Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 24, 1921, Page 9, Image 9
THE BEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 24, 1921. Society Davis-Hurt The marriage of Miss Elsie Zoe Hurt, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Hurt, and Charles Kegnier Davis, ion of Mr. and Mrs. William E. Davis, took place Monday, at the irst cnnstian church. Kev. Lharies Cobbey officiating:. The bride wore her traveling suit and her corsage bouquet was of roses. Both Mr. and Mrs. Davis were graduated from Central High school, follow ing a short trip they will reside in umana. League of Women Voters. Mrs. H. J. Bailey, district director League of Women Voters, is draft ing a letter to congressman A. W, fefferi reffarrfino' the Shenarrf. Towner maternity bill which has al- leady passed the United States sen ate. The league in Omaha is com piling statistics in co-operation with the Visiting Nurse association and the Medical association on the sub ject of maternity and infancy wel fare. 1 he League of Women Voters throughout the country is supporting the maternity bill. Club Meeting. The members of the Jury club met at the home of Mrs. Warwick Saunders, jr., Saturday afternoon, complimentary to Mrs. Joe Sindelar, who leaves this week for Alliance where she will make her future home. The guests present were Mrs. Will Ilasclton, Mrsl Virgil Banard, Misses Adelle and1 Mildred Stecker, Mrs. Cameron Cathey of Murray, Neb., Mrs. Joe Sindelar, Miss Lmma Richardson, Mrs. Will Richardson and Miss Betty Todd. Affairs for Visitor. Several informal affairs have been given the past week for Miss Ger trude Sheerer of Hammond, Ind., guest of Henrietta Medlar. On Wednesday of this week Miss Medlar will entertain at an Or- pheum party farther guest and on Thursday Helen Garvin will enter tain at luncheon 'at Happy Hollow lor Miss Sheerer. I Student Will I j J-V'C V V j Luncheon for Mrs. Delaney. Members of Maj. Isaac Sadler chapter, D. A. R., will entertain at luncheon Wednesday, at the Pret tiest Mile club complimentary to Mrs. E. L. Delaney, formerly of this :ity, now of Los Angeles, who is visiting friends in Omaha. Club Luncheon. Members of. the Omaha Woman's club will meet for luncheon Wednes day, August 31, at the Prettiest Mile club. Personals A son was born August 18, at St. Catherines hospital, to Mr. and Mrs. Harry J. Cook. Mrs. Edward Peterson and daughter, Ellen, have motored to Des Moines to spend two weeks. Harriet McMartin underwent an operation Tuesday at St Joseph hospital for the removal of her ton sifs. Mr and Mrs. Frank P. Larmon and children, Mary and Alexander, have returned from a motor trip to New York. . -:v' ' ' Mr. an(i Mrs. C. W. Calkins are home from Lake Minnetonka, where they spent two weeks at the Lay iayette club. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Currie, who have, been touring Yellowstone Park and other points in' the west, will return to Omaha next week. Miss Marguerite Walker is con valescing at her home from an op eration for the removal, of her ton sils, Monday, at Wise . Memorial hospital. Mrs. W. A. Weeks of New York, daughter cf Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Bailey, will arrive in Omaha Octo ber 1 for a visit with her parents. She was formerly Miss ' Louise Bailey. " ' Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Kenison of Kansas City, who are motoring home from a visit in Minnesota, will ar rive in Omaha Wednesday or Thurs day to be the guests of Mrs. H. J Bailey at her summer home at Car ter lake. Rev. Mary A. Safford of Orlando, Fla., who has been visiting Mr. and Mrs. William Newton in Fairacres, has gone to Hamilton, 111., to visit Rev. Elinor Gordon. Rev. Safford officiated at the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Newton in Sioux City, la. She is now visiting the different parishes where she has been pastor. She was the last president of the Florida Suf frage association. Forestalled. Tom Rejected you, did she? My boy, you've got to be clever in the proposing game. You should have told "her you were unworthy cf her. Ned (sadly) I was going to, but she told it to me first. New Taven Register. ' Miss Margaret McArdle is buyer for one of the big steel corporations in Birmingham, Ala. Miss Emma Jane Yohe, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. O. D. Yohe, is one of the school girls who will leave in the fall to continue study. She will leave September 