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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 17, 1921)
n Classified Advertising Rates 3 So per lino (count six words to line) 1 day 1 per )! per day, onsMutiv daya 5a per lino per day, T consecutive dayi 14a par lino per day, 0 eonaeutlv daya No ada Ukeo (or laaa than total of tte. Thaaa rataa apply althcr to tha Daily or Sunday Baa. All advertisementi ap paar In both morninr and ventng daily papers for tha ona charge. CONTRACT RATF.8 ON APPLICATION Want ada aeeapted at tha following of final : . ' MAIN OFFICE 17th and Farnam Sta. South Sida 4981 South 24th St. Council Bluff a.. 1 Scott St. WANT ADS RECEIVED BY PHONE ATLANTIC 1000 THE BEE will not bo reaponaibla for mora than ona incorrect tnaarlion of an advartiaamant ordered for mora than oaa time. CLOSING HOURS FOR WANT ADS. Evening Edition 11:46 A.M. Morning Edition 9:00 P.M. Sunday Edition 9:00 P. M.. Saturday DEATH &"FUNERAL NOTICES. J.iKlAN Charlea Kdward, aged ( montha. August IS, Infant aun of Air. and Mra. Merrill Logan. Funeral Thursday afternoon at !:30 from residence of Robert Richelieu, 317 Hancroft atreet. Interment Weat Lawn. KUNNKY Joseph, aged 25, of 677 South i Twenty-eighth, died Monday. Funeral aervlce at St. Peters church, Wednesday, a. m. Interment St. Marya cemetery. South Omaha. CHAIGHEAU lJavId 11., aged & years. Funeral Wedneaday at 2:30, from the residence, 6600 Florence Wvd. Jnter ment Forest Lawn cemetery. CARD OF THANKS. WIS wish to thank our friends and neigh bora for the beautiful floral offerings And the sympathy extended during our bereavement In the death of our loving wife and mother. M. E. Jenklna and ' children. FUNERAL DIRECTORS HULSE & RIEPEN, UNDERTAKERS (Formerly at 701 South Sixteenth St.) Have moved to 2ZU CCMMING STREET. Forest Lawn Cemetery WEST OF FLORENCE 3t9 aoraa. A nonprofit corporation. Cemetery Office! 42d and No. City Limits. City Office, 720 Brandela Theater. STACK & FALCONER OMAHA'S BEST ARRowAMBULANCEHVoei Thirty-third and Farnam. HEAFEY & HEAFEY Undertakers and Embalmers. Phone HA. 265. Office 2611 Farnam. FOR AMBULANCE call MA rket 0680. Korisko Funeral Home, 23d and O Sta. FLORISTS. LEE L. LARMON lr7orT 1814 Douglas St. - Douglas 8244. JOHN BATH. 1804 Farnam. Jackson 10. L. Henderson. 11,07 Farnam. Jackson 1258. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Births. Charles and Emily Safarik, 1)1)7 Homer, girl. J. Henry and Sidney 'Watson, Seventh and avenue K, boy. Charlea and Vina Matherlee, hospital, boy, Daniel and Dell Lonergan, 4827 South Twenty-fourth, boy. Frank and Mary Ridgley, 2011 Maple, girl. Leo and Agues Wardian, 2508 L, boy. Henry and Clertruds Thomas, 2535 North Sixty-third, boy. Manuel and Clara Simao, 101 S South Tenth, boy. ' Carmeln and Rosaria Lapuzza, 309 ; Woolworth. girl. ' Clrlno and Angela Pattavlna, 1307 South Sixth, boy. Quiaeppe and Guiscppa Pace, 1820 North Twenty-second, girl. George and Hattia Uhlich, hospital, . glrl.'i O. Charlea and Gertrude Ibenthal, 1810 Lake, boy. 1 Antonio and Frlnidad Perez, Louisville, Neb girl. Daniel and Rosa McLane, 47th and 3. bEll and Anna Plasa, 6723 South Thir tieth, boy. Thomas and Talka Zacnos, hospital, bGeorge and Hazel Hungerford, hospital', ''Leslie and Helen Scrlmingcr, hospital, ,lr'- Death.. . James Monroe, 62, hospital. Joseph Sedlmayr, 76. Seventy-second "chle"' Earnest Pate, 10, 2932 North Fifty-seventh. John H. Neal, 73, hospital. Henry Scbmellng. 47. 4908 South Twen- tyAnna M. Schneider, S6. hospital. Sidney Gibbon?, 34. hospital. Charlea Robert Daniels, 43. Thirty-ninth '"carrirteovet, 20, 6620 South Four- Hary Kamlaar, 25, 2020 North Twen- tyDaenODon.rgan. J, infant, 4827 South ''W'cTeman, 1. 471. South Twenty- "charlea Tlailey. 60, hospital. MARRIAGE LICENSES. " The following couples have, been Issued "Tnulm0 Hd!H.mllton, S8. Fullerton. X.fc. and Lydla Shull, 30, Fullerton. Neb. Clinton D. Neville. 53 Lauren,, la , and Agnes Flanders, 25. Grey Bull, Wyo. Marion A. 81awson, 26, York, Neb., and Pearl Morrison, 27, Kanaa City. Mo. Johan S. Bryne. 39 Sioux City. Ia and Anna M. Nelaon. S7. Sioux City. la. Perrr E. Acrldge. 22. Omaha, and Zel pha McAninch, 24. Omaha. . X ..... t. Vera Mitchell, 28. umana, iuu ov.. Chapman, 27, Omaha. - William F. Davis. il. Omaha, and Bernlce Hart, 21, Omaha. Axel B. Johnson. 26. Omaha, and -u-i. it Omaha. Claqys w. " - fosfTFOUNFANDARD between eye, ", re- 5S. Vrret iJW Harney 3867. . i-nR ARTICLES LOST on atreet cars tele phone Tyler 800. We are anxious to re ?,o lost article, jo rightful owne. OMAHA COUNCIL BLUFFS ST. TOMraa i. TOST bet. 19th and 15th on Douglas, LMackb patent leather hand tai contam ing glaaaes. keys, gold Pnp. e'- c?i" pany check. Please call WE. 377. Re- wara LOST Near Fontenelle hotel, seal ring with two .mall diamond,. Reward at clerk a qesn. EOST A string of pearl beads. Liberal rewarq. van LOST A pink cameo ring. , Liberal re ward. Harney 7304. PERSONAL. THE SALVATION Army Industrial home aoUclte your old clothing, furniture, magaalnei. We collect. We distribute. Phone Douglas 4135 and our wagon will call. Call nd inspect our new home. 1110-1112-1114 Dodge t. NUBONB CORSETS M. Schaefer expert, surgical corsets, belts. 