Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 10, 1921, Page 11, Image 11

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AR Field Gales to
Open on Wonder
Program Tuesday
llore Hacei, Vaudeville ami
Life-Risking Stunt of Huth
Law for Afternoon; I'ire
works and Show, Might.
Next Tuesday the niooiitlie gate
kt Ak-Sr-Bcn liirld will open on
probably the grfatrnt outdoor
amuetnrtit prcpgram cvtr offered in
np stale of Nebraska.
Everything lo be lcirrd in gen
eral amuntcnt will be provided.
Each afternoon horse racing will
be featured. Some of the let bar
nem bore in tbe country have been
tntrred.. More tlian 250 bead of fine
racing tUjr.U in to arrixe cn the
.grnunaY by. ,Tuclay morning. There
will be rtinnrrs. trotter and pacer.
HctweMV the heat tar vaudeville
tdfftt-acjs will., be offered. During
the racM and vaudeville acts baud
will ptly. - , . . a ' '
Then Ruth Law.
Then tfwre'will' be the vorld'n
Sreatett aviatrix Ruth Law. to per
form her 'wonder Munt.
Mis Law's performance consUW
of trick and fancy flying: in an air
plane. Aa . climax for her thriller
he stand upon the top of the plane
while her pilot, Lieut. Verne Treat,
put the .'Vl'I'". through the. loop the
A nicijrbcr of Mis Law'a flying
circus, seated in an automobile go
ing at a tcrilTic speed, change from
the automobile into an airplane by
the id of a; rope ladder.
' V' 'PcetT Start 'at 1:30.
Tn order to crowd- this program
into an afternoon's entertainment,
Ak-Sar-Bcn officials have decided to
ttart the show promptly'at 1 :J0 p.m.
The night show will offer in place
of tbe rare.-' the" pyrotechnic spec
tacle, "M on tezftma" or. .the "Last
Days oTthe Aztecs, .a gigantic fire
works display. ' In the production
of "Montezuma" a city, more than
500 feet long is erected and more
than. 250 person are included in the
cast... . ..... '
''Smiles ""6! 1921."
. Then- also every night will be
produced' the " "Smiles of r 1921."
Emile DeRecat will offer 50 gorge
ously costumed, girls with special
scenery and 12 principals. "Smiles"
has been presented four consecutive
months in one of 'Chicago's. leading
summer gardens where it has met
with pronoffneed success. ' '
Automobile races will replace horse
racesoiv.Satiirday aftcrmion. Oina
baniv.wvr .;hav6" .'an-' opportunity to
vrvtffais ,-thV severaf . of
America's, star .dirt tract stars, ac
cording to prescht indications. .
Jack and Jill
UrUt Cllu Xeici
' i TjlLDA . quit . today.? said JiP
. tsobcrLy, ..when Jack:- came.
:--home to dinner.
""Quit? What for?"
''Said the work was too hard," said
Jill. ,
i "Well, there it is. Give 'em The'
best in the world and they wirTquit
you cold."
"We never asked her. to do .any
.of the laundry wortf," Wailed Jill,'
"and she, was always tree at - 7".
o'clock ajid; lct' her go to the mov
ies any afternoon she wished to, and
only last" week I gave her that green
moiree dinner gown that you disliked
- Jack laughed. -"Well?"
mildly demanded ;'hTs
wife. 1
"What do you think Hilda." is gp
ing to' do with a dinner gown?"
"I showed, hei how to make it
over into a real nice dress, honey,,
and I - must say she seemed an'-'
. preciative." . s 1
. Welt i- "' ' "
"She said that housework tics her
down too much. Complained that
she had to get up', at half 'past six
fo get your breakfast and eve bad
the insolence to say that "she felt as
if she was one ' of- the ' family, -we
asked sq much of her., time.'-.' So she's
going to'work in a 'shirt-waist fac
tory downtown, where she has to be
in attendance only eight hours a day,
with a half. day off, every Saturday..
She was ' really. ' , quite impertinent
about it, too, honey; Said she would'
cam $20 a week and not have to
cater to any man as "
"As what?" . -, ' ....
"Well, as fussy a you. are."
