Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 13, 1921, Page 9, Image 9

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For Wedding Party.
Dcnman Kounlt entertained at
dinner at hi home Monday eveulng
in honor of Mis l-oul Clark t.
Iwnrre of lUrknrtt koutitre. and
member of their wedding party.
Cover were pUced for 10.
Bridge Parly.
Mix Pauline RicTiey rntrrtjincd
at a bridge party at hrr home, Mon
day afternoon. In honor of Miii
Alice Huntington, a bride to-l.
Three tattle ere m-t for the game.
Opening Dinner Dance.
The ftrt dmner-daiiee of the ea
on at the Athletic rluh will be held
Saturday evening:. September 17.
Sermo Club.
Memlirr f the Scrmo club will
"left for Icnffn'on Tuesday at the
liome of M" SIef 1'rice.
W. C. T. U. Note.
Omaha W. C T. U. will hold a
tginrs reeling Tuesday, 2 p. in.
at the V. W'l C A.
Jolly Senior will give a dince
Tuesday evening at the Lyric
W. C. T. U. Superintendent.
' At the annual convention of
DuuRla County Women'i Christian
Temperance Union. Thursday at
(irace Mi-thod't Episcopal church,
the following department luperin
tendeuta were appointed; American
ization. Mrs. Jamct A. Daltelt:
Christian citizenship, Mr. F. W.
Keinsch: evangelistic, Mr. N. J.
McKitrick; domestic science, Mr.
Austin Taylor: flower mission, ami
relief, Mrs. Martin Johnson; insti
tutes, red letter day, Mrs. If. N.
Craig; juvenile court, Mrs. K. 11.
Stevens; legislation, Mrs. If. O.
Chif-ctt: medal contest, Mrs. li. II.
Sliitirock; medical temperance, Mrs.
C. W. Ilayrs; mothers' meetings,
Mrs. Mary Bo:court; parliamentary
tisane, Mrs. C. J. Roberts ; publicity.
'Mrs. L, n. Webster; prison reform,
Mrs. G. V. Ahlqnist; Sabbath ob-
servance, Airs, cdwin V istlcr;
scientific temperance, Mrs. V. T.
Graham; Sunday school, Miss Ethel
Wahlgren; welfare work among sol
diers and sailors, Mrs. Sam L. Mor
ris; Union Signal and Young Cru
sader magazines, Mrs. G. W. Covell.
Happy Hollow
Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Pickard will en
tertain one of the largest parties at
the dinner-dance at Hapny Hollow
club Tuesday evening when covers
will be placed for Messrs. 3nd Mes
dames D. M. Wyckoff, B. H. Combs,
Roy A. Ralph. H. B. Jeffrey. A. M.
Giles, N. II. Tyson, Howard Shinn,
Harvey Winjr. Michael Pfciffer, E.
W. Sherman, Judge and Mrs. Charles
Leslie, Dr. and Mrs. W. A. Wilcox,
Mrs. Arthur Nerness and II. B.
, Dr. and Mrs. Floyd CI irke will
entertain a party of 14 at the dinner
dance complimentary to Bryan
O'Kelly of Winnipeg, Can., who is
visiting his sister, Mrs. Charles Mc
Martin, . .
Mrs. C. F. Schwagcr will entertain
16 guests at luncheon Tuesday and
Mrs. -Vincent, Haskell, will have a
party of eight.,. , . , .; .
. Among those who have made reser
vations for the Harvest Home dinner-dance
Wednesday.: evening are
Mrs. H. B. Harms, who will have 33
guests; Mrs. J. H. Hussie, 26; T. B.
Moser, 20; Mrs- C Vincent, 18; T, L.
Combs. 12;' Clyde T. Smith. 10:
George W. Updike, six; L. C. Gibson,
seven ; S. S. .Montgomery, two, and
li is. W illiams, two.
' Miss Katherine Reynolds left Sun
day to spend several days in Lincoln.
Dr. A. Elting Bennett of Alliance,
icb is, spending several days n
Omaha.. -' - ' , ..
