Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 25, 1921, Page 7, Image 7

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M'Adoo Says U. S.
Not Bound to Pay
Money to Roads
Opinion of Ex-Director Gen
eral Given Senate in Letter
After Committee Re
fuses to Call Him.
Washington. Aug. 21 Disap
proval of the administration's rail
road funding bill, recently reported
to the senate interstate commerce
committee, was expressed by Wil
liam O. McAdoo, former director
general of railroads, in a letter pre
sented to the senate today by Sena
tor Stanley, democrat, Kentucky,
who requested Mr. McAdoo's views
after the committee refused to hear
The government is not "morally
and legally bound," as stated by
I'residcnt Harding, to fund the $763,
000,000 the railroads owe the gov
ernment for additions and better
ments, Mr. McAdoo asserted. He
declared "the president must have
been misled into making such a
statement," adding that the 'aw pro
. vides for the funding only of "the
remaining indebtedness" of the rail
roads, which he calculated at $263,
000,000. May Defer Payment.
Payment on this balance, Mr. Mc
Adoo said, may be deferred 10 years
by the railroads provided satisfactory
security were given and 6 per cent
interest were paid.
"This is the kind of settlement the
law now authorizes and contem
plates," Mr. McAdoo said, adding
that when the roads were returned
to private control they owed the
government $1,144,000,000 fcr addi
tions and betterments, of which
$381,000,000 already has been ex
tended for a long period. He urged
that before any further advances
were made the railroads be required
to abandon the inefficiency of labor
claims, amounting, he estimated, to
about $500,000,000.
"I suppose voit realize that in ad
dition to the $1,144,000,000 the rail
roads owe the government for 'ad
ditions and betterments,' they have
received additional loans under the
Ksch'Cummins bill of about $300,
000,000, making a total of $1,444,000,
000, Mr. McAdoo's letter said.
U. S. Must' Wait.
"Stripped of confusing non-essentials,
what is now proposed is that
the government shall wait 10 years
for $763,000,000 the railroads owe it
for betterments and improvements
and pay immediately $500,000,000 to
the railroads on account of claims
for alleged tmder-maintenance, etc.,
taken from the 180 or more rail
roads involved with their varying
degrees of financial responsibility,
such securities as they may be able
to provide; securities which in manv
instances may not be adequate to
protect the government against
"This is not a question of 'legat
and mora! obligation' on the part
of the United States to lend the
railroads $500,000,000 more for 10
years. It is a question of policy
nd should be considered from that
standpoint only. For .the adoption
of such a policy; the administration
must, of course, takethe responsi
bility but it should be candid about
it. The public mind should not be
confused by juggling of figures,
manipulation of accounts, or securi
ties or governmental agencies."
New York Judge Signs
Order Restoring Ships
m vvn.
f it
J jt ft
or ice- William bu
Justice William F. Burr, of the
New York supreme court, who
signed the order returning, tempor
arily at least, to the United States
Mail Steamship company the nine
passenger vessels seized by the
United States shipping board for al
leged nonpayment of rent.
Grain Men of West
Say Roads of East
Have Cut Tariffs
I. C. C. Told of Reductions
to Combat Competition of
Canadian Carriers Which
Have Reduced Rates.
Tip of 20,000 Roubles Ordinary Fee For
Porter on Railway Lines of Russia
Thirty-Seven Arrested
In Toledo Mail Theft
Harry Palmer, whom J. B. Nick
erson, deputy United States marshal
escorted back to Toledo last week.
is the thirty-seventh person to be
p.rrested for complicity in the big
Toledo mail theft August 15, he re
ported on. his return, Wednesday
"While only four or five took part
in the actual robbery, all the others
helped dispose of the $1,000,000 loot.
The dragnet is set for a large num
ber of others."
Eddie Hurst, captrued after a gun
fight in Cheyenne last week, is one
of the men wanted in Toledo.
''Marrying Parson" Busy on
His Second 5,000 "Splicings"
"the first 5,000 are the hardest."
mused the Rev. Charles W.
Savidge, Omaha's "marrying par
son," as he signed six more wed
din? certificates Tuesday.
The Rev. Mr. Savidge is now on
his second 5,000.
The certificates bore the following
Miss Dalsv Holberu of Omaha and
Clyde C. Hill of tioodlanii, Kan.; Miss
Marls Smith of Omaha and Gustav Band
berg of Omaha: Mtaa Anne E. Wilson of
Omaha and Alhert J. RumW of Omaha;
Mlra Amanda 8. Holman of Omaha and
J.ouis - Carlon of Omaha; Ml.
Majors of Shambunr. Ia.. and Warren W.
Ru.esell of Rhamhur. Ia.; Miss Doris
Kin of Florence. Neb.. and James
Spencer of Florence. Neb.
