Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 20, 1921, Page 4, Image 4

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    Vigilantes Are
Organized to
Combat Bandits
South Dakota Business Men
Form Auto Squads to Co
Operate in Campaign
Against Robberies.
Flandroau, S. D.; Aug. 19. (Spe
cial.) Organization here of a vigil
ance committee, composed of busi
ness men, to frustrate the attempts
of holdup men and bank robbers,
and run them down when they suc
ceed in their efforts, is having effect
on other communities of Moody
county, where similar organizations
have been perfected.
Residents of Trent and Egan or
ganized and Colman has a body of
30 men who will respond to signals
which have been agreed upon should
attempts be made to rob the banks
or other places of business.
Vigilantes, who own automobiles,
will take their autos to the scene of
robberies and be prepared to partici
pate in a chase after such bandits as
may rob stores or other places and
flee from the towns. In each car
will be two expert marksmen, armed
with rifles.
, Members of the vigilance organ
ization will be summoned by tele
phone. Those who form the auto
squads reside in proximity to each
other, so the marksmen can hiake
ready while the men with autos are
getting out their cars. By this
means it would be only a few min
utes after a robbery until the mem
bers of the posse in autos would
meet at a central point, from which
the pursuit of the bandits . would
Shadow of Hospital
Wahoo Bridge Foreman
Fremont, Neb., Aug. 19. (Spe
cial.) Another serious accident oc
cured here to Charles Fraser, 44,
foreman for the Central Bridge &
Construction company when a brok
en shoulder and several shattered
ribs added one more journey to the
hospital after a continual series of
visits to the infirmaries during his
His latest accident occurred when
assisting his men in placing a road
culvert in position east of Fremont.
Fraser was using a plank as a pry.
Something slipped, the weight of
the culvert struck the plank and
shot Fraser about 16 feet into the
air. In falling he struck heavily
on his side and shoulders. Internal
injuries are feared by the hospital
Five weeks ago Fraser nearly lost
a finger when his hand was caught
in a railroad trapdoor. Last Decem
ber Fraser lost the sight of his left
eye when a rivet flew from its posi
tion while he was fixing a concrete
mixer. Last September Fraser was
caught between two cement pipes
and nearly crushed to death. He
sustained painful injuries to the hips
and body and laid in the hospital
for many weeks.
A number of years ago, Fraser
lost a finger from his right - hand
when his entire arm was caught in
a shredder and the member was
nearly torn from its socket. It was
feared, at the. 'time that he .would
lose the entire arm. Fraser has also
suffered a broken collar bone and
hip when he was run over by a team
of horses and a heavy wagon when
a young man. Mrs. Fraser was
called to the bedside c.f her hus
band from Wahoo, where they make
their home.
"Girl in Blue"
Leaps to Deatl
Such Is Theory of Police
After Bridge Tollman Sees
Her Slide Down Bank
his companion, is now in the county
jail awaiting trial
An unidentified young woman
from Council Bluffs is believed to
have committed suicide-.yesterday
morning by drowning herself in the
Missouri river, according to a tele
phone message to the street railway
barn in Council Bluffs and to Omaha
"Watch the river bridge as a
young girl in blue has threatened to
drown herself," an excited woman's
voice .over the phone warned Oma
ha police.
Lee Vanderlou, tollman at the east
end of the bridge, told Omaha po
lice, who conducted a search along
the east r.iver bank, that he saw a
girl in blue and without a hat get
off a street car at the east approach
to the bridge and slide down the
bank. He called Omaha police.
A few minutes later Vanderlou
saw the girl walking up the river
roadway and disappear among the
trees. He kept his eyes on her and
directed police in the search, as she
acted strangely, he said. Fishermen
were out in their boats dragging the
river at noon today in an effort to
locate the body of the girl.
