THE BEE: OMAHA. TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER 13. 1921. 11 R V 7 Smoot Favors Entirely New Taxation Plan r Sales Levy Measure Prepared By Utah Senator in Line Villi Some of Otto H. Kahn'a Suggestions. By HOLLAND. Reed Smoot, United Sl tor Irom L'uli, h (taincJ hih re pule among the trader in the linan cial district nl thi reputation it likely to be enhanced ly the pen tor t Utrtt exposition of hit ability in the field cf taxation und eco noinirt. The rraion which he givei (or advocating the adoption by con grri of an entirely new taxation m ca lure are regarded here ai sound. The present law it to complicated and hat occasioned o much fric tion, involving alio large expenie in it collection, that it hai teemed to tome who have given thought to the question of taxation a though the better way would be to discard the present measure and adopt a much tiinplifted and yet wholly adequate tax law. , Senator Smoot't t.nlatlva bill contains only a few In paragraph. u h on of them la eaally und-rstooJ anil tho presumption la lhat the collet-lion of tears If lh senator's rcrommomlailnne In whola or In nan ba adnplril will In- . . in . . ...i- ... ..n.i alunday estimate tha taasa at a much amaller tmenae. ."ems day last . 1 1. 031 I'resrat Tax Law Harmful. Tha senator la known to ba a profound student of economic quoilona uoU hi. In fluence In Irslalstlon haa bei-n xraatrr than lha publlu suspects. 1 ilH U U ilirU---W TWt SUNDAY IU ANDY AND THE BRIGHT LIGHTS Drawn for The Be by Sidney Smith, Oertf at 111. Calaaaa fris-aso Cmwi HUUO HK1, J. HOLO "Witt, Awtr 6Mr- fVU. W k CHMR- SIT POM. W(t A uav or o TtET- WHO MlN? l xhl on VM A MU)MC. "TVJC VWC VltrCf "TO tjlW MCft. rAoixttt- Too TVt Boy Klong- hotwir-ivCM M.kt I POMT KHCTN VI Of rWOt UOHCjlB. CAM M 0V -. INI Jt HtH &0N 0Mt- I HJkV A HAS "TAMIL FWW VKl ft, Ul. T0H- "TVv KOttHlMtj V4WtH I GOT BOV HT ME W Tvtt BACK Of THE XtCK VVTH v i 0 writ tur. f4 A4X MVt Ut rvt v 3 or n H0J - VON) CXH TV-H "WE Off- TM C00U- TIOJC A80VT WVt HOVt BltmWtBfc- Wee Fttt Uft- "WW GO IX ML ttGVCT LJ FOR A TUWM T(rV PMIK Market, Financial and Industrial News of, the Day Live Stock Raealpta wara: Dama day a wk aa. 10.411 Kim. day 3 wk aao.M.IM Bam day yur ago. .11.J7J Omaha, Rapt. IS. Callla Hun Bhaap l..oo Moo I.H7II 45,01") 4.:i 14,4.1 J, ill) 85.S7J that tha cax niranura which ha haa pra larad la In ayinpathy wiih aoma of tha auaaoattona whlrh hava baan mad. by Otto II. Kthn, rmbnilird In a alatemrnt pre pared by Mr. Kahn for publication lm madlataly aftrr hla ruturn to tha Unlt.d Atataa a faw daya aio from a ptolonitd aojnurn In Kuropa. ' Mr. Kaha la of tha aama mind aa Sena tor Bmoot rf.pocllnr tha rffoct of tha praaant tax law upon bualnaaa. He aaaeria that thla law baa baan raapon.lbla for aoma part ot tha builnaaa drpreaalon. Ha, Ilka Banator Bmoot, baa advocated tha lm. position ot a aalaa tax. Hla autlMtlon, howavar, dlffnra from tha ona which tianator Smoot haa made In thla rc.pect, that Mr. Kahn favora tha collection of a email tax upon all aalea, retail and wholeaale, while Htnator Bmoot prefera tax upon aalea made by manufacturer, or whole.nler., eetlmatlnc that If a tax ot that kind were levied It might yield perhapa one-fourth of tha entire revenue ot whlrh the government will atand In need for aoma yeara. But the funds mental principle In each recommendation ia tha aume. Buelneee Men Favor HeJra Tax, Probably Senator Smoot haa heard from buiineee men who ax a whole repre- aont the entire country. Almont all of them favor a aalea tax, but there are aome political conilderationa which have atood In the way of obtaining a favorable dlapoaition In congreaa toward the aalea tax. Mr. Kahn a recommendation, are aa eaay to underatand aa are the general principlee upon which Senator Smoot ha. formulated hla taxation plan. In the iirac piace. Mr. Knnn advocatea the early adoption of a wlae tax, not apeclfylng what lie haa In mind when he uere the term 'wlae." That, however, waa not necei aary aa- In earlier addreaaea he had Indi cated the taxation meanurea which he felt aura would relieve buslneea and at the aam time provide abundant revenue. In the next place Mr. Kahn advocate! a wlae credit and loan policy. . He Is ap parently of the opinion that gradually but aurely a policy of that kind la under way. It will mean . much to American business and industry. In the next place he advocates a wise tariff and by wise he means a tariff which carrlea to acme ex tent tha protective featurea but not high protection. He 'believes that reasonable aid can be furnished to the farmers and that, too, without causing; criticism based upon the charge of class favoritism. But o much' of America's -prosperity depends aarnouuure mat in nta opinion a wise policy lor tno .government to acllitate the nroductlon of crnns and atlinulate an inorease in our agriculture, Vlewa of Mr. Kahn. We must take heed, Mr. Kahn Bays, of our expert, American Industry furnishes out ot Ita total production in nomal times about SO per cent of the commodities consumed In the domestic market' That leaves a aurnlua ol 20 ner cent'; upon' wliich our export trade must, roiy. mat is me estimate wnicb waa fterellita anil dl.Dmilllnn nt llv etnk It ta observed i at tha Union Stock Yards, Omaha, Neb., for 14 hours, andlna at X d. hi.. Ben- tenibor 11, Mil: RECEIPTS CARS. C. M. at St. P. Ry IS.. .. Wabash R. R 11 4 .. .. Missouri Pacific Ry 1 t IS ( Union Pacific R. R ia 1 .. I C. N. W. Ry., west 11 11 II , 1 I'., St. P.. U. O. Ry.. 4 I .. .. C, H. A Q. Ry., tast.... 4 l. H. A U. Ry., weat...90 11 SI S C, R. I. it 1 P., east S C. H. I. A P., we.t S Illlnola Central Hy Chicago Great Weal. Ry... S 1 .. .. Total receipt .821 71 DISPOSITION HEAD. IS 13 Armour A Co.....'