615 N. Z6tr.. Douglas 7235. . SAY IT WITH FLOWERS FROM HESS & SWOBODA, 141 fAIW'a r i n. r HATTIE Putman, Nubone Corset Shop, 603 Karbach Block. AT. 2993 SWEDISH massage. 31S Neville Block. KLECTRIC baths and massage. Web. 2911. CHILDREN cared for by week. Wal. 4661. MASSAGE 210 North Seventeenth Street. RENT HOOVER vacuum. II up. Har. 107T ANNOUNCEMENTS. Accordeon Pleating. ACCORDION, aide, knife, .unburst, box pleating, covered buttons, all aix-ja and styles; hemstitching, plcot edging, eye let cut work, buttonholes, pennants. Ideal Buttoa and Pleating Co., S08 Brown Blk. Jackson 1936. CLOSED AUG.- 7 TO 22. Vebraaka Pleating and Button Co. Contractors. BRICK plasterer and cement, new and repair work. J. Nau. Walnut 4567. BRINGING UP AH! I WANT TO THANK TOO TOR INTRODUCING ME TO Wl rniTH- I HAVE AtsKEO HPO Tr MARR.X 'vvi-- i ANNOUNCEMENTS. Dancing Academies. Val Pino School for Dancing. 2424 Xvei-X liie Farnam. Douglaa 7860. Detectives. HELIABt.E Detective Bureau. Railway Ex. Blilg., JA. 2056. Night. KEN. 3812. Independent Detective Bureau. 304 Neville Blk. Atl. 6501; night. Wal. 4056; K. 0466. JAMES ALLAN, 312 Neville Blk. Evidence secured In all cases. Atlantic 1130. Dreismaking. DRESSMAKING. 408 SOUTH 24TH ST. Furs. FURS remodeled, rellned and cleaned. KNEETEIt ALASKA FUR CO., 203 S. 15th St. Douelas 7288. Kodak Finishing. FILMS developed; printing and enlarging. Write for prices. The Ensign Co., 1607 Howard St. FILMS developed, one-day service. Kaae Studio, 213-29 Neville Blk. BR1TT Printing Co., 7 Elks Bldg. Patent Attorneys. PATENT ATTORNEYS J. W. MARTIN, patent atty.. 1716 Dodge. Painting and Paperhanging. PAPERHANGING, painting, varnishing, floors waxed, paper cleaning. WA. 4567. FIRST CLASS painting and papering; lowest prices, Douglaa 6322. Miscellaneous Announcements. DIAMONDS price with privilege to buy back at small profit. GROSS JEWELRY CO., 402 N. 16th St. Doug las 6040. OMAHA PILLOW CO. Mattresses made over In new ticks at half the price of new beds. 1907 Cuming. Jackson 2467. RAZOR BLADES sharpened. Single, 35c; double edge, 45c doz. Mail orders so licited. Omaha Sharp Co., 103 N. 16th. NEW and rebuilt electrical apparatus, LeBron Electric. 31S S. 13th St., Omaha. WHITELY, tire and radiator man; reas. pricea; work guar. 320 S. 13th. DO. 6603. ROGERS Confectionary Store, 24th and Farnam St., Jackson 0127. Omaha Towel Supply. 207 S. 11th. J A. 0528 HAVE your windows reputtied. Ken. 2701. FOR SALE. Furniture and Household Goods. FIVE rooms of beautiful furniture for sale at a sacrifice. Council Ulufls Id 1435. SIX rooms of furniture complete for aale cheap. Phono Webster 2777. ROOMING housefurnlture for aale cheap. 2012 N. 18th. TiVebster U80Z. Pianos and Musical Instruments. OEOROK A. SMITH Dealer in drums. xylopho. fa, etc., Instructions, repairing. Address 2761 Davenport est. tor catalog. Phona Harney 2967. Try Smith's pedal. VIOLINS, bows, atringa and repairing at lowest prices. jnactnews- oiuuiu, v DouKlaa Blk.. Opp. Haydens. AT. 2096. Typewriters and Supplies. TYPEWRITERS AND ADDING MACHINES. . All MAKES bought, sold, rented and repaired. Solo agents for the CORONA. Get our pricea before you buy. Every machine guaranteed. Central Typewriter Exc. Jackson 4120. 1912 Farnam. Miscellaneous Artides. SEWING MACHINES Wo rent, repair, sell needles and parts. MICKEL'S 15th and Harney. Douglas 1973. WE buy, sell safes, make desks, show cases, etc. Omaha Fixture & Supply Co.. 8. W. Cor. 11th and Douglas. JA. 2724. FOR SALE ALEXANDER HAMILTON BUSINESS COURSE; COST $136, WILL SELL FOR $50. PHONE WA. Z7, BUY your kindling wood now; will be a shortage this fall. Acme Box Co., Harney 1837. ' "Greens-Greens." 1115 N. 20th. Web. 3930. FINE grapes for sale. Kenwood 3624. WANTED TO BUY. DESKS DESKS DESKS New desks, used desks bought, sold and traded. J. C. Reed, 1207 Farnam. D. 6146 BEST prices paid for clothing. AT. 0859. WANTED SITUATIONS. Male. HELP the American Legion help the ex service men. Give us a chance to get a man for that vacant job you have. No charge lor employer or employe. Jack son 2714. Douglas 6768. Laundry and Day Work. WANTED Day work, with reference. Webster 6004. ( HELP WANTED MALE. Stores and Offices. rOUNG man, study law! Evening down town sessions. University of Omaha. Professions and Trades. WANTED Car Repairers , With 4 years' experience 'Apply Union Pacific, SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE, 11th and Cass Sts. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE. 310 S. 14th. Write for catalog. Salesmen and Solicitors. SALESMEN Who Travel in a FORD Why waste all that energy fighting the steering wfteel 1 use it on your customers. Let u. attach a Worm Steering Gear. Special price, made to traveling men. Sprague Tire Company, 13th and Cuming St.. Atlantlo 3032. It I Kc B11VII ...BV.1, ...... I7T " . ented gasoline vaporizer. Write for r 1 mi L'O llAn ....).. ,lw n,K particular.. ttiransay vaporizer -u. Pukwana, S. D. Agents and Canvassers. WANTED Manufacturer.' agent either on salary or commission with telephone education to sell apartment house tele phone apparatus, interior telephones and radio equipment to electrical supply houses in Omaha. Only high grade mpn need apply. Correspondence con fidential. Federal Tel. Tel. Lo . uui falo. N. Y. FATHE.R fr-Y FATHER AH! MR.JliSS. 1 vkM EN4ACCOTO WITH OUT HANC NOT WET HER MOTHER - COULO ME AND tHE HVb cvj - j "YOU KNOW HELP WANTED MALE. Miscellaneous; 1,000 MEN WANTED TO WEAR fncle Sam's Shoes at 12.90 Per Pair. MIDWEST HARNESS CO.. 706 X. 16th. ' HELP WANTED FEMALE. Stores and Offices. WANTED Competent stenographer for law office. State experience, aalary wanted and give references. Bee Box X-2. . Household and Domestic. GIRLS. Watch the Domestic Column of The Bee Want Ada. Good well-paid and homelike placfa alwaya advertised. WHITE girl, competent, for general house-" work; 2 in family. 601 S. 30th. Harney 4355. WHITE girl for house work. 2202 Hanacom Blvd. Phone Harney 4094. COMPETENT girl for general housework on farm. Box 104, forlbner. Neb. EDUCATIONAL. i DAY SCHOOL NIGHT SCHOOL. ' Complete courses in accountancy, ma chine bookkeeping, comptometry, short . hand and typewriting, railroad and wireless telegraphy, civil service and all" English and commercial branches. Write, call or phone Jackson 1666 for large illustrated catalog. Address BOYLES COLLEGE. Boylea Bldg., Omaha, Neb. . Van Sant School of Business. Day and Evening Schools. 220 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Douglas 6890. GLASGOW, ANNIE E., voice and piano. 603 Karbach Block. Jackson 1081. HELP WAITED. Male and Female. WANTED Men, ladiea and boys to learn . barber trade; big demand; wages while learning; strictly modern. Call or write 1403 Dodge St. Trl-Clty Barber College. BUSINESS CHANCES. WANTED Active partner with $7,500 cash to buy half interest In modern picture theater with public ball room and refreshment parlor over theater in Iowa town of 40,000 population. Only amuse ment combination of this sort In the state. Very unsual proposition to live wire. Big profits and no off season assured. Wonderful chance for man who wants to enter the show business; $50 per week position goes with the investment. Address Box Y-1638, Oma ha Bee. PICTURE show for sale, which ia fully equipped In every respect. Population 3.500. Have other business. Address Box Y-1634, Omaha Bee. WANT to hear from owner having busi ness for sale. J. C. McConney, Termin al building, Omaha. Nib. GOOD law library and law business loT sale. Box 144, Burlington, Colo. FOR RENT ROOMS. Furnished Rooms. ARE YOU LOOKING FOR ROOMS? Or have you planned on making a change, which will be more convenient for you? If so, then call The Bee Want Ad Dept., Tyler 1000, and we will not only furnish you with a complete room list of choice vacant rooms in Omaha, but also keep your number on our ''Want to Rent" list for further refer ence in case you wanted to make an other change. These lists are absolutely free of charge to all readers and adver ' tisers of The Omaha Bee and published solely for their convenience and benefit. Call any time. Atlantic 1000. Want Ad Dept. MODERN furnished rooms, light house keeping or sleeping; reasonable. Web ster 2160. 2110 Lake St. FURNISHED rm sleep, porch; home prlv.. break.- If desired. 3911 N. za. MODERN furnished room west Farnam district on Farnam car line. HA. 7221. TWO nice sleeping rooms. 2124 Douglas. Housekeeping Rooms. CALL FOR COMPLETE LIST OF HOUSE KEEPING ROOMS IN CITY. WE HAVE THE BEST IN CITY. CALL TYLER 1000 WANT AD. ASK ABOUT, OUR BEE ROOM LIST. PUBLISHED EVERY WEEK FREE OF CHARGE FOR THE BENEFIT OF OUR ADVERTISERS AND READERS. ATLANTIC 1000. WANT AD. 1505 FARNAM ST. Third floor, 2 large rooms, with kitchenette, for light housekeeping. THREE unfurnished rooms, suitable for two. 2211 D Street, South Side. HSKPG. and sleeping rooms. HA 250o. Board and Rooms. FOR CHOICE BOARD AND RM. WATCH THE BEE WANT ADS, AND IF YOU DO NOT FIND WHAT YOU WANT IN THE WANT COLUMN CALL AT. 1000 AND ASK ABOUT OUR COMPLETE LIST OF ROOMS. NICELY furnished front room, suitable for one or two; breakfast and dinner served. 1 Field club district. HA. 4375. 3331 Pine St. FOR RENT APTS. AND FLATS. Furnished. THREE-ROOM furnished apartment, Dundee, to responsible parties for short period. Phone Walnut 1387. Unfurnished. Peters Trust Company, Specialists In apartment management. FOR RENT Business Property FINE location, corner 24th and Davenport streets.; suitable for drug store, 45x22; tile floor, large display windows, also two store rooms, single or double, 84x44; tile floors and large display windows. Apply 220 North 23d street. FOR RENT Desirable store room on South 16th , street, 20x60 ft., with full basement. GEORGE & COMPANY, Atlantic 3024. CORNER store, 22x0. 