Jack laughed. ' . - -v ' ; "
"Oh, honey,,tliat is; what I resent
ed so much," said, Jill, hastily, "be
cause you are really not fussy at all.
"Well, the thing to settle now is."
said Jack practically, "is what are
we going to do, now?",. ...
- Jill squared her preltv shoulders.;
"Well, Mister' JackJ' I'll tell you'
what we are going to do we are
not going to have another maid in
this house. I'm just going to do
the work and we'll 'save at least $15
a week. That's what Hilda cost us,
her wages and her keep.-' We'l' just
save that money." , ,
"But. Jilt dear. I wiff feet terribly
uncomfortable with yen rtaving'-at
home here alt day."
"Nonsense," Jibed his wife, "It is
not slavery at all. :: You see, a hired
maid just feels that it is slavery be
cause it is not her home. , And the
man about the house belongs to an
other woman " - : -
"I hope so," interrupted Jack
"And so the maid cannot help but
jret into a frame of mind that make's
her as touchy as a grand opera
It went off beautifully,.
There were amazing roasts and
dainty deserts and ingratiating sal
ads and oh. , wonderful coffee.
There were waffles for breakfast
and Tack wondered that he had not
discovered Jill's culinary artistry ,be-
tore. , '
But on the second Thursday Jib"
sighed over the 'waffles arid Jack
wondered if she miffht be fagged.
"Dearest," she said finally, "I be
lieve I'll take Hilda's usual Thurs
day afternoon off."
' "By George. VI should say "so,
darling," said Jack quickly. "What
. is it. matinridge'.
"Xcithes." said Jill cheerfully. 'I'm
going down fo the employment of
fice to get a new maid."
; -
Xew York City ki woman law
yers' associations
Kmc ft l.M KUia U tw.i.
l iin J. M liulUthan fur
fur tl ftu
Tag lr ill. two Tata I r.
c-iiia fur .Yinmg ,ui, Tf
uey are lll.ootf,
rh. Sctlill.l Mrr Mr. lif nb
fk liiarru-4 tu lU'fy Mum.
M'k a mooiiiJ 1ivore.
Voitity AU HUon-r Owl W,
Tondv. dim t.r i.iiifr, In kUUltf
M lf. Minnie, for dlvort-e.
Ittar IImh-us fur IUvll A churua
it i.ouu win in at mis "utixv
Hiiiiili revival In lit Auditorium (hi
Ilomt guKi-aiillnetlTll'rty U.yj
art iiuaranilried hi tht Mtwnio
lliimt en att-ount of o dlplitlicrla
KUiy MutorUl I'lneil HUiy mo
liirlMl wrr rtite.l yratrrdat ly
Juiig Vpilch fur brtuKliiK th
mil llaht law.
TrclatA CoiiiliK-ln I'Min-ml Ar h
liUlu.p JUny oitl-iu(j at the funarnl
of Mm. John mm M. I'wyi-r, piunvvr
umanHn, triaay.
rM.(n onu-laU It fro T. U. l4l
lullcu and ti. II. KlUworth, imikiuI
nmi'ial from waxhlnaton, eunri-rred
with J'uatmnairr Panic I yraterUay.
Mumlny lUnaiii'lpNlloii f
Mayor linhlman Umirtl roclatim-
turn yemoiUHy oiiiitniliia next .Mn
clny a "Knmnclimtioti i'ruulumutlon
I my. '
Xearn ll' ut Wiiun-t Krmik
ItedUl. neai'o, chot iy John Kinit
lut Monuay an they were IcbvIiik
tha i.-licus, dleil yealrrduy. King In
neiu lo the grand jury.
Kn-li More McmlM-r A iiirmbri.
ship drive will be laumhrd by
tiinahu credit men, they d"clded at
a meeting Thursday night In the
Chamber of ( ommert.-e.
"Opium IVn" ltMcl Opium
amokrra threw ihelr lwn out of the
wlndowa of 2111 North Thirteenth
atrect when the plare was raided by
oiMi-era Thuraday niKht.
