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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 23, 1921)
6 THE BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY. AUGUb'i Z6, mi. Classified Advertising Rates 1 par Una (count tig wordi to 14m) 1 day 111 par liaa par day, 1 consecutive day 16 par Jin par day, 7 conseeutiva daya 14 par Una par day. to eooiecutlv daya No ada taken for laaa than total of S6e. Thaaa rat apply aithcr to tha Dally or Sunday Baa. All advertisement ap pear ta both morning and availing daily papers (or tha ona coarse. CONTRACT RATES ON APPLICATION Want ada accepted at tha following of fice I MAIN OFFICE 17th and Farnam Eta. South Bide SI South 24th Ft. Council Bluff U Bcott St. WANT ADS RECEIVED BY TUONK ATLANTIC) 1000 THE BEE will not b raiponeibla for nor than ona incorrect inaartlon of an advertisement ordered for mora than ona time. CLOSING HOURS TOR WANT ADS. V.enin Edition 11:46 A.M. Morning tditlon 1:00 P.M. Sunday Edition :00 P. If .. Saturday DEATH & FUNERAL NOTICES. CHRISTIAN Mary R., passed oil at lorn I hoapltal Monday. August 22, 121. aged 71 year. Mra. Christian ia aurvived by two aona, K. A. C'briitlan of Lincoln. Neb., and Walter H. Chrlallan of Omaha, Neb.; two daughters, Mrs. N. M. t'ruma of Wewela. S. L and Mra. If. C fujjey of Omaha. Neb.; 11 grandchildren anil IS great-grandchildren. Mrs. Christian hae resided in Douglas county for it year. Funeral from Crosby-Moor Funeral Home, 14th and Wirt, Wednesday, Aug. 24, 1121, at 1:30 p. m. Interment, For est Lawn remeterj'. HILL Mra. Dorothy Alice, 2613 N. 4ilh St., bualncaa addreaa, 207 Neville Block. Auguat 21. at local hospital, aged 10 year. Service from Hoffmann Funeral Home, Wednesday at 2 p. m. Rev. B. R. Van derllppo officiating. Interment In For rat i.awn cemetery. Deceased la sur vived by two children, .Mrs. Fearl Allco Langdon, Omaha, and William Lee Hill, Talmage. Neb.: three grandchildren and ona brother, William Lee Jonea. HK MM IN Li Kra It., died Sunday. August 23, at Colorado Spring, Colo, aged 64 years. - Funeral services at Huls Riepen'a chapel, 23d and Cuming tit., Wednesday, August 94, at I p. m. Interment Proa pect Hill cemetery. Frlenda welcome. CLIN'CHARD. Edward Age (0 at the home of hla brother, Albert, 8416 Jack son St., August 21, he la aurvived by sir brothers and 3 alstera. Funeral notice later. CARDOF THANKS. WE wish to express our sincere thanka to our frlenda and neighbors, tha Mo tion Picture Operators' Union, the neighbors of 4sth and L streets and the Hebekaha for their loving aympathy and beautiful floral offerings shown us dur ing our sad bereavement. Mr. and Mra. Lowla Rldgeway and daughter. Mildred, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wbite and L,ynn w hit. FUNERAL DIRECTORS Forest Lawn Cemetery WEST OF FLORENCE 320 acres. A nonprofit corporation, Cmtery Office. 42d and No. City Limits. City Office, 720 Brandeia Theater. STACK & FALCONER OMAHA'S BEST arowAMBULANCEhaomi Thirty-third and Farnam. HULSE & RIEPEN PIONEER FUNERAL DIRKCTORS 22!4 Cuming St. Jackson 122S HEAFEY & HEAFEY Undertakers and Embatmers. -I bona HA. 245. Office 2611 Farnam. FOR AMBULANCE call MA rket 0680. Korlsko Funeral Home, 23d and O Sis. ,.. FLORISTS. LEE L. LARMON K.!19 1814 Douglas St. Douglss 8244. JOHN BATH. 1804 Farnam. Jackson 1806. L. Henderson. 1507 Farnam. Jackson 1258. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. lilrms. Ttarry and Mabla 8hlelds, hospital, boy. Otla and Naomta Martin, hospital, boy. Arthur and Ellen Sturgea, hospital, boy. John and Josephine Doherty, hospital, boy. Harry and Thelma Bloomquist, hospital. "waiter and Ethel Dawson, hospital, 'lwI and Minnie Epstein, hoapltal, girl. - Charles and Miu;a Blanchard, 2438 Brown atreet. boy. Walter and Francla McGill, hospital, firl. Harold and Helen Liddell, hospital, girl. Lea and Pauline Starner, hospital, boy. v Max and Lydla Brandt, hospital, boy. Harry and Fern Miller, Fifty-aeventh and P atreets, girl. Frank and Stella Winina, 2533 South Seventh atreet, boy. .invn n,l v.lln Mllliinh. 2818 W street. girl. Fred and Catherine Gilbert, hoapltal, boy. Deaths. Mrs. Nellie Lanphler, 31, hospital. Adolph R. Wiens, 68, 1628 Plnkney , Albert Archie Tackett. 24. hospital. ' John H. rVielps. 6. 2208 Spencer atreet. William Ferdon, t8, hospital, ty-eighth street. Emll Medinger, 45, hospital. MARRIAGE LICENSES. Charles R. Davis. 22, Omaha, and Elsie 2. Hurt. 21, Omaha. Harry Davis, 22, Dea Moines, la., and Ella Allison, 18. Rosalie, Neb. Alfred C. Schwleger, 22. Fairmont, Neb., and Viola Vincent, 21, Omaha. Paul Folk, 25. Omaha, and Helen O'Neill. SV Omaha. Frank Colgan, 24, Fort Calhoun, Neb., and Glad a Mathews, 21, Fort Calhoun, Neb. David Boy Stanley, 23. Dps Moines, In., and Kathlyn M. Egan,' 20, Thompson, la. Cirl W. Goeti, 21, Omaha, and Violet W. Hoffman, 20. Omaha. Aage W. Jensen, 24, Omaha, and Chris tina M. I.snsten. '24, Omaha. Harry Rogers. 