Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 28, 1921, PART THREE, Image 16

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Up-io-Ddte News and Gossip of Interest to Sport Fans
Giants Make
Clean Sweep of
Pirate Series
Omaha Horses on
Display Before
Iowa Kiwanians
Indians Take
Pair of Games
"The Dubbville Foursome" By A. W. Brewerson
From Buffaloes
New York Wins Fifth Straight
Eleven Local Men Send Their
Thoroughbreds 'to Council
Bluffs Prosperity
Oklahoma City Couples Time
ly Hitting With Base on
Ball and Wins Double
ITfader, 6 to 4; 5 to 4.
From Pittsburgh in
Final Game,
3 to 1.
I Wins Golf Title
" J 1
I xN s - x 1
I j ,
l &tt r f
X 0 7s J
New York. Aug 27,Ne-w York
made a sweep of the five-game series
with Pittsburgh, taking today's con
test, 3 to 1, and reducing the Pi
rates lead to two and a rtalf games
It was Rchy'i sixth victory this season-
over the- league leader. Only
ope Pirate reached first after the
second inning. ' " " " "
pittsburoh. J
Ttlgbee. If 4 1
61 Burns, cf 3 0 1
I'arey, cf 3
M'nvllle. ss 4
Whttted, rf 4
C'tehaw, 9b 3
B'nhart. 8b S
Orlmm. lb S
Schmidt, e 3
Carlson, p t
Tlerney 1
Zlnti. p o
Olsmer, p
01 B'ncrof t, ss 3
SlFrlsch. 3b 3
0 3
2 1
1 3
0 IS
1 3
0 1
1 1
0 0
0 0
0 0
01 Young, rf 4
( Kelly, lb 3
l! Meusel. If 3
Ra'llngs. 2b 3
Smith, cf 3
xStencel 0
Snyder, o
0 Nehf, p
. Total! 27 5 17 11
Totals 30 4 24 10!
xTlerney batted for Carlson in eighth.
xStingel ran for Smith in eighth.
Brora by Innlnga:
Pittsburgh KHtm 01
New Toik 0 0 9 0 0 0 3 1 s 1
8ummry Runa: Maranvllle, Frlsch,
Young. Stengel. Error: Carey. Two-base
bit: Whltted. Sacrifice hit: Nshf. Left on
haaea: New York. 0: Pittsburgh, . First
base en balls: off Zlnn, 3. Hita: Off Carl
non, I In 7 Innlnga; oft Zlnn. 0 tn 1-3 In
ning; off Olsmer. 0 in 2-3 Inning, Struck
out: By Nehf. 1. Losing pitcher: Carl
son. Umpires: Rlgler and Moratt. Time
of game: 1:41
Phillies. 4) Ked, t.
Fhlladelpyhla. Aug. 27. Home runa by
Meadows. Wllliaina and Parkinson gave
Philadelphia a 4 to 3 victory over Cin
cinnati today In the deriding ara of
their series. Meadows had the better
of Donahue for the pitching honors.
A n H O. A . AB.H.O.A,
Neale, rf 4 12 0 .TSmlth. 2b 4 0 0 2
Bohne. 2b 6
(Iron. 3b 4
Rresaler, rf 1
D'ubert, lb 4
Duncan, If 4
Wlngo. 3
Knpf, xa 4
D'nonue, p 3
o n a Miner, an 4 n .( n
3 1 21 W'tstone. rf 4 -1 ! 0
K 4 BlWIIIia'a. cf 4 3 5 0
0 13 01 Lee. lb 3 0 10 1
1 A OIKIne. If 4 13 0
0 4 llP'klneon. ss 4 .3 3 3
n JlHanllnee. e 3 111
1 0 4 Meadows.. p 3 117
Totals 32 34 U Totals 33 3 37 16
1 None out when winning run scored
SoAr, Kit Inninfff ''
Cincinnati j.O 0 (f 2 0 0 1 0 0 3
Philadelphia ...,.-0 1 0,0 1 0 01 14
' Summary Runs: Bohne. Duncan. Kopf,
'Williams. Parkinson.. 2;. .Meadows. Errors:
Neale, Bohne, Kopf, J. Smith, Parkin
son. Meadows. Twa-baee bits: Neale,
Groh. Home runs; Meadows. Williams,
v.rum.iuv Sacrifice hits: Neale. Donohue.
First base on balls: Off Meadows. 3; off
Ponohue. 1. Stolen bssea: Parkinson, uron.
Struck out: By MMadowsV.'O; by TJojiOKue,
l. Hit by pitched ball: By Meadows, Win
go. Left on base: Cincinnati, 8: Phila
delphia. 0. Umpires: Brnnan and Hart
Time of game: l:8t .. I 'to
"Boston, Aug. 37. St. -touls " 'won'-- a
double-header from Boston . here today,
winning the flrat. 7 to 3, sind the second,
3 to 1. Stock hit a drive to left which
bounded into foul territory: and- went for
a home run. He also made a home run
in the flrat game. Score.:- ; . .
ATI w.n.A.r
nllh rf K 1 2 0 f owell. cf
0 10
3 a 2
13 0
1 1 ;2
0 1 0
a'J 4
1 1 2
1 .V 3
0 0 1
P rnier. lb 4
2 10 oiJ ncury. m
s n HCrulre. If
Stock. 3b 4
H'rnsby. 2b 3
Mueller, cf S
M'H'nry. If 4
I avan. as 3
"'emons. e 3
Dllhoefer, c 0
Hnlnes. p 1
Walker, p 0
x Shot ton 1
H'thcote 3
4IBoeckel. 3D
Hoik-, lb
niKor-1. at
J! Watson, p
o: Scott, p
ol Totala
33 6 27 13
Tctala 3 S 2T 1 1:
xShotton ran for demons and batted for
himself in eighth.
xHeathcote batted for Haines and foi
himself in eighth. . . , , .
Score by Innings:
St. Louis 0 0.0. 0 0 9 0 0 1 7
Boston 10 0 10 10 1 0-e-3
Summary Huns;-. Smith. Fournier,
fctock. 2; Hornsby, Mueller, Shotton, Pow
ell. Chrlatenbury, BoeckeU Errors: Four
nier, Lavan, Chrlatenbury. Two-base bit:
Mueller. Three-base hit: Mueller. Home
runs: Stock. Boeckel. Stolen bases Horns
by. Sacrifice hits: Cruise, Watson. Left on
bases: St, Louis, 7: Boston, 3. First base
on balls: Off Walker, 1; off Waton, J!;
r.ff Scott. 1. Hlta: Off Hainea, t in 6
tnnlnns: off Walker, X. In 3 .innlnga; off
Wats6n. in 7 1-3 innings; -of f-Scott, 3
In 1 2-3 Innings. Hit by pitched . ball: By
Haines, Powell. ' r '
Second Game:
' ' ST. LOUIS. B03TON.