Officers of Machinists
Union to Turn Back Wages
Washington, Aug. 24. Staff offi
cers of the International Associa
tion of Machinists have decided to
refund to the association their
salaries for August, it was an
nounced today, to be used it relief
of unemployed members of the as
sociation. The combined salaries to
be turned back total about $10,000.
While action so far taken covers
salaries for August only, it was
stated that similar action might be
taken for month to month if the
situation continues.
Secretary of Interior
Charmed by Crater Lake
Medford, Ore.. Aug. 24. Crater
lake so charmed Secretary of Inte
rior Fall, that the schedule of the
party has been abandoned, according
to word received here from Crater
Lake and Medford's plans for a
luncheon to the party Thursday,
broken up.
"We will not leare here until we
have seen, all that we want to see,"
Director of Parks Mather said at
Crater Lake.
Detectives Guard Cashier g
While Employes Are Paid
Two detectives armed with sawed
off $hot guns guarded the cashier
at the Ford motor plant yesterday
morning while he paid employes. ,
Washington, Aug. 24. Witnesses
for western grain men testified be
fore the Interstate Commerce com
mission Tuesday that eastern rail
roads had reduced rates on grain
from Chicago to Atlantic ports for
export in order to meet competition
from Canadian carriers which pre
viously had effected radical reduc
tions. The hearings are being held
to determine whether domestic rate
on grain and hay shall be reduced,
The grain men introduced the
testimony, they said, to combat ini
pressions that the reduction on ex
port grain would benefit the farmer
and increase the ampunt of grain
Placed in Record,
Over the objection of attorneys
for the carriers their recent applr
cation for authority to reduce by
7li cents 100 pounds grain rates
from Mississippi river territory to
the Atlantic coast was placed in th
record. Jt said:
The proposed reduction is to
meet competition of the lake and
rail routes from Chicago via Buf
falo and the Georgian .Bay ports. An
extraordinary volume of grain has
moved from Chicago via the lake
routes during the present season as
compared with previous seasons,
"Your petitioners do not feel they
can further forego participating in
this traffic particularly in view of the
fact that at this time the volume ot
general tonnage moving is partic
ularly light.
Lake Route Used.
C. B. Bee, rate expert for the Mis
souri railroad commission, in
troduced statistics intended to show
that the movement of grain from
Chicago via the lakes never had
been more than 4,000,000 bushels, or
an average of 14 per cent in any
previous June, but due to the Cana
dian rates 14,161,000 bushels, or 79
per cent of the total, had moved by
lake this year.
While Daniel Kelly, rate expert
for the South Dakota railroad com
mission, was on the stand, CommiS'
sioner Potter asked whether the so
lution to the whole problem of high
rates would not be a reduction of
ooeration expenses and whether an
other wage reduction of railroad
workers could not be expected to be
reflected in lower freight rates. Mr.
Kelly replied that in all probability
both could be expected.
Lawyer Agrees to Return
$1,000 Fur Coat to Furrier
A $1,000 fur coat held by police
because of a legal battle waged be
tween Jack Shannon, lawyer, a claim
ant of the coat, and A. Bishop, Chi'
cago furrier, was given to the latter
following a conference between po
lice officials and the claimants yes
The coat was seized by detectives
when Mr. and Mrs. Fred Curtis, who
were extradited by Minneapolis po
lice two weeks ago, were arrested in
Truce between Shannon and Bislv
op was announced when the furrier
agreed to pay Shannon $50 and to
donate to the police -relief fund $200.
Shannon declared that Curtis gave
him the coat for legal services.
Noted Song Composer Writes
Song for Aero Congress
James Hanley, song writer and
composer of "Rose of Washington
Square." Baby's Shoes" and "That's
How I Need You," has written a
song to be sung in public for the
first time at the Omaha air meet,
November 3, 4 and S, and to be
known as the official song of the
air coneress.
The name of the song is "His Last
Long Flight. It is dedicated to b,
Rankin Drew, son of the late Sid-
new Drew, first American aviator
killed in the war. Glenn H. Con
don, adjutant of S. Rankin Drew
Post No. 340, American Legion,
New York City, which was named
after the dead hero, has termed the
new song a "classic."
Divorce Court.
Elizabeth Claim Stone from Cecil E.,
Emma Swendsen acalnat N'eli, cruelty.
Angelena Carvello acainst Bernard,
Gunda Goodwin afalnat June H.,
Ethel Smith acainst J. W., nomupport
Hattla Stick acaintt Edward, non-
sUBDort .
rlovd Uibbons lens o
Experience on Journey
From Riga to Moscow
Millionaire for
First Time.
Chicago Tribune labia, Copyright 1821
Moscow, Aug. H. Alter all one
reads in the papers in the non-bol
slicvist world concerning this back
wardness of Russia, I was hardly
prepared for the surprise that greet
cd me shortly before 2 o'clock when
our train pulled into one of the 18
railroad stations in Moscow. We ar
rived 15 minutes ahead of time.
