4 A THE BEE: OMAHA, SUNDAY, AUGUST 7, 1921. Insurance Man Found Shot Dead In Summer Home .Woman Companion of Slain Man, Who Was Wrth Him At Time of Shooting, - Taken Into Custody. Bf The Associated Press. Loi Angeles, Aug. 6. John B Kennedy, 26, Los Angeles insurance broker, was shot and killed late last night as he was entering his summer cottage at Beverly Hills, an exclusive residential suburb. Mrs. Madeline Oberchain, of Evanston, 111., who was with him, was held as a material witness. Mrs. Oberchain, who said she was formerly the wife of R. R. Ober chain, attorney of 645 University Place, Chicago, from whom she was divorced, told the sheriff's deputies that Kennedy was shot from behind, She said she afterwards saw two roughly-dressed men disappearing in some bushes. The shooting occurred shortly before midnight but no re port was made to the county authori ties until early today. Deputies found the back of Ken ncdy s JteacI had been blown ott, ap parently from a shot Jrom a shot gun. Woman Only 20. Mrs. Oberchain in a formal state ment to Deputy Sheriff Cronin said she was 20, the daughter of Mrs. Emma E. Smart, Los Angeles. Her father's name was Conner, she said Her former husband, she said, had been paying her $80 a month ali mony. . ' -: : , "Our home was really broken up by my love for Mr. Kennedy," the statement continued, Mr. Ober chain was willing for me to obtain the divorce if it would make me hap' py, but said he would willingly take me back. I would have been married to Mr. Kennedy long ago but he could not overcome the objections of his mother, who, he told me, disliked me. I have known Mr. Kennedy rive years and was to marry him, but for some reason I married Mr. Oberchain. My relations with Mr. Kennedy have always been of the best. Nothing of an improper na ture ever occurred. Met Her at Hotel. He came to my room at the Alexandria hotel the other night. He kept pleading with me to marry him and to tell him so he would leave California and go east with me. I finally induced him to leave the room and he said he would if I would promise to .meet him when he telephoned Q This ; ' didvu I -..don't know who shot him or any more than I have told." Mrs. Oberchain -in an -informal statement said she . and Kennedy motored to a beach resort early in the day, returning late in the eve nmp. iney naa planned to, aine at a country club;' but folding it closed went to Kennedys cottage.- I hey stopped, she said, at the entrance while she looked for a "lucky penny" she had buried there, as tbey were searching for the coin the shot was fired. Mrs. Lizzie Besenty, a neighbor, told the Beverly Hills police she heard two shots, followed by the screaming rol Mrs. Oberchain. She said she saw an automobile dis appearing down a, drive near tha cottage. Married Fifty Years I Mr. and Mrs. Gunnar A. Lind- quest, 2722 North Fifty-eighth street, observed their golden wedding anni versary last Monday evening with an informal reception in Swedish Immanuel church, Nineteenth and Cass streets. , . .'-, Mr. Lindauest was a merchant tailor in Omaha for many years.Ve- tinng several years ago. ,He came to Omaha in 1869. A year later his fiancee came here from Sweden and they were married in the English Lutheran church then - on the site now occupied by the Millard hotel, Mr. Lindquest returned but recently from a trip back to his native land. They have two sons in Omaha: Dr. A. B. Lindquest and Elmer Lind quest, cashier of the Peters National bank. . Officers Find Baby Prisoner In Crate; Mother Under Arrest Elmhurst, 111., Aug. 6. When State's Attorney G. V. Reed and Deputy Sheriff: E. Wolff went to the farm operated by Mrs. Anne Step noves to investigate alleged cruelty to her daughter, 3 years old, they found the child imprisoned In a crock ery crate in the front yard, with rain pouring and no protection for the child. The child is shriveled and emaciated and shows signs of much abuse. It only weighs nine pounds. The mother was arraigned before Judge Samuel Rathje of DuPage county and her case was continued to August 8. Juvenile court authorities charge Mrs. Stepnoves, in order to collect insurance she holds on the baby's life inflictedtthe abuses. It is charged that she gave the baby noth ing but one crust of bread each day and it was literally starving to' death. Believe Germans Are : Sneaking Into This Country as Seamen Washington,- Aug. 6. Numbers of Germans are shipping at German ports on American-bound vessels as seamen at wages of 1 cent a month, Chairman Lasker of ' the shipping board has advised Secretary Davis in a letter made public today. The belief was expressed by Secretary Davis, that the Germans are per mitted to land in this country as seamen ahd then flee to the interior. , Until a treaty is signed with Ger many, it was explained, it will not be legal for German citizens to enter the United States. r The secretary said he expected to ask that a bill would be introduced in congress requiring the registration rgon the arrival of all foreign sea There are probably 40.000 Chinese in this country without legal right to be here, he added, as a result of their taking advantage of the seamen's act, which