Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 14, 1921, PART THREE, Image 18

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4 C
Distributors of
Nasli Cars Erect
New Buildings
Fvnansion Evidence That
Service Is Vital Element in
Merchandising of Autos,
Says Vice President
c,r,.;f tn th owner, a cardin
policv of the Nash Motors com
pany,' is evidenced in the fact that
25 of the company's 33 distributors
within the last tew years nave
mnrlorn and thoroughly
equipped service plants. Almost an
equal number 01 assotwic uiu
utors have established for the bene
r. -..j rAnvpnipnri- nf owners splen
(lid new homes while several hun-
ded dealers representing tne asn
line in smaller communities through
out the country having outgrown old
er quarters have erected new build
ings. , . ,
"This, to me, is the soundest Kind
of evidence that Nash distributors
and dealers are thoroughly in accord
with our belief that service is with
out question the most vital clement
that enters into the merchandising
of automobiles," says C. B. Voorhis,
vice president and general sales man
ager of the Nash Motors company.
"A good product backed by good
service will find an ever-increasing
market, a fact which applies with
rqual force to almost any commo
dity that may be offered the public.
"To render proper service it is
- necessary that the automobile dealer
provide facilities adequate to care
for the requirements of his custo
mers. In the Nash organization,
during the last four years, there
have been many instances where the
growing business of the dealer has
made it necessary for him to secure
larger quarters. This necessity has
found its reflection in the hundreds
of new buildings erected by Nash
distributors and dealers in all sec
tions of the country."
Tire Repair Important
Part of Auto Industry
To take a chance on haphazard
tire repair work is no longer in
vogue. The motorist is insisting
that this work be done only by com
petent men possessing certificates of
training. This has meant an elimina
tion of the unfit and an improvement
throughout the country in the aver
age standard of repair and vulcaniz
ing work.
Tire repairing is now an essential
part of the automotive industry. It
is continuing to increase in impor
tance. On an average, there is $35
worth of tire repair work per car per
year. On this basis and figuring 9,
000,000 cars in the United States, the
repair and vulcanizing industry
amounts to almost a third of a bil
lion dollars annually.
Prominent among the rchool that
are leaders in this movement for
technically trained repairmen is the
Miller tire repair school. Here the
men are taught not only to be able
to tell the trouble on inspection, but
to be able to put the tire in first class
Cadillac Victoria
Model Very Popular
According to J. H. Hansen of the
Hansen Cadillac company, the Cadil
lac Victoria is fast becoming one
of the most popular models.
"Busy women, with a daily round
of home and social duties," says Mr.
Hansen, "find it indisnensahle. Its
roominess is unappreciated till four
are seated comfortably. It handles
easily in traffic without being so
small as to be inconvenient it has
style, individuality and, above all,
Cadillac dependability."
Small refinements such as taffeta
sunshades, corner reading lamps and
cigar lighter, add to the charm and
comfort of the car. Selection from
a variety of fine wool fabrics per
mits the owner to express her own
individuality in the interior decora
tion. The extra folding seat,
stowed away under the dash, is well
upholstered and fitted with arm
Bosch Concern Launches
Battery Ignition System
H. A. Wendland of the Auto
Electric Service corporation, official
Bosch service station for Omaha,
states that the manufacturers of the
Bosch magneto have just brought
out a battery ignition system for
automotive engines.
"Up to a few months ago," states
Mr. Wendland, "the name of Bosch
was always linked with the word
'magneto.' Now, however, they in
tend to supply every electro-mechanical
need of the automotive in
dustry. They have just moved into
their new building in the Columbus
Circle district of New York City
s.nd are now makers and distributers
of their own starting and lighting
system, battery ignition system and
spark plug."
With the announcement of the
completion of its 10-story building
the company reports it has taken
over the sale of the Gray & Davis
starting and lighting systems ana
automobile lamps.
Firm Formed to Handle
Allen and Wescott Cars
Announcement was recently made
of the forming of the Changstrom
Motor company, to take over the
sales and service of Allen and West
cott automobiles and to handle parts
for the trucks formerly handled by
,1.. Ctonivt Mntor Car comoanv.
Carl Changstrom is the head of
the Changstrom Motor Car .com
pany and the new company is lo
cated at 2559 Farnam street.
Gasket Material
Different locations demand differ
ent types of gasket material, depend
ing on whether they are to be subject
to the action of water, oil or gas.
