Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 11, 1921, PART THREE, Image 24

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    6 C
Tilt; lit;;: umaha. su.sdav. SM'ifc.MtiUi u. vjh.
Ilik 14 l'n4rM4 Aa I ran in
ItngalaWj aollaj IkraviMttl! fir
pis.; alwung book'swai iaitfel
ssraga, rn Cut this nxlt far lt
ik and Burt- I rara aa4 garag
rr iIhiiiMi, 'Mr4 t 14,441 lor
444 t Ml",
St at n4 farnani J rooint: hil
K; lure II. lug raam with flraplara
lining rwini, kirmsn, rfrigrai room
l'rarli dour from living room t
ooichi four bodraemo an aalhi si"
tug twrh j full tmaamfiit sail fruit rsi.
lr Mvh4 tilcr: siailunafs tubs; loiiot
lo saaantant, ll aur (H4 I III"
I'rtr la surprising!' low.
IM n4 Itar4 t rooms; I M.Ii..h,
Mk Ihrouil A'll : firilr; sunrnom;
lionf lamtlan. for I hlo rtsas at hu
ib piles Mill surprise jrou.
tut anil liar.1 nuniato: living
fxini. (lining rwm, hltrhan, I bodroonia
and twill fi'ai floors I brdrouma tooiid
floor.' fu rplav.0 , all oak.
Dundee Bungalows.
Ii rlsy Imnaalnws In TumlM ar'
I' in tirii o li.i lo 14,M. AaK about
. I lira.
Will na anil tour holla tod lak
In two rornnr Inia In liunU'a on firal
pamnt? t all u.
TUroa ru.loinrrs want lo Irada hrnnrs amallor rtiimm. If )"u want a
Urgr ham ar ys al unct.
II v muliv l.f 1J.M4 nn dandy bun
(law n-ar Jitli ami Uiurrl Av. Will
i. ad fur t' lot and par illfrrr-
Hapy Hollow Blvd.
' Vaiant lot norlli of I'odg. ":MI
llrl for nulrk aula.
Binder & Otis,
.-J City Nallonal Hank llldg .
J.iksoa KM.
A fw low prhfil lota nn pavd s'r-'t
In lunda: all lmnrvmnls lu: prlrs.
II.5H la t: nni). Will flnanr and ar
rungs to biil'il a homo lo aull.
;a. s;-.5. ;aj iviaw Trut M.
jiAprv hollow boclev.ihd
Near ISlh'an.1 Tavanpon; otia
f Omaha's sxHuslVa homrs; I
rooms; larg vrstltmlr; living iora
J.3; aim room, flreplses. dining.
hrtaU'sst room, kitclisn and kut
Irr'i pantry; 4 bed roomj and
Forrh; bath wllh rxtra toilet and
lavatory batwaen two bd ro.'tiis;
liT floor ha two lird rnonw and
bath room; basement hlvdlpd fln
rrllar with rulra tollot; aac'l sep.
arat'd by Inch of frit and f.n
lahsd; built-in fcatun-s throuiih
out; flnlaliad In whlla oak: ga
rce; In fa't everything In k-cp-"Ing
with thla fit-lualve dlatilct.
i:3 City Xafl Bk.
Jackaoa 1264.
Here Are the
Viva rooma and bath
Hull cement basement
Milton Rngera furnace
Ivory and whllo enamel (innh
Oak floor throughout
Built-in Hellera kitchen cabinet .
Oorner lot on paved atreet
Boautiful wall paper
Vnuaual lighting fixture!
Location, Dundeo
Ready about October H
J7.000 Terma.
Northwall & Johnson,-
Douglaa 7 4ST. (03 Electric Bldg.
Dundee Brick and Stucco.
11 South Slat Street: f room Includ
in. lpnln oorch and aunroom.. fin'
lahed In white quarter-aawed oak first
floor, white enamel wun manogany
donra, accond floor. Oak floor through
out. Owner anxloua to aell and will
give Immediate possession.' Owner wants
. George and Company,
Atlantic 3024.
Beautiful Brick Home
Ideally situated overlooking Happy
Hollow, Fairacrea and Elmwood. Living
. room, dining room.' sun room, breakfast
room and Kitcnen downstairs, iiuaner
sewed oak floors and finish. Four bed
rooms, sleeping parch and tiled bath
with ahower upstairs. Oak floors, fln
. Ish white enamel over birch. Vapor
heat, double garage. This home will
stand rigid inspection. Bring your con
tractor along.
Alfred Thomas & Son Co.,
404 First Nat. Bk. Bldg. Jackson 0064.
Just offered tor sale, a most attract
tir home In one of the choicest blocks
In Dundee. Located south front on Cuss
atreet. near lid St. Comfortable ana
well-built. Larg living room, dining
room, sun 'room and kitchen on 1st
, floor; 4 corner bedrooms and tiled bath
on 2d floor; mald'a room and storage
rooms finished in attic, Beautiful 74-foot
lot, with maaa of shrubbery and flow
era, For price and terms call,
1514 City Nat'l Bank Bldg. Douglas 8103.
' Located on a large corner lot with
shrubbery and Kellsston con
atruction. 1 year old. quarter sawed oak
floors, fireplace, French doors into aun
room, very line wmte enamel Kitcnen,
Full cement basement, laundry room,
fruit room. etc. Double garage. A rare
opportunity. Phone Mr. Hudson, Wal
nut 31S4, today. - ' .
- R. D. CLARK COMPANY, Realtors.
Atlantic S531. 403-3 Securities Bldg,
Dundee Bungalow
17, ISO buys this well constructed 7
room bungalow-, 4 finished In oak and
white enamel. Furnace heat. 3m
mrrltato possession. Terma.
George and Company,
Atlantic soz.
Fin new 6-room home; strictly mod.;
beautifully finished; extra, well-built;
uomplete; excellent location. 311 8.
40th Ave. See us tor special terms,
City Nat'l Bank Bldg. Douglaa 8103.
