Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 05, 1921, Page 7, Image 7
THE BEE: OMAHA, rKlDAl, AUUUSl 3, Governor Will Speak at Laving Of Cornerstone Veteran Police Officer Dies After Operation Salvation Army Members From All Parts of Iowa-Nebraska Division to Attend Rescue Home Exercises. "-o-. S. R. McKelvie will partici pate in one of the biggest1 events in Salvation Army history the laying of the cornerstone for the new Sal vation Army Rescue home at Six teenth and Grace streets, this after noon. Salvationists from all parts of the Iowa-Nebraska division, including many from the divisional headquar ters at Des Moines, will gather with scores of representative men and women of Omaha, members of the Chamber of Commerce, women's auxiliary of the G. A. R.. Rotary club, American Legion, Elks, ami other organizations around the foundations of the new Rescue home. Judge Sutton Will Preside. Tha program will begin at 2. De tails were completed yesterday by Captain J. G. Cheyne, the Omaha corps officer, and Adjutant Lillian Ness. Illness will prevent the at tendance of Brigadier William An drews, divisional commander at Des Moines, who conceived the idea of establishing the new rescue home in Omaha and who was enabled to fi nance the movement through the aid of the citizens and the advisory boards. Judge A. L. Sutton, chairman of the Nebraska state advisory board of the Salvation Army, will preside. Ceremonies will he opened with a prayer by Dr. O. D. Baltzly. pastor of Kountze Memorial Lutheran church. What the new home will mean in the way of greater service to the community and the state will be explained by Adjutant Lillian Ness, matron of the rescue home, whose subject will be "Our In creased Facilities What They Mean in the Way of Increased Serv ice." The home's activities from a national viewpoint will be discussed by Brigadier Wiseman, territorial property secretary, Chicago, who will talk on "The Army's Rescue Home Work A Great National Asset." McKelvie to Speak. Just before sealing and placing the . stone, Governor McKclvte will de liver the address of the afternoon on the subject, "The Rescue Homes Service to the Mate ot JNeoraska. Jn 'the cavity of the cornerstone Governor McKelvie will place a little metal box containing copies of Omaha newspapers and the "War Cry," the Salvation Army organ: coins, photographs of Brigadier and Mrs. Andrews ,and other trinkets. A prayer by Rabbi Frederick Cohn will close the program. Ensign W. A. Brewer, Iowa-Nebraska general secretary, will repre sent the divisional commander and will head a big delegation of Salva ? tion Army officers from the Des . Moines headquarters. , j o 11) Surrounded by his wife and eight children, Captain Anton Vanous, vet eran member of the police depart ment, died at St. Joseph hospital yes ternoon noon, following an opera tion. He was 57 years old and began his 35th year of police service last r n day. He was a member of the Elks and Woodmen of the World and was better known as "Tony" by many Omahans, with whom he was popu lar. Two of- his sons are members of the police department, Edward be ing a detective, and Anton, jr., i patrolman, lhc other children are Mayme, Joseph, Lillian, Helen, Eliz abeth and Clara. Chief Dempsey, Captain H. P. Haze and Sergeant A. P. Sigwart are the only members now in tne department who were in service when Captain Vanous joined the police force. Omaha Man and Wife Rescued From Under Burning Automobi! In an attempt to. climb a hill near Neola, la., Wednesday night while driving to Elkhorn, la., Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Christiansen. 713 South Thirtieth street, were pinned be neath their overturned car which burst into flames. They were rescued only after Joe" Coffelt, Neola farmer, lifted the burning machine for Chris tiansen to crawl out and helped him extricate Mrs. Christiansen. v Coffelt was slightly burned. Mrs. Christiansen suffred a broken arm and severe burns. She was taken to a Neola hospital. The car was to tally destroyed by fire. Christiansen is retail sales manager for the Jones-Opper company, 2558 Farnam street. : 71 Hero Dead Coming Friday; Honor Program Is Arranged Seventy-one soldier bodies from France are expected to arrive in Omaha this morning at Union sta tion, according to army transporta tion officials. ' An honor program, similar to that of last week is to be given upon the arrival of the bodies. Rev. E. C. Brown of Die:-: Me morial church, who was to have of ficiated, was called out of town yes terday and Rev. E. L. Geissinger of Hirst Memorial church will officiate in his place. Rev. Geissinger will