Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 13, 1921, Page 3, Image 3

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    TtTtn tjpp. nurATJA CATTIcniV ATTHTTST 13 1001 3
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I .... . . I ,. . ..1 --I I t..J- I
Boy Rescues
2 Men From
50-Foot Well
Freckle Faced Youth on
Southern Plantation Risks
Gas-Filled Shaft When
Grownups Quail.
tropyrlfht, . tnn-i national Featurt
Service. Inc.)
Atlanta, Ga., Aug. 12. "It wasn't
much. I just did it," and that's the
way Buxier Jackson feels about go
ing 50 feet down in a gas-filled well
to rescue two men, both negroes.
I!c risked his own life without the
slightest hesitation after half a doz
en full-grown men had declined, and
sent both to the surface before he
would permit men at the top to haul
him up. One of the men lived, the
other died.
The boy, barefooted, freckle-faced
and pug-nosed, as is proper with
boy heroes, told the story while un
doubtedly thinking about a slice of
watermelon, a game of marbles, the
swimming hole and a half a dozen
other things of far more impor
tance in his mind.
Working on Well.
"The negro working on my fa
ther's well," he said, "went down
there early to draw out some water.
Mother was there and after a while
she couldn't make the negro answer
when she called.
"She came after my father and
after a while a crowd gathered
around the well, and then it was seen
'he negro was unconscious. We
:ould smell the gas then. Another
neero was let down on a rope to
bring out the other negro.
"Why Be Afraid?"
"Ellis (the second negro) must
have got scared. He couldn't
!asten the rope around the other
negro. I told 'em I would go down
with a rope. I wasn't afraid. Why
should I be afraid?"
Fire Chief Cody, of Atlanta's Fire
Department, said it was the bravest
act he had ever seen. He has recom
mended the boy for a Carnegie hero
Censors have plastered quarantine
sign on cotillon spasms. Dancing
ambassadors chirp that old foxtrot,
weasel slink, wolf crawl must exit.
Got to go. Neighbors are talking.
Pile Driver Rescues Auto
" " 1 " f ! 1 'i- t' 1 "" V&a&a
... a.-
A pile driver hoisting an automobile from San Francisco bay after
it had slipped into its watery berth from the ferryboat. Divers went b.elow
and fastened the lines to the automobile and it was hoisted on terra
firma, as shown in the photo.
London Courts Rush
Many Divorce Cases
London, Aug. 12. Hustle in the
divorce courts is proving its value.
The judges by working "extra"
t'me next session will, it is expected,
clear the whole of the arrears of
Everybody who wants a divorce
will be able to obtain it, providing,
of course, evidence and incidents are
as they should be.
The divorce lists for the new
term, issued at the law courts show
that 2,932 cases are down for hear
ing. This number includes 600 new
cases, which indicates that the di
vorce tide is on the wane. Previ
ous lists have contained additional
petitions of a thousand-odd.
Names of well-known people are
not prominent among- new petition
ers or respondents. Among wives
who are asking that their husbands
should cofne back to them is Lady
H. A. Whittaker, wife of Sir H. S.
Whittaker. One husband is seeking
a restitution order against his wife,
an unusual procedure.
Father of Jeffries Dead
Los Angeles, Aug. 12. Alexis Jef
fries, father of James J. Jeffries, and
for 40 years a resident of Los An
geles, died here yesterday, aged 82.
He was the father ot seven children
Vacation Plans
Of Congress Run
Against Snags
House Action on Tax Bill May
Delay Proposed Summer
Recess to Au
gust 25.
Washington, Aug. 12. The move
ment for a recess of congress re
ceived several setbacks yesterday
and as a result the tentative date for
beginning the 30-day vacation turned
back from August 20 to August 25
or 26.
PmSaSlo Vlav in house nassaee
of the tax revision bill was the prin
cipal cause ot talk ot postponement.
Renrpsrntative Mondell. Wyoming,
house republican leader, informed
Senator Lodge, Massacnusens. sen
ate leader, that AuBust 20 appeared
too early for a recess and that it now
was probable the tax Din couia noi
be gotten through until August 24
or 25.
Another obstacle to the proposed
vacation was rising opposition
hnh reDublican and demo
cratic senators because of the status
of several pending bills, several
democrats served notice in the sen
ate they would oppose a vacation
resolution, possibly to the extent of
filibustering, unless the good roads
bill is enacted.
Compromise Reached.
