Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 22, 1921, Page 6, Image 6
THE BEE: OMAHA. MONDAY, AUGUST 22, 1921. Classified Advertising Rites 19 par line (count is wont to ha) 1 day lt par lie prt day, I eonseeutiv day le pr Him per dav, 7 consecutive days ?4e par Ho per day, M eoneutlv dart Ne ada taken for le than a total of 16. Thai rataa apply either to th Daily or Sunday Be. All advertisement ap pear ia both moraine and vning daily paper for th one chars' CONTRACT BATES ON APPLICATION . Want ada accepted at th following ef. f iee t MAIN OFFICE 17th aad Faraaat St. Sooth Sid 4S South 24th St. Council Bluff 1 Scott St. WANT ADS RECEIVED BT PHONK ATLANTIC 1000 THE BEE will not b rpenilbl ler more than on tneorreet lnaertion of as advertisement ordrd fot nor than en tim. CLOSING HOURS FOR WANT ADS. EvcntaK Edition ll:4A.M. Morning Edition t :00 P.M. Sunday Edition 1:00 P. at. Saturday DEATH & FUNERAL NOTICES. ,i FTC HELL Peter, aged 76, brother of Michael and the lata Thomas. John, Brian anil Timothy Mitchell and Mr. DiKiucsnell. Funeral Monday 10 a. m. to St, Roki hurch. Interment, St. Mary cemetery. FUNERAL DIRECTORS Forest Lawn Cemetery . WEST OF FLORENCE ' 320 acre. A nonprofit corporation. Cemetery Office. 4?d and No. City I.lmlti. City Office, 720 Brandeia Theater. STACKS FALCONER OMAHA'S BEST ARROW A M B UL ANCEh A? Vo81 Thirty-third and Farnam. HULSE & RIEPEN PIONEER FUNERAL DIRECTORS 2234 Cuming 8X Ja(kaon122 HEAFEY & HEXFEY Undertaker and F.mbalmers. Phone II A. 285. Office 2611 Farnam. ,i'OB AMBULANCE tall MA rket 0680. Korlako Funeral Home. 33d nd O St. FLORISTS. LEE L. LARMON JS14 Douglas St. ' Douglas 8244. JOHN BATH. 1804 Farnam. Jackson 1906. J.. Henderaon, 1607 Farnam, Jackaon 1258. LOST. FOUND AND REWARDS. PARTIES known who atol 60 or more thoroughbred pedigreed Toggenberg goala from tho goat farm at 5605 8. ISth: return at once to avoid further trouble. Douglaa 4864. FOR ARTICLES LOST on street car tele phone Tyler 800, We are anxious to re store lust article to rightful owners. OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFFS ST. RT. COMPANY. LOST Airedale dog, 72nd and Military Ave: had collar with chain attached; reward. Call Wal. 6009. , TARTY who found cameo brooch la known, Oall Atlantic S710 for reward. LOST A box of ewing at Elmwood park. Finder please call. DO. 0352. PERSONAL. THE SALVATION Army Indutrlal home aollclta your old clothing, furniture, magazines. We rollect. W distribute. Phone Douglas 4135 and our wagon will call. Call and inspect our new xhome. 1U0-1U2-1114 Dodge St. N CRONE corsets. Mary Schaeter, fitting guar., sure;, belts. 615 N. 25 St. DO. 7235. SAY IT WITH FLOWERS FROM HESS & SWOBODA, 1415 FARNAM STREET, HATTIB Putman, Nubono Corset Shop, 503 Karbaeh Block. AT. 2991, . WANTED CHILDREN TO BOARD; REASONABLE. ATLANTIC 3597. ELECTRK; baths and massage. Web. 2911, CHILDREN cared for by week. Wal. 4661. MASSAGE 210 North Seventeenth Street. RENT HOOVER vaouum. $1 up. Har. 1071. . 'HATHmassage. 318 Neville Blk. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Accordeon Pleating. j ACCORDION, aide, knife, sunburst, box .. pleating, covered buttons, all slz.-s and styles; hemstitching, plcot edging, eye- let cut work, buttonholes, pennants. " Ideal 'Button and Pleating Co., 301 Istovsn Blk.- Jackson 1936. ' NEB. Pleating & Button Co., 1806 Farnam St., 5d floor, Douglas 6670. Attorneys. . W. H. HATTEROTH, lawyer, notary, con- fldentlal advice. 1418 First National Bank Rlcltr. Contractors. BRICK plasterer and cement, new and , . repair work. J. Nau, Walnut 4667. Dancing Academies. Ta Pino School for Dancing. 2424 lVCITlUe Farnam. Douglas 7850. . Dressmaking. DRESSMAKING, ' 5718. fancy and plaiu. Web. DRESSMAKING. 408 SOUTH 24TH ST. Detectives. RELIABLB Detective Bureau, Railway ' Ex. Bldg.. JA. 2056. Night, KEN. 8812. Independent Detective Bureau, 804 Neville Blk. Atl. 5601; night, Wal. 4056; K. 0465. JAMES ALLAN, 213 Neville Blk. Evidence secured in all raaes. Atlantio 1126. Fun. FURS remodeled, relined and cleaned. KNEKTER ALASKA FUR CO.. ?"t J. 15th St. Dougla 7288. Kodak Finishing. FILMS developed; printing and enlarging. Write for prices. Th Ensign Co., 1607 Howard St. FILMS developed, one-day service, Ka . Studio. ri3-I9 Neville Blk. BRITT Printing Co., 1 Elk Bldg. Patent Attorneys. PATENT ATTORNEYS J. W. MARTIN, patent atty.. 1716 Dodge. , Tailoring. LOHRMAN, the reliable ladies' tailor, 132A Farnam. Stands for atyle, price and quality. Established since 1910. Prewar prices. Order your fall clothe now. . Have it ready when you want it. SUITS, overcoats, relined, altered, cleaned and pressed. Prlcea right. HA. 6804. Miscellaneous Announcements. Hay Fever Sufferers Quick poaltive relief by using M. A. P., an antiseptic compound discovered by French chemist. Send II for trial treatment. Maignea Chemical Company, Ds Molne. Ia. DIAMONDS p.,H,,be (o buy back at amall profit. GROSS JEWELRY CO., 402 N. 16th St. Doug las 5049. WANTED Concessions of all kinds and . tent shows for the Colfax County Stock Show at Ieigh, Xeb., Sept. 9 and 10. ; G. K. McNary, secretary OMAHA PILLOW CO. Mattresses made over in new ticks at halt ths price of . new beds. 1907 Cuming. Jackron 2467. RAZOR BLADES aharpened. Single, 36c; double edge. 45c doz. Mall orders so licited. Omaha Sharp Co.. 103 N. 16th. NEW and rebuilt electrical apparatus, LeBron Electric. 318 S. 13th St., Omaha. WHITELY, tire and radiator man; reaa. prices; work guar. 320 S. 13th. DO. 6603. ROGERS Confectionary Stoi. 24th and Farnam St, Jackson 0127. Omaha Towel Supply, 207 S. 11th. JA. 0528 HAVE your windowa reputtied. Ken. 2701. FOR SALE. Furniture and Household Goods. FOR SALE CHEAP Lateet style, new Or r chard A Wtlhelm kitchen cabinet, never - " been need, $35. . Call at 834 S. 24th St., Apt. 7. ROOMING house furniture for sal cheap. .