South Dakota Miner Is
Injured in Fall in Mine
Lead, S. D., Aug. 19. (Special
Telegram.) George Morasovich,
miner, is in a critical condition as the
result of falling from a scaffold on
the 1,500-foot level of the Homestake
mine. He sustained a fractured
i skull and internal injuries,
warrant t iC's.
Lodge Treasurer in
Aurora Refuses to
Give Lawyer Warrant
Aurora, Neb.,' Aug. 19. (Special.)
Lou Morris, treasurer of the lo
cal lodge of the Royal Highlanders,
has been threatened with mandamus
because he will not draw a
for $100 to assist in paying
torney's fees in the Weidentr case
recently brought in Lincoln to have
the advanced rates declared unlaw
ful. At the last monthly meetuig of
the lodge $100 was voted to assist
in the fight against the rates. Mr.
Morris has told the officers of the
lodge that he will pay the $100 over
if the full 'membership of the lodge
is notified and a majority of mem
bers attending after such notice shall
order it.
Union Pacific Shops at
North Platte Reopened
North Platte, Neb., Aug. 19.
(Special.) The railroad shops of
the llnjon Pacific have been re
opened' here after a shutdown of
more than seven months. Business
depression which, the company said,
forced the shutdown," has gained to
such an. extent that about 45 of the
old employes can again be placed at
work. The shops normally employ
approximately 500 men.
Aurora Boy Scouts Will
Return From Camp
'Aurora, Neb., Aug. 19. (Special.)
The Aurora Boy Scouts will re
turn home this week after 10 days
spent in camp at Camp Sheldon,
Columbus. The Aurora contingent
at this Boy, Scout gathering was the
largest in the battalion. The. Boy
Scouts of Aurora are financed and
supervised by the Rotary club.
Benedict Mart Arrested for
Crash With Omaha Auto
York, Neb., Aug. 19. (Special
Telegram." Sheriff Miller received
a message from AVflburi announcing
the arrest of , George Uland. of Ben
edict to stand trial ori the charge of
speeding. Bert Harris of ' Ulaid,
Harris and Uland figured in an
auto accident here last Sunday when
the racer they were driving collided
with C. F. Riley's car of Omaha.
Mrs. Riley was severely injured in
the accident and is still in a critical
condition in a hospital here.
Custer County Farm Bureau
Purchases Movie Outfit
Callaway. Neb., Aug. 19. -(Special.)
The Custer county farm hu
rt au has purchased a motion picture
machine to be used at their precinct
meetings. Films are being shown
ot the national forest reserves, pig
clubs, Red Cross and other subjects
furnished by the United State De
partment of Agriculture. Slides are
being shown of live stock on the
farms and the care of poultry in
Nebraska. , .
In 14 states in the United States
there are no tax fees for chauffeurs,"
while in the other 34 states the fees
range from $1 to $5.
: -."""
Distinctive Fall Millinery
$C()0 $750 $JQ00 $J 750 $2500
Each individual hat designed by recognized milliners who are paid for their
artistic taste and original ideas. Presenting an incomparable display of
advance .Fall modes in complete readiness for your viewing.
' Soft,-crushable duvetyne is twisted in many fascinating styles.
Deftly becoming are the pliable felts, and there is a rich ref ine
, ment about the Lyons and Panne velvet models that make an
instant appeal. . v "M: "" '
Shown in all the rich 'deep colorings ; that this season chooses. Black, of
shadowy, downy tones is. proving a favorite. Dark, oriental .reds, rust,
forest green, variety of brown shades, and blues, of course.
The Hat Illustrated at the Right Specially
Designed for the School and College Girl $2.75
Because of the limited quantity we rdvise early morning shopping, for they
will go like the proverbial "Hot Cakes" once the "Flappers" see them.
Soft and flexible, yet jaunty and smart.
V Second Floor
!: of Fur
-of Cloth
A-magnificen-t (stock of the finest Hudson Seal, Muskrat, Jap
Minkj , Australian Opossum and Marmot coats
v Winter Cloth Coats
i Though this is a very short announcement from our cloth coat
. section; yet it carries a message of much importance to the
1; woman' who is planning on buying a new cloth coat.
