Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 08, 1921, Page 5, Image 5

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Pruhc of Omaha
Insurance Firms
Bared bv State
Applications for Renewal of
Licenrt by Otnalia Liberty
Fire and NrlraxLa Na
tional HrM Up.
' Lincoln. Sept. 7.-(Spec!al.) A
XebraiVa-IowsMistouri ';ndal in
volving the Omaha Liberty Fire In
turanre company and the Nebraska
National Inaurattce company va
brought to light today when
W. B. Young, chief of the itate in
turance bureau, presented newspa
per men Mith a 300-word report o
&n Investigation of Ihr.e concern.
Mr. Young Dialed that ai plication
for renewal of licemcs lial been
held up for two month, and finally
planted a month ago, after I. 1.
yimmer, president of the Omaha
Liberty Fire Insurance company and
etrrtarv and treaiurcr of the Ne
braska National Insurance company,
paid btick alleged enormoiu indebted
re to the first company, and after
he had reigned as secretary and
treasurer of the second. a:ul a like
resignation had been handed in bv
J. A. Wacliter, vice president of both
companies. He resigned from the
Nebraska National.
Other Conditions.
Other conditions under v liich the
license was granted were that Mr.
Zitntner should ceae to iccrivc com
mission in addition' to his salary
from the Omaha Lihertv Fire In
surance company, and that other al
leged( irregularities involved in the
organization, and interlocking di
rectorate and officers, shou'd be dis-
Operations ., of the company in
i . i.. . i i j
o were invoiveu wncn insurance
inspectors reported that in order to
comply with the Iowa law requiring
?200,000 in paid Up stork, the offi
cers and directors voted to certain
of their number the $86,100 they arc
alleged to have been short,
Liata of Officers.
Lists of officers in the two con
cerns, showing interlocking direc
torates, also were, included in the re
port. Following arc officers and di
rectors of the Omaha Liberty Fire
Insurance company: P, F, Zimmer,
pu-sident; J. A. Wacliter, vice presi
dent and director; George J. Adams,
rice president; R. J. Wacliter, secre
tary, and C. E. Sandstead, G. J.
Mauel and Frank Stcinliauer, direc
tors. Officers in the Nebraska National
Insurance company were E. D.
Beach, president; J. A. Wacliter,
vice president; P. F. Zimmer, secre
tary and treasurer; D. K. Williams,
assistant secretary, and J. A. Wach
ter, P. F. Zimmer, Peter Richling,
E. , D. Beach and Henry Nast, di
rectors. Nothing to Die in Committee
Slogan of C. of C. Chairman
W. H. Head, chairman of the ex
ecutive committee of the Chamber
of Commerce,, urged more "pep and
punch" and greater co-operation be
tween '""departnVtffT and committee
hiaU riiirins the comincr vcar at tlie
annual dinner at the chamber Tues
day nieht. ."
"Nothing to die in committee this
year." was announced as the slogan
of the organization. .
Following Mr. Head's talk, com
mittee chairmen submitted two-minute
reports oj the .work of their
Plays Stolen Mouth Harp
While Serving Sentence
Beatrice, Neb., Sept. 7. (Special.)
TDavid Sparks is spending four days
in the county jail for stealing an
old razor and a .mouth harp from
his brother-in-law, David' "McCarthy.
Srwks was arrested at Blue Springs,
' where he. said lie sold the! whisker-
i utter for 23 cents m order to get
something to eat. He brought the
mouth .harp to jail with him, and
informed Judge Ellis that he pro
posed to have some music during
his brief stay behind the bars. , .
Beatrice Will Vote on
Municipal Light Plant
Beatrice. Neb., Sept. 7. (Special.)
-Consideiable interest , is ceutered
in the special election to be held
in Beatrice September 20 when the
voters will decide on the proposition
of bonding the city for $150,000 for
the construction of a municipal light;
ing plant. At the same time the
voters will be called upon to decido
vhethcr they will give the local
electric company a 25-year franchise.
The eoivmanv's francisc expires
next spring.
