Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 07, 1921, WOMEN'S SECTION, Image 14

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    0 B
The Married Life of Helen and Warren
An Arrogant Insolent Laundress
Forces Helen to a Keckless
. Twenty minutes of 10 nd no sign
of Mrs. McGuire Helen's resent
ment at her tardiness gave way to a
panicky fear that she might not
come at all.
TJie two tubs of clothes, put to
soak the night before, filled her
with a sick dismay. I was too
late now to get any one else and
the clothes would be ruined if they
soaked another night.
It was just a week since Cora left
a dreary week of fruitless efforts
to get another maid. She had been
to eight agencies, answered 11 ad
vertisementsand they were still
In a way Warren enjoyed- the
change of going out for dinner. Dut
as Helen could not get even a
cleaning woman, the work was be
coming too hard.
And now must she do the wash
ing, too? She shuddered at the
mass of clothes soaking in the gray
A sudden shrill of the kitchen
bell brought a joyous reaction. She
opened the door to the stout, over
dressed nonchalant washerwoman.
"Why, it's almost 10," resented
Helen, her indignation replacing her
anxiety now that Mrs. McGuire lijid
"I couldn't get liere no earlier,"
planting her bundle on the kitchen
table with a defiant thud.
Not deigning to offer any further
excuse, she' removed her feather
burdened hat and began unlacing her
high-heeled, run over, taffy-colored
"You can go into the maids
room to undress," adtrionished Helen
sharply. '
But ignoring this rebuke, Mrs.
McGuire calmly continued to dis
robe. Taking , off her diaphanous
shirtwaist and the beribboned cam
isole beneath, she dropped her short
blue skirt 'and stood, a grotesque
figure, in ' a rusty petticoat and
soiled corset gaping widely at the
Arrayed in a grimy waist, old
black skirt, and hselless slippers
from her bundle, she rolled up her
sleeves past the bulging biceps of
her red freckled arms, and turned
to inspect the size of the wash.
"Now Mrs. McGuire, these are
my good napkins. Do them very
carefully and don't starch them too
much. And this silk underwear, m
the basket don't put it in too hot
water just lukewarm."
"You don't have to tell me noth
in'," bristling. "Guess I knows how
to wash silk. The ladies I works
tor wears nothin' but silk."
"Well, here's the starch and blue
ing. Don't make tta clothes so blue
this week. And don't blue this linen
waist at all it's meant to be cream."
But Mrs. McGuire had turned on
the hot water full force, insolently
drowning further instructions.
As Helen ran the sweeper over the
library, she thought ot the four dol
lars a day she was paying Mrs. Mc
Guire for her impudent indolence.
She had come at 10, yet she would
leave promptly t 6. She never
made up for any lost time.
Dusting the bedroom, Helen saw
the dresser scarf she had intended to
have washed. Taking it off, she
hurried outo the kitchen.
"I forgot to put this in," apolo
getically. "It isn't tooo late, is it?
"H'ow much d'you think I can
wash in one day? Two weeks' wash
here now." , , ,
"It is not a two weeks wash, re
torted Helen crisply. "And you
could have done it easily it youd
come on time."
"I ain't no sweatshop worker.
Them days is over. Well, give it
lerel" Snatching the scarf, she
squashed it down in the tub.
With an effort Helen kept her
temper. 'Then turning to leave, her
glance fell on the clothes in the boil
tr which Mrs. McGuire was now
roughly prodding. .
"My pink silk combinations I
You're not boiling those?"- .
"T won't hurt 'em. Mrs. Martin
she wears nothin but silk I always
, i ci. clean "
OOli ners. cine ,
"I don't care what you do tor
Mrs. Martin or for anybody else!
It ruins slik things even to put them
in hot water. I just told you that.
Now take those right out. Be, care
ful, vou'll tear them!" as Mrs. Mc
Guire ruthlessly jerked them out on
the end of the clothes stick.
