Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 15, 1921, Image 1
The Omaha Daily. 1 Bee VOL. 51 NO. 60. Cutaraf tt Ctt Mittir (. IN. t Onti r. 0. Un Act at , Ink S. 117. OMAHA, MONDAY, AUGUST 15, 1921. y ml) (I wf), Oill, tnt Suatfay, I7.l: Dtlln. ly. til THREE CENTS I2.W; t. Mlatt In Udltii Slittt. Cii) tM MmIc. y 4"' L. Members Gf Conference Are Picked Harding Makes Up Mind On Personnel of U. S. Commis sion to Participate in Armament Parley. Woman May Be Chosen thicafo Tribune-Omaha Br Leaned frlre. Washington,' Aug. 14. President Harding has made up his mind on the personnel of the United States commission to - partcipiate in the Washington international conference on reduction of armaments, but he cannot foreclase the subject until exchanges with the participating powers have defined some regula ..lion as to the number of represen tatives each nation will have at the conference table. ' Speculation as to the probable membership of the American dele gation has not changed the list as published in the Tribune several weeks, ago after the president had told some of his advisers that he had in mind the men be would like to name. Secretary of State Hughes already has been designated to head the commission. For his colleagues the president is said to be consider ing today, as he was two weeks ago, the following: , , Expected Personnel. Elihu Root, former secretary of state. . Henry Cabot Lodge, chairman of the foreign relations committee of the senate. Philander C. Knox, former secre tary of state; and republican member-of the' senate foreign relations committee. Oscar Underwood of Alabama, democratic Senator and friend of the president. George W. Sutherland, former re publican United States senator from Utah and international lawyer. , If more tlian five Americans are to be named it is possible Hat the president may appoint a woman on the commission, or some member of the house of representatives. That the president will appoint Mr. Root is believed to be certain by those who have discussed the subject with him. , . , , , , Sentiment for Woman Member. 1 Senator Lodge, by virtue of his position as chairman of the foreign relations commission, is obviously entitled to head the representation from the senate. Senator Knox, the " president believes to be eminently ' qualified for membership on the commission,,; 'not; because .he is a senator, but because of his familiar ity with diptomC7and international .relations. Senator ' Underwood is fXingt considered as a representative vi the minority political party. The president is known . to admire Un derwood and to, have great confi dence in his ability. Former Sena tor Sutherland is . regarded by the president as eminently qualified for the delegation. He was at gne time seriously considered for secretary of state. Whether the president ' will ap point a woman to the delegation no one knows. The president himself does not know. He would like to, it is believed. Agitation for this by women's organizations continues daily. The National League of Women Voters has asked the presi dent for an opportunity to present a resolution urging the name of a woman on the commission and on any advisory commissions which may be formed during the confer ence.. Steamer Goes Ashore .Off Canadian Coast Seattle, .Wash.. Aug. 14. The steamship Princess Ena, operated by the Canadian Pacific Railway com pany between British Columbia ports, went ashore off Goddyn Head, ofl the Canadian coast, early this morning, according to ' messages from the wireless station on Triangle Island received here today. If u-ic tinnrri tr float the shio at the next high tide, the report states It is not known here how many pas sengers are aboard. Amnesia Victim Coming ; Back to Missouri Valley Cheyenne, Wyo.. Aug. 14 (Spe cial Telegram.) Roland R. Mason of Idaho Falls, Idaho, who was miss ing for more than a week and fi nally, was discovered in a Denver hotel, his memory a blank and un conscious of his own identity, left Cheyenne this afternoon for his old home in Missouri Valley, la. A pathetic reunion with his wife andsmall son, and his parents, who came from Missouri Valley to as sist in the search for him, was ef fected here. Loclaw Results From Man's Peculiar Injury Lexington, Neb., Aug. 14. (Spe cial) Chris Fishline, a farmer liv ing six miles east of Lexington, while driving sdme hogs in his yard and carrying a stick, stumbled and fell, running it into the sids of his face. The doctor did not get all the stick nt ' and lockjaw set in. At present Mr. Fishline is in a serious condition. ; ' Bant Burns Down. Ord, Nb., Aug." R-fSpeciat)--Terry Petschca's barn and contents bunted to the grtuncV Several loads of hay, some corn, an automobile and all of his tools also were burned. The fact that