Nethaway. Flor, prop, no colored. KK. 1401
Cathedral District
An 1-roora house, modern; east front
corner lot on carline. convenient to
Cathedral; can glva Immediate posses
sion. About 11,100 cash required. Price
15,000. : ;
Very attractive 4-room atucco bun
galow; practically new; excellent con
dition; rooma all on on floor with sun
room; largo attic; 81,100 caB will
handl. Prlca. 17,400. . ,
Eight room, story and a half bun
galow atyla: Kellaston construction;
Jiv larg rooms and bath, 1st floor;
garage and cement driveway; yard silt
fenced; ahrubbery. ate. Price, 19,0.00.
Large corner lot with substantial T
room. strictly modern home; located at
36th and Webster. Price, 11,500.
Jscksen !85. 118-30 City Nat'l
Here It Is 1
.A Home for
Five cozy rooma.
XeWly decorated.
Modern except heat.
Clo to car and school. . ..... v
Reasonable terni.
Call Harnerffst today.
ll S. Uth St. Jackson lift.
r ':, f 4 . .
W ha i iit tm4 ar raraolat.
eiiraruva kouta Ih tha new duHrhi aaar
! pari a I, airr raaatrui'lion aaith
ll.l.ig room, dining raout, auaroum,
kllrha and brkUl room firat floor
4 hadraoma and rompUla ill ba l broom
earoad floor: vacuum vapor haal. The
vary boat of ploHibing end boating
throughout: aak and Ivurr flnlah: bulli.
In ftura; eae.rer gaiag. lrg aaat
f-om lut. Ha aura arrange for la.
Reduced to $10,000.
A vary goad burn near 1:4 Av.
no and fkulg: rooma, alrtrily mod.
ra. In rilnt eaadlilon. Iric gar.
Own.r maaa baamaaa and ha
r "lured Ih prirt for 4ivk i.
Glover & Spain, Realtors,
JA. tii. n : City National
Eight-Room Brick Hcuse
Nli'ly located In Ilrnila park, having
oak flnlah on firat floor: four alnplng
rooms and hath en enond floor, tki
lah4 In whii naml: boua In gud
orUrr, having lut tail with brlra
garage, Prli It.Oaa, on very aaay
A fin new brhk houo In Pundo.
UM-lo-dat. having eun room, alaeplng
porrh, f!rplar, hut watr hal; avry.
thing of th heal; larg corner lot wllh
i.mrnt drlvway lo brick garage,
tiwnar la very anxloua to aell and will
lak other property for perl of pur
chaaa prlra.
(4i Omaha National Bank Building.
Ja.kaon 1:14. KKAI.TOR. Webater 2l.
Cash Buyers, Attention
A bargain la taken now; living room
Jttal"; beautiful ruallo fireplace; aun.
room, breakfaat nook and dan, with
too bedronm. one a twin bedroom:
floor finest quality of oak. I1 Inchea
thlrk, double tongue and grooved: vapor
heating lm coating over I4JO00; all
French wlndowa: hcllovr tile . with
aturro flnlah; double garage. Th beat
built houe In Omaha, at leaa than
110,000 brlnw actual cost. Must ba sold
at once; 37.400 cash and eaay terma
will handle II.
Stier Realty Company,
7IJ Peter Truat Bldg.
Douglaa 11445.
Sundays and evenings, Harney 1701.
New House at Bargain
Boautlful now t-room aeml-bungalow
In I'lalrmont addition, within a block
lit car line, laige living room with open
atalrway, beautiful dining room and a
kitchen that will pleas any wife, two
lnrge bedrooms with lots of sunahlne,
tile hath uoatalra. Oak and white
enamel flnlnh throughout. Sundays
phone Jlr. Hhnvcr, Ken, S76I; Mr. An
derson, Har. 3713.
N. P. Dodge & Company,
T. w. Meteaire. Mgr. Local Uept., .
404 Mlckel Bldg., Douglas 012).
$800 BUYS ,
Oalc finish and floors: strictly -mod
ern; a complbto home; corner lot; pav
ing paid: nice garage. Priced for quick
aale at IS, 500. 8hown only by appoint
ment. Auto service. Near car and
school; nice location; near Clalrmont
D. E. BUCK & CO.,
443 Omaha Nat'l. Douglas 1400.
Perrou, Webster 0833; Newlon, Harney
sz; buck, Kenwood zs3.
Beautiful Bemis Park,
-' 8 Rooms,
Exceptional Lawn.
1V in able to offer two splendid
hornres In this attractive district at
prices very attractive. .
Geo. T. Porter & Co.,
101 South 18th St. .i ' Atlantic Hit.
Cathedral District
. , . 'i
' We have just listed this story and a
half l-room home, well located on No.
36th near Chicago; three rooms on first
floor; all oak floora and finish; two
rooms and bath on second floor; all
modern; street paved and paid for. This
la really a anap at 14,710 and you need
only 11,000 cash. Sundays call Atlantlo
2611, or Harney 7317. .
C. T. SPIER & CO.,
304 Peters Trust Bldg.
Douglas 4857.
Edgewood Bungalow.
Brand new, Miherallte atucco.
Five large rooms on one floor.
Large floored attlo which oould
easily be finished into two fine
rooms. Oak and enamel finish,
oak floors. Well built and beau
tifully finished. Complete In every
detail. Prlca 17,100. Easy terms. .
Sunday and evenlnga call Grant ;
Benson, Walnut 1580. ;
Benson & Carmichael,
Atlantic 1540. - (42 Paxtbn BIk.
Saunders School District
5 Rooms, $5,750
I can build and finance for you on
high lot In most desirable district less
than block from Saunders achool, 3
short blocks to Farnam car and 1
blocks from Josylyn Castle, a truly ar
tistic five-room bungalow, Colonial or
other type, with- oak floors and finish
throughout or white enamel. Perfect
kitchen -with atove hood, cupboards and
breakfast nook. Don't overlook this as
you cannot do better. Small terms. E.
N. Benson, Sunday Wal. 4008. Week
days Douglas 6074. .
Owner Leaving City
Price $12,000, Now $10,500
Buys an eight-room, hot water heat;
lame living room, fireplace, sun room.
. four-corner 1 bedrooms: oak and white
-enamel finish throughout: large lot;
one-car garage; one block to achool.
Thla is the snap you have been waiting
for. . Reasonable terms. Sunday, Web
; ater 1260. . - .
