THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, AUGUST 20, 1921. s Haney's Buffaloes Win Final Contest By 5 to 4 Score 'Lefty Daniels and Davenport Hurl for Locals, While Langstroth Whips 'Era Over for Loser3. ARNEY BURCH'S Buffalo Bisons used their war clubs in the last of the ninth inning yesterday afternoon and clouted out a 5 to 4 victory over Jack Coffey's Des Moines Boosters in the second and final contest of the series. It was Little Fred Haney and his trusty bludgeon who started the rally in the local's half of the final stanza. The Buffalo guardian of the hot cor ner was the first man up in the ninth. The score was 4 to 4 and the heavy Omaha hitters ready to face Pitcher Langstroth. The first ball the Boosters hurlcr delivered was a dandy and Haney connected and sent the horsehide sailing out to deep renter for a triple. "Billy" Lee nicked Langstroth for a single to center and Haney scored the winning run of the contest. Thus, twice in as many days Haney has been the deciding factor in the Des Moines . layout's defeat. Thursday afternoon the score was tied in the ninth and the Buffalo third-sacker scored the winning run. IIX MOINES. All. R. H.TB.SH.HB.B. O. A. E. O'Connor, cf 4 1 2 1 0 2 1 0 Grant, 3b... I Broiin, lh-as g 0 1 0 1 t X t'offey. Jo.. 1 Moeller, If.. 4 lthyne, as . . . I Vnna, 3b S Anderson, rf S Banner, ... 4 Langetr'th, 4 Totals . 31 4 11 IS, 1 I U 10 1 OMAHA. -AB. R. H.TB.SH.8B.B. O. A. E. fliahuwn, !b 811100320 Haney 3b. 3 0 3 0 0 a is 0 3 i,e. ir THvelt, lb Mnmtey. ss . O'Brien, tt. Smith, rf . . ltnrrh, e... Daniels, p Davenport, p 0 0 0 Totals St S 11 16 8 1 t t l S fteora by Inning) Im Moines.... 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 2 t Omaha 001 10100 15 Snmmary Earned runs and Hits: Off Daniels, 1 nnd 10 In eight Innings; off Davenport, 3 and 1 In on inning) off Imgatroth, S and 12 In nine Innings, htruck out! Br Daniels. 2) by Daven port, none; by Langstroth, 1. First base on balls: Off Daniels, 6: off Davenport, none; off langstroth, 2. Winning pitcher: Davenport. Losing pitcher; Langstroth. Doable plnys: Daniels to Glslason to I-ell-vclt; Daniels to Massey to Lelivelt. Left on bases; Omaha. 8; Des Moines, 9, Passed hulls: jinren. umpires: nuy aide and Haley, iinie oi game Boston and Tigers ' Divide twin Bill Detroit, Aug. 19. Boston and De troit divided a double-header here today, the Red Sox taking the first game, 12 to 8, and lost the second, 10 to 0. In the first game Boston staged a rally in the eighth inning, making seven runs on as many hits. In the second -game Myers allowed 19 hits while Cole held the visitors to four. First game: BOSTON. DETROIT. AB.H.O.A. AB.H.O.A. T.'ffcold. cf 4 3 2 0 Toung. Ib 3 3 6 1 Foster. Sb 0 2 HFIagst a, 20 1 0 Mosky, If Pratt, 2b M'Inls. lb Collins, rf Sontt, ss Ruel, c Bush, p Th'hlen, p Karr, p Total! 3 4 0 RJonea, 3b 4 1 1 9 4 2 3 2 0 2 10 1 1 1 3 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 I 4Cobb. cf 2 11 0 Veach, if 12 0 Heli'an. rf 114 Blue, lb 3 4 0 10 2 Baasler, o 0 0 0 Dauss, p 1 0 l Mld'leton. p 1 .- Parks, p 0 41 15 2? 12xShorten 1 " Totals 37 15 17 15 xShorten batted for Mlddleton in tha eighth. Boston 1052000? 012 Detroit 3 2 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 3 Summary Runs: Lelbold, 4; Menosky, 2: Pratt, Mclnnls, Scott, Ruel. Bush, Karr, Toung, R. Jones Veaeh, Hellmann. Blue. Sargent, Dauss, 2. Errors: Blue, Sargent Two-base hits: Blue, Dauss, Cobb. Sargent. Three-bas hits: Menosky. Vaach, Hellmann Dalbold, 2; Bush, Mc lnnls. Sacrifice hits: R. Jones, Toung, Sargent, Veach, Foster, Collins. Double play: Scott to Pratt to Mclnnls. Left on bases: Boston, 3: Detroit, 7. First base on balls: Off Bush, 1; off Dauss, 3. Hits: Off Bush, 10 In 3 2-3 Innings; off Thormahlen 4 In 1 1-3 Innings; off Karr, t in 4 Innings; off Dauss, 8 In 6 1-3 Innings; off Mlddleton, 7 In 2 2-3 innings; off Parks, 0 In 1 inning. Hit by pitched ball: By Dauss. Collins. Struck out; By Bush. 1; by Dauss, 1; hyMlddleton, 1; by Karr, 3. 