Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 15, 1921, Page 2, Image 2

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    Russia Agrees
To U. S. Control
Of Food Relief
Obstacles to American Work
In Harmony With Soviet
Government to Aid Starv
ing Smoothed Away. .
By Th Atoelu Pr.
Riga, Aug. 14. Control by the
American relief administration of
iood distribution in the famine dis
n( Rnia was asreed to in
l I 1 V. L J v. ' "
i rinciplc this afternoon by Maxim
Litvinoff, representative of the so
ict famine relief committee. The
agreement was reached in negotia
tions with Walter Lyman Brown.
European director of the American
relief administration, which began
here Wednesday.
Metods of applying American
control, local administration and
other details were not taken up. but
or in be considered at a conference
,to be held next week. '
Following the conclusion 01 to
day's meetitng there appeared to
h nn insurmountable obstacle to
th American relief administra
tion from working in harmony with,
the soviet government and a Russian
nonpartisan committee on foreign
M. Litclnoflf also accepted the pro
posal that the American relief admin
istration be given sanitary control in
the famine district in order to guard
figainst cholera, in case such author
ity is asked. He also guaranteed
personal safety and freedom of com
munication to American relief work
ers, together with equal priority with
Russian famine relief organizations,
with regard to transportation. The
soviet authorities are to pay trans
port charges from ports to inter ior
The main point of. cpntest now .ap
pears to be the apprehension of the
bolshevikl that the Americans might
place' active political opponents of
the soviet into posts where they
would control the Russian commit
tees upon which the work of actual
distribution of American food would
Socialist Party
v In Need of Funds
Creditor Pushing Organiza
tion Hard $20,000 Needed
To Meet Obligations.
Chicago Tribune-Omaha Be leased Wire.
Chicago, Aug.. 14. The socialist
party is in financial straits. Not only
ts the national organization in debt
$21,000, but it must get $20,000 quick
ly to satisfy some of !ts pressing
creditors. The national convention
recently sent out an appeal to mem
bers to the effect that the party's
""credit was t'absolfjtcjyi exhausted.";
An appeal was sent out for $20,000,
which was wanted in 30 days. Only
S5.000 has come in. but this has
served to appease creators ana a
fchort extension has been granted for
4h rnmainrW of the sum.
The leaders of the party attribute
its difficulties to the fact that too
many of its members are out of work
and current expenses are too great.
Hence the large headquarters in a
residence at 220 South Ashland ave
nue, which cost $30,000, but not paid
for, no longer contains a staff of 25,
but only eight, headed by Otto F.
Branstetter, business manager.
An analysis of elect'on returns
shows that the party is not progress
ing as it did in 1904when it made a
huge jump from almost nothing.
Irish Peace Parley
Still Remains Open
- ,
(Continued From Face One.)
two islands, is provided in the fifth
stipulation. ;
To Assume Share in Debt
The sixth declares that Ireland is
- to assume responsibility for a share
of the United Kingdom's present
(Tel), and petitions. In default of
any .agreement the share would be
determined by an arbitrator appoint
ed from within the dominion.
The document proposes that the
' conditions of settlement be embod
ied in the form of a treaty to which
effect shall be given by the British
and Irish parliaments.
Message From Scientist
Found in Bottle at Sea
Portland, Ore., Aug. 14. A sealed
beer bottle, containing a card with
nautical markings and instructions
asking the finder to mail it to the
address thereon was picked up on
the Oregon coast after a six years
journey from Japan and turned over
tUt. T-,narip ronsu' here. It was
one of many cast adrift by the Jap
anese imperial fisheries station at
Hak-kaido. island of Yeso, to test
the coastal currents of that vicinity,
according to the consul. t
The hieroglyphics on the card in
dicated the bottle had floated probab
ly north until caught in the cold
current coming down from Bering
straits, had then perhaps been car
ried nearly to the equator, where it
"was picked up by the northward
flowing current that warms the Pa
cific slope and had been blown by
a gale to the Oregon coast.
Disabled Veterans Form
Chanter in Hall County
Grand Island, Neb., Aug. 14.
