Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 05, 1921, Page 3, Image 3

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Governor Makes
Reply to Critics
At Labor Meeting
McKelvie Says Straight Salary
Paid Capitol Architect Will
, Cost Only Half of Six
Per Cent Plan.
Lincoln. Aug. '4. Governor Sam
uel K. McKelvie this morning stated,
in response to a criticism by the
State Federation of Labor of his em
ploying a New York architect at
$25,000 a year to build the new cap
itol building, "that it would appear
some one in the State Federation of
Labor sensed an opportunity to play
politics, which undoubtedly was the
influence that stimulated the action."
The governor further pointed out
in his statement that the usual fee
for an architect's services cn such a
building is 6 per cent, whereas the
New York firm agreed to do the
work for $25,000 a year. Allowing
six years as the maximum time nec
essary to complete the building, the
governor said that the architect's
services would be $150,000, instead of
$300,000 under the 6 per cent plan.
"The reference the state federation
makes to the salary that is to be
paid to the architect is not in point,
for that is the salary that would have
been paid any architect who might
have been chosen, the governor '
said. "The standard fee for such
service is 6 per cent, and this rate
of pay is recognized throughout the ;
entire country. No architect worthy ;
of so large an undertaking would I
have entered the competition on any ,
other basis except that an alternate :
proposal was made that the commis- j
sion might depart from the standard
percentage and pay an annual sal
ary of $25,000 a year.
"As for the letting of the contract
for the revision of the statutes. That
is a thing with which 1 had nothing ;
whatever to do. This fact, too, I j
think, must have been known to i
thosa who engineered the criticism '
in question." n
Rival Bootleggers in
Kentucky Stage Fight
Newport, Ky. Aug. 4. Clifton, a
suburb of this city, was kept in a
state of terror all last night by three
separate fusillades of pistol shots, the
heaviest of which happened just be
fore daybreak. 'Residents near the
scene of all the shooting looked from
heir w.ndows and saw two gangs of
men firing at each other. More than
100 shots were exchanged, but it is
not believed that anyone was injured.
The shootings happened after the
mysterious appearance of motor
trucks, the loads of which were trans
ferred to 'ouring cars. It Is believed
thi shootings resulted from a quarrel
among bootleggers.
Hotel Clerk Is Held Up
By Youthful Bandit Pair
Two youthful bandits held up W.
P. Speed, night clerk at the Flatiron
hotel, about 2 a. m. yesterday and
after conducting him to the second
floor, took him into a bath room and
tied his hands with a small rope
tliey brought with them. While the
younger of the thugs was tying
Speed, he lauched and talked as
:hough he thought the proceeding a
lark, Speed told the police. , The
bandits relieved Speed of his watch
and chain and told him they were
going down to blow the safe. Going
down to the office, they obtained
about $3 from the cash box and fled.
They were seen to take a northbound
car at Farnam and Twenty-fourth
Harding Orders Prohe of
U. S. Court at Shanghai
Washington, Aug. 4. Upon , rep
resentations made by W, F. Fleming,
an American attorney of Shanghai,
President Harding, it was learned to
dav, has ordered inyestigation of the
United States court there. The crit
irwms were nlaced before the State
department some time ago, during
a visit of Mr. Fleming here.
Subsequently C. H. Holcomb. the
district attorney of the court, was
received at the State department.
Upon his return to Shanghai, Mr.
Fleming was arrested on a charge of
libel upon complaint, it is understood,
of Sterling Feffendcn, a former part
ner of the district attorney.
Planets Are Not to Blame
For Heat, Scientists Say
Ann Arbor, Mich., Aug. 4. The
conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn
is not to blame for the excessive heat
this summer, according to Prof.
Ralph Curtiss of the University of
Michigan. The heat thrown off by
other planets is so small as to be
almost negligible, the professor de
clares. The two planets are several
million miles distant and that they
only seem to be approaching closer
because they are in a line with the
earth. Nor are comets to blame, the
Michigan scientist declares, for the
torrid waves.
