Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 07, 1921, PART THREE, Image 17
THE BEE: OMAHA, SUNDAY, AUGUST 7, 192i. Omaha Relative Denies Merle Hay Family in Want x-Cousin of Iowa Hero Here Says Parents Own 160-Acre Farm 3 Miles North of Ralston, la. There is no truth in the report from Atlantic, la., that the parents of Merle Hay, first Iowan to fall in the world war, arc destitute and in need, according to C. E. Horton, 1517 South Twenty-firth avenue, employed in the freight claim de partment of the Union Pacific. Horton was a cousin of Merle , Hay. 1 "Merle's parents arex living on a 160-acre farm that they own three miles north of Ralston, la," said Horton. "Ralston is seven or eight miles north of Glidden. "The Hays were living on another farm six miles south of Glidden v hen Merle enlisted. After he was killed, the parents moved to Glidden where they lived about two 'years, later moving to this last farm they bought. "With 160 acres of Iowa land, one could hardly call them destitute." Merle Hay was killed the night Of November 3, 1917, before the war insurance bill was enacted, but at the instance of Senator Kenyon of Iowa and" J. B. Hungerford of Carroll. Ia., back compensation for ?450 with $15 a month compensation has been granted the father and $15 a month compensation and $25 a month insurance haj been granted the mother, or $55 a month for the family. iva trwL nl i7nnntv Fair A junior live stock judging con- ftcst is planned m connection with the Douglas county fair in Septem ber. E. G. Maxwell, county agricul tural agent, announces. Boys and girls between the ages of 10 and 18 are eligible. In preparation, a judging school will be held August 17-19, with M. I. Posson, extension animal husbandryman of the state uni vtrsity, in charge. A day will be given to Shorthorn cattle on the Sam Gelston farm near Elk City. Practice will also be given in judging' draft horses. The Douglas county farm bureau will hold a picnic August 26. The committee includes James Mactier, Henry Bull. John Burgschat, N. C. Wickland, Chester Miller, Charles Rosacker, William Kciupckc, Mrs. O. M. Boettger, Mrs. Ed Lewis, Mrs. Andrew Frye. rour suspects Arrested For Illinois Mail Holdup St. Louis, Aug. 6. Following a chase by detectives through the northern section of the city, four suspects were arrested here this afternoon, to be questioned on the holdup vesterday of a . postoffice "messenger at Wood River, 111., who was robbed of several mail pouches that contained $46,000. ! nrj! notice -'and oosteffice au thorities believe the suspects may Wable to reveal the identity of the three bandits. Had $99 and Stolen Dime Detroit, Mich., Aug. 6. Joseph Tet"rs paid a fine of $50 after con . viction in municipal court today of stealing 10 cents from a newsboy. When arrested, police testified, Pct ero had $99 in his pocket. ' S!jr.-; Valve WT Conditions in Mexico Improving, Envoy Says Chicago. Auk. 6. Louis Rubalcal- ba, assistant secretary of commerce and industry of the Mexican gov ernment, arrived in Chicago today to confer with representatives of the American Mining congress in refer ence to the Mexican exhib.t, which is to be a feature of the national exposition of ninies and min'ng equipment in Chicago, October 17- 22. "Conditions in Mexico are steadily improving," he said. "After 10 years of civil war and revolution, the Mex ican government is now workine on a sound basis and industrial and commercial developments are making steady progress, in spite of depressed bus:ness conditions in every part of the world." Motion to Kill Brictson Petition Based on Contention Federal Court Has No, Jurisdic tion Hearing Friday. Counsel for O. A. Brictsbn, presi dent of the Brictson Manufacturing company, filed a motion in federal court yesterday asking that the peti t'on of stockholders' for appointment of a receiver be dismissed. Tiic motion was based on the con tention the fcdeial court had no jur ifdiction in the case. The hearing of :he motion will be held next Friday morning before Federal Judge voodrough. Attorney Weaver said Brictson is not worried over the action started by stockholders, who not only asked that a receiver be appointed, but that