Omaha Walking Club Plans
Summer Camp at Central City
Central City. Neb., Sept. 7. (Spe
cial.) The Omaha Walking clu'j
recently sent a delegation to this
city to examine Riverside park with
view to locating a summer camp.
Different members who had visited
the park had been so favorably im
pressed as to warrant the examina
tion. ' -
Golf Club Organized .
Central ; City. Neb., Sept. 7.
(Special.) A golf club is being or
ganired in .this city with a large
membership. The course is being
laid out and plans for the club house
have been secured. The site is just
one mile west of 'ie r''y- The fol
lowing officers have been elected:
. K. Mansfield, president: Dr. John
Kcllcy, .secretary, and George
Locke, treasurer.
Visits Mayor Dahlman. .
W. H. Beck. 81 years old. for 56
years a resident of Ithaca, Neb., and
for many years a power in state poli
tics, stopped at the city hall yes
terday morning and called on Mayor
James Dahlman. ,
Schools Open September 12.
Central City, . Neb, Sept. 7.
(Special. Public schools will start
to statement issued by Superinten-i
d;nt Beulah Dexter. I
Schuyler Schools Open.
Schuyler, Neb., Sept. 7. (Special)
Schuyler public schools opened
with an enrollment of "almost 800. j
.There are 27 teachers in. the faculty.
Statue of General Pershing
At State Fair Made of Butter
a m tfc.
. ; ir
Lincoln. Sept. 7. (iyccinl.)
(Jen. John J. Pershing .is the subject
of the statue in butter on exhibition
at the Nebraska State lair this year.
The statue is liic-sirc and shows
the commander of the A. K. F. on
District Judge Allen
Holds Delinquency
Law Unconstitutional
Madison. Neb.. Sept. 7. (Spe
cial.) District Judge W. V. Allen
sentenced Goldie Casncy, a de
linquent, to the state industrial school
at Geneva. He held that the law
passed by the last legislature . pro
viding for a clinical psychologist,,
under the direction of the state
board of control, was unconstitution
al. His ruling was based on the
article of the constitution stating
that no bill shall contain more than
one subject, which shall be clearly
expressed in the title. .
Pawnee County Men Must
Go to Jail for Bootlegging
Pawnee City, Neb.. Sept. 7.
(Snccial.) Ed La Briere, and
Charles Blecha ot Table. Rock and
Oscar Jones of Bookwalter. ail
pleaded guilty to the charge of boot
lt acini?. -They were taken in a . re
cent raid, which netted the officers
the fecond largest still ever captured
in the state. State Agent Dick
Fulton and'Sheriff McClung pulled
off" the capture unaided. The men
were all given the same sentence,
four months in jail and a fine ot
$500 dotlars.
Crippled Clay, Center
Farmer Takes Own Life
Ciay'Centcy. Neb.. Sept. 7. (Spe
cial.) Valentine Stellar, 65. took his
own life here by - shooting himselt
in the head with a shotgun at his
home near here. He was found by
his wife. ' ' "'
A rrinplcd hand, which has handi
caped him in his work, is believed to.
have been the , reason lor-lns act.
A pet bull dog, with whichi he was
playing last spring.' accidentally bit
him in the hand. The hand did not
heal properly and since that time he
has been partially disabled.
Pawnco County Farmer
Is Appointed Sheriff
Pawnee City, Neb., Sept. 7. (Spe
cial.) The - ccunty.- commissioners
after"" an all-day session appointed
Guy Avery county sheriff to suc
ceed John McClung, who will resign
soon to go to Lincoln 'as deputy
United States marshal. They con
sidered the applications of five can
didates: Arch Dugan, Fay Spees,
Scott. Philips, Lew Webb and , Guy
Avery. Avery will take the office
about October 1. according to
present plans. He is now farming.
Kansas Farmers Purchase
12 Cars of Apples in Idaho
Wy more. Neb.. Sept. 7. (Spe
cial.) Last week the farmers of
northern Kansas, through their
county agents, bought 12 carloads
of apples direct from the growers
in Idaho. Few apples were raised in
Kansas this rear owing to late frosts
and nearly the entire supply will
be shipped in from the vest.