Police Chief Is Suspected
Of Aiding Runners of Rum
Webster. Mass., Aug. 4. Police
Chief Patrick F. Canty of this town
was suspended by the board of se
lectmen pending further investiga
tion cn a charge that he had re
ceived money from rum runners.
Canty has' been chief of police for
two years and hashad an excellent
Sheriff Richardson of Worcester,
Deputy Sheriffs Osborne and Dole,
and State Officers McCarthy and
Molt were the witnesses against
Five-Foot Rattler Is
an Unwelcome Tenant
of Hudson Terminal
New York, Aug. 4. Somewhere
in the lahyiinthian passags of the
Hudson terminal building today,
there roamed a five foot rattlesnake
-an unwelcome tenant of the big
skyscraper since last Tuesday.
A porter who first saw the snake
crawling over a telephone booth and
sounded the alarm, drew down on
himself a variety of sarcastic re
marks until his tale was verified
by a circus man, who found that
one of three snakes he had checked
at a parcel counter, had escaped.
Curtis Fights
For More Grain
Cars in State
Railway Commission Secretary
Charges Missouri Pacifie
Favors Missouri and Kan
sas in ar Distribution.
Lincoln, Aug. 4. (Special.)
Discrimination in favor of Missouri
shipping points in distribution of
freight cars against Nebraska points
is charged today by John E. Curtis,
secretary of the state railway com
mission, in a letter written to J. F.
Murphy, general manager of the
Missouri Pacific railroad with head
quarters at St, Louis. Curtis said:
"From information which the com
mission has at hand, it seems that
Kansas and Missouri stations on
your system, particularly Missouri
points, are faring very much better
than is Nebraska. As I stated in
my previous letter, it is, of course,
quite apparent that the supply of
grain cars in Nebraska on the Mis
souri Pacific will be very negligible
unless officials of the road see fit
to force empties into this territory."
Curtis recently received a letter
from Murphy stating that his road
"had been able to take care of the
loading with very little delay."
Curtis in his reply today says he
believes that Murphy has been ill
advised and quotes the following ex
cerpt from a letter received from the
Pauline, (Neb.) Grain and Supply
company, to support his contention:
"We have been having difficulty
during the last two weeks to get
cars on the Missouri Pacific for ship
ment of grain. At the present time
our elevator is filled with, wheat,
and as our competitor on the Bur
lington has had all the cars he
needed, we have lost nearly 10,000
bushels of wheat which we could
have purchased if only we could get
cars. We have only had two cars
during the last two weeks, while our
competitor has shipped nine cars
djiring that time."
Earnings of Mercantile
Marine Shows Decrease
New York, Aug. 4. The Interna
tional Mercantile Marine company
and its subsidiaries earned $12,782,
178 in 1920 a decrease of $4,962,753
as compared with figures for 1919
said the annual report made public
today. The company's total surplus
was given as $30,556,973.
Counly Assessor
Hangs Self After
Trying Gun First
Body of Tecumseh Man
Found Dangling From
Bed in Home By Small
Tecumseh, Neb., Aug. 4. (Spe
cial.) The body of Horatio G.
Pope, assessor of Johnson county,
was found hanging by a small rope
to the bed in his room today.
A revolver o a nearby table had
been snapped, but failed to explode.
The man had been dead about 48
hours, according to surgeons who
examined him.
No cause for his suicide is known.
His health was good and he was not
known to be despondent or have
any troubles.
His body was hanging from tne
bed in such a position that he ciuld
have taken his weight off his neck
by the use of his hands at any time.
Pope was 65 years old and a bach
elor. His only relative here is a
half-brother. B. F. Pope.
He had lived in Johnson county
for 50 years and was elected county
assessor by the republicans at the
last election.
Brief funeral services ''were held
at the grave in the Tecumseh ceme
tery at 4 this afternoon.