Fike & Price,
119 City Nat. Bk. Bldg. Jackson 2419.
Close to Clairmont
. . $1,000 Down. '
- Positively a real buy; jttst off Mili
tary Ave., I rooma, good looking, all
modern, big east front lot. Close to
car line and achool. Price, 14.500
11.000 down. Sunday phona Harney
0411 ar Walnut 1559. .
Jackson 3261.
"No Inflated value; a reel house: larg
lot; oak floors and finish; 4 bedrooma;
garage: paved atreet; near car line:
near 42d and Ersktne. Boy quick and
get a bargain; 12,00 cash takes - it.
Dougia $641.
Stier Realty Company,
Sundays and Evenlnga, Harney 1701.
Til Patera Truat Bldg.
Dandy Cottage, $2,950. .
I rooms, all ready to mora Into. Cora
plet new decoration and new electric
flxtvrea. All modern except furnace.
Paving paid, located half brock from
ear, near 40th and Hamilton. Easy
Bedford-Johnston Co.,
104 Wo.Sd Hterald Bldg. Jack. 17.4.
I Ul ta Ih Mavenworlk rar I n and
a abort diatania lo good athaol, rioth.
Ing faaty about thla plar. NulMianlial,
wall apiwarina and ub a .'iliuiil
aira lot. Huuaa I ntodora but kt.
Trma ar vry ra&uiiania, Aak air.
Mllrhell fnf Dartlcwiarc hVaauud ;,
Amos Grant Co., Realtors,
iwualaa 1310,
H :-4. I Hrandt:a Tb. II lo.
Cathedral Bungalow.
Doautlful new oak bungalow In
Cathedral dlatrlcl for 14. fin. Living
room 1414 and other rooma In propor
lion, oak floora throughout, Beautiful
kraaaton flnlah. All ready to occupy,
t-.y l .-ma.
Bedford-Johnston Co.,
M Wnrl.l.ll.rald rtlrtg. JA. 1731.
Benson Snap.
Six rooma, all modern houa. In
xcent rondlllon. Four full
lata. Bearing fruit tree and
brry buehr. 1 (t, chicken boua.
aldewalk to rar. A real anap at
14.409. Trm. For full Informa
ilon rail Walnut UiO Kunday and
By Owner
44 K. Turner Hlv.f. (34th It.)
bungalow In exclualva neighborhuvd, on
beautiful corner In. Finest of deco
rating. Built-in featur. Oak floors
and flnlah. Jluat sell. Early po
Jarkaon I34I.
An Investment Bargain.
Four coltagea near the new Commer
cial High achool on paved atreet. Half
a block from Cuming rar line. Ground
alnn la worth th purchaa price. 11,000
and only 11,000 raah required.
Northwall & Johnson,
louglaa 74)7.. .03 Electria Bldg.
Owner going to Cell form. Must aell
and will glva easy terms. All r ma well
built. Houa about five years old, and
In flrst-rlaaa rnndltlon. IS.tno. Call Wal
nut 4230, or Walnut 4711 toil a v.
If. R MANVII.LK. Realtor.
Atlantlo 3403. (13 I'otera Truil Bldg.
Prlca reduced from 17,800 lo IS. 500;
I room and bath; oak flnlah: each bed
room a corner room: furnace heat; houae
newly painted: lot 11x147, paving paid:
garage; located on Lafayette Ave., near
3Sth. About 13.000 raah will handle It.
At office I to IS a. m. Sunday.
RASP BROS., 313 Krellne Bldg., AT 0751
About $1,250 Cash
To build a completely modern bunga
low In Montclalr, We can build for leas
money than you would have to (ay for
old property,
Northwall & Johnson,
Douglas "487. 103 Electric Bldg.
Cathedral District.
A new home. Just completed, 1 rooms,
consisting of 3 rooms first floor, 3
rooms second floor, and with tile bath
room. Oak floored throughout. Mag
naslte stucco. Lot 10x138 feet. All pav
ing paid; for price and term phone
builder. Harney 2145 or Harney 0927.
Montclair Addition. .
New 7-room. strictly modern, oak and
white enamel, finish, tile bathroom;
Cragstone stucco; textile roof; close to
Bemls park and new Commercial High
achool: for price and terms phone build
er, Harney 2195 or Harney. 0927.
Omaha Real Estate and Investments.
(21 Paxton Bile. Atlantic 4..0.
J B. ROBINSON, real est te and lnveat
ment. 142 Petera Truat. DO. 1097.
D. E. BUCK A CO. buy and aell bomea.
. Snappy Buy
' $5,500.
Pretty Miller Park
Just like new five rooms oak floors
throughout, living room and dining
room finished In oak, bedrooms and
bath In white enamel, dandy' kitchen,
built-in cabinet, linoleum on floor, full
cemented basement:, this home is In
A-l condition and ready to move right
in, can ba handled with 11.000 cash.
balance liko rent, located at 2877 Crown
Point Ave.
Payne & Carnaby Co.,
611 Omaha Nat'l Bldg, Jackson 1016.
' Owner must sell at once his 5-room
bungalow near Miller park, all oak fin
ish, has vestibule, living room with
built-in book-case., dining room with
built-in buffet, nice kitchen- and rear
entry. Two good sized bedrooms (one
used as sun room) and bath. Full
floored attic, full cement basement
with laundry tuba, floor drain and hot
air furnace. Fine yard with beautiful
hedge and ahrubbery. Six tons of coal
included. Located 7017 North 24th St.
Price only 16.500, and is a reai bargain.
Sunday call Kenwood 0460.
1602 Dodge Street. , Phone JA. 4270.
. . i
88,500 WORTH 9,600.
Let us show you the prettiest home
In' thla addition. Owner recently lost
husband by death, aays sell Immediately.
, Living room across front, dining room
and kitchen, with plenty built-in fea
tures down, three good sized bed rooms
and heated eleeplng porch, up; garage
and driveway. For further information
cal1 I v.. 7
620 First Nat. Bk. Bldg. Jackson 4223.
Evenings and Sunday call Mr. Bever
idge, Har. 1841 and Mr. Schermerhorn.
Har..800 i
New Bungalows
Flexotile stucco construction, all oak
finish. Consists of large living room
with bookcases, dining room, convenient
kitchen with wall cabinets and one
piece sink. Two nice bedrooms and bath,
with base tub, linen closet. Full floor
d attic, full cement basement with
floor drain, plastered coal bin and hot
air' furnace. Wall pluga throughout.
