Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 17, 1921, Page 9, Image 9

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September 15 Date
For Wedding of
Jacey Allen
Wedding plans are' of greatest in
terest this month (or members of the
younger set. Another of the brides-to-be,
Miss Jacey Allen, has chosen
the date for her wedding. Her
marriage to Howard Dunham will
take place Thursday evening, Sep
tember IS, at the home of her par
cnts.Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Allen. It
will be followed by a reception for
:he wedding- guests.
Miss Kathcrine Allen, sister of the
bride-elect will be maid of honor.
Mr. Dunham will 'iave Victor Hall
luist for his best m. t.
The wedding march will be played
by Cecil Hitchen, Mrs. Herbert
Smails, cousin of Miss Allen will
Mr. Punham is building a home at
301 South 50th Avenue hich will
, i f - 1 a
oe reauy or occupancy aoouc Nov
ember 15 .
Announcement has been made of
the engagement of Miss Pauline
Krebs, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Walter Krebs of Cedar Rapids, la.,
to Chester B. Bell of Omaha, son
of Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Bell of Mc
Connelsville, O. The wedding will be
solemnized September 17 in Cedar
Rapids. '
House Party.
Miss Margaret Powers of Council
Bluffs entertained at a house party
at her home Saturday and Sunday.
Her guests were Martha Aspinwall,
.Kathleen O'Hara, Martha Cotter,
Flora Mclnnerney, Mary Kelley,
Marie McMahon and Mary Ellen
Powers of Council Bluffs; Catherine
Kelly of Perry, la.; Magadalene
ittV' I T T 1 1 T .. .t. T 1.
, u enen ana xieien aim xvum a-juh-u
of Omaha.
Alpha Omicron Pi.
Active and alumnae members of
Alpha Omicron Pi entertained at
luncheon at Olive Crest Tuesday
when covers were laid for 25.
Tuesday evening, the active mem
bers gave a dinner-dance at Happy
Hollow club. The affair was in
charge of Miss Lucille Crapenhoft.
Afternoon Bridge.
Miss Frances Linderhclm will en
tertain, at a bridge party at her home,
Wednesday afternoon, in honor of
Miss Marie Hill of Logan, la., guest
of Miss Berriice Meieryugen. . Two
tables will be set for the game.
Ci Telta Breakfast.
Ci Telta club of Central High
school will entertain at breakfast at
Field .club Thursday morning.
Covers will be laid for. 17. Miss
Jean Falconer is. in charge of ar
rangements. Picnic Party.
Mesdames W. H. Mick, Paul Van
orden and C. C. Landeryou chap
eroned a picniq of Jobs, Daughters
rrl.ran . Co torsi-... it.. Cr..
Country club. Officers presented
Miss De Ete Smith with a lavaliere.
Bridge Luncheon.
. Miss Josephine Schurman will en-
ic lain ai a uuuxc luiiiivti at
home ' Friday, complimentary''- to
Miss Phyllis Waterman, fiancee of
William Latta.
Carter Lake
The Venetian carnival, an annual
event since the founding of Carter
Lake club, will be held Sunday aft
ernoon and Monday night, August
21 and 22, followed by a costume
"dance Monday night. .
A daylight or flower parade of
decorated .boats, will be held Sunday
afternoon, and an .evening earnival
Monday night. Boats Monday night
will be electrically lighted, with the
occupants in costume.
Arrangements are being made by
the committee in charge to furnish
Japanese lanterns for decorating the
boats. Batteries for lighting, pur
poses will be furnished.
,, Following the carnival there will
be a costume dance. Prizes will be
given for the most originally dec
orated boats and for the most novel
costumes at the dance.
The carnivals held at the club are
Unnm ttirnnirViniit the rountrv. and
it is the aim of the club to make each
one more elaborate than any of pre
vious years.
Drastic Reductions on
Women's Footwear
Will Continue for This Week
In Patent Leather, Black Kid, White Nile Cloth,
in high or low heels. Also a few Ties in brown
or black, in high or low heels.
320 South 16th
New York. (Special Correspond
ence.) To bead or ; not to bead I
Really there should be no irresolu
tion here. There is as much beading
going on at present in New York as
there is on any Choctaw reservation.
Suits are trimmed in this way. So
are capes and so are frocks. - .