'Wild pitch: Dauss. Winning pitcher: Karr. Losing pitcher: Mlddleton. Umpires: Chill and Morlarity. Tims of game: 1:48. Second time: BOSTON. I DETROIT. AB.H.O.A. AB.H.O.A. I.'ibold, Cf Foster, b ' f osky. If Pratt. !b M'I'nis, lb Collins, rf Scott, ss Pi'lnger, ss Rusl. c "Walters, o Myers, p 3 OIToung, Ib 5 3 3 1 HJones, 30 5 2 2 5 3 3 4 4 2 4 0 4 6 1 13 4 2 0 3 3 0 3 2 0 OiCobb, cf ! I Veach, If HHiiran, rf l'Tilue. lb 21 Sargent, ss 21 Wooaall, o 0 1 Cole, p l Totals 38 19 27 16 TOtalS 30 4 24 131 Boston 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Detroit 1 0 0 0 0 t 1 3 x 10 Summary Runs: Toung. Jones. S; Cobb. Veach. Sargent 3;. Woodall. Cole. Errors: Collins. 2; Toung. Two-base hits: Veach. 3; Sargent, Cobb, Blue. Three base hit: Jones. Sacriflca hits: Woodall, 3. Double plays; Myers to Pratt; Bar gent to Toung to Blue; Scott to Foster. I .eft on bases: Boston, 4: Detroit, 9. First base on balls: Oft Cole, 1; off Myers 3. Passed ball: Ruel. Umpires: Morlarity and Chill. Time nf ffamA? 1 rf5. Des Moines Lightweights Fight at Marengo, la. Marengo, la., Aug. 19. Roscoe Hall, clever Des Moines lightweight, staged a whirlwind finish in his 10 round bout here last night with Phil Longo, the hard-hitting Des Moines youth. He had a shade the best of Longo. American Association Minneapolis, Minn,, Aug. IS. R. H. E. Toledo . . . : Minneapolis Milwaukee, Wis., Aug. 11 ..10 14 0 .. S 3 0 R. H. S. .4 10 0 .3 4 Schaact T.ouls'le , Milwaukee Batteries: Cullop and Meyer; nd Sengstock. Clarke. ' St. Paul, Minn., Aug. It. R. IT. B. Columbus 4 IS 2 St. Paul 17 19 0 Batteries: Martin. Clark and Hart ley; Hall and McMenemy. Kansas City, Mo., Aug. It. R. H. E. 1 j Indianapolis Kansas City Batteries: and Cady. 0 2 8 9 ! Dixon; Carter Cavst and Triple and Lee's : Omaha Buffaloes BARNEY BURCH is the "Jack of all trades" in base ball. Own ing a club, managing it, taking a regular turn on the mound and playing the utility role whenever necessary, is nothing in his young life. To Omahans, he is the "miracle man" and this is the reason that every seat warmer at League park has visions of a pennant being un- furled at the park when the season opens next spring. Bufth isn't making any rash prom ises to the fans, but be is giving them a lot of action. It . is whispered around the ol' base ball lot that he wants the 1921 Tearney Gonfalon iSznfiPromt I Amateur I Base Ball f'arnlval. Wakefield. Neb., Aug. 19. Six games are scheduled to bd played here at the base ball carnlv,ai to be held August 24, " . . Teams from Alien, Wayne, Thurston, -Ponca. Pllger. Laurel, Emerson, !n.W-and Wluside. as well as Wakefield. .re to play. Wakefled will play two games. These 10 teams comprise the best ball clubs of northeast Nebraska this season. Base Ball Tourney. Bloomfleld, Neb.. Aug. 19. Bloomfleld will stage a base ball tournament on Au gust 23, 24 and 25. It will meet Wausa the first day, the Armour stock yards team, the second, and Randolph, the third day. All business places have agreed to close during the garnet. Hathaway and Heires formed the bat tery for the Osmond team In the clos ing game of the tournament at that place Wednesday. Wausa was the opposing team and left tha field in the sixth Inning after protesting a decision of the um pire. Wingate hurled for Wausa and was touched up for a number of hits. Snap py fielding held the Osmond team to two runs, which came in when Heires laced out a two-bagger with two men on bases. The score was 2 to 0. Plalnvlew beat Pierce by a count of 2 to 0, the game being a pitchers' battle. The Plalnvlew third baseman was hit in the head by a pitched ball and forced to leave the game. His condition is considered critical. Heires took his place and sent in one of Plalnvlew s two runs on a squeeze bunt. Trenton Wins. Trenton, Neb., Aug. 19. Trenton de feated Mlndcn in the second game today. the features of which were the home runs by Seeley and Donovan. Score: R. H. E Mlnden 