Large east front lota, 46x160. These
bungalowa are located at 1916-C924
Florence boulevard, near Miller park
and will be open for Inspection Sundsy
from 2 to I p. tn. Price $4,600. Will
arrange terms. (
1602 Dodge Street. - Jackson 4271.
Seven-room full two-story home In
fine repair. Large living room, dining
room nad kitchen 1st floor, three large
bedroom and sleeping porch 2d floor,
floored attic. full baaement; oak
throughout, garage and driveway, all
kinds of flower and shrubbery, paving
paid. If yon are looking for a real
horn call us about thla one. Possession
oa short notice. Sunday call KE. 4121.
3. U HIATT CO.. -"Better
Value." s
Hiatt Bldg.
1414-14 Douglaa. Atlantic 1062.
Modern Bungalow, $3,500
' 1 room completely modern, r" Foil
brick baaement and fine furnace. Lot
10x151, nice electric fixture. Located
on west Cuming. Paving paid. 13.100
Is the bargain price. With IJ04 cash,
qnick possession can be arranged.
Bedford-Johnston Co.,
101 World Herald Bldg. Jack. 1734.
You Can't Do Better
liar I ih ham vau want and hu h
will fit our purkatbook. I"0 Komforl.
abl bunglow, rlu to achoul
and rar lin, in lloly Ag pariah,
larg. .'beery living room, dining room
and cuiv un parlor In oak, too larg
bodroem and kitinen in wait naml,
built-in featui, arepiionally well. im
proved vard, with beautiful bridge: priced
to aell tin week al today'a valuo on
eoay terma. Wumlaya phone Mr Hhaver,
Kn. S74, sn4 Mr, Audron, Har, 1711
N. P. Dodge & Company,
T. W. Metcalf. Mgr. !eal tpt.,
40!.lti'ki Hldg., Dougia :.
' S909 North 53d St.,
Her la a fine Kill 4 room bom: In
axcellenl condition and a good neigh
borhood; good wall and fruit treea; a
C. T. SPIER & CO,,
(04 Peter Truxt llldg. . Douglaa 47.
Sundays call Atlantis Silt or llarnsy 7317.
li:o CA8II
Will buy a new modern lant thr
room otticco bungalow wllh four-room
accommodation. I.o.aled on boulevard,
near Carter ljike club, on lilo. k to car
line. Hunilay call Walnut 4042.
"Better Values."
Illntt Bldg.
1414-10 Douglas.
Attar.tlc toil.
$1,500 CASH
Buys a dandy five-room bungalow,
eaat front, all oak floora and finish;
corner lot, full baaement, paved street.
Owner leaving city and saya aell for
14,000, and It real value,
Stier Realty Company,
713 Peieni Trust Rldg. Douglaa 6441.
Sundays and evenings. Barney 1701.
1321. . U00. '
4 rooms, modern except heat. Home
sits high, sightly. Has a good lot-. Call
Mr. Schermerhorn, H, S004.
620 First National Bank.
Jackson 4223.
With' 1800 to buy a 7-room modern
home. In good repair; large lot, fruit
and shade, double garage; paved street;
near car, achool and Omaha unlvrfdty.
See It today. Price only 14,100. A
bares In.
D. E. BUCK & CO.,
441 Omaha Nat'l. Jackson 2000.
Newlon, Harney 6942: Perrou. Webster
0832: Buck. Kenwood 2834.
Cathedral District Brick
Almost now It-story residence, 9 rooms,
larg-a south front lot, located 3 blocks
from Cflthedral and S car lines, near
- 38th and Webster. Offered at the re
duced price of $25,500 for limited time;
r-asnnabl terms.-
O'Keefe Real Estate Co.,
1018Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg.,
Jack. 2715.
6 Rooms One Floor. '
Fontcnelle Blvd., neor Clalrmont.
larg room on ne floor. All oak and
enamel finish. East front, large lot,
owner leaving city and taking loss of
1700. for quick sale. Price 16,750, about
11,410 ensh, balance like rent.
Bedford-Johnston Co.,
806 World-Herald Bldg. Jack. 1734.
Bungalow Beauty.
In Minna Lusa,' frame and stucco, 8
rooms and bath, strictly modern, oak
finish, fireplace, bookcases, bullt-ln buf
fet and kitchen cabinets, full garage,
paved atreet, near car line and Miller
park. Owner leaving -city. - See ua at
once for price' and terms. s .
P. J. Tebbens Co.,
105 Omaha Nat'l Bank. Jackson 2182.
A Sacrifice !
Owner Must Sell.
Five-room bungalow, finished in oak
and pine. Living room 15x26; built-in
buffet newly decorated, large basement,
good furnace, corner lot, street paved
on side, close to car and school- Rea
sonable price and terms. Call - HA.
7151 today..
20.- South 19th St.
JA. 1606.
Very fine eight-room strictly modern
two-atory house, near 21st and Lothrop.
Oak finish. Garage. Price 19,000, $3,000
cash. Owner will take smaller house in
exchange, , 4 -
1041 Omaha National Bank Building.
' Near 40th and Ames Ave. House hai
' city water In kitchen, electric lights, fur
nace and gas. Room for bath. 100-foot
frontage. Today call walnut em.
H. 8. MANVILLE, Realtor.'
Atlantic 2403. 616 Peters Trust Bldg.
A real snao. 1 rooms, strictly mod
ern, garage, can rent rooms to students
to cover payments, Wont last long:
15.250: reasonable terms. Sunday call
DO. 1611.
- f H. W. VOLLAND,
710 Petera Trust Bldg. : DO. 9685.
DOWN. PRICE, $4,750; $40 MO.
All on one floor; oak floors and fin
ish. Fine full basement and nice attic;
only block to streetcar and school, A
dandy buy. Call JA. 2282.
Peters Trust Bldg.
5-Room Bungalow.
Finished In oak, newly decorated.
Full attic, full basement.
Hot air heat, laundry facilities.
Close to car and school.
Reasonable price and terms.
Call Harney 7161 today.
201 8. 19th St. Jackson 1605.