(Special Telegram.) A Hall county
chapter of the disabled American vet
erans of the world war was organ
ized in Grand Island today with Dr.
Bert Bahr as temporary commander
and W. M. Purvis as adjutant, The
meeting was called by State Com
' mander Robert Crevier of Kearney,
who was present More than 60 are
entitled to membership in this county.
A permanent locad name will be de
cided upon at a subsequent meeting,
possibly on Tuesday evening, dur
ing the government' "cleanup" cam
paign in this district a further meet
ing has been called for that time.
Use Bee want d speedy results.
Daughter of Opera Star
Receives Half His Estate
Grit? in a Cainxgc. 'v.pjv
' Naples, Aug. 14 Enrico Caruso's
little daughter, Gloria, is' given one
half of the estate of .the tenor, un
der the terms of an agreement signed
byXaruso's heirs. The agreement
provided for division of the remain
ing half among Mrs. Caruso, Giovan
ni, brother of the singer, .and son. -
The heirs soon will go to Florence
to take inventory of the estate and
Bluest of "Blue"
Towns Puts Tax
On Short Skirts
But You Can Wear Anything
: You Like in Rustchuki
Bulgaria, So Long As
' You Have Price.
' London, Aug. 14. If ' you want
to be a belle or a swell in the city
of Rustchuk you have to pay for it.
" You may remember Rustchuk
from the war news. It is a flourish
ing town on the Bulgarian side of
the blue Danube. The Roumanians
Crossed the river and took it one day.
Two or three days later the Bulgari
ans cut off the fresh Roumanians
and killed or captured all except a
few who escaped by swimming back
to the Roumanian side.
.' Now many of the best society
folks in Rustchuk wish the Rou
manians had kept the town forever.
They fee no fun in lue laws that
force them to pay heavy taxes for
wearing anything but overalls and
ginghams and threaten to convert
: Rustchuk s most styiisniy-aressea
WOmen into milk-maids, so far as
clothes are concerned.
Prescribe Dress.
' The farmer government of the
province of Rustchuk has just enact
ed new legislation, telling the city
folks in Rustchuk how to dress and
how to act. The farmer majority
says that it is only trying to dis
courage extravagance and make the
town dandies, male and female, bear
the cost of government. The Rust
chuk city folks say the new dress
edict is only one ep!sode in the
fight between the peasant farmers
of Bulgaria and the middle class of
the cities, a peculiar form of warfare
that followed the signing of peace
and resulted in the establishment of
a peasant cabinet unaer rremier
Stamhouliski, a burly farmer.
A Rustchuk girl may wear her
skirts as short as she pleases if she
hta h mamma. But everv girl
whose skirt stops 13 inches from the
ground must pay SUU leva into tne
rrnmnrial trpasurv. After she has
paid 500 leva the sky is the limit, so
tar as tne lengin or ncr skki. ku.
If she carries a. parasol, sne must
pay SU leva, jnanaoags. are even
more immoral ana render tne pos
sessor liable to a tax of 200 leva.
Tvurrinca and necklaces, publicly
worn, cost a tax of 300 leva. There
is no tax on an ordinary wedding,
Kf Via craw rminle that start mar
ried life with music at the altar must
pay 500 leva. Even a baby carnage
is a luxury in the eyes ot tne rsust
rhuV farmer legislators, arid , the
owners must pay 200 leva.
Why Wear Gloves?
The horny-handed Rustchuk soil
tiiUr. c nn rpn'snri ' wfiv ' anvone
should wear gloves, except to keep
th hands warm. It is, therefore,
provided that any . person ' sporting
gloves between tne dates or,vyiu
15 must olvtain a
i xJ OKU .jvliuiv. -w -
special license costing 200 leva, io
swank about witn a cane you musi
inn lova anrt there are still high
er taxes for' carrying watch charms
vi niaiu.g i.i. ov o--
sessor of a pet dog is taxed 500
r j nwnm of nrivate car-
...An..;nn f. n cror-ri n crc i ne nob
riages or motor cars pay from 500 to
1,000 leva. . -A
have the legislation repealed, 'ey
.... : ; Aniv jWicrnpri in nlace -the
Say Jl 3 vrinjr --"o- -, u
of taxation on tne
QjinnlHers of the town folks. They
say that if the Rustchuk provincial
1 :.l.t..ra io tinrerp it wilt lav a
hnim tax on swearing, drinking ana
wife-beating virtues, according to
the city dwellers, particularly tuai-
acteristic of the Kustcnux iarmcrs
Con Fires Into Muzzle
Of Nesro and Saves Life
Monticello, Ga, Aug. 14. Firing a
bullet into the cylinder of a revolver
which a negro was firing recently,
Policeman E. C. Price rendered the
weapon useless and saved his own
life. A second shot killed the ne
gro. Frank Wilson, who fell at
tempting to fire his disabled pistol.
