" could not ordinarily
be expected to show any uniwual in
crease in the volume of business.
But iust the reverse has happened I
In spite of the interruptions and
temporary delays due to the renewal
of contracts, the getting out ot new
models, and the establishing Of new
connections, the month of August is
third in point of the number of units
shipped from the Lansing factory
since the company came into existence.
Shipments were about eaally di
vided between speed wagons and
passenger cars. During the month
two solid trainload orders for the
Reo oMotor Car company's products
were received and shipped.
Wae of Spiritualiain
Swreni 0r Berlin
Berlin, Sept. 7 A wav ef iplr
itualisin which is sweeping evr
Ucrlm has Ailed the city with se
men, over which tht polka k a
sharp watch. Tht remit of this The proteruting attorney moved
ftttih at a protection for fuulja triiic-utt rJ sis oiomhs, whtll thl
scslntt two Aonien, upon im'ur n- tmrm-y (or tht dtitiulants set
tlon laid by two drtertivrs who had i forth that manifestations from tha
srrurtd pdmist'on to a anrt and
charged that tht spirit olrr wrrf
merrly a elrer bit of ventriloquism.
tpirit world rmild not at ditmisitd
t humbug. The defendants wert
Error in Quoting of
Dodge Motor Prices
An error was made in quoting the
rices of Dodge Bros, autrmobiles
the Sunday. September 11, issue
of The Omaha Bee. Thru error the
prices f. o. b. factory were shown as
the prices delivered in Omaha.
The prices of Dodge Bros, cars in
effect today are as follows: Touring
caf, $1,125, roadster, $1,070, sedan,
$1,960, coupe, $1,755. Panel business
car, $1,260, screen business car,
When a new and modern automo
bile hearse was recently introduced
for the first time in Paris by an un
dertaker a crowd quickly gathered
around and began talking in the most
gruesome form of wit.
Performance, the Buyer's Guide
In design, appointment and finish, Paige 6-66 models
challenge the most artistic achievements in motordom.
But really fine cars are measured by. performance not by
paint or price. Superiority must be revealed mainly in terms
of action.
Therein lies the significance of the attested records of Paige
6-66 models on track and hill not so much because of the
exceptional speed and power these records revealed, as for the
stamina they demonstrated.
Thid superiority of performance and guarantee of long life
have been the principal 'factors in shattering the "price
myth." From the standpoint of appearance, performance
and sound investment the Paige 6-66 easily determines for
the buyer the price he should pay for a truly fine car.
Mamfaeturwn f Motor Cart and Motor Trucks
Nebraska Paige Company
Harney at 27th Street
Phone DO uglas 3660
Omaha, Neb.
Open Cars
Clenbrook, 6-44, S-Past. Touring $1635
Lenox, 6-44, 3-Pate. Roadster - 1635
Ardmore, 6-44, 4-Pasa. Sport Car 1925
Ukawdod, 6-66, 7-PaM. Touring 2875
Larchmont II, 6-66, 6-PaAtenger 2975
Daytona, 6-66, 3-Paaa Roadster - 3295
Closed Cars
Coupe, 6-44, 4-Paasengef - - - $2450
Sedan, 6-44, 5-Passenger - - - 2570
Coup, 6-66, 5-Pansenger 3755
Sedan, 6-66, 7-Pasaenger - 3830
Limousine, 6-66, 7-Passengef . 4030
The value leadership of every car
in the wide Nash line il clearly
evident from the dependable way
these powerful cars are perform
ing in owner use here as else
where throughout the country.
Omaha buyers through critical,
point by point comparison have
established the fact that each one
of the wide range of models in
the Nash line does possess a con
spicuous and well-defined superi
ority bcth In performance and.
And the continued satisfaction of
every Naih owner in this city is
the fundamental policy of our
business which is given strong
emphasis by our unusually com
petent service organization. ;
New Prices
5-pasenger touring car. . .
2-pasttaf r roadster ....
4-patseBger apOH model . . .
7-paStefiger touring car
4-passeftger coup ,u,,i,n
7-pattenger tedaa ..,.....
I. o. k, KoMtaa
S-pastenger touring fir....
2-paiaengar roadster .......
I.pattcngtr cotipa ........
S-paisebgeF sedan ...... t.
i. : fc. Milwauk
. 1175
. 173S
, 193S
Alt Nub models, both aad ttoato,
hi cord Urn at lUr.darJ equipment.
Nash Sales Company
T. H. MeOtARMON, kfaMfcr
Wholetale Distributor
10th and Howard Streets, OMAHA
Phone AT lantifi 2916 . ,
Hayward-Nash Company
p W. RAYWARD, Pr!it
Omaha Distributers
Faraam at 28th, OMAHA
Phone HArfley 0345