Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 11, 1921, PART THREE, Image 21

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    TUB Hfcli: OMAHA, blNUAY. bUt-JUibcli II. llUI.
lord Sales Break
Records. Head of
Company Reports
ItioreaMU!: Dcinaml for Can
For Salfinrn Shows Jin
jtrovcmcnt in Humucsi,
Dctlarrs fdcl Ford.
. ' 2 F.tUcI U. lord,
prraijcnt of the l ord Motor com
i4iiy, tnalc tlx following announce
"We are nuking! noihtr reduc
tion in the price of Ford cart in J
the Ford truck, effective today. The
new prices avtragc $70 under for-
nirr price, ami are the lowest at
wliich Fonl r and truck have
ever hceii sold. List prices, f. o. b.
Detroit arc now i follows:
Kr tit Amount of
I'i-Ii. )TI.. JltUUtllOII
Stephens Tire Stores in Larger Quarters
l'hlin I.'H
KuhmI uul . . 3:1
T.iurln i nr., 9.1
Tru.'k 44
. ..
Every Known Economy.
"This is tlie third price cut during
the past 12 months. On September
iZ. lv.'u. the. price of the roM tour
in car was reduced from $575 to
$440, June 7 to $415 and now to $J55.
making total reductions in this type
of $2M, or H per cent. The same
proportionate reductions have been
made in all oth-r types. One year
uk" the price of the Ford sedan was
$J3; today it lists at $000 with the
same equipment.
"We are lading advantage of every
known economy in the manufacture
of our products in order thtt we may
give them to the public at :ne lowest
possible price, and by doing that we
feel that we are doing the one big
thing that will pclp this ..ouiitry into
.more prosperous tunes, reople are
interested in prices and are buying
when prices ?re right.
Production Breaks Record.
"The production of Ford cars and
trucks for August again broke all
previous hih records with the total
reaching 117,696. This is the fourth
consecutive month in which our out
put has gone over the 100,000 mark,
the total for the four months being
' 463,074, which Iras gone a long way
in making possible the present re
ductions. June this year, with an
output of 117,247, was the previous
record month. i
"One noteworthy feature of our
sales is the increased demand for
Ford trucks and cars for salesmen.
This class of commercial business
has been gradually increasing . the
past 60 days and w-e interpret it as a
vjry good sign of improvement it
general business.
"No reduction has been made in
the price of the Fordson tractor, and
none is contemplated."
Put Mouth of Valve Stem in
Water in Glass to Find Leak
A slow leak in your tires does not
necessary mean a defective valve.
Miller tire repair school .instructors
say that this may be caused by any
one of a number of troubles with
which every automobile owner is
familiar. Whenever there is room
for doubt, however, the valve should
be tested." " -1 '
The method" of testing is simple.
Turn the wheel until the valve stem
is at its highest point as far from
the road as possible. Remove the
dust cap. ' Fill a glass with water
and hold it so that the mouth of the
valve stem is submerged beneath the
surface of the liquid. .
If the valve is leaking, small
bubbles of air will form and raise to
the surface of (lie water. Some
times patience is necessary, in this
test. Where a valve leak is very
small, the bubbles form slowly. They
would escape notice altogether in a
hasty., examination. Where, such
troubles are experienced the cause is
usually eliminated by giving a little
attention to the seating of the valve.
In a campaign to make the roads
of Massachusetts safe and comfort
able for night driving, automobiles
from other states must have the
proper light equipment devices ap
proved in that state before they are
allowed within the limits of the commonwealth.
AlFRubher Ralterv
Latest for Autos
T. A. Willttril. Clevtlaml
MatitifuclurtT, Aunuuncri
i Becomes Sales Manager
For Scott-Bury Company
Cadillac Presented to
, Princess at Wedding
According to the London Daily
Mail, when Princess Elizabeth of
Roumania was recently married to
Prince George of Greece, the gifts to
the bride were among the finest ever
given a royal pair.
Among thof,e received by' the
bride was a Cadillac enclosed car,
given by the city of Bucharest.
The gift, which is ranked ly the
Mail with the jewels given l y the
government and the great Kifts
the groom, is in thorough kcepii
with the regard in which the (.r.dillac
is held in Europe.