- 2112 N. 18th. Webeter 08J. . BIX room furniture, nil or by the piece. Cheap. Call Webster IT 77. Pianos and Musical Instruments. VIOLINS, bowa, string nnd repairing at . lowest prlcea, Matthews Studio, 10 Dougla Blk.. Opp. Hydna AT, 2090, FOR real bargalna in phonograph racord accesaorlea and repairs, ar us, Shlavr faoncgrapb Co.. 1404 Doti- . BRINGING UP OH". IN'T WOrNUOir- 0O4 M FOR SALE. Pianos and Musical Instruments. GEORGH a.. SMITH Dealer In druma, jtylopho. , etc.. Instruction, repairing. Addreaa J761 Davenport St. for catalog. Phon Harney 3967. Try Smlth'a pedal. Typewriters and Supplies. TYPEWKITERS . AND ADDING MACHINES. All MARKS bought, aold, rented and repaired. Bol agent for-the CORONA. Oet our price before you buy. Every machine guaranteed. Central Typewriter Exc. Jarkaon 4120. 1913 Farnam. Miscellaneous Articles. SEWING MACHINES TV rent, repair, sell needles and part. - MICHEL'S ISth and Harney. Douglas 1973. NEW YORK Concord grapea for jelly, grape Juice, wine and table use. Hous ton Fruit Farm. 8J03 N. S6th. Pbone KB. 4464. after 7 p. m. ' - WE buy, sell safes, make deslta, show, cases, etc. Omaha Fixture A Supply Co., 8. W. Cor. I1th and Douglas. JA. 2724. BUY your kindling wood now; will be a shortage this rail. Acm Box Co.. Harney 1837. 26 gross 24-oz. new quart ai.e beer hotllcs. Charle Jarl, 1703 Leavenworth. GRAPES for sale at Walatroms, 60th and Sprague, Kenwood 2016. GREENS greens. 1113 N. 20th. Web. 3930. WANTED TO BUY.. DESKS DESKS DESKS New desks, used desks bought, aold and traded. J. C. Reed, 1207 Farnam. D. 6146 WANTED SITUATIONS. Male. HELP the American Legion help the ex- aervice men. Give us a chance to get a ' man for that vacant Job you have. No charge for employer or employs. Jack son 2714, Douglas E768. Laundry and Day Work. LAUNDRY work Atlantic 3194. or house cleaning. HELP WANTED MALE. Stores and Offices. TOUNG man, tudy law! Evening down town sessions. University of Omaha. Professions and Trades. WANTED Chicken pickers, dry picking hens, 3'ir each; springs, 4s each; cocks, 5c each. Will employ white or colored pickers, with or without tippers. Omaha Cold Storage Co., 8th and Farnam Sts. WANTED Car Repairers With 4 years' experience Apply Union Pacific SUPERINTENDENTS OFFICE, 11th and Case St. - FIREMEN, brakemen, beginners, 3150, later, $250 monthly. Write Railway, Address Box Y-1616, Omaha Bee. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE. 110 8. 14th. Writ for catalog. Salesmen and Solicitors. SALESMEN WANTED Salesmen wanted to represent us selling a full and complete line of groceries, oils, lubricating oils, paints and specialties direct to the consumer on a commission basis. Must have your own car. Ninety men representing us in 10 different states making from $2,500 to $10,000 per year. A proposition with a future to K for all those who are able to quali fy. If you are not making the above amount annually, why not write us for further information . with reference to tha proposition. Address the OMAHA WHOLESALE GROCERY COMPANY, OMAHA, NEB. 207-9-11 No. 13th St. , Miscellaneous. BE a RAILWAY TRAFFIC INSPECTOR $110 to $2o0 monthly, expenses paid after 1 months' spare time study. Splen did opportunities. Position guaranteed or money refunded. Write for free booklet, E-271. Stand. BusTffess Training Inst., Buffalo. N. Y. MEN Age 17 to 65, experience unneces sary. Travel; make secret investiga tions, reports. Salaries; expenses. Amer ican Foreign Detective Agency, Box 475, St. Louis WANTED Married man to work on farm; must be experienced; house fur nished. Write F. C. Crocker, Castle Hotel. Omaha. HELP WANTED FEMALE. Professions and Trades. EVENING wanted. piano player; state R-31, Omaha Bee. Household and Domestic. i GIRLS. Watch th Domestic Column of The Be Want Ada, Good well-paid and homelike place alwaya advertised. WANTED Experienced white second givl . with good references. Apply Mrs. W. H, McCord, 6201 Davenport. WHITE GIRL for general housework; small family; must have ref. H. 0160. Miscellaneous. WANTED Ten glrla for work in Snow White bakery. Must be 16 years old or over. Apply at once to superintendent's office, third floor. 1TEN BISCUIT CO., 13th and Capitol Ave. TWO GIRLS to wait on jtrade. -tMyinpla Candy Kitchen, 161$ Harney. HELP WANTED. Male and Female. WANTED Men, ladiea and boys to learn barber trade; big demand; wages while learning; strictly modern. Call or write 1403 Dodge St. Tri-City Barber College. EDUCATIONAL. FALL TERM SEPTEMBER 6. DAY SCHOOL NIGHT SCHOOL. -Complete courses In accountancy, ma. chine, bookkeeping, comptoiuetry, short hand and typewriting, railroad and wireless telegrapby. civil servic and all English and commercial branches. Write, call or phone Jackson 1665 for large Illustrated catalog. Addreea BOYLES COLLEGE. Boylea Bldg., Omaha. Neb Van Sant School of Business. Day and Evening Schools. 220 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Douglas 5890. GLASGOW, ANNIE Pi (03. Karbacb Block. voice and piano. 3kson i0$l 43 FATHER THAT A j J Ut Q NOW JUST CRAvZV BUSINESS CHANCES. BAKERY Wanted to buy retail bakery In' Omaha, or rent building which would be suitable for same. Address Box Y-1644, Omaha Bee. FOR SALE Clgara and tobacco, aofi drinka and confectionery store. Priced to sell. N. W. Johnson, Brady, Neb. WANT to hear from owner having busi ness for sale. J. C. McConney. Termin al building. Omaha. Ntb RESTAURANT for 'aale, 1007 Howard St. Doing good business. FOR RENT ROOMS. Furnisncd Rooms. ARB YOU LOOKING FOR ROOMS? Or have you planned on making a change, which will be more convenient for you t If so, then call The Bee Want Ad Dept., Tyler 1000, and we will not only furnish you with a complete room list of choloe vacant, rooms in Omaha, but alao keep your number on our "Want to Rent" list for further refer ence In caae you wanted to make an other change. These lists ar absolutely free of charge to all readers and adver tisers of The Omaha Bee and published aoleiy for their convenience and benefit. Call any time. Atlantio 1000. Want Ad Dept. Tel. Douglas 0549 Large, outside room; modern; 2 block from postoffice; 1 or 3 gentlemen. NICELY furnished room Field club dia trlct,; southern exposure. HA. 4494. 