Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 02, 1921, Page 5, Image 5

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    ,-Mnim 4-r -
'- ,wV i1'
lllb tihb: UMAMA, rU.UA. MufltM Hfc.K 2. HUM.
7- pNRETTV Junior league girl
l-'iamri uii WfUnrLy. September
, cau and Mitchell, l.nglih K'.ltm. will play local folio rr f the
eKjlvg white ball. They will nil tag l spectator ami all proceed above
lite necessary expense wiU be devoted 10 lite charitable wutks o( llie
Ihe girt will wear v.liile (rockt and hat ami will carry miniature
glf bag lied with iiumcMm colored balloons. 'Ihe lag will be flat ami
round to resemble a lull.
- alia Urrtrudc Stout it now pretidcnt of the Omaha Junior league,
The marriage 'l '
ettr, daughter "'
' Ilenry J, "liuineiie, and Arthur f.
Martin, ami of Mr. A. Mattiti. txk
.place lat Monday evening. Onl
"member of the iniinediate families
were prevent. t
The only altt ttiliiit of the bride
wa lirr yoiiiiurr ilcr. Louie. and
I red LirhceU acted it be.t nun.
Immediately after the ceremony
Mr. and Mr. Martin left for an ex
Irnded motor trip through the tatc.
They will be at home at the Wayne
apartments Twenty-seventh and
LHrwey avenue, after September 10.
; Hayenga-Sellner.
The marriage of Mitt- iSrrtha
Louise Srllner and L. II. Itayenga
;of La Moute, S. 1)., took place lat
Satutday tvenimt at the home of the
I biidc'a mother. Mr. William V. Sell
; ner. Key. L. II. Ilayenga of Sibley,
la., rather of the groom, ollicutcM.
" Mr. and Mr. i. L, tlrtetilield at
; tended the couple. June Seiliert was
flower girl. After October 1 the cou-
- pic will bet home at I -a Muuic.
I Kock-Mcblaln.
The marriige of Mi llacl
MiClain, daughter of Mr. K. S.
Jilcilain and Otto II. Kock will take
I . lace Wednesday evening. S'Mem
J Iter 7, at the home of Kev. Charles
I'obbey. who will oflieiate. The cere
C inoity will be followed by .'1 dinner
J ut the McC'lain borne. Mr. Ko.'k and
I'i bride will be at home af'.er Sep
0 tember JO at 3316 South Tvtntieth
; atreet.
Mr. Piekard Entertain.
- Mrs. J. T. Fickard will entertain
at hiitchron at Happy Hollow club,
hriday. The honor guests will be
5 Mcsdames George Sowards, M,
; WykofT, R. A.- lialph and A. W.
Francis and Mrs. Francis' mother,
Mrs. Mary 1". Hoagland of Long
ISrach. lal. 1 be party will jiUp in-
' elude Mcsdames K. Parker, I".. A.
- Mason, J. W. Welch, N. II. Tyson.
I K A. McGlasson. C. A. Fair. II. V.
'Jeffrey, W. A. Wilcox, B. B. Combs..
- - M. Armstrong. C. A. Mitehel of
HclleCite and K. S. ISeaslcy ot Cotin
;. til Bluffs.
To Assist at Tea. '
Mrs. Richard Peters, Mrs. George
Fngler. Missea Ruth McCoy, Mytnc
Gilchrist, Kniily Keller, Marion
Coad, Mildred Weston. F.lizabeth
Barker, Geraldine Dare and Beatrice
Johnson will assist at the be
given Friday afternoon at the V." E.
Khoadea home by Misses Mildred
Rhoadcs and Grace Robjnsen. Miss
Margretha Grimmcll and Dorothy
Balbach, brides-to-be, will be the
honor guests.
Return From Colorado Camp.
Frances, Elizabeth and Helen Kob
ison have returned from an eight
weeks' stay at Portia Swett's camp.