' Featuring new lines, new fabrics and new colors.
Winter Cloth Coats . Fur Coats
20 Off 33V, Off
Third Floor
1 SA
Sale of Soaps
Haskin's Hardwater Castile,
10 bars for. 69c
Fels Naptha, 10 bars for. . .69c
Crystal White, 10 bars for. .59c
Creme Oil Soap, 10 bars
for ...79c
Pnlm OUva S hars for. . . -24e
l Woodbury's Facial 21c
m Packer's Tar 23c
We reserve the right to limit
quantities. No deliveries: No
C. O. D.'s.
25c Euthymol Tooth Paste, 19c
50c Pebeco Tooth Paste,. . .39c
50c Pepsodent Tooth Paste, 39c
50c Dorin Rouge 1249 43c
Woodbury's Cold Cream,.. 19c
4 oz. J. & J. Cotton,. .... .17c
60c Cutex Manicure Sets,. .48c
60c Kotex Sanitary Pads,. .49c
Main Floor.
1 Have You a
Little Flapper
in Your Home?
, Dressing the "flapper" takes
thought and usually gives the
; mother many perplexing moments
around this time of the year.
Our specialized "Flapper" and "Sub-Deb"
Shop gives serious thought to the buying
of correct and becoming apparel for the
voune "miss? between 12 and 17. . And
the result of this "specialism" is shown in the complete assort
ment of new Autumn and Winter apparel now on display.
Wool Dresses $16.50 to $55
Serge, poiret twill and tricotine, youthfully styled and girlishly
trimmed with touches of bright colors, such as rust, jade
and red.
Cloth Coats $13.50 to $25
Newest models in. heavy, warmly practical fabrics, including
pebbje cheviots, polo cloth and fine quality chinchilla. .
Well tailored and nicely finished. , In navy, Mohawk and a va
riety of deep-toned brown shades.. v . N
Second Floor
All-Wool Sweaters -$2.55
In the popular tuxedo model
in black, navy, brown, Ameri
can beauty, copen and gray.
Sizes 36 to 46. Previously
priced to $5.95.
Second Floor.
"Miss Victoria Silk
Hose $2.50
A new.'shipment just un
boxed ' and marked.
: Black; white andjbrown.
Splendid weight. , "
; Main Floor:,
Finishing School
and College Girl's
Fall Wardrobe
"Betty Wales" dresses have won
distinction at every academy,
school and college. Moderate in
price, they are so smart that
wherever chic young women con- . . , p
gregate, on or otf th. campus, UOjUAsif JVXUULa
they enjoy high favor. JhessGS
Every "activity is provided for by Betty Wales.
Street and Going-Away Frocks
Class Room Frocks
Frocks for Informal Gaities
Sport Models Dance Frocks
Betty Wales Shop Third Floor
Saturday A Sale of Silk Dresses
at $19.50
A demonstration of value giving in our Dress Shop. Dresses
of splendid quality taffeta and a limited number of velvet.
Basque effects,, some have circular skirts, a number of models
with becoming tunic, three-quarter length sleeves. In brown,
blue, black and gray.
Early shopping is advisable.
Third Floor
Corset .
Elastic .Top,
Sizes 23 to 26
lhe Store of Specialty Shops.
Saturday Special
The SALE. That Wades'Goocl-bye To PROFIT
Hundred and hundred of Omnha folk await thla mile every
year lieeiume they know from experience wluit wonderful av
inK it afford on liih-clns, dependable furniture and hnrae
furnllilngl . Tbe price are actually u low a nle price In
19141 Tlie public I demanding; vnlue and our price are cer
tain to net a new record in bona fide value-arlvlnict I'SK YOlIt
CREDIT HERE IH'RINU THIS SAI,E In addition to these ex
traordinary aavlns you are also allowed tbe privilege of tak
ing a Full Year and a Half to l'ny!