The middle finger of the officer was
shot away while he was trying to ar
rest the negro on a charge of gam
bling. The officer was exonerated.
Use Bee want ads speedy results.
plan to leave for America during Oc
tober to continue the inventory of
Caruso's possessions there.
Caruso's will was read in court Au
gust 9. The instrument was written
in 1919 and made no mention of the
singer's wife and daughter. Italian
law provides, however, that they
must receive the greater part of the
"Dry" Advocates
Regain Ground
Lost in Congress
House Judiciary Committee
Strikes Stanley Amendment
From Campbell-Willis
Anti-Beer Bill.
Chicago Tribune-Omaha Bee I-eaed Wire.
Washington, Aug. 14. -r. "Dry"
fsfsAo in rnncrrpcfl rallied tftflaV and
regained some of the ground they
....... ..I
lost in the senate when the' "wets,"
... I
earlier in the week, compelled adop
tion of the Stanley amendment pro
viding heavy fines and imprisonment
for prohibition officers who fail to
conform to the constitution in en
forcing the law.
The house judiciary committee,
taking up the Campbell-Willis anti
beer bill, struck out the Stanley
amendment and adopted a mild sub
stitute. Under the provisions of the
btanley amendment pronioiuon oiu
rprs would have, been subject to
heavy fine and imprisonment for
searching or attempting ta-search
t tin nrpnprttf w ithmit warrant. The
amendment was broad , enough to
prevent the searching oi.: automo
biles, suitcases or trunks ana - tne
Hed that it would ren
der enforcement of the Volstead act
tu ctiKctitittp would limit the an-
plication of the Stanley amendment
to private dwellings. It prpviaes tnai
"shall search
any private dwelling withdut a war
rant directing sucn searcn anu no
warrant shall be issued unless there
is reason to believe such, dwelling is
used as a place in which -liquor is
manufactured tor saie or soia. .
T?11,;nrr tVio artinn . ftf the ludl-
ciary committee, Leader Mondell an
nounced that a comeruncc rcyun
on the anti-beer bill would i be ex
pected in the house Tuesday. It is
generally believed that the measure
will come out or co.mer.ence . "u"'
the form agreed upon by the judi
ciary committee. . -v :
Canucks to Build School
At a Cost of $500,000
HnnenApt R I.. Autr. 14.
t?-n-h TanaHiaiis of this city have
for the purpose
of raising $500,000 for the erection
of a textile and manual iraimns
school here. People of their race all
over the east have been urged to
subscribe. A Woonsocket man has
already contributed $100,000.
Sutphen Books Good List of
Shows for Brandeis Season
Tov Sutohen. back from New York,
announces a list of attractions for the
coming season at the Brandeis that
will interest Omaha folks who get
pleasure at the theater. The Bran
deis will now have bookings of both
the Erlanger and Shubert atractions.
The Marcus show will open the
season Ak-Sar-Ben week,' starting
September 18. Taylor Holmes, who
acquired fame through his perfor
mance of "His Majesty Bunker
Bean," follows for a week commenc
ing September 25 in "Smooth as
Silk," and Fiske O'Hara will as usual
fill the first week in October. ,
The Brandeis will have two or
three feature ' pictures, the Georgia
minstrels and Joseph Kessler, the
ViMrlich artnr during the first 10
days in September and prior to the
regular opening. . ,
May Robson and "The Bird of
Paradise" are, as usual, fall bookings,
a week, in each case, instead of for
three or four days as heretofore.
