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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 4, 1921)
The Omaha Daily Bee VOL. 61 NO. 41. t.r Sacaa4-Claia Miltir Mir :. 190. it Oaiaha P. 0. Undar Act at March 3. 117. OMAHA, THURSDAY, AUGUST 4, 1921. By mali (I yaar. Daily an Sunday. 17 .M; Oally anly. 15: Sunday, IV. SO; la aolati la Ualtrtf Statea. Canada and Matlca. THREE CENTS 1 X Kinsler To Investigate Failures U. S. District Attorney Says Recent Frauds in Nebraska s Pass All Previous Marks. State Probing Failures J. C. Kinsler, newly appointed United States district attorney, is laying plans for a thorough investi gation of recent business failures which have resulted In enormous losses to thousands of stockholders in Nebraska and adjoining states. In a statement yesterday v Mr. Kinsler said: "Never before In the history of the country has fraud been practiced f-o frequently or on such a large scale as it has been t:i Nebraska dur ing the past few years. It is appalling. To Go to Washington. ''I plan to leave for Washington this month in an effort to obtain from the attorney gereral permission 'to employ expert accountants to look into at least a dozen dubious ventures which have been centralized here. I i I "It would seem that the blue sky department of the state, which has been issuing so many permits to sell stock, must in some way have blundered. I do not blainc Attorney General Davis." Mr. Kinsler, Federal Judge Wood rough and Postoflice Inspector Coble have held conferences to determine means of bringing to justice those implicated in dishonest stock-selling schemes. Inspector on Trail. It is known that Postal Inspector C'olile is already investigating the af fairs of one of the largest stoc!;-sell-it:g ventures centered in Omaha, with the view of filing charges against its originators of conspiracy tc use tne mails to dciraud. Judge Woodrough declared yes terday it was up to the United States district attorney to .bring to justice those engaged in these al leged blue sky projects. Davis Arrives Here. Important developments in de funct stock sales companies' affairs are promised soon by Clarence A. Davis, attorney general, who arrived from Lincoln at noon. "1 shall spend the afternoon in conference with Judge Troup and the county attorney, if he is in town, with reference to calling a special 1 1- A lit- Act Irr'i tVintr iases." he announced. Vtu. .... .io-i:,i to be of say- whether charges would brought against officers of any the defunct companies. Defends State Bureau. Answering criticism directed at the state banking department and i bureau, of securities for failure to impede the stock selling scheme.'.. Davis declared that after thorough I investigation, he found only the ! Pioneer bank case to be under state 1 i jurisdiction. ! - Every one of the other permits! was issued and in most cases all the ! stock sold before the bureau was j created. August 15, 1919. he stated. ; Old Law Defective. " The old blue sky law was riddled j villi defects under which these pet-. nuts were grantee'. Davis emphasized lie had no de sire to "pass the buck" to the Sta'.: Railway commission, which issue! the stock permits prior to August, 1919. "The old bw was inadequate, that's all," he said. Wood Tells Filipinos U.S. Will Do What Ever Is Best for People CI ir.ieu Tribune C'alile. I p rifclit. Ill" I. S;n Jose, P. I.. Aug. 3. Begin- rx. j t- ji-m hi iiKiipcrion ni :nt' soninein wands in the Province of Antique. General Wood niadchis first address to the southern natives in the little town of Patnongou. not tar from San Jose. After the usual Filit. Viio orator had made a stereotyped plea for independence, the general told the people that America had spent hundreds of millions of dollars on the Philippine islands and it was going to do what was best for the people. General Wood's partv landed at Bugasong where it v. as driven away! by a storm several weeks ago. This I region is a country of shap moun- tains and many swift rivers. It crossed seven rivers by the aid of bamboo rafts on its journey along ! tne cost where the people had not j seen a governor general m many years and where their last remeni berance of Americans was those who took part in the war in the Philippines. Sale of Farm Corporation Stock Barred in Indiana Indianapolis, Aug. 3. Authority- to sell $750,000 of . its preferred stock in Indiana was denied the Farmers Finance corporation today by the states securities commission. The commission held that the Indiana "blue sky" law forbids the selling of securities as proposed by the finance corporation. :LT. S. Wins Suit to Collect $292,672 From Rockefeller! New York. Aug. 3. The govern- j Tnent won its suit in the