the wind was from the southwest and directly away from the house made it possible to. save this building. The toss is estimated at $3,500, partially covered by insur ance. The origin of the fire is tin Large Chicago Store Puts Ban on Rouge And Short Dresses Chkwfa Tribune-Omaha He Leaned wire. Chicago, Aug. 14. A net set of rules has been made by Marshall Field & Co., which recently issued an edict to the effect that girls with bobbed hair, unless it was netted, would no longer be employed by the department store. The new rules put the ban on rouge, powder in excess, extreme styles in hair dressing and relied down stockings. The notice, which was posted in the store to day, also seeks to discourage the wearing of dresses trimmed with s-pangles or with embroidered parts. The potice reads in part: "We find numerous instances of employes wearing dresses with short sleeves, low cut necks and extremely short skirts, sometimes with roller! down stockings. Rouge should not be used, nor powder in excess, and extreme styles in hair dressing should ue avoiaea. No Verdict Reached In Death Probe Finger Print Expert and Doc tor Doubt Suicide; Letter Written by Victim May Add Light. Auburn, Neb.. Auk. 14. iSoecial Telegram.) After 48 hours of de liberation, the coroners iurv inves tigating the mysterious death of Ben Neal, who . was found dead in the house on his farm near Peru Thurs day night, announced Saturday that no verdict had been reached. Hans Neilsen, head of the state bureau of criminal identification. after examining finger prints on the stock ot the revolver found clutched in Neat's hand, stated that !:e does not believe the man committed sui cide. The same opinion is held by Dr. Vance, who reached the Neal home SO minutes after the body had been found. Dr. Vance was formerly police surgeon at Omaha. Neal was found on the floor of the bedroom of the farm home oc cupied by himself and his wife. A bullet from a .32 caliber pistol had entered the left side of his neck, striking the jaw bone. Bloody Imprints Found. When discovered, rigor mortis of the body had already set in. I he third finger of the right hand was partly around the triggerof the pis tol clutched by the dead man. A bloody imprint of the right thumb was found on the grip of the gun. There also were bloody jmprints of fingers on the walls near the body, but they were not identified -as those of Neat's hand. They were made by the left hand of some person. .- Mrs. Neal, when recalled to the witness stand, stated that she had heard but one shot. She said that the room was dark when she and her daughter entered. They ran to the home of a neighbor, Charles Buck, 300 yards away, to notify him" of the death. The woman swears positively that she did not use the telephone in an attempt to call neighbors. ; A num ber of neighbors, , however, declare that there were calls on the rural party line about the time the tragedy is supposed to have occurred. Three long rings, the call for the Buck home, were recognized. v Operator Heard, Rings. The night telephone operator at Peru says she heard the rings, but received no answer from the party calling. She notified J. C. Woodie, village ' marshal, and told him that someone was in distress, possibly at the Neal or Buck home. Fifteen min utes later Euck called in to notify Dr. Vance of the tragedy reported by Mri. Neal. Fletcher Neal, not a relative of the dead man., and Jack Rohff had been to see Neal in regard to the purchase of live stock a few days be fore the tragedy.. They said , that Neal told them of his family trouble and declared that he intended either to kill himself or both himself and his famity. Mrs. Neal. when she heard that Neilsen, finger print expert, had been summoned,: asked Sheriff Da vis to go to her house at Browns ville, open a cedar chest there and see it it contained a .32-caliber pistol belonging to her first husband, John Wright, who died 12 years ago. She said she had handled the gun two weeks ago. The sheriff found no pistol in the chest. Two Exploded Shells. The pistol, which was found in Neat's hand, was a cheap, nickel plated, Harrington & Smith, center fire. It contained two recently-exploded shells and two loaded shells. The other two chambers were empty. The unexploded shells were badly oxidized, giving evidence of great age. On the witness stand Mrs. Neal identified the pistol as the one owned by her former husband. . A verdict by the coroner's jury is expected toonJ Several letters which have not been made public, one writ ten by Neal and the other by a man in Brownsville, may add sensational developments to the case. , Douglas County Pioneer Dies at Home in California Adam Kas. 96, Douglas county pioneer, . died Friday night at his home at Ocean Beach, Cal, accord ing to . word reaching Omaha. Mr. Kas came to Nebraska in 1870 and in 1885 bought the Butterfield farm near Fort Crook on which he lived until 1919, when he sedd the farm and removed to California. He is survived by three daugh ters and one son, Adam Kas, jr.; Mrs. John Fry of Omaha; Mrs. Tchn Tex of Papillion, and Miss Fanny Kas of Ocean Beach. Fu neral services and burial will be held at California, Womahlleld As One Of Bandit Gang Headquarters of Safe Blowers Uncovered in Chicago $15,000 in Bonds Seized by Police. Man Jailed in Des Moines Chicago Tribune-Omaha Bee Leased W Ire. Chicago, Aug. 14. In the arrest of Mrs. James Shomo today, federal and city authorities believe ' they have uncovered the Chicago head quarters of a gang of safe blowers, whose loot in the past year has to talled nearly $500,000. About three weeks ago Sergeants Mclntyre and Kaiser of the Grand Crossing police station arrested Mrs. Shomo on a charge of passing a bad check. They could obtain no identification, however, but she con fessed to having about $15,000 in stolen bonds in her custody. Stolen From Iowa. The bonds were identified this morning, as part of $300,000 worth obtained bv bandits from the Lit zens State Trust and Savings bank of Hanlontown. Ia. Mrs.. Shomo, according to Capt. Fred C. Gurney of the Grand Cross ing station, has been associated with Joe Leonard, characterized, by Lap tain Gurnev as one of the most skillful 'safe blowers of the cpuntry. The $15,000 worth of bonds whicJi she had in .her possession are be lieved by the police to have been given her by Leonard, who is un der arrest in Des Moines, charged with' the robbery. "Double-Crossed." Mrs. Shomo. according to the fed eral officials, aided Leonard end an other man in planning the robbery and was to receive one-third of the loot. She was "double-crossed" by the two who gave her only $15,000 worth. Those were registered, bonds and could not be sold without de tection. ' . . Captain Gurney, Sergeants Mcln tyre and Kaiser will appear betore the police commissioner iuouuay u confer on the release of recorded bonds to the Iowa authorities. Net Tightens on Bandit Ring Head War Savings Stamps Connect John Worthington With Robbery of Banker.; Chleafo Tribune-Omaha. Bee Leased Wife. Chicaaa. Auflr. 14. The govern ment tightened its chain of evidence around John W. ..Worthington, , al hfaH nf a national gang' of mail thieves, when ft was conclusive ly established that . war savings stamps found in Worthington's of fice were stolen in August, : 1920, from E...C. McBride, president' of the State bank of Pawpaw, 111. Tolm V. Clmmn, first assistant United States district attorney, said the stamps had .been sold to Mc Bride in December, 1918, by Post master Wilbur Wood of Pawpaw. They were registered under, postof fice No. 12,720 and registry No. 40. 1 The postoffice number had been effaced when the stamps were found in Worthington's office, but the reg ister number was unchanged. "This absolutely identifies the stamps as those . stolen from the banker," said Colonel Clinnin. "They were found in Worthington's posses sion and form one of the most con clusive bits of evidence to snow Worthington has been dealing in stolen securities." Owen Evans, Worthington s part ner, continued his story of his part in the various transactions. This is the second day Evans has been closeted with Colonel Clinnin and it is said important information is be ing obtained. Nothing concerning the detail of the interview is being permitted to become public. Captain Kliber, Q. M. Corps, Stationed at r ort Crook Capt. Herman C. Kliber, quarter master corps, United states army, has joined tjie Seventh corps area headquarters. Caotain Kliber lirst joined the armv as a orivate. in 1908 and was assigned to the Fourth cavalry. He was appointed second neuienam field artillery. July 10, 1917, and promoted to first lieutenant and then to captain, quartemaster corps. He was discharged October 30, 1919, and re-enlisted and reverted to his former grade as sergeant, quarter master corps, December 19, IV He was attain commisioned as cap tain, quartermaster corps September 30, 1920; Man Arrested When Nine . Barrels of. Mash Found Before police arrived at hjs home Saturday afternoon Salvatore Bona fedi had reposing in his cellar nine 50-gallon barrels of mash all ready to distil into corn whisky. Detectives Murphy, Treglia and Buford "moved in" on Salvatore, after they had got a tip that the man was doing business on a large scale. Bonafedi was arrested, charged with illegal possession of liquor. Corn Is Matured.' Beatrice, Neb., --Aug. 14. -(Special.) A number of farmers in Gage county have finished their fall plowing and state that the ground is in fine shape for seeding. Nearly an inch of rain has fallen