7 EDUCATIONAL DIRECTORY 7 THE BEE: OMAHA, MONDAY, AUGUST 15, 1931. X I ofTSSO Economic Slump Causes Increase In Pedagogies Still Scarcity in Science, For eign Language and Mathe matics, However, Accord To Uni. Professor. A. C. Reed, director of Nebraska university summer session and head of the university extension, has written the following article with regard to the teacher situation: "One of the effects of the eco nomic depression has been to turn toward the school room many per sons who would under normal con ditions have remained in other lines of work. This is relieving the scarcity of teachers so serious a year ago, and is even making a sur plus in certain fields that require a minimum of preparation. Especial ly is this true in rural schools and in the grade rooms in villages. "There is still a serious scarcity, however, fof certain positions in the high school, such s the sciences, foreign languages and mathematics. Teaching requirements are such that persons with a general educa tion cannot drop into these posi tions with any assurance of suc cess. It will be a matter of sev eral years before this situation can be relieved. "The effect on salaries is not yet , apparent. In a few communities '', where there has been a heavy school indebtedness, considerable pressure has been brought to re duce salaries, with limited success. Most schools seem to be holding to ' schedule adopted last spring, main taining the level of last year in gen eral, and granting advances for merit. , "There, is a wide feeling that a re duction of salaries now would react so unfavorably upon the teaching profession as to do incalculable harm to the cause of public educa tion. Teachers' salaries were al ways low and were the last to ad vance. They are not out of propor tion with other lines now, in view of the high requirements and the attendant expense for preparation. They should be held at tlu present point until it is evident wh-t the normal wage is to be and until there is time to determine a fair propor tion to oher salaries. America must never again so discount the economic importance of those who must carry the chief responsibility for the preparation of the young for life's duties and responsibility." Creighton University Bv. Everard Beuker. who 1b promi nent in educational work in Holland and who for the past year haa been observ ing conditions in the United States, and particularly in the. middle west, visited at Creighton en route to Spokane, Wash. Maj. Corhlt S. Hoffman. IT. S. A., is ,-baclt from Fort Snelllng. Minn., where ho was stationed for the summer. He will take up his duty as member of the ""CreiKhton faculty again this fall. The St. luis press announces the bur ial in that city of Lieut. Leo N. Wall, whtse body has been returned from France. Lieutenant Wall was at Creigh ton during the year 1913-14 as teacher of algebra and classics. He enlisted in 1917 and was commissioned a first lieutenant of infantry at Fort Sheridan. He was connected with the l!5th infantry at tha time of his death, July 31. 118. LEARN tire repairing and retreading; also tube repairing and all rubber vulcanizing. IN THE ONLY EXCLUSIVE TIRE RE PAIRING SCHOOL IN OMAHA. Three weeks learning, S2S. Writ or call National Tire Shop 17th and Capitol Arm. Business College in Omaha Is Member of National Association The National Association of Ac credited Commercial Schools, of which Boyles college is the repre sentative in Omaha and Council Bluffs, is an association of high grade business schools, organized to serve the public better and to pro tect it against the abuses of low standards in commercial education. Only the best schools are admitted to membership, and they must prove, after a searching investiga tion by the membership committee, that they are unquestionably entitled to this classification. They must prove that their courses meet today's needs, that their instructors are able and well trained and capable of imparting their knowledge to others. They must show that their equipment is up-to-date and ample in volume. They must give evidence of highest ef ficiency in their work and an earnest interest in the development of their students. They must show a clean record in dealing with the public; must have one price and one policy for all; must be prompt in paying bills, fair in adjusting complaints and truthful in their advertising. One of the express benefits ac corded to the graduate