5-Room Bungalow
$4,850. strictly modern with oak
floora and creened-ln porch; tile bath;
full cement basement with floor drain;
close to csr and school. Easy terms.
Fike & Price,
811 City Nat Bk. Bldg. Jackson 2414.
2737 FORT St., this l-room, all modern
home can be bought for 14,000; lo
cated on Daved street and car line, close
to Miller park achool. We can arrange
terms for right party.
This home is a bargain at thla price.
Call Sunday, KE. 1294, Mr. Fltzpatrick.
R. F. CLARY CO.. Realtor.
24th and Ames Ave. KE. 0171.
w 4-r. bungalow, -haa everything;
yon should see this. All on one floor;
12.101 down; price $7,300; all on one
floor, all In oak with fireplace, tiled
bath, built-in buffet, bookcases, kitchen
cabinet, sun room snd 2 large bed
room. Choice location. Call Jackson
Three rooms snd bath, modern except
heat: 20th and Bnnlette Sts.; terma
Ftrnderburk Brotherton. 801 Omaha
Nat. Bank Rldg. Phone DO. ill: Sun
day. HA. itii.
I Fin Apia, let ftak, aad tiarag.
Pliia 11,44; I'art 'h; Ternta t'hutra.
Ha en a.roum. ai'artmrni aad an
l-rooin apaiimeoi; ttaadaauiely de
raiadi Wi.mlerful lurauua: a fiaa brick
aarag; fin Ion act uuiik; a Mcilfua
-a ! Call Jackaun !:.J.
Ill'r FIK'M (iW.VKH.
Fiva-room: baib; full cemented ba
mailt no furnno: Urge loll different
kind of fruil; near Kounts park); II. tu raah; will rnnalder ligrl
rar bale me tikt rent. Itol ,V, lik
Hi. Phone Webater Still.
New -rottin collage: oak finish;
pet! eat! wa.h aland; fine future: 3
blocks to aclionl: nU terrace: ready to
mov right In; redured In prlca, Ken
wood t7.
NKW flreprouf a .room bungalow In r.
al rifted district; bol atr hrat 111.,
out 4,0ua down, NuilHeg Ilka It in
Omaha. Mr. Walter. Use N. 14th '.
UtrK'tty modern i-roem hnuaa on 14th
and Ohio Hia ; one eitra lot; weat front)
14.100; terma. Call Jarkaou 4117.
FOR COMiltKD I have houaea fur
sale, email payment down, K. H. Davie, ilrant tt. Wrlwter I4:.
FHH sal or rent, five-room niotlern
house. Call after t p. in. 4403 North
iath Ava,
NKW bungalow, 424 and I .ar I more: 4.40r),
on esay terms. JA, lit or AT. III.
Good Home.
Right rooma, modern, oak floors an
flnlah ilown.UIre: lavatories In ear
bedroom; splendid Int. garage for thro
ears, eloae to car and echoed, four
block poatoftlre; Income from prop,
erty enow auoui l per rent net. nea
aonahle prlr and term. Call HA. 7111
03 Couth 14th Kt. Jarkaon 1101,
Has reception hall, living room, din
Ing room and kitchen on firat floor:
good bedroom and bath upatalra; full
rementrd, basement. The beat value wa
have had for soma time. 11,100 caah
will handle.
1614 Harney. Atlantic 1014,
3083 South 32d Street.
Six-room bungalow all on one floor,
flnlehed In oak. Elaborate buffet In
dining room, mirror door In closet,
plaatered attic, basement under entire
house. Corner lot on paved atreet,
paved alley, fully paid. One block from
west aide Ilansrnm park enr lln
Price 17.600, ll.iCO caah, balance $71
per mon in.
2821 South 34th Street.
Six-room two-story house on pared
street Just two blocks from ueat side
Hanscom park rar line. This house la
trlctly up to th mlnut and has all
the latest built-in features. . finished In
oak, basement under entire house,
Price, 17,600.
Open for Inspection today between
end 1 o'clock.
C. G: Carlberg, Realtor,
l Jackson till. 312 Brandcis Th. Bldg,
'. . $925,
A Whole' House and a
m sre net kidding you when we
say we have a 6-room house on a paved
street for only 921.i( Is not a shack
either. It has a new prepared roof.
All wookwork la sound. Hus city
water, gaa and electric llghti. Paving
is paid. 1300 caah will handle It.
Phone Mr. Spicka. Douglas 821..
Amos Grant Co., Realtors,
Dougia 8380.
330-2-4-1-1 Brandels Th.
Hansconi Park Home
Fine two-story, modern home; elx
rooms and singl garage; fine large
rooms; hardwood throughout, home
faces east on nice lot In fine location.
The price makes it a real value. 12,004)
Sundays call AT. 2511 or HA. 7317.
C. T. SPIER & CO.,
;W Peters Trust Bldg. Douglas 4817,
25th and Bancroft.
Just completed, a very neat 4-room
house. Well arranged and roomy. It
Is all modern but furnace, full ce
mented basement. ' This is psrticularly
well located. Close to the Polish-Catholic
school and to the car barns. Key
at our office. Price, 83,500, and will
sell on small payments if desired. Call
Mr. weyerman. Atlantic 1461.
Amos Grant Co., Realtors,
Douglas 8380.
330-2-4-6-8 Brandels Th.
: 10 ROOMS $6,500.
1136 So. 31st St., one block from
Park and West side car line. Oak
floors and birch finish first floor. Ga
rage for 2 cars. Lot 60x150. Rea
sonable terms. Sunday phone Hariey
2297. .
Jackson 0564. , 1320 Farnam St.
Five rooms on one floor, strictly mod
ern; screened In porch; garage. Nice
neighborhood; $5,600; easy terms. 1511
Olln Ave. Harney 2297.
FOR quick sale, 6 rooms, bath and gas,
brick cottage, $2,700. Terms. 2211
South 19th. Call AT. 0632.
810 Forest Ave., dandy l-room modern
bungalow . on very . reasonable terma.
Crelgh, 601 Bee. JA. 0200.
6-ROOM house snd lot, $1,200. .
O. P. STEBBINS. 1610 Chicago.
FINE house, lot, barn, well, for half price.
S417 T St.. South Omaha.