25TH AVE.. 614 South, nicely furnlihed room, walking distance. DO. 7063. NICE roiim In modern home. Lady pre ferred. Harney 3539. LAROK modern room, close in. private family. 2)3 Paxton Court. -HA. 711S. TWO nice Bleeping rma 124 Dougla. Housekeeping Rooms. CALL FOR COMPLETE LIST OF HOUSE KEEPING ROOMS IN CITY. WE HAVE THE BEST IN CITY. CALL TYLER 1000 WANT AD, ASK ABOUT OUR BEE ROOM LIST. PUBLISHED EVERY WEEK FREE OF -CHARGE FOR THE 1 BENEFIT OF OUR ADVERTISERS AND READERS. ATLANTIC 1000. WANT AD. A. large front room with or without light housekeeping. All new furniture. Ken wood 1999. TWO rooms, with back porch, for house . keeping. 828 South 22d St. j RMS. 1st floor, mil., nicely turn. 2314 So. 10th. Jackson 356t. 1505 Farnam, 3d floor, 2 large rms, with kitchenette, for light housekeeping. NEATLY furnished modern housekeeping rooms, walking distance. Jackson 2969. 3 HKPG. rms. 2708 Spaulding. KE. 3457. HSKPG. and sleeping rooms. DG. 7986. Board and Rooms. FOR CHOICE BOARD AND RM. WATCH THE BEE WANT ADS, AND IF YOU DO NOT FIND WHAT YOU WANT IN THE WANT COLUMN CALL AT. 1000 AND ASK ABOUT OUR COMPLETE LIST OF ROOMS. 2215 MASON Large rms.. 2 or 3 gen tlemen, beit home cooking. Walking distanre. AT. 4682. FOR RENT HOUSES. Furnished. BF.M1S PARK Completely furnished. seven-room home, south front, pleasant living rooms, three bed room, half block to car; Immediate posesston, Har ney 5299 or Harney 72-1. FIVE-ROOM furnished bungalow, good references required. Call between 9 and 11 a. m. at 4325 Cass St. Unfurnished. FIVE-ROOM modern house for rent to party buying small amount of furniture, nearly new; must sell at once. Wat. 3258. FOR RENT APTS. AND FLATS. Furnished. 645 SOUTH 31st St., 3 rooms, private bath, electric lights, phone, heat. . Complete ly furnished: $18 week. Harney 431S0. Unfurnished. Peters" Trust Company, Specialists In apartment management. 1816 Maple street, 7-room modern apart ment. Move now. WANTED TO RENT. Office and Desk Room. WANTED Office room with use of tele phone; state price wanted and what you have by letter to Box Y-K47, Oma ha Bee. FOR Rj.NT Business Property .CORNER stor 22x60. 701 S. 16th. St. PETERS TRUST COMPANY "Where Omaha Rents." 17th and Farnam Sts. Atlantic 0544. SFE F. D. WEAD. 210 S. ISTH ST. POULTRY AND PET STOCK. ROLLER CANARIES, $6 to $12. Walnut 466. WHEAT screenings. $1.60 per 100, del. A. W. Wagner. 801 N. 16th. JA. 1142. CARNEAUX plgeona for sale. Phillip Dell. 1801 N. 34th. Webster 693. HORSES AND VEHICLES. TWO teams of horses with harness for sale. Weight over 1,600. Inquire 222 So. 6th St.. J. H. Kintz. WILL sacrifice 3-year-old Shetland pony. Phone Harney 8679. MOVING AND STORAGE. FIDELITY satav0x 0. ' STORAGE MOVING, PACKING HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND PIANOS. REASONABLE RATES. REDUCED FREIGHT RATES TO ALL PRINCIPAL CITIES. 1107-11 Howard St. Jackson 0288. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separate locked rooms for household goods and pianos, moving, packing and shipping. BEKINS OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE, 806 South 16th. Douglas 4163. METROPOLITAN VAN and STORAGE CO. Owned by H. R. Bowen Co, Atlantio 3400. ESTIMATES furnished on storage A mov. ing. Contracts taken by job or hr. Glob Van A Storage Co.. JA. 4338, AT. 02SO. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. - Cars Wanted. . We have been letting mere car than we have had an opportunity to buy. It they are uaed, not abused, we will buy about 40 cars. Saleday Car Co., t Fortieth and Farnam St. BRAND NEW 5-PASSENGER JORDAN ' DEMONSTRATOR. CALL . HA. 645. FORD demountable wheels complete, $30 set. Old wheels taken in exchange. 17-Inch Ford steering wheels. $2.50. 1011 18 Harney St., Douglas ' 49J1. U8ED i t, bought, sold and exchanged , TRAWVUR AUTO CO.. 2210 Farnam St ! EXCHANGE tlectrlc car, like new. What ' hav you? Kaelln. Sat Paxton Blk. ' KF.W and ti.eU cars bought and aold , ' Unlriatran .Amu stales. Ilia Harney.. I oh:oear-'m I 0OtT CRATY n Ufa W that.vou Jf .E V5t I .IT IT. I LL F lcziitcr4 U.S. Tatent Offie AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. FORD touring cars, roadatera, trucks 1919, '0 and '21 models; with or with out atarter. We are not in the used car business and do not sell for a profit, but are replacing our old equipment witn new. unve-jt-rourseir t;o., isn Howard St. Phon Douglas 3633. FOR SALE Cadillac Victoria Coupe, model 57, driven 15,500 miles; excel lent condition. Cash only. No trades considered. Phon Harney 7170 or Webster 0068. SOME bargains in uaed Ford cats. Me Caffrey Motor Co. Tha Handy Ford Service Station, 15th and Jackaon, DOUgla 3500. BUY A GUY L. SMITH USED CAR. A Safe Investment. 26th and Farnam St. Phon D. 1970 HUDSON sedan, good paint, good tires, good motor; trade for new Ford aedan and ?:00. Address Bee Box X-9. FOR SALE Rsuch Lang double drive car, Address Hox ft 33 Omaha Hee. Repairing and Painting. Chtes A Peterson, auto repair. 810 S. 25th, HOLLY, expert auto trimmer. 812 S. 24th. FARM LANDS. Minnestota Lands. 40 ACRES. Improved, good buildings, best oil, 25 acres cultivated, balance pasture ana meadow. All tillable, rich farming district. A real bargain at 35,000. 170 acre on fin lake, two mile from town wltb horse, cattle, machinery anc crop. House, barn, silo. Price, $16,000. Beat bargain In Minnesota, Box 13, Sauk Center. Minn. EQUITY Land Exchange, St. Paul, Minn, Michigan Lands. ATTENTION! LAND8MEKERS Good hardwood land In Michigan, well locat ed; 20, 40, 80 ao. tracts, 115 to 130 per ac. Small pmt. down, bal. long time, We help you. Send for free booklet, Swigart Land Co., J-1252, First NatL bk. Bldg., Chicago. Iowa Lands. FOR SALE Well-improved 40-acre farm and crop If desired, 15 miles southeast of Council Bluffs. Would take close-in Omaha property as part payment.' In' quire 2779 Capitol avenue, Omaha. FINANCIAL Real Estate Loans. We have cash on hand to loan on Omaha residence. E. H. LOUGEF, INC. 538 Keellne Bldg. OMAHA HOMES EAST NEB. FARMS. O'KEEFE REAL. ESTATE CO., 1016 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Jackson !71B. $100 to $10,000 made promptly. F. D. WEAD. Wead Bldg. 310 S. 18th St. HELD Land Co., real estate, loans and insurance. 