of an accred ited school is that he is entitled to the free employment service of not only his own school, but of every accredited school in the United States. Students who enroll in any ac credited school and find it necessary before completing their course to re move to another city where there is an accredited school, may finish their work in the new school without fur ther payment of tuition. Nebraska Students Swell Gjinnell College Roster Grinncll, la., Aug. 14. -Students from thirteen states outside vi Iowa have already made arrangements to enter Grinncll college this fall in one of the heaviest advance enrollments in the history of the college. Libe ria and Canada are also represented in the new enrollment. Illinois and Nebraska lead in the number of students already regis tered with fifteen each. Missouri, Minnesota, South Dakota, California and Kansas follow in the order named. Among the other states rep resented are Pennsylvania, Florida, Maryland and Montana. In Its Thirtieth Year Day School for women and girls. Continuous throughout the year. Ses sion 8:30. to 1:00. 'En rollment first Monday of each month. Evening School for men and women. Re-opens September 8th. Sessions Monday and Thursday. Hour 6:30 to 9:00. En rollment first and third Monday of each month. Cotner College College of Liberal Arts, School of Fine Arts, School of Education, College High School. Courses Offered In History, Literature, Mathematics, Sciences, Philosophy, Sociology, Sacred Literature, Edu cation, Music, Expression, Art, and Commer cial Work. Fine new girls' dormitory. Strong faculty. Expenses low. BETHANY, NEBRASKA. Th University Sdhi! I Muask LINCOLN, NEBRASKA Twenty-Eighth Year Begins September 5th. MUSIIC BEAM ATIIC AM . A Large Faculty. Complete Courses in All Departments. DEGREE DIPLOMA TEACHER'S CERTIFICATE Anyone May Enter. New Catalog on Request. Address ADRIAN NEWENS, Director, 1103 R Street iiliiii:ii!ininiiiiiiiiliiliiiiitiiliiliiliiiiiiiliii:iiitiiiiilHiiiuiiii.liiliiiiiiiil!;iiiiMil iiiiiiiiiiiliii'tiiiiiiinliiii.iiii.i uuuxrinjxrtruvnrw'w-vvvvvvv---.-iri-i-i--r- - ---- - - - -"----" w Immaculate Conception Normal Academy Offer Teacher Training Courte. Grant Bachelor of Educa tion Degree, Life Certificate, all grade of City, State and Elemen tary State Certificate. Collegiate, Normal, Academic, Commercial, Muiic, Art, Dramatic Art, Home Economics and Keiiter System Dressmaking. Departments. Special Gymnastics, Team Work and Swimming. Address. v SISTERS OF ST. DOMINIC Dept. B. Hastings, Nebraska liiiiiiMiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiimimiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiii'iiiiimiiiimntiiiiiiiiiiii:iiimiitiiiiiiiii;iiiiiiiiimiiiiiiHiMiMiMiiiiiii:ii:iiiiiii OUR LADY OF VICTORY ACADEMY Council Bluffs, Iowa Conducted bjr the Sisters of Mercy . - S - v. ' i V , A BOARDING SCHOOL FOR GIRLS that offers exceptional advantages" In Music, Art and Expression. Also Classical and Commercial Courses. Accredited to Iowa State University. Forty minutes by trolley from Omaha. For catalogue address: SISTER SUPERIOR, OUR LADY OF VICTORY ACADEMY Mt. Loretto, Council Bluffs, Iowa. V.. &v try i 7 t"r-i & "rZ ' ii iiaws in'1 liiiii'"'1 ' -iiffT it 4? '4 I -- -....rwgyai Seniors 0 0 0 U.ofN. Colleges and Schools The Graduate College The College of Art and Science The Teacher' College Tha College of Agriculture The College of Engineering The College of Law The College of Medicine, Omaha . The College of Pharmacy, The College of Business Administration The College of Dentistry The School of Fine Art The Teacher' College ' High School , The School of , Agriculture The Summer Session University Extension ' Course You who are graduating from High School or Prep School toward what goal does your ambition point? Do you lean toward a career in business or in one of the professions? Is it your intention to become an educator, a scientist, an agricultural expert? Do you plan to pre pare yourself for the strenuous battle of life by thorough special training in any line? There has never been a time when such training was more essential, when its ad vantages were more apparent. We live in an era of tran sition and adjustment; in a world new-born after the cataclysm. Profound changes have been wrought. Trying times, and times of glorious opportunity, are just ahead. The University trained man or woman will approach these trials, these