A blonde-bearded porter, seven
feet tall and as straight as a rail
helped our party of three to the
platform, where he deposited our
baggage in a formidable pyramid
and departed after pocketing a pal
try tip of 20,000 roubles which lie
demanded. Tliere we waited tor one
hour, without tickets, passpoits or
bills of lading for the representatives
of the soviet foreign office, into
whose custody we were destined.
lhe delay gave us time to retlect
on the strangeness of the trip which
we had accomplished during the pre
ceding 40 hours. We left Riga on
a common Latvian train, whirh car
ncd three cars belonging to the bol
shevists. One carriage was an elab
orate private car with electric lights
and a finely decorated interior, it oe
ing in strong contrast to the hot
darkness of the human freighted
boxcars ahead, where the Lettish
peasants were sprawled on vooden
shelves amidst rags, squalor and
stench that would stagger any west
crn nose.
Cautions Against Bogus Papers,
In lien of an American passport,
I carried a receipt for it signed by
the American vice consul at Kiga
to whom all Americans must give
their national papers before enter
ing Russia.
The consular office at Riga ex
plains that this procedure is neces
sary because it is leafed the Doisne
vists might counterfeit American
passports from photographs of the
originals. At the same time it is
not beyond the knowledge of the
State department that many Amer
ican nassoorts have been sold, if
not given freely, to soviet authori
ties by Americans who have become
imbued with the doctrines of com
The rail ticket to Moscow cost
48 roubles. When the soviet official
in Riga mentioned the price to me
I had just come back from the bank
and was enjoying the first thrills of
that millionaire feeling by reason of
my many pockets almost bursting
with the 3.000.000 roubles, which I
had bought at the rate of 31,000 to
the dollar. I produced my smallest
piece of money a 10,000 rouble note
but the bolshevist cashier oniy
J "We take anv money but our
own," he said. "We prefer 48 roubles
in do ars.
"But in dollars, 48 rouble tickets
would not cost quite a cent, I said.
"That is possible at your rate," re
nlied the cashier, "but we are figur
ing. on the equivalent ot trie gold
rouble or just $;o.U in American
currency, ion know tnai you coum
not ride for 40 hours ior so little in
Poor Lights Forbid Poker.
Then the train pulled out of Riga
and we were on our way to what
was once holy Russia. Sitting on
a bunk in one compartment, three of
us discussed the financial situation
and considered the possible sensa
tions of poker with 100,000 roubles
antes and 1,000,000 rouble limits, but
the fluttering of the candles which
served in place of long disabled dec
trie installation forbade the game.
Between 10 and 11 o clock the
next morning we had occasion to
compare the Latvian and soviet fr.on
tier officials, much to the favor of
the latter. The former during a
protracted debate in our compart
ment proposed the confiscation of
our goods and money on the grounds
that exportation of such articles to
Russia was prohibited.
I he food that we carried was the
only means of subsistence on the
train until we reached Moscow and
the money meant life and death to
us after that. The debate on this
Frank Sheehan to Tell Elks
Of International Air Meet
Frank Sheehan, Omaha- attorney
and member of the Aero club of
Omaha, will tell Omaha Elks about
the International Aero congress, to
be held in this city November 3-5,
at the regular monthly meeting of
the Elks lodge at the Shnners hall
in the Masonic temple Friday night.
lhe talk is to be the first of a
series of educational addresses to be
given by members of the Aero club
concerning tne possibilities ot avia
tion and the advantages of Omaha
as the air center of the United
Justice Hard Is Hard on
Two Pleasant Brothers
Columbus, O., Aug. 24. A couple
of Pleasant boys were far from be-
ng pleasant when Justice Jesse
Hard was hard on them.
Justice Hard assessed a $1,000 fine
and costs each on William Pleasant
and Lincoln Pleasant in Terry town
ship when the two colored brothers
pleaded guilty to charges of illegally
manufacturing and possessing intox
icating liquors.
amous Pacific Coast
Opera Star Drops Dead
New York. Autr. 24. Oscar
Walch, famous on the Pacific coast
as an operatic tenor and prominent
ecently in vaudeville, dropped dead
as he was dining with his wife at
the Hotel De France, Sunday He
had recently come to New York
with his wife, known on the stage
as Daisie Rand, and was extensive
ly booked for a tour in vaudeville
during the coming season.
Brethren Assembly
Beatrice, Neb., Aug. 24. (Special.)
The Brethren assembly, which has
been in session at Chautauqua park
during the past we:k, closed Tues
day. Delegates were present from
points in Nebraska, Kansas. Mit
souri and Iowa
l XI 1
Floyd Gibbons.
vital question was conducted in Rus
sian, German, Polish, French, Eng
lish and Yiddish. Polylingual pro
fanity figured luridly.