de liver a short address and prayer. Music will be furnished by the Y. M. C. A. quartet. The Chamber of Commerce, Amer ican Legion, G. A. R. and W. R. C. in company with other patriotic bodies, will have a part in the honor program. Raizuli, Morocco Bandit, Offers to Pacify Revolters Madrid, Aug. 4. Raizuli, former outlaw leader and chieftain of rebel lious tribesmen in Morocco, is re ported to have made an offer to bpain to pacify the entire Spanish 7one of Morocco on condition that he be appointed caliph and sultan of the territory in question. There have been unconfirmed re ports that the town of Nador, south of Melilla has been evacuated by Spanish troops and occupied, by Moroccan rebels. The Moros are again bombarding Mount Arruit where General Na arrO and a considerable body of Spanish troops have l een surrounded by the tribesmen. Elks to Honor 61 Soldier Dead Arriving Here Today Omaha lodee. No. 39, B. P. O. Elks, will have a committee at the Union station this morning to assist other organizations in paying re spects to 61 soldier dead returning from across the waters. A small card eulogizing soldier dead, writ ten bv Exalted Ruler Walter C. Nel son, will be placed on each casket. Omaha Elks will hereafter meet every consignment of soldier dead arriving at Omaha. Wife Asking Divorce Says Husband Ordered Her Out Adeline Kellstrom, musician, re siding at 3827 North Eighteenth street, stated in a divorce petition field in district court yesterday that her husband created discord in their home by ordering her out. She asks for a divorce from Albin E. Kellstrom, who earns $300 a month, she says. Mrs. Kellstrom related that she was required to keep boarders and later went to the home cf her mother Estate of Former Hotel Owner Valued at $100,000 Mrs. Columbia Brown, who ran the Murray and Merchants hotel here at one time, .and who died May 9, left an estate estimated at $100,000, according to an inventory filed Thursday by the Peters Trust com pany. The estate comprises mort gaged loans and lands, mining and other, stock, and , left to Mrs. Brown's relatives by her wilt Man, Girl, Ruby Ring - Muny Court Mystery Munv court is ouzzled over the case of a girl, a man, and a ruby riner. Constable McGinnis replevined the rine for Bessie Meyers from Norris Mann at the Y. M. C. A. No one seems to know who Bessie is and the constable forgot to ask Mann. Neither is it known what are the conditions surrounding the ownershio of the circlet. Citv Solicitor Moriarty, who slffned the application for the re nWin. said the eirl told him the Welfare board sent her to him Wally Wilson of the Welfare board has no record of the case and neitner name in the case is in the city di rectories. Meanwhile, the court has the ring and the hearing of th-J case is set for next Thursday. Fanners Union Directors Plan State Fair Exhibit Members of the board of directors of the Farmers' Union were in ses sion at the Castle hotel yesterday. Routine business of the various or- conizations subsidary to the union was being checked over. According to C. J. Osborne, Oma ha, president of the union and chair man of the board of directors, the activities of the various co-operative societies of the past few months were being checked up and plans for future activities are to be made. Plans for an exhibit to be placed at the state fair, representing each of the co-operative societies and unions, also were made. President Osborne declared that an exhibit which would clearly explain the activities of the organizations in Nebraska would be at the fair. Police Plan Arrest of Gang Who Attacked Boys A gang of six youths, lying in wait at Forty-third and Cuming streets Sunday night, attacked Harold Peter son, 19, 510 South Thirty-eighth ave nue, son of Walter Peterson, building contractor, and Walter Renze, 18, 4321 Dodge street, son of Gus Renze, Ak-Sar-Ben artificer, according to police who plan to arrest members of the gang. Peterson suffered a deep gash of the tongue. Renze escaped with a few bruises.