Rescuing the frail garments from
further mistreatment, Helen rinsed
them in cold water and hung them
on the towel rack. Mrs. McGuire
expressed her animosity by rubbing
on the board one of the good table
cloths with vicious vigor.
Fearing to offer further criticism
lest she sav too much, Helen dis
creetly left the kitchen.
This was the last time she would
have Mrs. McGuire. Warren want
ed her to send the clothes to a aun
dry. It would be b-jtter to pay laun
dry prices than to put up with tins
woman's insolence.
It was just 12 when Mrs. -McGuire
appeared at the door of
Helen's room. .
"What do I get for my lunc.i. I
ilon't see nothin' in that ice box.
"Why therc"s baco-i and eggs and
bread and butter. I told you we
were ?oing out for our dinner.
T like meat for my lunch. ou
rotta have somethin' to eat when
you do a big wash. I get faint m
the middle of the afternoon it I don t
get a good meal. .
"There's plenty of bacon isn t
that meat? And that gluten bread
is very nourishing."
"I don't eat no brown bread. And
I ain't used to washiu' in no place
where I don't get a good lunch," re
treating with muttering discontent.
Apparently she was not taking
any risk of being "faint in the mid
dle of the afternoon," for when
Helen went out to the kitchen, she
was breaking three eggs into a skil
let of sizzling bacon. v
"Don't see no cream for my tea.
"There's plenty of milk." Helen
forced herself to say it quietly.
"I don't drink milk m my tea
rather do without."
Turning 'out the bacon and eggs
on a large platter, she sliced five
thick slabs of bread, cut off a large
hunk of butter, and drew up a chair
before this amble repast.
Half an hour later, Mrs. McGuire
had disposed of the e.igs and bacon.
But with maddening deliberation she
was still sipping her tea and munch
ing bread, and, Lylter, afie ycrused
By Mabel Herbert Urner
the comic Sunday supplement prop
ped up before her.
Helen's own meager luncheon, a
glass of milk and bread and butter,
hastily dispatched, she bustled about
trying by her brisk example to in
duce Mrs. McGuire back to her
work. But that leisurely lady refused
to budge until she had her full lunch
The very air was charged with
their mutual hostility. Even in her
own room Helen felt it. Like some
poisonous vapor it filled the whole
apartment and gave her a throbbing
"Did I forget to feed you?" as
Pussy Purr-Mew set up a plaintive
mew for her luncheon. "Come on
then, I'll give you something right
Again in the kitchen, as Helen
poured some -milk into the saucer
under the table, she gave a gasp of
"The dish pan was filled with
stockings to soak in the dish pan?"
"What if I did? Ain't gonna hurt
it. It can be washed cant it?"
"That's a filthy thing to do! Take
them right out and scald that pan
thoroughly. Here's 1 an old starch
pan put them in -this."
As Mrs. McGuire with venomous
muttering dumped out the socks
and stockings, something light
gleamed among the black.
"My gray silk stockings! You put
them to soak wjth all those black?
They're ruined!" snatching the
clouded hosiery from the inky water.
"Here, I can't do my work with
you buttin' in every minute." con
fronting Helen, her face darkly red.
If you're so mighty perticuler you
can finish the wash yourslf."
"Very well, I will," flamingly "reck
less, "I'd rather do the work my
self than put up with your inso
lence." "That suits me," wiping her hands
on her skirt. "I'm used to washin'
for ladies, I am not for the likes of
you. Give me my money and I'll
go." , i
- "How much do I owe you?"
"Half a day." She was already
lacing up the taffy colored shoes.
Trembling with indignation, Helen
went in for her purse. Half a day!
It was only half past one and she
had taken a full hour for lunch. She
had worked exactly two hours and
a half. v
But unequal to any verbal com
bat with Mrs. McGuire, Helen took
out a two-dollar bill. Anything to
get rid of her quickly!
"Here is your money," stiffly, plac
ing it on the kitchen table.
A safety pin in her mouth, Mrs.
McGuire did not deign to reply.