A compromise on this bill was
reached yesterday by the senate
postofiice and post roads committee,
which agreed to report a bill next
railing for $100,000,000 in
government appropriations, $50,000,-
UUO Ot wnicn WOUia De imnieuiiici.y
available, with the balance in six
The committee adopted provisions
giving authority to the states to lay
out state roads systems subject to
the approval by the federal commis
sion. Sixty per cent of the federal ap
propriation, which would have to be
matched by the states, would be
spent on interstate highways and 40
per cent on county roads required
to connect with state systems.
Oppose Delay on Rail Bill.
Opposition to deferring the rail
road debts funding bill also increas
ed today, but it appeared proDaD.e
that it would go over untfl after the
There were, however, some favor
able developments in the recess
Representative Mondell gave as
surance that the agricultural credits
bill, which President Harding is in
sisting shall be passed before a re
cess is declared, would be ready for
the senate next Monday. The ship
ping board's deficiency appropria
tion bill was also pressed in the
house for possible transfer to the
senate Monday.
The senate, next week, will also
work on the Borah bill to restore
free tolls privileges through the
Panama canal to American coast
wise vessels, but a vote is improb
able until after the recess.
Brictson Summoned
Into Federal Court
(Continued From Tate One.)
where I'm inclined to order Mr.
Brictson into court. I don't see hew
he can take such an attitude; how
he can want to throw legal techni
calities in the way of this investiga
tion. Let an order be drawn and
served on Mr. Brictson by the
United States marshal."
"It won't be necessary to serve
the order," announced Mr. Culhane.
' He'll be here tomorrow. I want it
recorded that we except this order,
Jurisdiction Challenged.
Counsel for Brictson challenged
the jurisdiction of the court here in
the case on the grounds the Brictson
company was incorporated under the
laws of Colorado.
Judge Woodrough overruled this
objection, citing the case of the Lion
Bonding company, which was in
corporated in Minnesota.
The Nebraska stockholders, ac
cording to the petition, number
1,200. The petitioners are H. E.
Close, Peter Johnson, John R. Her
ron, Fred C. Kruger, Mrs. J. W.
Heapy, Paul A. Karo, Frank W.
Scherer and Edward Arndt.
E. T. Swobe Listens.
The site of the prospective Brict
son factory was purchased at Twenty-fourth
street and Poppleton ave
nue. The petitioners allege the fac
tory has never been built and that
not a single tire has been manufac
. i
Mulfinger declared h" -ould bring
Ann ci.Hin1rfer into court if neces-
sary to conduct the investigation.
Edwin 1. swodc was in mc wui.
room during the hearing.
Newly-Wed Father
Of Harding Gets
No Word From Son
marriage was teiegrapnea to resi
dent Harding late last night by an
employe of his newspaper, the
Marion Star.
Dr. Harding, who is 77 years old,
has been a practicing physician in
Marion for 50 years. His bride wai
born in Marion county 52 years ago
Dr. Harding's first wife died 11
years ago.
Use Bee want ads speedy results
President's Parent and Nurse
Employe Refused Marriage
Permit in Canada Ef
forts at Secrecy Fail.
Marion, O., Aug. 12. Dr. George
T, Harding, father of President
Harding, who was married yester
day at Monroe, Mich., to Miss Alice
Severns, his office attendant, arrived
at his office shortly before noon to
day, accompanied by his wife. He
announced that he intended resum
ing his professional duties immedi
ately and said that he and Mrs.
Harding would reside, at least tem
porarily, in the residence which the
doctor had maintained here for a
number of years. Upon their ar
rival here last night from Toledo
they went to their respective homes.
Dr. Harding announced at noon
that he had received no word from
the president since he had been in
formed of the marriage by telegraph
late last night.
Newspaper men and photogra
phers began arriving in Marion early
today from nearby points and the
doctor and Mrs. Harding confessed
to being considerably annoyed by
persistent photographers.
Efforts to keep the marriage a se
cret, were of no avail, although not
until after the couple reached
Marion last night, six hours after
the marriage, did Dr. Harding ad
mit that he had become a benedict.
Dr. Harding, on arrival with his
bride last night said that Miss
Severns and he left Marion together
Wednesday morning and went to
Detroit. "We were refused a li
cense in Windsor, Canada, because
we were not residents," Dr. Hard
ing said.
"We spent Wednesday night in
Detroit at the home of Mr. and Mr.
Louis V. Sanborn, who are relatives
of mine. They accompanied us to
Monroe, where we were married
shortly after noon. I know I am
not going to be lonesome now," he
At the doctor's suggestion, Mrs.