- "Just a grudge," said Peterson of the attack. Firm Sues to Recover Three Autos; Asks $1,575 Damages The Briscoe Motor corporation brouirht suit to replevin three auto mobiles and a display easel and $1,575 damages against the Bixby Motor company in federal court yes terday. The Briscoe corporation al leges the Bixby company failed to live up to the conditions of the sales contract under which the cars and equipment were purchased, and asks the monetary remnuera tion for "wrongful detention." Barber Bound to Trial for "Judge" Cooley Robbery Claire M. Beard, barber, was bound over to district court in Central police court yesterday for robbery with assault. Julius Smith Cooley, police court habitue, was complainant. Beard's bond was set at $2,500. He was arrested two days ago. Cooley declared he is positive Beard is one of the men who beat and robbed him of $500 in front of his home on the night of August Riot Will Cost Taxpayers Here About $500,000 Amount $45,000 Less Than Estimate; Restoring of Re cords Lost in Fire Takes $250,000. The total bill which taxpayers will pay for repairing the court house damage will be nearly $500,000, about $45,000 less than the original esti mate, according to a statement by John Latenser, architect. A total ot $45U,l4.y already lias been spent, which does not include carpets and shades, nor the archi tects fees, the latter being per cent of the amount expended. It is nearly two years since work men started to repair me aamage which was wrought by the mob on the night of September 28, 1919. Treasurer Endres expects to return to his permanent offices on the sec ond floor, and the court room on the fifth floor which he has been oc cupying will be restored as rapidly as possible. In addition to the amount spent on building repairs, about $250,000 was expended for restoring records lost in the fire. Bond of Defunct Refining Co. Head May Be Boosted The bond of Le Vern Fox, presi dent of the defunct Omaha Refining company will be increased from $1, 500 to $5,000 if the recommendation of the county attorney is approved. James Allan, investigator for the county attorney, was directed yes terday to bring Fox into court. Properties Closed Orders were issued by the dis trict court yesterday, closing the following properties on account of violation of the liquor laws bv oc cupants: 1812 Webster, 509 North Sixteenth, 322 North Eleventh and 612 South Thirteenth. I Dog Hill Paragrafs " " By George Bingham """"""" The man who has been conduct ir.g the store in the Calf Ribs neigh I II I. . fal I II L I SI L ..- 'it i mm borhood is preparing to quit business as the weeds are gradually closing in on him. Jefferson Potlocks and wife hitched up the team today and started for a visit to the Calf Rib neighborhood but Jeff is so contrary he turned off at the forks of the road and went to Bounding Billows. Sile Kildew observed a grass-hop per sitting on a rail this morning. He says a right quiet grass-hopper is the most noiseless thing he knows of. Copyright, 121, George Matthew Adams. Fireman Loses Life Trying to Save "PaP Joseph Flanagan, 31, city fireman at New York, whose parents live in Omaha, lost his life Sunday in a tene ment house fire when he dashed into a gas-nllcd cellar in an effort to save the life of a comrade, Fireman Charles Oliver. Flanagan's parents now are on their way to the funeral in New York. Flanagan was decorat ed with the D. S. C. for heroism during the war. Couples Re-Wed After Divorces Captain Vanous Son One of Cupid's Victims Shortly Be fore Father's Death. The little god of love made a dou ble play at the court house yesterday when he reunited two couples who had been divorced. Edward Vanous, 27, city detective, applied for a marriage license, being accompanied by his former wife, Bessie, from whom he obtained a divorce last February. They were remarried yesterday by County Judge Crawford. The Vanouses have a 6- yer.r-old child. News of the reunion of his son and daughter-in-law was transmitted to Capt. Anton Vanous a few hours be fore he died yesterday noon. Bernard and Clara Marie Gillen also were remarried yesterday. Their hrst marriage was in 1914, following which Mrs. Gillen obtained a divorce and the custody of two children. One-fifth of all the women paying federal income tax reside in New York City. JBowen's This Is Your Opportunity Bowen's August Sale of FURNITURE RUGS DRAPERIES REFRIGERATORS STOVES Everything from 20 to 60 discount. icVULABAUGH Aulabatigh's own line of Canadian trading posts insures the choicest pelts. Experienced all year 'round furriers and modists insure fine workmanship and latest styles. aa illustrated. Siberian Squirrel Coat, dark natural skins, printed silk lining 475.00 Our August FUR SALE is a "first showing" of the models for 1921-22 in which the finest creations from the Aulabaugh Shops that have been in the process of making during the summer months are offered at prices "that constitute a real reason for purchasing. Do not think for one moment that it is a clearaway of last season's garments )f a hundred interesting bargains we instance Hudson Bay Sable Choker, two fine, dark, natural skins fur on both sides 215.00 Large Skunk Cape, trim, shawl collar, silk lining 225.00 1 1 195.00 W 1 1 ft