the company be enjoined from hand ling any assets excepting merchan dise sold in the ordinary course of business, from paying its president exorbitant wages and from removing any records or documents from Druglas county. J Brietson lives at Hotel Blackstonc. Service was obtained on him by Deputy United States Marshal Shaf fer Thursday. The -Brictson company was or ganized to manufacture tires, ac cording to the petition. Total Losses of Octavia Bank Now Set at $67,000 Lincoln, Aug. 0. (Special.) Losses in the Octavia State bank will total $67,000, according to a statement today by J. E. Hart, sec retary of the state department of trade and commerce. Hart today received the report from special examiners who have been working on the books of the defunct bank during the last week. He turned the report over to At torney General Davis, who, after a thorough audit, probably will file criminal prosecution against E. A. Rusher, missing cashier, and any one else responsible for the condi tion of the bank, he said. Pals of Chicago Gunman Raising Fund for Defense Chicago, Aug. 6. Underworld pals of "Terrible Tommy" O'Con nor, held as the slayer of Detective Sergeant O'Neill and also accused of the murder of two or three other men, are said to be raising a large fund to defend him. The goal is tn r, $20,000. O'Connor, who was arraigned for the second time today, announced he had not secured an attorney and asked the court to appoint James C. O'Brien, former assistant state's at torney, to defend him. LLYS-KNIGHT Mcwr Improve T IS so simple that repairs are almost never neededand when they are, any mechanic can make them economically. Its oiling system is so perfect at all temper atures that there is practically no wear on its sleeves after tens of thousands of miles. Its patented sleeve-valve motor is manufac tured on license by only a few manufacturers in America and the finest motor car builders of Europe. The car in every detail is built to reflect the economy and" dependability of the motor. Towing, L a k Toledo, no.d,to.b,ToWcs Coup., Lab Toledo, Sedan. L o. b. Toledo, waa, 2195 wa, 254S 2945 N Ak About Easy Payment Plan. List of Persons Held by Soviets Has Been Prepared Compilation Made at Request Of State DepartmentWill Be Used by Relief Workers. Riga, Aug. 6. (By The Asso ciated Press.) American officers here have reported, at the request of the Washington State department, a full list of all American citizens in Russia, including those in bolsheviki prisons. This list will be turned over to Walter L. Brown, European director of American relief, who will confer here with the delegates of the Russian soviet government. Whether the United States will demand that all these Americans be sent out of Russia or that only the six or seven persons imprisoned be liberated is not known. It is cer tain that at least 100 claiming to be Americans are in Russia and are seeking to leave the country, and it is believed efforts will be made to facilitate their speedy retun. to the United States. The departure from Russia of Americans had not been reported up until late yesterday afternoon. The hospital car operated by the Ameri can Red Cross, however, went, to the frontier to greet the prisoners when they had actually reached non-Russian soil. Paris, Aug. 6. France will not participate officially in famine relief measures in Russia, it is declared by the Petit Parisien. It will leave the whole problem in the hands of the American relief organization and other American bodies. ' France un officially has planned to help meet distress in southeastern Russia. In making inquiry at Washington, France is said to have declared it would be glad to join the United Mates in any plans. A reply was re' ceived yesterday, thanking France for its offer of co-operation and it was stated the United States would be glad to see this country second the efforts of Herbert Hoover. Fire in Tijuana Theater Causes $100,000 Damage San Diego, Cal., Aug. 6. Fire originating in a motion picture thca ter at Tijuana. Mexico, 16 miles south of here, during the showing of a film of the Dempsey-Carpentier fight, destroyed three buildings last night. including the gubernatorial and mu nicipal