701 S. 16th St. PETERS TRUST COMPANY "Where Omaha Rents." 17th and Farnam Sts. Atlantic 0544. SEE F. D. WEAD. 210 S. 18TH ST. MOVING AND STORAGE. FIDELITY bat2Vabn CO. STORAGE MOVING, PACKING HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND PIANOS. REASONABLE RATES, REDUCED FREIGHT RATES TO ALL PRINCIPAL CITIES. -1107-11 Howard St. Jackson 0283. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separate locked rooms for household goods and pianos, moving, packing and shipping. BEKINS OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE. 806 South 16th. - Douglas 4163. METROPOLITAN VAN and STORAGE CO. Owned by H. R. Bowen Co. Atlantic S400. ESTIMATES furnished on storage & mov ing. Contract, taken by Job or hr. Globe Van & Storage Co., JA. 4338, AT. 0230. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. SOME bargain in used Ford can. Mc Caffrey Motor Co. The Handy Ford Service Station, 15th and Jackson, Douglaa 3600. . BUY A OITY I.. SMITH USED CAR. A Safe Investment. 26th and FsrnHin St. Phone D. 1970. NiOW and wed cars bmighl nnd sold Coldstroir Auto Sales, 1318 Harney r 1 Registered 0.3 Patent Office I NEVER SAW AN" THIN3 LIKE. HER- iuu TtLU ME -WHAT AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. Cars Wanted. We have been selling more ear. than we have had an opportunity to buy. If they are used, not abused, we will buy about 40 cars. Saleday Car Co., . Fortieth and Farnam St. FORD touring cars, i roadsters, trucks; 1919, '20 and '21 models; with or with out starters. Wo are not in the used ear business and do not .ell for a profit, but are replacing our old equipment with new. Drive-It-Yourself Co., 1314 Howard St. Phone Douglas 3622. USED cars, bought, sold and exchanged. TRAWVER AUTO CO.. 2210 Farnam St Repairing and Painting. elites & Peterson, auto repair. 810 S. 26th. HOLLY, expert auto trimmer. 812 S. 24th. Assessories. INTERLOCK inner tire, uni reliner. do prevent puncture, and blowouta Vul canlzer. Supply Co., 2812 Farnam St. FARM LANDS. Minnestota Lands. 40 ACRES, improved, good buildings, best soil, 25 acres cultivated, balance pasture and meadow. All tillable, rich farming district. A real bargain at $5,000. 170 acres on fine lake, two miles from town, with horses, cattle, machinery and crops. House, barn, silo. Price, $16,000. Best bargain In Minnesota. Box 83, Sauk Center, Minn. EQUITY Ind Exchange. St. Paul. Minn. South Dakota Lands. SOUTH DAKOTA You can own your owji farm. Write for free literatare describ ing the state and it. opportunities in " farm lands. South Dakota produces annually more agricultural wealth per capita than any other state. Land is low priced. Write today. State Immi gration Department, Irwin D. Aldrich, Commissioner, Pierre, S. D. Wyoming Lands. SOLDIERS 640-acro homesteads, .even months' residence. Duff. Casper, Wyo. FINANCIAL. Real Estate Loans. We have cash on hand to loan on Omaha residences. E. H. LOUGEE, IXC. 638 Keellne Bldg. HELD Land Co., real estate, loan. . and insurance. 6054 Military Ave. OMAHA HOMES EAST NEB. FARMS. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., 1016 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Jackson 2715. $100 to $10,000 made promptly. F. D. WEAD. Wead Bidg. 310 S. 18th St. REAL ESTATE WANTED. To buy or sell Omaha Real Estate see FOWLER & M'DONALD 1120 City Nat. Bk. Bldg. Jackson 1426. WANTED To buy a six-room house, two stories. Field club or southwest district. D. V. SHOLES CO., Jackson 0046. 916 City Nat. Bk. Bldg. P. J. Tebbens Co. Sells Rents Insures. 605 Omaha National Bank. WE SPECIALIZE IN DUNDEE HOMES C. B. STUHT CO., City Nafl Bldg. Douglas 8787. THE Old Reliable Real Estate Office. M'CAGUE INVESTMENT CO., 1506 Dodge St. Douglas 1345. PROMPT sales of your real estate; wo have many buyer, and solicit your busi ness. Shopen & Co., Realtor.. J A. 4228. HAVE Inquiries for homes do tou want to sell your property? List It with C. A. Grlmmel, Omaha Nafl Bk. Bldg. TjTTjTrTTimm REAL ESTATE. XlrvXV.i X Sells, Rents, Insures. 860 Peter. Trust Bldg Jackson 0633. LIST home, and Income property with GRUENIG REALTY CO.. 1418 1st Nat'l Bk. Bldg. Jackson 1966. TO BUY OR SELL real estate see Glover & Spain. 910-20 City National Bank. WE will pay cash for your house or lot . . i o,oa YJ ti c i a ll we can aree on ig. LIST with us. Wo guarantee results. STIER REALTY CO., 716 Bee, DO. 6645. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN. Dundee THAT SECOND MORTGAGE will make the first payment on a dandy six-room home In Dundee; east front; stucco; been built a little over a year; double garage. It will pay you to in vestigate this. Ask for Mr. Carso at Douglas 7412 days. Florence. Nethaway. Flor. prop, no colored. KE. 1409 REAL ESTATE UNIMPROVED. irDirnvT T OT East front, on Fontenelle blvd. Own er will sacrifice for quick sale. Call Atlantlo 3540. Acreage. SIX ACRES. Running from South 13th street to 16th street, between Q and S streets. Rather rough but contains very sight ly view overlooking the river. Ideal sight for grape culture, fruit or chick ens. Price $4,000; $1,500 cash, bal ance 6 years. C. G. Carlberg, Realtor. Jackson 0585. 