Steamboat Springs. Colo. Elizabeth
won the ;silver cup- for ;the senior
swimming contest and Helen won
thr innior swimming contest. Eliz-
, abeth has two silver .cups from the
camp, having won last, year's con-
- . , For Louise Clarke,
"i- Miscs Geraldine and Gretchen
Hess ' entertained at luncheon
Thursday at the Country club in
honor of Miss Louise Clarke, fiancee
of Harkness Kountzc. 'Their quests
t were Mrs. Herbert 11. Davis, Misses
Elinor Bnrklcy. Dorothy Judson. Re
I pina Council. Josephine Schurman.
J Gertrude Stout and Phyllis W'atcr-
man. ' , !
' For a Visitoc ' .
Miss Henrietta Medlar entertained
-I. informally at her home Thursday
J afternoon in honor of Miss Gertrude
Sheerer of Hammond, Ind.. who is
I isiling her. Twelve guests were
- Miss Sarah Scars will entertain at
f-'lmirheon at the Athletic club Friday
'or Miss Sheerer.' v . . ' ,
M'.ss Stout Entertains. X
1 Mi.-s Gertrude Stout will .entertain
iut luncheon Friday" at the Country
Vub in Itonor of liss Louise C larke.
a bridc-clect. Her guests will Ik- Mrs.
Charles Burgess. Mrs. Lewis Bur
jess, Misses Geraldine Hess. Doro
;liv Judson,- Gretchen Hess. Ger
trude Kountze and Marie Ni:i11e, '
Church Luncheon.
'.Lowe Avenue Presbytcrhn Aid
society will meet for luncheon Fri
day at 1 o'clock in the church par-
- lors. - " . : ;
Problems That Perplex
Mmuerwl &
Not Truts Ijovo. "
Dear Miss Fairfax: I hive been
; in iove with a young lady for several
years, but she is rU-klo and selfish.
VVhrii I went away to France she
" -'ntvrtetncd the suit of another
1 man. but when t returned I per
' ' winded her to eom back to me.
I have been away from her for ihe
f a't year by h-r, as she d-
mltte'd she-'did not love ine and that
; nother 'man was more ottraetlve to
v her Uhe one -mentioned above. T!y
i ,'ier actions She caused me much ini-
hnppiness. aa am an idvallsU a be
i 'lever In true love.
Now- Khe has made we undce-
stand that she desires to tome baek
. to My val, who his spoken to
I her sime ibis request, tells me that
she has admitted to him that she
k. loves no one, and he advises me to
forget her. 1 cm 30 and she is :0.
' . - T. K .
w . How can you establish a happy
marriage on a -basis ot mistrust?
f - You rail the girl fickle and faithless.
V . Would you trust her to be a true
wlfeT It seems to me that you nre
'.' Infatuated with her. but have not
tha true love 1 which exists only
' where there is confidence and under
- The Married Philanderer.
, mm m v jj?ar MISS raina. mrta j euio
ttvr . ueaniv sm.ihivi
who fell in love with me., imr
friendship continued for over a year
before I learned he was married. I
was too much tn love with him to
five him up so continued to go with
him for about three yeari Ab-.ut
eight months ago I became acquaint
ed with a ma who has oince asked
. Society , j
adJ an attractive, "touch"
7 at I It Country club li
to Bol(
1 In l when Dun.
Club Women
Sell v Food at
I he Omaha Wonun's club
been granted a ronceskion to
dint a food booth at the Ak-Sar-Ben
carnival, Splemher 13-24. it wa
announced Wcditrilay at a mctlinir
of the iliib at the 'rett'ct Mile
club. Proceed from the sate of
bomeniade andwit'hrs. doughnuts,
pie, cheese and coffer will be added
to the club building fund. . ,
A payment of $11,500. ha been
made ort the building kite at OJJ
South Seventeenth lrert. Member
are bending every clfmt to raise the
l-alattee ol f U.500 required to done
the deal.
The home economics department,
Mrs. R. L Frantz. Iradrr, will have
a ale of home cooked foods and
needle work in Burgess-Nash tore
sometime in December.
Mrs. C. II. Townsend. a charter
member of the club, is mmIIuik the
fund from the sale of .organdie, flow
ers. While summering at Clear
I-ake, la.. Mrs. Townscnd received
many orders for her flower from
vacationists who commended the
work of the Omaha women.
