Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 28, 1921, Page 4, Image 4

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Stockholders of
N.-S.-F. Take Up
Attorney CourtriglU Prcients
ffew Scheme to Pol Fre
moot Interests Location
of Headquarters Not
Fremont, Neb., Aug. 27. Resident
itocVholden pi the Nye-$chneidr-fewler
cpmpany met again list eve
ning In conference with Attorney V
J, Cpurtright, who returned from
GfticafO with a mrtercrit proposition
than the plan lent out i few d
bo from the committee which has
undertaken fhe reorganization of the
company In Ctiicago.
The important parts of the new
Erogram outlined yesterday evening
for the stockholders contemplates
reduction pi time on options from
Ijve to three years by a slight con
cession in price on the. part of the
Stockholders who are parties ta the
agreement, and placing the great bulk
of Fremont holdings, including those
feild by Frank Fower and members
e) his family, into one pot.
All paftiea included in this agree
went art treated alike. - Either every
ctne will sell his stock or none will be
sold t all All stock that comes
under this agreement will be hejd in
Omaha and will not leave Ne
braska. The tetaj amount pi stock to come
under this agreement is limited to
0,OOQ shares, or $1,00Q,000.
fore than three-fourths of ' thU
asjieunt hs already been pledged.
"Citireni of rremont are a bit wor
ried concerning the location of tht
Nye-$chneider-Fowler headquarters,
Whether the main offices will be fo
fcted in Fremont has not been it?
lermjiiad ai yet, but with the rear,
Ionization under the laws of Ne
braska, with the biggesj share of the
business directed from this state,
Jfyemonters 'are hoping that this city
Wjll remain the headquarters.
These matters cannot be deter
mined until the new management
acquaints itself wjth the situation,
Jr. Courtright is assured by the
creditor banks which he met on
Thursday that the proposition as
presented last night would be ac
ceptable to them, and also to Julius
Barnes, who is tp h4 the reorgan
iatio. Judge Says Volstead
Act Nullifies Customs
; f
fDetroit, Aug. part of the
United States custom, laws under
which vehicles may be libeled by the
government when used in smuggling
goods from 1 foreign country is null
aid vofd in so fat. as it relates to li
quor smuggling, according to a rulr
lag by Federal Judge Arthur J- Tut
U recorded today. Judge Tuttle
ruled the Volstead act which provides
a .vehicle seized in the illegal trans
portation of liquor may be returned
the owner
3' n prove his innocence pf smug
ing, had superceded the customs
fct as it related to the illegal liquor
traffic. ..
.Frederick L. Eaton, assistant disr
jrict Ittprney, announced hi would
Ask the attorney general for author
ity to carry the case to the supreme
Sfagftzine Man Identified aa
One Who Annoyed! Girl, (5
D.- B. Beauman. masazine solici
tor, arrested Friday night in his
room at the Henshaw hotel on a
charge of annoying Mayy UliJstf-arifl,
6-vear-old daughter of ftfr. and Mrs.
Gforge Hillstrand, 602Q Pine street,
yesterday afternoon, will be ar?
raigncd in police court Monday on a
charge of aiding and abetting the
delinquency of a mnior child.
Bcaunian was identified yesterday
morning in county jaij by the little
" girl, .who was brought downtown by
- her parents.
He denies being in the vicinity of
llie Hillstrand residence at (he time
of his alleged otrensc, according to
Deputy Comity Attorney Henry
; University o Syracuse
Plans to Honor Educators
' Syracuse, N. Y., Aug.. ?7-yf
cuse university soon . will adopt a
- unique idea in memorialising the
" jjjtmes of those educators and
: scholars who have rnd the instjru-
tjpn renowned. All class trees will
he christened with the name pf a
benefactor. The first tree to he sq
christened is a maple, and WH! Pe
Tjnown as "Chancellor Day." A
4 'solution to adopt the idea soon will
be offered, the campus improvement
committee and the board of direct
"prs. tornado Blows Children
';!'. Out of Wagon of Caravan
" tDeBton. Tejr., Auar. 2?.Two chil
dren of a party qf campers were
blown from their wagon against a
barbed wire fence and seriously m?
jored. and property damage estimated
at $100,000, mused by a tornado
; which swept Navo Community, north
"of Denton, yesterday afternoon, ac
cording to word received here tpday.
United States Rubber Co.