Amnncr nttipr attractions DfOniiscd
before the first of the year are Mrs.
Fiske, Robert B. Mantell, in classical
repertoire; Fay Bainter, in "East Is
West;" "Miss Lula Bctt," Eddie
Cantor in a new musical gamble; the
thrilling mystery play, "The Bat,"
which is still running in New York
and Chicago; Florence Reed in "The
Mirage;" De Wolfe Hopper and
Francis Wilson in a revival of "Er
minie," and "Kissing Time," and
Neil O'Brien's minstrels.
The banner week of the season
will undoubtedly be that of January
Another Witness
Discovered In
Kennedy Murder
Illinois Man Tells of Seeing
Arthur Burch on Train
With Shotgun in
Chloago Tribune-Omaha Bee laed Wire.
Chicago, Aug. 14. Coincident with
the discovery of a double-barreled
shotgun on a beach at Ocean Park,
Cal., which may have been the weap
on with which J. Belton Kennedy,
Los Angeles broker, was slain, a new
and important witness in the case was
found last night.
This witness gives damaging testi
mony against Arthur C. Burch, held
with Madelynn Obenchain as the
guilty parties in the slaying. The
witness is Former Justice of the
Peace C. H. Bartlett of Evanston, a
On July 21, according to Mr. Bart
lett, he was riding on an elevated
train down town. At the' Noyes sta
tion Burch got on the tram. He car
tied a black handbag, a new suit
case, a fishing rod and a gun case
made of canvas.
The gun case was of the variety
commonly used to carry shotguns.
There was a gun in the case, Mr.
Rnrtlntt flpr1ar Mrs William A.
Burch, mother of the accused lad. J
declares an ot uurcn s Runs are at
his home in Evanston and that he
did not take a gun with him on his
trip to California.
Going on Fishing Trip.
Mr. Bartlett further declares that
Burch met an acquaintance on the
train, and that that acquaintance
"Going out of town?"
Burch answered, Mr. Bartlett
"I'm going out to Colorado on a
fishing trip."
According to dispatches from Los
Angeles, Burch while en route there
met Mrs. J. M. Warren, wife of
a Santa Barbara (Cal.) banker, on
July. 22.
"Mr. Burch told me he was on his
way to Los Angeles to help a
friend in trouble," she told District
Attorney Thomas Lee Woolwine.
"He didn't make any threats, but
said that the friend, who was a
woman, had 'befriended him' and
that he would do anything to help
The finding of a double-barreled
shotgun in the sand at Ocean Park
rntnA tliie aftpmnnn TtlA crnn wa
found by Roy and Bert Mooney. The
two were running through the turf,
they said, when they stumbled over
iu. tu. .i.: I
something. The "something" proved
ir K. tnn mm
to be the gun
'Authorities Purzled.
It would have been physically
nriccihlp T.o Anffplp nuthnritira av.
I' w wl ' " r - - .-w - .-. , .
for the slayer of Kennedy to have J
o-nn anrl thin rpflirnpr! trt T.n An.
geles and still keep within the 44
miles of travel registered on the
speedometer, of the automobile used
the night' -before the killing by
Burch, ,
Still the .authorities at Los An-
o.Atpc'.fir rnf pntirplv atr;fif1 that
the gun , found today was used by
the slayer. They are trying to trace
the ownership of the weapon by the
. ., , , TP.,
numDers on tne Darrei. ii tne saie
can be traced to Burch, another
link in the chain of evidence will
have been forged.
. Ralnli OhpnrViain hiish.ind of
Madelynn and the Rev. William A.J
Kiirrn tarnpr nr ftnnur. win arrive
in Los Angeles tomorrow afternoon.
With their coming officials there be
lieve startling developments wm en
sue. It is predicted that Mr. Oben
chain, who is, an attorney, will m-
ctmrt tiU wifp tn tpll alt she knows
and that Burch's father will likewise
prevail upon him to break his silence.
New Ballroom Dances
By Teachers in Britain
London, Aug. 14. A number .of
new ballroom dances, which are to
be introduced during the coming
winter season, are the outcome of
the conference held by the United
Kingdom Alliance of Professional
Teachers of Dancing. '
The first prize in the waltz compe
tition was warded to Miss Churchill
of Wigan, for a dance named "Rosa
lind Hesitation," while Prof. J.; B.