opportunities, equipped with sound training and sure knowledge. And in comparison with these ad vantages, the time, the effort, the money involved in securing such training will count as little. Your State University, time-honored and hallowed in tradition, offers a well-rounded education in your chosen vocation, to gether with a host of pleasant and worth while activities for your leisure hours. A comprehensive curriculum, an unexcelled corps of professors and instructors; athletics, debating societies, music, dramatics all these await you at Lincoln. Especially" interesting to you will be the literature de scribing, the University and its manifold activities, which is now ready for distribution to 1921 Seniors. Send for your copy. It will be of help to you in making your plans for the future. Address the Registrar University of Nebraska Lincoln, Nebraska Session July 12 to August 19, 1921 First Semester Registration Sept. 14, 1921 Frank F. Loomis, Jr. Winner of the four hundred meter hurdle race in the Olympic. Games at Antwerp, Belgium, in 1920. Mr. Loomis established a world's record in this race, this being one of four world's records which He holds in hurdles. This picture is a recent and exclusive one in a series of six showing the various positions in hurdling. Mr. Loomis has spent the present summer 'in the Illinois University Summer School for Coaches, studying the latest develop ments in foot ball in preparation for the coming year as coach in athletics at Hastings College. The first semester will open on Septem ber 13th. The faculty has been enlarged and strengthened. A very large increase in the enrollment is indicated by reports from, the field. For information address President Calvin H. French. Hastings College Hastings, Neb. Exterior in" ia'rwi-iii Recreation Room Dormitory Home-Like Surroundings Boarding and Day School For Boys and Girls 4 to 16 Years Fall Term Opens Sept. 6th Featuring Small Classes, Personal Attention, Airy Rooms. Luncheon Service, Strict Discipline, Carefully Supervised Study and Play. School Motto: "Every Pupil Recites Every Lesson Every Day." Nebraska State Text Books Used. Instructors Hold State Certificates. Tutoring in All Branches. Summer Classes Now in Session. Kindergarten Dept. Director, Ethelwyn Hodge. School of Individual Instruction Telephone Harney 2949 3507 Harney Street Choosing the Best School This Emblem is the emblem of the Accredited Commercial School. Only members of the National Assoc iation of Accredited Schools are permitted to use it. It is your guarantee of all you could ask in a commercial school service, integrity and efficiency. Only the best schools in the United States are ad mitted to membership in the association. Choose an Accredited Commercial School and be sure of Retting the most for your instruct ion dollar. There is one definite method by which you can safely choose your commercial school. If it uses the emblem of the National Association of Accredited Schools, it is one of the best schools in America. Boyles College is the Accredited School in this section. Its standards are high, its methods, the most approved, its training intensive. It is one of the best known if not THE best known business colleges in the west. It has prepared thousands of young men and women for success ful business careers. Its graduates have a high standing among business men everywhere. Its curriculum embraces a Complete Commercial Course, Stenographic and Secretarial Course, Civil Service branches and Telegraphy. Write today for free Catalog. Determine now, with out delay, to make a definite start toward & successful business career. BOYLES COLLEGE OMAHA. NEB. Eighteenth Street at Harney Phone Jackson 1565 COUNCIL BLUFFS, IA, Merriam Block Phone Council Bluffs 576 DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL Send for Free Catalog Get Your Training in an Accredited School Sincerity Purpose is the substance which builds for confidence, and only by sincerity of purpose can a newspaper gain the confidence of its readers. Never has The Bee violated their confidence. The Bee's Educational Department is maintained for your use. This department will carefully analyze your educational needs, exercising the greatest care and diligence that your son or daughter be placed in the right school or college. Letters of inquiry should be addressed to The Bee's Educational Department. USE BEE WANT ADS THEY BRING RESULTS