Lgst Money first Jialf Year
,'. ; New York, Aug. 27. The opera-
. emnc nf hm IIS Ktihhr rnmnanv
: for the first half of the year.showed
. 4 deficit of $4,87523 after all in-
. ierrci and nthrr rViarcr harl hn
,, deducted, according to a report is
sued by the company today.
4 ArriraJa.
t Glaaa-ow. ns. It. Pamona. 8ttlc
. Southampton, Aug. I6.T-OI4 iortB) Stat,
. DB!. Auff. II. Wet Kron, T
. CoptnhMao, ue. 20. Pas&ma, Fort
' Otitic, Auff. JO. Wtt Ktndro, T-
. Sydw, H. I, W., t-T-Wt glwn,
TarK. auk. rranca. tiavr.
KODe. Ant- 10. Ecumaro, bui rrinciico.
Sue. Sit Sllv.r stmt. BeatU. Talyo
Tiro, (jao.l: Ban Franclaco.
Tora. aok. is. cap Komain, lo
w1m and Saa Jranciaco, rrtdertca
i. Chrlattasia.
Vckholm, Auf. it. Valparalao, - Baa
Fire Fighters' Mascots
6 fxr 'ms)
Do fire fighters have to have rnas
cpts? Of course.
Here's a couple of mascots that
traveled a long way to reach Omaha
fire company stations.
The parrot is the official mascot
of No. J company at Nineteenth
and Harney streets and the monkey
is mascot of No. 2 company at
Eleventh and Dodge streets.
How to Be a Movie Child
If vou are under 30. have a lovins
heart and a husky constitution, you
do notneed to worrv about vour
livelihood. You can get 5 good pay-
: :.u ' .t-:u - " r
ins jut a p iiiuvic liiuu.
There are dpuhtless correspond'
ence schools which, (five excellent
courses in niovie-chtldinsr. But thev
are hgrdiy necessary.
lhe pest way to beg-.n is to go
fcssianal reputation badly dented
by the words pf a mere child.
No Love Lost.
The next day the movie child wjl
be out on the street throwing. bricks
at a passing policeman, a pastime
which flights all movie children,
and the doctor will drive by in his
He will smile at the doctor, but
I F Mj!iJHWi.HililKSBg8s
'" II
right to z movie factory and apply
icr the job. If you can give a sat
isfactory performance the first time
you will get jt. After that all you
need do is to follow the instructions
pf the director.
v Before you begin, however, there
are a few things that you ought to
know, lhe purpose of this article is
to acquaint you with them.
It is necessary, in the first olace.
to know how to swim. Movie chil
dren seldom have mothers, being the
sort of children who seem to be
cursed by stepmothers.
Now stepmothers are not only
celd-heartpd and wicked, but highly
irascible and temperamental females.
When they get put out about any
thing, such as a damp day taking the
curl put of their hair, or a bad night
at the neighborhood bridge game,
one of the first things they do is to
take the mqvip phjld by its hand and
lead the trusting little creature down
to the river.
Just as he is sayinar, "Look, mama,
see the preify ship," the stepmqther
seizes him under the arms, takes a
couple of 'practice swings and hurls
him into the water.
If the movie child can swim it is
all right. If he can't he has to wait
for the hero, who, thoroughly dis
guised as a big-hearted longshore
man, dives off a doek nearby and
hurries to the rescue.
This is all right if the hero baa-
pens to know how to swim. But
supposing he doesn't, where would
tle movie child be then?
, Melting Eyes.
. Another prime requisite for movie
childing is the ability to influence
by a lco)$ the. hard hearts of burglars,
Installment collectors, and small
town deacons whose business it is to
foreclose the mortgage on property
ppeupied as dwellings by movie
phildren and their impoverished par
ents.' Many a burglar, with his bag all
neatly packed with gold and jewels
and bonds, has dropped the swag
and broken out with sobs merely be
cause the moyie child sat up in bed
while the subtitle said for jiim:
"That's my papa's money in that
bag; he was saving it to join a golf
cub with, sir.''
If this is done properly the bur
glar will not only restore everything
in the bag to the various pieces of
furniture, bqt will leave a note in
forming the movie child's papa that
he (the burglar), has put him up
at his (the burglar's) own golf club
and will expect ' him around at 4
o'clock that afternoon to play a
If the caller happens to be the
deacon after the money long over-?
due on the mortgage the movie
child must say:
'When I am a man I shall go intp
the deacon business myself and fore
close a mortgage on your farm, ypu
big bum."