313 Brand. Thea. Bldg. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS. CORNER lot with store and flats above and three cottages. Income $1,935; price, $12,600. ALFRED THOMAS & SON CO. 604 First Nat'l Bk Jackson 0064. E. H. BENNER CO. TRACKAGE. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West. A Beauty in Clairmont. One of the best five-room Kcl- s lastone houses in CXirmont Addi tion. Large living room, beau tiful open stairway. Spacious din ing room and kitchen all flnl.Hed in oak. - Two large airy bedrooms and bath upstairs, finished in white enamel with oak floor. Full cement basement, laundry tubs, fruit room. On paved street. CIoso to car line. Can be bought cn terms. Evenings call Mr. Met calfe. Walnut 2775; Mr. Smith, cn21965; Mr. Shaver, Kenwood 3768; Mr. Bougher, Harney 0572; Mr. Anderson, Harney 3715. N. P. Dodge & Company. '. T. W. Metcalfe, Manager Local Department. 404 Mlckel Bldg. Phone Douglas 0829. IMMEDIATE possession of a lovely 6 room Cathedral district bungalow with . fireplace and lovely oak finish. Non resident owner. $1,000 down. Call JA. 3261 days. J B UoHINSON, real wrt te and Inveat- ineni. i: t-i.ii.ra iruoi. Sfcfc. AINU MAVAilC. in r uu. noe rtv ! rtDtt IM rur cifMnav DTP HOW DO THlMW I WILL TVKE Japs' Evacuation Of Siberia Starts May Settle Question Before Disarmament Con f erence. . . . Tokio, Aug. 16. The disposition of the Japanese government to settle the question of the evacuation of Siberia before the opening of the Far Eastern conference at Wash ington, gave a special interest to the mission of Hajime Matsushi, of the foreign office, who recently went to Vladivostok to negotiate with the government at Chita. In 'an interview en route Mr. Matsushi was quoted as saying: i "The recent decision to dispatch the Eighth division to Siberia does not mean that our policy regarding evacuation has been altered, as it is the custom to replace old troops when their time has expired. The evacuation is now being commenced and all troops will be withdrawn." The Asahi considers the essential, points of the negotiations as: "First, prohibition against promul gating bolshevism in Japan and its territories. , "Sprnn rl the creation' of Vladivos tok as an open commercial port. "Third, establishment ot me open door in Siberia. "Fourth, the recognition of Japan's already acquired rights and the indemnification of the losses suffered by Japanese." Owners of foreign automobiles are required to deposit 55 per cent cf the value of the machine before they are allowed to cross the Span ish and Swiss frontiers. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West. Omaha Real Estate and Investment.. JOHN T. BOH AN, 624 Paxton Blk. . Atlantic 4880. D. E. Bt'CK & CO. buy and sell homes. North.- 5 ROOMS MODERN GARAGE, $5,600; 28TH AND PINKNET. A dandy large 6-rooin stri.-tly modern bungalow, large attic, ' with space for three rooms, small garage. All large size rooms with oak finish throughout. Fruit and grapes, all kinds of flowers and shrubbery. Property in perfect shape. For location, terms, etc., call J. L HI ATT COMPANY, Better Values Hiatt Bldg., 1914-16 Douglas. Atlantic 0063. , PRICE CUT $1,000. 3920 Florence boulevard, a very good 7-room, modern home with hot water heat; 2-car garage; now offered at $7,000; $2,000 cash; a real snap; own er leaving city. Must sell this week. Arrange with us for . inspection. GLOVER & SPAIN. 919 City Nat. Jackson 2850. $6,800. On Larimore avenue. We are offer ing a 6-room, strictly modern residence on a lot 40x128; paving paid. This is a well put up house and in good order. We aro offerng it at only $1,000 down. Amos Grant Co., Realtors. DO 83S0. 330-2-4-6-8 Brandeis Th. Bldg. MONMOUTH PARK SCHOOL. Five-room all modern, except heat, south front, large lot, ono block to car and one block to school. Priced for $3,600, and well worth the money; $500 cash down and balance monthly. R. F. CLARY CO., REALTORS. 24TH AND AMES AVE. KENWOOD 0175. Kountze Place. 6 ROOMS, LARGE LOT All modern, everything In good con dition. Priced low to sell quick, $3,700. Terms. Get possession September 1. Sun day call Mr. Kyhl, Walnut 4230, or Mr. Manville, Walnut 6711. H. S. Manville, Realtor, 615 Peters Trust Bldg. Atlantic 2403. NEW BUNGALOW Just being completed and ready to move in, has kitchen, combined living dining room, bedroom, den and bath. Just one block to car. Priced at $3,600, $500 cash down, balance monthly, R; F. CLARY CO.. REALTORS. 24TH AND AMES AVE. KENWOOD 0175. 4720 N. 39th Good 6-room house, modern except heat, $700, balance monthly. Crelgh, 608 Bee, Ja. 0200. MILLER PARK DISTRICT. Five-room all modern home, south front, XVi blocks to car. close to school; can be bought with $600 cash down, balance monthly. Price $4,000. R. F. CLARY CO.. REALTORS. 