Its remarkable performance as the
official car of the American army is
said to have thoroughly impressed
the people of Europe w ith the worth
of the Cadillac and it is now do-
rlarpil tn h a favorite wi'lh thru in
a position to purchase a fine motor
car. -
In place of the usual danger sig
nals in and around the mountainous
vicinity of Uniontown, I'a., to warn
motorists to drive carefully, signs
are erected which display quotations
from the Bible. . At the most dan
gerous curves on the National Pike
are warnings: "Prepare to meet thy
The Stephens Tife . Stores com
pany, operating tire stores it various
points throughout the cuiini'y, lias
iccently moved into larger quarters
at 2048-50 Fariiam street.
According to Harry F. Trumble,
manager of the Omaha I', the
Omaha business has in a few months
completely outgrown the bet ion at
2215 Famain street.
The new location provides 2,000
more feet of floor space and will per
mit carrying a larger stock ir.ore ad
vantageously dihplayeU.
The policy of the Stephens Tire
stores is to sell direct to t!e con
sinner, thereby eliminating the ne
cessity for dealer profit.
Boston Gets Trainload
Of Reo Speed Wagons
Another indication of a return to
normalcy and a further proof that
business conditions are getting back
to their old time footing is evidenced
by the shipment of Reo speed wagons
which has just been sent out by the
Keo Motor Car company at Lansing.
This is the second solid trainload of
Kcos to leave the Lansing factory
within a period of three weeks. As
in the previous case, the trainload is
bound for the east, consigned to the
Linscott Motor Car company of
There Seems to Be a Lot
Of Mystery About This
It i rumored that one of Omaha's
automobile distributors is arranging
a pleasant surprise for admirers of
motor car luxury.
At present this surprise is shrouded
in as much mystery and secrecy as
the identity of the new king and
queen of Ouivcra. No plans have
yet been made public, hut the artists
who are now busy with an elaborate
decorative scheme, propose that
guests shall view the object of mys
tery amid tasteful and luxurious surroundings.
An all-rubbr otorage battery this
is the latent 'achievement in the de
velopment of the electrical sytteui on
the modern motor car.
Announcement of this advance was
made this week in Cleveland, by 'J.
A. Willard, inventor and founder of
trie battery manufacturing company
which hears Ins name,
In this improved battery, ejery
thing is of rubber excepting the
plates or grids. The wooden battery
box is done away w ith, and replaced
by a hard rubber case. '1 his change
lias made posiiile another important
one, (Vr with the wooden box there
passes the seperale rubber jar here,
toforc required for each battery cell,
The new case being rubber, it ha
lierti round praetieablc to mould it
with Simmies partitions, which elim
inate the necessity for The
term "inunohloc" which h;is been
applied describes the one-piece con
struction very tatisfactnrly. .
Between the plates, threaded rub
ber instead of wooden seperators are
used. This use of rubber, however,
is not entirely new, having been
started six years ago under Willard
patents. It is in the development of
the new case and the bringing to
gether of rubber container and rub
ber separators that the latest impor
tant advance has been made.
TlVfntl'.sei'rn ctafa in tl,A T V,i, i
---....J ... V ,VF,
now have over 100,000 motor vehicles
; 13 "i
I V ?J
J: ;.; vj-
D. J. Weaver.
'li. J. Weaver, for the pat two
veari w liiilr:i1i ni.iiiiui r fur I tip ()
N. Konney Motor company, has re
cently accepted the posh ion of sales
manager for t lie Scott-Bury Motor
company, J ackaril distributers.
caver was connected Willi the
Studebuker organization in the whole
sale department for the past six years
and has , served in various cities.
In his new connection with the
Scott-Bury Motor company. Weaver
will have charge of both retail and
wholesale sales.
iLcxiiigtoii Wins
Notable Victory
At Pike's Pe'ak
Spctial Mnlry IcaN in Il
Clu Uniting 1920 KetorJ
for Time by Two
I rxingtuii .wins aKaiii at Pike's
Auaiiist seure toinpetiiinn in the
wtxld's ttituti'st bill climbing cunt,
a I cNinwton siec,al, driven by Ut
l iirsfhc won lirst money on Labor
day in the second class, cars of IHI
to JOOincli pifton ilisplieenient.
l.oeschc tuaile the clout) of 12
miles and 2,.'t)0 feat hi l' minutes
iitid 47 4-5 seconds, lowered his owr
mark made when he won the f-'"
hill climbing championship at Pike's
I'l- ik. by more than 2 iiiinuies.