4 Medium Priced Homes
No. 12708 Ed. Crelghton Ave.. 1
rooms and bath. Strictly modern. Nice
south front lot. Close to car V and
school. Price $4,200.
No. 2 810 Forest A. Ideal loca
tion for E. R. or Street car man. 1
room modorn bunjralow, with a very
large lot. Price $5,150.
No. 81462 South 17th St. A tine
house with 7 very large sunny rooms on
a good tot. All modern except furnace.
Price $3,(0.
No. 4 4C30 South 17th St. A mighty
fine five-room bungalow, built for a
horn by the owner. East front corner
lot; good garage. Newly decorated and
painted. Price $5,500.
Sunday call Walnut 4767. . ' .
Creigh Sons and Co.,
608 Peters Trust.
. JA. 0200.
2406 Taylor 1 rooms, oak finish. 16,260.
33d and Ca 1 rooma, oak finish, 16,961
Montclalr 1 room and garage, 18,800.
Dundee 1 rooms, $6,100,
Leavenworth Heights I rooms, 11 101.
1821-31 N. 20th 2 modern houses; reary
easy terms; for both, 15,250.
26th f'ets near St. Marys, 7 rooms,
1402 Park Wild Ave i rooms. 18,60.
1314 8. 24th 11 room, fl 26.
2203 F S rooma. corner lot, 18,76. .
Douglas 1013. Dodge at 18th.
EIGHT rooms, fine lot, 14.100.
G. P. STEBBINS. 1C1 Chicago.
4-ROOM, modern cottage; garage and
fruit; must aell at once; 12,300. WA 1982.
North Side.
Fite-rueui MUnsalww an No. !'lh '
Ook flnlah and (!" , Uig al-U'i uu
baaement and furnare; fium, la 'in
had I re, Thla tieuae la In flu
condition and ran ha. poaara.ioit In
feaf ilaia. HubiitU a an olf-r
4107 Frauklin. C'vae to Hli.l a
bat a nic rottag of 1 mow; lno.iu
llirougbaut; full ram.nlnl cellar! daudt
furnace; larg lot. 111, nun, some
fruit. 1 1.4 "4.
On kharman A. A fin h mi of I
room and alaeplng por. ni una usk (in
lah and floor throughout: m, tiath
larg lot nk ilani'y garage. 11,004
raah, $4,10.
Near Omaha I'niveiaii). ipiendid
hotti of 7 room; 4 bedrooma; ttuarler.
aawed oak flnlah and floor; full beta.
maul with laundry traya: tare ante
garag; tlu lo scnuol, ihunhra and
tar nil.
Leavenworth Heights. ,
A fine bungalow of I large rooms,
finished In oak throughout; line oak
flonr; built-in feature; lara attic;
full renienled baaement: xiellrntly ar.
ranged; garag. Owner leaving city,
must be auld. Let ua show you and
mea orrer,
Cathedral District.
A fins horn; I rooms and alrrplng
porch; larg living .room with flrril-.;
comnination stalrat ; aplendld arrange
ment of rooms; film oak snd while
enamel mush; double garage. Nearly
Minne Lusa. ,
A flue bungalow of 7 rooma: beautl
fully finished In oak; heavy oak flours
tnrougnout: rirepiace; bullt-ln book
raaea; elegant buffet; aun room Willi
French door; 1 nice bedroom; garag
io mati'n nouac, ir you ran pay 12,000
caah, you can get a real barg'tln.
Owner say a nil. A splendid home of
7 rooma; large living room with fir,
place and boohcaaea; buffet: nice aun
room with French door: garag i; 17,100,
Might ronalder a trad for good lot and
aoine caah.
Many other splendid buy In this ad
dition. Would be pleased to show you,
undays rail Mr.
wood 2432, or Mr.
wood 3472.
Charles W. Martin & Co.,
nL.Aii vita.
742 Omaha Nat'l Bank Hldir. Atlantic 0187.
Dundee Home, $10,500.
Nearly new,' large rooms: full two
stories; frame. and atucco construction;
oak and white euamel finish, oak
floors throughout: cement drive. . Ksat
front lot nn loth Ave., near Farnam.
lleesonable term.
Dundee Home, $7,350.
On Douglas between 48lh and 49th;
6 rooms, modern; oak finish first floor
escept kitchen.. Lot 10x139 ft. Rea
sonable terma. Owner leaving city.
Mu-t be sold. Want offer.
$6,250-$l,500 Cash.
On Fontenelle Hnulevard. north of
Ames Ave, New, 6-room, modern, frame
bungalow decorated throughout. Con
' venlent to school and car line. Bal
ance Davbla 60 per month.
$5,500 $1,800 Cash.
On Webnter, near 30th St. 9-room, 2
story, modern, frame house arranged
for two families: two bathrooms. Rental
1840 per year. Balance payable 160 per
month Including Interest. A home and
investment combined.
$5,000$750 Cash.
In Florence, on 31st St.. near Shef
field. Seven rooms, modern. Balance
payable monthly like rent. Lot 60x132
ft. A good home oa reasonable terms.
5 Acres Improved.
On Washington highway, new paved
road just outside north city limits.
Laya high and sightly. Good 6-room
nouse; electric lights. New garage and
barn 16x32 ft.; new chicken house
8X38 ft. ' Good well and windmill. c!
tern and storm cave; fine oak shade
trees; bearing fruit all kinds. All
fenced hog tight. Price. 17.500: rea
sonable terms. Opportunity to secure a
good noma in the country at a low
price which will increase In value.
Sunday call Mr. , Fowler, Kenwood
4.3&S: Mr. McDonald, walnut 0170; or
air. youna;. Harney R05. .
Fowler & McDonald, .
1120 City Nat'l Bank Bldg. J A, 1426,
Equity of $2,500 in bungalow
near 25th and Laurel to tradi for
Dundee lot and pay difference.
Dandy 8-room house near 88th
and Dodge at a bargain; imme
diate possession.
Beautiful home In Mercer park,
near 38th street; 8 rooms and
den;, brick and stucco. Owner
must sell and price is right.
2605 South 37th atreet: bar
gain for $4,500; 8 reoms; 1 bed
room first floor; 3 bed rooms sec
ond floor; double garage; teims.