"Let Hartman Feather Your Nest"
Final Clearance
of Refrigerators
Our stock of refrigerators is quite
low and rather than carry over
our stock until next season we have
concluded to SACRIFICE prices.
This enamel lined
side icer type 60-lb.
ice capacity; regular
$48.00 value. Priced
at only
Golden Oak
A illustrated,
and' can be let
down to. wheel
about. Our 'Au
gust Sale price
has been re
duced to only
Nationally Known "Kroehler" Make
Saturday's Unusual Price
Exceptional Value
Golden Oak
This is a iolid oak table, with a
42-inch top, which extends to full
"6-feet when open. Handsome
sauare pedestal measuring 1 inches
in diameter supports
the top. Extti
heavy platform base.
worthy ot your in
vestigation Saturday,
Regularly Priced at $125
To purchase this Bed-Puofold Suite Saturday
means to SAVE and to .save a considerable
amount nt monev. Go where vou will you can
not hope to duplicate HARTMAN" 8 AUGUST
BALE price for Saturday's sellmor. Golden,
fumed or mahogany finish In durublo Spanish
fabrlcold upholstery. Complete at
1 Easy
. Columbia
hir Record Stock is complete in
very way and we invite you to
come in and hear your favorite se
lections. The releases ft.r Septem
ber are out Saturday. We Invite
you to come in and hear them.
N 0 0
N 0 O
Just As
True, an inex
pensive price
yet see the val
ue we have to
offer. As pic
tured, with five
roomy drawers
and in golden
oak finish.
' IJ
Bar mis
A Rare
A11 models And all finishes- are to
be found hece from - th tabla
machine - at 32.50 to ; the - larger
more elaborate models. We will
be more than pleased to demon
strate and explain their . features. ;
Solid oak, golden
finish; . fitted with
roomy wardrobe
compartment c o n
taining sliding rod
and hangers. A
te Sale bargain. .
An Enamel
Table With
i it in
Makes a clean and neat appearing
chair for the kitchen. We have
a limited quantity to offer Satur
day at $2.25. We urge you to
come early. Regular price is ?4.
Several Attractive Designs
Choice Finishes
tvolcRl Hartman Au
gust Sale bargain. You
ivill realize a distinct
saving at Saturday's
special price. Exactly
as we illustrate it
here, with large mir
ror and roomy draw
er space. A bargain indeed!
Wooden Beds
The Top
24x40 Inches
This Is un
doubtedly a
real savins
0 p p 0 rtunlty
for you. Three
or four styles
from which
to select. Uea
your credit'
Penutlful bed
with sanitary
steel side
rails in ma
hogany, wal
nut, ivory and
fumed osK
finishes. Be
sure to see
them Saturday.
, ,. ,- hia tn nuri-hase a whlto enamel
?.!vf.r " 111,'": rVnw.r nrlce than Saturday1. We
r lnt In receipt of a carload shipment ana pass
our discounted price from the factory to you. Avau
yourself of this bargain.
August Sale of Toilet
Tables Several Styles
It y
Spring and Mattress
We offered this Med Outfit for Thursday only.
those who were unable to take ad
vantage of that sale we offer this
bargain for Saturday. Red. sprinir
and 50-lb. all-cotton mattress. Sale
price only
Mahogany Trimmed
You will marvel at the
bargain we offer here.
As illustrated without
the removable tray. A
regular S'.r value.
Toilet tables sell
ing a few months
aeo at more thai
double Saturday'!'
price. Several
styles in golden
oak and Imitation
Circassian walnut J
finishes. Investi- W
gate these bargains.
OMon? Tabl
in Walnut
Pcurular price. .
Kxtcnds to 6 feet wl'H
top measuring JTixnO
Inches. Walnut finish.
5x12 Size
.Ye Trust Ycu Hartaan Feather You r Net
7 jfe
m uww inmn
lxteentn between narney and Howard
gxu Size