On the late georgette and Canton
crepe frocks a wide use is made of
beads usually round and often dull
in broad stripe effects. This pre
sents many opportunities , for deli
ca. or dazzling contrast ftf color,
and we find black beads on a
georgette frock of Turkey red, sil
ver ones on another georgette of
gray, and dull bronze on still a third
of brown. And, by the way, various
shades of brown and of henna are
much to the fore in these new crepe
Today we show a white crepe
trimmed with steel beads and with
bands of Persian embroidery .The
narrow girdle is black.
Miss Clep. Chappell of Trenton,
N. J., is the guest of Mr. and Mrs.
D. E. Cable.
. Miss Blanche Sorenson is planning
to leave the latter part of the week
lor Minneapolis.
Miss Annie Doyle left Sunday for
New York. She will spend several
weeks in the east.
Miss Jane Finn has returned from
a trip to the. Pacific coast where she
BJUI. nil. oiiuii.iw. ....
Mr.- afld Mrs.- Edward Keita of
Creston, la., are visiting Mr. and
Mrs. Henry S. Clarke, jr. '
Miss Helen Sturgess," daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Sturgess, is at
present at Denver. She is expected
home this week. ' .
Washington, la., last week for a brief
.. ti f: 1 ...ill
V1SU Wltn a college irieuu, wm it
turn Wednesday.
Mrs. Frank Roberts and daughter,
Lois, have returned from their Lake
Okoboji cottage where they have
spent the past six weeks.
Mr. and Mrs." A. I. McMartin of
Long Beach, Cal., who have been
visiting Dr. and Mrs. Charles Mc
Martin, left Tuesday for Beaman, la.
Mrs. Leta Moore Meyer left Satur
day for Lilie Dale, N. Y., where she
was called by the serious illness of
her mother, Mrs. Emma Moore.
F. L. Borglum left Omaha Monday
after a few days visit witn ms sister,
Ur AlfreH Dsrlow. Mr. Borelum
was en route from Harrison, Neb., to
Chicago, where ne enters service as
a major in the department of health
to $10
Changes in Plans
For Autumn
Nuptials ' ;
Miss Elizabeth Carpenter of
Manchester, N. II., will arrive in
Omaha September 7 to be a brides
maid at the wedding of Miss Louise
Clarke 'and Harkness Kountze'on
September- 14. Miss Carpenter will
take the place of Miss Claire Daugh
erty in the wedding party owing to
the recent death of Miss Daugherty's
father. ..
Miss Marie Bloome of Chicago,
another trid:smaid, will also arrive
September" 7." The other attend
ants, Misses Gertrude Kountze,
Dorothy Belt and Dorothy Judson,
are of Omaha.
Among, the affairs planned for;
Miss Clarke is a luncheon on Sep
tember 2 to be given by Miss Ger
trude Stout.. Mrs. Ware Hall, will
be hostess at a luncheon September
7 and M,r. William Latta will enter
tain at a ; dinner . for the wedding
party on September 10.' , . .
Alpha Xi Delta. 1
A dancing party was given at the
home of Miss Olive Means Satur
day evening by members-of Alpha
Xi Delta, Twenty couples were
H. E. L. P. Club.
' A picnic' supper" will be given
Wednesday -evening at Elmwood
park by membertf ef the H. E. L. P.
club of the Social Settlement.
Social Settlement Movie.
"The Heart of: Youth," motion
picture, wjll be shown Friday eve
ning, August 19, "8 o'clock, at the
Social Settlement.
Informal Luncheon.
Miss Helen Stoltenberg entertained
informally at luncheon at the Athletic
club, Tuesday.
at the government Speedway hospital
His daughter, Miss Frances, remains
as guest of Mrs. Darlow.
Mr. and Mrs. William Tracy
Burns have sublet their apartment at
the Clarinda to Mr. and Mrs. C. W.
Morton until October 1, and are at
the Fontenelle.
Mrs. L. S. Hagerman arrived here
last week from Chicago to spend
two weeks with her mother, Mrs.
E; A. Tucker. Mrs. Hagerman
was formerly Miss Grace Tucker.
Mary Jordan, wife of Maj. C. C.
Cresson. arrives in Omaha Septem
ber 8 from New York. Miss Jordan,
who is a well known singer will ap
pear in concert here in September.
