nilS tffclfc.: OMAHA. SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER II. 192!. Real Estate Offerings by Omaha's Foremost Dealers ( AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE, Atention! Car Buyers! When You Think of Used Cars Think of "Meeks." nnimlr vry ce' on the .it la a lead Car M'br btiiUK in buying ni)l I HKH t'AH front en. i( the largest and beet n firm in fht w- !? We fTsv the llt eeleiiion of t'.ed t'sro ta pirn front a rap fur eeerynne, ferine te responsible erti.a. Will take In oi4 r aa part pennant anil ih belam lu be paid monthly. OHfn Suudai (null a. 111. to 6,3 p in. II: C.thlt I.Af 4, toa.l.i.r, l.o I m i Mj K Muring, hh new. !: liVKFILAMi "Utile 4 " m il K K-5, thro to'oelwt. , ).' t'llKVIIOIKT Inuring I'llKVHDI.KT lhy Li rand. LflTIH I'l.A.NK, Iff. IM VKIICKR ruadster. tl MTI'T.. a Peas. ' till IH'liSuM ap-rilefr. lilt HI'PMOBII.K louring. IHII ImhmiK louring. 1(11 III l K eiin. . Kit Cll.l'MMCi)II.Rx pacemaker. 1111 OI.DHMOHII.K rnailalar. m oi.ihmoiiii.s! Oil KKl louring ' III HATNKM, 71'aee. Ill K KIT Ml. If truik. 1 lo sekcl. , lilt OVERLAND ruadster. 111 CAM I.LAI.' (7. t-Pa.a. 111 Hl'li-K rosdsirr. 111 I.KXINOTON, 6-r-saa. 111 M'lt'K K-H 1H KTKARNH-KNtOflT louring. Itll ('HANOI. KK, 7laa 111 lH.llHMflHII.K "I" 1311 I'HKVROLKT 4-60. 11 KiR! tru.k. 111 HTL'IiRHKKR truck. 111 one-ton TRAFFIC trurk. 111 INDIAN inutorcyii. 117 CAHIM.AC roadster, bargain. 1017 PACKARD Twin "4." 117 COI.K roadaiar. 1117 IXHHIK roadster. 1117 BUICK D-46. 1117 HATNE8 model 17. 1117 RKOAI, model U. 117 IIAYNK8 louring. 117 BATON'. I-Paira. 117 HAYNBS chummy rusdsler. 117 DAVIS. 7-Paa. 117 rHF.vnnT.KT 4-10. 117 CHALMERS. 11 PACKARD (curing. 111 RTITDKBAKER. 1 I'm. 191 OVKHt.AND 13. GMDK Inuring. nl.nftMOBll.K rhaaata. HAYNK8 chassis. Meeks Auto Company, toil -it Farnam St. Prion. JA. 4101 Trucks -Trucks tVa have larg atlrctlon of good truck ranging from Foril delivery truck to two-ton truck., all In ftrat c!a condition. These truck are priced for quick aale.. Good term.. Jones-Opper Company, "The House of llco." ;;j Farnam St. Harney 0635. UAHQAINS In u.ed cars for sale or trad Let us give you a demonstration. VINTON OARAGES, ., 1030 VINTON feT. A Motor Truck Finance Company. Are prepared to properly finance pur chase of motor trueks. Will finance business firm, farmer or Individual In purchase of either one or doien lota. Address Boa X -J 8, Omaha Bee. ; Used, , ; Not Abused, Cars. bought, iold and exchsnrd. Sale-a-Day Car Co. Farnam at 40th St.' AUTOMOBILE Owners, 'Garageinen. 'Me chanics, Repairmen aend for free copy ' of this month' Issue It contains help ful. Instructive Information on overhauling.- Ignition troubles, wiring, car buretors, atorage batteries, etc Over 120 pages, illustrated. end -for free copy ftoday. Automobile Digest (16&) Hutler Bldr-. Cincinnati. TO CLOSE OUT. ' Now Huffman truck, aolld tire, body, and cab 11.000: former prlco l200; also used Republic. 1500; Seldon, 450; Matweil, 1S0, good condition. Call Mr. turner, uougias stag, gqpu rifnmi oi. 80MK bargains In uaed Ford cars. Mc Caffrey Motor Co. Tba Handy Ford ' Service Station. Uta and Jackaon. Dougla Jt. USKU cars, bought, sold and exchanged TRAWVBR AUTO CO.. tn Farnam St. MA HON truck for sale, reasonable. Call Harney 3978. Auto Livery and Garages. LOOK! LOOK! Auioa stored for 7.5 and IM per month. I want 10 auto for dead or live storage. Beat care given cars. William H. Jonea A Co.. 8415 Cumins. Repairlr.n and Painting LOOK! LOOK! If your old car needs good paint lob or varnishing, call on me and get my prices before going to othera: I years' experience. 