United j States district court here todav to ! . collect ?29,672 from John D. Rock- cfellcr. alleged to be due in income j tax on oil company shares, which , f the defense had claimed as dividends j and not iucomt) Harding Gets Taste Of Real Vacation at Weeks Mountain Home Lancaster, N. H., Aug. 3. Presi dent Harding, who is a guest of Secretary Weeks, had a taste of real vacation today, but he promised to break in on his period of rest and recreation tomorow by speaking in Lancaster public square. The oc casion will be a special public gath ering to welcome him to the White mountains. A number of other towns are ex pected to send delegations, but at the president's request, the cere monies will be kept as informal as possible. Mr. Harding is to make only a brief talk. Today the president slept late and spent several hours resting and read ing beneath the trees. Probe of Revenue Bureau Ordered By Commissioner Rumors of Irregularities in Income Tax Department Heard in Washington Charges Kept Secret. By GRAFTON WILCOX. Chicago Tribune-Omaha Bee leased Wire. Washington, Aug. 3. Sensational and serious charges against conduct of affairs in the bureau of internal revenue have been ordered investi gated bv Commissioner David H. Blair. The nature of the charges is not disclosed in a statement issued by the commissioner, but there have been rumors for many months of irregularities connected with the con duct of affairs, particularly in con nection with the income tax and prohibition enforcement sections. Income Tax Section Involved. Tke most serious charges, it is re ported, concern employes 'Of the in come tax section. Some of these charges have been investigated in a preliminary way by Commissioner Blair and he has made discoveries investigation into the bureau gener- ally. The character of irregularities to be probed is being guarded zealous ly by Commissioner Blair and his advisers and nothing will be disclosed until the inquiry, which is to be conducted by Assistant Commission er Matson, has been concluded. There have been rumors that the Washington office of the revenue bu reau has been a source of suspicious attention for some time. Nature of Charges. Charges against employes arc said to include the giving out of income tax statements, in violation of' law, to persons who desired them for profit able purposes, collusion between per sons within tlie bureau in a position to divulge confidential information, w ith representatives of corporations with cases pending before the bu reau, collusion of employes and out side persons in business ventures de pendent upon secret information within the department, and charges that some employes have accepted money in assisting corporations and (Turn to l'aa:e Two. Column One.) Jane Addams Called 'Kindest Woman in U.S.' In German Addresses By GEORGE SELDES t!;ica(to Tribune Coble, Copyright, 1931. Berlin, Aug. Jane Addams is called the "kindest woman in the United States" and is given the of ficial thanks of the German repub lic in two popular addresses, one signed by the German Red Cross and the other by President Ebcrt, which were sent to Salseburg where Jane Addams is teaching in the school of the Woman's International League for Peace and Freedom. President Ebert's address said in part: i "In the name of the German gov-j eminent and people, I take advan- j of your presence in Europe to express our deepest thanks for ev- j ervthing which you have accom- phshed toward the reconciliation ot nations humanity. Shortly after hos tilities ceased you and a number of similar women visited Central Europe, which was suffering under the terrible consequences of the war and the upsetting changes. Ger many's condition then was nearly unknown in your country. I must than your reports for the necessary understanding of ihes conditions. These reports were responsible for the many broadly conceived relief commissios and especially children's relief such as that carried on by the American Quakers.'' Ret Siver Named for Spokane Bond Brokerage Company Spokane. Aug. 3. A receiver was named today for the Irving-White-house company, a bond brokerage house with a branch in Seattle, on a petition alleging the company v.