24TH AND AMES AVE. KENWOOD 0175. Miscellaneous. Immediate Possession. We will move tho folks out inside of a week if you purchase this 2-story bungalow type house; has good slzsd rooms downstairs and three bedrooms and bath up; garane for one car. Might handle even less than $500 down. Amos Grant Co., Realtors. DO 8380. 330-2-4-6-8 Brandeis Th. Bldg. CLOSE IN. A good house for $3,600; has ell lnol ern Improvements excepting heat; pav ing paid; easy terms. Amos Grant Co., Realtors. DO 8380. 330-5-4-6-8 Brandeis Th. Bldg. Have You Property to Sell. Li.t it With Binder & Otis Realtori. 823 City National Bank Bldg. Jacnaon 1264. s 7 I DON'T KNOW- m7 1921 BY INT L FCATURC SiRVICt. INC. Beautiful Norma Talmadge re ceives on an average of between 2,500 and 3,000 fan letters a week. She estimates that of this number approximately 1,800 are from young women between the ages of 14 and 25. The rest are from men asking for her photograph, telling her how much they liked her last picture, or with belated proposals of matrimony. Norma is the wife of Joseph Schenck, producer. One of her best pictures, "The Moth," is playing at the Sun theater all this week. Today's Attractions. Sun Norma Talmadge in "The Moth." Strand Thomas Meighan in "The Easy Road." Rialto Constance Talmadge in "Wedding Bells." Moon Buck Jones in "Straight from the Shoulder." Empress "The Girl from No where." Muse "The Love Special." Grand Edith Roberts in "Luring Lips." ' Louise Fazenda, the eccentric comedienne, is temporarily deserting comedy to go into serious drama with Cosmopolitan. She has depart ed from the Pacific coast. The distinction of being the first screen star to be viewed in action by the Emir of Katsina, supreme mon arch of Nigeria, goes to Hajry My ers. The Emir, now in Liverpool, England, was entertained by a pri vate showing of "h: Connecticut Yankee at King Arthur's Court." This was the 'first motion picture he had ever seen. Charlotte Greenwood , is on her way to Los Angeles to be starred in the film version of "Linger Longer Letty." She created the Letty role in the stage presentation. Michigan Citizens Roiled By Proposed Tax Boost Lansing, Mich., Aug. 16. Repre sentatives of more than half the coun ties in the state appeared before the state board of equalization today to ffotest against the increase of more than $2,060,Qf)0,000 over the valuation of state property in 1919, proposed by the state tax committee. Indica tions were the hearings would last at least through tomorrow. Albert Feterman, representing Houghton county, told the commis rion that his county has been in a state of financial and industrial de pression for two years. He also asked the board to consid er the fact that corporation property amounts to 85 per cent of the coun try's valuation and those corporations will pay approximately 30 per cent more this year because of the new corporation tax law. AT THE THEATERS THE ORPHEUM box office will be opened Thursday morning at o'clock. Seats for the opening week starting Sunday, Augunt 21, will be on sale and the books will bo open for sea son reservations. This season Blossom Seeley calls her medium of expression "Miss Syncopation." In this Miss Seeley wilt constitute the stellar feature of a bill especially calculated to open the sea son In a most popular and pleasing way. With Miss Seeley is Bennie Fields, the favorite delineator of coon songs. Sam Miller and Harry Stover compose the rest of the quarUt which Miss Seeley heads in the presentation of the novel skit, "Miss Syncopation." Miss Seeley has some new songs of pronounced pop ularity. Two specially featured acts will be on the bill. One of these will be Billy Arlington, assisted by Kleanor Arlington, C. I. Taylor and E. V. Hennessey, In the laughable sketch. "Mistakes Will Hap pen, The other will be Joe Browning. Herman and Briscoe, who are appearing At tli Kmnrn, fffr Hie Inut time toilav. are cutting a wide swath in the field of public favoritism with their clever com edy act which they call "Their First He hearsal." They are a well-matched pair of funsters whose nylrth-prnvoklng pro pensities have amplrf opportunities for garnering laughs In their offering. They render several songs along comedy lines which are mout laugh compelling. In the act offered by the Kervlllo family they Introduce a varied program of Juirgllng, using skates, bicycles and billiard balls nn.l nM nurfnrm all their Htunttt In s hlgM"' artistic nnd sensational man ner. The trick lillliara nail worn i prominent featuro of tho acu D but if xoo cyr in the f.rvt blow vou ni;ht HAVE. A CHANCE - mhkv South Side Woman Comes From Alaska To Claim Estate Widow's Right Contested by Mother of Dead Man on Ground That Marriage . Was Not Valid. Mrs. Grant C. Caughey and two children of Cordova, Alaska, have ar rived in Omaha to claim an $8,000 estat left by Grant Caughey, former South Side resident, who died in Cordova in May, 1920. Caughey's mother, Mrs. Jessie M. McCormick, is contesting the wid ow's claim on the ground that Caughey was married too soon after the divorce of his wife's first hus band. Caughey went to Alaska in 1912 and settled at Cordova. There he met Mrs. Auralee Pritchard, whose husbandhad abandoned her and two children, They were married after Mrs. Pritchard had been divorced, in March, 1920. Caughey died in May, 1920. South Side Brevities One hundred traffic ordinance violators were released Tuesday by Judge Wap pich, Mr. and Mrs. I,. J. Wardian. 