The result of the race is a trib
ute In the sportsmanship of Crank
P. AiMi-d, president of I .Kington
and allied romitaiiies. I'nlike m.inv
nuitor companies which retire from
the field to rest on their laurels after
winning one reat race, Mr. Anstrd,
with the P'.M title his, insisted up
on again entering.
In 19J0 Lexington was a new
conn r in the great Pikes Peak event.
Its double barrelled victory startled
the motor world. As a result Lex
ington taecl in me rJ.i race cars
of dcsicii (rout engine to
The vietorv of Lexington m its
clas in the Labor dav race proved
highly gratifying to President An-
sled. It meant that the Lexmgtoi
special wit!i a stock An tied engine,
not tiitly hum in n iU but was
only a few u omit behind the win
ner oi the liiu.ll bigger tl.i. llat
with tubir inch piion ibspUie
inrnt and mrr, a .ir e'luipned
with 4 specixl iinitor,
lVnul,iiiia has 17,500 ietj-1
!iue dealers.
lieruuny cvporti-d ,t,0iit aui--itiob'les
of xuiioii. l.iinN, and 4,SKI
molou)ilc in IV.V.
There me US passenger . 4'i
trucks and seven iiioloirj U in t';;
Italuiua islands
As many as fue dill'etciit kinds of
luxes are impose d on autoiuobik:
owner in many state.
The number of AinriiV.i.i-in.nle
autoiimbiUs in utay excerdi
those of any other country.
Small motor cars are used by ';9
Swit- postal authorities lor the
tiaiispotUtion of lettirs i nl telegrams.
The first cost
is practically the last
Tourinf Car SB8S Rodtr $933 ' Ssdu $1785 Coupe $1585
Panel. Butineis Car $1135 Screen Business Car $1035
MAftNtY 0123
103 Sa MAIN ST.
D0O66 Brothers
Phenomenal Price Reduction
Come within reach of all. $100 to $380 Reduction
Touring and Roadster, $595
Coupe, $850 Sedan, $895
f. o. b. Factory
Ask About Easy Payment Plan
Van Brunt Automobile Co
Council Bluffs
Greatest Value Ever Offered
' In a Class All Its Own
$355.00 to $370.00 Reduction
TOURING, $1525
COUPE, $2195
SEDAN, $2395
f. O. b. Factory
"The car that wears in while others wear out"
Van Brunt Automobile Company
Second Big Price Reduction V
I Chasi$ Cab Express Body - '
I I Reduction of $405 - A Reduction of $370 ' A Reduction of $355 I
I I Price F.-O. B. Fectory (' '. I
J I Most Phenomenal Value In Trucks I ,s
I I Thousands of users in various lines of business have in the past I
I I pronounced the "Olds Truck" a most economical and profitable invest I
I I ment. From nov on its value and usefulness will be manifold. . - I
I f Small cash payment drives one home. Place your order at once lo t
I I insure prompt delivery. I
II " J I Wm0$ffi or - I
I I ' "M """il cord '.I
I I We Can'' iJ O' W" i Tires, I
Furnish t&rAJ& " 1 ; I Electric
I ' You -ft 1 Lights,-- I
I I With '7T Ct J" Self
I Any &f r Starter
I I Special TzfS If Torbin- In
I V, Body J:) 4A sen
Desired Xkxi 1 ; - '. 0 Axle
ii, in
ii .
-V J
E can im
deliver the bearing
you need for your
car, truck or trac
tor. We act as the
, of the Timken,
New Dcparturo
and Hyatt com
panies in this city.
1812 Harney Street.
Phone Atlantic 2S44.
Thia tradonulc, itvnped in red
on the case, identifies the Wiilard
. Threaded Rubber Battery.
About Your Battery
Batteries will wear out
nobody can stop that, but
in a good many cases the
embarrassment " would be
less if the owner knew his
battery had "one foot in the
grave," and was apt to die
any time. When anything
like that happens we feel
that we have failed in our
effort to get your ear and
tell you the facts the
condition of your battery.
One of our most import
ant duties is to tell you
whether you own a Willard
Threaded Rubber. Battery
or not just how that bat
tery stacks up.
Come in.
Nebraska Storage
Battery Co.
20th and Harney St.
Omaha, Neb.