13 for Lexington, Mo to attend the Central College for Women. Her special subjects will be music, art and hrench. she was graduated from Central High school in 1920. Things You'll Love To Make. lace and Ribbon OvtriXi'tt On your next party or evening frock make a lace and ribbon over skirt. Use one and a half yards of lace wide enough to reach the hem of the silk underskirt. Shir the top edge and fasten it to a band of picoted ribbon two and a half inches wide. Streamers of the ribbon one inch wide of different lengths hang all around the belt Sew the over skirt to the bodice, which is also made of the lace and ribbon stream ers. A large, bright velvet flower at one side gives a smart finish to your lace and ribbon overskirt. FLORA Copyright, 1921, by Public Ledger Co. Problems That Perplex Answered by BEATRICE FAIRFAX - Introductions at Dinner. The obligation of a hostess is to introduce all of her guests to one another at a . small dinner party. At a lare dinner she must be sure to Introduce those persons who are placed beside each other at tne table, and to make as many more presentations as she can contrive without disturbing her guests. She must not, however, introduce persons at the table: and she should not ob viously incommode herself to make introductions. If. in accordance with a passing custom, the women collect !n the drawing room after rtinner. the hostess can contrive to make known to one another those who have not previously met. As the men come in. after their cigars, she may pre sent them to the ladies whom they did not meet before dinner was an nounced. If, as is mor3 frequently the custom nowadays, there is no formal separation after dinner, the hostess must seize those opportuni ties for introducing which come easily in her way. When entertain ing a guest of honor or a distin guished person, it is well to pre sent the special guest to every other guest some time in the course of the evening. A hostess is not. en titled, however, to interrupt a con versation in order to mate introduc tions nor to thrust an introduction upon a guest who is in the act of departing. On her day at home, a lady re ceiving introduces every newcomer to the guests who are near at hand. At ' a reception, she presents ner guests as they arrive to whoever stands beside her to assist in re ceiving, but only under exceptional conditions does Bhe leave her, place to make guests known to , one another. Waiting: My dear, it seems to me you have done all a girl can reasonably do to keep the young man's regard. You say you have not quarrelled. It is very evident to me that he doesn't care. to go with you any more and that's r.bout all there is to it. He should return your handkerchief. You have asked him for it, and I think that is about all there is to that. Seems to me I would drop him and the handkerchief too. You. can afford the loss of both, though, of course, he is at fault in not returning your property. What's What By HELEN DECIE Even though she has recognized but one of two men, when a girl bows, of course, both men raise their hats in response. Then it is cour teous for her to acknowledge the other man's salutation with an ad ditional slight bow in his direction, without looking at him. If there are more than two men, and only one is known to her, her second bow, after all have raised their hats, is more comprehensive since it includes the entire group. None of the men is entitled to claim acquaintance after ward. on the basis of these co-salutations, since the girl has merely acknowledged their group courtesy. A man raises a silk hat, straw hat, peaked cap or "derby" by the brim. He cannot do this with any style of soft hat, which must be lifted en tirely off his head by its crown. For this reason,- and because the action involves removing the hat from the head, even if only for a moment, the raising of a soft hat appears to be more chivalrous than any other salu tation, reminiscent as it is of a more courtly age when men "bared their heads" or plumed hat or helmet in token of respect. (Copyright, 1921. by Public Ledger Co.) Date Souffle. Cook one cupful of stoned chopped dates in half a cupful of boiling water until tender and press through a sieve. Beat the whites of three eggs as stiffly as possible and add one-third of a cupful .of sugar, one tablespoonful of lemon juice and a pinch of salt Lightly combine the two mixtures, turn into a buttered dish and bake for 