2506 F street, are rejoicing over the arrival of a bouncing baby boy. Jack Murphy, 3307 A street, who op erates a shining parlor was fined J50 Tuesday for running a disorderly house. Albert Henkel, 2208 h street, was re leased in police court Tuesday on the charge of abusing his wife. The wife failed to appear. William J. Barnes, Sarpy county, was arrested at Twenty-fourth and M streets Tuesday on the request of Sheriff Start ler of Sarpy county. Thomas Okonaza, rooming at 2410- N street, reported to police Tuesday that 175 had been taken from beneath his pillow Monday night. Thomas Sedlaeek, living In Sarpy coun ty, was sentenced to 90 daya in jail Tues day when arraigned In police court on the charge of abusing his wife. Salvatoro Bonafedl, 1314 South Sixth street, was fined $50 in police court Tues day for illegal possession of liquor. Of ficers raided his home Saturday and de stroyed several barrels of mash. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Slmmonds, 6620 South Twenty-third street, celebrated their twentv-eighth wedding anniversary Sunday evening. The affair was attended by their seven children, two sons-in-law, four grandchildren and friends. Genrgo Karas, 6409 South Thirty-third street, was fined in police court for dis turbing the peace. Karas declares a woman attempted to snatch his pocket book at Thirty-third and 1 streets Mon day right and that he had an argument with her. We wish to express our sincere thanks to our many friends, neighbors and rela tives, especially the A. O. H., No. 3, Boy Scouts No. 19. telephone girls and Armour & Co. for the beautiful floral offerings and sympathy shown us at our bereav ment. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Starr and Family. Buy coal buy it now but It from South Omaha Ice company. You. will get good coal, good weight, prompt and courteous treatnient. Try us for Scranton hard coal and all kinds of soft coal. Phone Market 0033, or Market 0076. South Omaha Ice company, 2316 M street. Advertisement. Minister Held to Court For Murder of Priest Birmingham, Ala., Aug. 16. Pre liminary trial of Edwin K. Stephcn- acher. who shot and killed the Right Rev. lames voyie oi -'"' church, will be held for the Jeflerson ,-nicrlr-mpannrs Oil couniy luuii wi August- 23, according to announce ment by Solicitor Tate. Stephen son is held on a charge of murder. . 1 i. c l,.,. The prisoner spenas ui uu time in prayer, jail attendants said. Mexican Secretary of State On Way to United States Tiii rT Attar 1fVThe Chamber rtf rnmmprrc tnriav received a tele gram from the State department saying that Alberto rani, seacidiy of state, would arrive here tomorrow Washineton. The message also said that the secretary was going as a personal representa tive of President Obregon on busi ness for the government, which was being kept secret. Real Estate Transfers Omaha Bridge and Terminal Kail- way Co. to J. It. uaner, apuoi Ave.. 66 ft. w. of 11th st.. s. s.. Hvt "ft i 6,000 6,000 1.000 730 500 7,600 6.930 6,150 600 1.500 :no 1,300 4,750 1.000 6,730 Voeel "investment Co. to Social Set tlement association, s. e. cor. oisi. , -i .... trwini; Luclle M. Scott and husband to Oscar A. Scott, Mary si., i ' i e. of 28th ave.. n. a.. 44x120 Jesse I,. Schrocder to Charles n Haarmnnn. Grand ave., 11 n. . or.1, . n a 1?lx224 Nelle Bennett to Dagmar .1. Pregcr, 29th St., zoo It. s. oi mtiwij ., En,eA Frank" L. Hajei'to' Karl C. Clark. Victor ave., us it- - invinn Samuel' E." Hussey and wife to Harley A. Caton. s. e. roi. tenelle blvd. and Spencer St., Temple McFayde'n to Alice Marie Hendricks, 4tn sr.. n. ' ... l . at IflvlOK James M. Oalbreath, Ext.. to Mary J Furrey et ai. n. e. cor. , n-.,l-.. Rivl'lSli Edward W. Onughan et al to Teter .1. Gaughen. St., 12 it. . oi oi.i r n.. 25x&0 Margaret K. Gaushan. Gdn.. to Peter J. Gaugnan, 4 rx... isa n. . w. of 23d St., s. ., 24x30 nnd. n 1 1 Matyas ' Bog nice and wife to Vasa Berisaljevicn, s;o at., n n. n. ,1' u, ... m Jl.l'lR . ... The First Swedish Baptist church to jonn .i., uuin si.. iu n. .. n .... i. u. ... , A KOvinn . Fred Armbrust and wife to Thomas Rod et al, 40th at.. 10J.6 It. s. of Boyd at., w. 60x132 - Leslie .1. Campbell to lleverly Hills Co., Harnev at . 