'Best of work guar anteed. 1411 Cuming St., William H. .lonea A Co. - HOLLY, expert auto trimmer. 113 S. 34th. Accessories, INTERLOCK Inner tires and rellners do prevent punctures and blowouta. Vul can I taereSupplyCOM 5113 Farnam St. FARM LANDS. Canadian Lands. FOR SALE OR TRADE Three choice farms. 160-a. each. Write owner. J. A. Skidmore, Ruddell. Sask., Canada. Michigan Lands. CLAY LOAM LANDS 30, 4. 10 ac. tracts In clover district of Mich.; rich soil; 114 to 136 ac. Easy terms. . Send for free book. Swlgart Land Co.. J-1263. 1st Natl. Bk. Bldg.. Chicago. Minnestota Lands. Itt-ACRE FARM 14.000 3 4 mil from rood town, clay loam aoil. Houa lx 34: bars. 30x31; all fenced and croea renced: SS acre seeded to clover and timothy; 63.00 cash: balance 6 year at 6 par cent. Ask for fre map. Im proved farm list sent upon request Thorpe Bros.. Q-2M Andraa Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. KQinTT Land Exchange. St. Paul. Mlmf Missouri Lands. FOR SALE 13 aerea Improved, good land. Half cleared, balanca timbered pasture. Plenty water; good orchard; bargain I3.MI; terms. H. W. Elliott, - Owner. Cuba, Mo. - Mississippi Lands. SilME farmer will find lust what ha tm tooklng for In our eut-aver land propoel- I tion. A boat : acres cleared, tree from all stump, ample for raising feed and , food stuffs while remaining 3. acres are finally cleared. Rlcheat land la the world; preducte corn, hay and legurat iteva crepe nuaj ta any, aad cotton ft deaired. Particulars aw reoueat iasaqueaa Lumber Co.. Wetgaat, Miaa. FARM LANDS. Nebrstka Lands. rt AI.K A 1 4 s" l'U, good, lel land, luxated In tha tily of Kearney. A iiuurn resident, aln roame an 4 bath. All binda of good laige out buildtnge; orchard and shade trees; f i naal location and a amnforiabla bono; will sail at a reasonable price. . sad 'say larma. A. Nalaou, II W cat Slat Hi,. Karny, Keb, South Dakota Lindg. ul'Tit IMkuTA fou ran un )our awn 'arm. Wrila lor lira luaralur. deerrlbln tha alala and II opportu nities In (arm lauda, Mutitn I'akota pro duce annually uiora agricultural waaiih liar raplla Ifcan any olhar alia. lnu la Inw-piirad. Wrlla today, Mlata In., migration lrpnmnl, Irwin 1 Aldrltb. Coinmlaalnn.r. Piarf. Wuum iJakoia. Wiicontin Lanth. thw nicT i.an7 in wwconsin Adjoining tha brat Inarktt In Ainar la. por arra raah. Largo and amall tra. la. For any Una. Arnold Co., Prpt. R, Hupurlur. Wla. FINANCIAL Real Estate Loana. W hav raab on band 10 loan on Omaha raaldancra. U. II. i.OI 0 UK. INC H Ktollna Uldg. OMAHA HOMES HAT NKB. FARMS' i KfcKki: HKAI. KSTATK CO.. Ill Om. Nat. Ilk. Rldg. Jarkaon 17 It. Ill) to lln ouo mada promptly, r. D. WEAD. Had bldg. m , Hih at Money to Loan. WILL PAY CASH FOR FIRST MORTGAGES. i AND CERTIFICATES OF, DEPOSIT. Krml full particular, of your aacurlly and I will buy at rrnaonabla diarounl. If gilt-edged. Immediate raah. Bo X-ilQ. Umaha lloa. Miacellaneoua. PIllVAJb: party wanta li.000 for long time, reaannable Intareat rate. Loan a cured by good aertton of lmprovad Weld i-ouiily land. Addreai Box Y-1K3, Oma ha Br. REAL ESTATE WANTED. I HAVE CASH to buy a brkk or frame apartment or 2 to 4 houses. Something (or rental property. Must ba cheap. Give full particulars, location and prlco In first letter. Will Invest from 110,000 to 1:0.000 If price right. Addreaa BUYKR. Box tl-H. Bee, Omahn. Wo have several clients with the cash who want to buy a brick duplex. Geo, T Porter & Co., 10S South Uth St. Atlantic :4. WANTED real estate, will cash your equity If priced right In 7 or l-room frame house, good repair, not necessarily new, Dundee diet. 14,000 to 17,000 houe. Box R-77, Bee. To buy or sell Omaha Real Estate see FOWLER & M'DONALD U!U City Nat. Bk. Bldg. Jackson 1416. WANTBD To bujf a atx-room house, two stories. Field club or southwest district. D. V. SH0LF.8 CO., Jackaon 004. 