THE BEE: OMAHA, 1-KIUAY, JULY i!. 1H21.. Valuation Of State Property Shows Decrease re. - uecline of 21.15 Per Cent Shown by Returns Tax Experts Expected 30 to 33 Per Cent. Lincoln, July 28. (Special.) compute return from 89 of the IM counties received by V. II. Osborne, siaie tax commissioner, snows the total personal property assessed in to he $8(W.1.W,0nS against $1. 06.8I2,505'in 19 JO, a decrease of J4.15 per cent. The value of all property returned by the ft9 counties in 19J1 is $.1,. J11.498.S5J. Following- their equali zation it is found that the value has been decreased to $3,200,305,415. Four Counties Not In. Johnson, Morrill, Sarpy and Scotts y Bluff counties have not, as vet, com pleted their returns, but Oslior-e irt estimating on their total value i 1J0, which was $3,81 MJ4.545, 'igures a reduction to $3,J98,575,9J0 this year. "It was assumed at the outset by those connected with the gathering of tax statistics that the loss on per sonal propcry would he from 30 to 35 per cent," Osborne said, "and when it is shown that only 21.15 per cent has been taken, it would indi cate that considerable effort had been made by the county assessors and their deputies in fully listing this class of property." Real Estatt Declines. UsDorne has complete returns as to real estate from 92 counties which show a total value of lands and im provements as equalized lv the state board In 1921 to be $1,804,615, 105 against an equalized value in 1920 of $2,134,947,100, which repre sents a loss in value of $330,331,995. "It can be seen that the state board lias adhered very closely to the assessor's return and the gentle men's agreement on reduction on lands and improvements for 1921 has )been Slightly more than 15 per cent: "At present we are busy compiling a statement to be presented to the state board of equalization at its meeting Friday which will advise that body as to the total amount of revenue to be raised based upon this year's value. From information at hand It seems that the levy will be fixed near the 3 mill mark. David City Merchant Celebrates Birthday With 215-Pound Cake David City, Neb., July 28. (Spe cial.) (Jcorge Schweser, sr., of this city was 70 years old Wednesday and in honor of this event 1,200 per sons were served cake and lemonade in the newly-completed basement of the Schweser department store. The cake measured 50 by 36 inches and was two and a half feet high. It contained 10 layers and weighed 245 pounds. The contents of the cake were 75 pounds of powdered sugar, 35 pounds of granulated suear. 40 pounds of creamery butter, 35 pounds of flour and 60 dozen or 720 cgirs. It carried 70 red candles. Mr. Schweser is one of the oldest merchants in' David Citv. State Expense $2,028,299 for Three Months First Quarterly Estimate Made Public Does Not In elude Funds Controlled By Hoards. Brief City News Three Men in Fatal Auto Party Will Face Joyriding Charges Three men who were Injured in the automobile accident in which Mar jorie McWilliams wa. killed at death curve' on the West Dodge road last Sunday will face charges of joyriding in central police court filed by Acting Chief of Detectives Del Rich. The trio are: Fred Keltz employe ot tne inderwoocf garage; Kobert Swan. 018 South Sixteenth street, and Lhff Russell, 901 North Fiftieth avenue. H, I'red, owner of the car. in formed Detective Chief Rich that the men took the car without his consent. Schuyler Mills Seek To Issue New Stock Application for issuance of $200, ttOO worth of new stock in the Wclls-Abhott-Nieman millir.g corporation at Schuyler, Neb., will be made to the state authorities, it was learned yesterday. The new stock will solve financial difficulties of the company, accord ing to advices from Schuyler. M. D. Cameron of the Peters Trust company, Omaha, is consult ing with J. I'Olda and D. W. Ktlleen, bankers, at Sthuyler in regard to the matter. Two Arrested After Policeman Is Shot . Following the shooting of Police man Frank Killian Wednesday night, police arrested Ben Iuho, 2203 South Twenty-second street, and tfrs. T. H. Hodges, 1519 South Twenty-fifth avenue. Killian was hot when he gave chase to a sup posed burglar. Filio is said to have admitted firing the shot. The bullet took effect in Killian's left leg. The "3und is not serious. Legion State Aid Delayed for