6054 Military Ave. REAL ESTATE UNIMPROVED. CLAIRMONT LOT. East front, on Fontenelle bird. Own er will sacrifice for quick sale. Call Atlantio 1640, REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS. CORNER lot with store) and flat above and three cottage. Income $1,935; price, $12,500. ALFRED THOMAS A SON CO. 604 First Nat'l Bk. Jackaon 0084. E. H. BENNER CO. TRACKAGE.. REAL ESTATE WANTED. Want Two Houses. Will buy on or two houses at right price. 6 to 7 rooms: will pay cash and Liberty bonds. Address R-29, Omaha Bee. To buy or sell Omaha Real Estate aee FOWLER & M'DONALD 1120 City Nat. Bk. Bldg. Jackson 1426. WANTED To buy a aix-room house, two stories. Field club or southwest district. D. V. SHOLES CO., Jackson 0046. 915 City Nat. Bk. Bldg. WE SPECIALIZE IN DUNDEE HOMES C. B. STUHT CO., City Nat'l Bldg. Douglas $787. THE Old Reliable Real Estate Office. M'CAGUE INVESTMENT CO., 1506 Dodge St. Douglas 1345. HAVE inquiries for home do you Want to sell your property? List it with O. A. Grlmmel, Omaha Nat'l Bk. Bldg. RTT?'K'F.TT real estate. iiivxvrj 1 1 SelIl! rents In,ures 350 Peters Trust Bldg. Jackaon 0633. LIST homes and Income property, with GRUENIG REALTY CO., 1418 1st Nat'l pk. Bldg. Jackson I960. PROMPT sales of your real estate; we have many buyer and solicit your busi ness. Shopen & Co., Realtor. JA. 4228. TO BUY OR 8ELL real estate aee Glover A Spain. 910-20 City National Bank. Jackson 2850. PARTY wants bargain In rooming house in good location. Would like to buy di " rect from owner. Bee Box X-6. LIST with us. We guarantee results. STIER REALTY CO.. 715 Bee, DO. 6645. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN. Florence. SIX-ROOM house and 3 acres of land, Florence, $3,500; also 15 acres above Florence, 85,200. Jackaon 0327. Nethaway. Flor. prop, no colored. KE. 1403 REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West. ' Omaha Real Estate and Investment. JOHN T. BOHAN, 621 Paxton Blk. Atlantic 4880. t ROOMS at 630 North 41st Ave.. 7 rooms at 3106 Lincoln Blvd. Phon owner and builder. Har. 2195, or Harney 0927. J B. ROBINSON, real est: te and Invest ment 542 Peter Trust. DO. 8097. P. E. BUCK CO. buy and sell homes. North. YOU WILL SAVE on your coal bill and on the price If you buy my five-room, all-modern home in Bemis park district. Price Is under $5,000 and on terms. Harney 3687 eve nings, or Atlantic 4424" days. 4720 N. 3!th Good 6-room house, modern except heat, $700, balance monthly. Crelgh. 608 Bee. Ja. 0200. South. NEW all modern 6-room bungalow near 24th and Bancroft. $4,600. Easy terms. Atlantic 1640. FIVE-ROOM house. $1,200; Phone Jackson 032?. big bargain. We Make Omaha RESIDENCE LOANS Monthly Installment Plan, Prepayment any tins. Also Ln en Businea Properties Liberal Optional Privilege. Reaaonabl Commissions 1 fj8Miyr "ViTSi Po SEE JIGG3 AND MAGGIE IN FULL PACE OF COLORS IN THE SUNDAY BEE THE OLD OEAJ I HOPE HE WORRIES HOME WITH HIM -MY WON'T THE, IN Ml CAR Financial SbcNtiuiicrkSimts. By ALEXANDER DANA NOYES. Chicago Tribune-Omaha Bee Leased Wire. New York, Aug. 21. If it were 9afe to draw inferences from the course of markets in the late period of sum mer, the past week would have sug gested financial wariness and lassi tude, a condition in which absence of any district event which would make for confidence offsets knowledge that the lately active forces of acute de pression have ceased to operate. Prices have, for the most part, drifted downward and on the stock exchange various industrial stocks have got to what Wall Street cails "a new low level" for the year. But the de cline has not been violent; it ha been of a tentative character and va ried by frequent recoveries. Attitude More Reassuring. Nothing has hannen In ,k- v. lief In financial rtrel.. .w .v.- .., " , downward sweep of prices for commodi ties naa Iralted. The money market shows now far the readjustment of credit has been carried. The attitude of Washing ton toward financial lerlitin h.. the whole, grown steadllr more ,. Ing. These considerations, however, do not mean much more than .i,at v. ,i . tructive influences may have spent their force. Something more Is necessary to prove that a new turn in the aituatlon is actually at hand. Still the present attitude of doubt and uncertainty Is always apt to prevail at "' "" ," cr. even wnen a distinct revival of trade la th have been many yeara when th 'h . summer gave little or no Indication. The ,.m i th. ,actual business situation would almost invariably begin with the resumption of ordinary business aettvltle W. I? .u1' 1cou"try. comes rather aud dently at the beginning of autumn. Revival Expected. Nobody doubts that nn.ii.i.. . nrr iI2v,al Sener-1 business must occur without very much further delay. the first sign that It I expected: the call ing of unemployed labor back to work is .n""- Th" first Indication ha a ! but n0?S,!.,,r,,y 'Utiy into evidence m.n ,,h; "ec,ond- Reemployment of men out of work In an. ij,..,i othe,s"SThyin,C.reaSin8r """iP'oent in "k i A1" net few month will ahow what is the actual tendency. Omaha Produce Fruit and v.i.m. ........ . i58s?noaos;' iTsVnifAr?r. Ca Ifornla half box e,,T"$ 2.607 Peaches lll?XB,t Lol'e11'' J1'35- p. California Bartletta. ,bo,. 400; Washington Bart L. I.''-l):, Colorado Bartletts, bas t?n 'n50: Colorado Barteletta, box, t?s2' lums' Hungarian Red, crates 1 runes, California, Lugs, $2.50; Italian prunes, Washington, crate-, $2,00; Ita " prunes. Wiahinnn , , ' Air-""-" eiitt' no"1.' 3': Thompson seedless, nnf:.2K 6-Pund Concord basket. 47c sSiPnJ ' tiR uohe!"'' "-50' D3C- Graven SSiSI' JH5- an.tal0!ipe' StJ. Rocky rrt, BUJ3: Ia,s'n'."