AB.H.O.A.. . AH.H.W.A.
Smith, rf 4
1 2 OlPowell. cr 3 0 10
0 9 3Barbare. as 4 0,3 3
F rnler. tb 3
Stock. 3b 4
H'rnsby. 2h 3
Mueller, cf 3
M'H'nry. If 3
Lavan, sa 4
Piemnn, c 4
Sherdel, p 4
1 1 2lS'wori. rf 3 12 1
S 0 4lN'Ison. 1Mb 3 0 B 0
1 1 OlPoeckel. 3b 4 2 1 0
t 3 0'Holke. lb - 1 9 0
1 3 4lNixon. If 2 10 0
1 2 0 Ford. 2b 3 14 6
0 0 JlOowdy. c . 1 0 1 2
lO'cheer. n t 3 1 0 8
. Totals
33 S 27 HUGibaon 0 0
Totals1 30 27 17
xGibson batted for Oeschger in ninth
" Score by innings: .... ,
St. Louis . .0 .0 0 0 J 0 0 J 0 2
Boston .:-0 0 6 0 0 0 1 01
Summary Runs: Fournier. Stock. Bar
bare. Errors: Ford. Oeschger. Two-base
hita: Nixon. Southworth, Ford. - Home
run: 8tock. Stolen bases: Hornsby, Boeck.
el. Nicholson. Sacrifice . bits: Mueller,
Holke. Double play: Lavan to Hornsby to
Fournlsr; Oeschger to Barbara to Holke.
Left on bases: St. Louis. 3; Boston, S.
First base on balls: Off Sherdell. 6; off
Oeschger. 4. Struck out: By Sherdel, 1;
by OSeschger. 1. Umpires: Klem and Mc
cormick. Time of game:. 1:47 . - :
Dodger, IS I Cubs, 0.
Brooklvn. Aug. 27. Brooklyn batted
two Chicago pitchers for 1 hits today,
winning the last game of the ssrles. 15
to 5. Hard hltttng and brilliant fielding
by Orlflth and Meyera wero features of
the game. Score:
HTch'r. ss 5 1 1 i
Olson, ss
3 0 4
5 1 1
Terry. Ib SIS
T ombly. rf S 1 1
Deal. 3b t
Barber, If 3 3 3
Maisel. cf 4 1 S
Grimes, lb 4 1 S
O' Far' ell. c 3 1 3
J'hnst'n, So
Griffith, rf
Wheat. If
Nets, if
Mvere. cf
6 5 1
3 2 .0
3 0 0
S 4 2
S Oil
S 3 S
5 3 2
2 0 0
3 3 0
ISch'dt. lb
ilKllduff. 2b
Ponder, p 3 111
Cheeves, p 0 0 0 0
xKellener 110 0
Krueger. o
Cadore. p '
Mitchell, p
Totals 3 13 24 f
Totals ' 44 13 37 IS
xKelleher batted for Cheeves in ninth.
Score by Innings: ,.,,,, ,
Chicago 0 1(111111-1
Brooklyn 0 0 0 1 1 1 4 x 16
Summary Runs: Twbmbly. Deal. Bar
ker O'Farrell. Kelleher. Olson, Johnston,
Griffith. 3: Wheat.. 3: Myers, 3: Kilduff,
3; Schmandt. Krueger," .Mitchell. Errors:
Hollocher. Berber. Cheeves. 2: Mitchell.
Two-base hits: Terry.i Ponder. Griffith,
3; Mttchell. Three-base hits: Grimes. Kil
ouff. Mitchell Sacrifice hits: Barber. Pon
der. Double playa: Olson to Kilduff to
Srhmandt. Left on base: Chicago, 7:
Brooklyn,--10. First base on balls: Off
Mitchell, 1; off Ponder, t: off Cheeves,
. Hits: Off Cadore, 1 In I 1-3 Innings;
off Mitchell. 3 In 3 1-3 Innings: off Pen
der. 11. in 6 innings, none out In seventh:
off Cheeves. S in 3 Innings. Hit by pitched
ball: By Cheeves. Olson. Struck out: By
Cadore-. 3: by Mitchell. 1: by Ponder, 1:
bv Cheeves, 1. Passed ball: O'Farrell.
Winning pitcher: Mitchell. Losing pitcher:
Ponder. Umpires: O'Day and Qulgley.
Time of game: 1:65.
Join The Bee
I "rea msmf a LIU, cwnsi
Two Home Runs
Enable Yankees to
Defeat Tigers, 7 to 5
Detroit, Aug. 27. New York's
home runs defeated Detroit today,
Meusel hitting two and Miller one.
The bases were unoccupied each
time. The score was 7 to 5. Ruth
made .one single in three times at
bat.- - '
' AB.H.O.A.
Miller, qf 4 2 1
P'np'gh; as' 4 3 I
Ruth. If 3 13
Meusel. rf 4- 3 2
Plpp. lb 4 1 10
Young, 2b Sill
Jones. 2b
1 0
2 2
1 1
0. 3
1 4
0 0
0 0
Cobb, cf ..
Veach, If '
Heil an. rf
Blue; lb
Flagst'd, ss
Bassler, c
Wrd. 2b 4 0 1
M'N'lly. 3b 4' 1 1
SchaTig.-o. 4 0 4
Collins. D 4 0 1
Oldham, p
. . ixsjiorten
Totals 33 10 27 101 -
. . . .. . . - -Totals '.it 7-2718
xBatted for Oldham , In ninth.
Score .by innings:
New York 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 47
Detroit . 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 35
Summary Runs: Miller, 'Teckinpausfh,
Ruth,. Meusel, 3: Plpp, Jones, Cobb, Heil
mann, Flagstead, Bassler. Error: Ruth.
Two-base hits: Cobb. Pecklnpaugh, Plpp.
Young, Veach. Home runs: ' Miller, Meu
sel, 2. Double play: Ward to Pecklnpaugh
to Pipp. Left on bases: Now York, 3;
Detroit, (. Flrat base on balls: Off Old
ham. 1: off Collins, S Struck out: -By
Collins. 4: by Oldham, 4. Umpires: Dlneen
and Htlcftbrand and Wilson. Time of
game: 1:62.
Red Sox, 6; White Sox, 5.
Ch!caso. Auev.27. Jj"aber- had. two bad
innings today In which Boston bunched
hits and defeated Chicago, 6 to 5. Hoop
er's home run gave the locals three rung
in the first and by bunching hits with
daring base running they scored two runs,
after which Karr replaced Russell and
held the locals safe. Score:
AB.H.O.A.f AB.H.O.A.