Month Jiebraskan Will Attend Freight Rate Conference JLiiicoin, juiy io. v apecim.j Thome A. Brown of the state rail- to attend the conference of , repre sentatives of public Utilities commis sions of the western states who are preparing data preparatory to ap pearing before the Interstate Com merce commission at Washington, D. C, to demand lo'er freight rates cn grains. The meeting will be held tomorrow. Fremont Council Votes $145,000 for City Expenses Fremoiit, Neb., July 28. (Spe cial.) A levy of 42 mills to cover an appropriation of $145,000 was decid ed upon by the city council for the operation of Fremont during the coming fiscal year. The tax valua tion has been reduced from $3,184, 000 to $2,950,000 this year. The council adopted the appropriation for a new $10,000 nre truck and a new patrol tor tne ponce depart ment. Girl, Whose Eye Injured by Air Gun, Sues for $25,000 The pranks of a little boy may itsult in total blindness of One eye of Rhea Burwick, 20. according to allegations of her father, . Oliver Purwick, who brought suit for $25,000 in district court against Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Chishold, par ents of Gordon Chisholm, 7,- who dis charged an air gun in Miss Bur wick's eve. Funds allotted to the American Legion from the interest of bonds purchased by the state will not be forthcoming for at least a month, according to information received by H. C. Hough, adjutant of the Doug- )as county chapter. An act of legis ature which allots the funds for the telief of disabled soldiers was scheduled to take effect yesterday. The new act provides $80,000 a year for soldier relief. Deaths and Funerals Watchman Identifies Negro As Man Who Held Him Up Smith Hines, negro, 1011 Capitol avenue, who was arrested Wednes day when detectives recovered about $500 worth of jewelry, was identified by Edwin Koch, night watchman, 1404 Bancroft street, as the man who held him up last De cember 21, at Ninth and Cass streets. Hines was talking to detectives when Koch walked into police head quarters to identify several watches found in Hines' house. Without hesitation or any questioning, Koch shouted that Hines was the man who held him up and slugged him. On orders of Chief Dempsey, Hines was rearrested and charged with highway robbery. His case was continued until August 7. Former Omahan Summoned To Bedside of Sister Here Ed P. Cornish, president of the National Lead company, former Omahan and member of the park board, now a resident of New York City, is in Omaha. On his return from a trip to Euron-J recently he re ceived a telegram summoning him to Omaha because of the serious ill ness of his sister, Mrs. Ada L. Hertsche. Mrs. Hertsche's home is in Port land, Ore., but fehe was here visiting another sister, Mrs. Anna B. Met calf, 1234 South Tenth street, when she became ill. Lincoln, July 28. (Special.) It will cost S2.028.299.J9 to run the state of Nebraska during July, Aug ust and September, exclusive of the university, four normal schools and institutions operated under the state board of control, according to a quarterly estimate made public by Phil Bross, secretary of the depart ment of finance and revenue, and ap 1 roved by Governor McKclvic. This is the first time an accurate estimate has been turned in on pro posed expenditures and it comes under the new administration policy ot conducting inismcts aim iuicius various state agencies to spend their appropriations proportionately and thus do away with the bugaboo of public expense deficiency appro priations, which each legislature al ways has been obliged to deal with. The 10 per cent reserve required pmounts to $542,762.38, which must Le held back for emergencies. The university is endeavoring to get this reserve to spend and the plan is now under advisement. The quar terly expenditures of the university and normal schools will be shown in a supplemental report. ieuner aocs the 10 per cent reserve touch sal aries, the capital Diiiunng iuna aim funds for war veterans, . together with a few others. The various items making up the proposed $2,- 028,299.39 expenditure!, arc: Salaries and wages, ?J4d,Mi.H); supplies, $28,167.36; expense, $158, 802.53: repairs and upkeep, $11,- 463.10; equipment, $3.1,378.60; lands and buildings, $.i2.4.V.04; public im provements. $1,212,386.10; fixed