30 minutes in a moderate oven. Serve with a liquid sauce. Miss Dorothy M. Rehfeld of Aber deen, is said to be the only woman practicing law in South Dakota. To Use Fresh Tomatoes By LORETTO C. LYNCH. What is so appealing to the jaded appetite as a tomato fresh from the vine, still warm from the rays of sun and a bit of the leaf still cling ing? While a tomato has a real food, value, it contains valuable mineral salts While canned tomatoes may be obtained at any time, the housewife chnnlri n1an tn iisp the frrsh tnnin- Itoes in various ways during their all too short season. Tomato Sur prise is a dish de luxe at many fash ionable tea' rooms and restaurants. With but little skill, however, it may be copied by the average housewife for the warm day supper. Select tomatoes uniform in size and shape if possible. Plunge them into boiling water for a moment and then into cold water. This will loosen the skins which can then easily be removed. Cut a slice from the top of the tomato. With a spoon carefully scoop out part of the pulp Fill in this space with equal parts of dited cucumber and celery, moistered with mayonnaise. The filling for the tomato may be chicken salad or shrimp or crab meat or lobster or tuna or salmon salad. The cover the slice cut from the top may be replaced. Each filled tomato is then placed on a bed of tender lettuce and thoroughly chilled. Extra mayon nais, may be passed with this salad. Baked stuffed tomatoes are pop ular in the south, They are, like every other worth while thing, a bit of trouble to prepare In this case scoop out the center of the ton ato, but do not remove the skin. For half a dozen medium sized tomatoes allow one cup of dried bread crumbs, one tablespoon each of finely chopped onion, green pepper and boiled ham. Moisten with melted butter and add salt and pep per as desired. Heap this lightly into each cavity. Place the toma toes on a greased pan and bake until the k;n is somewhat wrinkled and the crumbs are a delicate brown. Tomatoes are sometimes stuffed with cooked rice seasoned in different wavs. A combination of rice, bits of left-over cold lamb, a suspicion of curry powder and any leit-over gravy or hot water used to moisten, is a pleasing surprise when the appetite wanes. Scalloped fresh tomatoes are so good and offer a tasty one-piece meal for the busv housewife. But ter a baking dish. Put a layer of sliced raw potato in the bottom. Sprinkle with chopped onion and bits of salt pork. Then put a layer of corn cut from the cob and then a layer of sliced tomato from which the skin has been removed. Repeat the layers until the dish is filled. Cover with buttered crumbs or grated cheese and bake in a moder ate to slow oven. Fresh tomato soup has a taste all its own. If you abhor canned soups, try this one from the fresh tomato. Frish cooked tomatoes, one quart: hot water, one pint: onion, one slice: celery salt, one teaspoonful, or salt, one teaspoontul, and a sprig ot cei erv cooked in the soup; cloves, four: cornstarch, three tablespoonfuls; butter, one-fourth cup; sugar, one tablespoonful; pepper, a few grains. Cook water, tomatoes, onion and cloves together slowly for 20 min utes; strain and add butter; stir in the cornstarch, wet to a smooth naste with water. Boil the souo till clear and then season. This serves four to six." NeVer allow soiled clothing in a bedroom. HOLDING A HUSBAND Add Garrison's New Phase of "Revelations of a Wife" n Why Dicky Employed "The Ruse That Never Fails." Katie was as good as her word. She went at the problem of clean ing the old Dacey farmhouse and getting it ready for the workmen with thoroughness and ' dispatch, kept Jim, Sam Ticcr and Jerry on the jump with her autocratic but sensible and eminently necessary demands. To one person, Mrs. Ticer, she issued no orders, thus proving herself the possessor of more diplo macy than I had given her credit for. I had feared a clash between these two women of quick tempers, who each guarded her prerogatives with jealous care, but they seemed to get along together wonderfully, and gave myself up to the delight ful task of selecting wallpapers and seeing that the paiit for the old hand-carved woodwork was of just the right ivory tint. If Junior's adoration of Katie had hot aroused his grandmother's jealousy, the problem of keeping nr.' doughty mother-in-law out of Katie's way would have been an in superable one. But with avidity she seized the chance