The music department, Mrs. Ward
Shafer. leader, will give a serie of
six afternoon recitals during the
coming season instead of the annual,
concert, proceeds of which will go
towards the building fund.
On Nevember V, the lirst program
will ih given under direction of Mrs.
Ray Young. Other dates and Ica.l-rs as follows: December 14, Mrs.
F. J. Farrington; January, II, Mrs.
Burton' Laird; February 8, Mrs
Ward Shafer; March 8, Mrs. Ray
Abbott; April l-. Mr. B. M. Ander
son. Mrs. Shafer hopfs to present
the High School Glee club on the
February program.
Mrs. Shafer delivered a message
from Mrs.. Mark Oberndorfer of
Chicago, director ot music in the
General Federation of Women'.,
Clubs, in which she asked the aid. of
the club women in the campaign
against jazz music, especially at high
school dances. Mrs. Oberndorfer
spent a few hours in Omaha with
Mrs. Shafer enroute home from the
council meeting of the federation
held in Salt Lake. City in June.
At the suggestion of the president.
Mrs. Johannes, a drive for
new members was launched at the
meeting Wednesday.
One more sociM meeting will be
held before the club opens for regular
sessions in October, the date and
place to be announced later.
Proceeds from the luncheon Wed
nesday amounted to $23.50. This
sum will be added to the building
fund. .. ' .
Happy Hollow
Mrs; J. C. Buffi 11 gton entertained
20 guests at luncheon at Happy Hol
low club Thursday, and Mrs. John
J. Yates had a party of 14. Smaller
parties were entertained bv Mrs. Ben
Baker. Mrs C. E;- Terrell, Mrs. R.
E. Wilcox, A.- B. Clctfd, Catherine
Denny, J. L. llaugh and Charles
Mrs. Brycc Crawford entertained
a party of 20 at the children's, mati
nee. ' Parties of 10 were given by
Mesdatlies F. S. Martin, F. P. Lar
nion and A. C. Pancost. ' ' .
Among mose -wno win erne, a. ai
the d.nncr-dancc Saturday evening
are 1, S Byrne, who . will have 28
SlRoJ" R.V, la ' '
Field Club
Mrs. George Rasmussen will enter-
,lain a party of 20 at the children's
matinee at the 1'ield club Friday
afternoon. Other children's parties
will be given by Mrs. H. W. Hicks,
who will have 15; Mrs. George Miller,
16, and Miss Carrie Riemers, 10.
Services at Old People's Home.
Services at the Old People's Home,
Fontenclle boulevard, will be re
sumed Sunday, afternoon at 3:oU
The Rev. Johu Calvert of the Ben
son Methodist church will be the
speaker and the church choir will
furnish the music.
me to marry him. I think a great
deal of this man and care for him
more than anyone else outside of the
other married man. ,
;Jv'ow, would, it be Kate f jr me to
marry this second man whon I have
a greater love for the other? The
married man has asked :ne to wait,
saying he would obtain a divorce,
but since he has told ins this for so
long without any results 1 am doubt
ful as to w hether he wil!-gejt ; di
vorced in the near future
1 am sure that in the bottom of
jour heart you don't quite trust ycur
married man. And' withbut entire
faith there -Is no real love. , I think
what you feci for the marrfed man
is infatuation the desire for the
unattainable and a feverish excite
ment over the dramatic possibilities
of your situation Don't marry v a
man you don't love. Hut don't Ideal
ize a man you can't marry, who is
possibly deceiving the woman to
whom he is married and probably,
amusing himself with you.
, When to IntnKlucc.
A hostess is entitlod. to make all
and any Introductions' she sees fit.
Into some parts, of America has
crept the English custom of letting
the roof answer as an introduction:
for in fashionable london society
hostess takes it for irrauled that her
suests . understand that she would
Invite none but well-bred persons
to her house, and thnt. therefore,
they are tafe in addressing strangers
whom th.y encounter in her draw
ins room. ' Americans, however,
have not generally accepted thii
custom end consider it better for?n
for a hostess to Introduce her guests.