115 City Nat- Bk. Bldg. CONSULT ua If you contemplate building, or wlab to buy or sell Omaha real aetata. C. B. STUHT CO., City Nat. Bank Bldg. TJO. 7I7. THE) Old Reliable Real Esi.-ite Office. M'CAGUE INVESTMENT CO.. 150 Dodge St. Douglas 1345. PROMPT an lea .or your real estate I wa have many buyara and solicit your bu.l ne.e. Shopen A Co., Realtor. JA. 4331. HAVE inquiries for hemes do you want to sell your properly? List It wltb C, A. Grlmmel, Omaha Nat'l Bk. Bldg. RTRTtrTi1,rT REAL- ESTATE. OXXVIVCiXX 8(,it, Rants. Insures. 3ltn Peter Trust Bldg. Jackaon 033. GRUENIGfBorBl,oSiusl,taw,t,, 1411 1st Natl, Bk. Bldg. Jackaon . WE have mora buyera than we can sup ply with S-room bungalows. JA. 2411. FIKB PRICK. TO BUT OR SELL real estate sea Olovcr , A Spain. I10.SO City National Bank Jackson 386u. ' Mark Martin 104S Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. SMALL cottage wanted in a dealrabla neighborhood. Must be reasonable. Kenwood 4163. - LET us manage your property. FUNDKRBURK BROTHEBTON, 801 Om. Nat. Bank Bldg. DO. LIST with us. We guarantee result. STIEB REALTY CO.. 715,600. PP. 6545. REAL ESTATE UNIMPROVED A BARGAIN IN TWO LOTS Two blocks from Dodge car line, In Poppleton park district, where a great deil of building activity Is shown, ar two lots, corner and. inside, malting 100x138 feet. Alley In rear. Theae lots must move at once and are priced right at 11,600 for both lots. If you ara In terested, call Mr. Goodrich, Walnut 0081. A BEAUTIFUL LOT. East front, 36th avenue and Daven port, 50x121. Just what ou want. For sale by owner. ' m D-iftfr p. RESIDENCE PHONB HA. Hit. DO. 3161. HANSCOM PARK LOTS . 1400 TO 1700. ' These lota era located south of Hans corn park, are mighty good buys. Can make reasonable terms. W. FARNAM SMITH CO., Jackson 0644. 1:130 Farnam St. WE have several choice Dundee lots that can sell below actual value and on easy terms. Also a few good lota left in Clairmont district. R. D. CLARK COMPANY, Realtors. Atlantic 3631. 403-3 Securities Bldg. 6650 AND UP for lots pear efth and Leavenworth. Owner. Walnut 683. Acreage. ACRE fronting Florence car. 4-.r. stucco, 63.500. Easy terms! D. C. Patterson. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS. Speculative Investment. CSxll?, with thrj l-room -inodem flats; will become desirable ios In property with the contemplated widen ing of 24th street and openinf of ad jacent and inlersctin- striata, also tha community center planned from 34th street to 35th avenue, and Ht. Mama awnve to Harney street, will surely make this an Ideal Investment. Annual rental, Sl.Cv. O'Keefe Real Estate Co., REALTORS, " 11 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. Jackson 1713. Investor's Opportunity, 25. . i modern homes. One has oak finish and hot water heat, comparatively close In and nica location. Rent value tlta month. Price for both 66,60. Very eaanr term. Bedford-Johnston Co., tut World-Herald Bldg.. Jack. 1T34. ' Near Farnam. a . Pressed brick flat, oak finish. Would easily bring in 63 month. Bedford-Johnston Co. O W';-Horn "d H'd-. J.'kww 1JS4 Kri L tat. l'th ard INtwt: !: great bargain. U. P. Stebbms, 161 Chicago. A Scrap of Paper, or Real Estate-Which? Mora reoeivtrttnort) itock telling icbemei on th roclu, mor . promotion scAndali, mori evidenc. of Million! ipent for promises. Continued reports of this sort of thing, are til the mult of the reckless drive mtde on the inTeitlng pnblio bj on