27. Omaha, and Frieda Grimm, 21, Omaha. Arthur Barnes, 21. Council Bluffs. Ia., and Kdith Carroll, 21, Council Bluffs. Ia. Edward Prusha, 28. Omaha, and Mar gery Peterson. 23. Omaha, Frank Elshtr. 30, Omaha, and Vivian R. Keaaler. 20. Omaha. Anton Dvorak, 41, Omaha, and Leo poldlna Hodek, 38. Omaha. Georr D. Wolford, 23. Dea Moines. Ia.. and Lola M. Curry. If. Dea Moinea, Ia. George W. Scheaffer, 21, Omaha, and Helen J. TrusKy, 21, umana. , LOST, FOUND AND REWARDS. LOST. Black brief caa containing letters and peusonal matter of value only to R. K. uouio. mineral reward to iinaer. 621 Securities bldg. PARTIE8 known who stolo 60 or more thoroughbred pedigreed Toggenberg goata from the goat farm at (605 S. 13th: return at once to avoid further trouble. Douglas 4864. FOR ARTICLES LOST on atreet cars tele phone Tyler 800. W ar anxloua to re store lost articles to rightful owners. OMAHA COUNCIL BLUFFS ST. ItY. ;' COMPANT. 1 Wrist watch waa left at Rtalto lavatory, Party la known who has it. Please re turn. 27v Bristol t. LOST Brlndla Boston bull terrier, male. ' Call J A. 4085. Reward. PERSONAL. THIS SALVATION Army Industrial home solicits your old clothing, furniture, magazines. W collect. W distribute, Phona Douglas 4135 and our wagon will call. Call and inspect our new homo, 1110-1112-1114 Dodge St. NCBONE corsets, Mary Schaefer, fitting guar., aurr. belts. (It N. 26 St. DO. 7235. SAY IT WITH FLOWERS FROM HESS A 8WOBODA. 1415 FARNAM STREET. HATTIB Putman, Nubon Corset Shop, 5J Karbach Block. AT. 1991. WANTED CHILDREN TO BOARD; REASONABLE. ATLANTIC 3297. ELECTRIC baths and massage. Web. 2911. CHILDREN cared for by week. Wal. 4661. MASSAGE 210 North Seventeenth Street. KENT HOOVER vacuum. II up. Har. 1071. BATH massage. 318 Nevilla Blk. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Accordeon Pleating. ACCORDION, side, knife, aunburst, box pleating, covered buttons; all sls-a and sty lea; bematltching, picot edging, eye let cut work, butsonholca, pennant. Ideal Button and Pleating Co.. 101 Brown Blk. Jackson 1936. . IVKB, Pleating ac Button Co., ltOt Farnam St.. Id floor, Douglas 8(70. BRINGING UP mZ!ZnZr OONTT I 1 1 ) 1 1 ( WELL I'LL JUST HAVE j (If 60 COT OF THE PARLOR ) I 1 jA- RE S VE SOD TO POT A STOP TO THIS I HOW OARE YOU COME cS"dnK2 LSly; lyJV fAMlLVORES5N4 LIKE A LOT nHK2&L? -fjSP SAKE- DO l$Pire--i THIS? J P" OF MERMAIDS - I'M SICK OF T DRESSEP? jl&Of ' " 1 1821 ANNOUNCEMENTS. Contractor!. BRICK plasterer and cement, new and repair work. J. Nau. Walnut 457. Dancing Acadcmiei. Wnl Pino School tor Dancing. 2424 AVtJ-i IlltS Farnam. Douglas 760. Dressmaking. DRI1SSMAKINO, fancy and plain. Web. HIS. DRKSSMAKINO. 408. SOUTH 24TH ST. Detectives. KKUABI.B Detective Bureau. Railway Ex. Bldg., JA. 2058. Night, KEN. 3812. Independent Defective Bureau, S04 Neville Blk. Atl. 6501: night, Wal. 4056; K. o6j JAMES ALI.AN, 312 Neville Blk. Evidence secured in all cases. Atlantic 116. Furs. FURS remodeled, relined and cleaned, KNEKTKR ALASKA FUR CO., 203 S. 16th St. Doualas 7ISI. Kodak Finishing. FILMS developed; printing and enlarging. Wrlta for prlcea. Tha Ensign Co., 1607 Howard St. '"v FILMS developed, one-day service. Kaa Ntuflln, 213-29 NevlllS BI1C. Patent Attorneys. PATENT ATTORNEYS J. W. MARTIN, patent atty., 1718 Dodge. Tailoring. LOHRMAN, the reliable ladle' tailor, 1J20 Farnam. Stands for style, price and quality. Established since 1910. Prewar prices. Order your fall clothes now. Have It ready when you want it. SUITS pressed, remodeled, lined. HA. 6804. Miscellaneous Announcements. Hay Fever Sufferers Quick positive relief by ualng M. A. P., an antiseptic compound discovered by French chemist. Send tl for trial treatment. Mulgnen Chemical Company, Vn Moines, la. DIAMONDS pri', pwfth 'SriviSS. to buy back at small protlt. GROSS JEWELRT CO.. 402 N. 16th St . Doug las 6049. OMAHA PILLOW CO. Mattresses made over In new ticks at half the price of new beds. 1007 Cuming. Jackson 2467. RAZOR BLADES sharpened. Single, 35c; doubla edge. 46c do. Mall orders so licited. Omaha Sharp Co., 103 N. 16th. NEW and rebuilt electrical apparatus, LeBron Electric, 318 S, 13th St., Omaha. WHITELT, tire and radiator man; reas. prices; work guar. 32V S. 13th. DO. 6603. FULL dress and tuxedos for rent. John Feldman. 108 K. 16th St. Jackson 3128. ROOERS Confectionary Stora, 24tu and Farnam St., Jackson 0127. Omaha Towel Supply, S07 S. 11th. J A. 0528 HAVE your windows reputtled. Ken. 2701. BR ITT Printing Co., 7 Elka Bldg. FOR SALE. Furniture and Household Goods. ROOMING houao furnitur for sale cheap. zoi3 N. istn. Webster 0802. SIX rooms furniture, all or by the piece. Cheap. Call Webster 2777. Pianos and Musical Instruments. QEOR'lB 4. SMITH Dealer In drums, xylopho. s. etc., instructions, repairing. Address 2761 Davenport St. for catalog. Phona Harney S967. Try Smith'a pedal. VIOLINS, bows, strings and repairing at lowest prices, Matthews' Studio. 