Fads and Fashions of Today
Combination of -black and while
are much in evidence among the fall
tylcs which arc now arriving on
every boat, and nlthough we have
grown o ued to atkociatiug lhU
contrast of the cxUeme of the col
or scale at the commencement of
each eon lately that they see-!!! a
inevitable a the summer swallow,
there are really ome interesting ttew
note in these recent model.
A favorite treatment I the over
dre or tunic of black taffeta upon
a foundation slip of white. Jn mntf
instance a lattice work of narrow
band of the 'material ornament the
bodice and akirt. allowing the white
tit show through the interstice;
other have the white ilk uperim
pocd over black in aproulike drap
erie. Modrl in which the contrast t
obtained by mean of embroidery
are of rourse in the majority, and
both silk flos and crystal or opal
escent beads are employed in achiev
ing the while oil black motif, while
on a white silk foundation jet beads
or deep black fringe are most fre
quently noted.
For formal afternoon frocks des
tiiteih to be worn in the early fall.
Canton crepe and taffeta strike the
domiiuting notes. However, many
of the lighter, vanetie of the crepe
family are used for frocks wlu'ch
have complicated draperte. Where
such drapery is a feature of the
gown it is almost invariably man
ipulated down the sides of the frock;
111 some instance tt begin liclow
the waistline and ripple below the
hem. while in others it hcuiitt at the
armholf as a narrow frill and broad
en as it descends.
In the kkitclt is shown a striking
illustration of a formal afternoon or
informal evening frock of ' white
French crepe embroidered 111 show-
Mrs. F. F. Porter is convalescing
from a serious illness.
Miss Helen Hirsch of Baltimore
is visiting Afrs. Edward Newman. .
Miss Geraldine Hess has returned
from a short stay 111 Des Moines.
Dr. and Mrs. W. F. Callfas are
planning a trip to Egypt in Fcbru-
ar- " : , Marie Hoyr"Tias returned
from Pender, Neb., where she spent
a short time.
Miss Ruth Cochrane returned
Thursday from Portia Swett's camp
in the Rocky mountains.
Mrs. B. Blotcky and daughter,
Anne, have returned from Excelsior
Springs and Kansas City. ;
Mrsr E. S. Westbrook and sons,
Edward, Richard and Rugfclcs 'are
home from Prior Lake, Minn.
Mrs. W. R. Adair and daughter
Marjorie will return home this week
from an extended eastern trip.
Miss' Mildred White leaves Friday
for Haywarden, la.,' where she, will
be located for the coming year.
Mrs. Willa Burnett and son, G. H.
Burnett, of Topeka, Kan., are guests
of Mr, and Mrs. Roland P. Thomas.
John L. Webster returned home
Thursday from an eastern trip to
New York, Washington and Atlantic
Mr. and Mrs. William Rcurke and
daughter, Mary Ellen, have returned
from Portland, Ore., and other west
ern points. ,iV ;
Mrs. Cecil Stout, who has been
visiting Mr. and Mrs. Merton L.
Corey, has returned to her home in
Edgar, Neb. .
M M , Eldredge
Homer and Ralph, of
. M wj,.
,iam Spnngmeyer; - .' -
Miss Elizabeth McDonald, daugh-
r J xs T.I... tfn..U
icr 01 wr. ana mrs. joint iviiyuuaiu,
will attend Bradford academy in
Massachusetts this year.
Mrs. ,M." C. Peters and Miss
Daphne Peters return Friday from
Des Moines where Miss Peters rode
in the recent horse show. ;
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph .Barker and
daughters, and Virginia, ar
rive hpme Friday from Wyoming,
where they spent the summer. , ,
Miss Jeannie.Dow is visiting Miss
Marion Miller at Lyons, Neb. Miss
Dow 4 w ilL attend the University of
Visconsin at Madison this year.
''hfai Elinor Kountze, who undcr-wentin-
appendicitis operation at a
Boston hospital recently, is recover
ing and will be "moved shortly to the
Wianno club, Wianno, Mass.. to re
cuperate before returning home.
- Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Weller.'. who
arc now in the cast. Will go to At
lantic City to attend the .national
drug convention the first part of
October. They will return td Oma
ha about October IS.
Dr. C. F. Crowley felt Sunday for
Montreal. Canada, by way of the
Great Lakes. He will attend the
meetings of the American Chemi
cal society in New York City and
ers of tut jet beads. It is one of
the recent models brought over "y
Dent and Ortcuber;;. This house
favors simple lines and exquisite ma
terials. The model shown has a soft
drapery of white crepe falling down
the sides, and while the upiht part
of the frock is almost straight, con
siderable fullness is gathered all
around the bodice at Ihe long low
waistline Like all the fall models
this gown is of medium length com
ing to within. evctt inches of the
floor The bead effect around the
neck is unique as it forms a lattice
finished with a narrow piping of the
white crepe. '
will visit his son, Edward, at An
napolis Military academy. He is. ex
pected home the Ust of September.
Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Kelley and son,
Jack, have returned from Colorado
Springs, Colo., where they spent the
month of August with Mrs. Kelley 'g
mother, . Mrs. Samuel Colt. , r
Mrs. W. E. Davis and family will
return Saturday from Denver, Colo
rado' Springs and Manitou, where
tl.ey have been spending the last five
Miss Dorothy Norton leaves the
latter part of September to-resupie
her studies at Highland Hall.MIolli
daysburg. Pa. Rudyard Norton will
leave about the same time, to enter
Yale. ' " .
Miss Margaret Kastmaii, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Osgood Ear-tman,
who graduated in June from High
land Hall, Hollidaysburg, Pa., leaves
September, 12 to enter Sweet Briar
college, Sweet Briar, Va.
. Mrs. C. W. Hamilton and daugh
ter, Miss Marion Hamilton, are home
from Atlantic City. Mr. and Mrs.
Hamilton and Miss Hamilton plan to
move to their new home on Thirty
seventh street October 1. ''
Mrs. ,C. . H. Aull, who is conva
lescing from a sefions illness, leaves
Saturday for Emporia, Kan. She will
be accompanied 'by her sister, Mrs.
J. Eckdall of 'Emporia. Mr. Aull
leaves Saturday for Philadelphia,
where he will visit relatives. "
Mr. and Mrs. Fred S. Hunter are
visiting in Kansas City with Mrs.
Hunter's sister. Mrs. D. S. Chcnev.
formerly of Omaha. Before returning
to Omaha Mf. and Mrs. Hunter will
make a . motor - trio throueh the
Ozark mountains with:. Mr. and Mrs.
Lheney. -;v .i, -.
; v Vegetables. 5 '
Almost all; vegetables are good
sources of vitamines. ; However, tlW
heavy, vegetables, such as spinach,
cabbage, lettuce and the fruit used as
a vegetable, tlte tomato.' contain a
larger proportion. The poorer sources
ot vitamines are the roots and tubers
such' as turnips and potatoes, and
seed vegetables such as beans. f
Before adding thickening to Ox tail
soup allow it to cool and remove fat
which' collects on top. '
Things You'll Love
; To Make.
Rcot Ribbon Paw el i
P.IMIU. T - . C..I
For that new silk frock make these
picot ribbon panels. Cut three-inch
picot ribbon into strips a little short
er than your skirt. Join the strips
of ribbon by overlapping the picots
and running heavy embroidery silk in
and out through them. Join as many
strips as necessary to make the pan
els the desired width..' Trim" the
sleevcVand bodice with narrower rib
bon that has been joined in the same
manner as the picot ribbon oanels.-
Copyright, l2t. Ptibtle Ledger Company.
A Sale of School Luggage
--at Unequalled Values
' t!. '..' ".' V "' .