permits for eign seamen to land at American ports. Mennonite Pastor Refuses To Bury World War Veteran Lancaster, Pa.,' Aug. 6. Refusing at the door of his church yesterday to preach over the body of Ham mon K. Gibble, a Manheim, Pa., boy who died overseas in the Chateau Thierry fight, becapse th coffin was draped in an American flag, the Rev. John Snavely, pastor of the Hemley Mennonite church, is the center of attacks today. The family then had the body removed to the United Brethren church where services were SL The American Legion of Lan ,er is expected to take action, U. S. Income Shows Estimate Too High Shrinkage of $330,000,000 in First Quarter Is Reported. Washington, Aug. 6. A shrink age in three months of $330,000,000 in the estimated government income for this fiscal year, based on pres ent revenue law, is disclosed by the statement recently presented to the house wavs and means committee by Secretary Mellon. The total in come is estimated now at $4,317,643, 000 as against the estimate of $4,547,643,000 contained in Mr. Mel- Ion s letter of last April 30 to Chair man Fordney. , In the same time the estimated expenditures have decreased only $11,864,216. The estimated excess of disbursements over receipts is placed now at $336,369,517. : . Of the total shrinkage in receipts $130,000,000 is charged to the ex pected falling off in internal revenue largely as a result of the present business depression. The remain ing $200,000,000 is accounted for by a revision of the estimated amount to be received in interest on for eign obligations. . "Highjackers" on Trains Cause Considerable Concern Kansas City, Aug. 6. Bandits, termed high jackers, who are making a business of riding freight trains in the wheat belt of Kansas and certain parts of Oklahoma rob bing harvest hands of their wages, are becoming more bold and are re ceiving increasing attention from local authorities. THE IDEAL TIME ' TO TRIM TREES I right now. For expert service Call Jackson 1149. OMAHA CITY FORESTRY CO. 404 Bromley Bldg. Use Bee want ads speedy results. onononononononononnononononononono: D o D o D o a o a o D o a o a o D o D o D o a o a o a a D o a o D o D o D o a o a a o D o D o a o a o a o a o D o D o a o a o a o a o a o D o a o a a lOl MOT MR COLO AIR QJUJ AIR l . . Why Delay An Economy? Next winter' heating problem can be solved with a Vacuum Furnace installed in y.ur home. It puts you on a money-saving fuel basis, as well as providing the comfort and con venience in the efficient heating of your home that will materially raise the value of your property. v ' Orchard & Wilhelm Co. are the pioneers in the Pipele Furnace business. It i not an experi- i mant a guarantee of mechanical perfection is a part of every furnace contract. . Prices are reduced to. a point that you'll approve and that will make your invest ment one of genuine profit. Without obligation phone ATlantic 3000 for a heating engineer, who will show you how the VACUUM will heat your home. SIXTEENTH AND HOWARD STREETS w P ) ioaoaooonoaoE30daoooc3oaoE30DOooooao a o D o n o a o Q o a o D o a o a o a o D o a o D o D o D o a o a o Q o a o a o a o D o a o a a o a o 0 o D o D o a o D o n o D o a o D o a o a o D o a u Airplane Crash Victim Improves Operation Planned for Wom an Pinned Beneath Motor When Husband's Plane Fell. . Hurt in Friday's airplane crash, fr Martha Haines Bushman, vounir wife of F. L. Bushman, was reported improved yesterday. Shf hao heen conscious since the accident, shortly before noon yester day, and seemed brighter yesterday morning, hospital attendants stated. If she can withstand the shock, an operation will be performed in two or three days to relieve the pressure causing partial paralysis. Her husband, piloting the airplane in which they were riding, but who miraculously escaped injury, is at her bedside constantly. The young woman's mother in Cal ifornia and her father in Wyoming were notified of her injuries and are hastening to Omaha. , Bushman declared yesterday that he is through with airplanes. "No more riding in the air for me, he told Police Surgeon Km- youn at St. Joseph hospital. T rc . 1 : r-t! ii ami; puiicciuen in xcrim . wear smartly cut military uniforms, and Bee Want Ads are the Best Busi ness Boosters. The Different Electric Washer NO WRINGER, yet whirls the clothes WRINGER DRY in one minute. ' No broken buttons. 1 .". No buttons torn off. No fasteners or hooks and eyes to replace. Washes the finest of fabrics WITHOUT IN JURING THE FABRIC. Washes the heaviest of clothes WITHOUT INJURING THE MACHINE. The ONLY Electric Washing Machine THAT IS DIFFERENT. ' You must see it to really appreciate it. WRITE US FOR NAME OF YOUR NEAREST DEALER. CHAS. E WAGNER, Inc. DISTRIBUTORS 1916-18 Harney St Omaha Buy Your Band and Orchestra Instruments At Schmoller & Mueller's and get the best at the lowest prices We are exclusive representa tives for the celebrated J. W. York & Sons saxophones, cornets, trombones, baritones, alto, bass and tenor horns. York instruments are played by the foremost soloists and bands in the United States. It will pay you to visit our small goods de partment, where you will find, in addition to the