.... Curiahy Packing Co. ., Hold Packing Co. .... Morrla Packing Co. ... 8wlrt A Co J. W. Murphy Hwarta Y Co Lincoln Packing Co. , Wllaon Parking Co. .. M. Olasaburg Hlualns Parking Co. .'. Koumnn iiros. ....... John Roth A Sons ,, So. Omaha Pack. Co. , Benton A Van Sant ,, J. H. Bulla R. M. Burruss A Co. . V. H. Cheek E. O. Christie A Son .. Dennis A Francia Ellia A Co John Harvey Huntxlnger A Oliver ... F. O. Kellogg Joel Lundgren F. P. Lewi V,o-Kan. C. A C. Co. . J. B. Root A Co. Rosenatock Bros Sullivan Bros W. B. Van Bant A Co. Werthelmer A Degen . . Other buyer Ht. Clair Smiley Predda Total .......... T1 7S3 S44 7C 711 . 107 . 86 . 10 . 11 . 14 . S3 . S4 . m . 233 . 71 . 218 . 21 " . 71 . 274 . 300 . 218 .. 100 . 411 . 140 . 40 .1010 . 208 . 7 . . 144 . 80 .2046 . 25 . 125 . 7 70t 2131 7K7 28 743 340 622 1572 44 2541 123 ., 131 . Chicago Grain I30 ..10801 tOSl 17478 Cattle Mondav'a liberal run of cattle created a week feeling In- the tr.ide nnd while Drlcea held practically ateady for desirable corn-fed steers and beet west erns... the .market' waa )ower on plain heavy cattle. a well a on tna orainary run oi wwum steera. Cowa and heifers were In- rather liberal aupply and sharply lower. In many cases 25 506 lower than tha beat time laat week. Demand tor atockera ar.d feed era waa fair and desirabW lightweight were generally steady,- while the fleshier cattle were in liberal supply and largely 15j)25e lower than last week. Quotation on cattle; unoice to prime beeves. J8.75.85; good to eholc beevos. 18.25 8.76; fair 5 to good Beeves, 17.76 up l.25; common to fair beevea, l.7a7.75; choice to prime yearlings, Sl.7510.25; .r VI i . '"u icnolee to prime yearlings, n.innii ia 51?! I?Tnih.Kag?,b.!I ,ime'.A-rar. sood to cholc yoarllng. .l0..76; fal irnH h' u?"fd st,a,te 8teel to good yearlings, S8.26.00; common t corporation, and of masterlv iphinvampnt In the development of American export trade. . . - , . Here then nr five point upon which Mr. Kahn base the principle which If adopted will surely bring about a resump tion of American prosperity and very like. ! ly establish the United State as the permanent foremost power in the world power he I sura that will always make for peace. Since tha European war began 'Mr. Kaun Ba made many addresses, all of which breathe the spirit of true Americanism. He baa given much of hla time to investl Ration here and In Europe. of the reasons why all that he says is t0 care fully read Ilea in the fact that he i a ln,?iter in th" 039 of tne English tongue, although it Is not his native tonguel borne of hla sentence are models of Eng. lieh-- style. None of them are obscured by thought expressed In a cloudy manner. It I not forgotten that the profoundest biographical study of E. H. Harrlman wa one which waa made by Cttto H. Jiann and I now regarded a worthy to S8.i?,l?k'.d w,ih th c'msIo American bio graphical studies. .x;":"-. Nw York General. .".'' , rk' Sept. . 12. Flour Unset tled; spring patent. S8.408.76; spring iftaTMKn?6? 7-i0: .8oft nter atralghSf 7.75 ' ar wlntef "ralghts, S7.J59 wM',al.Pul,i n? whita and yel low granulated, S1.761.S0. Wheat Spot, weak; No. 2 red, 11.3914; Siisu .,?V,1-i0Vif,'No- 1 Manitoba ''VV and No. 2 mixed durum, SU1, A J: ' -rc.k New ?". t arrive. Corn Spot, easy; No. 2 yellow, 77Ho; n't. 78c and. No. 2 mixed """-pot. eaay; No. 2 white, tlo . .yrffaly: N- 30.0032.00; No. I. 128.10(930.00; No.. .3, 25.0027.00 hipping. $2J.0024.00 per ton. V .c5,?Etrm! state' 19JI- 4050c; 1920. l7ei?Cf Pacl" ""t. 2646o; 1920, i AoT8".?" .'''': me. 125.509 - -00! family, 80.00S4.00. . ' lT. SBar6'7 teady ; middlwest, $11.50 S?il!!P!Jm: "P"5""! loose, 6 54 c.' Rice Steady; fancy Head. 4X714o. ' ' Chicago Ur Stock. . 1,, ?pt JS-r0''" RoeolPta '21. 000 head; market, beat ateera and year ling,, steady; other natives, unevenly ateady' ta 26c lower; top yearlings, 110.40 top 1.180-pound, S9.85; beat 1,461-pound, SS.O0; beat all weights. 6.S0S.25; range vuitie. receipts, a.vev neaa; market, aalea mostly ateady; bulk,, 16.50(96. 60; morning top. S7.00; aho atock. mostly steady; medium, grades, slow, uneven: bulls and stocker, steady; calves, ateady to 25o lower. Hogs Receipt - 22,009 head market ateady to 15c lower, heavy butchers and packing aows off most; hold-over mod erate; top. 3126; bulk light and light outcaers, s.75tts.i; puis: packing sow, I6.76&7.2S; pigs acorre, steady. Sheep and Lambs Receipts 2 090 head; market, fat Iambi, 26 to 10c higher; fat heap and feeder lambs, strong; top na tive lambs, 39.75; bulk, .00.26; calls, largely 3S.00gj.a5; top westerns, 19.76; bulk. SS.50frt.76 second cut western Iamb to packers, 38.00 down; top feeder !;amb. S7.33. . St. Jeaeph Uro Stock. St Joaeph. Sept 12. Cattle Receipt. 2.800 head; steers, lSy26c lower; butcher tocka, steady to 25c lower; stern, S4.26 41.16;' cows and heifer. 13.259926: calves, 15 9489.00; atockera and feeder. $4.2696.60. . Hogs Receipt. 3.100 head: ateady to strong; top, SS.70; bulk of aalea, 36.76 t.701 Sheep Receipts. 4.10 head; lamb. 60c higher, sheep ateady; lambs. 