Myron Learned has left for a
visit in Massachusetts. He will also
go on a fishing trip into Vermont
and will later be the gu,est of Mr.
and Mrs. L. F. Crofoot o.n their
yacht off Northeast Harbor, Me.
Mrs. O. T. Eastman and daugh
ter, Margaret, are motoring home
from the east with Mrs. F. A. Nash
and daughter, . Emma. They will
meet Junior Nash in Chicago, Au
gust 24, who will return with them
The Misses Florence and Dorothy
Davidson are soendine two weeks
at the Blackstone with their father,
A. A. Davidson. They are students
at the University of Illinois and are
en route there Irom a summer hi
Estes 'Park, t - - . i -
Not Needed.
"There's a man who has a wonder
fully vivid imagination" .
"Yes, but what's it good for, with
the styles as they are?"
Macaroni Foods
It contains genuine Semolina, from
which the' best Macaroni is made.
For sale at all grocers.
What's What
A correspondent in Akron (O.)
writes: "Dear What's W hat
Please tell me if vegetables should
be served in small dishes to each per
son? Also, how should peas be
eaten? J-
It is only in remote country hotels
that the traveler of today finds the
numerous' little oval vegetable dishes
which used to make of every public
dinner-plate an island entirely sur
rounded 'by "birds' bathtubs." Hotel
and restaurant dinners are served in
courses, the waiter presenting the
vegetable dishes in turn at the left
side ot each guest; this is also the
routine at a home dinner where a
butler -or waitress is kept. In the
much more general "self-service" of
the home table, after the meat has
u; Dnicners,
ciu hi en, telf
phone open
' ton, grocery
salesman, or
' deMrery men
wanting te
work . for the
lay-Kite Store
. mall ' applies
ion and ret
renom to H.
8. King, care
Mitchell. 40th
, sod - Farnam
... . ,
Trie market it advancing on
nrlrn. ua sdviaa van ta lav In a
i nnn n-, nt nina Roll Flnnr nor
Gooch's Best Flour, per 48-lb.8ack
Red Star Flour, per 48-lb. sa-ck
1 carload of extra fancy California Lovell Peaches,
all sizes, special, per crate $1.58
(These are the last of the California- Freestone
Peaches. Get yours.
500 crates of Thomsen's Sweet Seedless Green
Grapes, special large square basket 63
Extra fancy Colorado bushel Pears, special,
per bushel $3.99
300 cases of the celebrated Prinze brand of high
grade Tomato Ketchup
Regular 35c size, special 27
3 bottles for 751 Per dozen $2.90
5,000 cans of all colors of Shinola,, special, can. ,5j
1 carload of Lenox Soap, you all know the brand,
10 bars for 39ft
The celebrated H. & H. Cleaning Soap, special,
large bar 185 2 bars for 350
Estes Laundry Tablets, special, per pkg. 220
- 3 pkgs. for 57ft
We offer 300 cases of high grade Matches, usually
sold for 8c box, special, 6 boxes for 350
Our president, Mr. Ernest
Rochester, Minn., where he ha.
look forward to ms eany return,
24th and Ames
Thirty-third and Arbor
2908 Sherman Ave.
Fortieth and Farnam
Pimples and boils are signs
lowered vitality
A familiar food now used to correct them
PIMPLES and blackheads (acne) and boils
are often the signals of a falling off in health.
"A bad acne may indicate profound debil
ity," writes a physician connected with a number
of leading New York hospitals, and "the repeated
occurrence, of boils should always be looked upon
as an indication of lowered vitality."
, It has been found from actual clinical tests
that remarkable results are obtained in treating
these complaints with Fleischmann's Yeast.
Today Fleischmann's Yeast is everywhere
recognized as a valuable "conditioner." It is a
fresh food which supplies in rich quantities the
newly discovered vitarnine known to be lacking
from many of our foods. It thus corrects lowered
vitality which is so often the underlying cause of
these minor ailments.
, To protect themselves against these complaints
many are making Fleischmann's Yeast a part of
To clear the skin
Treatment with Fleischmann's Yeast has proved very
successful in clearing the skin of impurities and blemishes.