in this locality the past week, and the corn is ma turing fast. No more moisture is needed berg for the crop, jj. . ' v . High Cost of Living Causes Judge to Hike Fines Against Drunks Chicago, Aug. 14. Because of the high cost of food at the city bastilo Judge Charles McKinley of the municipal court announced that high er fines would be assessed in the future. A plain drunk will be as sessed $3 while -a "battling stew' will be soaked $25. "You see," explained the judge, "we pride ourselves on keeping the prisoners unusually well-fed and quartered, and if we expect to main tain the standard in the face of state' ments by the city's high-cost com mission we must increase our prices tn the cafeteria. "In he future plain drunks will be assessed $3, but the drunk who goes to sleep on the sidewalk will have to pay $5. The drunk who gets noisy will receive the same fine as his sleeping brother, but with the costs tacked on. A fighting drunk will be fined $10 and costs. If he really fights it will be $25." Allies May Lift Barrier On Germany Premiers Decided to Remove Boycott If Prussians Pay Amount Due Under Lon don Ultimatum Sept. 15. By The Anoclated Preu. Paris, Aug. 14. The lifting of the economic barrier of the Phijieland on September 15, provided Germany pays up the amount she undertook to pay under the London ultimatum and agrees to remove the boycott against French goods, was decided upon at the final session of the allied supreme council today. It was de- cided, however, to maintain the oc cupation of Ruhrort, Duisburg and Duesseldorf until the next meeting of the council, which, it is under stood, will be held previous to the Washington disarmament confer ence. ' At that time, Premier Briand consented, the question of the occtt pation of the right bank of the Rhine should be reconsidered. With the question of the disposi tion of upper bilesia out of its, hands, the council went to work on the other matters which it had to take under advisement. The decisions were reached after M. Briand, as president of the council, replied to attacks made by Lord Curzon. the British foreign secretary, and sir Robert Stevenson Home, chancellor of the British exchequer, against what was termed the present ex pensive, system of administering the treaty, especially as concerned oc cupation of the. Ruhr 'region, ' Curzon Attacks System. ' ihis. Lord Curzon said, "is very costly and also irritating to German national sentiment and pride. The Chancellor of the British exchequer argued that continuance of the present system impoverished every one of the interested powers and that means ought to be ex amined for reducing the cost as the high expense meant less reparations. It was agreed to create art inter allied commission of financial ex perts, on which the - United States would be represented, to study ways and means whereby a reduction in occupation costs might be devised. The trench premier, in a long speech, indulged in some sarcastic utterances regarding Lord Curzon's reference to Germani national senti ment. He opposed i trongly discon tinuance of occupation of the three Ruhr cities. No Aim to Hurt Germany. 'The French government," de clared M. Briand, "has no intention (Torn to Pace Two, Column Stym ) Citizen Cops Arrest Over 100 in Drive on Traffic Violators More than 50 volunteer coos were out Saturday night arresting all traf fic ordinance violators and drivers whose cars were not equipped with legal lenses. Reports made at police headquar ters during the drive .indicated that more than 100 arrests had been made by the citizen officers. In addition to the citizen cops motorcycle police brought in speeders. W. A. Pixley, A. D. Peters, Dr. Flowers, William Hellem, Albert Mitzloff, J. J. Cole and E. A. Pegau were among the men doing volun teer duty. ' The violators arrested last night are to be arraigned at Central and South Side police courts Monday morning. Alleged Auto Thief Is ' Released on Big Bonds Cheyenne, Wyo., Aug. 14. (Spe cial.) J. W. Frederickson, held here in connection with the thefts of a score of automobiles, many of them from Omaha, was released from custody this evening when Dr. J. H. Conway, a Cheyenne surgeon, fur nished a $10,000 bond in reply to an advertisement inserted in newspa pers by Frederickson. Upon his release he asserted that he had purchased the cars in . good faith from Nebraska thieves oper ating in Omaha, Bridgeport and Cheyenne.. He offers to make good to purchasers who bought cars from him which were subsequently seized by the sheriff. Lawyers Awarded Only $100 Each by Referee Lincoln, Aug. 14. (Special Tele gram.) Failure of one big stock sell ing concern in Nebraska failed to please the lawyers. Fifteen lawyers representing creditors in the Hcbb Motor company here today were