McEwen of Glasgow, won the first
prize in the fox-trot contest. A
Japanese dance named "WangaloQi,"
arranged by Professor McEwen es
pecially for juvenile display, was
also awarded a first prize. ' i
These dances will shortly be intro
duced to the ball room."
16, when Sothern and Marlowe will
Krt tk. attrarttrtn fnr tVip firct tlirpp
days; the Tuesday Musical club will
offer Reinold Werrenroth, the fa-
mnna Karitnnp rn TVnirsrlav pvpniniy
and Sir Harry Lauder is contracted
for Friday and Saturday. January
and early February contain the us
ual list of good things. A revival
of "The Merry Widow," "Shavings,"
the nickname of the Cape Cod toy
maker made famous in the story
by J. C. Lincoln in his novel of the
same name; "Mecca," the sensational
successor to "Chu Chin Chow," and
Mitzi Hajos, being scheduled during
midwinter. Later, we will have "La
dies Night;" the new "Greenwich
Village Follies;" William A. Brady's
production of "Opportunity;" one of
his new plays, "The Teaser;" Walter
WnmnAnn ttac hrrnmp famnns
almost over night as a delineator of
classical roles; "The Passing Show of
1921;" David Warfield; "Two Little
Girls in Blue;" -the ultra smart com
edy drama, "Nice People;" "The Mid
night Rounders," and "The Belle of
New York
Eastern managers, according to
Mr. Sutphen, are not making exten
sive plans for the coming-season,
all of them rather waiting to see how
the wind blows, but almost all stated
to Mr. Sutphen that Omaha was
situated particularly fortunately,
from a geographical standpoint, as
owing to the high railroad fares com
paratively few attractions are making
the trip to the coast this season and
Omaha, Kansas City and Minneapo
lis will be the turning point for the
majority of shows sent on tour,
English Beauty Winners
And jMv
Gicvj lie?
1 ?
I' V
ilc As.i
r:cr ! w j ij v -rl I
J: fej fc
Miss Winifred Randall, a fair-haired, blue-eyed beauty, and Miss Mar
got Greville, a blackhaired, brown-eyed maiden, who have been selected
by a party of judges as the most beautiful blonde and brunette in all of
England. The selection was made from among 1,000 of the prettiest young
women of the British Isles. .
Defense of Man
Held as Slayer of
Priest Crumbles
Tide of Circumstantial Evi
dence Against Hightower
Sweeping Away Alibis--Girl
Denies Statements.
San Francisco, Aug. 14. A formal
charge of murder loomed out of the
tangled skein of grewsome circum
stances developed by the police
aeainst William A. Hightower, an
itinerate baker, in the 60 odd hours
since he led a party of six at mid
night Wednesday through the fog to
the grave of the murdered priest of
Colma, the Rev. Patrick E. Heslin.
Hightower's calm, cynical self-possession
of the past two days changes
to restlessness, irritation and nervous
agitation as the relentless flood of
circumstantial evidence seemed to all
but engulf him, sweeping away bits
of his story upon which his defense
mainly seemed to rest.
His strongest point, the alibi of his
movements on the night of August
2 when the priest was called forth
upon an errand of. mercy, but to meet
a violent death, crumbled when Miss
Doris Shirley ' appeared at police
headquarters voluntarily,'- and denied
Hightower's statement that h -had
apmpspiie& Km 'to Sjunrjose in .the ;
nachliii ivhich' he jre'ntccT that : fate
ful evening;. . ... !
To this rift in his defense-was .add
ed the opinion of the police': depart-A
ment handwriting expert that he had
"no hesitancy in stating that the
handwriting of the random letter (to
Archbishop Hanna demanding $6,500
for. ransom of the priest) is thc.same
as that; ofc-William A.- Hightower."
String . proofs ! of "unquestioned
similarity,'-;Mvere present, not only
in chirogiaphy, but in misspelling,
said the expert. - . -.