80 Douglas Blk., Opp. Haydens. AT. 2088. FOR real bargains in phonograph records accessories and repairs, see us. Shlaes Phonograph Co., 1404 Dodge. Clothing and Furs. FURS-FURS DIRECT FROM MANUFACTURER TO WEARER, SAVING TOU LARGE RETAIL PROFITS ANNOUNCING THE OPENING OF OUR NEW ' WHOLESALE FUR SALESROOM Offering for this week a selection of 150 FUR COATS AND WRAPS Priced from 835 to 1165. which com pare with retail store prices ranging from $43.50 to 3325. The models are both plain and luxuriously trimmed with beaver, squir rel, marten, and Auatralian opossum. In all lengths and sizes. Also a beautiful selection of capea, coateea, stoles, and chokers. All merchandise guaranteed. Call and convinca yourself. Deposits accepted. Chas. J. Goldstein Fur Co. 16TH AND DOUGLAS STS. OVER FRT SHOE STORE. TEL JACKSON 1132. MAIL ORDERS GIVEN PROMPT ATTENTION. Typewriters and Supplies. TYPEWRITERS AND ADDING MACHINES. All MAKE8 bought, eold. rented and repaired. Sola agents for the CORONA. Get our prices befor you buy. Every machine guaranteed. Central Typewriter Exc. Jackson 4120. 1912' Farnam. Miscellaneous Articles. SEWING MACHINES Wa rent, repair, acll needles and parta. MICKEL'S 15th and Harney. TJouglas 1973. ' WE buy, soil safes, make desks, show cases, etc. Omaha Fixture Supply Co , S. W. Cor. llth-and Douglas. J A. 2724. 26 gross 24-oa. new quart sisa beer bottles, cnaries Jan. iiuj Lwveawwui. POWERS well machine, half price. Terms. Write J. W. Hobson. Plattsmouth. Neb. GRAPES for sale at Walatroma, 50th and , ntt.c GREENS greens. 1115 N. 20th. Web. 393D. WANTED TO BUY. DESKS DESKS DESKS New deaks, used desks bought, aold and traded. J. C. Reed, 1207 Farnam. D. 6146 WANTED SITUATIONS. Male. HELP th American Legion help the ex aervlca men. Give us a chance to get a man for that vacant Job you have. Na charge for employer or employe. Jack aon 2714. Douglas 6768. Female. SITUATION WANTED By colored woman as maid, with! reference. Call Market 4979. Laundry and Day Work. LAUNDRY work Atlantic 3194. or houaa cleaning. SEWING and day work. WA. 4508. FATHER HELP WANTED MALE. Stores and Offices. rOUNG man, atudy law! Evening down town aeasfons. University of Omaha. Professions and Trades. WANTED Chicken rlckera, dry picking hens, S'o each; springs. 4o each; cocks, 5c each. Will employ white or colored pickers, with or without tippers. Omaha Cold Storage Co., 8th and Farnam Sts. WANTED Car Repairers With 4 yeara' experience Apply Union Pacific SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE, 11th and Caas Sta. BRICKLAYERS are being paid 110 per day In Dallas. Lots of building under construction. Suggest you wire or wrlta us if you are Interested In coming here to live. Dallaa Open Shop (Square Deal) Association, Second Floor South land Life Bldg., Dallas, Tex. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE. 11 S. 14th. Wrlta for catalog. Salesmen and Solicitors. SALESMEN . WANTED Salesmen wanted to represent us selling a full and complete line of groceries, oils, lubricating oils, paints and specialtlea direct to the consumer on a commission basis. Must have your own car. Ninety men representing us in 10 different states making from 3'-', 500 to 110.000 per year. A proposition with a future to it for all those who are able to quali fy. If you are not making tha above amount annually, why not writs us for further information with reference to tha proposition. Address tha OMAHA WHOLESALE GROCERY COMPANY, OMAHA, KEB. 20T-9-11 No. 13th St. SALESMAN: Must be a good producer thoroughly acquainted with retail gro cery trade of greater Omaha. Must be experienced selling food products. This is a permanent salary position. Auswer by letter only, giving experience, refer ence and goods sold. Address Box T-1851. Omaha Bee. WANTED experienced salesman who kaa successful sales record and capable of selling blah grade established specialty products to retail trade, Idaho terri tory. Guaranteed salary and bonus. Give age and salary expected. . Write Box Y-1649. Omaha Bee. WANTED Distributor for a natlonally- aavemsea proauct. call Mr. Mattlngly or Mr. Fore, Room 207, Fontenelle hotel. Miscellaneous. WANTED Married man to work on iarm; muse do experienced: house fur nished. Write F. C. Crocker, Castle Hotel, Omaha. 