scrnpolous promoters during doting and post-war days. The attack of the finance promoters was so thorough, their loot so extensive and obtained from so many sources, that the ttench of the whole thing will live for a generation. Compare these thing with Investments in Real Estate! Invettori in Seal Estate have property that will live at long as the earth. Beal Estate la part of the earth. In the last analysis, Beal Estate is the foundation of every other investment, of all wealth. That's why it has been termed, the "GIANT OF INVESTMENTS.'' Begardless of business conditions, Beal Estate buyers have an investment that is sound and firm, one that can't be shaken or destroyed, or thrown away. They have an Investment that is Safe, pays a conservative in come, and enhances in value. Wildcat stock sellers sell a "Scrap of Paper. Realtors Sell Real Estate. OMAHA REAL ESTATE BOARD . (Cansult a ftealter) REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS Dodge St. Investment. Twelve-room house; Urge garage: corner lot 114x13 fet. This property can be handled on eaiy term. George and Company, Atlantic 3034. ' CORNBR, 40x140, present Improvements pay It per cent gross, taxes. Insurance and repairs only expense, which makes this a choice amall Inveatment. ALFRED THOMAS A SON CO., JA. 00C4. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE. For Exchange. Brand new home In Dundee, brick and stucco. I room, beautifully finished In oak and enamel; two bath rooms; dou ble garage and driveway. Will take good mortgagea or contracta In part payment. . The Byron Reed Co. 1013 Farnam St. Douglas 0S37. 10 ACRES, mostly cultivated, nenr Flor ence. (DO acres near Pine Bluff, Wyo. 160 acres, irrigated, . Just cut -of ' laramle. - . i, v 3.000 acres 10 mile north cf San Franolaco. ' - 330 acres, mostly Irrigated, in Chaves county, N. M. ,. Cbavea county, N. "M. All clear for city property or farms In thla vicinity, Alao 313,000 first mortgage on land for a well located homo In Omaha. , See or write J. H. Carse, 510 Peters Trust Bldg.,, Omaha, Neb. Phonr Jackson 3575. - WILL trade beautiful building lot In Field Club District as first payment on modern 6 or 6-room home. Must be in . desirable location, preferably west; or, will sell lot for 13,000 cash. Call Doug las 4383 for appointment. Your Choice 67 Houses North, South, West 4 to 12 Rooms $2,000 to $30,000 Creigh Sons & Co. V Ettabluhad 1S6 608 Peter Trtut JA. 0200 8 JJ 14; .-". ts0 -er $200 Down $27.50 Per Month 4 rooms in good shape, nearly new, good well and pump, large cornet lot. JASPER JENSEN, ; . Harney 6860. v MINNE LUSA 5-Room Bungalow - I have a strictly modern, prac tically new 5-room bungalow in Minne Lusa addition that is worthy of your investigation. Full cemented basement, oak finish and full lot Will sell for part cash, and balance to suit buyer. Will be glad to show it any time today. Phone the owner, Kenwood 1763 itti )() REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE. 1 HAVE two new All-American trucks, ton and a half and two-ton, will trade for Improved or unimproved city property. ' . .-.' R. A. HOWE & CO., ; 401 Peters Trust Bldg. ..." TO EXCHANGE Most substantial 34 apartment building, brick and stone construction, near mfllianalre section north side; 6-room apartmenta and bath each; yearly Income 634,000; price 1190. 