Mrs. E. M. Syfert has returned
iroin a summer trip and is stopping
at me ronteneiie. . '
'Mildred Walker left .Saturday' '.for
. Lincoln to enter Iicr sophomore year
At the University of Nebraska. ;
Miss' Blanche'' Sorcnson returned
Monday morning from Minneapolis,
Str, Paul -and Lake Minnctonka,
Millll.' f ;-yV-i- '
Fred Cotter has. returned from Lin
coln, ;where he spent the week end
at the Kappa - Sigma fraternity
house. .;" '''': v , - ." '. ... ,'
Marguerite Fallon and Pauline
Coad left Sunday iot Lincoln, where
they will attend the r University of
Nebraska. . . - . .
Mrs. N. S. Harriman left Monday
for Washington, J. C, where she
will reside. Mr. Harriman preceded
ncr mere.
Frances Robison leaves Saturday
for Summit, N. J., where she will
enter Kent Place school to prepare
for Vassar. ; -- ; - ; ; : ..
John Tazewell Robertson, .son of
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Robertson,
leaves Tuesday for Philips academy
at Exeter, N. H. " .. ;,
A daughter, Janette" Irene, was
born Sunday to Mr. and Mrs.' M.
C. Betist at the Methodist hospital.
Mrs. Beust was formerly Miss Ethel
Stone of Lincoln.
Mrs. "Harry , Jordan - and sons
Frank and Hanson left Sunday by
motor for Chicago, where Mrs.
Jordan will spend the winter. Her
sons will enter military school near
Chicago. . '.
Mr and Mrs. Arthur Pinto and
Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Gunther and
son, Clarence Gunther,- are now in
Maine on a motor trip. Clarence
Gunther will enter Salisbury, Conn.,
school, the latter part of the month.
A daughter, Mary Elizabeth was
born Sunday to Mr. and Mrs. Wil
liam Henry. Harrison at the Meth
odist hospital .Mrs. Harrison was
formerly Miss Mary Newton, daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. William New
ton. .... '
Mrs. Walter W. Head and daugh
ter, Miss Vernelle, who spent the
summer abroad, sail September .24.
from' Southampton. England, aboard
the Aquitania. " They Twill land in
New York, October L and will ar
rive in Omaha about the 12th of the!
month. 1
f S TT" J". .
- A
Mr Warren Rnirors I in chanc
: of the tables for the luncheons Fri
day and Saturday, at the Brandeis
'Italian Renaissance restaurant for
. the benefit of the Associated Chari
Aid of Public Is
Asked by Dinner
: Committee
That there may not be weeping
and gnashing of teeth, on the night
,of the big Charities dinner-dance,
Thursday, September 15, the com
mittee is asking the aid of the public
in seating the ' thousand or more
guests at the Brandeis restaurant.
"It will be 'impossible to seat
every ' couple at' a table by itself,"
said Mrs. F. L. Devereux, publicity
chairman. "Buf'if the "twosomes
and fbursomes will' telephone 'or
.write Mrs. H., H. Baldrige, or Mrs.
I, i w w' . ... e . .
. . MCMuncn. ineir Dreierencc ior
other groups with whom, they would
like to sit, we can make up tables of
8 or ' 10. Before indicating their
, choices, however, they should con
sult each other, so that one couple
will not be asked for at several ta
bles." .. : . : ;'.
The midnight revue, beginning at
11:30 p. m., will be a gay medley of
song and dance. ' A team from, the
Winter Garden, in New York, Rud
yard Norton in an Egyptian dance,
and Jeanne Fuller and Flavia
Waters, in an eccentric dance, "Pol
ichenelle," will be specialties;. ,
t Field Club
Mrs- A...B.- Lindquest entertained
a foursome- at . lunchedii' ,Monday at
Field club. ;'- y , - '
L; C. Sholes -will .entertain-;.20 at
dinner at ' Field club, Wednesday
eveniflg. Mrs. A. H. Fetters will have
20 guests at luncheon, Wednesday
noon. :x-:,-r.;--i : - -...J- - :.
Fashion Notes
An attractive bodice is made en
tirely of interlaced ribbons.,.
v- Much of trie new lingerie which is
now being displayed is in georgette
in pastel shades. guch as Nile and blue
as well as flesh, with a great deal of
net used in trimming.
New corsets come with aong skirt
portion and 6omewhat higher top,
very softly- boned and with short
front, steel, - the effort being to fit
the form and do away with -the low
bust line. ' .
" The milliners this year are remem
bering the softening " touch that a
sweeping, drooping hat brim gives,
and many of the' new hats of velvet
fairly sweep the ' shoulders at each
side. ':,.'--- "'.''.' ,'"'
Things You'll Love .