Gaskets in the water line should
generally be of graphite asbestos, cut
from a sheet and then spread with
shellac. Care must be taken not to
get too much shellac, because where
there is an excess some of the shellac
may be squeezed into the water
jacket and make trouble. For oil
joints ifee paptrand for gas joints
New Jordan Model
in Kfn in iv
J jy
A reason for the growing popular
ity of easy graceful lines is well
illustrated by this Jordon silhouette,
which we have photographed at a
nearby club.
Such design reflects the increasing
tendency on the part of motor cars
which not only have beautiful lines,
but combine with that the value of
lasting style.
Overland Wins
First in Speed
Test With Raeers
Stock Car, With Chassis and
Hood Stripped, Takes
Honors on South
Bend Speedway.
New proof of the high quality of
materials and superior standard of
workmanship build into the Over
Arnprira's most mod
crate priced light cars, was given in
two races over the half-mile track
at South Bend, Ind., before a crowd
cf 4,600 race fans.
An Overland stock car, with
chassis and hood stripped and driven
by Ross Greenawalt, a mechanic in
the employ of the Goshen (Ind.)
Overland dealer, won first place in
a five-mile race.
Various lieht cars, sneciallv Beared
and tuned, were entered, but the
Overland took the lead trom tne
start anH was never headed, mak
ing the five miles in 7 minutes and
23 seconds.
Tl, ciirrM-icincr ctamina and hardi
hood of the Overland, however, was
best .demonstrated in the 3-mue
contest in which the little car, al
ready victor in the five-mile race,
wac entered atrainst three special
six-cylinder cars, and a special four
cylinder car.
The day was one of the hottest
of the year and after six laps the
fonr.rvlinder special was forced to
stop through valve trouble, two
other special sixes witnarew alter
21 laps and 24 laps, respectively.
Rut tlie Overland continued to fol
low the hot pace of the other special
six without a wnimper, its iour-
rvlinrler mntnr meetincr everv de
mand and its cooling system ade
quately tulhlling every requirement
of the heated argument.
ihe special-six finished tne race in
32 minutes seconds, the Over
land finishing second, just 104 sec
onds later. Thus the Overland had
been run on a scorching day 25
iniles at the average rate of
miles an hour.
Cadillac Rests Case
On Past Performance
"There are more than 135,000 Cad
illac eight-cylinder cars in hands of
owners, says J. II. Hansen ot the
J. H. Hansen Cadillac company,
local Cadillac distributors. He de
clares that the performance of these
Cadillac cars, combined with the
opinion of the world's leading motor
car experts, shows the Cadillac's
great motor car vlue. He says:
"The Cadillac case is proven not
once but tens of thousands of times,
and by the 135,000 eight-cylinder
cars; not by a few years, but by 19
years; not by a promise but by per
formance. "This experience of owners is
backed by the over-whelming opin
ion of the motor engineers of Eng
land, France and Italy, who concede
that Cadillac value is unapproached."
Traffic Like Sledge Hammer.
Blows on Automobile Tires
The terrific abuse in grinding,
chaffing and cutting given an auto
mobile tire run flat is little under
stood by the average mc.torist. It
is only by examining kindred forces
that a comparison may be made
according to tire men.
The average force delivered by a
blow an axe on a block of
wood is from a 150 to 175 pounds
The blow of a sledge is from 175
to 225 pounds. But a passenger
automobile, each of whose rear
wheels are carrying a load of 1,
500 pounds, run at only 20 miles per
hour and dropping into a chuck hole
only as deep as a paving brick de
livers a blow of 250 pounds. This
force, 50 per cent greater than that
of the sledge hammer blow, nec
essarily cuts and bruises the tire
against the rim and is the cause of
fabric separation which puts the
tire on the scrap heap.
New Allen Models
At Chicago Show
Sedan, Roadster and Touring
Car Feature Distributor's Ex
hibit on Municipal Pier.
Among the many novel exhibits
shown at the big pageant ot pro
gress on Municipal pier in Chicago
from July 30 to August 14 were three
Allen models., finished in special
colors. A turquoise (light blue) se
dan, upholstered in blue striped
plush to match the car finish, an
Allen roadster finished in crimson
and a touring car finished in ivory
white made up the Chicago distri
butor's exhibit. The three cars at
tracted a great deal of attention dur
ing final test drives on Columbus
(Ohio) streets, where the Allen is
Carl Changstrom of the Chang
strom Motor company, on a
recent visit to the factory found that
the finish on all cars built by the
Allen companv consists of 14 coats,
all applied with brush. No flowing
is used in the paint shop. These
methods insure a dependable finish
which will hold up remarkably well
under all sorts of climatic conditions.