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 01 3 0 Trenton 0 0 0 1 3 0 0 2 x 6 9 2 Batteries: Mlnden, Bastlste and Copple; Trenton, Bailey and Forrest. Exeter Wallops Geneva, Exeter, Neb., Aug. 19. Tha crack Ga- neva base ball team went down to 6 to 0 defeat before the masterly pitching ot jrred Fussell or the Exeter clan at the Beaver Crossing picnic Thursday. Fussell had his opponents guessing and retired 12 by the strike-out route. This was Fussell a third straight game of the shutout in a week. Woods of Sxeter collected lour nits In as many times un off Kller, while Kahn of Exeter hit three satetles in four times un. Exeter slug gers hit Eller at will and he was able to fan only two men. This was Exeter's 23d victory this season, nine of these being shutouts. Hamilton, another Exeter slabman, was hit on the head by a thrown ball during practice and was unconscious over two hours. He will be unable to pitcn today against Ohlowa. The Western Bloomer girls, who feature Kate Becker, the champion woman pitcher of the world, win play nere Tuesday. Score: R. H. E. Exeter 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 36 10 0 Geneva 00000000 0 0 2 6 Batteries: Fussell and Tolllfson; Eller ana Collingsworth. Scpttsbluff, Neb., Aug. 19. Scottrfbluff derated Greybull today, t to 1. Score by innings: R. H. E. Greybull 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 01 3 4 Scottsbluff ,...1 0 3 0 1 0 0 0 x 5 7 2 Batteries: Eddleman and Moore; Shi meal and Benninghoven. Bloomer Girls Lose. Weeping Water. Neb., Aug. 19. Weep ing Water defeated the Western Bloomer Girls here this afternoon before a crowd of 700. Score by innings: R If E Weeping Water.. .3 0 0 2 0 3 3 0 0 11 15 2 Bloomer Ulrls... .1 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 6 6 2 Batteries: Weeping Water, Klepeer and Martin; Bloomer Girls. Miss Do ran, Tip Rector and Settle. Struck out: By Klep. ser, 10: by Rector, 1. Two-base hitR: Ziegenbein 3. Martin 2, Rauth 2. Olive 2. Russell of Weeping Water; Ziegenbein, Mable, Settle. Blue of Bloomer Girls. Eddyvllle Wins Two. Eddyvllle. Neb.. Aug. 19. Eddyvllle took eotn games in the Eddyvllle tournament, winning from Overton. to 6, snd from Broken Bow, in to 4. Batteries, first game: Line and Horn; Ingram and Pinker ton. Second game: Kedfern and Horn Smith and Burns. Braves Victorious., Wymorc. Neb., Aug. 19. Tte Pawnee Indians scalped Dr. Haworth's Braves here Wednesday afternoon, by 4 to 0. Er rors by the borne team lost the gam as the pitchers broke even, allowing five hits each. Batteries: Wymore, O. Wilcox and Antrim; Pawnee, Smith and Phalen. Genoa Trims riatte Center. Genoa, Neb.. Aug. 1. (Special.) Genoa easily disposed of the Platte Cen ter base ball team in a gam played at Platte Center. The score was 13 to 6. Genoa took the lead In the first Inning and wss never in danger. Batteries: Genoa, Velm and Chrletlanson; Piatt Center, Hill and Ramsey. Litchfield. IS; Hugo, S. Litchfield. Neb., Aug. 19. Th Llteh. field base ball team defeated Hugo Broth ers' plsyers, 15 to 3. here yesterdsy. It was a farce affair. Litchfield hitting two Hugo pitchers to all corners ot th lot. Pawnee City loaea. Pawne City. Neb Aug. 19. The Paw nee City Indians were defeated by the Seneca (Kan.) team on the local diamond yesterday, 7 to 4. rwne had several new men In the llntup who had not played -:- mighty bad, and since he is the sort of fellow who is willing to fight for what he wants, the chances are plenty bright. Burch bought the Omaha franchise in January. Since that day he has been a dyed-in-the-wool Omahan and fighting every minute to have a base ball club second to none in the league. Burch is really a catcher, although most fans will say he has always been a pitcher. An injury he received while in the army left his back too weak for the dnily grind behind the bat and when ne returned to organ ized base ball in, 1919, he assumed Saints Defeat Packers, 5 to 2 Missourians Bunch Blows Off Davis in Second Frame and Score Four