33.009.16; we. 12.6094.60. Turpeothio aad Koala. Savannah. Qa.. Sept. 12. Turpentine Flrmv 64VsC! aalea, 46S bbla.; receipts, 337 bbla; ahlpmenta, SOS bbla; atock, 10.352 bbla Rosin Firm; aalea, MS eajka; receipts, 1 33s casks: ahlpmenta. S.43S casks; atock. 73.745 caaks. l'jot BD S4.06r K-. 4.S; F.. S4.20; CE., 34.15; 1. ti.30: K., 14.40; M.. 14.60; ! 14.60; WO., .; WW, 15.6 1 r to fair yearlings. 7.258.25; choice to prime grasa beevea, 36.25W7.oo; tair to gooa grass beeves, S5.2S96.2S; common to fair graaa beeves, 14.2696.26; Mexicans, 34.00 S4.76; choice grass heifers, S6.00.50; fair to good grass heifers. 34.5005.76: choice to prima grass cows, S5.25CP6.76; good to choice grass cows, 4.606.00; fair . to good grass cows, 34.0094.60; common to fair graaa cows, 32.0093.75; choice to prime feeders, S6.7597.60; good to choice feeders. S6.26 9 6.76; fair to good feeders, S5.606.ia; common to fair feeders, S4.75 95.60: good to choice stackers. 36.25 6.75; fair to good stocker. S5.6096.25; common to fair atockers, S4.609S.50; stock heifers, S4.0095.60; stock cows, 33.26t) 4.25; stock calves, S4.5097.75; veal calvee, 15.00910.00;. bulls, stags, etc, S2.603.25. STEERS AND HEIFERS, f S2..';... 825 . 10 Hogs Tha week opens out with a run of 6.400 hogs and an uneven trad at prices steady to lower. Light hogs suf fered the moat decline owing to slack shipping demand, and had to sell !5c or more lower. Mixed packing grades and heavies sold largely at flgurea ateady to 100 16o lower: demand rather quiet. Beat light hog dropped to 38.50. the days' top, and bulk of the receipt went at a apread of 16.4097.25. . HOGS. Pr. No. Av. Sh, By CHARLES D. MICHAELS Chicago Tribune-Omaha He Lamaee Wire. Chicago, Sept. 12.-Vhcat closed near the low point of the day. Dur ing the middle of the session the market exhibited a tendency to ral ly. Strength in the northwest caused some short covering and there wai some buying by influ ential houses. However, on every bulge there was wheat for sale and shortly after the visible supply figures were posted, showing an other increase of over 3,000,000 bush els last week, there was an out pouring of offerings led by houses that were conspicuous buyers early. Resting spots were 3 l-2c to 3 l-4c lower. Corn was l-4c to S-8c lower. Oats declined S-8c to lc. Rye was 2 l-3c toy! 3-4c lower and barley l-2c, Pork closed unchanged, lard un changed to 5c off and ribs 7 l-2c to 30c off. Cash wheat premiums were irregular. The wheat market at the open ing was somewhat unsettled, but the trade generally expressed the belief that a further break in prices was due later and they were not amiss m their reckoning. Some of the big eastern houses poured wheat into the pit freely after the start and the buy ing was not broad tnough to digest these offerings until after prices had had a dip of over 2c in the more deferred deliveries. On the. break some buying by houses with cash connections halted the downward trend of values and there was more or less buying by traders who sold the wheat earlier. The firmness at the start was due to buying induced by the firmer cotton market. ' Oat Price lower. Local receipt were eatlmated at 225 cars. Liverpool wnea& inamwv '?e.A i,.in loveia were alao noted In . .. T,,d. featured by heavy selling of the December delivery by a oroker. act ing for a leading elevator, interut and in addition to thla, hedging by ' caah 'con- cerns waa on a fairly good scale, i The weaknesa in wheat led to selling by Kfal and the offerings were absorbed mainly by commission .Receipt were eatlmated at 290 car. Corn opened rirm. -mere wis a minin house demand in evidence, while pressure to sell waa almost negligi ble. After tho opening pressure developed because of the break in wheat and prices for the yellow cereal dropped to below the previou closing level. Receipts were heavy, the eatimate being for 1.060 cars, Rye waa eaaler. Cash No.' 1 sold' at 11.07. No. 2 at I1.07V4 and No. 3 at Omaha Grain Omaha, Sept 12. Cash wheat prices ranged tin changed to 2c lower and generally lc to 2c off. Corn was unchanged to Vic off. White was unchanged and yellow and mixed generally ViC lower. Oats were off jC and barley was lower. Wheat receipts today wert moderately liberal for a Mon day run and other grains light. wheat. ' No. 1 hard: 1 car, 1.19; t car, 11.11 (yellow); 1 car, 11.11. No. 2 hard: 1 car. 11.11 (dark choice) 2 cara, $1.20 (dark); I car. 11.11 (dark smutty): 2 cars. Ill: S cars. SI. II; I cars. $1.17; I car. 11.17 (yellow); T car, 31.11 (yellow): 4 car. 11.11 (smutty): car. 11.16 t.mutty); i car, 61. 1. tyei low): 7 cara. 11.14 (smutty). No. I hard: 1 car, $1.11 (dark); 1 ear, $1.17 (dark, smutty); 1 car. $1.11; I car, $1.11 (amutty); I car, 11.15; 6 cara, 31.15 ismuttv):'4 car. 11.11 (yellow): cara, $1.14 (amutty); 11-6 -cars, $1.11 famuttv): 6 cara. 31.13 (yellow). No. 4 hard: 1 car, $1.16; I car. II. IS (yellow): 1 car. $1.12 (heavy, amutty) 2 cars, $1.10 ' (smutty); S oar, $1.01 (amutty). No. s hard: 1 car, $1.14 (yellow); 1 car. 11.07 (smutty). . Samol hard: 1 car. 11.12 (yellow): car, $1.01 (rye mixed); 1 car, $1.01 (yel low, heating, musty). No. 1 aprlng: 1 car, $1.41 (dark, north. ern). No. 3 spring: 1 car, $1.11 (dark, north em).