of having her beloved grandson to herself and away from Katie, and as we did not wish the child to go near the Dacey farmhouse, until . it had been thoroughly , renovated, she. had no chance to exercise the tyrannical overseeing with which she was wont to make Katie's life miserable nt cleaning time. .."Letter for You." I went to the hospital on Thurs day, and again on Friday, finding things there apparently unchanged Marion getting stronger, Lillian quiet, almost apathetic, Robert Savarin watchful, anxious. And each time I returned home with my heart heavy with apprehension for Lillian. Yet there was nothing in the world I could do to help her. Indeed, Miss Jones intimated that my visits were unnecessary, that she wished her pa tient to have even more rest and quiet than she was experiencing. And while I felt unutterably sad at my impotence to help my friend, yet the fact that I was not needed that everything possible was being done for her and Marion left me with a sense of freedom to attend to my own affairs. It was late Friday night when Jerry Ticer, returning from Sag Harbor, put his head inside the door with his usual grin and duck of the head. "Letter for you, Missis Graham." "Oh, thank you, Jerry!" I answered, and he-crossed the room with his awkward, shambling gait, and held the letter out to me. "It's an awful purty handwrite, he volunteered confidentially. "Gee, I wish I could write like that! I hain't never see nobody write like that before, 'cept one teacher we had year before last. She was aw ful smart, and her writing looked like that." Dicky, who was reading between grumbles at the heat of the kero sene lamp beside him, glai.ied at me keenly. I knew that Jerry's ref erence to the handwriting on the envelope practically had assured him that the expected answer from Grace Draper had arrived. For there are few scripts which equal in beau ty and legibility that of ' the girl whose letter we had been so anxiously awaiting. "Isn't That Junior?" "If you practice every day, Jerry," Dicky spoke oracularly with a per fectly straight face, "you'll probably write just that way in a year or two." "Yes, ma'am," Jerry replied, with his ' invariable response to either man or woman. "That's what I think. But I'd rather go to the pic tures when I have time to practice writing." "We all would, Jerry," Dicky sighed. "And here's something to enable you to neglect still another writing lesson. Good night." He held out a piece of silver to the boy in. adroit dismissal. Jerry took it and started for the door. "Yes, ma'am, thank you," he TVhemer love of - Mn sic Prevails Anywhere in the- World, THE STEINWAY Is known and preferred, above all other pianos, therefore, it Is Justly acknowledged the STAND ARD PIANO OP THE WORLD. We cordially Invite you to cnll and Inspect oar complete stock of Stelnvray Grande and Upright, Priced at $875 and up. Sold on convenient terms. Schmcller & Mueller Phone 1623 1M4-U-18 D! P. Ph Dodge St. ilOllO vOe Don- Home of the Steinway piano for Nebraska and Western Iowa. ADVERTISEMENT How to Beautify a Summer Soiled Face It's really a simple matter to renovate a face foiled by aun, winda or dirt. Ordi nary mercolited wax, used like cold cream, will transform the worst old complexion into one of snowy whiteness and velvety softness. It literally peels off the outer veil of surface skin, but so gently, gradu ally there's no discomfort. The wornout skin comes off, not in patches, but evenly, in tiny particles, leaving no evidence of the treatment The younger, healthier under-skin forming the new complexion is one of captivating loveliness. One ounce of mercolized wax, to be had at any drug store, is enough to remove any tanned, reddened, pimpled, freckled or blotchy skin. Apply before retiring, washing it , off mornings. Many skins wrinkle easily with every wind that blows, with heat, worry, etc. An excellent wrinkle remover, because it tightens the skin and strengthens relaxed muscles, is a wash lotion made as fol lows: Powdered saxolite, one ounce, dis solved in witch hazel, one-half pint. This sivea immediate results. ADVERTISEMENT Doctors Recommend Bon-Opto for the Eyes Physicians and eye specialists pre on a Biif a home remedy Db(IU J-VH vw w-w w in the treatment of eye troubles and to strengthen ey esignt, &oia unaer moiie v refund guarantee by all druggists. Laundry Queen Electric Washer EASY TO OWN E. B. Williams makes it pos sible to own one of