Runs. St. Joseph, Mo., Aug. 19. St. Jo seph bunched its blows off Davis in the second inning and took a lead which Sioux City was never able to overcome. The final score was 5 to 2. Glaser, who succeeded Davis in the fourth, pitched a good game. Score: SIOUX CITY. AB.H.O.A. ST. JOSEPH. AB.H.O.A. Harbor, cf 4 1 0 M'D'ald. cf 4 11 Leard, 2b 3 1 Marr, 3b 4 1 Metz, lb 3 1 Rob'son, If 4 1 Query, c 4 0 Watson, rf 4 1 Kearns, ss 4 0 Davis, p 10 Glaser, p 3 0 2 1 Beatty. lb 3 0 11 4 3 2 2 2iCo'nolIy, 2b 9 1 2 0!Corridon. If 4 4 OlK'meyer, 3b 4 3 OlNufer, rf 1 SICrosby, c 3 0 OlGrlner, p 1 1 2iM'Call, p 3 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 Totals 34 24 S Totals 31 8 27 14 Score by Innings: Sioux City 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 05 St. Joseph 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 1 x 5 Summary Runs: Harbor, Glaser, Mc Donald, Corrldon, Krehmeyer, 2; Nufer. Errors: Marr, Query, Kearns. Earned runs: Sioux City, 2; St. Joseph. 4. First base on balls: Off Davis 1; off Glazer, 2; off Grlner, 4; off McCall, 1. Struck out: By Davis, 0; by Glazer. 3; by Griner, 1; by McCall, 0. Left on bases: Sioux City, 10; St. Joseph. 8. Double play: Derate to Connolly to Beatty. Sac rifice hits: DeFate, Crosby. Hit by pitched ball: By Davis, F. McDonald. Stolen base: Marr Beatty, Krehmeyer, DeFate, Con nolly. Umpires: Buckley and Ormsby. Tim of game; 1:34. with the regulars before. The game was lost largely through errors. The Indians administered a shutout to two other teams this week, both on foreign dia monds. Wymore wss shutout yesterday, 4 to 0, and Steinauer met the same fate Monday by the same score. Weeping Water Wins One. Weeping Water, Neb., Aug. 19. Weep ing Water defeated Syracuse, 8 to 0, yesterday. Score by Innings: R H E Weeping Water.S 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 ' 10 3 Syracuse 00000000 0 0 8 3 Batteries: Weeping Water. Heigenbeln and Schledmeier; Syracuse, McGrath', Gingslmeyer and Agnew. Struck out: By Zetngenbeln, 11; by McQrath, 2i by Gingslmeyer, 2. Girls to Day at Central City. Central City, Aug. 19. Central City will play the Western Bloomer Girls' base ball team here August 27. Senators Bunch Hits And Win Game, 6 to 2 St. Louis, Aug. 19. Bunched hits in the last three innings today al lowed Washington to win the odd game of the series with St. Louis, 6 to 2. Errors by Tobin and Mc- Manus in the seventh gave the Sen ators two runs and put them into the lead. WASHINGTON. I ST. LOITIS. AB.H.O.A. AB.H.O.A. Smith, cf 5 12 I'Tobln. rf 5 2 4 0 Harris, 2b Judge, 1 b Miller, If Brower, rf Shanks. 2b O'arrlty, a I.a'otte. ss Zachary. p Acosta, p 2 4 4 Kllerbe. 3b 5 2 4 3 1 10 Olsisler, lb 4 2 10 0 2 4 OlWIIIia's. If 4 0 0 2 1 OU'cobson, cf 3 2 3 0 0 2!Severeld. c 4 1 4 0 Oarber, ss 3 10 0 M'M'nus, 2b 3 1 2 3 Vgllder, p 2 0 0 1 Kolp, p 10 0 2 Bayne. p 0 0 0 0 xColllns 10 0 0 Totals 42 14 27 15 Totals 35 11 57 11 xColllns batted for Bayne In ninth. Score by innings: Washington 0 0 0 0 1 0 3 1 20 St. Loui 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 3 Summary Runs: Smith, Harris, Brow er. Shanks, Lamotte, Zachary, Jacobson, Sevcreld. Errors: Smith, Brower, Tobln, Ellerbe McManus. Two-base hits: Brow er, 2; Ellerbe, Miller, Harris. Three-base hits: Sevsreld, Smith. Home run: Shanks. Double plays: Lamotte to Judge; La motte to Harris to Judge. Left on bases: Washington, 9; St. Louis. 9. First base on balls: Off Zachary. . Hits: Off Zach ary, 9 in 7 1-3 innings; off Arosta. 