Road Conditions
(Fnrnihd Omaha Ante llnb.) -
Lincoln Highway, East Roada rouf !i to j
Missouri Valley: good to Denlson; wth-;
cloudy everywhere. I
Lincoln Highway. Vicxi Detour "Water
loo to Valley: raining at Fremont. Schuy
ler and Central City; , putting In gravel I
roada at Central City to Chapman; roads
at Orand Island and treat are good.
. O. U D. Highway Good to Arhland: j
detour Ashland to Greenwood; roads to
uncoil ana vest are rine.
Highland Cutcft Roada " good; light
8. Y. A. Roitd Eicetlent cor-ottien, .
Cnhihusker li'ghway Very eood condi
tion. Black Hills Trail Son-. road worit.
Omaha to Fremont; raining at Fremont
and eoroe ahowera north; roads In- fair
George Washington HlghwaV Rnd
under construction to Slair: follow the
High road then tnke tha highway to Slftui
City: roads are flue.
King ot Trails, North Fair to Sioux
King of Trails. South Follow Thirteenth
street to Harrison, wast on Harrison to
Twenty-fcurth atreet, then turn south
onto K. T. Roads In excellent condition
to Atchison, rough to Leavenworth;
Leavenworth to Ksnsas City undr con
struction. Custer Battlefield Highway Tourists
report this road In good condition except
whero construction work Is tn prngrees;
seme detouring but in fair condition.
River to Rivsr Road Good to Dea
Whits Polo Head Excellent to Da
Moines; road work at Redfield, but very
good detour.
Blue Grass Road Very good -ondition.
t O. A. Short Line Excellent.
- Weather reported cloudy evorywh'ro ex
cept at Platsmouth, whrrs weather is
7 .-y' v'.v
horseback.' It n exhibited i-i a
large glas booth, the temperature
ot which i maintained low enough
to keep the butter solid. It is ths
v.ork of J. K. Daniel of Ft. Paul.
A study in butter ii an annual fea
ture at the fair.
Charge, Nebraska City Man
Wielded Wicked Meat Carver
Nebraska City. Xcb., Sept. 7.
(Special.) Henry Schapers is held
in the county jail on comnlaint of
the county attorney on a chsrge of
assault with intent to inflict great
bodily injury on hi' brother-in-law,
Abe Killing's, ..'who he, is alleged to
have chared out' of his yard with a
larpe butcher, kr.ife. .
J1 i v '
1517 Ppitglas Street H M jZ B E RfiS ! 5g Without Extravagance
: ':7J- a"'"
Our Magnificent New Home,
which we shall occupy ex
clusively upon completion.
Into this splendid structure, being erected imme
diately west of our present location, w shall
move our sales - organization and our business .
policies, but not one garment from our present
stock nor one fixture from our present store will
be transferred to the new store. Our life's ambi
tion to establish one of America's finest Apparel
Stores in Omaha is most successfully realized in
this wonderful new store.
Employes' Offer
To Run Cars Gets
Serious Setback
Urvritrr Men's Wf
! Not Suffiririit lo Coer Po-
i iMe Loi; Sy Plau
I Not Husinrlikc.
Dei Moiuc. Sept. 7.-(SpecW t0""ei 'l Sfott.bli.ff. After a confer-T.lraraiiU-IWibil.ty
of a t early rn , ,tHla "t KUmund Sun-
rYftutiipHon of car amice under the
"una'-nt''' biU proposed by or-kuni.-cd
employe of the traction
cimpany wat given a er''ou set
back 1utd4y by F. C. .'Imniber.
r reiver.
It ppem now that no j'opoi.
tion of the men molded upen that
submitted to the rity council lat
ueeU. will br accepted although
tccnivc of the car me'i'i union
.tatcd they were prepared to Mik'get
any other reasonable proposal if the
viiv council desired uch action.