-as ! insolvent. The company admitted j its insolvency in court. Counsel i stated the assets are between $25,000 ; and $jO,000 and the liabilities about i $100,000. Attorneys for the com- panj saiu me irvmg- v iiiicuuust company of Montana, with otfices in Great Falls, is a separate corporation. Decrease of $206,000,000 In Public Debt Announced Washington, Aug. 3. A decrease of $206,000,000 in the public debt curing July was announced today by the treasury. Total gros debt! July 31 stood at $23,771,000,000, compared with $23,977,000,000 June 30. Officials said that the decrease was explained by. retirement of treasury certificates of indebtedness ; and tlie operations ot the sinking I arrested as a result ot the first "raid j lund during July 1, while no new and 13 as a result of the second. S. ! i;sues of government securities wereiK. Hem, 73. manager of he Times, j offered during the month i was the most seriously injured Fox Goods Seized by Constable Grocer on Trail of Former Head of $3,000,000 Omaha Refining Company With $177.63 Bill. Stockholders To Meet Last March L. V. Fox was presi dent of a $3,000,000 corporation. It was the Omaha Refining com pany, since defunct. Tuesday, his furniture was at tached for a grocery bill for $177.65. Yesterday, L. V. Fox could not be located. Neighbors of the Fox home, 4755 Capitol avenue, said the family moved Tuesday. Household Goods Packed The household goods were packed for shipment, they said, but they did not know where the Foxes were go ing. Fox was in Omaha Tuesday, for Constable H. D. Pierson reported to Justice of the Peace Bunce he had served the writ of attachment on his furniture. The writ was secured bv Louis Sommers, grocer, Forty-ninth and Dodge streets, for alleged nonpay ment of an account of $177.85. Removed From Home. Constable Pierson repotted some of the Fox furniture had been re moved to the home of Eric Halgren, 1520 Binney street. Mrs. Halgren said Fox was just storing his goods in her home. The attached furniture was taken to the Fidelity Van and Storage eompanv. 1107 Howard street. J. T. Bertwell of the West Far nam garage, one of the directors in the refining company, said yesterday he thought the Fox family was moving to Kansas City. "Fox told me he would go there the last time I saw him, two months j aS- sa,d Bertwell. Ignorant of Meeting. Bertwell disclaimed any knowl edge of the stockholders' meeting scheduled for Monday night at the Rome hotel. "No one told me anything about the meeting, but I am willing to ex plain anything I know about the company's affairs, it the stockholders ask me," he said. C. E. Heaney, secretary-treasurer of the defunct company, declined to make any comment on the report of Auditor J. M. Gilchrist indicating al leged irregularities in the company's books.' Gilchrist in his report charges mismanagement, including improper transfer of funds, falsifica tion of records and irregular dis bursements. Was Only Treasurer. "I did not become secretary of the company until January 1, 1920, before that I was merely treasurer," said Heaney. "Therefore there is lit tle I could say about the books." Heaney said he would attend the stockholders' meeting. He also stated he did not know where Fox could be found. "I haven't seen him for months," said he. - The Omaha Refining company was incorporated in 1918 with $100,000 capital stock which was in creased later to $3,000,000. An ex tensive stock-selling campaign was launched and B. C. Piatt, F. W. An heuser and J. F. Cogswell resigned as officers and these officers were named: L. V. Fox, president and general manager; D. W. Lennox, vice 1-residuent; C. E. Heaney, secretary treasurer; E. S. Line, assistant secretary-treasurer. The company was declared bankrupt March 26, 1921, and John H. Bckins named receiver and A. C. Munger trustee. Flaherty Again Named Supreme Knight at K.ofC. Convention San Franc'sco, Aug. 3. James A. Flaherty of Philadelphia was named today for the seventh con secutive time, as supreme kmght of the Knights of Columbus, which is in its 39th annual international su preme convention here. His election was unanimous. The other officers elected are: H. J. Carniody, Grand Rapids. Mich., deputy supreme knight; William C. McKinley, New York, supreme secre tary; Joseph Pclletier. Boston, su preme advocate; Daniel J. Callahan. Washington, supreme treasurer; D. v . Buckley. St. Paul, supreme physi c:an, and David F. Supple. San Fran-1 cisco. supreme warden. William P. Larkin, New "York; William J. Mulligan, Thompsonville, j Conn.; John F. Martin. Green Bay.! Wis.; Luke E. H-art, St. Louis, and ! John A. O'Dwyer. Toledo, were named directors for a three-year j term. ' j A strong sentiment for the hold- ;ng 0f tile next SUprcme conventVm in Montreal or some other Canadian city has developed. The question will ,e decided tomorrow. Office of Honolulu Paper T - 1"1 . 