3 In 1 i-t Innings; off Vnngllder, In 6 In nings, none out In seventh: off Kolp I In 2 1-8 Innings; oft Bayne, 0 In i-l Inning. Hit by pitched ball: By Zachary, McManus. Struck out:. By Zachary, 1; by Acosta, 1: by Kolp, 1. Winning pitcher: :chary. Losing pitcher: Vangllder. Um pires: Connolly and Nallln. Tim of game: 1:66. Mat Bo nt at Central City. Central City. Neb,, Aug. 19. Ralph Fer ris of Palmer snd Ralph Paracut, pres ent middleweight wrestling champion of the world, will go to th" mat In a fln- Ifhed match at Palmer Tuesday evening. August 11. Single in Last of : : Barney Burch the role of pitcher. And he has been pitching ever since. , He broke into base ball with the Houston club of the Texas league in 1910 and in the fail of that year was sold to Cleveland, but was farmed out liie next season to Port land. The ensuing year he joined the San Antonio club, with which he played until he came to Omaha, ex cept for the time he was in the army. Burch bats left-handed and throws with his right. He is 30 years old. He owns the controlling interest in the Omaha club, Mike Finn, busi ness manager, owning the remainder of the stock. BaseBaHResuMs ertaSiandin WESTERN LEAGUE. W L.Pct I w- li-Pet- Wichita 74-48 .607Joplln 69 61 .492 OMAHA 73 53 .B81jSt. Joseph 67 64 .471 Okla. City 66 .546IDes Moines 65 66 .464 Sioux City 61 61 .500!Tulsa 43 84 .347 Yesterday's Results. Omaha, S; Des Moines, 4. St. Joseph 6; Stoux City, 2. No others scheduled. Today's Games. Joplin at Omaha. Tulsa at Sioux City. Wrlchita at St. Joseph. Oklahoma City at Des Moines. NATIONAL LEAGUE. W. L.Pct.l W. L.Pct. Pittsburgh 74 40 ,649St. Louis 66 6S .600 New York 69 47 .595Clnclnnatl 50 64 .438 Boston 64 47 .576!Chicago 46 68 .404 Brooklyn 61 55 .626iPhilad'phla 36 79 .313 Testcrday's Results. Pittsburgh, 14-1: Philadelphia, 3-4. St. Louis, 9; Brooklyn, 4. Boston, 3; Chicago, 2. New York, 8; Cincinnati, t. Today' Games. St. Louis at New York. Cincinnati at Brooklyn. Pittsburgh at Boston. Chicago at Philadelphia. AMERICAN LEAGUE. W. L.Pct.l W. L.Pct. Cleveland 70 43 .621IBoston 52 59 .468 New York 67 42 .816!Detroit 63 64.453 Washing. 62 54 ,534IChlcago 49 64 .434 St. Louis 57 66 .604!Phllad'phla 42 70 .375 Yesterday's Results. Chicago, 13; New York, 9. Boston, 12-0; Detroit, 8-10. Washington, 6; St. Louts, 2. No others scheduled. Today' Game. New York at St. Louis. Boston at Cleveland. Washington at Chicago. Philadelphia at Detroit. AMERICAN SHOCIATION. W. L.Pct.l Louisville 73 49 .599 Toledo Milwaukee 61 67 .517!In'anapoll Minneapolis 64 52 ,652ISt. Paul Kan. City 62.66 .630!Columbus Yesterday's Result. Toledo. 10; Minneapolis, 5. Louisville, 6; Milwaukee, i. St. Paul, 17; Columbus 4. Kansas City, 8; Indianapolis, Today' Games. Columbus at St. Paul. . Iioulsville at Milwaukee. Toledo at Minneapolis. Indianapolis at Kansas City. W. L.Pct. 66 62 .475 65 64 .463 63 69 .434 60 66 .431 Southern Association. Memphis, 4; Atlanta. 2. Birmingham, 6; Mobile, 9. Little Rock. 5; Chattanooga, 4. Nashville. 12; New Orleans, 13. (Ten innings, called on account darkness). Giants Win Final Game of Red Series New York, Aug 19. New York made it two out of three from Cin cinnati, winning the last game of the series today by a score of 8 to 3. The Giants picked up a big lead on Rixey in the first two innings. Barnes also was hit hard hut was saved repeatedly by strong support. Score: CINCINNATI. NEW YORK. AB.H.O.A. AB.H.O.A. Neale, rf 6 2 2 0 Burns, cf Bohne, 5b Oroh, 3b Roush, cf D'ubert, lb Duncan, If Wlngo, o H'rgravs, o Knpf, ss Rlxey, p D'nohue, p xBressler 5 2 2 0 B'ncroft, b Frisch, 3b Young, rf Kelly, lb 3 111 3 13 1 4 113 0 1 1 O'Meusel, If 0!Ra'llhgs. 2b llSnydsr, c li Barnes, p 61 Totals 33 12 27 0 Tntnle 35 12 54 12 xBressler batted for Donohue in ninth. Score bv inninffs: Cincinnati 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 03 New York 34001000 X 3 Summary Runs: Neale, Duncan, Dono hue, Burns, Bancroft, 2; Frisch, 3; Kelly Snyder, Barnes. Errors: None. Two-base hits: Bancroft. Groh. Three-bsse hit: Kelly. Home run: Donohue. Stolen base: Frisch. Sacrifice hits: Groh, Roush, Mou se!. Young. Double plays: Bancroft to Rawllngs to Kelly; Rawllngs to Bancroft to Kslly. Left on bases: New York, 4; Cincinnati, 8. First base on balls: Off Rlxey, 1: off Donohue, 1; off Dame 1. Hits: Off Rixey, 8 In 1 1-3 Innings; off Donohue, 4 in 1-8 tunings Strucg out: By Barnes, , by Donohue. 