3051 South 34th St.. S-room
bungalow; ,nll on one floor; oak,
three years old; $6,000, easy terms.
Several bungalows and homes
In Hanscom park and Field club
districts, ranging tn price, $4,500
to $8,000. See us first.
Field Club District. -
" A beauty, 9 rooms. 4 bedrooms:
white oak; fireplace; aun room:
sleeping porch: two garages;
laundry tub: everything up-to-date
and first-class. Price Is right
for quick sale. s ,
Binder & Otis.
823 City Nat'l Bk. Bid?;.
Jackson 1264. .
A Cheaper
Method of Shipping
We assemble and forward carloads of both house
hold goods and automobiles. Our through rate is les3
than the local rate, and you have the added safety of
carload , service. Whether you are shipping from
, Omaha or from Iowa aAd Nebraska points, we can save
you money.
If you are shipping to any of the cities named be
low or to points adjacent thereto, see us about the rate.
We are accepting shipments today to the fol
lowing cities:
Los Angeles
Kansas City-
Gordon Fireproof Warehouse
& Van Company
219 N. 11th St, Omaha, Neb.
4.!.tmt TRIM
I no"M, NKVV,
Will build u e l-room loll.l er
.uHM.iaa ii it ah er trt tin lei.
have la l..vrurin lleignla. Thle
!.. rno.aia at llttner lui'S. Milling
lomu, kill hen and 1 hadiooiris or I bed. ami aunriMin en 1 fl4r. Our
it, iat liirlmlaa e.epvthlnaT rollllil.l and
ivadv te evrupr. llak uur lelntlnn f
Ml aa w rai atari houae at tint. Run.
da; rail Walnut t3i,
J l II I ATT I'tV,
"Heller Valura." Bldg.
1414-14 Ihiuflaa Atlantic 1041.
Good Seven-Room House
Thla in th bt uf oiUr and ilr
well buill: fully modern houa, llh
four rooma un first flusr, three aleeplng
ronine and hath nn aemnil floor; aitlr;
a good baaemeiil lli floor drain, toilet;
lut 11134. wllh a garage, I'm $4,300,
147 Omaha National Hank Building.
Jarkaon 1394.
Five to 21 acre ef th finest land In
Iiouglaa county, frw bla.-ka 10 paved
road. High and algtilty Imatlon. Iiwnr
will sell In l-arre iracta on a email
payment down, bahriu'e monthly. A safe
place for our earnings. Uunilsy tall
KK. 4121.
.1 I.. HIATT CO.
"Rotter Valuea."
Ilistt Bldg.
1914-11 Douglas.
Atiani); 0043.
Real Estate Transfer
Peder Sk river and wife to Uruce n.
Mills, park ave., 201 ft. a. of Pop
pleton av., e. s., 49al42, e
chang of properly and $ 1
Gertrude Clark Whlttsll and hus
band lo Stanley 1', Ueranek ft a l
n. e. cor.- 15th and Hickory ale..
44x132 t;o
Willis J. Roefleld lo Leater It.
Frit, ct al., s. w. cor. nth and
Willi ave.. 60103 1,000
Round N. Howes and wife lo E.
K. Knsmlngr. 20th St., 210 ft.
n. of Woolworlh ave., w. s.
aostjfj.i 100
E, F:. Enslmlnger ami wife to K.
O. Do Land. 20lh at.. 210 ft. n.
of Wool worth av., w. a., 3nx
12 100
August Olson and wife to Floyd
K. Hughes, Leavenworth' si., loo
ft. w. of 21st St., s. a.. 10xl48t 7,000
Ernrat K. Austin and wife to Carol
M. Pitta, n. w. cor. 21st and
Spencer em.. 60sl24 1.250
Charles W. Martin and wife to By-
lorn . Kline, unit more ave,,
263.1 ft. w. of 28th ave., n. .,
40x114 oo
William A. Youngouist and wife to
,-iemple MrFayden. 48th at., 120
ft. n. of Miami St., w. s., 40x
106. 4 1
Coad Real Estate t. to c J. Thor-
son, 36th ave., 157.5 ft. n. of Dav
enport at., e a.. 60x145 1.U1
Aaron P. Mllner and wife to Claus
J iOersen, Wirt lit.. -160 tt. w. of
C.d at., n. a.. 10x128 2.0O6
Michael Beecham and wife to
Louise O. Quade, Oak St., 271 ft.
e. of 30th St.. s. a. 10x128.3 1.400
Susan E. George and husband tn
Mary B. Wood, Spaulding St., 184
ft. w. of 24th St.. n. .. 10x125.. 2.478
Amos Grant and wife to Norman
veme Chapman and wife, Ar
cadia at.. 120 ft. w. of 30th St.,
n. a.. 44.6x120 4.850
Charles Chrext to Stella M. Gard.
e. e. cor. 40th and Wirt sts., 90x
120 2.100
Mary Powers et al. to Jacob Weber,
Jr., 30th st., 66 ft. n. of Calhoun
at., 132x182; n. e. cor. 31st and
Calhoun sts.. 66x132 2.600
Coleman L. Porter and wife to
Rosa Townle, s. w. cor. 20th at.
and Grand ave.. 64V.X130 4.004
Grove Wharton Construction Co. , to
Elmer J. Johnson,. Pinkney St.,
190 ft. e. of 61st at., a. a., lOx
130 1.700
Allison H. Dugdale and wife to
John H. Skogman, n. e, cor. 49th
and Burt sts., 47x119 1.I10
W. J. Coad Made Co-Receiver
For Wells-Abbott-Nieman
William J. Coad, prcsiSent of the
Omaha Flour Mills cpmpary, was
yesterday appointlJU co-receiver, with
the Peters Trust company, for the
bankrupt Wells - Abbott - K'ieman,
grain company. Federal Judge Wood
rough made the appointment after a
conference with attorneys, yesterday
morning. Bond was set at $5,000,
JCc action was taken on the Peters
Trust company's petition-to enable
them to obtain more financial aid, in
order to open the mill at Schuyler
by October J. ,
Candy Shop Closed by Dry
Chief Allowed to Reopen
Joe Hammond and Edward Joseph,
proprietors of the .Palace, of iswects,
1328 Dodge street, which was closed
by an injunction at the instance of
U. S. Rohrer, federal prohibition di
rector lor Nebraska, opened up lor
business again yesterday.