- Watermelons, crts per pound, 3c. Cranberries, bbls. due September la. mkt; baakts. mkt. Potatoes, j... ,w potatoes, nampers, (New stock) 92.25. fhi, ... i-- ... small lots, Ec. Oniona, sk. Walla Walla yellow, 4c; baskt. Walla WallaT $3 50. Vegetables: Parsnips, bskt., 75c; carrots, oskt., 60c; turn Ids. nskt. Stic- rammkm bskt., 60c; tomatoes. bskt.. so,.- green , peppers, mkt.; cauliflower, pound, 16c; egg . plant, bskt.; mkt.; celery, Michigan, doz., 76c. Lettuce, leaf, per dz., 40c; head, per crt., $5.00. Repack baskets, per crate, $2.60. Honey, 24 frames to case. $6.00. PnemitH' 1(1.,,.,.! salted, 16c; 15-pound carton, salted, 12c; 50-pound carton, salted. Iiiic- ::nr,,,,i pail, salted, 12c; 175-pound bbl., salted, lie; No. 1 Virginia, raw, 10c; No. 1 Vir ginia, roast, 12c; Jumbo raw, 16c; Jumbo roast, 17c. Wholesale urlces of beef ems ti follows: No. 1 ribs. 23V4c: No. 2 ribs. 6Vic: No. 3 ribs. 13c. No. 1 loins. 29Ue- No. 2 loins, 20'ie: No. 3 loins. 13.4c. No. 1 rounds. ISWc: No. 2 rounds. 16c: No. 3 rounds, 14c. No. 1 .chucks. 12c: No. 2 hucks. 104c: No. 3 chucks. Sc o 1 plates, 6',ie; No. 2 platef, 6c; No. 2 plates. lie. Bank Clearings. Bank clearings in the United Statea for the week ending Auguat 18, reported by telegraph to Bradstreet'a Journal, New York, aggregate 15.809.905,000, against $5,771,386,000 last week and $7,574 469,000 in this week last year. Canadian Clear ings aggregate $216,452,000, as against $246,028,000 last week and $275,508,000 in this week last year. Following are the return for this week and last: New York $3,232,400 000 $3,351,300,000 Chicago 516.912,000 465,801,000 353,000,000 S40.000.000 257,253 000 239.736,000 154.790,000 146,432,000 113.500,000 106,600,000 124 800,000 120,300,000 83.317.000 71.843,000 107,841,000 80,158.000 63,203 000 66.558,000 69.259,000 69,269,000 80,186,000 73,407,000 61,955,000 48 394,000 34,368,000 40,632,000 33,718,000 32.792.000 37,665 000 35,017,000 37.524400 88.094.000 33,091,000 31.342,000 29,648,000 26 234,000 27,180,000 26,402.000 30,677,000 28,625,000 19 800,000 18,400,000 '-'8,668.000 27.440,000 22.610.000 20.443,000 Philadelphia . Boston Kansas City .. St Louis San Francisco. Cleveland .... Detroit Baltimore .... Minneapolis . . Los Angeles .. Cincinnati New Orleans . Atlanta Richmond .... Omaha Buffalo Seattle Denver Portland, O.... Dallas Milwaukee ... Loulsvllla .... Houston Memphis- Nashville Oklahoma . . . St Paul Birmingham . . Fort Worth . . Indianapolis . . Washington Salt Lake City St. Joseph . . . Toledo ....... Columbus .... Wichita Providence ... Tulsa Spokane 1es Moines . . Rochester .... Akron Oakland Hartford Norfolk Sioux City .... Galveston .... 16,419,000 16.419 000 10.626.000 12,609.000 14.131,000 13,916.000 24 867,000 23,928.000 13.636,000 14,377.000 14.810,000 15,488,000 10.067.000 10,301 000 16.117,000 16,465.000 14,801,000 15,420.000 11,167,000 ' ' 10,199.000 9,726.000 11,079.000 10,710,000 11,834,000 10.966,000 , 11,167 000 11,858.000 11.764,100 9.254,000 ' 9,239 000 5,682.000 5,448,000 10,202,000 8,702 000 7,841,000 7,951 000 7,240.000 6.968 000 6.957,000 6.561.000 10.884,000 10.462 000 7,386,000 7.613.000 5,860,000 6,088 000 6.461.000 7.948,000 8.087,000 7.948 000 Total To. out .... 6,809,905,000 Y. 3,567,606 000 6,771.386,000 3,420,083,000 N. Omaha) liny Market. Pralrl Hay Receipt light, good de mand for better grade. Price higher. Upland Prairie Hay No. 1. $11,000 $12.00; No. 3, $9.00010.00: No. $. $7,000 8.00. Midland Prairie Hay-rNo. 1, $t0.50 11.50; No. 3 $$.00010.00; Ne. 3. $7,000 $.00. Alfalfa Receipt, nominal, little de mand. Prices unchanged. Straw Light receipts, limited demsnd. Lowland Prairie Hay No. 1, $8,00 0 t.00; No. 3. $7.0008.00. Alaflfa Hay Choic. $17.00018.00: Na t, $15.00016.50; standard. $12.00014.00; No. 3. $1.00011.00; No. 8, $7.008 O0 Straw Oat, $8.0001.00; wheat. 87n $.00. id -J?I WELL-HERE , IT A FINE 1 ( 7) Cottle of fcv f1 lai ar iHVL PIATUM Live Stock Omaha, Aug. 20, 1921. Reclpt wer: Official Monday ,. Official Tuesday ... Cattle Hogs Sheep .14.941 4,288 30,863 7,680 20,610 9,834 13,821 7,707 11,184 4,687 5,102 3,600 2t9 36,694 80,960 35,164 56,62 43,446 78,534 44,974 40,627 . 6,805 Official Wednesday.. $.761 Official Thursday... 4,042 Official Friday 1,685 Estimate Saturdav... 600 Six days this week.. 34.834 Sam day last week. 30,929 Same day i wk. ago 81,747 Same day 3 wk. ago-24,410 Sam day yr. ago... .80,042 84,997 118.509 Receipt and disposition of live t toe It at tha Union stock yards, Omaha, NA., for 24 hours, ending 3 p. m Augutt 20, 1921: RECEIPTS CARS. Horse and Cattle.Hogs.Sheep.Mules io. ric. i;r 4 Union Pacific R. R. ... 3 14 C. & N. W. Ry.. west .... 1! C, St. P., M. A O. Ry.... 8 C, B. A Q. Ry, east ... 1 C, B. A Q. Ry.. west .. S 7 C. R. I. A P.. eaat Illinoi Central Ry 1 C, G. W. Ry 1 Total receipts 14 SI DISPOSITION HEAD. Armour A Co Cudahy Packing Co Dold Packing Co Morris Packing Co , J. W. Murphy Swartz A Co J. H. Lawrence Total ...3,931 Cattle About 600 cattl wer received today but no sales wer reported on which' to base comparisons and price were nomlnaHyl steady. The week' re ceipt of 34,800 were the largeat sine March. Under th presaur of heavy runs of both native and wetern beeves, fat ateer prices are unevenly 25076c lower for the week. Some classes of she-tock hav held about steady whll other ar 25c or more lower and th (tocker and feeder trade ha been draggy at declines of 25940c Top this week of $10.50 on corn fed yearlings equal th best price paid this year. Quotation on rattl: Choic to prime beeves. $9.5010.00: good to choice beeves, $8.759.40; fair t f)od beeves, $8.00 8.75; common to fair bvc, $7.608.00; choice to prime yearlings, $9.76010.50; good to choice yearlings, $9 )!49.75; fair to good yearling, $8.6009.15; common to fair yearling. $7.7308.60; chflr t prime grass beeves. $7.007.76; gufS to choic grass beevc. $(.2507.00; fair to good grass beeves, $5,269)6.20; com..o to fair gras beeve. $4.005.00; Mexican. $4.005.25; choice gras heifers, $j.7oW B.26; fair to good gras heifers, $4.2SO 5.60; chole to prim gras cow, $5.40p a nn fti hfiicii irrasa cows. $4,604? 