1. Losing pitcher: Rlxey. Umpires: Brennan and Hart. Tim ot gam: 1:53. A report from New York states that Champion Johnny Wilson, who meets Hrysn powney Labor osy anernoon in a 12-round bout, will receive a guaranty of 825,000. with an option of accepting 15 per cent of the gross receipts. Downey Is to receive 820,000 with pn option of ac cepting 20 pr cent of th gross receipts. .-rcBn-MT-7" Pirates Collect Twenty Hits in 14 to 3 Victory Philadelphia Wins Second Game, 4 to 1 RoLertson Knocks Out Homer With Bases Full in First. Philadelphia, Aug 19. Pittsburgh divided a double bill with Philadel phia today. The visitors wn the first, 14 to 3, and lost the second, 4 to 1. In the opening contest, the Pirates hammered Meadows and Betts for 20 hits, including two home runs by Robertson, the first of which came in the sixth with the bags lull Hubbell held Pittsburgh to seven scattered hits in the second game. First game: PITTSBURGH. I PHILADELPHIA. ' AB.H.O.A.I AH.H.U.A. M'nvllls, ss 4 1 1 3! Monroe. 2b 2 0 2 ! Blgbee, cf 6 3 1 0JSmlth.'2b 3 10 4 0 Miller, 3b 4 0 10 SILe'veau. rf 4 0 13 3! King. If 4 12 0 0 lb 4 3 13 0 0Vlllla. cf 4 14 0 SlP'klnaon, ss 4 3 2 4 ffiBruggy, o 4 12 0 K ertson, rf 6 3,2 B'nhart. 3b 6 1 0 Tlerney. 2b 6 3 1 Whltted. if 6 3 2 r.rlmm, lb 5 2 14 Brottem, c 5 2 a Mor'iaon. p 4 2 0 IMeadows, p 0 0 0 0 46 20 27 12iBetts. p 2 10 0 Totals xw'htstone 1 1 0 0 Totals 36 11 27 12 xWrightstone batted for Betts In ninth. Scor by innings: Pittsburgh 0 0 1 4 0 4 1 2 214 Philadelphia 01000002 03 Summary Runs: Maranville, 2; Big bee, 2: Robertson, 2; Barnhart, Tierney, Whltted. Grimm, 2; Brottem Morrison, 2: J. Smith. Lee, Betts. Errors: J. 8mlth, Meadows. Two-base hits: Brottem, Rob ertson. Honie runs: Robertson, 2; J. Smith. Stolen base: Grimm. Sacrifice frils: Maranville, Meadows. Double play: Monroe to Lee. Left on bases: PlttsDurgh, 3: Philadelphia. 7. First base on ualls: Off Meadows, 2. Hits: Off Meadows. 7 In- 4 innings; off Betts, 13 In 6 Innings. Struck out: By Morrison 6; by Meadows. 1. Passed ball: Bruggy. Losing nl'cher: Meadows. Umpires: and Klera Time of game: 1:47. Second game: PITTSBURGH. I PHILADELPHIA. AB.H.O.A. AB.H.O.A M'nvllle. ss 4 1 slSmlth, 2b OlMlller. 3b Blgbee, If 4 2 R'ertson, rf 4 0 B'nhart, 3b 4 0 Tlerney. 2b 3 0 Whltted. cf 4 1 Grimm, lb 4 2 Schmidt, c 3 1 Zlnn, p 3 0 2 0 2 2 2 1 1 13 0 1 1 4 2 4 0 0 OILe'vieau, rf 3lKlng. If ULee. lb OlWIIIia's, cf OiP'klnson, ss llHenllne, c 0'HubbelI, p Totals 33 7 24 si Totals 37 12 27 13 Score by Innings: Pittsburgh 0 1000000 0 1 Philadelphia 0 0010210 x 4 Summary Runs: Tlerney, J. Smith, King, Parkinson. Henllne. Error: Barn hart. Two-base hits: Leborveau, Parkin son. Double play: Parkinson to Lee. Left or. bases: Pittsburgh, 6; Philadelphia, 12. First base on balls: Off Hhbbell 1; off Zlnn, 3. Struck out: By Zlnn, 6; by Hub tell, 2. Umpires: Klem and McCormlck. Tim of game: 1:50. Mile. Lenglen Not ' To Play in Doubles Boston, Mass., Aug. 19. Mile. Su zanne Lenglen, the French tennis star, whose formal entry for the na tional mixed doubles to be played here next week, was received by of ficials of the Longwood Cricket club, sent word today that she would not be able to participate. hado rsiu SATURDAY ONLY t Broken Line of Sizes, in Newest Colors and STETSONS BORSALINAS Up to $7.00 Values ft Ninth Defeat Pes Moines tt-tz r ; i " ' Powell's Home Run Features Boston's Defeat of Chicago Boston, Aug. 19. Powell's home run over Flack's head with Christen bury on base in the seventh inning was the big factor in Boston defeat ing Chicago, 3 to 2, today. CHICAGO. I BOSTON. AB.H.O.A.I AB.H.O.A Flack, rf 4 H ll ch'r. ss 4 Terry. 2b 3 Deal. 3b 4 Barber. If 3 Mdsel, cf 4 Grimes, lb 4 O' Far' el I, o 1 Free'an, p 3 Totals 30 01 Powell, cf 2 0 2 0 4 1 Barbara, ss OiS'worth, rf JlCrulse. if OHloei'kel. 3b 0 Holke. lb 01 Ford. 2b l!0'Neil. o 21 Watson, P 0 0 n 12 1 2 l o 0 0 0 0 0 0 IM'Q'U'n, p 4 24 9ixC'tenbury Tnta's 27 6 27 14 xChrlstenbury batted for Watson In the seventh. Score by Innings: Chicago .0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0-2 Boston 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 0 x 3 Summorv Runs: Barber Malsel. Pow ell, O'Nell, Chrlxtenbury. Error: Bar bare. Bneckel. Watson. Home run: Pow ell. Stolen base: Cruise. Sacrifice hits: O'Fsrrell. Watsnrl. 