Lloyd Maeney, acting United
States district attorney, at the hear
mg . on the injunction yesterday,
informed the judge there was not
sufficient evidence against the two
mem to convict, and asked that it be
dismissed. It was.
Brictson Appeal Papers
Completed by Attorney
Federal Judge Wcodrough yester
day allowed Frank Weaver, attorney
lor the tJrictson Manufacturing com
pany, to complete appeal uapers for
taking the case to the circuit court
of appeals.
Since the j'udge has refused to give
a suersedeas bond, Weaver said he
would go to St. Paul or St. Louis to
obtain one. :
and Safe
San Diego San Francisco
Tacoma Minneapolis
Phone DO. 0394
Slamns Flock
To Syzran From
All Dircclions )
Capital uf State of Siiiiliirek
Oonarouila uf lluiijjcr in
Russian Famine
v hinlrii'tri.
( blrag Tribune ( able, I toriglil. IS2I.
Syirati, Capital of the Slute 01
Simbirsk, Srpt. by Courier to
K'8. Sept. 10. litre is where l.u
roc ami Asia meet by railroad--wliere
camel antl Imrie mnl raft an.l
barge liriii(r the rust ami wct ainl
the north nnt the aoutli tojfellie"
at the trOMintaiU of lumber. One
line run nnrilicast to t'hrlialiinsk
tn totinect iih t'ie tran-i-Siheriau
railway another run southeast tap-'-K
ilic prosperity of Turkestan
another nun wet lo, I'ena anil
then M.iittiuct to Kiev ami Otles
ami another stretch 14)
l.uniher rail hriiif! .larviii Tar
tar south 011 1 lie 'ul;i to thil
point where they meet river hatRra
laden with refuircci from a far
south ait AstraMiani.
Different in laiiRtiaKC, rtittonts
liahit, religion and garb, they find
a common denominator m lumber,
disease, rags and tilth. They come
begging or they seek sinpnicnt to
places where there is food. They
arc helpless and the fovernnient they
appeal to admits its helplessness ti
frll their needs. And thus they sit
and wait and pray to their different
gods and die while the gongs and
hells in the gilded rliurch domes de
liver a seemingly barbarous clamor
twice daily.
Unable to Move Hordes.
"We are inundated by this great
human traffic and we can not move
them and if wc could move them,
it would only mean spreading
cholera and typhus all over Russia,"
said the secretary to the governor
through an interpreter.
"Over 100,000 have been moved
through here during the last three
months, but there should have been
facilities to have moved 500,000. I
do not know what has become of
the rest some left on foot and
'many died some are here, yet and
more are coming all the time. Our
city population was normally 60,
000, but now it is almost three times
as many.
"We figure that about 1,000 are
leaving daily God knows how many
are coining in. W'hcm the peasants
starve out on the farms there is no
other place for them to come save
the towns. They stay on the land
until the last food is consumed,, al
ways hoping that relief wi'l arrive,
but when there is nothing left for
them to eat they turn their faces to
the cities. We, have shipped 5,000
of their children to Moscow, but the
town is full,- with thousands more
whom we are unable to ship.
Bread 3,000 Roubles Loaf.'
"Bread is now costing 3,000 rou
bles a loaf here. Everybody is try
ing to live by speculation, which is "
permitted under the new economic
policy. I know one man who bousiht
30,000 roubles worth of salt in Mos-
cow and sold it here for 100.000.
Before the war, 36 pounds of flour
used to cost 42 kopecks about 25
cents in American money now it
costs 150,000 roubles, about $4.
"Our hospital is no longer a hos
pital it is just a place to die in.
There was no medicine, supplies, or
anything so the doctors just left.
Now the sick crawl into the building
to' die and other sick have to carry .
the bodies out. . We have several
military barracks on the edge of the
town at the disposal of the refugees,
but they refuse to live in them, pre-'
ferring to camp down here ' in the
station, on the railroad tracks, in the
city square and all over the streets.
They believe that is the only way
they can force the gevernment to
act on their behalf. They do not
seem to know that ''wc are' just as
helpless as they are.
Food Promised.
"We hear that the Turkestan crop
amounted to 10,800,000,000 pounds
this year and that the central gov- :
ernment has declared that a half of
this will be distributed in the Volga
district. We expect 72,000,000 pounds,
from Siberia and 250 carloads', or'
about 5,400,000 pounds from the Uk- '
laine, but none has arrived yet. If
all bur expectations materialize, we
may be able to take care of 50 per
cent of our needs, but if not, thc:t
only 25 per cent.
"Our ration for government offi-
cials which has always been slim,
has now been reduced to about one- ,
fifth of the regular amount. . Our
harvest is less than 1-10 of the aver
age yield. Since June, all of ns have
been eating moist grass and bark.
Parents who are not able to feed
their children are turning them over
to the authorities or abandoning
them ih front of government build
ings. So ina4iy have been lelt on
our hands that we are not able to
care for them. There are many Ger
man, Polish and Austrian families
that have been wandering around m
Russia since the war, trying to find
a place to settle and make an exis
tence until peace permits them to re
turn to their homes. The normal
population of our state is 1.300.000,
but this has almost been doubled by
Head of War Finance
Corporation to Visit Omaha
' Washineton. Sept. 10. The list of ;
cities to be visited by Eugenu Meyer,
jr., managing director of the war
finance corporation during his sur
vey of the agricultural and live stock
sections of the country, in connec
tion with the enlarged credit jowcrs
of the corporation, was made public
today. Mr. Meyer, who left Wash
ington yesterday, was exoccted to
reach Chicago, today. The other
cities he will visit and dales are:
Helena. Mont., September 12; Spo
kane. September 13; Portland. Ore.
September 14; San Francasco, Sep
tcmbcr 15; -Los Angeles, September
19; Salt Lake, September 21; Chey
enne, September 22; Denver, Sep
tembcr Zl; Kansas City, Mo., Sep
tember 24; Omaha, September 25.
and Dcs Moines, September 26.
Mis? Maud West, chief of a Lon
don detective agency, is one of the
best criminal investigation expertt itf
1 England. ' - -