L'lbold, cf 4 2 2 0! Johnson, ss 6 1 1 2
Foster, 3b
5 2 0
6 13
4 10
4 1 12
k'illg'n, 3b
2-0 6
M'osky. if
Collins, 2b
Hooper, rf
Strunk, cf
Sheely. lb
Falk. It
2 3 3
2 10
1 1.0
314 0
0 4 0
0.3 0
10 3
Pratt, 2b
M i nis, lb
JCOlllns, rf 4
Scott, ss. 4
Walters, e
xJones .
Ruel, c
Russell, p
Karr, p
lSchalk, c
0 0
ratter, p
0 0
1 t
Totals 33 12 27 12
0 1
1 1
Totala 37 11 27 12l
xVIck batted for Walters In seventh.
xJones ran for Vick In seventh.
Score by innings: '. -. .-' .
Boston 0 0030030 06
Chicago 3 1 0 0.1 0 0 0 06
Summary Runs: Lelbold, Foster. Me
nosky, Pratt, Scott, Jones, Johnson, Mul
ligan, B. Collins, Hooper 2. Errors: E.
Collins, Strunk, Schalk. Home run: Hoop
er. Two-base hit: Sheely. Stolen bases
Johnson, Hooper. Sacrifice hits: Karr,
Lelbold. Left on bases: .Boston, 6: Chi
cago. 8. First base .on' balls: Off Russell,
l; orr Karr, J. Hits: Off. Russell. 10 in
4 2-3 Innings; off Karr, 2 In 4 1-3 inning!
Struck out: By Russell, Faber, 1;
by Karr, 2. Wild pitch: Russell. Winning
pitcher: Karr. Time of game: 1:39. -
Indians, St Senators. 2.
Cleveland, Aug. 27 Cleveland bunched
hits off Zachary today and defeated
Washington, 6 to 2. Sewell played a
brilliant game In the field. Score:
- AB.H.O.A! AB.H.O.A.
Judge, lb 4. 010 II Ja'ieson, If 4 2 6 0
Bush, ss
3 2.0 HWamby, 2b -2
4 10 01 Speaker, cf 4
4 1 ' 2 II Wood, rf 2
4 2 4 0 Gardner, 3b 3
3 13 4 Sewell, ss . 4
Rice, rf
Milan, cf
Sillier, if
Harris. 2b
Shanks, 3b
4 0 1 21 Bums, lb 4
G'arrlty, e.S 0 4 0I O'Neill, e
Zachary, p
4 3 0 2
time, p
Total! 33 I 24 11
,.. - .-. . Totait 30 11 27 15
Score by Innings:
Washington ft 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 2
Cleveland ..' '..0 0 0 3 3 0 0 1 z 6
Summary Runs: Bush, Rice, Jamleson,
Wambsganss, Speaker, 2; Burns. Uhle.
Error: Milan. Two-base hit: Speaker.
Stolen base: Harris., Sacrifice hits: Wood,
2; Gardner.-"Double plays: Sewell to
Wambsganss to Burns, 2: Shanks 'to
Judge. Left-' on bases: . Washington, 7:
Cleveland, ,-'4. First base on balls: Off
yhle. 2; off Zachary, 1. Hits: Off Uhle.
in t Innings, none out In sixth: off
Bagby. 1 In 4 innings. Hit by pitched
ball: By Uhle, Harris. Struck out: By
Zschary. .1. Wild pitch: Zaehary. passed
ball: O'Neill. Winning pitcher: Uhls Urn
rires: Chill and Connolly. Tim of game:
Browns, ; Athletics, S.
St Louis. Aug. 27. St Louis bunched
hits off Rommel In the first four innings
of today's Same, scored seven runs and
won the second game of the series from
Philadelphia, to 3. Williams hit his
20th home run of the ssason in the second
innikg with none on base. Scoro:
AB.H.O.A. - AB.H.O.A.
Witt, rf i 1 0 TobJn,rf 6
3 0
Gallo'ay. ss 4 "0 3 llEllerbe. 2b S
2 4
2 13
Walker. If 4 1 3 oisielen 5
Perkins, o
Williams. If S
3 1
Myatt, c.
J'hnson. cf
Dugan, 3b
Dykes, 2b
Griffin, lb
Rommel, p
Naylor. p
J'eobjon, cf 4
Severeld, o 2
Collins, c 0
Gerber, ss 2
M'M'us, 2b X
Bayne, p 4
Totals 34 17 27 IS
Totals 36 1 24 11
xMcCann batted for Naylor In ninth.
Score by innlnga:
Philadelphia 10000 010 13
St. Louis 0 4 0 3 1 ( 1 0 x 9
Summary Runs: Witt, Dugan, 2; Wil
W. L. Pet. W. L. Pet
Wichita 78 63 . 5951 Tulsa ' 45 87 .341
Omaha. . 76 57 .571! Sioux City . 65 66 600
Okla. Clly 72 57 .55S St. Joseph- 61 6 ,473
Jopun - S3 64 ;496Des Moines 60 68 .46
Yesterday's Results.
Oklahoma City, 6-5; Omaha, 4-4.
Joplln, 6; Dea Moines, 8.
r Tulss, 3; St. Joseph, 0.
Wichita, .16; Sioux City, 4.
Today's Games.
Oklahoma City at Omaha;
Tulsa at St. Joseph. - '
Wichita' at Sioux City. :
Joplln at Des Molncs. . i - x:
Vt. L. Pet.
W. L. Pet
fPittsb'rgh 7 46 .6231 Brooklyn
64 6V .616
65 6S.447
49 72.406
.41 83.333
New York 75 60 .600 Cincinnati
Boston 66 55 .642 Chicago
St. Louis -.66 67 ,633 Phila. ..
.Yesterday's Results.
New York, 3; Pittsburgh, 1
Brooklyn, 16; Chicago, 6.
Philadelphia, . 4: Cincinnati, 3.
St. Louis, 7-3; Boston, .3-1.
Today's Games.
Pittsburgh at Brooklyn.
Chicago at New York.
No other games scheduled.
W. L. Pet. W. L- Pet
Cleveland 75 46 .6201 Boston 67.62 .479
New York 73 45 .6191 Detroit -63 67 .464
Washing. 65 69 .624 Chicago 62 69 .430
St. .Louis 62 60 .508 Phila. 43 77 .359
Yesterday's Results.
Boston,6; Chicago, 6.
Cleveland, 6; Washington, 2.
New York, .7. Detroit. 5.
St. Louis, 9; Philadelphia, 3. ; ,
Today's (James.
Philadelphia at St. Louis.
Washington at Cleveland.
New York at Detroit.
Boston at Chicago.