charges. $167,477.50; revolving funds and store accounts, $18,600. Woman's Club Makes First Payment on Site George Roberts of the Grain Ex change gave $2s0 toward the Woman's club fund Thursday. This was the largest subscription given Thursday. About one-third of the $20,000 was raised during the three days' drive which closed yesterday. The first payment on the building site at 622 South Seventeenth street, was made yesterday, according to Mrs. Philip Potter, first vice presi dent of the club. Prosecutor Kicks at - Whispering in Court Whispering in the judge's ear dur ing trial of a case in central police court doesn't appeal strongly to City Prosecutor Frank Dineen. Mr. D'ncen threatened yesterday to quit the court if the matter con tinued, after Detective Fred Palm tasr soueht to inject a little informa tion in Police Judge Wappich's ear. Judge Wappich thereupon ruled that all officers must stay outside the railing except court officers. Chauffeur Whose Truck Hit Cyclist Is Still Missing An inquest into the death of Domi nick Lanera, 28, 2036 Poppleton ave nue, will be held this morning Hoffman's morgue. Lanera died Wednesday shortly after he was struck by an oil truck, said to have been driven by Ed Norcn,- 2403 St. Marys avenue. Noren fled following the accident and has not yet been apprehended, police say. Lanera was riding a bicycle when the truck struck him at Twentieth and Poppleton avenue. Noren has failed to return to the L. V. Nicholas Oil company garage, where he is employed as a chauffeur, according to officials of the company. nnlllo Still Mining liollle Styles, 25, fuKittve soldier who duir his way to freedom July 14 from tno Riiani hows at I-'ort Omiihu, is atill missing, nccoi-dinu: to Fort umaha author! ties. Diililnuin to Talk Mayor Dahl man will give a brief speech at the bund concert to be held next Mtin dav at 5 In Kim wood park by the City- Concert club. Marshall I) Craig will direct. Koiitsfcv l-Miula Nf-w Jul) An ex pensive job irt sewer repair was dis covered yesterday by City t onimis sioner Joseph Koutsky In the cavern of a five-foot sower at Seventeenth and I'acirlc streets. (Hrl UniitH Home A home fur 16-year-old girl is being anught for by ltev. Tl. K. Ralls of the Children's Home society. Mr. Ralls denlros that the irirl be permitted to con tinue her schooling. fcnsnr Company in Court The Refit Cirowvrs' Sugnr company of lilHby. Idaho, was made defendant In a suit rtled In federal court yes terday for $49,841 by the Cullcrr Brokerage company of Omaha. Scraps for Tlikr-t Johanna Chapman, supervisor of the public playground at Miller pork, chargea the children a scrap of paper found in the nark to play on the slide "It's one way of keeping the park clean," Bhe said. MctliorilKtH Want llnlslcP Back In resolutions adopted unanimously member of the Hanscom Park MethodiHt church auk that their pastor, Kev. Dr. Arthur Alack, be returned again to the pastorate for the ensuing year. Deputies Oct Hoore A raid on the farm home of August "Windels. Ninetieth and BInney atreela, netted five deputy sheriffs D6 quarts of brer, a large amount of malt syrup and u. brewing outfit Wednesday night. Windels was arrested. Slimmer Schools Clow Yester day was the last day of summer sessions at Yates, lnton, Webster and Lothrop achools. The Amer icanization achool at Kellom will be continued under auspices of the fed eral and state governments. rooer Hold Plerilo Employes and customers of the Louis Som mera' store, Forty-ninth and Dodge streets, and the Table Supply com pany, Seventeenth and Douglas streets, attended a picnic Wednes day at Krug par,k. Gus Miller and Harry Sommers were in charge. Married But Not Mates Alleging that his wife humiliated him by her assumption of superior education and family position, William A. Ma- coubrie filed a petition for divorce from Mrs. Minnie I Macoubiie in district court yesterday. He asks the custody of their 4-year-old child. Base Ball Club Sued For in juries received by Eva Flinn, 16, when the floor of the grandstand at the Omaha base ball park fell last fall, Wallace R. Flinn, father of the injured girl, asks $5,000 of the base ball club in a suit filed yesterday in district court. The girl was watch ing a foot ball game when the stand crashed. Omaha to Honor Fallen Soldiers