. . The student going to college will find the trunk illustrated
' especially designed for his convenience. ' '
The following features have Won the 'x 'r
; -favor of many thousand owners:
Gibraltarized corners of the strongest, strong locka and hinges ;
lift top, making:' all garments' easy to, get at; cushion top holds
the garments in place, preventing wrinkles; shoe box, laundry
bag, four roomy drawers and locking bar, . ifQ OC
so drawers can be locked.- Priced at. . ,' .'. . . ..... POJfcO
Others at $40.00, $47:50, $55.50
1803 Farvam St.
A4l Garriaaa'a
u "Revelation!
The Way Grace Draper Anticipated
Dicky's Request.
Dr. l'ctiii aiartrtl violently at my
word, and repeated the name I hid
uttered. I
"Grace Draper." he oaid hoariely,
then rat quick. apprehenive, pre
lecting glance toward Claire l'otcr.
It was the sort of mid-Victorian
male attitude l-will let nulhing tin-eemly-conie-iiearii.
thing which
applied to Ihe up-to-date, thoroughly
tuphiktiratrd wotcru giri, made mc
smile to melf. even through my
anxiety a to the physician' reac
tion to my nervc.
Then he turned to me with digni
fied sternness.
"You have brought me here under
a misapprehrnoion, Mrs. Graham,'" he
raid. "I will not t at dinner with
Grace Draper, nor permit Miss Fos
ter to do so. You will please ea
cue us."
He was turning away, when I laid
my hand lightly upon his sleeve.
"Just a moment." I said tilktlv.
"May I remind you that your only
knowledge of Grace Draper has been
gained through vour office as a phy
sician? Apart from that you knott
nothing of her. Ma I ask what rea
son you will give Miss Foster, or
what explanation you imagine I shall
cive her if you do so outrageous a
thing as betray a professional confi
dence? I certainly shall not permit
i . - i - i:.i.i.n. "
iter 10 hj iiuiiic iivu
"Are You Not Afraid"
He started again and looked at
n y fare searching!)'. I knew that in
his preposterous conceit he was
afraid I might reveal to Claire Fos
ter the history of his long and asinine
devotion to me before he 'met her.
And I am afraid I meant him to
think precisely that very thing, im
possible as the carrying out of my
implied threat would have been.
Even his self-control could not
hide the battle that followed between
his fear of my revelation and his de
sire to leave. But fear finally con
quered, and he replied grimly:
"I am at your mercy, of course.
But are you not afraid"
Claire Foster's gay voice inter
rupted us with a merry sally, and
from that moment until, having sum
moned Grace Draper from ner room
we sat down to the prettily lighted
table stationed in a screened wing
of the veranda looking out over a
tinv moonlit lake, I had no time to
think of his unfinished sentence. Then
I acknowledged td myself that I was
afraid, horrjbly so, of this experiment
which brought Grace Draper, back
into our lives again. '
But I was determined that no Hint
of my feeling should escape me. and
tor .two hours, which seemed an
eternity, 1 furnished the conversa
tional background - against which
Claire Foster and Dicky scintillated,
in talk always merry and interesting,
and at times positively brilliant. --
Disturbing Thoughts. J
" How Dicky would manage his in
vitation to Miss Foster to pose for1
book I did not know, but after din
ner he proposed to stroll, down to
the lake. Adroitly leading the way
with the girl, he left Grace Draper
and me" to Dr.Tettit's escort Wllert
we all returned to the. - lighted
veranda, I saw by the girl's delight
ed, excited face that he ' had ' marie'
the offer, and she; had accepted it.
I saw Grace Draper covertly watch
ing, and feared that she, too, had read
the story rMiss Foster's , eyes' rt-
S3 : lt
o 2
e t
' f
, O
. 3
.. "
. '. " r
: 9
n I
Nl .
Hera 15 Years.
New fMa !
of a Wife" U
ttri, wondering uneasily how he
would act upon Iter knowledge,
I had forgotten her wonderful
loie. When Dr. Tettit had driven
awaywith Mtts Foster, Dicky Ugred
behind. I knew he did this (or the
purputr of breaking the news to
Grace that he mut have another fare
than Itrrt for hi ioc. Niddruly
she rose, crocd the veranda to a
pillar which partly shaded Iter face,
and aked quietly;
"Did it ever strike you tlm Mi
Foster'a profile i much like what
mine ued to be?"