offices, and did damage esti mated at $100,000. for a time the flames threatened to destroy the town. Road Conditions (Furnished by Omaha Auto Club.) Lincoln Hlchway (East) Weather Mmiriv maris mod to Detllson. Lincoln Highway (West) Detour Elk. hnm to Valley. Roada rough to Colum bus. West roads are fine. Weather elmldv exceot at Central City. O. h. D. Highway Rough road at Ashland, detour Greenwood to Waverly. Roads weat of Lincoln fine. Weather la clnuriv. Highland Cutoff Rough. Weather la cloudy. s. Y. A. Road Good. Fair weather. Black Hills Trail Road work Omaha to Fremont, Fremont to Norfolk good, Weather cloudy. George Washington' Highway Take high, rond to Blair. Koads good to sioux city, weatner cloudy. King of Trails (North) Roada good, Weather cloudy. King of Traill (South) Roads fin. Weather cloudy. River to River Road Fair to De Moines. Weather cloudy. White Pole Koad Good to Dei Holnea. Cloudy. Blue Grass Road Rough Glenwood to Malvern. Weather cloudy. With Utt anywhere now,tI895 mow, 1895 cow, 2550 2750 Pope Benedict Sends Message of Greeting To Knights of Columbus San Francisco, Aug. 6. Greetings from His Holiness, Pope Benedict XV, were received by the interna tional Knights of Columbus conven tion today, through His Eminence Cardinal Gasparri, papal secretary of state. "The supreme pontiff received graciously the expression of filial devotion from the sterling order of 800,000 patriotic American citizens, the Knights of Columbus, conveyed through his 'grace, Archbishop Hanna of San Francisco and Su preme Knight James A. Flaherty," the message read. "The magnificent work of the Knights of Columbus enjoys his constant blessing." The last parties of Knights of Co lumbus delegates and visitors are ex pected to leave San Francisco to morrow. Supreme Knight Flahetty will go east by special train tomor row and will stop at various large cities, including Los Angeles and Denver, on his way to Philadelphia and New York. ' Illinois Woman Goeg 52 Days Without Food Urbana, 111., Aug. 6. Mrs. J. M. Chase of this city has gone 52 days without food. In that time she has been given only a small amount of water. She had a disease of the stomach which makes it impossible for her to take food and physicians have informed her that she has only a short time to live. It was found that an operation could not relieve her and she patiently awaits death. Mrs. Chase has lost about 40 pounds in weight. Her voice re mains clear, however, and she does not complain of any suffering. County Holds Rod On Paving Jobs Unitt Denies Board Turns Work Over to State En gineer in Resolution. "Make no mistake, we have not turned over the paving of Douglas county roads to the state engineer," said County Commissioner Unitt yes terday, commenting on a resolution passed by the board Friday giv--ing the state department of public works charge of construction and inspection of three paving jobs now under way. "This was a formal resolution passed to satisfy certain good roads committees of Omaha who have a suspicion, unfounded, I believe, that the work was being skimped. "Douglas county is paying for the paving and will continue to do the constructing. The state engineer is given by law supervision of im provements on all state highways. The Lincoln highway, D-L-D road and Washington highway are re spectively state highways Nos. 22, 21 and 12. The state paid for the grading and, therefore, has the right to exercise supervision on the job. Grading and paving are part of one road improvement. "The state engineer will appoint one inspector on each of these jobs, which, we hope, will satisfy the peo ple who fear the work is not tcing (lone right." Release Man Suspected . In Wall Street Explosion New York, Aug. 6. The com plaint against Giuseppe de Filipis, a truckman of Bayonne, N. J., arrest At first, the public hardly realized that the Jordan company with its enviable reputation, was actually fos tering this national used-car sale! And then, when it became known that behind every used car offered stood the entire Jordan organization. The response was overwhelming! Now with only three days left many will face disappointment un less they act quickly. Never before