In 17 cases of pimples and blackheads treated in leading
hospitals Fleischmann's Yeast brought about improve'
tnent or cure in periods of time ranging from 1 week to
3 months. The same good results were seen in 8 cases of
red. blotchy faces, and in 16 cases of boils the cure was
remarkably quick.
To keep the akin clean and correct pimples or boils,
eat 1 to 3 cakes of Fleischmann's Yeast daily. In acute
cases of pimples and severe cases of boils be sure to consult
your doctor.
Problems That Perplex
Answered by
Introduce Carefully.
It Is the rare man or woman who
succeeds In making an tntroductlon
effectively. The common fault is to
pronounce the names indistinctly
and hastily, thereby leaving the
persons in total Ignorance of each
other's identity and robbing the
ceremony of its usefulness and
meaning. Deliberation and distinct
enunciation are essential to the
adequate performance of this very
important social rite. If by chance
the name of a guest escapes a host
or hostess it is proper to say quietly,
"Forgive me, but I cannot recall
your name at this moment," and
then, having received the required
information, to proceed with the
Introduction. .
Special Introductions.
Not infrequently it happens that
man or woman, for a special reason,
desires, and manoeuvres, by previous
requests on both sides, to bring
6tarngers together through the medi
um of an introduction. In such a
been served, the vegetables and sauce
are passed from one diner to another,
each helping himself.
As was explained in a former
What's What, peas and all other
vegetables are eaten with a fork, held
hollow side upward, in the right hand;
a small portion of bread in. the left
hand may ' be Used to prevent the
peas on the plate from rolling away
from, the fork, j
(Copyright, 1931, by Public Ledger Co.)
aaaa lini
. m
nour. 10 assure yourseu or a lew
auonlv now.
48. lh onolr SI SS: 241b. sack
S1.99: 24-ib. saclc
&2.65I 241b. sack
500 cases Spot
avaal la. better
Tf t st " ,our roa'
man Corn, extra- fancy, b cans tor... ....... .ynj0
Per dozen cans '. . . . . : -... -$1.75
No. 2V4 slze'can3 of Bartlett Pears, Yellow Free
Peaches, Lemon Cling Peaches, Apricots or
Hawaiian Sliced Pineapple, 3 cans for $1.0")
Dozen cans for $3.85
(This Is extra fapcy fruit in heavy syrup.)
300 cases of King Oscar Norwegian Smoked
Sardines, In pure olive oil, -lb. cans, 4 for. 950
300 cases of Underwood's Mustard Sardines,
special, large cans, each... 1601 3 cans... 420
5,000 cans of Dr. Price's Baking Powder, large size
cans, special, ea-ch ...200
Nishna Valley
Buy-Rite brand
Buffet is convalescing very nicely at
undergone a terioua operation. We
in mo meanmno eve, mmy av...
Sixteenth and Dorcas
Vinton and Elm Sts.
13th and Garfield
Fortieth and
The Grocer of Dundee
their regular diet. It is a highly digestible food
assimilated like any other fresh food. You will
like its fresh, distinctive flavor and the clean,
wholesome taste it leaves in your mouth.
Eat Fleischmann's Yeast before or between
meals from one to three cakes a day. Only one
precaution: if troubled with gas dissolve yeast
first in very hot water. This does not affect the
efficacy of the yeast. You will like Fleischmann's
Yeast spread on toast or crackers, dissolved in
milk or fruit-juices, or just plain. Place a standing
order with your grocer for Fleischmann's Yeast
and get it fresh daily.
Send 4 cents in stamps for the interesting book
let, "The New Importance of Yeast in Diet." So
many inquiries are coming in daily for this booklet
that it is necessary to make this nominal charge
to cover cost of handling and mailing. Address
The Fleischmann Company, 701 Washington
Street, New York, N. Y.
case, tho introduction should be ac
companied by an expression of
Kiatlfk-.iflon, ns, for instant-?: "It
gives me. great pleasure to present
Mr. Brown to you, Mis. Jones;" or
"This is Mr. Brown, Mrs. Jones; it
gives me grout pleasure to present
him to J ou."
Now and then a hostess, when
making introductions, can establish
an immediate and pleasuit under
standing between her guests by lot
ting fall some sentence that will give
them a clue to each other's identity
and interests, as, for example;
"Mrs. Jirown, may I present Mr.