- No. 2 mixed: 1 car, $1.14 (durum); Car. $1.10 (durum). No. I mixed: 1 car, $1.12 (smutty). No. 4 mixed: 1 car. 11.10 (durum): car, $1.09 (smutty); 1 car, $1.04 (very smutty); 1 car. $1.04 (durum, smutty). Sample mixed: 1 car, $1.05 (heating). No. 1 durum: 2 cars. $1.09. No. 2 durum: 1 car, $1.10; 2 oar, $1.01 2-6 car, $1.07 (smutty). No. 8 durum: 1 car, $1.01 (amber). No. 4 durum: 2 cara, $1.07 (amber). CORN. No. 1 white: 1 car, 4 Wo; t car, 44e (shippers' weight). No. 2 white: 1 car. 46o. No. 1 yellowr 1 car. 45c: 2 carl, 46o (special billing); 1 car. 44Kc; 4 car. 44UC No. 2 yellow: 1 car, 45o (special bill Ina): 2 cars. 44 Ho. "No. 1 mixed: 2 can, 44tto (special bill In: 1 car. 44Uc: 8 cars. 44c. i No. 2 mixed: 1 car, 44He (special bill ing); 1 car. 44 He; 2-cars. 44o. "No. 3 mixed: 1 car, Hq. ' OATS. No. I white: l eer, 33Vio (old); 1 car. 83Ve (heavy); 1 car, 33ftc; 6 cars, 33V.C 10 cars. 33c. No. 4 white: 2 cara, 33c; I cara. 22Ha Sample white: 1 car, 32c; 1 car, llo (heating).; 3 car. Bio tin.ectsj. RYE, ; No, 2: 1 car, tc; 4 cars, 93c. v No. S: 1 car, 2c. No. 4: 2 car, tie. " BARLET. No. 1 feed: 1 car, 48 'Ac Relected: 1 car. 47o; 1 car, 46e (musty) $1.04ti?1.06l. , Sales of 150,000 bushel PRIMARY. RECEIPTS AND SHIPMENTS, Receipts Wheat Oats' , . No. Ar. 65. .358 13. .332 47. .271 27.. 258 70. .267 70. ,261 61. .216 86. ,217 69. .185 53..177 Sh. 40 . 44 150 40 . 70 40 40 80 I 60 6 60 6 75 7 00 7 25 7 35 7 60 7 90 I 20 S 60 60.. 236 SO 48.. 274 ... 65. .322 ... 83. .261 . 160 57. .290 ... 90, .194 260 66. .212 40 46. .266 ... 48. .261 ... Pr. 5 65 6 70 6 80 7 10 7 80 7 50 7 85 8 00 S 25 Sheep and Lambs Arrival? of sheep and lamb amounted to fully 22,000 head and price for all classes of stock ruled higher with demand fairly active. Fat lambs were fully 25c higher, about the same advance waa shown in fat aheep, and feeding lamba sold readily at strong to higher figures. Best fat lambs were quoted around $9.25, and nothing much sold a killer under $8.25. Fat ewea were reported up to $3.85, and some good heavy yearling brought $5.2596.35. Desirable feeder lamba went out at $7.00, Indicating an outalde price of about $7.26. Quotations on aheep and lamb: Fat lamba, westerns, $6.00 91.26: feeder lambs, S6.2597.00: cull lamba. $6.0096.60; tat yearlinga. $4.7596.60. fat ewea, $2.75 92.15; feeder ewea $2.2393.00; breeding ewea, u.uotpa.oo; cull ewea, xi.ooffi.&o. were made for' export. . VI. ValM ftenorta nf wheat . loadings ' through western Canada indicate trjat Winnipeg j shipment. receipts will soon be heavy. Home. Cf" Wheat ....... naian interests iook ior. receipts . ot i-.vyv i Com cars or more daily. The Indiana weekly croD report Bald all early corn would be out of the way of frost by September 15. There are more barren stalks than uaual and wormy ears are exceptionally numerous. Export business in wheat over tho week end waa reported light, ao tar as United State wheat waa concerned. . There was acme business In Canadian wheat, but buyer were disposed to wait for A further reaction, according to some ot the New' York messages. It la believed tnera will be a heavy run of wheat at Winnipeg thla week. Caah prices in the r.orthwest are holding pretty well and there Is little pressure to sell spring wheat at Mlnne apolis. The grain already chartered and en route through Canadian channels, it is understood, will not be affected by the embargoes. There I estimated to' be around 40,000,000 bushels, of wheat and corn sold for export afloat. In atore and enroute by rail through the Canadian cnanneia. Country offerings ot all grain were re ported light by most commission houses. Offerings have been curtailed to some extent by the unfavorable weather and tor several .aays tnere haa been lilttle pres sure to sell either wheat or cats, but corn haa been sold quite freely. Some interest today, however, reported enor mous purchase of corn at interior nnlnts Argentine weather was reoorted atlll dry. but with rains predicted in some sections. Receipts of wheat at the leading Pacific northwest ports so far aggregate 14.000, 000 bushela, against 6,260,000 bushels for mi same time last year and the wheat uu an oeen cleared or is ready ro clear. , CHICAGO CLOSING PRICES. By Updike Grain Co. DO. 2627. Sept. 12. Art. Open, j High. Low. Cloee. Sat. Kama City Uve Stock. Kansa City. Sept. 12 (U. 8. Bureau ot Markets.) Cattle Receipts, 35.000 head; all killing classes slow: beef ateera. steady to 25c lower; top, $9.40; early aalea of grassera, $5.0096.60; common and best aha atock, moatly ateady; most - other grades weak to 26c lower; few good and choice cows, $5.00 9 5.66; most other kinds, 33.50 9 4.50; graaa heifers, mostly $4,609 6.60; calves, steady to 25c lower; best vealere. $9.50; other classes around steady; earners. $2.0092.25. Cutters mostly. I3.093.36; bulk moatly, $3,369 4.25; early sales, stocker snd feeders, $4.4096.00; bulk, $6.00 91.60. Hog Receipts. 6.000 head; open slow, steady to lto higher, closed active mostly loo higher; spots, up mere: beet- 190 and 200-pound weight to packer and chip- rers, $1.65; choice. 260-pound averages, 8.60; bulk of aalea, $7.696.1 packing sows, $1.25 9 6.60; atock pigs, tarong; beat $6.60. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 9.00 head; killing claaae mostly 60s higher; light ewea, $4.0 early top western lambs, $1.40; somo hold higher. . . Sioux City Live Stack. - mon: Cltv. Scot. 22. Cattle Recelota, . 6oa head: market ateady. 25e lower: fed ateara and yearlings. $.4910,: graaa ateera aad yearling.. I4.509t.76; fat cows and heifers, 84 0008.80; cannera, $2.69 2.76: veals, 4.oeira.: grass cowa ana heifers. S3.6ICt.00: calves. $2.I096: feeding cow and heifers, $2.194.76; feeders, S4.4096-60. - Hogs Receipts, J.soo neaa: maraet ate. dy. lie lower; light. . 