Former Resident of
Talmage Found Dead
In Basement of Home
Fulton, Mo., Aug. 4. (Special.)
John Frederick Ritter. 62, until re
cently a resident of Talmage, Neb.,
but who had gone to Columbia, Mo.,
where his children were being edu
cated in the University of Missouri,
was found dead in the basement of
his home. His wife and daughter
heard a peculiar noise in the base
ment and when they went to investi
gate they found Ritter face down
ward on the concrete floor with a
gash on the cheek and a wound on
his head.
A physician was of opinion that
the man had suffered a stroke of
apoplexy and that death was instan
taneous. Ritter, who was the owner
of a bowling alley, had gone to the
basement to clean some fish.
The body was sent to Talmage,
Neb., for burial. Ritter is survived
by the widow and a son and a daugh
ter. i
Omaha Man Qualifies as
Second Lieutenant in Army
Washington, August 4. (Special
Telegram.) The War department
announced today that in the examina
tion held April 25 for appointment as
second lieutenant to the regular army
the following candidates were found
David A. Morse. Ames, la.;
Charles E. McKelvie, Ames, la.;
John T. Lonsdale, Iowa City, la.;
Harold (5. Laube, Ames, la.; W. U.
Gallagher, Iowa City, la.; Edward A.
Tanning, Charles City! Ia., and
S. Harold A. Doherty, Omaha.
We Now Have on Sale
,000 Columbia
Double Face
Select Your
Now at
From 20 to 40
on- Entire Line
Mr. Record Enthusiast Stock
Up Now. These are all Stand
ard Numbers, that are listed to
sell at $1.00.
Here Are a Few of the Numbers
Dance Records
As n I Chines Lullaby
I Only
The First Sou of Sunrmtr
Somebody's Heart
2797 (
VTUA I Merc! Beaacup '
0My Cairo Love
471 a I -0 0n But Tou
V It Getg Tnem All
Temperamental Ray
O04Q Wonderful Pat
I Nobody Know
2708 (
Full of Pep
Popular Selections Vocal
gm Out of a Clear Sky
i06 Lullaby Time
r Granny
to Dial Land
2820- Pn P Golden Gates
The Music of Wedding
Dear Old Bo
no4aAM I Hare Are Sunny
o We
2844 (
feather Friends
Oh! Oh!
Barking Dog
Among the Whispering
Just for Me and Mary
Tou're Making a Miser oi
Some Day You'll Be Sorry
Yon'r Glad
f Chios
QfiAl J was There Ever
I Like Too
Hand In Hand Again
My Lore Bong My Bos?i
and you
Come Down Early
SVe have made every preparation to handle the crowds.
Large tables have been provided. Just step up and help
rourself. Plenty of clerks on hand to take care of you.
Dodge St.
flome of the Columbia. . Graf onola.
Dong. 1028
I KfeS V
T yHEN the eight-story
Brandeis Stores Building
was erected on Douglas
V from 16th to 17th street
five of these floors were
-te used for business and professional
offices. Then Brandeis Stores outside of the Mens Store
consisted of three floors and basement. At the time of the
construction of this building "conservative business men" gener
ally counseled against such a large structure. Many eastern capi
talists agreed with local capitalists that the erection of the build
ing was a rash move on the part of J. L. Brandeis & Sons.
But the Brandeis brothers did not heed
the warning. They understood better than did
these well-meaning objectors the great west's
capacity for growth. They
into the
knew better than did some
others of the possibilities
for Omaha. This building
was completed in 1906, and
tne general opinion was
that it was thirty years ahead of the require
ments of this city. ,
But now only 15 years later it is necessary not only to con
vert the five floors of business and professional offices into
Brandeis Stores selling space but to add two stories to the orig
inal structure, thus providing ,216,700 square feet more space
than that provided in the 1906 building.
At last we are able to move those departments devoted to men away from the "Boston Store" building which
they have outgrown into much larger, more commodius and accessible space in the enlarged building.