.Dicky started, then returned as
"Have you seen it, too? It it
quite startling,"
"Do you know, honestly, Dickv, if
you ran get her, think you ouht
to have her do those potct instead of
me. I'm older, you know, and mv
mirror tells me how I've hanged."
There was nol a break in her voice,
l ut aomrthing lioprlrk in il made
my heart ache. Dicky's response
was prompt if stammering:
"Look here, old girl! Nobody in
the world can brat you at posing,
mid you know it. Miss Foster doen t the first rudiments of the thing.
4 1
Phoenix Hosiery-
The most exacting Hosiery re--quirements
can always be fulfilled
at Pray's Stores for you make
your selections from a Phoenix
Hosiery assortment that is Com
plete. Men's, . .40c to $1.10
Women's, 66c to $3.50
Children's, 65c to $1
Two Stores:
608 So. 16th St.
And 1008 Farnam St.
Phoenix Headquarters.
College Students
Have you made transportation arrangements
for your return to college?. 5
You '.will find extra roomy-sleeping-car
berths, extra fine dining-car meals, and
extra attention and courtesy from both
ticket office and train employes if you
travel via the
Milwaukee & St. Paul
For many years The Milwaukee Road has
specialized in the preparation of itineraries
for college students. Just let us know where
and when you want to go and every detail
of your journey through to destination will
be quickly and carefully arranged.
W. E. BOCK, General Agent Passenger Department
407 South Fifteenth Street, Omaha
Telephone Douglas 4481
How Yeast Yitamon Makes
Skin Clear and Flesh Firm
Concentrated Tablets Easy and Economical To Take
ResulU Quick.
Evf r woman
who bis heard of
the wondren
health and beauty
-making power of
the TlUmtnea In fresh Teee-
. tables and other
raw foods will b
clad to know of
the imatliit re
sults beloe obtain
ed from the hlirhly
concentrated yeast
VITAMON tablet.
These iupply a
proper doae of all
three vitamines
(A. B and C and
are now used
by --thousand of
men and women
who appreel a t e
their eeoaotny
convenience and
quick remit.
VITA HON miiet
The Ugly
with your food, hetr. It to dleest and
provides the bealtb-rfrlus;. strength
building nourishment ;hat your body
mut have to make Arm tiuue. strong
n-rve. rlrh Mood and a keen, active
bn!. It will not eane ga or npvt
the stomach, but on the contrary Is a
II tired you for emlhinj but jut
'one thing, and and if jou don't
mmd I would like to have her"
I "lor the lacef" Ihe words were
I lniokt a w hiir.
I "Only for the nVh cune. They're
jiut what nur were. Hut ilul't
ahiulutrty alt. I nnut have you (or
all the poture. and to wear the
tiiuit ilothrs and"
"I'll be glad to help you In every
thing even when helping you means
Iff ping out c( the plituie," she re
turned with what was evidently an
attempt at ig!une. Bur-jihe kept
l;cr (ace persistently in the shadow,
and long after we had left her I won
dered what had been in her eyei at
she watched Dicky (rout ;hat Heady,
masking shadow.
(Continued Tomorrow.)
Swelled Doors.
Door and drawers often swell in
Ihe damp weather, making it impos
sible to open them. Light 1 large
lamp and leave it in (rout of the
swollen article for about an hour,
and at the end o( that time th; wood
wilt have shrunk so that the drawer
or door will open easily.
Entertain at Dinner.
Messrs. and Mesdames C. S.
Bowman and W. W. Troxell enter
tained nine at dinner Wednesday
evening at the Field club in honor
of Mr. and Mrs. lay French and
Mr. and Mrs. Lee bkilrs of Spring
field. III.
great aid In over
coming Indigestion
or chroutc constl-
nation. Pimples,
boils and skin,
eruptions leem to
vanish as If by I,!.. Ik.