: To Make. '
OrK-rWl) Frock
A more becoming or more practi
cal frock than this one-piece play
frock cannot be found for little sister.
Measure off a piece of 'material twice
as -long as the length from shoulder
to hem. Chambray or sateen are
suitable materials.' Fold. the material
into halves crosswise. Cut out the
kimono-shaped pattern shown. Bind
all edges. Stitch a few snap fasten
ers on each side - just below the
sleeves. Finish with bands of con
trasting color. A - one-piece play
frock is fetch ingly worn over bloom
ers that show below the hem.
(Copyright, ml, .6r Public Ledccr Co.)
-i ''"'-ill
ties. Many of the leading organiza
tions of the city have made reserva
tion for tables at these noonday
feasts of chicken pic and peach short
Tuesday Musical
'Active membership in the Tues
day Musical club for the season is
closed. All checks hereafter re
ceived therefor will be returned by
Mrs. A. D. Dunn, treasurer. This
class of membership is open to 600
and is limited only because the seati
mg capacity of the Brandeis theater
is limited. Those wishing to join
are invited to take gallery member
ships. Students memberships -also'
remain open. ".- " . ; '
Problems That Perplex
Answered by
, Wedding Expenses,
XVant-To-Know: In society .today
the father and mother of a young
lady about Jo marry assume, with
few exceptions, all'' the costs and
responsibilities in connection with
the suitable celebration of her Wed
ding. The specific expenses and du
ties that their position imposes on
they may be enumerated thus: The
enslaving, addressing and posting Of
invitations or announcement cards;
every detail of the bride's wedding
dresa; the music and flowers - and
awning at the church; the servant
on duty at the church door; the
carriages that convey the bride- and
bridesmaids to the church, and the
reception or breakfast following the
church ceremony
With the bride, therefore, rests
the decision as to whether her wed
ding is to be celebrated .quietly at
home or with formality at church, as
well as all points; concerning the
music, decorations, and the extent
and type of festivity that shall fol
low the religious rites. No longer Is
it incumbent on the bride's parents
to provide their daughter with the
linen for her new home, though it
Is certainly customary for them to
do so; and, furthermore, tney are not
required to put carriages at the dis
posal of wedding guests except when
the guests are asked from town to a
wedding In the' country Then the
bride's father is of necessity obliged
to have ,. carriages in readiness to
meet them at the railway station, to
convey them to the church,, and
afterward to the reception, and again
to the railroad station. This ar
rangement heed not be mentioned in
the invitations. Guests who are
country residents may be expected
to provide their own carriages as in
town. If the bridegroom himself
Is not a country resident, the bride's
father mav nlace a carriage at his
disposal to convey the bride and him
self from the church to the house,
and a?aln to the railway" station
after the reception. -
In the event of a country wedding
It la not often, that the family of the
lady concerned can afford to provide
a special train for the convenience
and comfort of the guests arriving
rrom . a distance; - Dut wnere the
bride's father is a man vf wealth
this luxury is not ah uncommon ad
junct to a large out-of-town wedding,
and the invitations contain special
cards that entitle the iruests to seats
in the special train, directions con
cerning which are given in the sec
lion of wedding invitations.
B. R.: Many engagements take
place without any betrothal rings
whatever. As a matter of fact.' while
a ring is regarded as essential to a
wedding, an engagement ring is a
matter of choice.
Young women sometimes differen
tiate between a "ring engagement"
and an ordinary engagement with the
absurd notion that where there is no
ring, engagement obligations are less
binding. Of course, this is silly.
Many an engaged business woman
prefers not to wear a ring that will
attract attention to what she con
siders her own affairs and not that
of those she meets in the course of
her dally work. For this reason the
business girl often prefers not to
have any engagement ring whatever, i
The man In the case has nothing to
ay in the matter. Though he may
be excused for insisting that his wife
wear her wedding ring- hi has no!
such claim regarding his" fiancee. - 1
. - . -.- j
Illfc tit..! UMAHA. 'i ItSUA
Add CrrUBe
The Jealous Quettion Mother
Graham Asked Junior.
I t still for long time after
my mother-in-law had flounced out
of the room, pondering' t ha word
the had flung at mc in hrr infer,
word which I ditcounted, ( I al
ways do thote she utters in irritation,
but which my coiucU-nce told me
held more than a kernel of tioth.