This will be too much for the dea
con and-with a harsh cry, which, of
course, you must infer from the ex
pression of his face, he: will leye
the place, never to return,
Another thing much expected of
the movie child 18 to he frequently
ill oh 1 desperately ill.
He must lie in a little white bed
with an expression of deep suffering
on his little white face, while the
old doctor snaps the lid of his medi
cine case and shakes his head, indi
cating that there is no hope what
ever. Then the child must summon
all its little strength pull itself on
the pillow and say:
"Never fear, mother, I do not in
tend to leave you."
Then everybody will mil., and
the baffled doctor will stamp out of
the house in a blind fury, his pro
the doctor will not smile back. Doc
tors do not like movie children.
They know too much about ioctprs.
Sometimes the movie child is a
caddy, and then he has to hunt for
lost balls while the golfer stands
and curses him, and threatens to
have him fired by tha caddy master.
But that is not serious, for he is
certain to find a diamond ring or
an oil well or something which will
put the golfer in a good humor. Of
course he pever finds the ball, for
say what you wil of scenario
writers, they dare not take too many
liberties with nature.
If you qualify as a mqvie child
right away, you wjU get ypur pic
tures in all the movie magazines and
ladies will send you candy, and per-
naps you can. get jprs as movie
children for your own little sons
and daughters.'
If yon haPPen to he out of a po
sition just now it is well worth try
ing. Yeu may have all the elements
that go tP make a first-class movie
child. You never can tell till you
see yourself on the screen. Perhaps
npt even then.
If torn thfa Bell Syndicate. Inc.)
Oldest Senator to Retire
At Close of Present Term
Hyde Park, Vt., Aug. 27. A half
century of public service entitles a
man to a rest, United States Senator
Carroll S. Page said.Mn announcing
that upon completion of his present
term in March, 1923, he would not
be a candidate for re-election. He
felt, he said, that he had done his
full duty, adding that he was the old
est member of the senate and that
when his term expired he would have
entered upon his 81st year.
Ultimatum Sent
To Ireland When
Plan Is Rejected
Uoyd George Say Govern
ment Cannot Continue
Mere Exchange of Piotei,
In Reply to P Vulera.
Br Tba Amoclnted Pren.
London, Aug. 27. David Lleyd
Qeorge, British prime minister, to
day sent a prompt rejaifder to the
letter of Eampnn de Valera, presi
dent pf the IrisT republic, which re
jected the British government terms
fpr peape iq Ireland.
The premier's note constituted a
firm reiteration of the government's
former stand, that Ireland could not
be permitted to withdraw from the
Mr. Lloyd George, in concluding
his note, still held open the door for
further negotiations with Mr, De
Valera and his colleagues if they are
prepared to examine how far tne
government's cpnsideration ('can be
reconciled with the aspirations you
represent.'1 He declared, however,
that the government "could not proi
long a mere exchange pf notes."
A hopeful aspect of the situation
as reviewed in London political cir?
ties is that neither Mr Pf Valera
nor Mr. Llovd Georffe has yet closed
the door on the negotiations,
Price pf Syrup Cut Half
New Orleans, La. Aug. 27.--Penr
ick and Ford, Ltd., one. of the largest
manufacturers of cane svrun in this
eountry, announced a 50 pgr pent re
1 . . . i. . ' - -1
auction m tjie peumg ppep qt fmyi,
Death Wins 5 Months'
Race From the Fmm
North to California
Seattle. Wash.. Auar. 27.-Death
won a five montns' race from the
frozen north, it was learned here
Friday, when the United States radiq
supply ship Saturrj arrived fjPP!
Dntcfi Harbor. Alaska, with the
body of Mrs. Alice Stanwood ParT
rott of Oakland, Cal.
Mrs. Parrott was with her daughs
ter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mjs H
V. Werner, and 1 1-year-old granp
daughter, "at McGrath, Alaska, far
nn t be. trlarial route of the KuskO;
kuwim river. In the early spring
Mrs. Farrott realized sne nap no
long to live. She wanted to gp hack
tn. Oakland to die. The elderly
woman was paralyzed, bqt ' her
daughter and granadaugnter staneq
with her over the perilpus trails with
a Ana tram. Werner was ill and un?
able to travel, Reaching Bethel, en
me CQa5t, ine IWIJ yamcn ani
found small boats that took th,erfl"tt
Dutch Harbor by stages.