1.000 MEN WANTED TO WEAR Undo Sam e Shoes at $2.90 Per Pair MIDWEST HARNESS CO.. 70S N. 16th. HELP -WANTED FEMALE. Professions and Trades. TEACHERS Grade, with two years' col lege training; Latin, domestic science, mathematics, with degrees. Cline Teach ers' Agency, Columbia. Mo. Household and Domestic. GIRLS. Watch the Domestic Column of Tha Bee Want Ada. Good well-paid and homelike plaoa always advertised. WANTED Experienced white aecond girl wun gooa references. Apply Mr. W. H. McCord, 5201 Davenport. WHITE GIRL for general housework; small family; mut hav ref. H. 0160. HELP WANTED. Male and Female. WANTED Men, ladlea and boya to learn . barber trade; big demand; wages while lvarnlng; etrtctly modern. Call or writ 143 Dodge St. Tri-Clty Barber College. EDUCATIONAL. FALL TERM SEPTEMBER 6. "DAT SCHOOL NIGHT SCHOOL. Complete coursea In accountancy, ma chine bookkeeping, comptometry, short hand and typewriting, railroad and wtrelese telegraphy, civil service and all English and commercial branches. Write, call or phona Jackson 1565 for large Illustrated catalog. Address BOSI.ES COLLEGE, Boyles Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Van Sant School of Business, Day and Evening Schools. 220 Omaha National Bank Bldg, ' Dougras 5890. GLASGOW, ANNIE E., voice and piano. 803 Karbach Block. Jackaon 1081. BUSINESS CHANCES. BAKERT-r-Wanted to buy, retail bakery In Omaha, or rent building which wofald be suitable for same. Address Box V-1644. Omaha Bee. WANTED Distributor for a national ad vertised product. Call Mr. Mattlngly or Mr. Fore, Room 207, Fontenelle Hotel. WANT to hear from owner having buai ness for sale. J. C McConney, Termin al building, Omaha, Neb. RESTAURANT for sale, 1007 Howard St. Doing good bualness. FOR RENT ROOMS. Furnisned Rooms. ARE YOU LOOKING FOR ROOMS? Or have you planned on making a change, which will be more convenient for you? If so, then call The Bee Want Ad Dept., Tyler 1000, and wa will not only furnish you with a complete room list of choloa vacant rooma in Omaha. I but also keep your number on our ; "Want to Kent' list for further refer I en?s In case you wanted -to maka an- o-tircr cnange. Tnese lists ar absolutely fre of charge to all readers and adver tisers of The Omaha Beo and published solely tor their convenience and benefit. Call any time. 'Atlantlo 1000. Want Ad Dept HARNEY 4548 Nlco front rm, new mod. home. priv. residence, walking dlatanc. 25TH AVE.. 614 South, nicely furnished room, walking distance. DO. 7052. NICE room In modern home. Lady pre ferred. Harney 3539. Housekeeping Rooms. CALL FOR COMPLETE LIST OF HOUSE KEEPING ROOMS IN CITY. WE HAVE THE BEST IN CITY. CALL TYLER 1000 "WANT AD. ASK ABOUT OUR BEE ROOM LIST. PUBLISHED EVERY WEEK FREE OF CHARGE FOR THE BENEFIT OF OUR ADVERTISERS AND READERS. ATLANTIC 1000. WANT AD. A large front room with or without light housekeeping. All new furniture. Ken wood 1999. NEARLY furnished modern housekeeping rooms, walking distance. Jackson 2969 lTARVA&r K ??n 5 nr 4 rnAmi with klubcnett for light . housekeeping ' Registered U.S. Patent Olfica FOR RENT ROOMS. Housekeeping Rooms. TWO rooma, with back porch, for house keeping. 828 South 22d St. 3 HKPG. rms. 2708 Spaulding. KE. 3457. Board and Rooms. FOR CHOICE BOARD AND RM. WATCH THE BEE WANT ADS, AND IF YOU DO NOT FIND WHAT YOU WANT IN THE WANT COLUMN CALL AT. 1000 AND ASK ABOUT OUR COMPLETE LIST OK ROOMS. 2212 MASON Large rms.. 2 or 3 gen tlemen, best bom cooking. Walking distance. AT. 4682. FOR RENT HOUSES. Furnished. BEMIS PARK Completely furnished, seven-room home, south front, pleasant living rooms, threo bed rooms, half block to car; Immediate poscsslun. Har- "" ney 6299 or Harney 7221. Unfurnished. 924 Dupont St., 5 rooms 330.00 612 South 13th St., rooms 30.00 These places are part modern. Creigh, Sons & Company. 808 Bee Bldg. ' Jackson 0200. FOR RENT APTS. AND FLATS. Furnished. FOR RENT Six-room furnished apart ment, desirable location, walking dis tance: will sublease to party buying furniture. An opportunity to get a nice home reasonable. Harney 7289. 545 SOUTH 31st St., 3 rooms, private bath, electric lights, phon, heat. Complete ly furnished; (18 week. Harney 4330. Unfurnished. Peters Trust Company, Specialists In apartment management. 1816 Maple atreet, 7-room modern apart ment. Move now. WANTED To RENT. Office and Desk Room. WANTED Office room with us of tele phone; state price wanted and what you have by letter to Box Y-1647, Oma ha Bee. FOR RENT Business Property . PACKING PLANT. For rent at Grand Island. Neb., equipped with hog hoist, and dehorninrf machine; also single and double beet hoist, up-to-date aauaage equipment. Capacity of plant, car of hogs and car of cattle dally. Present lease expires November 1, 1921. Address Loup Val ley Packing . Co., C. E. Rasset, Secy., 410 West Koenlg St., Grand Island, Neb. CORNER store, 22x60. 701 S. 16th St. PETERS TRUST CUMrAKI "Whera Omaha Rents." 