210 rt. w. oi .u t s. ., 60xl23 Rates Must Drop Or Price of Cora Must Go Higher J. W. Shorthill Oniahaii Testifying at Wash ingtoiv Asserts Freight Charges Absorh All Farmer's Profits. BY E. C. SNYDER. Washington Corrempondent Omuha, lie Washington, Aug. 16. (Special Telegram.) J. W. Shorthill of Omaha, secretary of the Farmers' National Grain Dealers' association, in testifying before the Interstate Commerce commission on the mat ter of present freight rates on grain, stated that the farmers could not continue to produce com in Nebras ka at anything like present prices with a freight rate of 23 cents to the Chicago market. He pointed out that at a station in Nebraska 127 miles from Omaha farmers are now receiving 31 cents for 'com on which is charged a freight rate of ll'J cents to Omaha or 23 cents to Chicago. Increases Absorb Advantages. He said that on August 13, 1914, it required 118 bushels of corn to pay the freight from that station to Omaha and that on August 13, 1921, it required 392 bushels. The increases which have been made in freight rates, Mr. Shorthill said, more than absorbed the advantage the individual farmer gained by in vesting his money . in corporation elevators in which the fanners of the country have an investment of more than $40,000,000. i He particularly laid stress on the fact that the fanner received the nride at the terminal market less trail f ortation costs and handling charges and that any increase in transportation costs decreases in a like manner the price the farmer receives. Any reduction in trans portation costs at the present time will make an increase in the price the farmer will receive. Rates Must Come Down. Producers of grain, Mr. Shorthill said, have the same freight bills to pay no matter where the grain may be sold and regardless of whether the grain is shipped or not, whic'i means that a reduction in fricght rates will be a greater saving to pro ducers of grain than the loss of rev enue to the railroads. The chief point in Mr. Shorthill's testimony was that transportation costs must come down along with farm prices and other costs before farmers can get on a normal basis in their business. Prepare to Burn Corn. Iowa farmers are attempting t mature the largest corn crop in thu history of the state, with no prospect of a market, and Minnesota farmer are preparing to burn their corn this winter instead of buying coal, farm ers told the commission. Railroads, by maintaining abnor mally high freight rates will lose the traffic on the coal which the farmers wnnlrl imp if thev could sell their corn, as well as that on the unsold grain, T. E. Cashman, a Minnesoti farmer, told the commission. Lower freight rates on grain and hay, her said, m reply to questions Dy mem bers of the commission, would in crease the volume of traffic, not only in those commodities, but the in crease would be reflected in tha -Ap mirrhasps bv farmers of ma chinery, household goods, lumber finil rtlipr nprpstiitipv E. H. Cunningham, secretary of the American Farm Bureau Federa tion of Iowa, and a practical farmer, said that while the railroads prob ably were suffering as the result of the present readjustment, he be lieved the situation as regards f basic industry like agriculture should be given precedence in consideration over the carriers, which he described as a "commercial" industry. No Profit for Farmer. Dr. E. G. Moursc of the Iowa state agricultural college was put on the stand by the grain men to establish that r-nsts nf tiroducinsf. transport ing and marketing grain were more than the prices received by the farm er. All witnesses agreed that the market price of grain included trans portation costs and that the price paid the farmer was in every case the market price less the cost 'of handling and freight. Commissioner Lewis asked whether a reduction of freight rates would not have a tendency to increase ship ments to points of consumption, thereby increasing competition and reducing prices. He was told that this probably would be true in the case of hay, but that the reduction in price would not equal the in crease in the amount paid the farmer" as a result of the reduced rates. De creased rates on grain, the witnesses said, would not reduce the market price of grain. J. H. Mercer, secretary of the Kan sas Live Stock association, testified as to economic conditions in Kansas, where in general, he said, were de pressed. Fourteen Chinamen Found Hidden Aboard Steamer New York, Aug. 16. Fourteen more hidden Chinamen were found by immigration inspectors on the British steamer Bowes Castle, mak ing a total of 40 arrested since the vessel's arrival Saturday. Investi gations of the stowaways' effects re vealed business cards of Hong Kong agents introducing the bearers to boarding house keepers in New York and vicinity. Some of the Chinamen said $300 had been paid to one man and $200 to another to aid in smuggling them into the United States. Chemist's Analysis of Flour -Shows It Contains Poison Laredo, Tex., Aug. 16. Analysis by a San Antonio chemist of a sam ple of what was supposed to be of potato flour, which was made fnto bread here yesterday and caused the death of a woman and three chil dren. according to police, shows ' that it contained 96 per cent poison. It was reported in a telegram re ceived from San Antonio authori ties here yesterday. Authorities are investigatinsr th origin of the poison, M 4 A