awarded 5100 each by the, referee, 1 w e m WW A murderer, fleeing from the scene IHUtM. V'"'- Vr" - . ,-;. . - Hbse But at the inquest it develops that he was seen by (1) A young .man who was sitting on a bench discuss ing with bis girl one of the maximum questions. (2) A doctor who was passing by on a midnight hurry up call. (3) A young man, homeward drant. (4) A janitor who got up to worrvlne about the Leasrue of Nations. (6) A milkman starting to work. let the dog in. (8) A retailer, working late on his books to see if he couldn't cut prices without cutting profits. (9) A motorist, returning from a map of an adjoining state as Negro Is Evicted From Street Gar Whites Side With 3lanho Accuses Crew of Beating 1 Him When He Tries to Avoid Altercation. Eviction of a negro from a Flor ence street car Saturday night and a f?ght in. which he was severely beaten nearly resulted m ,a not when a crowd of 300 white sided with the negro and demanded immediate ar rest of the car crew.' '. , "' ' Detectives called to the scene de cided to take charge of the car and arrest Motorman . V. bpenqer, 2622 Spencer street, and Conductor Albert M. Emmons, 2512 Ames av enue, when they .reached the- Ames avenue barn. ' ' The crowd, which gathered quickly "following the af fray on Fort street between 1 wenty- hfth and I wenty-sixth.-. demanded that the crew be takert from the car immediately, and placedunder arrest. Mrs, Drum ,1'eser, . Zool fort street,, who attended . the . injured nczro. Wesley Gipson, .laborer, .5914 North Thirty-fifth street, refused to give him up. to, police, and-was -.sustained -in her action by the onlook ers. Detectives Haze. Buford and Treg- lio finally -averted what threatened for 10 minutes to. become a riot by allowing the woman to escort Gip son, to, the police str.iion and .accom panying the car -to. the; barn where Spencer: and, Emmons were taken into custody.. ,'.--' , The altercation started alter a quarrel between an unidentified white man-and 'Oipson, ;whc was going' home from town accompanied by his1 wife. . . v Gipson told police that the white man made fun of him and wanted to Tarn t Pace Two. Column Six.) California Woman Awarded ; Third of $300,000 Estate Fargo, ' N. D., . Aug. 14. Mrs. L:is E. Knight, Los Angeles, will receive one-third of the $300,000 estate of the late S. H.- Knight of Casselton, N. D., as his lawful wife, according to the decision of Judge William. C. Hook, united Mates cir cuit : court of appeals, announced here today. . . ,.. '' TudKe Hook filed the oecision shortly before his death '.10 . days ago. The case has been in the courts since 1917.' Relatives of Mr.Knight, who was married five times, tried to prevent Mrs. Knight frpm securing any of " the Knight - estate on ; the ground that she was not , his lawful wife. ' . r . ? . The case hinged on. a technicality of the incompleteness of divorce. Paris Branch of Ford Motor Company Destroyed hy Fire Paris, Aug. 14. Fire today virtual ly destroyed -the branch of the Ford Motor company at Issy-Les-Moulin-caux. a suburb of Paris. More than 100 automobiles were in the building when the fire occurred, and the prop erty loss is estimated at from 6,000, 000 to 7.000,000 francs. . , Frie departments from Paris and three suburban towns were called to fight the blaze. The flames, spread to adjoining dwellings, five of which were burned -down before the fire .was checked . ... . i Riot Impends The Observing Public 'OonrrlsBt: XSSI: Br Tk Cbleac Tnbone au sow. V'y;'v Wm 5 fiz3'fFrl of his crime (X), congratulates himself observation bound from a fraternity banquet who save some coal for his landlord. (5) tour of the cabarets, whe had lost his - . Holdup Prevented Storekeeper Confronted by Armed Bandits Draws iu - f And Routs Pair. , Two white bandits were prevent ed from robbing the Spellman gro cery store at Seventeenth and Nich olas streets Saturday night by quick action of J. L Speliman, proprietor. . . The two men. came into, the store and asked for a ' drink of water. When . Spellman turned around to accommodate them, the bandits cov ered him with revolvers. Spellman made a move toward his pocket to .draw a revolver, and one; of the bandits fired, at him point blank but missed. By this time Spellman had his gun and opened fire. He shot four times at the men as they fled. Sometime later F. Adams, night watchman - for the Sprague Tire & Rubber , company, just across the street from the Spellman . store, called police and said. a man cov ered with, blood had come into the building. :'T'm shot," Adams said the man cried. Before he could ofter any aid, the man-ran out -the door and 'en tered a coupe -occupied . ,by two women. Police believe him to be. one of the bapdits who attempted to -rob Spellman and that one of 'the