Harding was taken to her home. He
then asked to be driven to his hom,
fnur cmiarps awav.
First official announcement of the
The New Season's
Snappiest Clothes
"For Young Man "no Men Who Drew Young"
The styles, the quality and the fit are so notice
able in "our clothes" that you have the satisfac
tion of knowing you are perfectly and correctly
It is this policy of distributing only the highest grade
apparel possible that has made this store so popular.
The New Fall Models of
Are Utterjnost Values
From our own designers and craftsmen.
$25 -$30 -$35 -$40 -$45
And Up to $65.00
The New and Popular Hats for Fall
"Are All Ready"
The Famous "Knox" The Celebrated "Stetson"
The Dependable "Mallory"
Small shapes are pronounced, but you are not confined to any
one shape in our great collection a broad latitude of choice
is here in colors, qualities and styles
New Fall
You'll like the jaunty
appearance of the new
$2.00 t $4.00
Two Furnishing
All of our better grades of
imported Madras, silk stripe
Madras and Russian cord
Shirts, now at dJO QC
one prcie $iVD
Stripes, checks and plaids,
worth $1.50 to $2.00, QC
now IUC
Browning, King & Co.
15th and Douglaa
Harry H. Abbott, Mgr.
g IT
'II III y " A tmm- mwiadnilira f
Toggery for Tiny Tots
Infant' Short White Coati Made of fine quality serge and cassi
more; lined throughout with mercerized linings; some are belted,
others have large scalloped collars with embroidery; just O 4?
the thing for these cool days; at a very unusual price,
Infant' Cahme Hote With silk heels and toes; f)c
sizes 5 to 6, at, per pair,
We still have an odd lot of infants' soiled garmentsShirts,
Dresses, Sacques and Robes, values from 1.50 to 6.50, will close
them all out at one-half price.
tl:j n c,i
i ni it i unit iujl
v. : '
Sale of Women's Low Shoes
Pump of
Black Satin, Black
Kid, Brown Kid,
Brown Calf,
Tan Calf.
Oxford of
Brown Kid, Black
Kid, Brown Calf,
Patent Leather,
Tan Calf.
Oxfords have Cuban or walk
ing heels.
Pumps have Junior Louis, Cu
ban or walking heels.
Vrti. nll fi-nA a atvlp in
this lot to suit your ,f ancy.
Every pair well made, on
this season's style lines
and one glance will con
vince you that you are
buying a real bargain.
Third Floor East
Saturday in Our Boys' Department
Boys Don't Like Faded Blouses
a when you
There's no reason why they should have to wear them when you
..i i 1 11 mi 1 1 1 eaaamaai
can get tnese last color percaie mouses. 1 ney win
hold their color until they are worn out. Sizes 6 to
16 years; $1.25 values; Saturday, special, each,
Rnv Palm Reach Suits At less than cost to manufacture.
The styles are made up to the minute and patterns that ap
peal to the younger man; sizes b to ii years;
specially priced at
Boys' Shirts and Blouses Of fast color madras
and percale, special, each,
Tom Sawyer Wash Suits In Oliver Twist styles ; sizes
3 to 8 years ; special, per suit,
Levi Strauss Koveralls Sizes 3 to 8 years;
special, per suit,
Third Floor Center
Sweetland Specials
Special Sale of Chocolate In six different flavors; all packed
in neat boxes; a regular 60c value; special, per pound, at 39
Hazel Not Pudding A rich chocolate fruit pudding, made with
choice nuts, fruit and spices, dipped in a good full cream cara
mel and rolled in fresh hazel nuts; a regular 60c value; special,
per pound, at 39
Black Walnut Pattie A smooth cream fondant, filled with
ground nut meats, dipped in a rich, pure sugar fondant; comes
in two flavors; packed in neat boxes; a regular 60c value; spe
cial for Saturday, at, per pound, 49
Pompeiian Room Main Floor West
Jersey Silk
Chemiie, Union Suit, Vest and
Bloomer The most beautiful and
serviceable silk underwear made;
launders perfectly; all perfect
gpods; 3.50 to 5.95. values; spe
cial for Saturday, O QC
per garment, JJ
Women' Union Suit Samples;
made of extra fine cotton lisle,
silk lisle and dimity; also silk
mull; many in athletic styles;
regular 1.50 to 2.50 QQ
values; special, suit, OiVi
Third Floor Center
Drugs and Toilet Good
Squibb' Oil,
Golden Glint Shampoo,
Sal Hepatica, 70c size,
S. K. F. Atpirin Tablet, bottle of 100, special,
Bromo Seltzer, 60c size, special,
Lavorit, medium size,
Mentholatum, medium size,
Muliified Cocoanut Oil,
Lyiol, 1.00 size,
Milk of Magnesia,
Puy Willow Face Powder,
Ingram's Milk Weed Cream,
Woodbury Facial Cream,
Djer Kii Vegetale,
Ed Pinaud'a Vegetale,
Coty' Brilliante,
Coty' Toilet Water, 8.00 size, special,
Sayman Soap,
Bocabello Soap,
Seneca Tooth Pasta,
Resinol Soap,
J. & J.' Shaving Cream,
Mennen' Shaving Cream,
Pebeco Tooth Paste,
Hot Water Bottle, 3-quart size, special,
L. & L. Cotton,
Main Floor West
r :
Gov t Mosquito Bars
Original Cost 4.50
. For Saturday
May be used as canopy over any couch or
porch swing. Fine for outdoor sleeping.