With brazen deliberation, she tied
the ribbons of her violet pink cam
isole, donned her diaphanous waist
and adjusted her jaunty silk skirt.
Them humming an exasperating
tune, she pinned on her be-plumed
hat and flounced haughtily out.
When the door slammed after her,
Helen dropped quiveringly into a
chair, and surveyed the dishearten
ing scene. A tub full of half-washed
clothes and a boiler full besides!
Reaching over, she turned out the
gas under the steaming boiler drop
ped her head on the kitchen table,
and gave way to angry, helpless
Then ashamed of her weakness,
she started up. It was now six
minutes of 2. She had just three
hours to finish this washing and
clear the kitchen if she wanted to
be bathed and dressed when Warren
came home.
With a grim determination she
flew into her room, took off her
rings, got into her oldest kimona,
a;id was back at the tubs before the
clock struck 2.
Recoiling from the task before
her, Helen pinned up her flowing
sleeves, and with shuddery aversion,
plunged into the lukewarm,1 murky
She would finish this wahsing
though it left her with an aching
back and blistered hands.. Her very
resoluteness gave her a sense of
Hereafter she would send the
clothes to a laundry as Warren had
long advocated. It might be more
expensive, but it would free her
Selicow &
Ladies Tailors
Extend io the women, of
Omaha and vicinity a
most cordial welcome to
view our collection of '
models and fabrics for the
Fall Season 1921.
We specialize in the making of jfiding habits, so the eques
trienne will find our models to her heart's delight their
youthful and snappy lines, their fit and Workmanship are
a real revelation of the tailoring art.
3259 Farnam Street
Phone HArney 1606
trom Mrs. McGuire and from a!!
her swaggering and insolent tribe.
She was through paying for ar
rogant incompetence. Guiding War
ren's undershirt through the wring
er, her spirits rose with an exultant
glow of re-established independence.
Next Week Helen Tries a New
Beautifying Treatment.
Frozen Fruit Pudding.
Try this frozen fruit pudding on
a warm night. '
One cup fruit pulp and .juice
(strawberry, raspberry, blackberry,
One cup cream.
One cup milk.
One cup sugar1.
A little salt.
A few drops lemon juice.
Heat the milk, add the sugar,
and when it is dissolved and the
mixture cooled add the other in
gredients. Freeze and serve.
Argentina women ate prohibited
from wearing check suits.
Y. W. C. A.
UllrV 'JJ
m H tomtom a im
203 So. IS Stmt
' Mil l
Honesty doesn't require
a full page ad. Our
values are of the highest,
our styles attractive, and
the prices at which we
offer our merchandise
are among the lowest in
Mrs. Phebe E. Fullaway has re
sumed her duties as cafeteria direct
ress at the Young Women's Chris
tian associaiton after six weeks' vaca
tion spent in California, and Mis
soula, Mont. While in the west Mrs.
Fullaway visited a number of the
large cafeterias, bringing back many
new ideas for the cafeteria service,
which w ill he adopted in the associa
tion cafeterias as soon as possible.
The Young Women's Christian as
sociation desires to thank its many
friend for their continued loyalty to
the institution during the process of
I regrading the streets, and to assure
them that with the alterations to the
building and all exterior improve
ments, the association hopes to be
able to be 6f even greater service to
the community. Patrons of the
cafeteria find it much easier of ac
cess since the concrete base for the
new paving is finished.
The luncheon served daily to girls
and women in the. association audi
torium, provides quick service for tht
excess crowds at noon, so anyone
can get prompt service without a
tiresome wait in line either on tht
second or fifth floors,
A woman testified recently in a
London court that in 20 years of
married, life she had never allowed
her husband to go out without her,
mmmmmmmmmr''i 1 1 1, . l 11 mil 1.1 1 i.m.i.i wi'.'. n ' 1 1 isjqs;waswisisjwslllwa
to COjy 0f Quality Home Fu""shings to jO)
' v20 nr.HE irreat aale-la In full awing! Have TOC attendedt Ask yom Lm f S
9 nilfrlilinr about thin unurccedenteil Auicuat ante ff nunlltv tinin. I
i Tama . arm aar ri f js
MTT t Special offer in a
INU 1 EA five - drawer chif
fonier, In attractive golden fjn
lsli, at 812.65
Cabinet I
TUB great ante la In full awing! Have TOC attendrdf Ak join
neighbor about thin unprecedented August (ale of quality home
furnishings. She wo there and ao were her frlenila, In legion.