17th and Farnam Sts. Atlantic 0544. SEE F. D. WEAD. 210 S. 18TH ST. POULTRY AND PET STOCK. WHEAT screenings. 11.60 per. 100, del. A. W. Wagner. 801 N. I6tn. ja. 114.'. HORSES AND VEHICLES. WILL sacrifice 3-year-old Shetland pony. Phone Harney 3679. MOVING AND STORAGE. FIDELITY Sav?abn CO. STORAGE MOVING. PACKING HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND PIANOS. REASONABLE RATES, REDUCED FREIGHT RATES TO ALL PRINCIPAL' CITIES. 1107-11 Howard St. Jackson 0288, FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separata locked rooms for household goods and pianos, moving, packing and shlnninff. BMKINS OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE, 806 South 16th. Douglaa 4163. METROPOLITAN VAN and STORAGE CO. Owned by H. R. Bowen Co. Atlantlo 3400. ESTIMATES furnished on storage & mov ing, contracts tan en oy joo or nr. kioob Van & Storage Co., J A. 4338, AT. 0230. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. Cars Wanted. , We hava been selling more cars than we hava had an opportunity to buy. If they are used, not abused, we will buy about 40 cars. Saleday Car Co., Fortieth and Farnam St. FORD touring cars, roadsters, trucka; 1919, '20 and '21 models; wttn or wun out starters. We are not in the uaed car business and do not sell for a profit, but are replacing our old equipment with new. Drlve-It-Yourself Co., 1314 Howard St. Phona Douglas 3622. BRAND NEW 6-PASS ENGER JORDAN DEMONSTRATOR. CALL, HA. Bio. FOR SALE Cadillac Victoria Coupe, model 57, driven IS.BOO miles; excel lent condition. Cash only. No tradca considered. Phone Harney 7176 or Webster 0068. FORD demountable wheels complete, 830 set. Old wheels taken in exenange. 17-inch Ford steering wheels. 12.60. 1014- 18 Harney 8t Douglaa 4931 SOME bargain In uaed Ford cara. Mc- carrrey motor to. xao nanuy rum Service Station, 15th and Jackson, Douglaa 3500. BUY A GUY L. SMITH USED CAR. A Safe Investment. Jth and Farnam St. Phono D. 1970. HUDSON sedan, good paint, good tires, good motor; trad for new Ford sedan and $300. Addresa Bee Box X-9. ' NEW model 85 Detroit electric sedan. Less than wholesale. Address Box Y-1650, Omaha Bee. FOR SALE 7-passenger car in first rlasa condition; best offer takea It. Phone AT. 4M3. USED cara, bought, sold and exchanged, TRAWVER AUTO CO.. 2310 Farnam St. EXCHANGF, ilcctrlc car, like new. What have you? Eselln, 631- Paxton Blk. NEW and used cara bought and aold. Goldstrom Auto Sales, 1318 Harney. FOR SALE Rauch Lang double driv car. Address Box R 33 Omaha Bee. Repairing and Painting. CUte ft Petenon, auto repair. 810 8. -6th. HOLLY, expert auto trimmer. 812 & 24th. Assessories. FABRIC TIRE REPAIRS BLOWOUTS OR RELINKRS. Three-ln. 12.26; 3Vs In. 32.50; 4 In. 13. TJaed tires. Ford sizes, 33 and up. Hart Tire and Rubber Co., 71SV So. 16th. Truck tire repairs a specialty. FARM LANDS. Minnestota Lands. EQUITY lnd Exchange. St. Paul. Minn. Wyoming Lands. SOLDI KR 640-acre homestead, residence. Duff. Capper. Wyo. 7-month An investment that pays dividends Cee want ads. big SEE JIUliS AND MAUG1E IN FULL I'AUE Or COLORS IN THE SUNDAY BEE FINANCIAL Real Estate Loans. We hav cash on band to loan on Omaha residences. E. IT. LOUGEE. INC. 638 Keeline Bldg. OMAHA HOMES EAST NEB. FARMS. O'KEEFB REAL ESTATE CO., 1018 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Jackson 2715. 3100 to lto.000 made promptly. V. D. WEAD. Wead Bldg. 310 S. 18th St HELD Land Co., real estate, loana and insurance. 6064 Military Ave. REAL ESTATE WANTED. Want Two Houses. W'ill buy one or two houses at right. price. 5 to 7 rooms: will pay cash and Liberty bonds. Address R-29, Omaha iJee. To buy or sell Omaha Real Estate see FOWLER & M'DONALD 1120 City Nat. Bk. Bldg. Jackson 1426. WANTED To buy a six-room house, two stories. Kleld club or soutnweut district, D. V. SHOLES CO.. - Jackson 0046. 1S City Nat. Bk. Bldg. WE SPECIALIZE IN DUNDEE HOMES C. B. STUHT CO., City Sat'l Bldg. Douglas 8787, THE Old Reliable Real Estate Office. M'CAGUE INVESTMENT CO., 1506 Dodge St. Douglas 1845 HAVE inquiries for homes do you want to sell your property? List It with C. A. Grimmel, Omaha Nafl Bk. Bldg. RTPV-Trprp REAL ESTATE. U1XVXY.CJ JL J. gens. Bents. Insures, 350 Peters Trust Bldg. Jackson 0653. LIST homes and Income property with GRUEN1Q KBALTI CO.. 1418 1st Nat'l Bk. Bldg. Jackson 196S. PROMPT sales of your real estate; we have many buyers and solicit your rust res. Shopen & Co., Realtors. J A. 4228. TO BUY OR SELL real estate aee Glover & Spain, 910-20 City National Bank, Jackson 2850. LIST with us. We guarantee results. STIER REALTY CO., 715 Bee, DO. 6545. REAL ESTATE UNIMPROVED, AUCTION Saturday, Aug. 27, 11 a. m. on the premises. Two lots, size 114x124, south oast corner of Sherman Ave. and Em met St.. Kountze Place. Flno location, among beautiful homes, south and east fronts, large enough for 3 houses. Terms: 1-3 cash; balance, years, 6 per cent interest. COL. C. F. CALHOUN. Los Angeles, Cal. COL. JAMES L. DOWD, Omaha, Auctioneer. CLAIRMONT LOT. Eaat front, on Fontenelle blvd. Own er will sacrifice for quick sale. Call Atlantlo 3640. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS. CORNER lot with store and flats above and three cottages. Income $1,936; price. 812,500. ALFRED THOMAS & SON CO. 604 First Nat'l Bk. Jackson 0084. E. H. BENNBR CO. TRACKAGE. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN. Florence. SIX-ROOM house and 3 acres of land, Florence, 13.500; also 15 acres above Florence, Jo.'jnO. Jackson 0327. Nethaway. Flor. prop, no colored. KE. 1409 REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West LAFAYETTE AVE. HOME. Six large rooms and bath, oak on first floor, furnace heat, house newly painted, garage, large lot, ! blocks West of 33d St. Price 86,500; 2,000 cash. RASP BROS,, 215 Keeline Bldg., AT. 0721. Omaha Real Estat ai d Investments. JOHN T. BOHAN, 6:1 Paxton Blk. Atlantlo 4880. 6 ROOMS at 630 North 4lBt Ave., 7 rooms at 3106 Lincoln Blvd. Phone owner and builder, Har. 2195, or Harney 0927. J B. ROBINSON, real est- te and Invest ment. 642 Peters Trust. DO. 8097. D. E. BUCK & CO. buy and aell homes. North. WHAT am I offered for my 9-room strict ly modern semi-stucco, located 2924 N. 14th Ave. Separate entrance for the four upstairs rooms and kitchenette on aecond floor makes this home easily adopted for uso of two families if de sired. This is a. beautifully arranged home with many features to suit a mod ern lady of tho house. Built-in book cases, built-in kltch cabinets with glass doors, plenty of roomy closets, etc. Oak finishd ownstalrs. Ono block to car. AVhy pay $1,500 or more for a 5-rooni bungalow when you can get this home for less? Enjoy - all the conveniences of a bungalow and at the eanie time help pay monthly installments from rent of upstairs rooms. Will sell with terms $1,000 down, balance like rent to first party making reasonable offer. Harney 1233. Near Kountze Park. $1,000 Down. Seven-room full 2-story house; 4 rooms on the first floor, oak finish and oak floors; 3 bedrooms and bath on the second floor; full cement base ment, furnace heat; nice screened porch; dandy lot on paved street, all paid. If Interested in a house in Kountze Park district, we can sell this for lots less than market value. Payne Investment Co. 537 Omaha Nat. Bank. Bldg. DO. 1780. Near Kountze Park Five-room strictly modern bungalow, nil on one floor; oak floors and oak finish;, fireplace, built-in kitchen fea tures; full cement basement, furnace beat; dandy big lot 60x132. south front on paved str.'et. nil paid. Price. $5,250. Payne Investment Co., 5:;7 Omaha Nnt. Rlt. Bide. Douglas 17S0. HAVE TOU s;oo. If vet have and would like to have us build you a niie neat 6-ronm. strict ly mortem bungalow near Miller park, call Mr. Curse, Bt DO. "412, days; AT. 3501, evenings. YOU WILL SAVE on your cost bill and on th prire If you buy my five-room, all-modern home in Beniis psrk district. Trice Is under 8S.000 and on terms. Harney S687 eve nings, or Atlantic 442t days. SACRED HEART PARISH. Seven rooms and bath, strictly mod ern, good lot; paving all paid; one block to car. Price 84. son. terms. OSTtORNE REALTY CO. SOS Peters Trust Pklg. Jackson 258!. 4720 N. 39th Oood 6-room house, modern except heat. 8700. balance monthly. Creigh, 608 Bee, Ja. 0200. More Truth -By JAMES J. OLD EYES FOR NEW Dr. Kopyanis of Vienna offers to replace blue eyes with brown or vice-versa if any one is not pleased with the sort they were born with. I miss the orbs whose tender hue Was like the sunlit sea; Their lovely owner little knew How much they mean to mc. , JShe still is charming; to behold, Though hard to recognize, And I have grown a trifle cold Since Alice changed her eyes. ' She never liked their native shade. They didn't match her hair; And yesterday she made a trade And got another pair. She spent the afternoon in town, And when she homeward came With eyes a sort of golden brown, She didn't seem the same. I had a feeling I'd been wronged That damped my joy in life, Those eyes, it seemed to me, belonged To some one else's wife. The brown ones have a tender glow. But when upon my knee I hold the owner of them, Oh! ' The difference to mc! A woman causes no surprise i By changing, now and then, y Her mind, or e'en her hair, but eyes Are something else again. No peace my guilty conscience knows My soul, is on the rack, I won't be happy till she goes And gets those blue eyes back! 1 "MtJ I t Hill VJkM jifcTf i THE ONLY We hope the price of gasoline can burn a little of it on our Thanksgiving plum puddings. HUT THEY NETER ARE It would help a little if war rates were only followed by rate wars. DISPROVED The theory that potatoes reallv have little nutritive value is by the fact that potato bugs are condition. I Copyright. 