Passing of 111 Bodies Thorugh City to he Fittinfly Ohservotl ly Organizations. Patriotic and civic organizations and private citizens will unite today to do honor to soldier dead that will pass through Omaha between 8 and 9 this morning. The shipments will comprise 111 bodies. The American Legion will have charge of the ceremonies. In a letter sent out by the Chamber of Commerce to various organiza tions, a call is issued to do honor to the bodies passing through this city. Soldier escorts from. Forts Crook and Omaha will accompany the caskets to their final resting places. Investigation Into Affairs of Bankrupt Lompanies Held Up Investigation into the Colonial Land and Timber-Guarantee Secuii ties and Pioneer State bank tangle was held up yesterday pending ar rival in Omaha of Attorney General Clarence A. Davis. Davis will confer with district judges probably today. Keith Neville, ex-governor of Nc braska, and receiver lor the Skinner Packing company, admitted the possibility that an investigation into several defunct companies might in clude the Skinner company. "But conditions here are some what cleared up," he said. The audit of the company's books is nearly completed, he said. Babe Ruths home runs dorit travel faster over the fence than I travel for a package of Post Toasties Don't Miss These Wonderful BARGAINS Bowen s Mattress Department The Sealy Tuft less The Necer-Stretch Des Moines Police Holding Omaha Man, Fremont Girls Omaha police yesterday received in formation from Des Moines police that an Omaha man and two Fre mont girls are being held in that city pending an investigation of the car they had in their possession. They gave the names of Nellie and Dot Hubbard, sisters, Fremont, Neb.; Ray Thompson, Omaha, and Wiley Pritchard, Des Moines. HAIR NETS Natural and Invisible k Arnica's BostyJ Sixty nights' sleep free If at the end of that time you find that either of these mattresses doesn't suit you, you may re turn it to us with no expense to you whatever. That is your guarantee. Try a Better Mattress Guaranteed oil layer rot tn mat tresses now priced $6.95. 11 different (tries of mat tresses to ie lect from. Howard St. Between 15th and 16th. AVAIL yourself of the exceptional values we are now offering in high quality standard makes of Pianos as Players Have the pleasure of music in your home. You can make a small payment down and the bal ance can be carried on easy and convenient terms. Every Instrument Fully Guaranteed A few of these instruments will be sold for about one-half the regular price. Do you realize what this means to you? Do you realize what a big saving you can now make? Do you realize that you should take advantage of this sale? If so, come in now today. Piano Dept. Firth Floor Burgess-Mash Company "tVSRYBOOYS STOHK" iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiii Thoman S'rnnglcr. 54, died at Ms home, JST2 Weolworth vnu. early Thursday follow-In a pro'.ng! illness. H ' sur vived by hi' wife and one daughter. funeral nervlces will be held Saturday at S;30 p. m. from the residence. Covert lodfte. No It. A.. F. A. M. wilt he In rharice. Interment will be in West Lawn cemetery. Funeral services for Cassius M. Cochran, 61, who died July M at his home, 20 Ames avenue, will be held today at 2 P. m. from the residence. Covert lodge, No 11. A. F. A A. M will he In charge. In terment will be In West Lawn cemetery. Milk and Ice Fund The Bee milk and ice fund, which closes August 1, stands as follows: Previously steknowledced $1,031. 3ft nernlce Shermnn .Tl ee -vrmter rund" ! Total $1.033..W Man Shot by Railroad Guard Is Given $3,000 Damages Grand Island,' Neb., July 28. (Special Telegram.) Thomas Hy land, shot in the hip by Watchman Highly of the Union Facific, who brought suit against the company for $J,000, settled with the company for that sum, out of court. The shooting took place eight weeks ago. Hyland was taken for a hobo. He is getting along well and it is believed the use of the limb will eventually be restored. Letter Says Non-Legion Men Have Hard Time in Mexico In requesting membership in the American Legion, S. G. Smith, for mer Omahan now living at Tampico, Mexico, has written to army officials in Omaha that "an American in Mex ico who is not a legionnaire iias little chance for progress." Maj. O. H. Sampson of the quar termaster corps referred Smith's let ter to H. C. Hough, adjutant of the legion in Omaha. 