J "4 , complexion clear
igV and beautiful. Ho 1
benefits from these
highly concentrat
ed yeast VITAMON
tablet thst entire
satisfaction I ab
solutely guaran
teed or the smalt
amount yon pay
for the trial will b
promptly refunded,
lie sure to remem
ber the name Mas
Tablet the origi
nal and genuine
yeast-vitamlne tablet there Is noth
ing else like it, so do not accept Imita
tions or substitutes. Vou can rt Ma
tin VITAMON Tablets at ail good
itruavists, such rl Shcrmsn It Mc
Connell, Adamj-HainM. Alrxsnd-r-Jacobs.
J. 1.. Bramleis, Burztss-Nash.
Htyden Pros.
9 M
Beautiful VV
Clear A
Umertsins at Luncheon.
Mi. Utility Keller cntciUnud at
lunclieou at Iter lunne Tliursdiiy
cnmplnticiiiuty to Miss Martfirilia
liiininirl. Cums wrre tlacctl (m
I. anil lutulieott (o'.loweil ly
briil nr.
1 "
Value'Cliving Store
the Factory Heating
Engineer at Bowrn's
He Can Tell You
What Every Home
Owner Wants
to Know
"Where can I be sure of
Kettintr the heating sys
tem that will give me
every .known heating
comfort, with greatest
See Them at
By The Usa Of Black And
White Beauty Bleach
Do j-otl frown when your mirror si
glaringly reflects Home skin blemlr.'.t
sigh and wish for a quick and. easy
vay of clearing your skin.
Mere's a treatment which you can
use without fear, confident thet if
will nake your skin clear, Boft. f Mi
baby-Ilk tint ot youth.
Before retiring -tonight, elea..
your- ekin with a creamy lather o.
Black and White Soap, dry tboroly,
and then gently massage i with tho
tips of your fingers Black and Vhilo
Beauty Bleach. Tho next morning;
rinse the akin with cold water. Con
tinued applications of the Beauty
Bleach and tho use of Black ami
White Soap will give you wonderful
Black and White Beauty Bleach J.i
a, delightfully perfumed, pink-tinted
cold cream compound of unusual
merit will not grow hair. .,
Tour favorite drug or department
store should bo able to supply you
with Black and White Beauty Bleach
at 60c a jar. Black and White Sonp
at 25a a cake, or both will be sent
you postpaid on receipt of price.
Clip and mail this advertisement
to Black and White, Box 1607, Mem
phis. Tenn., for free literature and
samples of Black and White Fane
Powder and Incense of Blowers .Tal
cum. ,
No More Gas in
Stomach & Bowels
If you with to be permaneently relieved
of gas in the stomach and bowels, take
Baalmann's Gas-Tablets. -
Baalmann's Gas-Tablets are prepared
distinctly and especially for stomach (as
and n&rfiititailv tn !! 4 1, a kJ tt
coming from gas pressure.
j nai empty, gone ana gnawing feeling
at the pit of your stomach will disappear)
that anxious and nervous feeling with,
heart palpitation will vanish and yon will
once more be able to take a deep breath
so often prevented by gas pressing against
your heart and lungs.
Your limbs', arms and fingers won't
feel cold and go to sleep, because Baal
mann's Gas-Tablets prevent gas interfer
ing, with I. . ... i .
ness and sleepy feeling after dinner will
roon ne repiarea ny m aesire for soma
form of entertainment. Your distended
stomach will reduce by inches because gni
Will not form after uninff Hlalminn'i flm.
Get the genuine in the Yellow Packaef
reliable druggist.
To Make Hairs Vanish
From Face, Neck or Arms
(Beauty Culture)
Keen a little nnwHrrcfl rlnlstnn
handy and when hairy growths ap
pear make a paste with some of the
powder and a little water, then
spread over hairy surface. After 2
or 3 minutes rub off, wash the skin
and it will be entirely free from hair
or blemish. This simple treatment
is unfailing, but care should be ex--ercised
to be sure and get genuine
delatone, otherwise you may be dis
appointed. AhVEUTISKMOiT.
quickly relieTes Constipation, Bil
iousness, Lot of Appetite and Head
ache, duetto Torpid Liver.