1921. by Th Hungarian Troops Begin Occupation of Funfkirchen Budapest, Aug. 22. Hungarian troops have begun the occupation of the city of Funfkirchen, 105 miles southwest of this city. The town is the capital of the district of Baranya, which was awarded to Hungary upon the breaking up of the Austro- Hungarian empire. There have been no untoward incidents thus far. Alleged Bandit Held. Sherman Jackson, 1440 South Thirteenth street, was held to the district court by Judge Wappich in Central police court after three Mexicans identified him as the ban dit who held them up in a bunk car last week and escaped with $200. Food Prices in July Increase 3 Per Cent Monthly Report Shows New York, Aug. 22. The cost of living decreased seven-tenths of 1 per cent during July, according to figures made public today by the National Industrial conference. Prices are still 62 per cent higher than the July, 1914 level, and only 20.8 per cent lower than the peak reached in July, 1920. , Declines during July were in cloth ing, which dropped 3.S per cent, and in sundries, which dropped 1.1 per cent. Food prices, the report said, went up 3 per cent. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED South. XKW all modern B-room bungalow near 24th and Bancroft. 84,500. Easy term. Atlantlo 1640. FIVE-ROOM house. 81,200; big bargain. Phone Jackson 0327. We Want Big Small Old New Houses Have buyer and tenant for al! kind of house in all part of the city. List your with u for result. Creigh. Sons & Co. Established 1868 608 Bee Bldg. JA. 0200 Drawn for The Bee by McManus Copyright. 1931. International N" Sarvic Than Poetry MONTAGUE- THING LEFT will be low enoueh this fall so w always in such magnificent physical Bell Syndicit. Inc.) China Sees Move For Secret Meet Evidence Proving Internation alization Plan Said Uncovered. Peking, Aug. 22. (By The As sociated Press.) Evidence fupport ing rumors that the internationaliza tion of China is being contemplated by the powers is to be seen, asserts the Yi Shih-Pao, a nonpartisan news paper of this city, in the American reply to Japan's effort to obtain an outline 'of the "agenda of the confer ence on disarmament and far eastern questions to be held in Washington this autumn. In an editorial the newspaper says: The American note to China mere ly said the conference would discuss Pacific and far eastern questions, no restrictions being placed upon the scope of the discussion. The note to Japan, however, says that Ameri ca, while unwilling to accede to the demand of the Japanese government to restrict the scope of the confer ence, still hopes to exchange opinion with a view to reaching some agree ment. "This shows a preliminary confer ence between the big powers is bound to occur. A preliminary con ference can lead only to a repetition of the Versailles conference where important questions had to be de cided by the council of four before being submitted to the representa tives of smaller nations making up the assembly," Real Estate Transfers Joseph W. Brinker and lf to Laura Lavender, S. K. Cor. 25th Ave. A Crown Point Ave., 45x120. $ Jennie n. Gorman to Charles F. Bergstroro, Locust Bt., 150 ft. W. of 10th St.. S. 8. 30 Ellery R. Hume and wife to J. H. Marnett, Eraklne St.. 100 ft. w. of (1st St., S. S. 6120 Anna Kotera to Hugo R., W St., 7 ft. W. of 22d St., 8. S. 6I99.S Charles M. Keplinger and wife to Ryron O. Burhank, Seward Bt., 120 ft. 8. of 21 Ih Ave., 8. S. 30x127.5 , W. J. Halladay and wife to Wallace Johnson, Pprsgue 8t., IS ft. W. of 2th St., N. S. 44x100 Lillian M. Wood and huaband to Wallac Johnston, Crown Point Ave, 24S fc W. of 28th Ave., S. 8. 45x116 Charles F. Davis and wife to Iavl-son-Anderson Co., th St.. ISO ft. N. of H St.. W. S. 66x130 Gertrude Voung and husband to Emmet O. Solomon, N. K. Cor. 26th Ave. and Titus Ave., 42x120 and other property Leila Florence LandMrom and hus band to Edna O. Walworth, Hick ory St., 100 ft. E. of 26th Ave., 8. S. 36x120 S40 2,000 160 :,ooo l 2.