has it been possible to buy used cars with that same de gree of confidence Jordan owners know. Many Satisfied Buyers Already many in this city have bought, and are now experiencing that fine degree of satisfaction which comes from thorough confidence in the car purchased, in the price paid, and in the salesman who sold the car. This is the first national sale of used cars in which the buyer is ab solutely sure that any car offered is exactly as represented. HERE Auburn 1920 Model You can cast aside all doubts when you consider this car. Its value is just as we repre sent. It is unsurpassed as a real buy. Tires all in good shape. Car just overhauled and painted. Price now $1,000. Can be bought for $500 down and $50 per month until paid for. TIME PAYMENTS CAN BE ARRANGED ON ALL OF THESE CARS PETERSON ttOTOR GO. Ftarriani St.-.Ai 2ttkAv),NCO,?,?PJ'ATEO iPhoneflaraey.SOe. ed several months ago by agents of the Department of Justice in connec tion with the Wall street explosion, was dismissed today by United States Commissioner Hitchcock. De Filipis has been "identified" by several persons as a man seen stand ing beside the car thought to have carried the explosives into the finan cial district, but it was announced todav he had proved he was loading freight cars in Bayonne when tne blast occurred. Sweet Soldier Aid Bill Reaches White House Washington, Aug. 6. The Sweet bill fpr the relief of disabled soldiers finally completed its tortuous jour ney through congress and reached the White House Friday." After reposing three days on the vice president's desk, it was signed by Senator Curtis of Kansas, acting president pro tempore, immediately after the senate convened today. If it had been signed earlier in the week, it would have been sent to New Hampshire to receive Presi dent Harding's signature, but in view of the fact that the president is scheduled to return to Washington early next week, it probably will be held at the White House to await his arrival It is expected that the president will approve the bill with out any further delay. Boarder Stole His Wife, Man Alleges in Divorce Petition Jerry Morovltz alleges in a peti tion for divorce filed yesterday in dis trict court that a boarder at his home, Nathan Martin, usurped the affec tions of his wife, Sophia Morovitz and that she has now gone to Eliza beth, N. J. They were married in Russia in 1919. ARE THE SPECIALS Look at These Bargains 1920 Jordan 7-Pass. . . "$1,800 Thoroughly gone over mechanically; new paint; carrlei new car guarantee. 1918 Haynes (late '18) $1,100 Original finish, mechanically right. 1918 Overland 6-Cyl $500 Good in every respect. 1917 Overland 83-B $225 .Juat overhauled. 1918 Nash 5-Pass. ..... .$850 Tirei good, mechanically good, new paint. 1919 Oldsmobile Six Sedan ' at $1,000 Do your fall and winter driving in thla Oldsmobile Sedan, $500 down and $50 a month until paid for. What comes efter the purchase price? mi (Ml Sudan Cm Mill t 0 M BBm&toJiMm OMAHA. NEB. HARNEY AT 2STH. ST. hARNCY 0123 ays Lu 'tttLaur sal If you have held back from buying a used car because you could not be sure of its value Or, if you have long wished for a better car but did not feel able to" pay the price Then, this sale is of particular in terest to you. These cars carry the most unusual price reductions ever offered the public. A Rare Opportunity Every salesman in our organiza tion is devoting His entire time during this sale, to serving used-car buyers. Never has there been a finer op portunity to purchase a good car at a price and know that the car will be exactly as represented. The specials are of particular in terest. Only three days of the sale left. Don't let this rare opportunity goby. There are still one or two Jordans among the lot. Moline Knight 1918 Model One of our leading citizens drove this car. Because it has had every care it is par ticularly desirable. And the price is ridiculously low. Knight motored the motor that improves with age. Price $750. Can be bought for $350 down and $40 per month until paid for. tlTIf Can. HNS - tsm Auto Di COUNCIL BLUFFS IA 103 SOL MAIN ST. COUNCIL BLUFFS. Ml N 1 Van Brunt Automobile Co, OMAHA COUNCIL BLUFFS Price ow $1895 "ML M