Only upon our emphatic state-
Receipts Signed by Amer
ican Vice Counsel Used
To Prevent Forging
Of Passports by
mcnt that we were prepared to go
to jail before submitting to confisca
tion, was the long argument ended
in our favor and the three soviet
cars with a puffing, wood-burning
engine permitted to depart. About
500 yards beyond the station we
steamed slowly past six Latvian
soldiers, comprising the frontier
guard, and moved across the line
into the land of Lenin.
The soviet customs agent whom
we encountered in the nameless vil
lage just cast of the frontier appar
ently had but one interest in our
effects. It was not the paper money
that concerned him, but they were
interested in any paper that we car
ried with printing matter of any
kind on it.
They examined our writing mate
rial and possessed themselves of all
the newspapers and magazines in the
car, but they ignored our traveling
flasks and reserve supplies of spirits.
Eastward from the frontier, our
road to Moscow stretched through a
gentle rolling country interspersed
with sparse forests of undersized
pines. From the windows we saw
that plowing was in progress in a
number of places, but there were
many fields that were not tilled.
There was one noticeable differ
ence between the scenes at the Lat
vian and bolshevist railroad stations.
In the former were but lets with well
stocked shelves of food and white
rolls, in spite of the soiled exte
riors. East of the frontier the rail
way bullets were simply seini
darkened rooms with dirty broken
mirrors, glaring out from behind
empty shelves across a barren space
containing possibly a few broken
chairs and tables.
Each time the train stopped, old
women and children made their ap
pearance, selling boiled eggs, milk
and a certain variety of nut which
all the peasants seemed to be con
tinually hulling and munching. Small
papers of sunflower seeds were also
being sold for tile same purpose. A
green beer bottle filled with boiled
milk sold for 2,000 roubles and one
boiled egg could be had for 1,000
roubles, or about 3 cents in Amer
ican money.
"What do you think of our coun
try?" asked a Russian doctor on
the train, who was returning to his
post in Moscow. "Does it live up
to the reports which you have
"We understood communism for
bade the private selling of food in
Russia," 1 answered. "We under
stand that all business had been na
tionalized and that speculation or
private business enterprise was pun
ishable by death under a soviet de
cree." "That time has passed," replied
the doctor. "Those were war mea
sures necessary for the preservation
of the government during times
when we had civil war within and
were surrounded with an iron ring
of enemies."
"Has communism been aban
doned?" I asked.
"As an ironclad principle, yes,"
replied the doctor. "Actually, ho;
but the present tendency it in that
direction. There has been a strong
swing toward the right recently.
Free trade has been established and
the government is now prepared to
take all practical methods for the
reconstruction of this country.
This does not mean, however, any
weakening on the part of soviet control.
Motorist Wise Simoniz
Let Us Simoniz Your Car
Why let your ear get dull and
dingy looking.
Makes the old car look new.
Keeps the new car looking new.
Revives paint and enamel.
Save Repainting-
Protects the flnlah In all kind
of weather and will hold ita
lustra four to tlx months.
Work dona by experienced men.
All work guaranteed.
Bring your car in the morning
and have it back the tame day.
Phone Atlantic 0756
419 South 20th St.
Cars Called for and Delivered
Prices $5 to $8
Chaney & Clark
Authorized Simoniz Station
if lalala
is handled ONLY by the following
dealers in Omaha, South Oma'
Benson and Council Bluffs.
Miners and Shippers of Zeigler Coal
343 South Dearborn St., Chicago, III.
' Mines at Zeigler, Illinois.
BECAUSE of the popularity and well
known merit of ZEIGLER coal,
some dealers have been taking orders
for ZEIGLER and filling them with in
ferior kinds of coal.
der ZEIGLER and get an inferior
coal, you are cheated and the reputation
of ZEIGLER is damaged.
ZEIGLER coal is much hotter and
cleaner, when you order coal, order
and insist that you get GENUINE
ZEIGLER COAL. To be safe place
YOUR order with one of the dealers
listed elsewhere in this space. When
they deliver that bright, shiny, clean,
quality coal you'll KNOW.'
"That's ZEIGLER"
You Know It's Good Why Take Chances?
nmws what Tim peoples coal company,
Peoples' Zeigler Guarantee
We hereby guarantee the coal delivered
with accompanying driver's ticket to be
GENUINE ZEIGLER, Mined and shipped
by the Bell & Zollet Coal Co. from Zeigler,
We are Exclusive Agents for Zeigler in
Peoples Coal Company
R. C. GODDARD, President.
1 1
City Office
1704 Farnam St.
Ground Floor Peters Trust Bldg.
Phone Atlantic
Main Office
1202 City National Bank Bldg.
16th and Harney Sts.