I LI I I W 19tH and Farnam Sts Black Lynx Scarf, fine qual ity animal style fancy crepe meteor lining. ' 85.00 Jap Mink Cape, 21 inches deep In black, tail and paw trim, ehawl collar, Crepe Meteor lining . Hudson Seal Coat, good quality, shawl collar, bell cuffs, belt, Pussy Willow lining 295.00 Brown Fox both sides Choker, fur on 50.00 tail fancy Hudson Bay Sable fur both sides. Choker, 55.00 Russian Kolinsky Cape with collar, tail and paw trim, satin lining covered with fancy Georgette 275.00 Kolinsky Coat, 40 inches long, large collar, Dolman sleeves, fancy silk lining 550.00 Mink Coat, fine dark skins, tail and paw trim, Brocade lining 750.00 1 1 L iiaoauyn Burgess-Nash Company fs Downstairs Store August Sale Values Which Stand Unparalleled Absolute Clearance of Every Cotton Summer Dress In Our Entire Stock $g)00 For Women and for Misses A choice of the house sale including every cotton dress in our stock, in broken sizes, of course, which range from 14 to 42; There are: Voiles Ginghams Organdies in the smartest choice of colors, trimmed with or gandie sashes, with self materials, and with buttons. All Sale Final: No Exchanges, No Refunds, No Credits. The Downstairs Store For Friday Only Colonial Ice Pitchers One-quart size, in OUC clear blown glass. Each, New Glass Coasters A coaster particu larly adapted to porch use, with star ridged bottom to prevent the tumblers sticking. Each, Nest of Glass Bowls A nest of four glass m bowls in four differ 43C ent sizes especially desirable for ice-box use. The set of four, Downstairs Star 10c The New Cafeteria Already Enlarged S o tremendous has been the response and appreciation for our newly equipped cafeter ia and our delicious home-cooked foods, that we have already, after two weeks of service, had to double the floor space and seating capa city. It is now ready to serve you in its new spaciousness. Lowest possible prices consistent with quality. The Downstairs Stora 29c Women's Gauze Vests 1 Cn Important Reductions O i)C 1 From Regular Prices & lOY &OC 2,950 vests, all of first quality higher priced garments in regulation band top and bodice styles, are offered at prices which no comparison will make you realize. Only seeing them is believing. The sites inctudti 34, Also Double Extra Six- 36, 38, 40, 42 and 44. es: 46, 48 and 50. Offered Friday at 15c each, or two for 25c. The Downstairs Store Linens and Domestics At prices we know are very low 10 Yds. Cheese Cloth 10 yards for 59c. Each customer limit- Ojj Q ed to 10 yards, Dark Colored Voiles In handsome pat terns and colorings, and in qualities which usually sell for much higher price, a yard, Bleached Table Damask A heavy weight damask which will give you good ser- OjJc vice, 66 inches -wide; a yard Damask Table Cloths A very excel lent quality bleached cloth of beautiful cir cular design, 64 inch size. Limit of two cloths to a customer. Each, Bleached Toweling A blue border 16- inch toweling o f very absobent crash in short lengths. A yard, Crochet Bed Spreads These heavy weight, excel lent service hemmed spreads d 1 Q C in size 78x92 P 1 eJ7J inches, are in limited quanti ty. Each The Downstairs Stora $1.85 10c Summer Hats: Clearance Absolutely every remaining sum- hat in stock is included. Choice of Any CA ' JUL mer Choice of Any d 1 Trimmed Hat: P Un trimmed Hat Choice of Any Flower or Feather: 25c The Downstairs Store Summer Net Corsets $1.50 These are remarkably com fortable and cool; made of a strong white or pink mesh net; in low, medium and waist line models; with two pair of hose supporters. Sizes 21 to 35. Others at $2.00 and $2.50. The Downstair Store Big Savings in Shoes $1.00 Barefoot Sandals in best quality leathers, sizes 6 to 2. Childrens' Ox- tf0 fords and Slippers For children, Misses and small boys almost all sizes in the lot. Very special values. $1.95 Women's Easy Slipperi for house wear, mad of black canvas; one strap; rub ber heels. The Downstairs Store Sale of "Swifts" Quick Naphtha Cold Water Laundry Soap Large Size. 10 Bars for 49c Downstairs Store Men's Sample Shirts Size 14, QQ W2 and 15 OUC In Madras and Percales, 'with and without collars. 1 00 Regulation Army Suits Of Olive Drab t r( Khaki: Sizes 35 to 40 $4-UU Laced breeches, for wear with puttees Regula tion army coat with four pockets. The Downstairs Store Drugs: Soap Reduced Creme Oil Olive Oil Soap. Hand Brushes, H price. Moth Proof Bags, 3 for $1. Large 54-inch size. Elder Flower Carnation and Witch Hazel Soap, 7c. Derkiss Perfumes, ot., 35c. la Crab Apple, Jockey Club, White Rose, Jasmine, Lilly of th Valley, Sweet Pa, Violet and Oriental, oi., 35c. The Downstairs Store