above, the most complete assortment of high grade violins, guitars, banjos, ukuleles, clarinets, drums and other accessories. Latest bits in sheet music, 10c to 30c. Teachers ' supplies at special prices. If you cannot call, write : for catalog and prices. Schmoller & Mueller Piano Co. 1514-16-18 Dodge St., Omaha, Neb. Phone Douglas 1623. $500 REWARD $500 The Illinois Cantral Railroad Company at fen m reward of firm Hundred Dollars for the recovery of he body of William L. Lonn, an inspector in its employ, who Is reported to have been drowned in the vicinity of retards under construction on tha Iowa side of the Missouri River, near Council Bluffs, July 1, 1921. Following is his descriptloni Age, 3S years 10 months; height, 5 feet 8 inchest weight, about 160 pounds; color of hair, black; color of eyes, blue; figure, erect, square shouldered and heavy sett back of hands, forearms and body very hairy; waist measure, 34 inchest sise of shoe, 8. Hs carried South Bend watch and wore a Purdue University alumni ring, which is a heavy gold signet ring bearing the letter "T". He was supposed to be wearing dark gray wool trousers, light shirt and no coat. The finder of the body should im mediately telegraph C. C. Weetfall, Engineer of Bridges. Illinois' Central Railroad Company Chicago, Illinois. LOOK! Wet Wash.... 4c lb. Flat Work . . . 7c lb. Rough Dry . . 9c lb. Minimum Charge, 80c Neighborhood Laundry 1240 South 10th St Phone DO uglas 5424 Bee Want Ads Produce Results. The Home of Home Outfits Union Outfitting Co. "Th People's Store' Sixteenth and Jackson Out of High Rent Diet. Hundreds Are Taking Advantage of Our August Furmt mure Sale This is the time when everyone is interested in Prices and in the value every dollar in vested actually secures. Our August Sale prices represent savings of 20 to 50. With such wonderful values featuring this sale, it is not surprising that hundreds and hundreds are taking advantage and benefiting by this opportunity. Hurry! Hurry! Pathe Sale Demonstration Now Going On Club Membership Limited to 100 38 Joined Saturday 11 8 Phonographs and Records The Best Money Can Buy Special Offering This Week Only 1 .Your old machine taken in exchange. 2 $1 weekly places the Pathe into your home. 3 $25 worth of records given away free with each Pathe. Why delay, join the Pathe club now, take advantage of the club tnembership and the many inducements it has to offer you. The nationally advertised Pathe Phonograph holds the banner for bein? the best DhonoeraDh in the musical world today, the all- wood violin chamber and the permanent Pathe Sapphire Ball holds the secret of the perfect tone, Factory Representative Present Pathe Phonograph Given Away Friday Evening Souvenirs to All Visitors C; t (presenting this Ad) FREEj- This mammoth store will, give away $100 in gold August 31st. Call at store for full details. No purchase necessary. FREE! "Sunkist" Lemonade Mother, bring the kiddies, they will also enjoy a glass of health ful "Sunkist" Lemonade. FREE TICKETS Dance end Outing, Lakevlew Park Wednesday, Aug. 10th You'll have the time of your life. Call at store for tickets. Dancing free. Omaha's Greatest Home Furnishing Institution Out of the high rent district and where you make your own terms. Mothers' Coupon- " Every boy or girl accompanied Jy their parents, presenting this coupon Monday, will receive a targe Japanese Bouncing Ball ab solutely free. Sprustex Mop Outfit Monday Only iUUp W1LII lUMg CliiVt bottle of fine furniture oil, abso lutely guaranteed quality mer chandise. Wood Bed, $12.95 Sanitary White Enamel Wood Bed, with open panel, full size, and very neat ap- d 1 O QC pearing, priced at. . P Xiee Refrigerator, $11.95 Top Icing Refrigerator, with white enamel food cham- 1 QC bers, priced at. . . . P 1 1 Porcelain Table 3-Piece Living Room Suite Overstuffed Living Room Suite Consisting of chair, rocker and -davenport, covered in fine tapestry, with" more conservative lines; complete suite; priced for Monday's J1 7Q Crt selling at vU U.OU Beautiful Dining Suite Just the "White Beauty" you have always wanted, sturdily built, with No. 1 Porcelain top so easy to clean; will last you a lifetime special for Monday, f7 QC only V FLORENCE OIL COOK STOVES Dining Room Suite In Jacobean quarter-sawed oak, William and Mary design, which includes six-foot extension table and four chairs, upholstered in genuine leather. Ji7Q Complete 5-piece suite goes at P eaOU Pedestals I2 Price Monday Only Our entire stock of Pedestals, in all the much wanted designs and finishes, go in our August Furniture Sale "at' One-Half Come in and see the 'Florence' Oil Stove and under stand why you get more heat on less fuel and with less care. Si.00 f ut a Flo"nce a week Em Oak Uresscr, with French plate mirror, with large roomy draw ers, neatly (IC QC finished, at PlOaUU Monday Only 2 iozauMmuMLXsrA Entire stock of Lawn Swings, Couch Hammocks, frames, Can opies, etc., go at $ Price 1 ' The Home of Home Outfits For over 34 years, we have specialized in Furnishing Homes and, as always, you make your own terms. 3 Rooms 4 Rooms 5 Rooms $194.50 $267.50 $345 M laMWinlJnLTOMtaMI n OTFHWIIKI B. COR. 16th & JACKSON STS. T