414-26 Securities Building. Tel. Doug. 5347 Omaha, Neb. Dr. Bur horn9 s Chiropractic Health Service Either you are healthy or you are aick. There it no middle (round. Every day Chiropractic is being subjected to new and severe tests and is not found lacking. It makes good because the idea back of it is fundamentally right. An X-Ray of your spine will show the exact location of the misplacement that is producing the pressure upon the nerves that causes your troubles. - Adjustments are 12 for $10.00 or 30 for $23.00. Private adjusting rooms. My Council Bluffs office is located in the Wick ham Block. Hours, 9 a. m. to 7:30 p. m. i! Phoenix jiul m . i. lines . At Pray's Stores you are certain to find the exact color or shade in yonv required size. When in need of hosiery; think of Pray .... PHOENIX HEAD QUARTERS. The store Chat ALWAYS has the stock. Bring Your Phoenix Needs to Pray TWf CTiTVC soma 16tn Street A rr j oi vjiwu 1908 Fnrnatti Street. Puring the summer months our stores will close at 6 p. m. on Saturdays. Buy From Yourself Your Gas Plant Patronize Your Own Enterprise and Help Reduce the Price of Gas . Muny Gas Special if I L No. 169 Eclipse llf ' Gas Range J s50 B m II $5.00 Cash $5.00 Per Month With Gas Bill Our Eclipse Ranges are built for hot weather the food is cooked, not you. A Few Rebuilt Gas Ranges at Bargain Prices Metropolitan Utilities District GAS DEPARTMENT iniiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiuiiitMaiiiiiiii.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiwiu Offers an-- 4 Amazing Clean-Up Sale of Women's Footwear Feat&ring our entire stock of odds and ends which were all selected from our regular stock. These Oxfords and Pumps must go regardless of their former cost. In some instances the values exceed $10. Choose without reserve from a most complete assortment of styles, including White Nile Cloth, Patent Leather and Black Kid Pumps and Oxfords at the extremely low price of No Exchanges No Refunds SHOE MARKET 320 South 16th Street t1": 'UH ::i Li tit liii: ill j i inn : 1 1 1 r.n;i rn.i n j 'i i : l! , m 1 1 1 . m . ,im n r. i :!:;: i : i : n :!i ! i rr ' : r. i -.) I c i-r r ; i : . n i : i : i i i-i. -.: --j n i iiiiii'iHLitiiiiiiiiitiiiirdtiniitKti ,nVERTISEMKT ADVERT(SKSIK.T Easy To Take Yeast Vitamon In Tablet Form QUICK SURE RESULTS FOR THIN, RUN-DOWN FOLKS BETTER HEALTH AT SMALL COST To t once Increase energy sod pat on firm "star-there" flesh, thousands of this, nrvous, run-down folks hare turn ed to the new tablet form of true xait vitamin known to druggists as VITA MON. This supplies a proper dose of an three rltamines (A. B and O and Is so highly concentrated that results are quick and wonderful. Vitamon mites with your food, helps' tt to divert and provides the health-giving, strength building nourishment that your body uiu u. iu iuna orm tiSRue, strong brain. It will not cause gas or unset the stomach, but on the contrary is a great std Id overcoming Indigestion or chronic roustlpatiou. Pimples, boil and skin eruptions seem to vanish m it by magic, leaving the complexion clear aud beautiful. So remarkable are the beneflta from these highly concentrated Vitamon iableta that entire M(V,..firtr. Is absolutely guaranteed or the small smount you pay for the trlsl will be promptly refunded. Re n t ber the name VI-TA-MON-the original and genuine yeat-v1tamina tablet oems, rich blood sua a keen, active i there is Taothiug elieUke U. At sll good druggists, such as Sherman & McConneM, Adams-Haisht. Alexander Jacobs. J. L. Brandeis. Burgss-Nash and Hayden Bros. 'eMnacr DOuglas 0605 1509 Howard Street irt Sale I ,E2MP 1,200 Dress Shirts, $4.00 value, all sizes and colors, on sale 81.95 Same, collar attached,' union made, on sale 31.05 J. Helphand Clothing Go. 314 North 16th Street Monty back without KIN DISEASE REMEDIES . uiunre salvt and Soapl.feil in ths treatment of Itch, Scsene, KlncwoRB,TtterorotVirlteb Ing skin distates. Try this' sreatmeai at our risk. Sherman McCsnnsll 6 Drug Storte Why Wot Try a Bee Want Ad lllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilMlllllllllllllllHIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII " Bee Want Ad Produce Results. 1 V 77 o