33.0403 90; mixed. S7.M9).: beery, S(.M97.25; pigs. S.e6l.6; bulk of sales, $6.59 1.6. Shet Receipts, 1,601 bead; market, lie higher. , Wht Sap. Dec. i May Rya I Sep. Dec May t'orn Sep. Dee. May Oata Sep. Dec. Mar. 1.27! 1.20 1.32 1.33 1.37 1.S744 1.32 1.38W 1.2614 1.28 1.33 K Sep. Lard Sep. Oct. Jan. una Sep. Oct. " I 1.0741 1.07141 1.05U 1.111 I 1.11 1.08H .64 ".ii'i .564. .69 .59 "J .34V 40ttj ".44 .44 I17.0S 11. IS 11.17 .54 ".65 ".io"" .27 ".40 "." J17.00 11.15 11.22 9.37 :.6$ ".54 ",5" .36 ".29 '. 17.00 117.00 111.07 11.10 1.79 l.fSli i.if 1.29 1.33 1.83 1.05 1.08 1.12 .64 .64 .54 .69 .36 .29 .29 11.1 11.16 9.70 I I I I I T.S I T.I I 7.IS J 7.80 I 1.15 I 1.15 j 7.9 I I 30 1.10 1.32 1.32 1.37 If 1.08 1.11 1.16 .14 .64 :.64 .65 .69 .OS .17 ".40 .40 . .45 lt.l 11.17 S.7S $.10 S.I Omaha Bay Market Prairie Hay Recelpta light, good de mand for better crsdee: pricee higher. . Alfalfa Receipts nominal, .fair demand: prices nigner. Straw Light receipts, limited demand. No. 1 upland prairie hay, 111.6912.6: No S upland prairie hay. 3t.5O910.60: No. I upland prairie hay $70091.60: No. 1 midland prairie hay. 1110912.00: No. t midland pralrte bay. I8.6O01O.O6; No. I mMlaad pralrta hay. !7.09t.o; No. 1 lowland prattle hay. 13.0099 40; No. I lowland prairie hay. $7.40 9 6.40; choice alfalfa hay. 118.40919.40: No. 1 alfalfa hay. 114.00917 00: stsndsrd alfalfa hay, 11916.00: No. 1 alfalfa hay. 11.09 ll.: No. I alfalfa hav. 8T 8011 t straw. tt.M9t.4t; wheat straw. 17.09 - track Oil. Paluth. Sept. 12. Linseed On aad arrive, l.l. : Today Yr. Ago ...2,697,000 2,269.000 ....1,796,000 752,000 ...1,241,000 1.436.000 .1,051.000 1,149.000 BS7.UU0 222,000 260.000 - 411.000 Today ' Yr. Ago Wheat 124,000 2,424,000 OMAHA RECEIPTS AND SHIPMENTS. Receipts Today Yr. Ago 101 62 36 Wheat ....192 Corn 2 Oats 43 Rye 15 Barley , , 3 Shipments- . . Wheat ............'..,.......171 Corn , 44 Oats 7 Rye' 12 Barley ". 10 CHICAGO- CAR LOT RECEIPTS. - . Today Yr. ago Wheat 4S . . 67 Corn 230 . 144 Oats 80 , 145 ' KANSAS CITY CAR LOT RECEIPTS, .. . Tbday Yr. ago Wheat , 692 243 Corn . . ,. 23 , 26 Oats 34 , . 21 . ST. LOUIS CAR LOT RECEIPTS. . . , - " . . Today Yr, ago Wheat ......392 303 Corn ...A 103 ' 102 Oats ..101 ; S2 NORTHWESTERN CAR LOT T-ECEIPTS OF WHEAT Todav Yr. it. Minneapolis ............. ..1,027 632 Duluth , 675 188 Winnipeg ... 1,004 408 ' Minneapolis Grain. . Minneapolis, Sept. 13. Flour Un changed to 20o lower. In car load lots. family patents, quoted at $8.75 a barrel in ss-pound cotton sack. Bran $14.00016.00. Wheat Receipts, 1,020 cars, compared with 630 cara a year ago. No. 1 north ern, $1.48; September, $1.43; Decern- per, 11.98; May, $1.40. Corn No. I yellow, 47948c. Oats No. 3 white, S3 9 34 c Barley l49c. Rye No. 2, $1.0091.01. Flax No. 1, $2.0792.10. , ' !, Visible drain Supply. ,j New York, Sept. 12. The visible sup ply or grain shows tire, following changes: Wheat Increased 2.359,000. . Corn Decreased 261,000. 4 - Oats Increased 1.947,000. Rye Decreased 196,000. . Barley Increased 609,000. ' ; : , f St. law! Oraln. ' . St. Louis. Sept. 12. Wheat September. $1.28; December. $1.28 91.2. corn September, Gifto aakeo: Decem ber, 62o bid. oats September, via aakeo; December. 2to asked. Kaasaa City Grain. -Kansas City. Sent 12. Wheat Septem ber. $1.18; December, $1.20; May, $1.25. corn sept. 4314 c; ieceraDer. 46 c: May, 81 c Chicago Produce. - Chlcago, Sept. 12. Butter Unchanged: creamery, extras, 40 c; atandard, 87c; nrsts, 33 939c; seconds, 30933c. Ears Unchanred: reecinta. 7.493 mm.! firsts, 24911c; , ordinary firsts, 24 926c; miscellaneous, ifirz.c fouitry. Alive Higher: folwa 17ft2a: springs. 25c. ' Cfalcgo fotatsea. . Chicago. Sept It. Potatoes Dull: re ceipts, 95 cars; total United States ship ments, 18,16; Idaho white sacked, $3.0 93.15 cwt.; Minnesota Red River Ohlos $3.00 9 3.16 cwt.; Wisconsin, white. $2.1 91.00 cwt.; bulk. $3.0091.1 cwt. ' London Wool. London, Sept, 12. Tfc wool auction ties were continued today with offer. Inge amounting to 1,722 balea All grades were strong at unchanged prices. . I . Bar Silver. :'. . -r -New York. Sect 12. Forelan bar sil. w,'. 64c; Mexican dollars, 4c , Financial New York Quotations Rang of prices of th leading stock rurmnnea ny un iiryan, i Trust HAii.n. aal. High Irfw ni. Close ... k 16 36 ! ... 40 91 31 JS ...114 lllle 113 113 lHJg.l A.. T. s. r. Halt, Ohio . Can. I'selfie ., N. T. Central Che. Ohio , Kri n. n Ot. North., pfd. Chi, lit. We.t. Illinois Central Me.. K. A T. . K. C. Southern Mo. Pacific . . . K. T . N. H. II. 11 North. Pac Ry. ..77 Chi. N. W. ... 17 Penn. R. R. 33 Reading Co. .... 71 C, R. I. P. ... 34 So. Parlfla Co. ... 78 no. Railway C. M. St. P. U. Paclflo ... Wabash ... 73 ... 7 ... 13 .. i ... ' 7 .. 16 ... 1 .. 27i 20 Am. Car F. A.