11 T "Ifl1 is LFesiroyeti oy Large nou Honolulu, i. H., Aug. j. 1 lie ot fice of the Pacific Times, a Korean language newspaper, was wrecked and five Koreans injured in two raids on the office. The disorder started in an altercation between the staff of the newspaper and a group of women who came to protest against an article they considered , an attack on the Korean Women's Benevolent society. They were expelled from the office, but later their husband's ! took up the dispute and a second dis turbance ensued. Ten persons were Copper Who Pinched Bryan for Speeding "Fired" From Force Waukegan. HI.. Aug. 3. L. B. Congdon, village marshal of Antioch, III., who recently arrested William Jennings Bryan for speeding as he was hastening from Delavan, Wis., I to Waukegan to fill a lecture date, ; has been "tired tor his cfiorts to enforce anti-spcediug ordinances. I He was discharged today by Frank I King, village president, and as a re I suit four of the six members of the council have resigned. i The council recently passed an ! anti-speed ordnaancc. J. tic constable J enforced it. Motorists complained I I and made threats to President King : that unless "the highwayman in mar shal s garb retrained lrom turther activities they would divert the tour ists trade to other routes. King demanded Congdon's resignation. Congdon refused. Charges Made by Hitchcock Cause Of Senate Clash Nebraska Member Declares Harding "Ordered Slaugh ter' of Norris Agricul tural Export Bill. Washington. Aug. 3. Assertion bv Senator Hitchcock, democrat, Nebraska, that President Harding had "ordered the slaughter" of the Norris agricultural export credit bill started a political clash in the senate today, republican and demo cratic senators coming to the de fense of the pending committee sub stitute bill. . Republicans had criticized demo crats during the Wilson administra tion for yielding to the president's "dictation" and now were following the same course, Senator Hitchcock said. He referred to the president's opposition to the soldiers' bourns bill as well as the Norris bill and said the difference between the "inter ference" of presidents Wilson and Harding was that Mr. Wilson took affirmative action for legislation carrying out party pledges while Mr. Harding followed the course of "negative dictation" to defeat meas ures to which his party was pledged. Senator Kellog, republican, Min nesota, author of the original ad ministration substitute for the Nor ris bill, said that apparently the democratic senators supporting the committee substitute also were yielding to dictation. He said Sen ator Hitchcock was making "a po litical speech." An agreement limiting speeches o 10 minutes was reached in the hope of a final vote today. Senator Hitchcock urged his plan for a "bank of nations" as an in ternational clearing house for com merce with all responsible nations having stock in the bank. An "in ternational dollar" might be pro vided, he said, to curb gambling in exchange fluctuations. Armed Citizens Join in Search Youtli, Kidnaped and Re leased Month Ago, Disap pears on Eve of Hearing. Muskogee, Okl., Aug. 3. Police last night armed 300 civilian volun teers, following the disappearance Malcomb . Etheridge, 17, who had been tinder police protection since his kidnaping a month ago. Etheridge left the home of George Sherrod, his uncle, who is a police man, during the afternoon, intending to go to a theater. He has not been seen since. A month ago Etheridge was robbed in a gas filling station "where he was on night duty. Three days later he was kidnaped and found 24 hours later bound and gagged in an abandoned shop. Two weeks after that affair Billy Ware, alleged sus pect in the kidnaping, was seized by masked men and was said to have revealed to them information leading to the arrest of Etheridge's ab ductors, i Police today expressed tlie belief! that he had been killed. I Tl.. I - 1. -1! . - , . , , 1 x ui ice ueueve lie was taken ly desperate men, made more daring by the fact that the two men and a wo man held for the original kidnaping, are scheduled for preliminary hear ings in city court today. Famine Conditions In Volga District Serious London, Aug. 3. Famine condi tions in the Yolija provi nces of Russia arc very serious. George! Chitcherin, bolsheviki minister oi foreign affairs, declared in a wire less dispatch to Vienna, says the ! Daily Herald. However, he is said; to have declared that "the foreign j capitalistic press is wildly txaggcrat- j ing the facts to suit its own purpose." i The Petrograd region is declared '. to not have been seriously affected. I Several ships are unloading for Petrograd, says a dispatch to the Daily Mail from Bjorneborg. a town in Finland, and more food is arriving ! from Keval. j Red Cross Officials Deny ! Charges Made by France; Washington, Aug. 3. Officials atj American Red Cross headquarters asserted that charges made at Riga by Senator trance that Dr, Edward W. Ryan, American Red Cross com missioner of the Balkans, instigated the Kronstadt revolution were with out foundation. Neither he nor the American Red Cross gave any aid to the Kronstadt revolutionsists, it was sa'd. officials adding they be lieved the charge to be traceable to a bolshevik propaganda wireless message dated March 2i, asserting that the international and American . Red Cross were contemplating help-' ing the revolutionists. Ti -Sv0?v? l & m lfl''iiVmTn;n-,inii.iriTn..17ini ' ( iMmte-ze'. imes!