W. L.Pct. ' W. L.Pct.
Louisville . 77 52 ,597llndian,lis 61 67 .47f
.wnne piis ts SB .&&Z Toledo - 69 66 .472
Kan. City 66 58 .5321 Columbus 54 70 .435
AlllW Kee 6J 62 .504! St. Paul 56 74 .431
Yesterday's Results.
. Kansas City, 9: Toledo, 2.
LoulBville, J; -St. Paul, 4.- '
Milwaukee. --4: Columbus, 3.
Indianapolis, 7-4; Minneapolis,
' ' Today's Game.
Columbus at Milwaukee.
1 Toledo at Kansas City.
Indianapolis at Minneapolis.
Louisville at St. Paul.
liams, 2; Jacobson, Severeld, 3: .Gerber.
McManus, Bayne Errors: Dykes. Rom.
mei. , iwo-oase nits: itommei, Jacobson,
Dugan. Three-base hit: Bayne. Home run:
Wiiliatas. Stolen bases: . Witt, Severeld,
Gerber. Sacrifice hits: Severeld, McMan
us, Oerber, Collins. Double play: Dykes
to Griffin. Left on bases: Philadelphia,
7: St. Louis, 7. First base on balls: Off
Rommel. 3; off Naylor, 3; off Bayne, 2.
Hits: Off Rommel. 8 in 4 inning-: off Nav.
lor. 9 in 4 innings. Struck out: By Rom
mel. 1; by Bayne, 4. Wild pitch: Naylor.
Losing pitcher: Rommel Umpires: Owens
and Wilson. Time of game: 1:44.
Mile. Lenglen May Meet
Mrs. Mallory Wednesday
Newport, R. I., Aug. 27. Efforts
to arrange an exhibition, match , be
tween Mile. Suzanne Lenglen and an
American opponent reached a stage
yesterday which justified the an
nouncement she would appear on the
Casino courts here next Wednes
day. Her opponent has not been se
lected,, but the choice is .expected to
be between Mrs. Molla Bjurstedt
Mallory, Miss Mary K. Browne' and
Miss Eleanor Goss.
Mike O'Dowd, former middleweight
champion, who. after a long rest stopped
Silent Martin, the tough Brooklyn fighter,
in Brooklyn the other night, Is matched
to box Phtlly - Xing , at Newark, N. J..
next Monday' night. ; The- bout will be
a 12 -round no decision affair and will
be held in the open air. O'Dowd may
be matched with Mike Gibbons at
Wichita, Kan., on October IS.
American Association
Minneapolis, Minn., Aug. 27.
First game: - . - R. H. E.
Indianapolis 7 12 2
Minneapolis 1 t. t. .3
Batteries: Cavet. Weaver, Petty and
Dixon; Robertson and Mayer.
Minneapolis. Aug. 27.
Second game: R. H E.
Indianapolis,.., 4 7 0
Minneapolis " t 14 0
Batteries: Cavet, Stryker,' Bartlett and
Dixon, Watson: Yingllng and Mayer.
Milwaukee, Aug. 27. R. H. E.
Columbus ., 3 12 0
Milwaukee 4 7 t
Batteries: Hald, Odenwald, Clark and A.
Wilson: Gearin and Clarke.
St. Paul, Minn., Aug. 27. R. H. E.
Louisville 7 14 4
St. Paul ; 4 7 4
Batteries:' Cullop and Meyer; Hall,
Williams and Allen, McM enemy.
Kansas City, Aug. 37. R.H.I.
Toledo ' 3 8 2
Kansas City t 13 1
Bstteries: . Stokes and Schauffel; Carter
and McCarty.
Amateur and
David City, Neb.. Aug. 27. David City
base ball team won the tournament held
here this week by defeating Ulysses In the
purse for the winner waa 1300. Ulysses
got (200 and Columbus, which finished
intra, ito. scromsDurg iook mo iau
ender's puree of S100.
The brilliant pitching of Harry Smith
was largely responsible for the local's suc
cess. He ha twirled 23 out of the
games the team has played and has lost
but three. The aeores of the games by
Innings and the batterlea follow:
First gam4 R. H. E,
David City...... J 0 3 1 0 0 0 I x 9 10 (
Columbus ...... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 3
Batteries: Smith and Schaumberg;
Boetcher and Smagaz. Struck out by
Smith. 11: by .Boetcher, 1.
Second game: . R. H. E.
Ulysses .-. ; . ..0 0 0 1 3 0 0 1 0 15 9
StromsbUrg ..1 00000030 0 4 9
Batteries: Fitch and Neff; Madden
and Douglas. Struck out by Fitch, 5; by
Madden, 13.
Third game: R. H. E.
Columbus 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 3 x 6 11 6
Stromsburg .... 0 0030001 0 4 11
Bennham and Smai; Olsen
and Douglas.
Struck out by Bennham, 7;
Olsen. 6.
Fourth same: n. H. B.
David City . . 0 0300700 0 10 .10 0
Ulysses . . . . . .0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 3
Batteries; Buckmaster and Schaum-
berg-. Janacek and Pickering. Struck out
by Buckmaster, 0; by Janacek,- 9. Home
run, Tomes. Three-base hit, Knapp,
Schagodl. Two base hit, Knapp, Schaum-bere-.
Umpire for series: Harry sage or
Bloomfield Loses.
Bloomfield. Neb.. Aug. 27. Bloomfield
tost to Randolph In the last game of the
tournament bv a score of 6 to 4. "Babe"
Jenney of Hartlngton was in the box for
Randolph and hurled a good game. Ho
allowed but six hits and whiffed 10.
Helres, catching for Bloomfield. was hit
on the end of the thumb by a pitched ball
and was forced to leave the game. Black
smith. Hathaway and Cook were used in
an attempt to best the visitors, but 11
safe awats, coupled with five errors, gave
the visitors the lead ana iney nem n
to the end of the game.
' Wakefield Wins In Finals.
Wakefield, Neb:, Aug. 27. The Wake
field base ball club proved memseives
the ehamoions on the last day of the
tournament hero yesterday. Laurel won
from Ponca. 8 . to. 2. Wakefield then won
from Laurel by the one-siaea score m
14 to 3.
. Rain. Prevents Final Game.
tf.i.. Vnh ins- 27. A double-header
... ' .1,1 and lest dav Of the
base ball tournament, but a downpour of
rain stepped tno second gamo
third inning. Geneva won from Wilber In
the game between the losers of tho first
two days by a score of 13 to 11. 1M
second game stood at the close of the
third Inning. 5 to 0, in favor of heward
against Exeter Batteries:
schmeraa ana Biiinorn; """
Yost: Exeter, Williams, Hamilton and
Tillson; Seaard. Wiggins and Edwards.
Belvldere WJns Double Bill.