I had bnit "un my high hore,"
becjue of my ' Jealousy of lid it h
Fairfax, in my attitude toward
Dicky, notably in my refusal to; try
the new motor car, with the quick
itvultion of feeling which centrally
comet to me after any ungracious
licit toward my husband. 1 wished
that 1 could live over the l'it few
minutes, and resolved that lc next
time Dicky asked me to drive ;I
would go.
But there was no next time.i
Dicky did -not appear to hold any
tanror toward me when he came
home, he was casually coutteous,
with the little air of detachment with'
which he it often invented w hen .he
engaged upon tome- important piece
of work. And he never mentioned
driving me, in the big hew tar again.'
Nor did 'he again tpeak of dnviiyg
to Mother Graliaui or to Grace
Draper. But -regularly each 'day as
scon as he had finished woik'in the;
studio, he went away in".fho new'
.car, which Jun kept polished like a
' n. an. I f M,;vi1,li. .iirMii.-.l 1,,.
iiiiiiuii iiiu iiiiivmui bui iniriu ,i.a
destination, ' (
That. I was not mistaken in .my
guess I knew from little Mrs. Dur
kee's air of indignant commiseration,
when, we met, though the said but
little. I knew it more surely from;
a certain r air .of rctklessneks on
Edith's ' part, from the rfntoldering'
wrath which ' I mw in -Dr.' Jim's
ryes,' from Leila's timid; troubled
glances at ine. An attack of rheu
matism that prevented Mother Gra
ham from climbing into, a car had
kept us from accepting any invita
tion to dine with them, and we en
tertained them frequently . during
their stay. Upon two or three morn
ings when Dicky was at work with
Grace Draper in the studio, I took
Junior and drove over to the hotel
to call upon the Durkce party be
ing careful to return before there
was any chance of Dicky's arrival.
Edith made hut the briefest appear
ance upon these visits, and I saw,
what I was sure the rest observed,
that she was carefully avoiding mc.
Dicky Is Always Away.
I think the keenest , humiliation
that came to me during these days
of unrest was the fact that Grace
Draper was a witness of Dicky's
Electric Washing Machine
$10 Will Place This Ever-Willing Servant
to Work for You Immediately
The action'of -the'cylinder in the famous Thot
- . washer insures more washing movement of your ,
clothes in the hot soapy suds than could pos-
sibly be accomplished, by hand and without
: any physical 'effort. .'
" , Every garment leaves ,the washer spotlessly
white and thoroughly - sterilized.
' ' "Ask Any THOR User" , -
Here Are the Inviting Prices
Thor Galvanized Body, Sta
tionary Wringer . .$110
Thor Galvanized Body,
Swing Wringer .;;..$125
Convenient Terms
New Thor Automatic Ironer
Another labor saving I device
that operates with the push of '
the finger. - . Entirely auto
matic. The' machine 'does all -the
.work. , -v
Now $175.00
Nebraskarii Power Oft
Farnam at Fifteenth.
Phone AT lantie 8100.
, ISKPlKMHtK 13, lVIil.
New Phas of
of a Wife"
j defection. Of coure, the never re-
frrred to it, but in every fibre I wat
aware of her knowledge, and, worst
of all of her sympathy, real or pre
tended. That, incredible a it teemed, her
tympsthy wat real, impretted ituclf
upon nie more and more, at the days
went by. For tomcthing, either her
own t utfering or her tocition with
Junior, had dunned her greatly
tinre hc had come to us. She
probably adored the child, and he
returned her devotion with interest.
- Jerry Ticer, under Dicky's direc
tion, had contrived two immense
window-boxet tinder the windowl
of the transformed cornerib, Ixixe
with hinged lid, which were cram
med to the brim with hit sketches,
end which, when the lidt were down,
made wonderfully comfortable teats.
cushioned and curtained at they I
were, l'erchcd upon one of these, j
Junior would prattle to Grace by j
the hour and the girl teemed never
to tire of him. , I
- It wat all I could do sometimes,
to let him stay there, and I knew
that both Mother Graham and Katie
disapproved jealously of the . asso
ciation, and prevented it at much at
thev could, but I reti.embcred the
divine', astertion concerning a little J
thllrt'i mliuence, and my conscience
would' not nermit me to remove from
Grace. Draper, what teemed to mo
her only of redemption.