Mrs. Parrott died within sitrht fif
the entrance to-Puget Sound.
You Know
Dental Offkes
Known for fine dentistry and
square business methods.
We guarantee our dentistry-
'it must he satisfactory in aerviee
and pleasing in appearance.
Honest Prices
All money paid en extraction!
will apply en plate or bridge
Examination a n. 4 . estimate
Finest X-Ray service..
1324 Farnam St.
14th atd Farnafa
Opening of New Cafe
MRS. BAKEJR, for the past
eleven years manager of the
Y. M. C. A. Cafe, wishes to an
nounee that she is opening her new
Cafe where the Quickserve was
formerly, under the City National
Bank Building, 16th ant Harney,
opposite Burgess-Nash Co., on 16th
St., Thursday morning, September
1, Mrs. Baker will continue to serve
the game clean, home-cooked foods,
prepared by the same careful coqks
at the same low prices she charged
at the Y. M. C. A.
We Will Cater to
Clubs and Parties
Hours: Opn from 6 a. m.
to 8 p. m. week dyi
not open Sunday.
Absence of Cigar ets
Worst Privation of
Woman in Red Prison
New York, Aug. 27. Mrs. Mar
garet C. Harrison, correspondent of
a Baltimore newspaper, who was re
cently released from, a Russian
prison, through the efforts of
Hoover relief commission, arrived
in New York Friday.
'What was the WPrst privation
you had to endqre In jailf" asked
the newspaper reporters.
"I had no pigarets, said Mrs. Har
rison. "It was terrible!"
She puffed vigorously at a fag
as she spoke and on a table in her
stateroom was a tray littered with
a dozen or more cigaret putts. She
is catching up fpr the tint" lost,
Baby Hurt in Fall.
John Lang, 19-months-old son of
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Lang, 4731 South
Twenty-fourth street, received a
slight cQnet)iou pf the br:r r,d
possible internal injuries w.f e:i he
fel down the hack lir$ at hi- honu1
Friday afternoon.
Tax Bill Given Preecum x
Over Permanent Tariff Law
Washington,- Aug. 27. Tse sen
ate finance committee decided today
to put the tax bilj ahead of the tarft.
Consideration pf the revenue meas
ure will begin tifxt Thursday by
which time hearings on the tariff
already scheduled will have been
Armour Employes Picnic,
More than 4,000 persons, employes
of Armour & Co., and their families,
gathered arpund the barbecut pit Sat
urday afternoon at the cqpipany pic
nic in Rivervlew park, A program of
sports featured the afternoon, after
whic hthe assembled multitude was
fed on choice beeves from the pack
ing house, with all the trimmings.
jfiiiiiiiiii:iii:fiiiiii;iiiiiiiiiiiiipiii!fi i"i''iiiiiiin;iiiiii)iii'i'i;iii(iii!iiiiiiiiiiiiii3
The New September Records
On Sal Today ;
This is the "snappiest'' list issued in a year. Every numfcer is
a gem, Remember the VOCALION REP record will play qn your
Victrola.or any standard machine.
10-tn. (
$0.85 I
le-in. j
$0.89 V
$0.65 I
10-in. j
to-f. J
fa.8 1
10-ln. I
ID.85 i
15- ln.