5.25; fair to good grass cowa, $3,.764.60; nmmnn tr fair a-rss cows. $2.0003.50; good to choice feeders. $; isir to good feeder, $6,000 $.76; common to fair feeders, $5.0006.00; good to choic tocker, $6.4007.00; fair to good iock er, $5.6006.2; common to fair tocker, $4.5005.23: tock cow, $3.0004.50: toek heifer, M.otntr-u.Dv; sxoc wn. 7 A"., veal i-fllvea. S4.0UfO l.ev; Diiita, etc., $3.0008.75. xx a. The week Is closing with a . ii ...... n hn aniv 3.600 head ahow ing up. Ther was very little demand from shippers and rlacker appeared to b rather Indifferent, resulting in th trade that was anywhere from steady to 2?c lower. Most of the hoga sola at de clines of 10015c. Best light hogs made a ton of $9.00. and bulk ef the entire receipts sold from $7.5O08.7. racning hogs went largely at $7.6008.09., Trad during th past week ha been very un even with trend to values lower. Pack ing hog how a decline of 25060c, wnll shipping graaes are ovfo . HOGS. No. Av. 65. .819 64. .288 68. .276 53. .354 62. .289 69. .255 62. .274 32. .224 65. .168 Sh. Pr. No. AV. Sh. Pr. 70 $ 7 00 50..3C6 240 $ 7 41 ... ,7 65 140 140 7 60 42..S78 67-. .303 58. .307 55. .317 67. .257 76. .226 49. .178 40. .177 7$. .201 7.60 7 70 7 56, 8 00 8 25 i 75 9 46 9 65 190 70 210 110 7 5 7 75 7 90 $ 10 S 50 9 25 9 60 9 60 110 180 79. .201 oh..n .nri t.amha OnlV on Of lambs was received today, ribt enough to n,alr . market, ana values were nominal ly steady. Trade during the week ha been very quiet with fat lambs closing S506Oc lower and with fat sheep show ing the flat half dollar decline. Best fat lambs have dropped to $10.0fl10.1o, and good native are not wanted above $9.23. Fat ewes are quoted at $3.75 4 SO, and aged wether up to $5.0005.60. A few feeding lambs ar still sailing up to $8.00. but most of the feeders are mov ing at $7.6007.75. about 25c lower for the week. Quotations on sheep: Fat lambs, west erners. $9.2510.15; fat lambs, native. $8.6009.25; feeder lambs, $7.2608.00; cull lambs, $5.001814.60; fat yearlings, $6,750 6.76: fat ewea, $3.2504.50; feeder ewes, $3.25S.7S; cull ewes. $1.6003.60, St. Leui Lire stock.. East St. Louis. 111.. Aug. 20. Cattle Recepits. 450 head; compared to a wek ago. best ateer. 25c higher; other grades and beef cows, 50 to 75c lower; Southwest ern sters, 75o to $1.00 lower; good heifers, 25c higher: graser, fairly steady; bulk, 25 to 50o lower: cannera, strong; stackers and feeders shade lower; veal calves, 60c higher. .. Hogs Receipts, 1,000 head; active, oloalng steady; top, $10.60; bulk light weight and lights, $10.25010.40; few medium and heavy sales, $9.25 for 800 pounders, $9.75 for 260-poundcrs; $10.00 for around 230 to 240-pound average; packer sows, steady at $7.50; pigs, higher up to $10.40 for 130-pounders; bulk, 110 pound average, $9.0009.75; clearance, good. Sheep and Lambs Receipt, 800 head: practically no market; one short load of choice 70-pound average lambs at $9.35, with $9.00 bid on another good load; mar ket compared with week age, best lambs, 60o lower; all other steady, Chlrage Lire Stock. Chkago, Aug. 20. (U. S. B ireau of Markets.) Cattle Receipts. 1,000 head. Market compared with a week ago: Beef steers, uneven; strictly choice and prime grades, steady to 10c higher; others, 25c tfiitl OA Inin.r' anftta nff m,,. medium and good grades suffered most; fat h teck,- generally steady; inbetween grades, weak; , veal calves, 26050c higher; tooker and'' feeders. Irons? to 25c hlaber. Hogs Receipts, 4.000 head: market, largely 26035c lower than yesterday' average: top packing grade off most, holdover moderate, mostly held off mar ket, (op $10.15; bulk light and light butch, era, $9.76010.00; bulk packing sows, $7.90 08.25; pigs. 25c lower. Sheep Receipts. 3,000; compared with week ago killing clasees practically tcady; feeding lamb. 2ii(f60c higher. Sioux City Lire Stock. Sioux City, I.. Aug. 20. Cattle Re ceipt, 700 head; market, alow and steady; . . . a - r n -a a r A . .....11 a. oeei steers, a,.ovv-ov, " i $7.60010.25: gras teer, $5.0007.00; fat L , u r. niAT an. .....h t nnli:,H' 94.00198.00: areas cows i and hetrers, ig.oon;s.Bu; raives, 1.60; feadlng cow and heifers 82.60 ft 4.50; atocker and feeders, $6 0007.2$. Hogs Receipt. 2.500 head; market, 16 0 30c lower; light, $9.0009.50; mixed, $8.0009.00: heavy, $7,000$.:.; bulk cf sales. $7.50 09.00. Sheep Receipts. $00 head; market, (teady. Turpentine end Rosin, Savannah, Ca., Ang. 20. Turpentine Firm, 6'c; sales 81; receipts, 1,72; shipments, 3,299; stock, 7.083. Rosin Firm; sales. 1.060; receipts. 1,046; shipments, 4.901: to-k. 71,540. Quote BD, $3.86: E, $3.8:03.90: P. 3.5S.96: O. $:..924.06; H, $4.00 4.10: I, $4.0004,10: K. $4.1004.15: M. 94.2004. 25; N. C4.S0 45 4.3S; WG, $5,050 MO; vl. i 5. J Drawn for The Bee by McManus Copyright. II. L International New Service " a an i i ii I fMvies. Inc. Omaha Grain ' Omaha, Aug. 20, Cash wheat prices were 2 to 4 cents lower today. Lorn ranged un changed to a cent lower. White was off Yi cent, yellow unchanged to yic lower and mixed a cent off. Oats were unchanged to a cent hiirher. Ryexdeclined 2 to 2'j cents. Barley was unchanged to a cent hicher Wheat receipts today were 145 cars against 166 cars a week ago, and ill cars last year. " WHEAT. No. 1 hard: 3 car, $1.07; 1 car, $1.06j; 1-3 car, $1.06; 3 cars, $1.05 (yellow). No. 3 bard: $ car. 31.09 (dark): 2 car. $1.0$ (near dark); cars, $1.07 (dark smutty) 1 car. $1.06; 9 car. $1.06; 1 car, $1.06 (smutty); g car, $1.06 (smutty); 8 cars, $1.04 (smutty);, $ car, $1.04 (yellow). No. 8 hard: 3 cart. $1.07 (dark); S car. $1.06; 1 car, $1.07 (amutty, apeclal billing); 2 car. $1.05; $ car. $1.05 (mutty): 3 cars. $1.04 (smutty); 1 car, $1.04 (yellow); 9 cara, $1.03 (amutty); $ car, $1.03 (yellow).