-Chal. Mfg. Am. Loco. Co. Ltd Alloy Stl Corp 24 Raidwin Loco Wk 17 By ALEXANDER DANA NOYES. Chicago Tilbnao-Omaba Be Leased W Ire. New York, Sept. 12. The move ment of financial ar.d commercial prices today gave further proof of the extent to which markets of both kinds move at present under a com mon impulse, the day's irregular downward reaction on the stock ex change occurring simultaneously with a sharp decline in prices for wheat and cotton, and for similar reasons. The general question of prices is so largely dependent on larger economic considerations, and even on the men tal attitude of the whole community toward values that it is not unrea sonable for all these speculative mar kets to move occasionally as if they were a single market, governed by the same set of influences. The cotton market, in today's vio lent decline after reaching momen tarily the season's highest price for October contracts, was plainly influ enced by the doubts of the spinning trade as to whether rail buyers would acquiesce in prices for finished tex tiles, readjusted to the recent ad vance in the raw material. Wheat Supply Climbs. In the wheat market an unexpectedly large Increase In the visible aupply di verted attention from the heavy Euro pean demanda to the evident willingness of our farmers to press their grain on the market whenever prices rise. On the stock exchange a similar mental balanc ing of economlo Influences Is at work and In all these marketa th presence of speculation on a large scale makea the f.equent reversal or the movement ot prlcea Inevitable, merely for the purpose ot taking quick profits. It was the In dustrial stocks wno lost ground mosi raoldlv today, esoeclally those which had advanced rapidly last week on general principles, in the railway snares tnere waa little change. Last week's expectations tnat tna ran n the Oerman mark would proceed even more rapidly after the price had passed Ita Drevioua low record ot January. 1030. were abundantly fulfilled. Having ended last week at 99 one hundredth of a cent, the mark declined steady to 91, re covering only allahtly at the dose. It Is not surprising that correspondence from I n. Berlin is telling on the one hand of 'ho ; J;'- w""n- "r perplexity ot atock exchange authorities , fSI'", "' ' aa to how the prodlguously Increased i.' " ."' speculative orders can be handled and on I? X" ilS. A the other, of the excited agitation for I ft ,na- htrhxr wii and salaries to match the in" lc5eI ? 4 I 2 34 11 14 71 73 t.H sit 13 13 71 71 3 2 t 14 19 19 16 16 T TT 64 64 46 13, 31 33 19 70 19 93 83 13 77 77 II 21 20 10 21 ..37 18 IS I ..111 12 120 10 .. 7 7 7 7 BTKEU ' ..131 180 130 131 .. 33 23 33 33 si i tiy 14 1 $4 II 14 I... 16 19 54 24 41 26 40 26 Bath Stl Corp.... 15 63 CjIo ruel. Iron Co 34 34 Crucible Steel Co. 64 61 Am Steel Fdrya ..26 21 Lackawanna Steel. 41 40 Mldvale Steel, Ord 25 14 Pressed Steel Car. 60 . 69 10 Rep Iron, Steel Co. 10 41 Vs 49 Ry Steel Spring... 14 14 94 Sloss-Shef Htl. Iron 27 34 ' 37 Utd States Steel... 78 COPPERS. Anaconda Cop Mln 28 37 27 Am Bm. jug co... 18 Butte. Sup Mln Co, 11 Chile Copper Co.. 11 Chlno Copper Co.. 23 Insplra Cona Cop. 34 84 Kenneeott Copper. 30 20 Miami Copper Co. 21 20 Nev Cona Cop Co. 11 11 Ray Cona Con Co.. 13 13 Utah Copper Co... 61 44 INDUSTRIALS. Am Beet Sug Co. 29 29 29 Atl, U t W I 88.. Ill, 2d Am Internat Corp. 21 29 Am Hum Tor, "o... 44S 41 Bonds and Notes 77 77 34 38 13 13 11 11 23 23 24 20 21 11 11 13 13 41 tl 64 24 41 26 60 60 84 27 73 21 27 13 11 23 35 20 20 Itharl Term Note and Bands, Appro. TIlil. Ak. Yield. Am. Agrl. Oh, 7V.S. 141 94 14 7 3 Am. T. T. Co. as, 132 99 99 Am. T. T. Co. 4a, 1934 94 93 173 Anaconda Is. 1931 94 96 7.19 Armour 7s, 111 94 99 til Belgian Govt, Is, !I4I...1I in: 7.79 Itelglsn Govt. 1a 1946 103 104 7.01 ll.lh. Steel 7s. 1911 91 93 7.60 British ls, 1933 49 94 131 Ilrltl.h I'is. 1939 90 90 7 06 British ls. 1917 39 19 1.10 C. B. Q. Jl. Ss. 1131 101 103 133 Chile Is, 1141 91 99 . 110 Denmark Is. 1945 101 103 7.70 French Oovt. 3a. 1946., .101 101 1.94 "H. r. Goodrich 7a, 1131.. 10 II 171 Jap. Oovt. 1st 4a 1923 16 oo Jap. Oovt. 4s. 1931 70 70 I IS Norway la, 1140 104 .... 7.40 N. W. II. T. Co. 7s. 1141 102 101 1.70 N. T. Central 7a 1130. ..101 103 I.6S Penn. R. R. Co 7s. 1130 101 104 1.31 S. W. a T. Co. 7s, 1126 17 17 7.71 Swift Co. 7a 1!15.... 48 91 . 7.27 Swiss Oovt. Is, 1940 107 101 7.23 V. . Rubber 7s. 1110 II 19 161 Vacuum Oil 7a, 1436 103 108 1.73 Westing's Elec. 7s. 1131 102 102 1.61 New York Curb Stocks, The following quotations ar furnished by Logan t Brysn; . . Allied Oil 4 Boston Montsna 9 73 Boston Wyoming Cresson Gold 14 Co.den Oil .6 I Consolidated Copper 10 fit". Elk Basin 2 Ji Federal Oil 13-160 1 Olanrnck Oil 80 49 13 Am. Cot. Oil .Co. Am. T. a T. ... A, A. Chem. P. . Bosch Mag. ..... Am. Can Co Chand. Mot. Car i;en. Lea. Co. 28 3 20 20 20 107 107 107 107 36 16 IB 3t 21 27 22 45 Cuba Cane Sug. Co. Cal. Pkg. Co 13 Cal.' Pet.' Corn. .. 39 Corn P. Rfg. Co. , 76 78 83 33 23 28 49 47 20 28 62 . 33 Nat K. & 8. Flsk Rubber Co. Oen. Kiec. Co. 36 36 . 10 - 1 .127 126 125 126 lets as zs zsva 83 38 47 29 I . 63 33 73 25 9 39 IS 41 21 8 2 39 76 84 10 Merrlt Oil Midwest Refining Co. , Silver King of Arlsona Sapulpa OH Slmma Petroleum Tonopah Divide U, S. Strm.hln I!. B. Retail Candy Whit Oil 6t 7 ....130 0133 .... 10 t 20 ...wS a 3 .... 4 6 .... 71 0 73 .... 22 0 24 .... 60 6 9 IS Foreign Exchange Bate. Austria ........ Belgium Canada C ii echo-Slovakia Denmark Rngland France .,,,. Oermany Oreece ......... Italy Jugo-Slavla .... Norway Poland Sweden Swltsarland .... Var Valuatloo. Today. ., .30 .0011 ,. .195 .0720 ,. 1,00 .90 0120 .. .27 - .1760 .. 4.16 N' 1.74 .. .142 .0730 .. .231 .0093 ... .115 . .0672 ... .115 .0426 .. .... .0061 ., .27 .1300 . .0036 ... .27 21.75 .. .IIS .1720 South Side Nearly $ 100 Is Recovered in Clump of Weed Ly Police) Concealed In clump of wecdi In a vacant lot at Thirty-lirit and I streets. Detectives 1'otach and NetewiVI Sunday afternoon found JJoJ.75 of the loot stolen from the home of J. J. Swiattk. 