&m?m wminm,M mmrrmMm,xt.: Labor Unions Rap McKelvie And Builders State Convention Criticizes Act of Employing $25,000 New York Man as Archi tect for New Capitol. York, Neb., Aug. 3. (Special Tele gram.) Governor McKelvie and the Lapitol bunding commission were severely criticized at this morning's session of the Nebraska Federation of Labor for selecting an architect in New York at a salary of $25,000 a year with an allowance of seven years to complete his work in draw ing up plans for the new capitol building at Lincoln. The federation alleges further that the office of the architect is main tained in New York with a greater expense to the state when consul tations and information pertaining to the plans and construction must bo had immediately. Consequently the labor federation argues that Nebras ka should be for Nebraska and taxes paid in by the people should be paid out in Nebraska. The governor was criticized again in the middle of the session when the point was made that the 1920 statutes were sent out to a Missouri concern to be printed when many plants in Nebraska were equipped with ma chinery and labor to handle the propositions. Blame Governor. The federation claims the gover nor should have used his influence and power to prohibit such conduct on the parties who had charge of this business. The federation further alleges that the governor allowed the state to hire a man at enormous salary in Missouri to revise the statutes when Nebraska is full of capable lawyers. The printers' 44-hour a week ques tion arose and was discussed and rc fered to the resolution committee. A resolution was introduced be fore the house relative to goods manufactured by the convicts at the state penitentiary and urged the assembly to endorse the action as was given out in the house roll and bill under con 'suleration by the last legislature. The bill deals with .merchandise be ing transported from one state to the other and the federation claims that convict goods should be con trolled, according to the laws gov erning the state in which the goods are transported. For Disabled Vets. National and state legislation for the rehabilitation of disabled war veterans was endorsed and apprentice rules were recommended waived in assisting in the work of replacing dis abled men in the ranks of labor. President C. P. Birk of Grand Is land delivered the presidential ad dress at the assembly this afternoon and appointed committees to report at tomorrow's session. The election and final session will be held tomorrow. Small Brands Indictment As Plot of Big Interests Danville, 111., Aug. 3. Gov. Lcn Small in a speech last night de nounced his indictment by the Sang amon county grand jury as a plot of the "big interests" and demanded to know why Attorney General Brundage and State s Attorney Mor timer object to his being tried in one other county iii the state outside of Sangamon. "Why doesn't Sheriff Mester ar rest me here?" he demanded. "I am ready to he arrested in any county in tlie pate outside ot bangamoti county."" Poisoning the Well fOopyrifht: 'lMxTfix Tba CWoao Tribunal Hearst Scored By Labor Chief Gompers . Denounces Cam paign as Attempt to Smash Union Movement. Randolph Hurst is scored and a tribute paid to John L. Lewis in a reVicw by President Gompers of the work of the Denver convention in a leading article in the August number of the American Federation ist, the official organ ot the Amer ican Federation of Labor. Denouncing the Hearst campaign against him as a villainous attempt by outside interests to control and smash the . labor movement, Mr. Gompers asserts that such influences "know now the impossibility of wresting from the workers the con trol of their movement, the selec tion of their officers or the deter mination of their policies." "For months prior to the conven tion," says Mr. Gompers, "a cam paign of villification and misrepre sentation had been carried on by the Hearst newspaper?. It had been their effort to create among the rank and file of our movement a distrust of the officers and to bring about the defeat of the president and other members of the executive council of the American Federation, of Labor. "The Hearst and other .interests which Were served by the Hearst campaign would have been satisfied with any movement that could have