Riot Near As Negro ;
Is Evicated From Car
' . (Continued From Face One.)
start a fight when the negro re
sented his actions. He said that the
unidentified man hit him. Gipson
attempted to leave the car, but the
conductor picked up the .lever on
the door-opening apparatus and
struck him over the head, he . as
serted. ..-.,
The car was stopped and the'mov
torman, armed with a wrench, joined
in the attack, . according to the . ne
gro," who says, he was thrown to an
embankment at the side of. the
tracks, both members of the, crew
beating him. .
', : Says Negro Grabbed Leveiv '
Motorman Spencer declared at the
police station that he was attracted
to the rear end of the car by Gipr
son's cursing. He said that the ne
gro grabbed the car door lever, and
attempted to beat the conductor and
Mrs. Feser, who witnessed the
fight, which occurred in front of her
home, said that she saw one -of the
car men beat Gipson over the head
with an iron bar after the negro
had been thrown to the bank. Oth
ers declared that they saw the mo
torman and conductor strike Gipson.
The three men were booked on
charges of disturbing the peace.
The unidentified man, who is said
to have started the trouble, disap
peared before police arrived. He was
described as being tall, with a black
moustache. He wore a dark suit
and a straw hat.
Bride, 21, Accused of
Kidnaping Hushand, 14
Texarkana, Ark., Aujj. 14. De Fee
Hightower, 14-ycar-old kidnaped
bridegroom, refused to have his love
requited. Likewise he refuses to re
linquish his 21-ycar-oId bride of a
day despite annulment pronounce
ments of a court.
Following an alleged attempt at
suicide, because his parents objected
to his choice, .the boy went to the
home of Bertha Gaines. They were
married. The new bride was taken
into custody, charged with kidnaping
and enticement of a minor. Date
for her trial has not been set.
"I have absolutely nothing to say,"
declared Miss Gaines. "My picturel
Well; of all the nerve. I should say
"It's a dirtv shame for the news-
naners to print things about my mar
riage," she declared, with violent in
dignation. That the marriage was illegal is
confirmed by County Attorney
v t V Ami
V . t MA
Seattle Boy Saves
Drowning Buddy;
Loses His Clothes
Eleven-Year-Old Hero Treats
Affair Wii Nonchalance;
Mother of Rescued Youth
Buys Him New Outfit.
Seattle, Wash., :" Aug. 14. When
Franklyn ' Barber, ' 7' of " the suburb
ot ueorgetown,
fell into the Du
wanish river he
gave a li 1 1 1 e
scream of terror,
struggled . feebly
and then sank.i
At the , same
time' ' Sherwood
Heinke, 11, of No.
3215 Twelfth ave
nue south, was go
ing up the bank
with his clothes
under his arm. He
heard the 'scream,
looked back, saw
the child sink,
then made the
race of his life and leaped into the
water. He brought the child to the
surface as he was going down for
the,ij,hjr(J time, 'carried him to shore
and j?a"ve first .aid. Then'he took the
-.'"YVnere are your ciotnesf asuea
Mrs Barber when she saw Sherwood
had flftly.a bath'trig suit on.
Had - "em . under my arm ana
droppecf them In the water. Guess
they floated down stream," he an
swered. When he refused to take a re
ward Mrs. Barber bought him a
complete outfit, from silk underwear
to- ai brand new suit, arjrl agreed to
do all the trading possible at his
"dad's" store in the Pike place public
market. .,
Rare Sons Are .Wanted
f t. For Missouri Centennial
Sedalia', Mo., Aug. 14. Who are
Missouri's oldest men twins?
TUt Phamhpr rtf Primmprrp rpn-
tennial committee is irf receipt of a
message from George and David
Upton, 72 years old, who are bach
elor twins. . They were born in Mis
souri, : but have been . residents of
Hbod River, Ore., for the past 50
years''. '
The elderly "; gentlemen express
much interest in the plans which are
being made to celebrate the 100th
birthday of the state of Missouri,
which will be held-in Sedalia from
August 8 to' 20.