these labor-saving appliances with out the least inconvenience. Our "Painless Payment Plan" will place a Laundry Queen in your home, and the usual weekly laundry bill will soon pay for it. Phone ATlantic mil Our salesmen will be glad to call and explain the merits of the Laundry Queen and the simplicity of our "Painless Payment Plan." I have sold over thirty-seven hundred of this particular electric washer in Omaha. grinned, and the door closed after him. "Who is your correspondent with such remarkably chirography?" my mother-in-law asked curiously from her mending basket. "I don't know yet," I responded mendaciously, slitting the envelope slowly, and racking my brair.s for some excuse which would satisfy Mother Graham and yet keep the truth from her., "Isn't that Junior?" Dicky struck a listening attitude. I rose quickly, with the letter in my hand. "I'll run tip at once," I said. "I'll go with you," Dicky said carelessly. His mother swept us aside with a magnificent gesture. "You'll only get him all excited," she said. "I was just going to bed, anyway, and I'll see to him." EAT Macaroni Foods IT IS MADE GOOD FOR YOU TO EAT It contains genuine Semolina, from which the best Macaroni is made. For sale at all grocers. I I Ill I 1 I I 312 South 18th Street II A WOMAN WITH A PRETTY COMPLEXION Always Appears Charming Tour complexion makes or mars your personality. If you have a clear, smooth, velvety skin, free or pimples and other unsightly blem ishes, you need never fear the im pression you make on all you meet. Some women are endowed by nature with a clear, smooth skin; others not so fortunate can acquire this beauty by the use of Black and White Beau ty Bleach and Black and White Soap. Go to your favorite drug or depart ment store and buy a 50c Jar of Black and White Beauty Bleach and a cake of Black and White Soap. Use it according to directions and you will l9 delighted with results. Beauty Bleach is an exquisitely perfumed flesh-tinted cream. Use it according to directions and you will be greatly, pleased. . .. . Literature for Black and White Beauty Bleach, as well as samples of Talcum and Face Powder, sent free on request. Clip and mail this to Black ana V'hite Box 1507, Memphis, Tenn. Buy-Rite ' friends - and patrons re to be sue Kuents at our August Outing- at King Park Thursday evening1, Aug. 25th Get your tickets free from any Buy-Rite Store SHD1E Buy-Rite friends and patrons are to be our (neate at oar August Outing at Krug Park Thursday evening, Aug. ZSth Get your tickets free from any Birr-Rite Store BUY-RITE DAYS WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY $1.45 3 A BUY-RITE PEACH CARNIVAL One Carload Of extra fancy California Ftab Ktnno Poarhps. snerlnl nor rrata The slaes run medium and large, and thfi fruit h io Melons flavor. t B00 large boxes of California Barttett Pears, special, per box.... ., $4 ok If- 500 bushel baskets of Colorado Bartlet Pears, special per bushel ..&349 One catload of extra fancy Italian Blue Plums, Iarera size stmare basket. 'o? Per crate of four large square baskets .' $235 Also Jumbo Hungarian Sweet Red Plums, per large square basket....;..' .'. V. . . .'. 7.7. 7iL Per crate of four large square baskets $2 88 Our caTload of Mason Jars has just arrived. Ball Mason Jars, pints, per dozen ;g7 Quarts, per dozen 90 1 lb. packages Paraffine Wax, special '..16 Sealing Wax, large sticks, each ; .4 5000 dozen extra fancy thick Cold Pack Jar Rubbers, 3 dozen for , 20ifc NOW IS THE TIME TO CAN ALL YOU CAN Something New 1000 14-qt. Cream or Milk Pails with tight fitting cover and strong handle. Full of Iten's splendid Fairy Soda Crackers. This can may be used for many purposes, and retails for. 75c. Special for the can and crackers. .$1.25 SOME HOT DAYS COMING YET Budweiser, good old Bud., case of 24 bottles $2.0 An extra charge ot 11.25 Is made for case and bottles, which we credit on return of same. Gingerale, Fontenelle Brand Gingerale, case of 24 bottles $2.25 An extra charge of 75o Is made for bottles and case, which we credit on return of same. BUY-RITE SPECIALS Large Jars of Buy-Rite Brand of Peanut Butter, special, per jar 20 ( BUY-RITE SPECIALS CONTINUED. 500 cases of Lippincott's Pure Apple Butter, large 25-oz. jars, usually sold for 45c per jar. Special, per jar 33 or 2 for 65 100 cases of Lippincott's Pure Fruit Preserves, assorted flavors, 24-oz. Jars, special, Jar.... 4.9 1 Can Apricots..... 