Itiwlvrr Itcjiorln A trial balance
of 13.017.732 for the Guarantee Kr-t-urlties
company la ahnwn by paper
fllod In dlHtrirt court yesterday by
ine receiver, rranK Pheeh.m.
Hay . JMiir . Muht Work l'rlxe
ngtuera mum go to . work, i'olleqj
. on miMioner uunn unnoumes. He
desires to check athletrs propolne
to u II Omaha their Ivome wince the
boxing bill went. Into efftct.
Must rioKe IVnuk The bank at
Cody, Neb., will havi to elose Mon
day because both banker.' Edgar
and H. A. Cole, are summoned for
court service at Chadron, Neb. II. A.
Colo may be excused from Jury.
Westminister Church Fight
Taken Up to Supreme Court
A hi"W trial in tlii WiKtmiiic.
church-Field Club district suit was
denied by District Judge Goss yes
terday, the city attorneys office
gave notice of an appeal to the su
preme court.
Church members seek to build a
church at Thirtv-fifth and Wool-
worth streets. Field club residents
oppose it. Judge Goss decided in fa
vor of the church September 2.
Dr. Rohlf Chosen Head of
Medical College Alumni
Dr. Edward L. Rohlf of Waterloo,
la.f is the new' president of Ne
braska medical college alumni, suc
ceeding Dr; Oliver Chambers.
Dr. Clyde Moore of Omaha and
Dr.. Fredericka . Phillips of . Seattle,
Wash., are vice presidents, and Dr.
George B. Potter of Omaha, secretary-treasurer.
. The alumni reunion closed last
night. " ' . ., ' , '. ,. . . ' '
' .. . . ;- :' H , '
Realtors Submit to Council
r Plans for Improvements
Omaha realtors recommended to
the mayor, yesterday', putting through
the Douglas and Harney street Im
provement projects" by assessing 90
per cent of the cost against abutting
property. ' ' '
A a-SO per cent assessment was
recommended- for the Twenty-fourth
street project. - '
The council will act Monday.
Admits Spying on Hubby
Jfrs. Euretta Johnson spicdn lier
liusband by renting a room across
.the-street from oiie Which she al
leges he occupied with. another
woman on the night" of Jurie 23.' She
told this story yesterday -in court,
where bpr husband. Frank, is suing
for divorce.- Johnson denies. . her
charges. ' . . ' 'j ;
Couple Cannot Live Apart,
So Judge Sets Divorce Aside
They cannot live apart. Kenneth
and Edith Becktell decided, after
they were divprced from each other.
Vpstnrdav thev anneared before Dis
trict judge Fitzgerald and. asked to
have their divorce aecce canceiea.
The judge did it. , , ,
Valuable Setter Missing.
. City life apparently did not suit a
hunting dog presented to N. B. Up
dike b Charlie Irwin, well knowft
WvominfiT horseman. The dog disap
peared yesterday. It is a setter,
black anq ..white, lull grown ana wnn
a rope serving as collar. Finder' is
requested to call The: Bee.
Escaped Toledo
Bandits' Hunted
By Omaha Police
4 -aaasaaaBaw
"Kerp Your Hand on Your
Cunt," Lacouically Wuriii
Cliirf i Detective Join
Acting on tip that three gunmen,
who broke jail in Toledo. 0 while
waiting trial in connection with the
$l,OU0,U00 until robbery there hut
winter, are in Omaha, Chiel of Dc
VctivM Van Deueu elerday after
noon aligned four men to scour the
city until they are captured.
All three mej are known to be
"bad." They are Joe I'rbayti.
George Lewi, alia Geoige Roger,
and C S. Schultx.
"Keep your hand on your gum,
Van Druien laconically told Detec
tive Frank, Aughe, Kugtewici and
C'ich brfurc they left tbe ttation.
The three fugitive were indicted
in connection uitli the mail robbery
on February 17.
They made their escaie by over
powering two deputy sheriff, who
were shot during the encounter.
Detective at the station are of the
opinion they will not be captured
without a tight.