(00 4,260 1 4,:oo Anarchists Plan Big Convention During September Reds Resume Operations hi U. S. ou Large Scale Union of Russian Toilers v Most Dangerous. New York, Aug. 22. When the Duford set sail for Russia with Alex l'eikniaii and Emma Goldman on board, never to return, Americans believed anarchism in the United States had been dealt a lasting blow. Goldman and Dcrkman were the chief f.pokcsineii of violent thought in this country. For a time there was not much t'oing in anarchistic circles and then came the Wall street explosion, in which 3(f innocent persons were blown to fragments. That was formal notice to the United States that the bolshevists had resumed operations. It was learned Sunday that all groups of anarchists, bolshevists and apents of force of all nationalities will hold a convention in Septem ber, presumably in New York City or somewhere in New Jersey. The Daily News Monday will publish additional data, showing the com munist party in America is now a nation-wide revolutionary organiza tion, with the open and avowed pur pose of overthrowing the United States government by violence and putting in its place a soviet govern ment. For the first time ia history all the anarchistic groups in this country are united against the com mon enemy, which is law and order and harmonious relations between labor and capital. Russians Predominate. In the New York district most of the anarchists are Russians and jews, with a few Italians. -Most of the Italians are connected witn tnc Galleani group, which has its head quarters in Boston. In Fhiladelplua tne rropensa group of Spanish terrorists were strong, but late . reports indicate a majority of them have returned to Spain, where there has been much recent activity. In Cleveland the anarchists are mostly Russians and in Chicago the Italians and Russians control tht situation. By far the most dangerous group in New York today is the re-organized union of Russian workers, now known as the Union of Russian Toilers. They are anarcho-com-munists and two years ago had a dues-paying membership of 7,000 in the United Stats. Presumably this membership has greatly increased in recent months. In the Department of Justice raids of 1919 several lead ers of this organization were ar rested and deported. Oppose Russian Reds. Sineularlv enoueh. this group is opposed to the bolshevik leaders in Russia and wage incessant warfare upon their followers here. How ever, this is explained by the desire of new leaders or agitators who con sider themselves born leaders to gain supreme power. All of them believe in the destruction of capital the utter demolition of government, as governments now are organized, and the substitution ot a govern ment by the rabble. Working hand in hand with the Galleani group, the Spanish Propensa group and the Union of Russian Toilers, are the I. W. W. who have recently murdered men in the wct for refusing to join them. The I. W. W. advocates the general strike and sabotage as a means of destroying capital and seizing the government. It is working chiefly among foreign miners, in the railroad switch yardi . and in western labor unions. It is the announced purpose of all these groups, and more especially thsj T. W. W., to destroy the American' Federation of Labor. To this end agents of all the groups have se cured membership in the federation and are "boring from within." These are the persons responsible for vio lence and sabotage in strikes, but the labor unions get the blame for the destruction. Devils Lake Sheriff Seeks Alleged Omaha Holdup Men SWiff F.rlward Elliott of Devils Lake, N. D., is another person who wants to put his fingers on Tom Kellv and Will Connolly, alias Tom Mahcr, both of Omaha. In a letter to Chief of Detectives Van Dcusen, Elliott stated he' is positive Kelly and Maher are the bandits who held up two banks in a small town near Devils Lake two months ago. r- Federal authorities and Omaha po lice have been searching for Kelly who is wanted for swindling Canadian whisky men out of thou sands of dollars. The wholesale value of motor vc-, hides manufactured last year was $2,250,000,000, with $1,000,000,000 for the rubber business, and $75,000,000 in the parts and accessories lines. Is a Person's Family Tree Called Their Pedigree?" When we speak of a person's "pedi gree," or even of the pedigree of a dog or horse, we do not, at least con sciously, mean to infer that this ha anything in common with the foot of a crane. But this happens to be the literal meaning of the word which, like a number of others, ha? found its way into English because of the difficulty in applying the prop er pronunciation to a French phrase. A pedigree isof conr;ee, nothing more than a family tree of a list of ancestors and this, when blocked out in the chart form so dear to the hearts of genealogists, takes the form of connecting lines radiating from the common progenitor of the familv to his descendants. The French, always fond of painting word-pictures of familiar objects, re- '.. fcrred to a chart of this nature as a pied-de-gruc or crane's foot, on ac count of the resemblance between the two. The English lifted the term bodily and translated it phonetically as "pedigree," thus accounting for its presence in the language today. ' Cop right, 1921. by Tha JttcClur Kw. WHY- 2 V r V 'Ml s r ,