Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 17, 1921, Image 4

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    hi " '
i "
,i 1. Any man or woman who Is not an
v employe Of The Omaha Bee may
submit an answer.
! 2. Any person may fill out and
' tend in as many questionnaires
1 , as he or she may wish, but only
one prize will be awarded in the
r same household. Each question
; naire will be considered as a unit
' " and not in conjunction with any
other questionnaire sent in by
the same person. Only one an
swer is allowed to each question
on each questionnaire, and this
answer must be written in the
. space immediately following each
r ' . question.
3 3. Write your full name and ad
dress on each sheet of questions
in the space , provided for that
purpose. , ,
, 4. All answers must be brought to
the office of The Omaha Bee by
6 p. m. August 31, 1921, or
mailed by your postoffice closing
time August 31, 1921. This
prize offering closes at 6 p. m.
on the above date and answers
sent by mail must be post
marked not later than August 31
in order to be eligible.
6. All answers will be checked as
rapidly as they are received and
the awards will be announced as
soon after the closing date as
r ; possible.
6. The answer lists submitted will
be judged as follows:
First For the number of. cor-
rect answers.
Second For the selection of the
thirty questions which would
best determine the fitness of
an applicant. .
Third For neatness, spelling,
"'. 'etc '
, The answer list -containing the
greatest number of correct an
swers to the questions printed
will be awarded first prize and
so on down the list until the 25
prizes in each classification
have been awarded. .
In case of a tie or ties in . the
number of correct answers the
tying questionnaires will be
judged for "The Thirty 'Best'
-. Questions" selected, and the
prizes will be awarded in each
classification according to the
precedence as determined by the
- If, after judging lists for correct
answers and then judging the se
lections of the 30 "best" ques
tions, ties still exist, the lists will
be judged for neatness, spelling,
etc., in order to determine the.
. . prize winners.
7 Anyone sending in a list of an
swers qualifies for the list of
Ordinary Prizes, whether they
subscribe for The Bee or not.
Anyone sending in one subscrip
tion for the daily and Sunday
Bee, paid in advance, for three
months, qualifies for the list of
Special Prizes.
Anyone sending in one subscrip
tion for the daily and Sunday
- Bee, paid in advance, for six
months, or two subscriptions,
paid in advance, for three
months, qualifies for the list of
Grand Prizes.
Anyone sending in one subscript
. tion for the daily and Sunday
- Bee, paid in advance, for one
year, two subscriptions, paid in
advance, for six months or four
subscriptions, paid in advance,
for three months, qualifies for
the list of Royal Prizes.
, - Either an extension of a present
subscription or a new subscrip
tion is counted as a subscription
for these prizes.
8. All lists of answers will receive
. the same consideration whether
they are qualified by subscrip
tions or whether the person sub
mitting the list of answers is a
subscriber to The Bee.
9. Three prominent Omaha business
men will act as judges of the lists
of answers submitted and will
detennine the prize winners.
v 1 ' 1 1
Little Mary says:
A lot of folks really don't know how
much real pleasure is to be had from,
knowing one's mind is in good con
dition and able to answer the Bee's I. Q.
Fhe Intelligence Questionnaire
is a Real Brain
ISTORY proves that the ability to use his
head i$ the only thing that has ever improved
man's condition. Are you going to drag along,
satisfied to "hide your light'v uner a bushel, or
are you willing to let yourself be know as a person
of some intelligence-the kind of man your em
ployer will be anxious to promote?
It isn't often you have a chance to test your mental ability in such
a way that your name willbe known to the public if you win. And
that winning carries with it more than public recognition of mental
ability. A hundred substantial cash prizes are waiting for the win
ners. They range from $1,000 down to $1.00.
Sharpen your lead pencil, read the rules very carefully, and then go
in to win. You O AN do it, if you will make up your mind to
eliminate carelessness, look up the questions you are not sure of,
answer as many as you possibly can, and study a while before you
check the thirty questions called for in the rules.
A Few Queries to Stir You Up
Where Are YOU Going?
Are YOU just drifting along like a
chip in a gutter, headed for some con
venient sewer and oblivion or
Are YOU alert for the "main1 chance,"
ever on the watch for an opportunity
to better yourself ?
Are YOU putting off until tomorrow
the things you should be doing today
Are YOU one of the ambitious, sue
cess-loving people who have recognized
an unusual chance to secure a big casH
prize and have sent in their questionnaire?
First Prize., Ordinary, $50; Special, $250; ' Grand, $500; Royal, $1,000
Second Prizes, Ordinary, $20; Special, $250; Grand, $200; Royal, $ 400
Third Prizes, Ordinary, $10; Special, $ 50; Grand, $100; Royal, $ 200
Fourth PrizesOrdinary, $ 5; Special, $ 25; Grand, $ 50; Royal, $ 100,
Fifth Prizes, Ordinary, $ 2; Special, $ 10; Grand, $ 25; Royal, $ 50
Sixth Prizes,Ordinary, $ 1; Special, $ 2; Grand, $ 5;, Royal, $ 10
Seventh to twenty-fifth prizes same as the Sixth.
Morning or evening and Sunday by carrier boy in
Omaha, Council Bluffs and in towns where carrier
boy service is maintained.
3 months. . . . $2.55 6 months $5.10
1 year. ....$10.20
Daily and Sunday by Mail
3 months $2.00 6 months .... $3.75
1 year...... $7.50
I I. Q. Department, Omiha Bee, Omaha, Neb.
Please send me Intelligence Questionnaire.
AT lantic 1000
o 4 rT
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