1 The , 1 Can Peaches J Three J fXf 1 Can White Cherries J Cons I J7OC ' Large 2y2 lb. can fruit In heavy syrup. 3 .5 4 BUY-RITE PILLARS Nishna Valley Buy-Rite Brand Butter, lb... Buy-Rite Brand Coffee, 3 lbs for... Blue Bell Flour, per 48 lb. sack.... Per 24 lb. sack Red Star Flour, per 48 lb. sack.... Per 24 lb. sack.....' ;.. , ,..44c 95 $1.88 99t $2.63 $1.38 BUY-RITE SOAP DEPARTMENT 10 Bars of Crystal White Soap 100 Bars in box for Lux, 3 packages for ' Whiz, the ideal hand cleanser, can Three cans for ...57 $5.55 32 .11 29 BACON BUY-RITE BACON 10,000 lbs. of Wilson's Certified Bacon in 6 to 8 lb. strips. This Is lean, fancy bacon. Half or whole strips, per lb 39 Save Buy this by the strip and save at least 20c per pound. r J. D. CREW & SON, Thirty-third and Arbor ARMAND PETERSEN, 2908 Sherman Ave. WILKE & MITCHELL, Fortieth and Farnam LYNAM & BRENNAN, Sixteenth and Dorcas GEO. 24th E. KARSCH CO., Vinton and Elm Sts. . GILES BROTHERS, Benson FRANK KUSKA, 13th and Garfield H ANNE C AN & CO., 35th Ave. and Leavenworth ROSS, ERNEST BUFFETT, and Ames The Grocer of Dundee F. B. BOGATZ, 21st and S Sts., South Side OSCAR E. NET.S0N, 24th and L Sts.. So. Side JEPSEN BROS., 25th an Cumin? THORDT & SNYGG Fortieth and Hamilton She went out of the room, and Dicky grinned triumphantly it me. , "The ruse that never fails," he said. "Now let's hear what dear Gracie has to say." (Continued Tomorrow.) Unless the prohlcm presented by the superfluity of women can be solved more than 15,000,000 women in Europe are doomed to die unmar ried or to become old maids. Great Economy Offered in the Purchase of a MAYTAG Electric Washer if Selected at the Electric Shop Now MAYTAG Wood Tub Electric WASHERS Equipped With All-M.tal Swin( Wringers Former Cash Price $100.00, Now $77 50 Former Tim Price $105.00, Now '81 50 Maytag Convertible Aluminum WASHERS Equipped With All-Metat Swing Wringers The tub is cast from pure aluminum, mak ing it practically inde structible. It will neither warp, swell, rust, corrode nor tar nish and will last a lifetime. Former Cash Price $150.00, Now $130 00 Former Time Price $157.50, Now $136 50 The Modern Housekeeper finds pleasure in washing with an Electric Washer, and the Maytag Washer soon pays for itself in the saving of time and clothes. Cook and Can With a Steam Pressure Cooker and HOT POINT GRILL These two electric appliances are needed in every home. With the Pressure Cooker and Grill meals can be prepared in half the time. See them at the Electric Shop. 10-qt. Pressure Cooker Regular price $25, with S12.SO Hot Point Grill. $30 12-qt. Pressure Cooker Regular price $29, with $12.50 Hot Point Grill. $34 Nebraska fi Power Co Farnam at Fifteenth. 2314 M St., South Side. Phone ATlantic 3100. Phone MArket 1500. ADVERTISEMENT Free to Asthma and Hay Fever Sufferers Free Trial of a Method That Anyone Can Use Without Discomfort or Lots of Time Wo have a method for the control of Asthma, and we want you to try it at our expense. No matter whether your ease is of long standing; or recent development, whether it is present as hay fever or chronic Asthma, you should send for a free trial of our method. No matter in what climate you live, no matter what your aire or occupation. If you are troubled with asthma, our method should relieve you promptly. We especially want to send it to those apparently hopeless cases, where all forms of inhalers, douches, opium preparation, fumes, "patent smokes," etc., hava failed. We want to show everyone at our ex pense, that our method is designed to end sll difficult breathing, all wheezing, and all those terrible paroxysms. This free offer is too important to neu lect a single day. Write now and begin the method at one. Do it Today you do not even pay postage. FREE TRIAL COUPON FRONTIER ASTHMA CO., Room 284 N, Niagara and Hudson Sts., Buffalo. N. Y. Send free trial of your method to: An investment that pays big dividends Bee want ads. Bowen'8t Value-Giving Store Diniiig Furniture At BOWEWS This Week at 30 to 50 Discount ADVERTISEMENT For New Styles and Pretty Arms (Beauty NoJes) Women are fast learning the value of the use of delatone for removing hair or fuzz from face, neck or arms. A paste is made with some powdered delatone and water and spread on the hairy surface. In 2 or 3 minutes it is rubbed off, th skin washed and every bit of hair has disappeared. No failure will re sult if you are careful to buy genin ine delatone and mix fresh as wanted.