Brictson Asks Appeal
From Receivership
Attorney for O. A. Brictson yes
terday sought an order of appeal to
the circuit court of appeals from FeiU
eral Judge Woodrough't appointment
of a receiver for the Brictson Manu
tacturing company, but were unable
to obtain the order yesterday since
the judge has not yet returned from
Fargo. N. D.
lie is expected Saturday morning.
If the Brictson appeal is filed uc
fore October 1 it wilt be heard at
the December term in St Louis. If
not, it will be argued next May in
St. Paul, according to information
from the federal clerk's office.
Adair Comes From Boston
To Attend Sister's Funeral
William Adair, formerly of Kear
ney, but now living in Boston, was
in Omaha yesterday after . attend
ing the funeral of his sister, Miss
Helen Adair, at Washir-'-'n, la.
Miss Adair, who bad a wide ac
quaintance in Omaha,' had been liv
ing in Chicago. She died in Lake
Forest, Ilk .
Sent for Alcohol Permit,
Girl Seeks Soft Drink License
Dr. B. B, Davis needed some al
cohol for medical purposes. He sent
his office girl to the federal building
to obtain a permit. "Will you direct
me to the soft driiik license "depart
ment?" she asked ,. of the elevator
Fair Asks - Accounting
Campbell F'air, son of the late dean
of Trinity cathedral, brought suit
against the United States Trust
company yesterday for alleged ex
cessive charge of administrating the
Fair, estate. He, demands an accounting.
-the cream
of the market
is figuratively ' skimmed
every morning to make
possible the goodness and
freshness of the food
served a few hours later
in the Indian Grill Boom.
V The Fontenelle kitchens
buy only the best
Our Tavern Breakfasts,
complete 75c Luncheon
, and substantial evening
. dinner at $1.25 are popu-
... lar values.
Hotel Fontenelle
- Heme of '
Indian Grill Room
.... ' -. ... d
IPIfCh.'"'li'"lil"'"'" " "
9.LCsnH connrwwN
None of This
,A Piano from Oakfords
'Wi will not-pay a commission to your
friend for aell you a piano.
Our prices are lowest and right alas tht
Oakford Plan of One Price No Commi-'
aion could not have survived. You do
not need a third party to help you buy a
plane' from Oakford, the "Oakford Plan"
you the beat piano for your money
..We sell such pianos at the Kurtzmann, Haddorff, Cablt-Kinge-bury,
Wellington etc.
' We are Nebraska distributers for the Aeolian Player Pianoe,
Pianolas and the incomparable Duo-An Reproducing Pianos.
protects you; guarantees
' Write for
free Catalog
and Oakford ,
Plan of
1807 Farnam Street, Omaha, Neb.
Terms Can Be
Arranged to
Cuit You.
for (be ckildrae
A Realert film with Lewi
Saritet aterrUg. Saturday
For Ike Milt I bn.Le
a he Meaaeeiee Fleer Utide
ike eatreeee, Hereey al ITlk.
i6952 .7'
A Very Special Offering Saturday
of New Fall Suits
Specially Purchased for This Event
Only in seeing their beauty can you appreciate their
value. An exceptionally attractive collection of suits
of exquisite quality and tailoring, which were pur
chased under unusual circumstances especially for
this event.
There are handsomely tailored suits of Tricotine,
in navy and black, exquisitely lined.
There are plain tailored suits of rich Moussyne, in
loveliest browns, Moccasin, Volnay and navy.
And there are suits of Duvet de Laine, richly fur
trimmed in Mole, Wolf and Australian Opossum.
Every suit was designed and tailored
to sell for t a much higher price.
All sizes from 16 to 44
The Rdy-lo.W..r Sha Third FUer
A Group of Handsome Velvet
and Duvetyn Hats
A Rem
Specially Purchased for This Event
Each individual hat in this assortment was carefully selected; in
the correct modes and shapes for tailored wear.
They are made of exquisite quality Lyons' and Panne Velvets and
Duvetyn. - -
They are in such delightful colorings as : Fheasant, royal blue,
tomato, sand, pearl gray, henna, navy, Havana, burnt orange, and of
course, black.