000; no mortgage; want A-l going farm ' or ranch equipped. Nothing run down oonaldered. W. S. Mardt, 16 North Clark Street, Chicago. WANT farm, ranch, plantation In ex change for apartment buildings. Oood location. Rents 16,000 to 6436,000. Price 635,000 to 61600,000. Trad separately or together. George btewart, , 33 So. LaSalle, Chicago. Five Rooms Complete. $500 Cash Full contented basement, hot air furnace, oak floor, bot of plumbing fixture, high da wail paper and electric light fixture. .Everything i complete. North wall & Johnson DOuglas 7487 The Bondholders Say: "Sell the Lots at Fifty Cents on the Dollar" And that is just what we are doing with choice . industrial and residence lota at Ralston. We purchased the entire holdings Of the Ralston Townsite Co., subject to a bond mortgage. , A large amount qf interest on these bonds is de linquent and the bond holders are demanding a sub stantial payment. Enough money must be raised to meet this emergency, and the way to do it quickly is to offer these lots at prices way below their true market value. - . Opening Sale Attracts Many Buyers Since announcing our opening sale last Sunday many Omaha people have purchased lots, and ex pressed themselves as well pleased with the opportu nity offered to get a suburban homesite at such low ' prices. Ralston is only 20 minutes by auto and 40 r minutes by street car. Come out Sunday. The Horaewood Realty Co, RALSTON, NEBRASKA ' Telephone Ralston 10-W J. T. O. Stewart, Agont Special Notice Sale will continue, all week, and re . duced prices will prevail only until interest on bond3 has been met; after that prices will be ad vanced to normal. it REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE FOR TRADE A good farm In Jackson county, Kanaaa (no Incumbrance), for atock of goods, general merchandise, fn northeast Kanaaa or eastern Nebraska. D. B. Sumptsr, Delia, Kan. WE can, no doubt, -exchange your farm or ranch for Income property. Writ us now or phone. BROWNE TRACT. 643 Becurltlre Bldg. AT, 3860. WANTED Auto in trade for lota in Orandvlew addition. Omaha. Owner Dvorak, Wyndmere. N. P. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN. Benson. Nice Home. For someone with 61,000. modern, osk finish, large floored attic. Near school and car. 60 foot lot with fruit. For quick sale, 64,760. Walnut 6704. - FIVE rooms, fins lot, 83,760. O. P. STEBBIN8, 110 Chicago, 503 Electric Bldg. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN. Dundee Beautiful Dundee Homes A mighty guail Duadeo k-raaui (tauaa. Knamei finiaii, all modem. eas. Unit 7 Haawaskia payment 4on, For 3.t rah payment. 7 roaine Wllh garage. i p lu Uals ar. rangemeat. Hot water beat, living Mi acraaa front, fireela-a la Siaina' team. Kitchen, four laisa b-4roama. tloea t rr t)4 cIimI, A om buy at II. ea. Happy Hollow t'lrele, eiu -e Tn. very finest eoii.iiu.iieu. sou ih from, beautiful shrubbery, all sak floors, aak finish downstair, a bit enamel u4 nt- baganr 4 upstairs, tea hath rooms al shower an aerend floor rainniuntveiinrj with bedrooms anal ball, vapor bai, latest typo ail burner, Oaa of ibe moat complete home In Ibe elide. I'ricad bale !.e ' Haui'ful In lik and stucco eouetra't.4 i with Interlocking tile, end very ke-t. material, oak rieors, oak rinisb down. stsira, whits easinal upalaira Hhow.r bath In, ait large rooms, beautiful ahrulit,. rv and lre. gaiae. 1 1, on itl bndl tin. O. E. Engler & Co., 1617 Harney St. ImiuiIs ;? Sunday fall Walnut !iT4. U'aln'ii Dl'XDKR BARIAIVa l. CAHII. Beautiful 6-room home. (ek and whit enamel finish: garage, tinea to rar and achool. Tertna, 616 pr month. Call WA. J. II A. 7344 or s, 44. M'CAHVILLK A ORMSBV. 