46.7 Suih Thirty-third street, a week aito Sat urday, when burglar got away willt ?'M in checks and $7iU in Thla makes $tH6.75 recovered. Following the robbery, Dave Kui sell and John Tencwr were arretted. Holh are in county jaiL Indictment against Tcncsar in ronnrttioii with the robbery, was returned last week by the grand jury. Attorney Named Guardian By Judge for Mm. Aberly Samuel Winters. South .Side at torney, was appointed guardian of Mr. Mary Aberly, 48.IJ South Twenty-fourth street, by County Judge Crawford yesterday. After hearing before the county Insanity hoard a few weeks ago Mr. Aberly was declared Incom petent to care for her business af fair. Winter was appointed at Mr. Aberly' request. She was a candidate for the nomination for city commissioner last spring: Pair Accused of Trying To Force Way Into House John Wahlcn. 3207 Q street, and Sylveater Secord. 31.7 0 street, were fined $17.50 each in South Side police court yesterday for an alleged at ttmpt Sunday nigli to force their way into the home of Mrs. Mary Rosenski. 3207 Q street'. She told the judge -.they came tip on the porch and insisted that she let them in. She called police. South Side Brevities New York Dry Goods. New York, Sept.. 12. Cotton . 10 10 : 32. 32 7 73 10 32 10 23 higher wages and salaries . to match the swift rise In living costs. Foreign Trade Declines. It Is srobably more than a coincidence that the month which brought the first recovery in the country's Iron eroductloo since the decline began last November, which brought the aggregate not earning of the railways to the largest total since the return to Drlvate ODoratlon. and which determined the fact that the gen eral fall In prices had been arrested, should also turn out to have been marked by a Dositlve halt In the decrease or our foreign trade, wun only unimportant in terruDtions. the value of our monthly ex porta decreaaed rapidly and continuously from December to July Inclusive. Today's return's for August show -an increase of n4 oon nno ovar the Drecedlng month, a change all tne more sinning oec&use guet. In ordinary years, ia ,a monin vi (creasing shipments. Tho Innraaae on last month's export trade Is no doubt explainable largely by the grain and cotton movement. We aent out nearly 8,000,000 bushels more wheat even than in August, 1920 and about 250, 000 balea more of cotton (an Increase of 60 per cent) and the export of both was very much larger than In other recent months. v New York Cotton. Vw Tort. Sent. 12. Extreme hervous- ns nnd irraulrltv characterized the New York cotton market during today's early trading. Tha southwestern storm news was re flected in the sensational strong showing of Liverpool, but the New York opening waa Irregular at an advance of 75 points to a decline of 7 points and after selling about 20 to 75 points net higher on active months, the market broke several points under profit-taking. The market became somewhat less ex cited later, with trading quieter. It Is reported, that buying against spinners' calling had absorbed many ot the con tracts liquidated on the early break and this gave the market rather a steadier tone. December sold up from 10.85c to 20.62c, and January from 19.10c to 20.10c, but the Improvement was not fully main tained, prlcea being several points off from the best early In the noon hour. - There were reports of a firmer spot basts In the southwest and further spot house buying here, but the market re mained nervous and unsettled dutlng the middle or tne afternoon, witn active months about 40 to 80 points net lower. or around ll.87o for December. New York Dried Krolt. New York. Sept. 12. Evaporated Apples Nominal. Prunes Firm: California. SffilflUo: Oregon, 3 18c. Apricots Scarce; choice, ll22cj extra choice, 23c; fancy, 27c. . s reacnes firm; standard, lie; choice, 12412c; fancy, 1415c. itainni Firm; loose muscatels, 120 So; choice to fancy seeded. Itfil8e: seedless, llt)22c. 24 24 35 50 12 50 48 60 19 76 61 76 68' 7 26 36 17 17 33 33 36 36 83 83 44 44 75 76 25 6 6 36 36 61 .61 12 13 60 51 48 50 61 63 20 20 63 70 32 32 78 69 36 17 37 84 44 .78 14U . 14U Internal. P. Co. . . 60 4741 49 4RU Island Oil ....... 2 -2. 2 2 A.I ax Rub. Co ... 20 20 20 20 Kelly-Spring. Tire 43 42 42 44 Key. T. & r 13 i2 12!4 junxicnn retroi xn liaja lllti lit 117 Mid. States Oil.'... 12 11 12 11 rure imi uo Zha Willys-Over. Co... .6 Paclflo Oll.i 86 Pan-Am. P.- & T. . 63 Pierce-Arrow Mot, 13 Royal Dutch Co... 61 U. 8. Rubber Co... 60 Am. S'gar Rfg. Co. 62 Sinclair Oil A Rfg. 20 Sears-Roebuck Co. 69 68 Stromsb'g Car. Co. 23 81 ntuaeoBKer ;orp.. in Tob. Products Co.. 68 Trans-Cont. Oil.., 8 Texas Co 27 U. 8. Food Pr. C. 17 White Motor Co.. 83 Wilson Co., Inc.... 37 Western Union.... 83 West'se. Kl. & Mfg 46 Am. Woolen Co... 78 Total sales. 729.000. Money Close. 6 per cent. Marks Close, .0092. Sterling Close. 13.74. New York Money, , New York, Sept. II. Prime Mercantile Paper 6 6. per 'cent. Exchange Irregular. Sterling Demand, 13.7!; cables, 13.73. Francs Demand, 7.20o; cablos, 7.21c. Belgian Franca Demand, 7.0lo; cablea, 7.10c. . Guilders Demand, 21.66c; cables, 31.72c. Lire Demand, 4.26c; cables, 4.27c. Marks Demand. 