2. Double plays; Hol locher. unassisted; Southworth to Ford to Holke. Left on bases: Chicago. 6; Boston 6. First base on balls: Off Free man, 3: off Watson, 2. Hits: Off Watson, 4 In 7 InnlriKs; off McQuillan. 0 In 2 in nings. Hit by pitched ball: By Watson, Terry; by Freeman. Barbare. Struck out: By Freeman, 3 Winning pitcher: Wat son. Umpires: Moran and Rlgler. Tim of game: 1:40. Hornsby Gets Fdur Hits in Cards' Victory Brooklyn, Aug. 19. St. Louis won the last game of the eastern series with Brooklyn today, 9 to 4. The visitors hit three of Brooklyn's pitchers for 17 hits, of which Horns by got four. ST. LOUIS. I BROOKLYN. AB.H.O.A.I AB.H.O.A. Smith, rf 2 1 01 Olson, us 5 12 5 Schults, rf 2 F'rnier, lb 6 Stock. 3b 5 H'rnsby. 2b 6 2 1 fl J'hnst'n, 10 4 z z i 1 10 olNels. rf 4 12 1 2 2 01 Wheat. If 6 14 0 4 3 3!Myers. cf 4 2 2 0 1 2 o'Sch'df. lb 4 2 11 2 1 1 HKIlduff. 2b 4 3 1 5 1 3 OlKrueger. c 3 13 1 1 1 8Mlljus, p 10 0 1 2 3 0!S. Smith, p 1 0 0 1 0 0 lJSchiirip. p 0 0 0 0 Mueller, cf 2 Mann, cf 3 M'H'nry. if 6 Lavan. ss 5 Al'smith, c 4 Pfef fer. p 3 IxOrlffith 10 0 0 42 17 27 13ixRuether 0 0 0 0 Totals Totals 36 13 27 U Griffith batted for S. Smith In seventh. xRuether batted for Schupp in ninth. Score by innings: St. Louis 1 1 1 0 4 1 1 0 09 Biooklyn 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 34 Summary Runs: J. Smltn, 2; Stock, 2; Hornsby, Mann, McHenry, Ali.smlth, 2; Echmandt, Kllcluff, 2; Krueger. Errors: Olson. Myers, Kruiger. Two-base hit: Fournler Three-base hits. Mann, Aln smtth Stolen base: Schmandt. Sacrifice hiis: Pfeffer, Ruether. Double plays: La van to Hornsby to Fournii-r. 2; Olson to Schrranrtt. Left on bases: St Lout 7: Brooklyn, 9. First base on balls: Off Pfeffer, 3. H'ts: Off Mlljus. 9 in 4 1-3 innings; off Schupp. 3 In 2 Inringo; off IS. Smith. 6 In 2 2-3 Innings. Struck out: By Mlljus, 1; by S. Smith, 1: by Pfef fer, 3. Wild pitch S. Smith. Losing oltrh tr: Mlljus. Umpires: O'Day and Emails. Time of game: 1:46.. , Fred Mortenzen Wins Lewistown, Mont., Aug. 19. Fred Mortenzen, local light-heavyweight wrestler, today defeated Ray Zim mer of Kansas City. Mortenzen won the first fall in 31 minutes. IS seconds, Zimmer. the second, in 17 minutes and the Lewistown man the third in three minutes 48 seconds. 1417 FAR NAM Season Record Set By Filly Helen Dillon Goes Two Fastest Heats in Race for 2-Ycar Olds This Season. Philadelphia, Aug. 19. The two fastest heats in a race by a 2-ycar-old this season was trotted today at the tl ird day's races of the Grand Circuit meeting at Narberth, Pa Helen Dil lon, by Dillon Axworthy, owned by A. B. Cox of Paoli, Pa., and driven by Joe Serrill, won the Villiam Penn stake of $2,000 and stepped the heats in 2:U'4 and 2:12't. She won both heats handily, com ing through the stretch with a fine burst of speed and with plenty to spare. The Holmes stake of $1,000 for 2 05 pacers went to Lillian S., driven by Thornton. The mare took the second and third heats after finishing fourth to Julia Direct, which was the favorite. Lillian S. equalled her rec ord of 2:04'4 in the second heat. Grey Worthy, owned by Sanford Small of Boston and driven by Wal ter Cox, hung up a new record for the Winoga stake, stepping the sec end and third heats in :.:Q5'4, and winning the race in three straight heats. The former record of 2-M'A was made by June Red in 1918. There were nine starters and Grey Worthy came away from the three-quarter pole and won in a diivo in all three heats. Emma Harvester, which the Good Times stables of Goshen, N. Y., bought last week for $20,000, placed second. This contest was divided into three races the stake of $3,000 being split into three $1,000 purses and an extra $100 was presented to' the driver of the winner. The E. T. Stotesbury cup also went to the winning horse. Tommy Murphy scored his first victory of the meeting today, landing first money in the dash race with Princess Nadena. The meeting will close tomorrow. The summaries: Two-year-old trotting. 