too I
16- in. I
II s
AI by My1f Fox-Trot Irvinff Berlin
Miml (MmMm) FKrTrot,- (Canrad) The Newport
Socity Prphetr
Threw Out th. Llf. Un (E. 8. Uord) Helen Clsik
"f fl)il ehuw " -
Hymn Medley Ne, 9 (Arr. fay B. H. Bpveri)Wlue
Shall Reign Safe in the Arnif of Jeiue Guide
Me. Oh Thou 6itat Jehovah Shsimon Fsur
Happy Daya (Streleiki)
Herd Girl'a Dream (Labi teky)Adlr Trio
Wnlta of Leve(Sherwo.d-Eiga)
Spmewhere' im Hpnplulu (gharwood-Vandertipot)
Ferer and Franchlni
Sharea ( the Shanni-ir(0'Cpnner f itierad)wArthur
Burnt ,
Lov Send Little Gift of Ro.r(Coek-6pemban
Sara Ash
Jane (Fleiton-Von Tilier) Creacent Trio
Ain'f X?u Ctmittf Put, Mallnda? (Sterling, Moro, Von
Tilier) Shannon Four
Melon Tjme Ja Pisleland. (Single) Harmonize-
Quartet " '
?t Take a good Man to Po That (Bayh wi fjplth),
Aileea gtaniey
One K ppx-Trot (Woods-Burnett-Brenheim) Ma;
Fjsher'a Orchestra
Canadian Canera-Fox-Trot ( Chandler-Whlte-Cohen )
elvin'i. prc)tra
Saturday Frqm "pinapshota of Fox-Trot Mftchell
Love Will Find. Wy Introducing; 'GrPl piuei"r-from
"Shuffle Along" Fox-Trot (Koble-BiMle-Suhie
Blake) Ltrey Smith ' Oreheetra
Every Girl Want to Be a Sally From ''Snapahet of
I'm Looking for a Bluebird Introd. "Sweet Malinda"
fox-Trot (Ricl Woodward) Yerket S. S. Fla-
tj)l Orchcitra
Learn to - Smile Introd. The Conversation Stay from the
Q'Brien Girl Fox-Trpt Hirscb .
A Qpby ia Love From the Last Waltz Fox-Trot
(Goodman and Benatsky) Al Jocker's Dance
When the Sun Goes Down Fox-Trot Bloom
Why, Dear? (Cohen) Selvin's Dance Orchestra
Ppwa at the Old Swimming Hole (Wflpoa Brtnnan)
-Ernet Hare and Billy Jones
Nightmare Blues (Befain Gillen) Harmeniier's Quartet
Oh, Tlt We Two Were Maying (Nevin) Nellie and
garah Kouns, Sopranos
Becauae(Teschmaeher d'Hardelot)
A Praam (Bart lett) Colin Q'More, Tenor
Selections from The Laat Waltz (Dunn, Atterldga,
Strauss) Aeolian Light Opera Company
Selection! from Two Little Girla In Bluest Youaans,
Lannin) The Aeoliap Orchestra
fprxa del Destlno Pace Mio Dio Mercy, Oh. My Lord
Jn Italian (Verdi) Ross Raise, Soprano
Madame Butterfly O Quantl Occhl fisl-(0 Kindly
Heavens) Ia Italian (Puccini )-Mar;e Sqnde-
lius, Soprano, and Giuljo Crimi, Tenor
S Saraa Bose Love in Springtime (Arditi In Italian
May Peterson, gpprano
Call or Mail Your Order
We pay postage
on order pf
' $3 or mora.
Oa lesf than that
4i !9s pF rw4
M0sr$c Co.
1807 Farnam
2 A Charge Account
Would an Efficient
Heating Plant
Increase the Value
of Your Home?
if it wo4 tke price paid sbouW b eonsi4'
ered'as an InyestofJBl a4 NOT an rapease,
it only remaiRS for you to get a quality product
The "VACUUM FURNACE'' is a quality proi
net in every little particular and eheaper per
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tfee market.
It PUtP you en a money saying fUfl bftSlP.' 98
wU ai proyidjgg for the eomfert and convent
ance of your family.
With Orchard & Wilhelm Co., the
"ona-pipe type" is not aa eypeninerit
-a guarantee is a part of every fur?
naee qpntraet
rjees" are reduced t a point that you ap
prove, and that will make your investment one
of genuine profit,
Without obligation, pfcena ATlantie 3000 for a
heating engineer, who will show you how the
VACUUM will heat your home,
;:g'i.nin.i;'e:ii:iSiH-isnI'H iaiiiiiians;:'iSi:'iS.;.i.'..-..S :,iS:S:'t.-a.i.H"nMe .:'Sili'!ilii'ia'ic
M arks the End of the I. Q.
Spend Sunday on the I. Q.
After you've finished with the questions, send
in the coupon to qualify your questionnaire.
Subscription Rates
Morning or Evening and Sun
day by carrier oy in Omaha,
Council Bluffs and in towns
where carrier boy service is
3 month . . , . 2.55
6 month . . 5.10
1 year ....... 10.20
Daily and Sunday
by Mail
3 month $2 00
6 month 3.75
1 year 7.60
I r n.. vim.iit Th nmti9 R Omaha. Neb.
Eoclos.4 find $ . for month.'
subscription to The Dally and Sunday Bee, to qualify my
, Q. for the.., Priie.
Name '
1 JJ ...!