The change means one of the most beautiful merchandise houses in the world. The old
building has been leased for a term of years to the F. W. Woolworth Co. and the Riggs
Optical Co. The Brandeis Stores building has been enlarged the wrork thereon now
drawing to a conclusion. The enlarged structure comprises ten stories besides the large
basement, now a most popular shopping place. Into this enlarged structure the vari
ous departments of the Men's Store will be moved. The removal will take place
about August 15. The Men's Furnishings will occupy a far more convenient place
on the Mam Floor the center place formerly occupied by Women's Shoes. - The Hairdressing Parlors will be
moved to the Third Floor, thus permitting enlargment and improvement of the Second floor. The Women's Shoe
department has already been removed to the Third floor, east.
One of the biggest improvements will be the removal of the Men's Clothing to
the Fourth floor. That will provide one of the handsomest and most complete among
all the Men's Stores of the country. The Boys' Clothing, together with Boys' Hats and
Caps and Boys' Furnishings, will be on the same floor. There, too, will be the Trunk
and Bag Department, better equipped than ever.
The Wall Paper Department has already been moved to the Fifth floor, west. China, Glassware, Crockery,
Housefurnishings and Hardware will continue to occupy that floor.
About August 15, Carpets, Rugs, Draperies and the Picture Department will be moved to the Sixth floor.
During the holidays the Eighth floor will be used.for a great toy department.
The Big Store
and the Big
Some Notable
It Will Be a
Later, the Seventh and Eighth floors will be devoted to the new Furniture Depart
mentthe most complete and best equipped furmture store in the Middle West.
The Ninth .floor will be used for stock rooms and receiving rooms.
The Tenth floor will have the new dining room, men's grill room and. ladies'
waiting rooms. These will be opened in September. This floor will be a revelation to the public. Those who
have seen the plans and others who have watched the work nearing completion agree that the restaurant and
rest rooms on the Tenth floor of the Brandeis Stores will be the most beautiful and the most complete of any
similar rooms in any section of the country. Many other improvements are going on in Brandeis Stores. One
of these will be the large aisle to be constructed through the store directly to the Brandeis Theater elevators.
This will prove a great convenience to those desiring to enter the store from 17th Street.
Where Shopping
Will Be a
Real Pleasure
We feel that we may, with entire
propriety, say something of the causes
for the wonderful growth of Brandeis
Stores. That growth is due largely to
the efficiency of our system of supply
ing the needs of our customers at
prices which they can afford, and to
the courteous treatment accorded every customer. But recognition by the
public of the progressiveness of this institution and cordial co-operation
on the part of the people of Omaha and vicinity have contributed greatly
to this growth. It seems superfluous to say that the ability, loyalty and
industry of the Brandeis Stores employes have made possible the success
ful operation of this great business machine. There are no men and women
in any store in the country more faithful, honest and capable than those
comprising the array of employes of J. L. Brandeis & Sons. This devotion
has made possible the successful conduct of the system upon which Bran
deis Stores has been built.
A System
That Proves
Prices, Quality, Service! These
constitute the life of business, even as
they constitute the "Lookout in the
Foretop" system, ever operating at
Brandeis Stores for the upbuilding of
the institution and the convenience of
its customers. The thousands of men
and women who every day throng Brandeis Stores' counters are familiar
with the record. That record speaks for itself. "The Lookout in the Fore
top" gives the assurance that with each passing day Brandeis Stores' his
tory for Prices, Quality and Service will repeat itself. When that has been
said, nothing need be added for the understanding of a discriminating buy
ing public. It may be said, however, that shopping in the enlarged building,
with its many wonderful improvements, will be a real pleasure and that
for visitors, as well as for the "home folks," the new Brandeis Stores
will prove to be one of the greatest attractions among all the commercial
"Show Places" of America.
J. L. Brandeis & Sons
m m
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