Stafford? Like yourself, ho has
spent much time In South America;"
or, "Miss Cameron, I should like to
have you meet Miss bordyre. one,
too, is an artist and can tell you all
you wish to know of the summer
sketching classes in East Gloucester."
In introducing one's relations loss
formality is observed than In other;
cases. ' Thus: "Mrs. Edwards, I;
want my sister to know yoti;"i
"mother, this is Mr. Jones;" "Miss :
Hazloton, I don't think my father
has yet had the pleasure jf meeting
you," or "Miss Hazloton, my brother
asks me to present him, in the hope
that you have a dunce to spare," are
all good modes of making presen
tations. A Case of Faint Heart,
Dear Miss Fairfax:' I am "3.
Several months ago I fell in love
with a girl of 20. She does not' look
more than 16 and acts that way, too.
Her parents are well-to-do. Her sis
ter married a physlelan, her brother
is a dentist and she urges me to
study medicine. She has no ene
mies and everyone likes her.
I have a good position, so good
that' I gave up the idea of going to
college to study medicine. . I love
this girl and hope to make her my
rLUun: j
-1 . - - M -tj - -i 4. llniiH -i Iau, -4
sacus 01 mu nnw, num i
' 99rt d
$1.U5 "a
$1.40 3
Cash Purchase of Country Gentle
We have made a spot cash purchase of 300 cases
of celebrated Yellowstone brand of pure fruit
Preserves. This is a high grade piece of goods.
Large 21-oz. jars of Loganberry, Stra-wberry,
Raspberry and Cherry, special, 2 jars. 650
Dozen jars for ','$3.75
(This is all new goods and at least 23 lower
than you will be able to purchase if 60 days
from now.) .
. . . . n . mi i t .nr. -
Buy - Rite brand Butter,-per. lb. .450
Coffee, 3 lbs. for........ 950 a
500 lbs. Loose-Wiles English Style Chocolate uy
drox Cookies, per lb...:......... 550
the Mayo Brotneri nosp.iai
all wish h.m the best of luck and
35th Ave. and Leavenworth
21st and S Sts., South Side
24th and L Sts.. So. Side
25th' and Cuminr
Hamilton '
wife some day if she will have me.
Several weeks auto (the last time
I was out with her) I asked her if
I could visit her once a week, telling
her how much I cared for her. She
answered that she was too fickle,,
(hat she could not settle clown to
anything. Once a week was even
too much to come to see her, in her
You might say, Miss Fairfax, that
I have no right to ask this girl to
go out with me steady,- especially
when we are not engaRod yet, but
shall I "take for granted that she
wants to send me away?
The old maxim that faint heart
ne'er won, fair lady sorras about the
best advice to give you.. If the girl
is worth winning she is .vorth woo
ing. In these modern, restless days
perhaps a pleasure-loving young
girl Is foolish enough to be appalled
at the thought of hnving a young
man come to see her once a week.
Hhe is too likely to want pleasure,
change, excitement. Hut once you
make her realize that an evening
spent with you is an evening well
and interestingly spent, she may be
Bln to conquer her foolish restless
.ness. Particles in Eyes.
The next time something gets in
your eye, go into a darkened room
and remain there a few seconds.
Then fix the eye on the electric bulb
and turn on the light quickly. The
Player Pianos
Arrive Daily
We have no place to store
them so ws are marking
them at ROCK BOTTOM for
quick sale. The workmen have
taken possession of the upper
floors, and our first floor space
is limited.
Brand New
$750 Player Pianos
Beautiful $750
Solo .Concerto
Players re
duced tc
$25 Down Delivers One to
Your Home
$3.00 Per Week.
Grand Pianos
t-..4.:,i ei rwv Dohv
Grand Pianos Reduced to
Terms, $3.00 Per Week.
A Few Bargains
in Used Pianos
Norris & Hyde, upright.. $110
v Sterling, upright 132
Willard, upright 148
Stetson, upright 160..
Grmer, upright 175
Schmoller & Mueller 198
Whitney, upright 225
Vose & Son, upright 210
Clarendon, upright 235
' Mansfield, player 240
Hartford, player 365
If you live out of town,
write for further de
scriptions. Specify in
strument interested in.
We ship everywhere.
Schmoller & Mueller
Piano Co.