Of- Dicky -I am sure she saw noth
ing except htu he was working
with-; her upon the Pennington il
lustrations; ire only had needed
Miss' Foster1 for three mornings.
This was something for which I was
l&'a bad
skin your
Try the Resinol
treatment. It
makes red. oily,
blotchy skins
fresher and
more attractive
5oolhinq and HeaJinq
Offered at the Best Prices
Since Before the War
Thor Copper Body, Station
ary Wringer ...... S130
Thor Copper Body, Swing
Wringer ..........9145
May Be Arranged.
2314 M St, South Side.
Phone MA rket 1600.
rttmnrty thankful, a Ir, fruit'
liUi'Uy dUafprovinn n4 rrenliul
lace, hrn he I ruuiiht her ami cllrl
for hrr, at ht invariably diu. nuJi?
m extremely nervotu nt tmoiiu.
Junior' C ft.
Sd thi d-jy cnt mi, ireful
rnough in all ouUrd rrmin, iih
Grace Draper face loaing (tag
pardnrtt and it hardnrit, rounding
into nmrtliiiig of it former beauty,
with Lillian slowly reentering in her
hoiitul, room, ih-jtu-h it wnuld l
Meek before the 'would be able to
be about auain, with Kuliert Savarin
devotinu every waking'' hour t$
Marion' entertainment, but with m
own heart a turmoil of tormenting
doubt and fear. I wit dekprratrly
unhappy, and 1 rrrid out to niyel(
that 1 could not be more mircrah'e.
How little I kite what v.a be
fore me!
It mij late one afternoon, n!imt
dinner time, when Mother Graham
and I were titling aewiug upun the
veranda, that Oraee Hraper came tip
to u, holding a radiant Junior by
the hand. Diiky wat away, at uitl.
and Kobert Savarin had taken Ma
rion to the hospital, 'w that we had
the place to ourtelvet. Tin K'rl'J
face wat paler than utual, and there
wat a rcstlct glitter in hrr eye
that I had not een there in a long
time, but the mi!e the bent upon
the child transformed her feature
at if a light had glowed bchihJ them.
"Jnnior ha something he wishet
to how mother," he aid tenderly,
and the child held up a piece of
kctch board with a crude drawing
of a dog upon it, unmistakably the
work of a very young child, but
Trains will continue to
Arrangements have been made for the continued operation
of Baltimore and Ohio trains to and from the Pennsylvania
Station (7th Avenue and 32nd Street), New York City. .
This station is located just one block from Broadway, in
the midst of the shopping, hotel and theatre districts.
Underground passageways connect station with Penneyl
vania Hotel, Seventh Avenue and Broadway Subways to
all parts of Manhattan and Brooklyn; also direct service by
bus lines, elevated and surface cars.
In announcing its terminal arrangement in New York City,
the Baltimore and Ohio also directs attention of the public
to its centrally located terminals in other important cities
; reached by direct passenger service Philadelphia, Balti
' more, Washington, Pittsburgh, Akron, Cleveland, Colum.
bus, Toledo, Detroit, Cincinnati, Louisville, St Louis and
Chicago. ' . -.' .... ;
Baltimore and Ohio trains are operated on convenient
schedules between stations in over 1000 cities and towns.
All through trains carry sleeping and parlor cars, first d
coaches, and dining cars noted for their excellent meals.1
Ftrrfmns, nservationt mof fabnMfiofl, cmmA aan nilrotd tkkti agnt oraddnsii
Mr. L. G. Reynold, Dittriet Freifht and Piiieofer Representative,
Room 807, Woodman of the World Building, phono Tyltr 2490,
Omtha, Nebr.
. Pat. Traffic Mfr:
Ocn. Pasa. Agent
. . DKiuniar vincinnaii, wnio vnica(9 t
BaltimoroSOhio Railroad
Cincinnati, Ohio
Morning Chills Bring Doctor Bills
Burn Gas and Save Coal
Start Your Furnace a Month Later This Year
Welsbach Gas Heater
Will Give the Necessary Extra Heat in the
Rooms You Occupy '
The Fire Is Ready
This Gas Heater, $12.50
$2.50 CASH AND $2.50 PER MONTH
Gas Department
Metropolitan Utilities District
DOuglas 0605 ' . 1509 Howard Street
A ra Mraate aa nr caaa aacaptad for
rite far asek aa Rectal Diseases,
!. Braakiaeat aaoala aha aaa aaea earnaacatle avrea. '
.., TARUT Mijiraj f are
aUo uiimUkhly twariug upon h
the maik of ability far thuvt the or
dinary thild'i drawing,
"Uouner make doitgie for M'am.
he Mid proudly, and I rautM bin
lu me, kitting bun rapturoutly.