'William Penn stake; purse 12.000; two in three: Helen Dillon, b. f.. by Dillon Ax worthy (Serrell) l l Myth Worthy 2 2 King Etawah s 4 Meditation 5 3 The Great Midwest 4 ( Best time: 2:1214. 2:0S-class trotting, Winoga dashes: purse $1,000, 11,000 each dash: Grey Worthy, b. g., by Ax worthy (Cox) 1 1 1 Emly Harvester 3 8 2 Wlki Wlkl 2 6 5 Walnut Frisco 6 2 7 Selka 4 3 4 Best time' 2:05 Vi. 2.05-class pacing, the Holmes stake; purse 11,000; three heats: Lillian S., b. m., by Colonel Forrest (Thornton) 4 1 1 Julia Direct 1 2 5 J. W. S 2 4 2 Home Fast 3 6 3 Edna Early 5 3 4 Best time: 2:04W. 2:19-class trotting, mile and 100-yard dash, purse 600: Princes Nadena b. m., by Justice Brooke (Murphy) 1 Throella 2 Peter Stilwell 3 Lady Byng 4 Hlmella 6 Time: 2:20. macK says gutted R.ALLORYS SCHOBELES Up to $12.50 Values Chicago Forces Yankees Out of First Place White Sox Trounce New York In Final Game of Series, 13 to 9 Losers Use Four Pitchers. Chicago, Aug. 19. Chicago forced New York out of first place today when they defeated the Yankees 13 to 9, in the final game of the series, which was a batting fest, while Cleveland was idle. The Yankees used four pitchers to try to check the slugging of the locals, while Hodge went the entire route, being hit hard in only two innings. Score: NEW YORK". CHICAGO. AH. If .OA. An H O A Miller, i f 5 o 4 2 4 2 5 3 4 1 5 2 5 1 2 1 nij'hnsnn. ss 6 3 3 S'M lllg'll, 3b 3 1 0 11 0 I'olliilM. 2h 4 2 5 4 .".Istrutik. cf II 4 3 0 mKalli.lf 4 2 0 ll l'Sherlv lb 5 I 10 I 3; Hooper, rf 3 2 O'SchHllt. r. 4 2 8 1 HllodKr, p 4 2 12 P'np'gh. ss Ruth. If Baker. Jl Meusel. rf 1'lpp. lb Ward. 2b Schang. c Il'vor'er, o 2 3 WColltns, p 0 0 Qulnn, p 0 0 IMcrcy. p 10 F'uuson. p 1 0 xliawks 1 0 Totals 41 10 27 1 1 Totals .19 15 24 nl xllawk batted for Ferguson In ninth. Scor by innings: New York 0 0 2 0 I 0 0 0 4 9 Chicago 0 0 3 1 4 4 0 1 x 13 Summary Runs: Pecklnpaugh. 3; Ruth', Bilker, 2: Meusel. Pipp. W. Collins. John son, 4; Mulligan 3; E Collins. Strunk, Hooper, 2; .Sthslk. Hodge Errors: Mul ler, Mulligan. Two-bass hits: Ruth Ba ker, Hooper, 2; Strunk, Johnson. Three base hits: Pecklnpaugh. 2; Mulligan, S'hang, Ruth. Stolen base: Hooper. Sac rifice hits: Miller. Falk. Munlan, Hodge. Double plays: Sheely to Johnson to Shfe ly; Johnson to E. Collins to Sheely. Left on bases: New Tork 10: Chicago, 16. First base on balls: Off Hodge. ; off W. Collins. 3: off Qulnn. 2; off Plercy, J. Hits- Off W. Collins. 4 in 2 Innings, none out in third: off Qulnn. 5 In I ln nlrgs. none out In fifth: off Plercy, 6 in 1 1-3 Innings; off Fergusn, In 5 2-3 innings. Hit by pitched ball: By Plercy Johnson: by Ferguson, Fslk and Schalk. Struck out: By W. Collins, 2 by Qulnn. I: by Hodge. 2; by Ferguson. 1. Wild p tches: W. Collins, Pieicy. Losing Pltch ei : Qulnn. Umpires: Owens and Wilson. Time. of gams: 221. Britishers Eliminated From Meadow Tourney Southampton, N. Y., Aug. 19. Great Britain's Davis cup tennis players were el'minated from the singles of the Meadow club invita tion tournament today when three American players defeated them in the round before the semi-final. The team composed of Captain Maxwell Woosnam and O. G. N. Turnbull, remains in the doubles. Vincent Richards scored over w oosnam, in a spectacular contest, 6-3, 11-9. Willis E. Davis of San Francisco dis posed of F. Gordon Lowe, 6-3. 6-4, and S. Howard Voshell of New York defeat ed Turnbull, 6-4, 6-0. William J. Clothier, the Philadelphia veteran who held the national title in 1906. eliminated Harold Goodshell of I.os Angeles without losing, a gams in the two sets. In the doubles Watson M. Washburn of New York and Davis earned a place in the semi-finals by defeating Clothier and T. R. Pell. 6-4. 6-4. 0 Styles