Fourth Floor East
Great Sale of Sample Jewelry
Necklaces Qll Sale 1
Mesh Bass oaturdav at Z
Ear Rings
Scarf Pins
We Purchased the Entire Sample Line of
Jewelry from a New York Importer and
Now Offer It at Exactly One-Half Price!
All 50c values, including Hat Pins, Brooches,
Bar Pins, Bead Necklaces, Ear Rings, Cuff
Links All in pretty designs,
priced at '
All 1.00 values, including Rosaries, Cigaret
Cases, Jet Brooches, Dorene Powder Boxes, Soft
Collar Pins, Sterling and Gold-Filled Cf
Bead Necklaces, priced at wwC
All 2.00 values, including Beautiful Long Jet
and Fancy Necklaces, Rosary Cases, Enamel
Links, Sterling Silver and Solid Gold
Beauty Pins, priced at
All 5.00 values, including Silver and Gold
Plated Coin Holders, .Genuine Ivory Ornaments,
in fancy colored Sutoirs, Fancy Necklaces; Bril
liant Bar Pins; Italian Jet Bracelets; Rosaries;
Mesh Bag; Hoop Ear Rings, set with O ?"
white stones, priced at
All 3.00 values, including French Oriental Pearl
Beads, opera length; Jeweled Ear Rings, fancy
Necklaces, combination of metal and stones in
assorted colors, Solid Gold Scarf 1 C
Tins, priced at 1 DJ
All 3.98 values, including Pearl Ear Rings with
pierceless solid gold wires; Bar Pins, set with
whit stones.; Mesh Bags; Gold-Filled -J QO
Bracelets, priced at O
All 6.00 values, including Silvcr-Plated Vanity
Cases, Italian Jet Beads, Sterling Silver Brace
lets with white stones, White Stone Bar Pins,
dainty designs, very fine French Ori- O QO
ental Pearl Necklaces, priced at av.JO
All 8.50 values, including Genuine Amber Neck
laces, opera length, real bacolite, in dark red
and topaz; Genuine Italian Beads, O QQ
beautifully cut, priced at O.JO
Main Floor East
sgSSS533&sa - K Si
Leather Bags 1.39
Very choice and unusual values in this lot of bags we are
showing; one of the best values ever offered. Velvety
calf, in gray and brown; pin seal, tooled leather, grained
leather; all fitted, silk lined; worth 2.50 and -i qq
2.98; special, each, l.37
Kiddies' Purse at 69c A dainty silk pouch bag, nickel
silver top, with mirror inside; assorted colors; combina
tions offrose, blue, tan and red; silk jq
tassel on end; special, each, 07 C
Main FloorEast
Table Cloths 1.59
A good value 72x72-inch satin finish damask table cloth.
Closing out because there is but one design CQ
in 300 cloths. Saturday, each, 1 07
Main Floor South
Saturday in House-furnishings
Long-Handled Dust Pan Can't spill feature;
easy on the back; special, each.
Bread Knives Good steel; with black hamdle;
special, each,
Fruit Presser or Potato Ricer Heavy tin with
steel frame: special,
Aluminum Utensil Basting Spoons, Mixing
Spoons, Cake Turners,
Egg Beaters and Cream Whips; of aluminum;
special, each, The new soap for washing machines;
special, 2 for
Fifth Floor West