T..i.,u... K-h Atir. 27. Belvldere
won two fast games from Daykin Wednes
day, taking tho first' game, 4 to 2, with
c.J. jt tj,. u ih. hatterv for Belvl
dere and- Jackman and Jarchow for Day-
kin, Stone let- uayam uuwii "
hits and six strikeouts. .. .
Belvldere !!!?!;; 3
n.vkin 0 u 0 w " " 1 '
The game between the famous Brun
ing sluggers and Belvldere was won by
Belvldere wun rmiv, ""'-'h,r:
for Belvldere and Hawks and Schult for
iiJ ii n faced Phelps, who
St them down with on hit and shut
lining .....0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0
Race Open Custe Fnlr.
bJ.i... u wh . Aiiar. 27. The an
nual Custer county fair opened here Tues
day with a record-breaking crowd in at
tendance to witness the automobile races,
the purses for wntcn were un i"
amphitheater ana """"
eThe first race, which was for stock cars,
was won by A. D. Nelson. He circiea tne
track for a distance of five miles In nine
minutes. The free-for-all Ford race was
won by J. L. Mattlev of Sumner, his time
being 7 minutes ana ira'
G. A. Stant or Aurora unisncu
Prletaner, North Platte, secona, ana -.
V. ' Swanson, Gothenburg, third, in the
free-for-all event, which was the feature
race of the day.
T exhibits and the entries for prlies
In the live stock division were high' class.
e nonn s-mnw uunun, m.
Th North Platte Gun club team de
feated a picked squad from Sidney last
week..- The scvore of the North Platte
marksmen was 1,083 against 1,073 for
Sidney. Den was the high gun on tne
North Platte team with 97 broken targets
to hi credit out of a possible 100. White
lock topped the Sidney guns with a card
of 96.
Lexington Trounced.
Gothenburg. Neb.. Aug.. 27. Gothen
burg was defeated by Lexington In a clean,
fast game by a score of 6 to 5. Tho
score was tied op to the ninth Inning
when Lexington made two runs. Batteries:
when Lexington made two runs. Batteries:
burg, Taylor and Lighten.
Three-Day Tourney Ends,
atrom.hurs. Neb.. Aug. 37. (Special
Telegram.) A three-day base ball fes
tival was held at Stromsburg on Wednes
day, Thursday and Friday. On the open-
Ing day siromsnurg aeteaiea ruiienou,
1 to 1 In an Interesting game Ander
son for Stromsburg, pitched a fine game.
letting Fullerton down with 3 nits nn-t
trtkina- out 12 men. Batteries for Ful
lerton, Williams and Miner; etromsDurg, t
Semi-Pro Bdl
Anderson and Douglas. On the second day
the fast Columbus team went down to
defeat, getting the short end of a 8 to 2
score. Peterson hurled a nice game and
had airtight support. Columbus used
two moundsmen, but the Stromburg lads
were hitting hard and the change made no
difference. Batteries: Stromsburg, Peter
son and Douglas. Columbus, Miles, Justice
and Smith. The game on the third day
between David City and Stromsburg was
called in the first half of the rlxth in
.ning on account of rain. At that time the
score stood. 7 to 6, in favor of David
City. Hard hitting featured this game
and It is very doubtful how the gams
would have ended if nine innings had
been played. aBteries: David City,
Knapp and Shamberg; Stromsburg,
Mitchell and Douglas.
Horseshoe Tourney Today.
The second annual horseshoe pitchers'
tournament of the state of Nebraska will
be held at Washington today. Entries
have been received from ail parts of the
state and much! interest Is centered In the
event. A movement is on foot to hold
tho 1922 tournament either at the state
fair at Lincoln or during Ak-Sar-Ben
week at Omaha. This will be decided
Humphrey Trims St, Edwards.
St. Edwards. Neb.. Aug. 27. (Special.)
In a fast and interesting game of ball
on the St. Edwards grounds the Hum
ohrev Trl-Oounty league club annexed an
other game by defeating the team at that
place by a scoro of 7 to 2. Humphrey
cored in the first and sixth Innlnga
knocking the star twirler. Boetcher of Co
lumbus, out or tne box in tne sixm m-
ninir. Kite replacing him. scoring their
only runs in the eighth. Folliott on the
mound for Humohrev pitched his usual
game of ball and his team mates giving
him good support nad tne opponents tail
ing their turns walking to the bench in
fine fashion.
TiaitoHo Humnhrev. Folliott and
Baumgart; St. Edward, Boetcher, Kite and
Fisher. KtrucK out: By roinniv, u,
Boetcher. 1: by Kite, 2. Time of game: 1
hour and 30 minutes.
Humphrey has now won it games urn
of 19 played.
Tn PIait nt Suaerlor.
Superior. Neb., Aug. 27. (Special.)
Lovwell, -Kan., will play base Dan at
Superior Sunday, August 28.
Randolph Beats Magnet.
Ronrtnlnh Neh.. Aug 27. (Special.)
The Randolph leaguers defeated the Mag
net nine here, 2 to l. iiose iisiuiuk
the contest for the locals. The schedule
for the Randolph nine for the remainder
Of the season is as follows;
August zx. moomriem nere. .
August 30, Wynot, there.
September 2, Tllden at Pierce county
fair. ) .
September 4, Plalnview, tnere.
A three-day tourney wll be staged
here September 7. 8 and 9. The schedule:
September J, moomneia against wauss,
puree 6100; I'lamview against iaurei,
purse $100.
September 8, winners of seventh, purse
of 3100; Randolph against team to be
named, purso of tlOO.
Indians Defeat Humboldt.
Pawnee City, Neb., Aug. 27. Tho Paw
nee City Indians defeated the fast Hum
boldt team at the local base ball park
by a score of 12 to 11. Many hits were
allowed by both sides and the thrilling
episode occurred when Parll, pitched for
Pawnee City, fanned three men tn ninth
with bases full and the score tied.
Kreuger, local third baseman, made tho
winning run with two men out, from a
hit by Doc Parll. Parli and Bartholemew
were the battery for the Indians, and
Dean and Preston for Humboldt.
The all-star boxing card at Shlbe park
in Philadelphia, August si, wmcn wu,
feature Charley White and Benny Valger,
h.a k.n rnmninted. Willie Jackson and
Johnny Dundee will face each other, while
Gene Delmont tackles Billy DeFoe, the
crack St. Paul feather, and Jimmy Sul
livan and K. O. Loughlln, both of Phllly,
are down for the opener. All are eight
round bouts,
Mrs. J. J. McMahon and Mra. W. H.
Platner were the only women who dared
PIhv In yesterday's heat.