pro prietor's shots took effect. Conductor Killed; One Missing in'Wreck , ' Champaign, 111., Aug. 14. Con ductor J. H-. Gladhart,; Matoon, was killed and one man is believed, buried beneath a Cloverleaf railroad engine at Lcrna, 111., six miles south of Mattoon, as a result of -i a collision between a Cloverleaf freight and an Illinois Central passenger train at the Lerna crossing at 9:50 o'clock tonight. w The conductor was killed .and half a dozen, passengers were slightly in jured when the Cloverleaf plowed in to the smoker of the Illinois 'Central train, as: it went over the. crossing which is not protected by an. inter locking system. , . . , Great Britain Planning , ' Eight Huge Battleships London,' .Aug. 14.' Great Britain is planning, eight gigantic battle ships. -the' --most powerful in ,the world, the Daily. Sketch declared to day. v . These crafts, four of which were said to be provided in this; year's estimates and four next year, were described as radical departures from anything now afloat , The ships, according to the news paper, will be nearly 1,000 feet long, displacement of 50,000 tons and a speed of 35 knots. ' The four, pro vided for this year will carry nine 16-inch guns, while those in next year's budget will be arrhed with 18 mch guns,, the most powerful naval ordnance yet attempted. Brought From Overseas Beatrice,,. Neb., Aug. 13. Fred Dockhorn of this city died at Good land. Kan., where he had been visit ing for the last month. He was a son of ll r,' and Mrs.-Charles Dock horn, old residents of Beatrice, and the body will be brought here for' burial. By Quick V1 7 a: M&ms Ills I mm- on having successfully escaped was trying to get a drink at a hy A lady who couldn't go to sleep from (7) A gentleman who got up to bearings and was studying a road Girl Stopped in Suicide Makes t iLovelorn;; A)ra j CboLMWIio 'fried to Jump Into River Here, Takes Chloroform At Cincinnati. . Ora Cook, 19, -who was prevented from committing suicide in the Mis souri river here May 31 because of unrequited love, made another at tempt at Cincinnati Saturday by wrapping a chloroform - saturated handkerchief around her head. Miss Cook, told the Cincinnati dc tective chief that a man named "Al fred," believed to be living in that city, failed to return her affections. She was "found in a field opposite the Spring Grove cemetery, with the sat urated handkerchief bound around lier' head,' by a mounted policeman who took her to the station. . She informed- the detective -chief of her" contemplated suicide at Omaha and also of another attempt by eat ing glass wheti she was seven years old. ' . ' -" U- Cincinnati police say she will re cover. Miss Cook's attempt to end her life here was prevented by Police man Carter, who "stopped the girl as she was running' toward the river through the freight yards near the UnLa' station.' , - She .' told the policeman that she was going, to jump into the river because her. lover, James Allen of Hamilton. O., had deserted her. She declared that another woman was at the bottom of the trouble. . The girl was released when Omaha police became convinced that she was sound mentally. - She gave her ad dress here as Chicago. Her father is said to be wealthy. - Sarah Barnhardt Said To Be Seriously 111 Paris Aug. 14." (By the Asso ciated Press.) "Although the man agement of Sarah Bcrnhardt's theater in Taris says that the famous French actress is in good health, her Paris ian friends announce that they , have learned she is seriously ill. They are worried -over her condition. Thus far the friends of. -Madame Bernhardt have -been unable .to com municate with -her at her summer villa on the little island of Belle-llc-En-Mer, off the coast of Brittany. King of Serbia III ' Belgrade, Jugo-Slavia, A'u. 14. King Peter of : Serbia is seriously ill, the physicians describing his ail ment as congestion of the lungs. He sank into unconsciousness yesterday and was still in that condition today. His .temperature is very high. . - The Weather - Forecast. " Monday probably showers; warmer in eastern portion. -Hourly Temperature. . 5 a., ni t a. m - 1 . m a m. ....... . a. m. 10 a. m 11 a. m... tt Ofl.j.v.IJJAA. . Si . .60 . l ..S3 1 p. m . . . 3 p. m... S p. m.. . . 4 p. m.. . . 