Mirre i Piiiie'r Mt grand
mother ked jralouxly.
The child wriggled downlu-m my
rm. .
"I det one for Pamir, br i4
importantly, and rait toward he
eoricnh itudio. .while we td omiU
irg fatuoiuly alter bun. The tudiu
iould not be teen from the vnandj.
and at my mother pride male me
(luettion Grace r lowly ciuterniKg
the child' pVnchaiit for dr-iwing. it
wa everal minute before with
cjuick glanre around that
a bit nervouly:
"I wonder what' keeping him. I
hope he ln't meddling with his fath
er's drawing. Do yon mind going
with me? I wouldn't like to lorhid
lii taking them."
"Certainly. I rrplied, am' we
trolled over to the tudio, but there
wa no trace of Junior within it.
ave piece of tketch board with
two or three line upon it dmpped
upon the floor. The door wa wide
open, and on the path leadig .'rout it
to the orchard we found the woolly
door which Itinior alwav drag
around with him., . . .
"He never goe away. I found
rnynelf tayig through tiff lip-
"Uut 'he " mutt have, thi time;
("race Draprr aid practically.
"Come, he can't possibly be far
Dut though we hunted, at firt per
functorily, and then frantically,
through the orchard ami putture
arrive at and depart.from
ylvania Station
t At-., vc-a rui.
Oan. Paaa. Agani
When You Are
Fistula-Pay When Curod
A ailM iriUa sf ttwlnM that mm PUaa, Flitnla ataMt
Rcetal Dlaaa la abort tima. without a Mnn aaretaal aa
aratiatk Mo Chloroform, Bthar ar athar ffaaaraj ao.ath.tla aaaaV
tnatnwat. aa4 aa aaaao? la to ba aaM aatS
vita aataaa anal taatiiaoatsla af awra taaat
Traaj . fas
and t.y HhJ'4'l riM M
trace i.i ir l'jr Mv.
(rMitniuf't Turro 1
TV? Rnt TaaVt aliK
7 A. a taj ,
Some rn ago fanum evpri
found new way to end rorn A
laboratory of worldwide fm
adapted and rndurril it.
Thoutand ut people tmiitht dl
ton the in H llirnhbintf crn
and thrn hid farewell t fwn.
Corn troullt everywhere hate
lastly diapproreJ.
The y I I'-lue-Jay the nui-l
r tin platter. Apply it lv a tmicli.
1 he pam ttopt iiuiantly. The whole
corn onn litoten and comrt out.
The way i rrtK. rv. ii.rk
and wr. It i eientific. Ui oM
way and try thi one tifw. Vttli
what it dor to one corn.
Join your (Yiend. who never let
rorn pain twire. Utg'n tonight.
Your tlruggitt lia
Ui)uiI or Platter
Slop Pain Inalantly
EnJa Cora Oukkly
Value-Giving Store
Have our heating engineer
damonatrate tha
at Bow en's
You ahould know about tha 12
uperior point of thi fur-
nac before you maki your
All Work Guaranteed V
1513 Douf laa St. . Tal. Douf. 6588
Value-Giving Store
for the Cool Nights
At BowenV
Large' assortment to select
L from at 50 LESS than
1920 prices. .
The stomach, is the center of
the body from which radiate'
mtr1 vitnlifv cfiwniinctr .i-
ngnung strengtn. A' healthy
stomach turns -tlie f pod we. eat
into nourishment for the blood
stream and the nerves. Dr.
Pierce's Golden Medical Discov
ery refreshes and tones up the
stomach walls and removes the
poisonous gases from thtfsvstem.'
The first day you start to take
this reliable medicine, impure'
to separate in the blood and are
then expelled through the liver;
bowels and kidneys. ' Get Dr.
Pierce's .,1 -
. 'I .
Golden Medical
to-day from any medicine dealer'
in liquid or tablet form; it is a
powerful blood purifier and
tonic. Put your body into healthy;
activity.' . , ',
Send 10c to Dr. Pierce's In
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