Many have come back for additional bargains. Even If you do not
want to bur, we wnnt Tou to come anyway. Just to nee what Incom
parable value we . offer In this price-cutting, proflt-ancriflrlng,
money-saving sale! Be on hand tomorrow and you 'Will be nmnaed
to see such desirable, attractive article for the home at savings of
from 20 to BO we mnst make room for shipments fresh from
our factories that' the reason for tbla stupendous selling event.
And .remember you can
IN U I LI cial desk that we
are offering in golden or fumed
oak, at only 813.85
White Enamel Porcelain Top
Don't fall to see this remarkable bargain.
One of the biggest values we have ever
offered ill a kitchen cabinet. Has white
enamel porcelain top; positively an $86.50
value, at
a-ius-i.ii.i as
Plain White
Dinner Set
$25 j 01.
Value jjfK
5-Piece Dining Room Suite
Jucobean oak; 4S-lnch table, eitsnds ta
QC six feet; four rhalrs, all have genuine
03 Spanish leather upholstered seat.
Queen Anna design. The five P'",
complete, for S7J.S5
Install Now!
A Few Reasons Why
Experienced Advice G5 years of experience in heating v
Omaha stands behind the advice and aid we give when
you choose the Rogers One-Pipe Furnace to neat your
home. .
Skilled Workmen Only workmen skilled in the art oE
furnace installation are employed in placing the Roger3
One-Pipe Furnace in your home. .
Future Service In years io come repair parts may be
needed. With the Rogers One-Pipe Furnace you know
that near at hand repair parts and service of any kind
are to be had.
Summer Prices and Service
Summer, right now, is the logical time to install your Rogers Oue-Pipc Fur
nace. Today, when we are not rushed with fall orders we can do a perfect job
of installation for you, with special attention to the important details. Special
August discounts are in effect now on the Rogers One-Pipe Furnace. Now is the
time to install your furnace at lowest prices.
See Our Heating Engineers This Week!
Call or phone loi one of them at our
store. Phone Atlantic 0414. The heat
ing plan he will make for you will
tell the story plainer than words.
Put your problems up to us and we
will advise without charge and without
obligation. Send for the pamphlet,
"Pride of Possession."
Over Half a Century of Experience
of Heating Omaha
Pipe and Pipeless Furnace Headquarters
1405 Harney Street
m BiBaBBBBBvBvBvam.aBaaaBBBiaaaaBBBiaaaaaaaaaBBB..aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
High in Quality Not in Price g 1 J I I i
Fall Hats iPL IT I I Lfk, u j n 1
I , ; m 1 vO l l If I ITr -?$4 Handsome Dreswr s
I I - 10 so ; , m Fumed Oak vU Lf lr W f I if? Ju.t B, mt.a.
J With that S.A .ub.,tantial rocker ' J Sift SirMiSilS g
J fur coat s sss.Tuirws;' I y 1 1 i ssr-rMi?!
I JUr COat. , . nect. Comes in fumed . .r , . I ll I .La , .