Mr. I'hamhcri disclosed the real
naon for the rejection of t!ie uien'
propoal to operate the cjrj and
I uarantrc the company agtiuM Unt
during the period of the fianche
itrgotiationi. The wages of the men
.were insuflR'irnt to guarantee the
'cc-mpany against claim which might
tcsuit I rom any serious ac.-niciit, lie
jointed out. Another ob'ection is
hat the proposition is not business
like, he stated. The men, he said,
did not include a depreciation or
maintenance charge in their offer.
Such an item must be included in the
operation rxpcnsci because all worn
out property and machinery must be
The bondholders of the company
are also understood to be, epposed
to such a plan on the grounds that
the' property would be ivorth far
less if it came to -sate and had not
been properly maintained v hile in
Bonds for Power Plant at
Wisncr Carry in Election
W'kncr, Xcb., Sept. 7. (Special
Telegram.) A special election held
here to vote ?JS,(W0 .bonds for elec
tric tight and power carried by a vote
of 373 for, and 41 against. It is the
intention of the city to install new
engines in the city electric light
plant. Oil engines have been deter
mined upon and the city will shortly
call for bids on this type of engine.
The true
you view
Sugar Rrm Refuses
To Quit Advertising
For Factory Hands
Siibluti'. Neb, Seut. 7.(.pe.
iiul Trlgrani.) The Great Weteru
Jtigr company, which I advertiing
'tftiillv in flu aiift aiIii &f ti
IJUKt laborer, (or the end of thi
' muulh ut it Gilurlr in tierine.
Mitchell, Hayar.l and Scotttbluft.
Mill not take down it advrrliuig at
the request of the mayor and city
Deutafh and rity councilnien, the rf'
ipicst to withdraw the advertising
wa itself withdrawn.
City official had blamed a recent
increase in crime to the fact that men
bad come here for work and could
not at present find any. The mgar
company officers pointed out that
miles there are thousands of men
here at the end of September, when
the bect harvest begin, farmers will
lose a great deal of money because
of the scarcity and high prices of
labor, and the factory will lo'e also
because it will be impossible to keep
the factories running at c:pacily
when the camtainn starts'.
State Irrigation School
Addd Two Men to r acuity
Scottsbluff. Xcb, Sept. 7.(Se
cial Telegram.) Supt. T. If. Mc
Carthy of the Xebraska School of
Irrigation at Scottsbluff has an
nounced two addition to the faculty
of the chool. One i Hiilip M.
1'arker, Xebraska university gradu
ate in civil engineering, and the.
other is Claude M. Wood, graduate
of the Colorado agricultural college.
Nebraska City Man Falls
30 Feet in Small Shed
Nebraska City. Xcb.. Spt. 7.
(Special.) Delphus Uasac'uer of
Talmage was severely injured here
when a sued at the driving park tell
over an embankment 30 fc-t to the
creek below. lie suffered n deep
cut on his chin and forehead and
was otherwise injured.
Lodgepole Truck Owners
Will Aid in Beet Harvest
Lodgepole, Xcb., Sept. 7. (Spe
cial.) A number of truck . owners
from this vicinity have gone to the
ScottsblufTs country to take ad
vantage of the high wages offered by
the best growers.
Our Vast Stocks of
at prices that have
garment selling of
anticipated occupying our new
placed immense orders in accordance with these plans;
The building is delayed at least thirty days-the merchandise is here-our
only choice is to dispose of eery garment of our present stock-as we are
determined to open the new store with only merchandise less than one
week out of New York.
If the women of Omaha will fully comprehend the true impor
, tance of this event there will be the greatest period of
Apparel buying activity ever recorded in local mer
chandising. J
We have entirely forgotten costs and profits in our determi
nation to effect an all inclusive disposal of our present stocks
strength of this statement will
the tremendous assortments of
low prices that are in force.
Strand Theater
Robber Suspect
Is Under Arrest
Man (lixiiig Name of M.
Churchill Arrested in Kau--eas
City; Two Others
Are Sought.
One suspect in coimcc'ioii with the
robbery of the Strand tln-aier afcj(j0i,i been made and ix laige
early Tuesday morning, wtj cli netted and up-to-date fair building arc now
yeggmrn $J.IXX). ii now uu kr arrest
in KanM City.