The Mldge Smith-Joe Burman bout,
scheduled for East Chicago, September
2, has been postponed until September
9. Dick Curley, the matchmaker, has
received a wire from Harry Neary,
Smith's manager, stating that Smith Is
ill and will not be able to appear on the
original date.
Walter Batchelor of New York, chair
man of the athletlo committee of the
104th Field Artillery, New York, wishes
to hear from boxers of all weights. His
regiment intends to stage bouts this win
ter in Its armory and the athletic of
ficers want to Introduce new faces to
New York fans. The profits are to help
maintain the regiment's wards in the Fox
Hill hospitsl.
Circles Bases in 132-5
Seconds, Setting Record
Rochester, N. Y., Aug. 27.
Maurice Archdeacon, center fielder
of George Stallings' Rochester In
ternational league club, prior- to the
Rochester-Reading game here yester
day afternoon, circled the bases in
13 2-5 seconds.
The world's record for running the
bases was 13 4-5 seconds, made by
Hans Lobert on October 9, 1910.
Eleven Omaha financiers, mer
chants and professional men, all
owners of thoroughbred horses, went
to Council Bluffs this week upon in
vitation of the Bluffs Kiwanis club
to provide entertainment for the sev
eral thousand visitors at the' Pros
pcrity powwow. '
Lovers of horseflesh were given
rare treat in the form of an oppor
tunity and privilege to examine some
cf the finest specimens of pedigreed
equine stock in the country. Money
could not have purchased the show
that was presented free of charge to
the powwow guests on this occasion.
No promoter could have raised
enough funds to bring these partic
ular animals together for, exhibition
Incidentally, the owners of the
horses accompanied the animals in
person and did not dispatch them in
charge of grooms. The owners and
the names of the horses owned by
each are as follows:
Gecrge Brandeis, "Princess Mc
Donald" and "Sparkling. Burgundy?'
Nels Updike, "Tom Mix;" Dr. Ray
Byrne, May Virginia; rrank Mc
Caffrey, "GrausUrk;" Dr. H. M,
Fitzgibbon, "Ginger:" George Flack.
Bess McDonald; M. C Peters,
"Dock;" Bert Murphy, "Miss
Murth;" A, H. Richardson, "Sister;"
Charles Oarvey, "Esther, ' and T. C.
Byrne, "Let 'Em Roll."
Oiler Recruit
Hurls No-Run and
No-Hit Contest
St. Joseph, Aug. 27. Hubert
Pruitt twirled a no-hit, no-run game
against St. Joseph today and Tulsa
won, 3 to 0. Pruitt. a left hander,
letter to state officials urging a par
is a junior in the College of Arts and
Science at the University of Mis
souri and has been with Tulsa since
the middle of the season. Not a
Saint reached first base for five in
nings. and then Crosby got on
through, Gleason s error. It was
one, two, three in the seventh and
ninth, but the Saints filled the bases
in the eighh when Pruitt allowed his
first base on balls and, Gleason
missed a play at second for a force
out and Thompson failed to recover
Nufer's easy rolled to third. With
6ne out Corridon. pinch hitting for
Griner, skied to Connelly, who dou
bled N.ufcr at second pryenting a
run. score:
Conn'lly, cf 4 14 HFM'Do'd.f f 3 0 1
Tno p n, 3b 4 o o 6lBeatty, lb 4 0 14 1
Davis, rf 4 0 0 OlCon'lly, ss 4 0 3 4
Todt. If
4 11 0 Fisher. It 3 0 0 1
Bran'n, lb ,4 .3 17 0
Gleason, Sb 4 1 1 6
Spell'n, c 4 1 3 0
stev'n n, rf 3 0 1 0
M.M'D'd, 3b z o 1 3
Nufer, 2b 3 0 2 2
M'Gin's, s 3 0 1 4iCrosby, c
3 0 4 0
Pruitt, p 3 2 0 llGriner, p
Perritt, p
Totals 34 9 27 17xCorrld'n
2 0 13
0 0 0 0
10 0 0
10 0 0
Totals 29 0 27 14
xCorridon batted for Griner In . eighth,
xbefate batted for F. McDonald" in the
Score by innings:
Tulsa .00 0 0 2 1 0 0 03
St. Joseph 00000000 0 0 I
Summary Runs: Todt. 2; Brannon Er
rors: Thompson. Gleason. Beatty. Earned
runs: Tulsa, 2. First base on balls: Off
Pruitt, 1; off Griner, 1. Struck out: By
Pruitt, 3; by Griner, 2. Left on baBes:
Tulsa. 5; St. Joseph, 3. Wild pitch: Gri
ner. Two-base hit: Todt, Connolly, Bran
non. Double plays: M. McDonald to' Con
nolly to Beatty; Connolly ' to Gleason:
Connolly, unassisted. Umpires: Holmes and
uutnrie. Tims of game: 1:17.
Miners, 6; Boosters, S,
Des Moines, Aug. 27. Joplln bunched
three nits and a walk on scnuman, i
recruit from Palmer. Ia.. In the eichth In
ning today and won the second game of
tne series, 6 to 6. score:
AB.H.O.A-. AB.H.O.A,
Ch'fn'n. cf 4 12 O'Con'r, rf 6 2 3
xHm't'n, 3b 1 0 0 OIRhyne, ss 6 2
Kenn'Sy, If 3 0 1 OIBrown, lb 3 0
Rob't'n, ss 6 1 0 OlMoeller. If
Mu'l'r, 3bcf 5 3 1 2IYuna, 2b
Spear, rf 4 2 2 UMilan, cf
Bourg, lb 4 0 11 0Grant. 3b
Krueger, 2b 4 2 6 3IAnd'r'n, c
Smith, c 3 15 SILong'th, p
Young, p 4 2 0 4ISchu'n, p
Wil'ms. p 0 0 0 0
Totals . 36 12 27 14
Totals . 37 11 27 17
xHamilton batted for Chrlstensen in
Score by Innings:
Joplln 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 3 01
Des Moines ...0 0 3 0 1 0 0 3 05
Summary Runs: Chrlstensen, Bourg,
Krueger, 2; Smith, 2 O'Connor, Brown
Moeller. Anderson, Schuman. Errors:
Chrlstensen, Krueger, Tuna, Longstroth.