0.18c; cables, 0.92c. Oreece Demand, 5.60c. Sweden Demand, 21.62c. ' Norway Demand, 13.00c. Argentine Demand, 32.00a, ' Brazilian Demand, 12.87c. Montreal 10 per cent discount. Time Loans Steady; 60 days, 6 Iff 6 percent; 10 days and S months, 6 6 per cent. Call Money Firm; high, 6 per cent: low, 6 per cent; ruling rate, 6 per cent; last loan, 6 per rent; closing bid, 5 per cent; offered at 6 per cent. New York Surar. New York. Sept. 11. The raw sugar I market was unohanged. Porto Rlcoa were ottered at 64.37 for centrifugal and Cubas at 24.86 without attracting buyers. Tho only business reported waa 11,600 baga of nan .uomingos anoat at 12.75 c I. I.. equal to 14.76 for Centrifugal. Raw sugar lutures closed unchanged to 2 polnta high. I er, with September, 2.81; December, 4.of, jnarcn, ana May, Kansas City Produce. Kansas City, Sept It. Eggs Uo- I coangea; iirsis, 31c; seconas, zze. Butter Unchanged; creamery- 42c; packing, 22c. Poultry Unchanged: hens.' I7A22a; vprings, e-c, oroiiers, S6C. goods merchants made v tentative advances on several lines today. On brown sheetings, one house advances to a basis of 11 0 78 80 for four yard. 66x60'a, and to 24o for 46 48 1 6-ounce tickings. Anotner aavancea Dieacneu coiiviu uoun o jwh. ... spinners generally refused to quote prices for future delivery, owing to the un certainty of raw cotton values. Wool goods were quiet, but steady., Raw silk was slightly higher. Calcutta ahlpmenta of burlapa for August reached 64,900,000 yards for the North American continent. Jobbers did a steady business and re tailers continued conservative buying. , Chicago Stocks. . The following quotations are furnished by Logan & Bryan: Armour & Co., pfd. Armour Leather Co., com Armour Leather Co., pfd. ... Cudahy Packing Co., com. . . Continental Motors Hartman Corporation, com. .. Llbby, McNeil Llbby , Montgomery Ward ,Co National Leather Reo Motor. Car Co Swift & Co Swift International Union Carbide A Carbon Co. . 98 12 83 S3 75 S II 7 19 9 22 45 John C. Barrett, lawyer, moved his of fices to Epstein Block. Modern rooms, newly furnished with er wl'bnut hoard. tSH South Twenty-fourth. Advertisement. For Rent nig hrlck Ttouse. northwest corner Twenty-fifth and hi streets. A. I.. Uergquist, Market 0062. Advertisement. The Ada Kensington club will meet Thursday afternoon at 1 at the horns of Mrs. Clyde Kelts, 8613 South Twenty fifth street, where a luncheon will be served. New York Coffee. New Tork. Sept 1J The market fot coffee futures was easier today, under realising or liquidation after last week'a advancea and aome trade selling which waa auppoaed to be against the cheaper offers from Victoria, The markit opened at a decline of 5 to I points, rallied slightly right after the call on further covering, but soon weakened again, with December selling off to 7.40c and March to 7.7le or 14 to 36 polnta net lower Laat prlcea were within 2 to t points ol the lowest, with the market closing al a net decline of 10 to 21 polnta. Salei were estimated at about 62.000 baga September, 7.30c; October, 7.16c; Decem ber, 7.63c; January. 7.72c; March, 7.83oi May, 7.18c; July, I. lie. Spot coffee was reported In fair de mand, with quotatlona on tha basis ot 7o to to for Rio 7s and 10o to 114 for Santos 4s. New York Produce. New York, 8ept. II Butter Flrmt creamery higher than extras. 41043ct creamery, extras, 42o; creamery firsts, S644Ic Eggs Irregular; fresh gathered extras firsts. 8l42o; do firsts, 34J7o. Cheese Irregular; state whola milt flats, frssh specials, 21tT2lc; do state, whole milk twins, specials. 3!f21Hc Live . Poultry Firm; broilers, 29931c; fowls. 33c; roosters.- 18c; turkeys.. 32c; dressed poultry, firm; western chickens boxes. 26e?43c; fowls, 1834c; old roost ers, 17t?21c; turkeys, 25 40c, THE OMAHA BEE furnishes a complete and prompt Liberty Bond Prices. . ... New York. Sept. 12. Liberty bonds at noon: 2s, 17.34; first 4s. 87.84 bid; sec ond 4s, 87.80 bid; first 4s, 87.90; sec ond 4s, 97.96; third 4s, 92.08; fourth 48. 88.03; Victory 3s, 19.04; Victory 4a 19.08. - Liberty bonds closed: 2s. 87.39; first 4s. 87.80 bid; second 4s, 87.82; first 4 lis, 88.00; second 4s, 17.96; third 4s, 12.01; fourth 4s, 88.10; Victory 3s. 11.06; Victory 4s. 11.06. London Honeys, London, Sept. 12, Bar Silver Sid per ounce. Money 2 per cent. ' Discount Rates, Short Bills 4 per cent; three months' bills, 4 per cent Base Ball Score Board for the benefit and c o n v e n i ence . of 1 SOUTH SIDE resi dents, on the win dows of . PHILIP'S DEPARTMENT STORE 24th and O Street The Omaha Bee Tuesday, September 13th, Is Double Stamp Day at Philip's Big Store . .Tj every customer wa will give "DOUBLE" the wnount of S. H. stamps regularly given with each purchase. S, H. stamps are valuable; you should start saving them now, if you are not already doing so. Don't fail to visit the new S. & H. Premium Parlor and see the valuable premiums there to select from. 0 o,o o? 523 titB and u 5t. ws solicit Mail orders Sooth Omaha dflyf. Crsasj TrsaBag Stassps They as Ova. Witt, feck GRAIN- I 117 E solicit your consignments of " V all kinds of grain to the Omaha, Chicago. Milwaukee. Kan sas City and Sioux City markets. We Offer You the Services of Our Offices Located at Omaha. Nebraska Lincoln, Nebraska Hastings, Nebraska Chicago, Illinois Sioux City, Iowa Holdrege, Nebraska Geneva, Nebraska ; Des Moines, Iowa Milwaukee, Wis. -Hamburg, Iowa . Kansas City, Mo. Get in touch with one of these branch , offices with your next grain shipment TAe Updike Grain Company "The Reliable Consignment House