The arrest followed ini-nmation
sent to police in Kana City Tues
day to arrest two men who left Oma
ha on the Missouri f'aciiic.
According to Chief Kdwards of
Kansa City, the man gave his name
at M. Churchill alias Westbrook. The
message stated that another man sus
pected of being Churchill's partner
cut off the train at Leavenworth.
Seek Third. Man.
Detectives assigned to the cmr
now are positive tliat a third man
aided in the robbery. It was he that
dmve the automobile in which the
bandit made their escape.
"We have information that the
man ' now under arrest in Kansas
City i one cf the yegg."' said Chief
Van Dcuscn. "He recently was re
leased on a bond after he committed
a similar crime two mouths ago."
The third suspect is said to have left
Omaha yesterday morning.
Find Hotel Room.
The robbery was planned in a lit
tle room in the I'arnam hotel, ac
cording to the theory of police yes
terday following the discovery last
night of the theater's money bag and
several checks in, the hotel room.
Charles Braiuetd, houseman at the
hotel, found the incriminating evi
dence while cleaning out a clothes
closet in the room occupied by a
youth who came to the hotel Satur
day night, but failed to register, lie
was stylishly dressed in a gray suit
and wore a brown cap.
Women's Swimming Meet.
Central City, Xcb.. Sept. 7.
(Special.) A swimming contest for
women will be held at the V. M.
C. A. in this city September 29. A:!
contestants must qualify for ad
vanced swimming.
best be realized when
Garments and see the,
Washington County
Plans Record Fair
Arlington, Nth, Sept. 7. (Spe
cial. )-tireat preparation are brum
made for the Washington county fair,
which will be held here September
11-22-23. The agricultural society
purchased the 32 acre Stork puk
which i one of the most attractive
natural park in eastern Xebraska.
It i surrounded on three aide by
water und i covered with fine hard
wood share tree. A fine athletic
being constructed
Much interest is shown from all
part of the county and a great deal
of the work of getting the ground
hi shape i bring donated. During
the past week Keunard ami Calhoun
have both sent a Urge force of men
to help with the building Farmer
and business men of Arlington and
vicinity are constantly on the job
with their hummer and s.tws and
niiu'li of this work is gratis.
Kntric already received indicate the I9.M fair will be the largest
ever held in Washington county.
Many of the stalls and pen in the
large cattle and horse barn and boa
house are already reserved. A fine
line of free attractions ha been con-
ThtScitntifie MilhodEcty, CtnlU,
Quick and San
A famous chemist, some- years
ago, discovered a way to end corns.
A surgical dressing house of
world-wide repute adopted and pro
duced it. ( t
Millions of people use this in
stant relief and quickly rid them
selves of throbbing corns.
The method is Blue-jay liquid
or plaster. One applies it by a
touch. The pain stops instantly, and
the whole corn quickly loosens and
comes out.
Old, harsh methods are supplanted
by it. So with corn pads, so with
paring. All such ways are folly.
Try Bine-jay on one corn now
and see. You will be delighted.
Your druggist has
Liquid or Plaster
Blue-jay ;
Stop Pain Instantly
End Corn Quickly
Fall and
completely upset the
Omaha in this great
building by September 10th
Thousands of beautiful garments particularly selected for the
Grand Opening of our New Store are now, through unavoid
able circumstances, compelled to be disposed of regardless of
their cost or worth. .
During the first few days of this Gigantic Sale we shall con
fine selling to Coats. Suits, Dresses and Furs alone, as our
limited space prohibits the showing of other lines.
ti acted o that thoe looking for rn
tertainnirnt will be mote than tatit
fied. The evening program wi.H
tonsil of a baud concert, open air
nits, and dancing tu the new paciliun.
Personally in chant,
Dr. H WllUsmaaa
r. C. M. Ilrookmas
f aiitUi
X-Ry Scrvic
Bailey Dental Co., Inc.
704 Cite Nsl. Maak Die).
JA eases 340
are sure
of its
Bowen's ,
Value-Giving Store
with a
Garland Pipelei
5 Tons of Coal
Every Room
Will Be Warm
At Bowen's