5 p. m. . . . p. m.. , . ; ?J i.L .... . ..U 7 p. m. S 8 p. m.. Another Attemp Irish Peace Parley Is Still Open Britain Offers Complete Au tonomy iu Finances and Defense in Negotiations Made Public. DeValera Urges Freedoir) By Tim AMorlatftl PrMi. London, Aug. 14. The corre spondence between the British prime minister, Mr. Lloyd George and' Eamon dc Valera, Irish republican leader, made public by the British povernmcnt this evening, show that while there is a deadlocck on th question of independence for Ireland, the negotiations still are open. Great Britain otfered Ireland corn plcte autonomy in finance and taxa tion, military forces for home de fense, her own police and among other things control, of the Irish pos tal service. In his reply, to Mr. Lloyd George, Mr. De Valera argued for independ ence and offered to submit the Ulster questions to arbitration. In his final - letter, Mr. Lloyd George denied Ireland's right to se cession, refused t foreign arbitration for Irish questions and expressed the hope that Ireland would accept the British terms, which he declared were the best that could be offered. Anxious to End Divisions. , "The British government is actm ated by an earnest desire to end the uphappy divisions between Great Britain and Ireland, which have pro duced so many conflicts in the past and which have once more shattered the peace and well-being of Ireland At the present time, it longs with his majesty the king in the words of his gracious speecch in Ireland last month for a satisfactory solution of 'those age-long Irish problems which for generations embarrassed our fore-' fathers as they now weigh heavily .., ' .....I.:. ...:i.. j . nyuu ua, aiiu 'It w lailCS TO UO US Ul- most to secure that 'every man of Irish birth should work in loyal co operation with the free communities on which the British empire is based.' Propose Status of Dominion. "Moved by '. these considerations the British government invites Ire- 1 land to take her place in the great association of free nations over which his majesty reigns. "As an earnest of their desire to obliberate old quarrels and to enable I Ireland to face the future with her ' own strength and hope, they ;nropose ' that Ireland .;haSl. assume Wth Vifr .'" the status of a dominion, with all Line powers and privileges set fcc& in tnis document. "By the adoption of dominie' status it is understood that Irclana shall enjoy complete authority in taxation and finance; that she shal: maintain her own military forces for home defense, her own constabulary and her own police; that she shal! take over the Irish postal service and all matters relating thereto; educa tion, land, agriculture, , mines and minerals, forestry, housing, labor, un employment, transportation, trade, public health, health insurance and liquor traffic, and in sum, that she shall exercise all those powers and privileges upon which the autonomy of self-government " dominions is based, subject to the considerations set forth in the ensuing paragraphs. Six Stipulations. "Guaranteed, in these liberities, -which no foreign people can chal lenge without challenging the empire as a whole, the dominions hold each and severally, by virtue of their Brit ish fellowship, a standing amongst the nations equivalent not merely to ineir individual sirengtn, but to th combined powers and influence of alt the nations of the commonwealth. That guarantee, that fellowship, thj? freedom, the whole empire looks ta Ireland to accept." " Then follow six stipulations. . The first says that the common! concern of both countries in the de fense of their interests on land and sea will be recognized. Great Britain, it adds, 'lives fc the sea; her food and her communis cations depend on the freedom o? the great sea routes. Ireland lies at Britain s side across the seaway north and south that link her with the sister nations of the empire, the markets of the world, and the vital sources of her food supply. in recognition of this fact which nature has imposed and which n statesman speech can change, it i.i essential that the royal navy alone, should control the seas around Iren land and Great Britain, and that such rights and liberties should b accorded it by the Irish state as ara essential for naval purposes in Irish harbors and on Irish coasts. Must Conform to Others. The second stipulation says: . "In order that the movement toward limitation of armamentsj which is now making progress in! the world, should not be hampered in any way, the Irish territorial force shall within reasonable limits' conform in' number to the military establishments in other parts of the i i . isianas. In the third stioulation it is de clared that Great Britain shall have all the necessary facilities for the de velopment of air defense and com-' munications. The fourth expresses the hone that Ireland will, of her own free will. contribute in proportion to her wealth to the naval and military torccs ot tne empire and assume that voluntary recruiting will ba permitted, ."particularly for those Irish regiments which so long and gallantly have served his majesty in all parts nf the world." Complete autonomy in finance and taxation, with the tcreement that there shall be no tariffs and other trade restrictions between the; Tur u Tar Two, Column Tp4 1 i r