I S- ... ..... m 7&&?S8SX: 4-Fiece Walnut Finish Suite I m
' . taaVQ'l 8uites such as till one demonstrate what rSjfv 3k $ 7 5 , gj
H fli competent workers can pnoduce in ines- k fffiX fM "7P O O fj if 5
"" s 9 pensive, yet highly artistic bedroom fur- JH fill l (tP l T ! iff
" 1 nlturc. You will be dolightcd with the ap- I I W 0 1
, 5 " pearance of this walnut finished Adam vsy I jt'Vv.w Pi Ml'YTE? 8 nl!l''
' S s MiTF! " eittra" period designed bedroom suite. The full Jw oUfi V 0 . ,0 !H CiKJ 1 w h I t
llW i j ordinary aiM bed, the trlpliratr mirror dressing ta- Tlk I ml ' VtSl ZL" - Ii'' e namal
X Tllfrfiw X. argaln in ble the handsome chlfforctto. and tho suh- (tXXiil fBl '. itSl tmm-jSSrSrS f lined si.Is l-t-r iffrgor-
f jfitsflt(P iP 'laaa- X. EE mahogany or walnut srantlal dresser are all includtd at our 11 91JLSl y&S-tMf) 'f- :- ' C '"" 6v-'0und Ic- en- ss
S JttW&Z. ifivTiTl X ftnlaliad Queen Anno special August Clearance sale price of... WJ& VWH' 4 . VZ Pcity. Risubr SiS.1i)
aeS'Sn Tabl ff' V2E' -- TmSOm value, at f:.t'9 S3
m 4-Burner Gas Range
A four-burner gas range with enam
el door panel. A range that is
guaranteed thoroughly
efficient in cooking
and baking, at our
special sale prico of
$125 Kroehler 3-Piece Duofold Suite
A product of the well-known Kroehler factory. This suite
may oe puicnasea in goiaen or iuniea oan or inanosany iin- 57llilS
All tnree pieces are upnoisterea to matcu vvitn spanian f i v
I v
fabrlcoid. Duofold opens to
91-5.IM) vnlue. p'eelnl, nt....
a full 7.e bed. Positively a
Colonial Toilet lable 3
In upcrially ieeir.nrcndd to tlmsj vrii
want a high-clara looking toilet table
at a low figure. lomf
mitiit.'tn Oireaminn
t rs shown; Trp1t-
ilrror, und conven
ient fira-Tver.
m 48-In. Cedar Chest
Kxpertly constructed of grn
uine red cedar; will protect
your clothes against the de
structive moth. Measures 4S
inches long. A wonder val
ue, at
ixl2-ft. Seamless Wool Brussels
itugs. fast colors, very a""1
designs, at SlS.Wo
9xi:-ft. Seamless Velvet Rugs,
several handsome deBigns, all col
ors. Very special 829.75
flx.i:-ft. Ilish-Grade Axminster
Huffs, lonp silky pile.' Splendid sc
lctiona of new patterns. Special
ly priced, at H34.75
Bed, Springs and Mattress
At Our Special Sale Price
Bed, Comes
In Walnut
or Mahogany
We hav but a limited quantity
to be oirercd and urge you
come early to avoid possible dis
appointment. This bed, sprliij
and mattress complQte tor.
Canvas Couch Hammock i
Comes In brown or grsy can-
j g vas. A couch nanir.ioi'tt that
10 Is recommended for comfort
and rest; comes complete
with hanging, chains and hooks.
Englander Double
This Ia-Ped Is of
fered complete with
pad. with cretonne
or denim upholstery.
srnile by the fsmnus
"Knglsmler" factoiy
and made to sell
regularly at 142.6.
While they last
9xl2-ft. Seamless Wiiton Rugs,
finished with linen fringe, made of
all worsted yarns. One of tha
most sewieeable rugs made. Spe
cial in this sale, at ST9.S0
Serviceable Has; Rugs. These ruts
are washable and especially rec
ommended for the bedroom or
Size 27x54 inches, special.. SI. 15
Size 30x00 Inches, special. .81.35
- USS&JKa?fe2
Rronu Fiber Tlocker
Very comfortable and
serviceable as well. A
special, at $9.45
Sixteenth Between Harney and Howard
(Kmmona rib Neat. Ivor
finished wooden crib; has
safety sliding; side. A spe
cial, at 911.50