Some of the Uptons relatives, wno
live in Missouri, sent in the name of
George' Upton. An invitation was
sent to him; also a centennial but
ton " npnrcp immediately wrote to
the centennial committee requesting
a - button tor ins twin nrotner ana
added that he "would like to hear
whether or not Missouri can boast
of any more men twins older than
he and his brother.
Rich University Youth
Caught Stealing Ride
Binghamton, Aug. . 14. Robert
Peel, 20, son of a wealthy Washing
ton family and a student of Cornell
university, was arrested here by rail
road police on a charge of "bum
ming" a. ride on a freight train. Peet
had traveled from Ithaca to this city
and was on his way to his parents,
who are touring California, he told
the police.
Feet, who was dressed in stylish
corduroy riding breeches, hightop
leather moccasins, golf stockings and
an army shirt, said: "I don't have to
travel this way. My people have lots
of money. But I like the adventure;
I like the life of a vagrant."
' He had $18 when arrested, hut said
that sum would meet all his needs
until he reached California. He has
just finished two years at Cornell.
Silver Mine of Indians
7 Believed Found in Penn.
"Kinzua, Pa., Aug. 14. Kinzua is
on the verge of having a new boom.
In the days when lumbering was at
its height around here the lumber
men made things lively. Volstead
and Wayne Wheeler were unheard
of then.
Now this little town, some miles
south of the New York state line
from Salamanca, is awakening. Ev
erybody is getting excited over sil
ver. Even the conservative are tak
ing notice. They expect soon to see
mules and prospectors streaking
through .nearby -forest fastness
searching for traces of silver and the
mother lode,
Allies May Soon Lift
Barrier on Germany
(Contlnnrd From Pure One.)
whatsoever of hurting Germany's na
tional - sentiment or maintaining oc
cupation of the Ruhr cities indefi
nitely. But there also is the national
sentiment of France to be taken into
account. . . .
"Occupation of Duisburg, Ri.hrort
and Duesscldorf was decided jointly
by France, England, Italy .and Bel
gium because of repeated failures of
the German government to fulfill its
obligations under the Versailles
He said Jie was convinced that the
Wirth government now was making
all efforts to live up to. the under
takings entered upon after the Lon
don ultimatum, but ' added:
"The Wirth government may fall;
another with more reactionary ten
dencies may be formed and another
crisis reached between France and
The matter, however, wa3 not so
pressing, M. Briand concluded, that
it might not be postponed until the
next meeting of the council. -All
the delegations agreed to this sug
gestion. Harvey Active.
Marshal Foch's military commit
tee, after it had been decided to
maintain military control in Ger
many, was entrusted with the task
of deciding how much control was
to be exercised, whether by commis
sions on the spot,' as now is the
case, or otherwise."
Ambassador Harvey- took a more
active part in the three hours' meet
ing of the council this morning than
at any session since the deliberations
were started, being asked for his
opinion or taking part in the discus
sion of practically , every question
brought up, as America was di
rectly . interested, especially in the
Russian and Austrian situations.
At this session the council de
cided upon the makeup of the. in-;
ternational famine relief .commission,
which will deal with the famine sit
uation, in Russia. This commission
will not be merely .inter-allied, but
Sweden, Denmark, Norway and
other neutral countries will be asked
to join. The nucleus will be formed
by the entente .countries and the.
United States, each , to appoint
three .delegates.
Concerning the diplomatic situation
created by the undertaking to feed
famine-stricken Russia, it was agreed
the commission will have absolutely
an official, character arid that such
conversations as are engaged in with
the ..Soviets must. be. limited strictly
to humaritarian questions. .
Financial aid for Austria was con
sidered next. In this connection a
i esolution ' was adopted urging the
American congress to hasten pas
sage of legislation which, it was
stated, would enabla the Austrian
financial relief plan to be put into
Silesian Problem Large.
Geneva, Aug. 13. Settlement of
the upper Silesian problem, which
has been entrusted ', to: the league "of
nations, is- regarded in .league circles
as the most importaht question with
which -that body has yet been faced.
It is feared that a -solution will -he
prolonged as a great mass of docu
ments must be examined and the ex
perts must'be heard.-'Frorri the 'moral
viewpoint, .the. fact that, the preplex
ing problem' ias been referred to the1
league oi hatidns is deenied "as 'add
ing considerably to the league's pres
tige'..' ' " ' ;
Liquor Gone, Mountaineer
Can Go to Sunday School
Hot Springs.' Ark.. Aug. : 14.