- 11 cars, $1.03 (smutty); 1 car, $1.01 (very smutty); 1 car. $1.00 (very amutty). Ne. 4 hard: 1 ear, $1.07 (dark); 1 car. $1.06 (heavy); 1 car, $1.03 (smutty); cars, $1,03 (yellow); 6 cars, $1.01 (smutty); 1 car, $1.00 (smutty); 1 car, 98o (very smutty). No. 5 hard: 1 car, $1.04 (smutty); S car, $1.01 (yellow); 1 car, $1.00 (amutty); 1 car. $1.00 (smutty); 1 car, 96c (very amutty). Sample hard: 1 car. $1.01 (yellow); 1 car, $1.00 (yellow); 2 car. $1.00; 1 car, $1.00 (amutty); 1 car. $1.00 (dark amutty); 1 ear, 99o (yellow). No. 1 aprlng: 2-8 car, $1.13 (northern). Sample spring: 1 car, $1.01 (dark northern). No. 1 mixed: 1 car, $1.10 (dark); 1 car, $1.0814. Net 2 mixed: 3 ears. $1.00. No. 3 mixed: ears, $1.02, (ne ton nage). No. S mixed: 1 car, $1.01; 1 car, 9u (smutty). CORN. No. I white: S cars, 41c. No. 3 white: 2 car, 41c; 1 car, 40Vic (no tonnage). No. 3 white: 1 car. 41c. Sample white: 1 car, S6c (SO percent damaged). ' No. 1 yellow: 4 car, 4:&c; 4 cars, 43 Uc; 1 car, 42e. No. 3 yellow: 3 car, 42Uo; 1 car, 42. No. 3 yellow: 1 car. 42c. " No. 1 mixed: 4 3-3 car. 41e. , No. 3 mixed: 10 cars. 41c. No. 3 whit: 3 ears. 2Vic; ( cars, lie. No. 4 whit 6 cars, 27c. RYU. No. 3: 4 cara, 89c. No. S: 6 cars, 88c. BARLEY. No. 3: 1 car, 60c. No. 4: I car, 4$c; 1 car, 4Tc; i ear, 46c. Rejected: 2 cars, 43c. CHICAGO CAR LOT RECEIPTS. , Week Year Tonajv Ago, Ago. 221 311 1SS 432 2S3 33 229 428 197 C1TT CAR LOT RECEIPTS. Todav. 310 . 23 Wheat . Corn ... Oat KANSAS Wheat Corn , Oat . ST. LOUIS CAR LOT RECEIPTS. Week Year , Today. Ago. Ago. Tfiet 11 173 156 Corn 64 43 32 Oat 47 46 66 NORTHWESTERN CAR T.OT RECEIPTS OF WHEAT. Minneapolis 810 329 ISO Duluth 203 171 ' IS Winnipeg 3 27 -49 4$ PRniART RECEIPTS AND SHIPMENTS neceipis Today Tr. Ago """at 1,984.000 1,293,000 Corn ...1,200,000 261,000 Oat 1,086.000 1,339,000 Shipments Today Tr. Ago "eei Z,25a,l)00 1,200,000 Corn 928,000 254,000 Oat . 462,000 714,000 EXPORT CLEARANCES. Today Yr. Ago 665,000 1,035,000 17,000 Wheat i Corn Oat 714,000 OMAHA RECEIPTS AND SHIPMENTS. Week Tear ReceiDts Today. ...146 ... 59 ... 23 ... 12 ... i ...177 ...18 ... t Ago. 166 80 .-, ' 1.1 13 2(i 67 2D 8 2 Ago. 119 38 Zl 1 Wheat Corn , Oat Rye Barley HhlDmenta Wheat Corn Oais Rye Barley CHICAGO CLOSING PRICES. By Updike Grain Co. DO, 2627. Aug. 20. Wht I I I I Sep. 1.17i .1.1$ f 1.14 Uf 1.14'i 1.17 I 1.14i 1.16 Dee. 1.18 l.l$i 1.144,1 1.15V 1.18 1.18H I Lit. 11T, Ry I Sep.' 1.04 1.044 1.00V 1.02 1.04 Dec. 1.04H' 1-04, 1.01 U 1.03H 1.04 Corn Sep. .62 .62 U .614. .65'., .62' 62 .621 Dc. .52 .62 Ti, .62',. ,624 .63 .62'i I .522 Oat j Sep. .33 .33", ,33 .33SI .SO' -S3 Vi SS'.i .82: Dec. .S4i - .SSV4 .36 ,86U .36 " , -5 4 34! Pork Sep. 17.00 17.00 lif.00 17.00 '17.00 Lard 1 Sep. 10.70 (10.70 flO.60 10.60 10.60 Oct. 10.70 10.73 10.65 10.70 110.70 Jan. 9.40 9.60 9.37 9.37 9.42 Rib 1 Sep. 8.95 9.00 8.93 8.97 $.93 Ott. 8.90 9.00 8.92 $.95 I 8.87 Mlnneapoll Grain. Minneapolis. An. 20. Flonr'.eri n. Unchanged. neat Receipts, S10 cars, compared '" Jo cr a year ago. Cash. No 1 ;'or.t"'rn 1-31 01.36'i ; September, - ;1 - wecemoer, i.:oc. Corn No. 3 yellow. 46 047c. Oats No. 3 white. 27T, 028c. Barley S967c. Ry No. 1, 83H09S13C. Flax No. 1. $2.0002.02. Nt. Louis Grain. St. Louis. Mo., Aug. 20. Wheal Sep tember, $1.12U: DecemberLM", asked. Corn September, 49 Se bid; December, 60c. Oat September, 15io bid; December, S4Uo bid. ' Kenan City Grain. Kansas City, Aug. 20. Cloae: Wheat JfD.,mber, 1 1.07 H . $1.05 0 1.05; December, . torn seplemoer. 41e; December, 44Hc Kinaaa City Lire Stock. ' Kansas City. Aug. 20. (U. 8. Bureau of Market.) Cattl Receipts, 375 head. Market for week: Reef steers, 350$1.23 loirtr, mostly 6Oc0$l,OO lower; she stock, generally 16026c lower; Inbetween kinds, mostly 60c lower; canner and bulla. 25c lower; Blockers and feeders, 35c0$l.OO lower; atocker cow and heifers, mostly 26c lower; stock calves, steady. Hogs Receipts, loo head: market, mostly 16025e lower than yesterday's average, mixed droves selling from $8.26 08.76; lights and mediums. $9.2O09.SO; few head 200-lu., $9.40; bulk ef sales. $9.2(09. SO. Sheep Receipt, noli. Market for week: heep. steady to I5e higher; lamb. Jiff 7ie higher. Great Tunnel and Bridge Erection In U. S. Foreseen Breaking of Ground for New Hudson River Tube Sym bolizes Projects To Be Undertaken Soon. BY HOLLAND. When the workingmcn a few days ago put the spade info the ground upon the Manhattan side of the Hud son river so that in that way there could be beginning of the construc tion of the shaft which is to be used in building the world's largest tunnel under the Hudson, they symbolized by that act the magnitude of artifi cial facilities for transportation which are to be taken within a few years, some of which have already begun. , From the broad noint of view these bridge, tunnel and canal activi ties demonstrate the faith which not only capital but the people of. the United States have m the wonderful growth of this country. Many hun dred millions are to be invested in the, construction of gigantic bridges, great tunnels and some canals. This investment means a conviction that the transportation facilities of the United States must be so greatly in creased within a few years as to be adequate for the enormous demands which will be made upon tnem. Tunnel Vnder Narrow. Juat as the contractor who ar now digging the first shaft for the new Hud son river tunnel wer saying that they would complete the shaft early in Sep tember, the authoritative committee of New York City was preparing for the con struction of a tunnel under the narrow of New York harbor.