Each is untrimmed: each, untrimmed, is remarkable at this price,
and carries that air of individuality which prefers a simple pin or or
nament in trimming. We will gladly assist you in your selection of.
suitable trimmings,
Tht MilKn.ry Shop Third. Floor
ark able S a 1 e of Fi ne
. Imported Gloves
95c ; $295 : $475
Average Half Price
'.'-. .1
Thousands of pairs of gloves in fine French kid, in imported cape
leathers, in French suede and lambskin ; samples and short assortments ;
gloves of first quality from a well-known importer. On sale Satur
day in three great groups: 95c, $2.95 and $4.75 a pair.
. French Suede, 12-button, Moutquetaire '
Gloves in beaver, mode, gray and white: $4.75.
Imported Cape Leather Gauntlets
Strap wrists, hew cuffs; also slip-ons; in tan, brown,
beaver, gray, black and white: $4.75.
Imported Leather, 12-button --
Mousquetaire Gloves in tan, brown, gray, willow
:; and white: $4.75.
Imported Mocha Gloves V
Silk lined or unlined, in gray only:
Two-Claip French Suede Gloves
In Russian red, gray, butter, brown and beaver;.
., $2.89. - - . ; ,
Imported Cape and Lambskin
Gloves in tan, brown, black and white : $2.95.
Resl Chamois Slipon
. and One-Clasp Gloves in natural color:' $2.95.
: Imported Lamb and Cape Leather
Gloves, one and two-clasp; tan, brown, gray, black'
and white; odd lots and samples: 95c.
Sale Opens at 9 a. m., Saturday.
Tho Clove Shop Male Floor
Special: Saturday
Penochi : lb. 44c
Deliciously rich with nuts; maple
and vanilla flavors. The Saturday
Special from'the New Candy Shop.
Tho MoiMniae Floor
36:in. Colored
. $l59 yd.
This favorite fiber silk fabric is in
the loveliest range of brilliant and
darker colors. An excellent value at
$1.59 a yard.
Tht Second Floor
R. & G. Corsets
Our new fall lines in this popular
corset are now here and priced at
$1.00 to $3.50.
Yh Secosd Floor
Hair Nets
In cap and. fringe styles, in all col-
ors, are priced, at $1.00 a dozen. Other
double mesh nets, 2 for 25c.
The Msln Floor
Fountain Pens
at: $1.00 each
Diamond point "Fill-E-Z" fountain
pens, self-filling, in short or regular
length, 14-k.' gold pen, special Satur
day at $1.00.
. The Mela Floor
Sections Are Overflowing
Just the Suit for
Boys at School
$7.50 to $15
Sizes 6 to 16
Most of them have two pair"
of trousers; in the nicest sorts
of materials that both Bub and
Mother will like.
, - f Th. Mile Floor
Heavy. Rib Stockings
50c: 6 pair for $2.45
Full length in ' black, sizes
6 to 10. ,
The Mile Floor
Aluminum Airoplanes
Fine Flyers: Special 69c
They're beauties, and fast
' Others, bigger ones are $1.29.
The Fourth Floor
s for School
Saturday: Tom will re
pair any boya' or girls'
shoes at HALF PRICE.
A Wonderful
Sale of Shoes
"Educator" shoes, those prac
tical healthful shoes for boys,
girls and older girls. Button
styles in black and tan calf and
in black patent leather with kid
tops. -
In brown calf : Sizes 8i to 2.
In black calf: sizes 6 to 2.
In patent leather: Sizes 6 to 2
A New Line of Boys'
Shoes: $5 and $6
Sturdy, brown calf bluchers,
solid leather soles and in-soles.
Sizes 1 to 2, $5t 2V4 to 6. S6.
.Th. Mela Floor
Cutest "Sassie
Jane" Dresses
. $5 to $8.95
Sizes 6 to 14
The prettiest possible styles
in just almost any color; prac
tical too, of fine cotton crepes
that will wash splendidly.
The Thlr Floor
Knit Union Suits
Specially priced 45c -
In sizes 4 t& 10, in medium
..weight. .
Th. Mela Floor
Bisque . Kewpies
' Saturday are 69c
They are a whole five inches
tall, and cute as can be.
The Fourth Floor
Look Up Top for the Movies for Saturday Morning