Boss Goldeii, Gland'county moun
i tairieer, can now attend Sunday
school with his mind at rest. ' Fol-
!i : T. 1 i rj. 1
lowing ins appreueiiMou uy lcuerai
officers for-alleged "moonshining,"
Golden gave 'the illuminating infor
mation that he was forced to absent
himself from Sunday school in order
! to guard his bpoze-making parapher
"I 'lowed it'd be better fer me to
stay hum and kinder watch the
house," the picturesque mountaineer
declared reflectively. "I was afeared
the 'revenooers' would grab my fam
ily' licker. Since they poured it out
I guess I c'n go to Sunday school
next Sunday."
Golden is free under bond, while
awaiting action of the grand jury. '
Expedition to Rescue Two
Missing Explorers Fails
Christiania, Aug. 14. The Aften
posten has received a dispatch from
Hanimerfest, the' northernmost
town of Europe, which reports that
the expedition sent by ' the state
council last August, to rescue Kn ri
sen and Tessen,- who were reported
as missing trom tne last Amuna
sen North Polar expedition, has re
turned without finding trace cf the
two men at Cape Wild, where they
were supposed to have been. . -
The vital statistics, are published
on the want ad page.
io jjjjl
miuionucs join '
In Effort to Stop
Flood of liquor
Federal Officers Seize 1,200
Quarts of Beer at Home
Of Detroit Man Ship-
inents Continue.
Detroit, Aug. 14. -Federal, state
and county" authorities joined liands
ih'tc oflirnnnn in nil iMItloaVor to halt
what is said to be an effort to flood
the United States with intoxicants -from
Canada, following' a Windsor'
court ruling that the Ontario tem
perance act docs not prqliibit export n
of liquors.
First results of the vigilance of
the officers came when federal effi- ;
cers raided a house in Ecorse, a sub-'1
urb, and seized 1,200 pints of beer
and 12 quarts of whisky Ecorse, m
the opinion of Charles P. Campau,
chief inspector of the state depart
ment of public safety, is the center
oi the traffic in illicit liquor brought
across the border. Campau last mid- ;
nicht broueht 75 state troopers here .
from Lansing to patrol the water .
front of Detroit and suouros.
Beer continued to be shipped from ,
Windsor, Sandwich, Ford City and .".
other Canadian border towns. .No;
whisky shipments were discernible.
The beer shipped today was report
ed to have been headed for Toledo
and other lake and river cities.
"My investigations snow tnat no
oroater amount of beer and whisky '
is being brought into Detroit than
formerly." A. C. Graham, teoerai
prohibition director, said late today.
Volstead Act Ineffectual.
Washington, ' Aug. " 14. Exaifilna- 1
t'on. of the customs laws is to be
made by the Department' of Justice,
officials said today, in an effort toj
find, means of stemming the tide otJ
liquor pouring over the Canadian
border, into tnis country.
Prosecutions of rum runners un-t
der the Volstead act,, officials assert-
ed. annarentlv have not been ah ef
fectual method of keeping out illegal
liquorsand other legal weapons are ,
sought 'by the government aUthoriV
ties charged with the duty of keeping
Spirits irorn crossing iuc mis.
Some doubt exists, it was ex-
olained. as to how far the prohibition
laws repealed sections of the customs .
laws applicable to illegal imported
liquors and a study of the statutes is !
to be made to ascertain the exact
situation. .
Dutiable liquor brought in from ;
Canada without payment of the prop
er fees, is regarded by some officials
as a clear violation of the cutoms reg-"
illations, irrespective of any breach of
the prohibition laws. If the author
. A. : . a . 1
declared, it would be possible for the r
government. to put a sharper check -.
and help relieve what was said to -
L , - , . J l- ,
the northern border.
Brief City News
The main-dining room at the Pax--ton
hotel -wju r.main open. . .The
best of food at : reasonable prices.. ",
No cigarette has
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toasted cigarette.
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