'.ijPg. IB
Value-Giving Store
Bed Room
at big laving during
August Sale
sudden light will cause a violent
reaction which washes the particle to
the corner of the eye, where it can
be easily removed.
Eyes Inflamed?
If your eyes are inflamed, weaw
tired or overworked; if they ache: il
picture showi make them feeldry.
and strained, get a .bottlo of Bon-j
Opto tablets from your druggistJ
dissolve one in a fourth of a glass ofl
water and use as an eye bath from
two to four times a day. Bon-Opta
allays inflammation, invicorates,
tones np the eyes.
ilgbt iu a wcek'f time In many UnUncci
Gave Much Time To The Im-"
provement Of .Their
It is eald that the most beautiful
women of history are the ones that
spent most of their time In the culti
vation, improvement and prolong
went of the life of their beauty. They
used all safe means they could find
to accomplish this charm.
Black and White Beauty Bleach
will remove skin blemishes, such as
tan, sun and wind freckles, blotches,
liver spots. It will clear your com
plexionmake your skin soft and
Black and White Bleach is a de
lightfully perfumed, pink-tinted cold
cream compound, approved and used
by particular women. It will not
grow hair on the face, and when ap
plied forms an invisible coating on
the skin. ...
Black and White Soap should al
ways be used with Black and Whlta
Beauty Bleach. Its regular use will
keep the skin in perfect condition.
Clip and mail this advertisement to
Black and White, Box 1507, Memphis.
Tenn., for free literature, samples of
Black and White Face Powder and
Incense of riowers Talcum Powder.'
What to Use and Avoid
On Faces that Perspire
Skin, to be healthy, muit breathe. - It
also must perspire-"-must expel, through
the pores, its share of the body's waste
material. Certain creams and powders
clog the pores, interfering both with
elimination and breathing;, especially dur
ing the heated period. It more women rjn't
derstood this there would be fewer self
ruined complexions. If they would use or-
dinary mercoliied wax they would have
he hy complexions. This remarkable
st - tance actually absorbs a bad skin; also
unclofrging the pores. Result: The fresher,
younger under-skin is permitted to breathe
and to show itself. The exquistie new
complexion' gradually peeps out, one fres
from any appearance of artificiality. Ob
tain an ounce of mercoliied wax from
your druggist and try it- Apply nightly
like cold cream for a week or two, wash
ing it off mornings.
To remove wrinkles, here's a marvel
ously effectvie treatment, which also act
naturally and harmlessly: Dissolve an
ounce of powdered saxolite in a 'half pint
witch hazel and use as a face wash.
Removes Hairy Growths
Without Pain or Bother
("Modes of Today)
I It is not necessary to-use a painful
I nroress tr remove hairv erowths. for
with a little delatohe handy you can '
keep the skin entirely free from these
beauty destroyers. To remove hair,
make a stiff paste with a little pow
dered delatone and water. Spread this
on the hairy surface and in about 2
minutes rub off, wash the skin and
the hairs are gone. To guard against
disappointment, be careful to get
real delatone. Mix fresh as wanted.
No More Gas In
Stomach & Bowels
If you wish to be permanently relieved
of gas in the stomach and bowels,' take
Baalmann's Gas-Tablets.
Baalmann's Gas-Tablets are prepared
distinctly and especially for stomach gas,
and particularly for all the bad effects
coming from gas pressure.
That empty, gone and gnawing feeling
at the pit of your stomach will disappear)
that anxious and nervous feeling with
heart palpitation will vanish and you will
once more be able to take a deep breath,
so often prevented by gas pressing
against your heart and lungs.
Your limbs, arms and fingers won't feel
cold and go to sleep, because Baalmann's
Gas-Tablets prevent gas interfering with
the circulation; intense drowsiness and
sl?epy feeling after dinner will soon be re
placed by a desire for some form of en
tertainment. Your distended stomach will
reduce by inches because gas will not form
after using Baalmann's Gaa-Tablets.
Get the genuine in the Yellow Package
from Sherman & McConnell or any reliable
Value-Giving Store
Use Bowen's
Window Shades
They make your window
Estimates cheerfully given.
Phone ATlantic 3400
..... . .. .-a - U. v-,. - J- V- ' . " . ' V v . . .