- by meana of which Staten Island and Long Island will be brought Into physical contact. The state legislature has authorized the construc tion ef this tunnel, but thl authority waa obtained many year after th sug gestion wis first made by the late Austin Corbln that Staten laland. which I the greatest In area of any of the borough which as a whole make up Greater New York, should no lonsrrr b Isolated by water, but should be brought into phii cal touch, with 7ong Island. William J. Wllgue. who is the consult ing engineer of the city board, which ha authority for giving nut contracts for con struction of. this contemplated tunnel, has) been ao successful In some of his earlier undertakings that his opinion 1 accepted a worth heeding. He has no douht about the ability of modern engineer familiar with tunnel construction to prepare ade quate plana whereby thl artificial union between Staten Island and Long Inland can be secured. Klectrtfied ttiatlon Approach. For it wa Colonel Wllrus who. as vies president of the New York Central Rail road company, initiated upon absolutely original" lines the electrification of that railroad's approach to the Grand Central station. Ther ha never been a flaw discovered In this work. Afterwards he worked out the plan whereby the con etructlon of the tunnel under the Detroit river could bo economically and easilv carried on and that tunnel stands today as a monument to Colonel WllguV abil ity. Now he I about to direct the con struction of the tunnel under the nar rows of New York harbor. oome zo year ago General Serrell said that If he were 30 years younger he would have part In th construction nf hridrea and tunnel which would bring the var- ouo section or tne city of New York nto comDlete touch. Tfa want f.rth.r than that, saying that in time majectlr I au,P'nE,on bridge and new tonnels would ne constructed eaat and west and north enu soutn in the United Statea. General Serrel spoke with some authority, al though he was 80 year of eg at the time. He was the engineer who eurveyed the original Panama railroad. Built Hoosne Tunnel. He - was called to Massachusetts to undertake to complete the long unfinished Hoosac tunnel. And Massachusetts did not grudge th payment which was made to him for he brought the eastern and western shafts of that mountain tunnel, each two mile In length, together at the central point without a variation of more than an lnch. He supervised tbe construction of' the suspension bridge over the Niagara river and at tho time of his death he was planning the bulidlns; of a tunnel upon the Isthmus of Panama, through and under a great mountain, con fident that a tunnel of this kind would make possible a sea level canal In which no locks 'would be needed. General Serrell foresaw the future of very great bridge end tunnel construc tion in the United States. Philadelphia has begun a demonstration Cf this modern bridge building spirit by the construction of one of the world'a largest bridges whereby Philadelphia and Camden can be brought Into physical contact. Bridge at Detroit. Although the tunnel under the Detroit river has justified the large Investment of capital which the construction entailed, it is now realized that It is pot ade quate for the enormous future transport, tlon between Detroit and the east. There fore 'Detroit contemplates the building of a modern bridge of the suspension type high above the Detroit river, a great via luct furnishing passage way between Canada and the United States. New York is now beginning, in co operation with New Jersey, the construc tion of a tunnel under the Hudson which may cost as much as $25,000,000, bur whatever its cost It is to be large enousl" to furnish adequate facilities for a:i.. conceivable movement of.traffij. Bur even this is not to be enough. New York and New Jersey now contemWai'f the building of the world'se great st sus pension bridge and the engineers say that this can be done rapidly and v,-lth eut orohtbltlve cost. ine impruie.i canalisation of ttic Ohio river at or near Louisville furnishes anotner niuatranoii the foresight not only of capital, but of the people. Hartford, Conn., a few yeara Ago caused New Englgand's most attrac tive bridge to be constructed over ili Connecticut river and this i a splendid viaduct having in its architectural fea tures no superior. South Caroline Canal. On the other hand tho federal power commission has granted a permit for the construction of a canal In South Carolina which will Join the navigable waters of the Santee and Cooper rivers. The canal will be 23 miles long and will, when com pleted, ahorten the distance between Co lumbia and the Atlantic by 73 miles am? will give a total atl water route t Charleston of 138 miles. The construc tion of this canal. Thleh Is practical , assured because capital has been fountf to flnsnee it. will add another to thi demonstration which ar now being maa of m-onderful activities in preparing foi convenient transportation in the futur' and It will alao Illustrate the noder spirit which Is characterizing Charlestot and in fact South Carolina. This era 01 very large bridge building, tunnel an canal construction which has only recently begun but will be continued for a lor.g time, can be regarded confidently as a . sure proof of the faith of the people la the future of the United State. New York Dry Good. New York, Aug. 20. Dry good wera firm and quieter today. Many Lne of colored yarn good are sold well ahead. Gray goods are strong atiop pric. Un derwear I awaiting largeV order from jobbers for the fail season. Burlaps has been a stranger lately and prlcrs today war up more than c from th low f the week. St. Joseph l ive Stock. St. Joseph, Mo., Aug. 20. Hogs Re ceipt. 3,500 head; 6010c lower; top, $9.56; bulk of sales. $8.0009.50. Cattle Receipts, 600 head; tominal: steers, 15.50!? 10.36; cows "and heifers, $3.60010.26; calve. $4.0007.00. Bhecp Receipts. 1.500 head: steady; Imba, $9.26010.50; ewes $2.60 0 4. IS. Liberty Bond Price. York. Aug. 20. Liberty bore's SVis. 88.60: firat 4s, 87.78 bid: 4s, 87.64 bid: first 4is, 87.8S; 4is. 87.68: third 4'.s. 91.92; fourth 7.92; Victory 3is, 98.74; Vieiory New closed: second recond 4 Us, 8 i; 98.74. " w York Pried Fruits. New York, Aug. 20. Apples Evsporat ed: firm. Prunes Unsettled. Aprlrots Firm, reaches Steady, r.alslu Quirt. t'hkagtt Produce. Chicsgo. Aug. 20. Butter Lower: re ceipts. tl.6o4; creamery, extras, 59c; tamiards. it: F.gga Uncharged; receipts, $ 324. Poultry Alive, unchanged. l.lnseed Oil. Duiutb. Aug. 20. Linseed on track and arrive. $2.9.',. t t "1 w7,