Horns run: Schuman. Two-base hits:
Mueller, 2: Robertson, Toung, O'Connor,
Schuman. Sacrifice hits: Kennedy, Brown,
Stolen bases: Kruegr, Smith, Hamilton,
Speas. Left on bass: Joplln, 9; Dea Moines,
0 Struck out: By Young, 3; by Longstroth,
1; by Schuman, 4. First base on balls:
Off Young, 2: off Longstroth. 1; off
Schuman, 2. Hit by pitched ball: By
Schuman, Kennedy. Runs and hits:. Off
Young. 3 and 12 In 7 1-3 Innings:- off
Williams, 0 and 0 in 1 2-2 innings; off
Longstroth. 2 and 4 In 1 2-3 Innings;. off
Schuman,- 3 and 5 In 7 1-3 Innings. Los
ing pitcher: Schuman. Winning pitcher:
Young. Double play; Speas to Smith. Um
pires: uurnside ana Daiy, Tim oi game
2:00. . ,
Sioux City, Aug. 27. Wlrhita hammerel
Davenport to all corners of the lot ano
eveneo the series by winning torsy's game,
10 to 4. Extra base hitting was a
feature, .fourteen two-fly drive being
uade by the two teams.
Smith, cf
Harbor, cf 4
Leard, 2b S
O'ergard, s i
Met, lb 4
3 1
W'burn. 2b
M D ell. 3b
East, rf
Beck, lb
Butler, sa
Bl'kesly. If
3 4
3 1
2 0
2 11
2 2
2 1
1 5
0 0
3 0
0 10
1 3
1 3
0 A
0 0
1 o
Rob'son. If
31 Marr. 3b
OIKearns, rf
2' Graham, c
Griffin, c
Sellers, p
Dav'port, p
Klefer, p
Total 44 15 27 14
Totals 34 11 27 11
Score by Innings:
Wichita ....0 0 1 1 8 4 1 0 010
Sioux City 1 0100001 14
Summary Runs: McDowell. East,
Beck, 2; Blakesley. Griffin, 3; Seller. 2;
Harbor, ustergard, 2; Graham. Errors:
Beck, Metx, Graham, Davenport Two
baso hits: Griffin Beck, Washburn, 2:
East, 2; Blakesley. Butler. Harbor. Os-
tergard. 2; Robison, Marr. Klefer. Home
run: Blakesley. Sacrifice hit: Blakesley.
Stolen base: Ostergard. Double play:
.'.UlB'.i.snJ pi ti. lLauJ.i
a ;. rvA f i
Dr.. L. L, Nelson won . the chain
pionship . of the North Nebraska
Golf association . during the annual
tournament played in Norfolk. Dr.
Nelson who. has been playing golf
only a shrot time created a sensa
tion in - winning the association s
premier trophy after having won
the Nortolk Country club champion'
ship. D. T. McKinnon, two years
the association champion, aud also
champion ot the -local club, was
eliminated in the early part of the
to Beck. Hita: Off Davenport, 12 In
6 2-3 Innings. Left on bases: Wichita,
Griffin to Washburn; Washburn to But-
14; Sioux Clty. 8. First base on .balls:; Off
Sellars, 6; off Davenport, 5. loosing pitch
er: Davenport Struck out: By Sellars, A;
by Davenport, 6; by Klefer, 3. Passed
balls: Graham, Griffin, 2. Hit by pitched
hall: By Davenport, Griffin. . Umpires:
Buckley and Ormsby. Time of gsme: 2:00.
Corning Team Wins
Bluffs Ball Tourney
Championship . honors of' South
western Ia., was won by. Corning
(Ia.) base ball tosSers yesterday aft
ernoon in the final game of the three-
day base ball tournament held at the
Council Bluffs athletic park, when
the Coming team defeated Hamburg,
la., m a hotly contested game by
the score of 2 to 0.
The game was a pitchers': battle
between Roy Sanders, former Om
aha Western league hurler and lat
ter with the St. Louis Browns, and
Harry Baumgardner , also a former
Buffalo. Sanders, on the mound for
Hamburg, allowed the Corning play
ers but three hits, fanned eight and
walked three, but costly errors by his
teammates proved disastrous. '
Baumgardner also allowed Hani;
burg three hits, including a double
by Centerfielder . Otto. He struck
put eight and issued one pas.-
Otto scored Coming s first run m
the second, aafter 'two down, when
he reached second on Murphy's er
ror, stole third an.d scored, on a wild
pitch. In the sixth Hanson reached
first on Warmstaff's error and scored
on Otto's double.
The Corning team will olav in. the
Des Moines tournament against
other sectional winners to decide the
semi-pro title of the state.
lhe game in detail: .' '
Vernon, ss 4 1 2 1 Sandstr', sa . 3 0 3 2
Mu'phy, 3b
Payne, 2b
W'staff, If
Je'lngs, rf
M'field. cf
Speaker, c
Sanders, p
4 0 11
Clancy, 2b
4 0 3 1
4 0 0 4
4 2 10
Hanson, rt
-Butler, lb
Otto, cf
4 10 0
2 0 7 1
3 0 0 1
2 0 10 1
Lacy, c
3 1 13 1
3 0 2 OIB'artner, p
-4 0 0 3
3 0 11 2
Bigger, If
3 0 10
3 0 0 6
M'C'ana,.3b 4 0 0
Total ' SO 3 27 IS
Score by innings :
Totals '30 8 27 11
Corning 0.1 0 0 0 1 0 0 2
Hamburg 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Summary Kuns: Hanson, Otto. Errors:
Payne, Murphy. Warmstaff. Speaker,
Clancy, McClelland, 2. Left on bases;
Corning, 7; Hamburg, 6. Two-base hit:
Otto. Sacrifice- hits: Lacy, Butler, Jen
nings. Stolen bases: Spicer, Warmstaff,
Bigger. Baumgartner Double play: Ver
non, to Speaker to Spicer. Struck out: By
Sanders. 8; by Baumgartner, 8. First base
on balls: - Off Sanders, 3;, off Baumgart
ner, 1. Hit by pitched ball: By Sanders,
Sandstrom. Wild pitch: Sanders. Time
of game: 1:45. Umpires: Gonding ' and
Canton Gun Wins
Feature Trap Slioot
South Shore Country Club, Chi
cago, Aug. 27. Ellis F. Haak of
Canton, O., who stood on. the 21-
yard mark, yesterday won lhe Grand
American handicap,- highest honor
among amateur shots, decided over
the traps of the South Shore Coun
try club. The Buckeye shot broke
97 out of 100 targets.
It was the third grand American
for Haak and in the two previous
tourneys- he managed to get a piece
of the prize mpney.
lhe huffy breeze caused Haak to
miss two targets in the; third .brace
of 25 targets and one in the fourth.
Other shots who had' chances to beat
Haaks score fell down miserably.
Haak won the A. T. A. trophy and
$500 in money.
Ed Du Brava of Monroe, Neb.,
had a chance to tie the Ohio expert
if he broke all his targets in the last
event. When his squad was called
to the traps, Du Brava was the only
one of five to put in an appearance
as the others had dropped out of the
match. He then was compelled to
shoot his string at a disadvantage
and missed two targets.