encompassed the defeat of these of ficers of our federation. Thus that one of the delegates to the conven tion, aspiring to the presidency, as he had a right to do, was a candi date for election to that exalted office, docs not in any way mean that he was the chosen instrument of Hearst or any other interest." Norris To Take Long Rest in Wisconsin Washington, Aug. 3. (Special Telegram.) Senator Norris, who was reported considerably better to day, will leave tomorrow with Mrs. Norris for their out-of-the-way camp iu Wisconsin, where the senator ex pects .to remain until cold weather. For obvious reasons the postoffice address of the senator is withheld as his physicians have counseled complete rest and the Nebraska statesman needs it in ample measure. Harding Orders Prohe of U. S. Court at Shanghai ' Washington, Aug. 3. Upon rep resentations made by W. F. Fleming, an American attorney of Shanghai, President Harding, it was learned to dav, has ordered investigation of the United, States court there. The crit-i icisins were placed before the State department some time ago, during j a visit oi Mr.. here. Subsequently C, 11. Holcomb, the ! district attorney 1 of. the court, was! received at the State department. ' Upon his return to Shanghai, -.Mr: j rlemuig was arrested on a charge of libel upon complaint, it is understood, of Sterling Feffendefj, a former part ner of the district attorney. U. S. Prisoners in Russia Already Have Been Freed Riga, Aug.' 3. (By The Asso ciated Press.) American " prisoners in Russia already have been released from confinement, according to un official reports at the bolshevik le gation prcs bureau here today, but there was no word as to the number released or when, how, or where they will be delivered A:ross the border, In NEWS fflvl ! Creditors Plan j N. S. F. Company Reorganization Bankers at Chicago Meeting Name Committee to Work In Co-Operation With Stockholders. Chicago Trilmne-Omnha lire leased Wire. Chicago, : Aug. 3. Bank creditors of the Nye-SchneiderrFewler com pany, grain' dealers, today named a committee to formulate a plan of re organization. A stockholders' com mittee, also is working in co-operation with the bankers. Ralph Van Vechten, head of the committee and vice president of the Continental and Commercial Nation al bank of Chicago, believes reor ganization may be effected in time for the company to resume operating during this season's crop movement. Other members of the committee are: E. U. Mitchell. Lincoln, Neb.; C. H. McNidef, Mason City. 'la.; F. H. Davis, Omaha; E. E. Brown, Chicago. Walter Head , and John W. Gam ble, representing four Omaha banks involved, the Omaha National, First National, United States National and Merchants National attended the meeting today. Former Omahan, Who Escaped From Insane Hospital, Recaptured Minneapolis, Minn.. Aug. 3. (Spe cial Telegram.) Frank McCool, un der sentence of 30 years for com plicity in two Minnesota murders, who escaped Monday night from the state hospital for the insane at St. Peter was captured today by a mo torist near Waseca, Minn., after he had asked for a ride. The motorist proved to be a probation officer. After he beat three men into un consciousness at the hospital and jumped from a third-floor window, McCool was sought in the woods by an armed posse of 100 men. 'McCool's wife lives in Omaha and it was believed he was headed in that direction. He was arrested in Omaha in 1917 and confessed there kto being an accomplice in the two killings. Officials of Baltimore Coal Exchange Indicted Baltimore, Aug. 3. The officers, directors and individual members of the Baltimore Coal exchange were indicted by the grand jury today on charges of making a monopoly through a combine to manipulate and fix the price of anthracite coal. The evidence placed before the grand jury bv Mate s Attorney t.each in dicates' that the alleged combine was formed last August 15. The Weather - Forecast. Iowa and Nebraska Fair Thurs day and probably Friday; wanner Thursday. Hourly Temej-'eratures. 5 a. in 2 j t p. m . . . . A b. m 61) I P. m . . . , t a. m (Ml j 3 p. m . . . . S a. m 70 4 p. m. . . . tt a. m It A p. m. . . . 10 a. nt 7S I p. ni It a. m "1 ! 