1611 City Nsti Uk. DO. 1136. $250 DOWN New; move right in, five rooms, full ce- mented basemsnt, elec- trie lights, good well and pump, two lots, just two blocks to car; permanent walks. Don't fail to see this at 2214 South 67th St. Easy monthly payments. Payne & Carnaby Co. 25 Year' Realtor Service 616 Omaha Nat'l Bldg. Jacktoo 1016 SOS SOUTH 41st STREET Beautiful ctuee home, eix room, sun-room and sleeping porch. Kx qulsltely finished throughout. Double garage, comer lot. Priced right, Bun day call JA. 1491 or HA- S004. C. B. STUHT CO. Deuglae 87ST City Nat'l. Bldg. We will pay cash for your house or for good lots on paved street if we can agree on price. RASP BROS. 212 Keeline Bldg. AT. 0721 n $150 1, A few slightly higher. $5.00 down, $5.00 monthly On lots priced over $350.00, the terms are $10.00 down and $10.00. monthly. ': Perfect title, warranty deed, free abstract, liberal discounts. OMAHA HEIGHTS This beautiful subdivision is all its name implies, a high sightly ad dition, ideally located near two schools, two parks (Fontenelle and . Miller Parks), Fontenelle Blvd. runs diagonally through the addition, and everyone knows that the very best residential development follow! the Blvds. Large lots nearly all 50x180 each. COME OUT TODAY , We Sell Until Dark Sale Now in Progress And Continues Until All Lots are Sold STOP PAYING RENT. The man who sings "Home, Sweet Home" in a rented place is kidding himself and serenading the land lord." (Billy Sunday). , - ... YOU CAN BUILD AT ONCE. As soon as your contract is signed you can commence building. - No need to wait until the lot is paid for. LUMBER AND MATERIAL FURNISHED. We can help a limited number of purchasers to get their own homes by furnishing the lumber ' and material for the house on very easy terms. HOW TO REACH OMAHA HEIGHTS Take Florence car to 30th and Kansas Avenue and our automo-' biles will meet you at car liner If you want to mqtor out in your own car, drive North on 30th Street past Fort Omaha to Kansas Avenue and then West on Fontenelle Blvd. to our big sign. THE BYRON KEED C0. Phone Douglas 0297. -1612 Farnam Street , V Successful Real Estate Merchants Since 1857. REALESTATE-SUBUFBAN. Dundee Bungalow.': fie ramus, lata bla.ka la car Hue. Il.t rak. bale see til 6 pee George and Company, Atlantic ;. HOME SERVICE A home that i built Mccurding to your own ideas, in the location that you like bent, is the best home for you. We draw your plans free of charge, finance your home so that it'a cheaper than paying rent. Think how matters are tiimplified by dealing with a company that takes care of your home troubles from beginning to end, guarantees yoW home and saves you money. We are building in all parts of the city on our own lots or on other people's lots. Call for further information, Sunday and evenings, WA Inut 5373, WA lnut 2G07 and MA rket 2544. TEMPLE IYIcFAYDEN CO. REALTORS JA ekion 2428 1505 Farnam Street ! , ' V I t $1 J ! X j !C T g 4- t j ? Owner Must Sell Evanston Home INSPECT IT TODAY Circumstances compel me to sell my beautiful Evanston Home located at 314 South Fifty-seventh atreet. A partial de scription follows: Nine-room ' buff stucco; three lots, 150x150, beauti fully landscaped. Sun room, living room, dining room, breakfast room and kitchen first floor; four bedrooms and bath second floor; maid's room, cedar, closet and storage room third floor. Full cement basement. House finished in oak throughout. Beamed ceilings and built in features. Vacuum system installed. Also Ruud heater. Double garage. Awnings, screens and storm sashes for all windows. Phone me at WAInut 1511 Sunday or even ings or HArney 1837 during office hours. koice NEAR MILLER REAL ESTATIUBURBAN. Happy Hollow District." A true eolenlat room bants: tbiea baib rooiwai two rar gaiag. Fer de. laila rM George and Company, Atlantic 3:i. j Lt PARK $375 J .a 1 1 ai