Henry Wismer Joins
Buick Auto Company
One of a Trainload
1 i A t it v
That business conditions are
gradually returning to normal is
evidenced by the fact that the Ne
braska Buick Auto company is again
using its own railroad cars in re
ceiving shipments.
The aoove picture is one of the
railroad cars of a train load ot 5i
received by the company recently
over the Chicago Northwestern from
Flint. Mich.
Automobile tourists have swarmed
so heavily in some parts of Cali
fornia and Florida this winter that
they had td have camping places
provided for them.
A "silent policeman" has been
placed near the . southwest gate of
the White House in Washington.
It is equipped with an acetylene
lamp, flashing W tunes a minute.
Henry J. Wismer, who has been
associated with the automobile busi
ness in Omaha for the last three
years, has joined the retail sales
organization of the Nebraska Buick
Auto company.
Wismer was with the Kissel dis
tributer for one year and with the
Oldsmobile distributer for two years.
The average wholesale price of
passenger automobiles produced in
this country last year was S897, mo
tor trucks averaged $1,273.
Where Can You Equal
Its Low Cost Service?
The satisfaction of owning an Overland is out
of all proportion to its low price.
It is a fine car in every sense of the word.
The details are such as you expect in expen
sive cars.
The riding qualities of Triplex Springs are
superior to anything you ever experienced in
a light car.
The economy is beyond your expectations.
25 miles per gallon is common.
The touring car gives longer service with less cost
than any car ever built.
Now $200 Less
Touring - $693
Roadster - 693
Coupe - 1000
Sedan - 1375
Tonrlnf . $WS
Rotdttf Wt
Coin 12
led rl - 1471
Van Brunt Automobile Co.
What comes after
the purchase price?
Touring Car $985 Roadster $935 Sedan $1785 Coupe $2533
Panel Business Car $1135 Screen Business Car $1035
F. O. B. Factory
For Economist! Trvuporittioriy
PDR town or country use, the
whole year through, Chev-
"rolet "FB 40". Sedan affords
complete satisfaction.
f Here is a good looking, roomy
enclosed car whose performance
is reliable and whose cost to run
is exceptionally low.
Chevrolet Motor Company
Retail Store
2659 Farnam Street Phone HA rney 7260
CUcrokt'TB M"Seim, $1575, f.o-b. Flint, Mich,
ID3 50. MAIN ST.
f. o. b. Lansing fji
& This reduction in price has put the H
jgl Oldsmobile Six so far in the lead that grj)
Sf I there is no comparison.
M Jv AtSMl
Down to the 1913 Price
August 1913
August 1921
Importance and Superiority of
Chandler's Magneto Ignition
Chandler ignition is supplied by the Bosch High-Tension Magneto, as it has been
always. Most high-priced American cars and all foreign cars are magneto equipped. The
fastest racing records have been made by magneto-equipped cars. Nearly all airplanes
and motor-driven fire apparatus and nearly 100 per cent of all farm tractors have magneto
equipment. The great majority of trucks are magneto equipped.
There is no question as to the marked superiority of magneto ignition. We could make
a considerable saving by the the use of a distributor system, which is called upon to start the
starter, blow the horn, light the lights, charge the battery and furnish the ignition. The
greater efficiency of magneto ignition more than compensates for our added expense.
The magneto gives the Chandler motor a hotter, fatter spark, igniting the gas quickly
and completely, and its simplicity of wiring and absolute dependability, independent of any
other unit, makes it the ideal ignition system.
Before You Buy Any Other Car, See the Chandler
Seven-Passenger Touring Car. $1785 Four-Passenger Roadster, S178S Two-Passenger Roadster, S178S
Four-Passenger Dispatch Car, $1865
Seven-Passenger Sedan, $2885 Four-Passenger Coupe, $2785 Limousine. $3383
(Prices f.o.b. Cleveland, Ohio)
Cord Tires Standard Equipment
Distributed by The House of Courtesy and Service
Ralph W. Jones, Mgr.
1732-38 O St, LINCOLN OMAHA, 2421-23 Farnam St.