7 p. ni IS noon 7 18 p. ni Highest Wednesday. Cheyrnm. Hi 1 rnrhln Davrnixirt 1 Knpl.i liv. l-nvr H Salt iMkr.. lrn Molnro ho Hnnlii !... Itmlajr It) t I Hhvrtdun .. IjhwI.t H I Hlnux f itr. .HA . .80 ..Hi . H'J . HI . HO . .77 . .74 . .no . .HI . HH . Hi . HA . HO . J4 ntib 1'lntte Valentine ., Des Moines Street Cars Stop Today Auto Bus System Is Only Means of Transportation For 105,000 Citizens in Iowa Capital. To Sell Traction Plant Des Moines, Aug. 3. (Special Tel egram.) Des Moines is making prep arations today to carry its 105,000 daily car riders to and from their work without street railway trans portation. The cars cease operating tonight under court order and the entire plant and equipment of the traction system will be sold under foreclosure sale. The city council today mobilized an emergency force of motor busses which will start operating under spe cial licenses Thursday morning over all of the abandoned car route. It is claimed by the bus men that with in 24 hours enough motor busses will be in operation to carry at least 75,000 of the car riders daily and by the end of the week the entire city's transportation will be handled by motor. In organizing the temporary motor busses the bus owners are moving a step nearer toward their goal of mak ing Des Moines a city served only by standard motor bus equipment. Want Long Franchise. They asked that the city council grant them a five-year franchise and in return to put on adequate bus service in every section of the city. It is claimed that they will serv the city even more thoroughly thar the electric cars because of the bil ity to arrange flexible routes to sub-, urbs hitherto untracked. In cases where the car lines liav traveled routes yet unpaved the coun cil is considering employing motor busses with flanged wheels to oper ate over the street car rails and con nect up with the other bus routes. It is still doubtful, however, whether the city will enter into the desired agreement with the bus in terest because of the possibility ot resumption of street car service after sale of the system. In any event Des Moines is bound to be without street car service for at least a month. This is the dec laration of attorneys who are. wind ing up the affairs of the defunct com pany. Notices must be potted in forming defendants and other credi tors to come into court for account ing. This will take one month. The I next month will be consumed in ad vertising and conducting the sale. Interurban Operating. An auction sale or submission of bids for the property are the two methods that can be followed in sell ing the property. The court can re ject all bids and readvertise the prop erty for sale, if it sees this is best for the interests of the creditors. The interurban controlled by th'i same interests as the Des Moines city railway ar.-i deriving power from the same piant, will not be required to shut down at this time under the terms of the court order. Although the power plant will go in the sale arrangements are being made for the purchase of power from other elec tric railways coming in here. One auxiliary power plant owned by the street car company will be kept in operation to handle the inter urban business. The total outstanding bonds of the company is $4,875,000. Debentures and notes bring the total indebted ness of the company up to $7,500,000. Approximately 700 persons, employ ed by the company, will be thrown out of work when the cars are taken to the barns tonight. The report that the Illinois Trac tion system, which is the McKinley interests, operators of many public utilities, might purchase the property is denied by Charles Bradshaw, local counsel for the concern. Bill to Authorize Distribution of War ' Relics Recommitted j Washington, Aug. 3. After five hours' of debate a senate bill author izing distribution to states and mu nicipalities, of cannon and other war materials captured by the Ameri cans from the Germans, was recom mitted by the house to the militarj committee by a vote of 103 to 9. A section appropriating $400,000 for the distribution was eliminated on a point of order by Representa tive Garrett of Tennessee, acting democratic leader, but the house, by a vote of 126 to 120, immediately rejected an amendment to require communities receiving the captureir articles to pay all transportation and packing charges. Chairman Kahn of the military committee, reported that 84,0(10 tro phies, including 70,000 rifles, 10,000 machine guns and 2,200 field guns and trench mortars, were in storage. Adhesion of Ulster to Plan For Peace Delays Answer Dublin, Aug. 3. (By Ihe Asso ciated Press.) The sole reason for the delay in the Sinn Feins reply to the government's Irish peace pro posaLs, it is authoritatively stated, is the attempt being made to secure the adhesion of Ulster to the peace plan before resuming tin negotia tions with Premier Lloyd George, so he could be met by a united Ire land. Two Hanged in Canada Toronto, Aug. 3 Roy Hotrum and William McFaddcn were hanged today for the murder of Leonard C. Sabine last March when they tried to rob his drug store. Neither ut tered a word as they were led to the scatfold. During the trial each ac cused the 'aMlier oi being tlie murderer il