"Young" Fitzsimmons Gets
Verdict Over "Kid" Palmer
Oklahoma City, Aug. 27. Charlie
"Young"- Fitzsimmons of Oklahoma
City was awarded the judges de
cision over "Kid" Palmer of El Paso,
Tex., in a scheduled 10-xound bout
here last night. The men are middle
weights. Write or Call on
Mr. Parsons at
the Bee Office
I-J'U. Jeal.r.JL i."..i-LJ '..'li"...J. . !. !,LL' .' .
an n it t bit an nn n I I.
Pitt, rf 4 A 3 2 1 A A 3 A
Wright. 3b. 40111 A AAA
Shunley, ill. 4230004 4
Harper, cf . .41 2AAAASA
(.rnlmm, Ib. 4A11A1ARA
Ileal Iv. If... 4 A 0 0 A A A ft A
Kiiimer, s., 8 I 2 A 0 1 2 3
I'nrker, c...4 1 2 2 A A 0 S
Stnnrr, p 4 1 110 A A 0 1
Totiils, ..Slll317"2"l"l2710
(ilalasnn, 2h. 3
llnney, 3b. . . 4
I.e. If 4
l ellvelt, Hi. 4
Miliary, rf . , 8
O'Hrlen, 'f . . 4
Mpmnger, ss. 2
I. Ingle, c. .. .3
vllnv'iiorl. li 3
0 1ft
0 0 1
A 0 1(1
A A 2
A o n
A A 2
A- A A
0 0 A
A 0 A
A A 0
xGlniier, p. . 0 0
xtirlfrin 1
xKurrh .... t 0
xSmltli 0 1)
TotaN SI 4 10 15 - 1 0 1 26 IS I
(.riffln hutted for Davenport In seventh,
xllurrh batted fur Hpranger In ninth.
xSmitli but I ill fur I.lngln In ninth.
xPitt out In first, hit by batted boll.
Score by Innings:
Oklahoma City A 0 0 2 0 1 t A 141
Onuthn A A 0 2 A 2 A 0 04
Summary Home runs: Lellvelt, Hur-
per. Earned runs ana nils: tr iraven
port, 4 and 12 In 7 innings: off Glulaer,
1 and 1 In i innings; off Monrr, 4 and
a n t a i .. .. i . i 1 1 ii .... Mr iin .'T
nn IihiIhi Off llnvennnrt. nonet off Glals
cr, 1: off Stimer, 1. Struck out: By
Davenport, S; by Glnlser, none: by Stoner,
9 li..,. l.l. itiuva; Khanlev to Runner to
(irnlinm; lliiney to Gislason to Lellvelt i
blituiiey to Kunser to (irnhnm. Passed!
halls: Parker. Hit by pitched ball:!
By Stoner. hpranger. Ift on liases: Omi
ritv. 5. I'mnircs: An
derson and Becker. Time of game: 1:65.
Second game: -
Pilt rf 3 I 2 2 2 A A A 2 A
H right, Sh.
II .11 I II I t l
Slmnley, '2b. S
Harper, cr. . n
5" A
A. A
A 0
1 A
A 1
0 -0
3 0
2 A
0 0
C.rahiim, lb. 4
Hently, If..,. 1
Kunser, ss . . . 3
Parker, c . .. 3
ove, n. x
SHlinbiiry, p. A
Mitchell, p. 0
0 A
Totals 3!1
5 110 4 '3 6 27 11 0
AIl.R.H.TB.SH.Sn.BB.O. A. E.
(.Vinson. 2b 5 1 32 0. -OA 11
Hani-y. 8h. . . 4 ' A A A 1
0 4
A 12
Lee. If...... ROtl
0 A
ellvelt. lb, 4
2 a o a
110 0
U.u.v. rt . . 1
........ f , i ' n .1 . a
O'Hrlen. cf.
m 1. " "
2 "8 0 A
Spranger, ss. 3
1 1
A 0 A
Lingle, c,
0 A
0 0
1 1
1 1
A A 1 "
0 A A
0 0 A
Bliss, p..
xGriffin .
xBurrh .
iSinilh .
3S 4 11 1M 0 3 27 S 1
xtirlfrin batted for Bavenport tn n nth.
xBurrh batted for Sprnnger In ninth.
xSmitb batted for Lingle In ninth.
Score by innings:
Oklahoma City 0 I A o A s A o l ?
Omaha Aioouooi s
BiinniFr llnnM runs: Harper. Earned
runs and hits: Off Bliss 3- and 8 In 6 1-8
Innings; off Davenport, 3 and 4 In 8 2-8
in.inn. off lr. 1 and A in 8 Innings:
off. Salisbury . 2 and 2 In a fraction of an
pitcher: Bliss. Struck out: By Bliss, 3,
by Davenport, 2; by Love, 2( by Salis
bury, none: by Mitchell, none. First bae
on balls: Off Bliss, : off Davenport,
none; off Love, 3; off Salisbury, nonet off
Mitchell, none. Left on bases: Omaha,
6; Oklahoma City. 8. Double plays: Kone.
Fussed ball: Lingle. Time of game: 1:45.
Umpires: Becker and Anderson.
Omaha slipped a couple of cogs
in the Western league standings yes
terday afternoon when the Oklaho
ma Cftv Indians herded the Buf
faloes into the lot at Fifteenth- and
1IICCI1L11 auu
nrerl a rlnn-
Vinton streets and captured a dou
ble-header by the scores
S of 6 to 4
the nart cf
and S to 4.
Opportune hitting on ! the
the visitors during the initi
initial con-
test spelled defeat for Barney
Burch's hirelings, while' three bases
on balls and a trio of one-base blows
during the sixth inning of the second
game cost the locals another contest.
Haroer. soeedy little center neiaer
for the Indians, cracked out a home
run in the first game and scored a
teammate, 'and in the second round of
the last affair, parked 'the ball out
side' the' timber for his second four-
Tack Lelivelt, Western league lead
ing pill smasher, poled out a circuit
clout in tne sixtn inning or me nrst
game, which scored -"Billy" Lee
from second.
A double-header is on the card for
this' afternoon.
Littleton. Wins Decision Oyer
Wio-o-ins in lS-Round Bout
" -DO
New Orleans. La.. Aug. 27.
Happy Litleton of New Orleantj1!
.1-. c j. .:,: ..
won ine reieiccs uctisiuu
rrnirk Witrp-ins of Indiananolis at
the end of their 15-round bout last
night. Wiggins weighed 163 pounds
and Littleton 162.
Archie Jacobs
Jake Katleman '
A Real Cigar Store
and direct wires on
all. other sport
events. Returns
gladly given by
phone. Jackson
Get your tickets for
the Schlaifer-McCue
fight here.
318 South 15th St.