THE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, JULY 29, 1921. i ii ii i i mi i - -- : t i i The Omaha Bee DAILY (MORNING) EVENING SUNDAY THE BEE PUBLISHING COMPANY NELSON B. UPDIKE, Publisher. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Tt iMoouutf rrtu. or whlrn The Bee Is muiNt. It as IuwmIi miiU1 to IM IM to ininllretloa of til disneiolies vn4IH4 la II or not eaatM trediiad la Mill neper. u alen die Inrsi "tin nuailehed aerem. all rleeil t ntblloeUea of ouf aoanlaj otiixukM ire else mtmd. BEE TELEPHONES I'rtrat Ursnre ticntnae. Art tor AT lantir IftOfl th Department or rersos wtwtd. " 1 mic 1UW Par Nltht Calls Altar 10 . m.i fsHortel Department Atlantis tOll at Mil OrriCEJ OF THE BEE Mm fere Cetceie Utm tiffirei inn tut runtm II aattl M. I loutb !, IIIS Soata Mia St Ovt-ol-Tewa Office i M aiftft in i WftftetlttftAa ilttw BIAS. I'erla. Frenea. 430 nu St. Honor Mil 11 at. TAe fcen Platform 1. Naw Union Passenger Station. 2. Continual improvaraaat of tha Ne braska Hifhways, Including Ida pave), mant of Main Thoroughfare landing into Omaha with a Brick Surface. 3. A abort, lowrata WaUrway from the Cora Ball to tha Atlantic Oaaan. 4. Homo Rule Charter for Omaha, with City Manager form of Corarnmant. Little Less Law; Little More Justice. When the Mate is agog over the pardon of a prominent offender by the president of the United State, fuel is added to the flames by the release of another from prison on a flimsy tech nlcalily. Such proceedings are not calculated to Increase reverence for the law or respect for the courts. In neither Instance has the culprit been vindictively pursued; patience has been exhibited, and every opportunity for defense afforded, and the conviction secured on merit of th case presented by the state. Whether clemency was properly exercised in the one case may be debated; there can be -no doubt as to the peculiar quality of Jurisprudence that allows the result of a trial to be overturned on a trifle that did not and could not affect the rights of the accused. In connection with these instances considera tion may be given to the suspension in advance of certain statutes enacted by the people in general assembly. When a court assumes in advance of Its enforcement to determine that a law is bad, serious consideration should be given to the prerogative under which it pro ceeds. The injunctive process is sovereign power, an attribute of the people in America; laws are made by the people in Nebraska, and are not lightly to be act aside in anticipation of their effect. In the cases of the two individuals and one of the laws, property rights alone are involved. The crime! for which the accused were found guilty were against property, not person. In the case of the second of the laws, a personal right ia involved. All of them, however, affect the general body of society in the nature of the procedure by which the result of the people's will is stayed. The power of pardon, as that of determining a point of law or issuing an in- V -junction, ia personal to the executive or to the JUUgr, out il is such Mil cau euiuiuai v giaui mat It snouia oe exrrcisru wuu innnuc care ami pains that at no point the great fabric of the law, which is the background and support of all our liberties, suffers because of tho strain put upon it by those who are most directly charged with ita security. v The Bee notes with some satisfaction that the attorney general is aroused to the point of effective activity by the events referred to. He can vindicate the law by energetically prosecut ing the defaulting banker who was released on t technicality, and he may retrieve the suspen sion of the laws by temporary injunction orders through promptly and sufliciently representing to the court the reasons for enacting the laws and establishing the rights of the people with reference to them. A little less law and a little more justice in Nebraska will help to restore that sweet rea sonableness on which the law finally rests and which courts are expected to maintain. Base Ball As a Business. -) One thing brought out in connection with the trial of the base ball players accused of ac cepting bribe! to throw games k the fact that the base ball business is nothing to be sneezed at when it comes to making profit. The White Sox. owned by Comiskey, returned a net profit Of $40.337 in six years, -after atlowing the owner $511,000 a year salary. In 1919, the year of the sell-out by the players, the net profits were $225,000 plus. When proper weight is given to the fact that base ball is merely a game, affording amusement only, and not a productive pursuit, the eloquence of these fig ures become! truly impressive. Admitting the need of the great game as a factor in commun ity life, one may be pardoned a bit of surprise that it ha! reached luch an eminence as a pro ducer of profit. Also, the imperative need that it be keep free from taint of suspicion that may alienate the affection of the people is the more apparent, because the gain depends on the con fidence of the public in the game. Comiskey has built himself up in the affection of a loyal clientele, which has stood by him in his time cf need, resentful of the blow struck by the greedy stari who sold out to equally greedy gamblers, and whose fidelity is attested by the fact that the gate receipts at Comiskey park still are bounteous. Base ball is a mighty fine pastime, and also a good business if you get into it right conditions of existence that otherwise might be monotonously unpleasant. "Not enjoyment and not sorrow is our destined end and way," yet it Ii true that as each succeeding morrow "finds us farther than today," so does it increase not only our longing for better things but our capacity for gratifying that longing. That congress should in a hit and miss fashion group together an unrelated list of things which serve to pad the existence of man, and from it derive a certain amount of revenue in itself an index to the experditurt of the people as a whole for comforts Ls not a proof that we are unduly wasteful. Waste tends in a direction opposite from this. That we as a nation can afford to pay half a billion dollars of tax for things that arc real necessities to the great majority of users is evidence of commend able thrift. Abstention from "luxuries" will not add greatly to the progress Of the race, for such things as are included in the taxable schedule are signs of progress in themselves. "Luxuries" and American Life. Based on the fact that the Treasury returns ahow $500,000,000 to have been returned in revenue as a result of the 10 per cent luxury tax,"the statement that five billions was spent on gratification of vanity, personal adornment Or entertainment, and similarly for useless pur poses in the last year is warranted. Whether this is wastefulness or not is open to question. Many will hold that it is, for they eschew the things that incur the tax. But the theaters, soit drinks, jewelry, perfumes, candy, club duei, tobacco In it! various forms, automobiles, furs. toilet soaps and powders, hunting knives, musi cal instruments, yachts, cigar holders and pipes, appeal to civilized man, because they afford mean! of relaxation, provide pleasurable occu pation for moments not taken up in business or pursuit of gain, and generally ameliorate Pinch the Gasoline Vamp. A pestilence dangerous alike to public morals and safety is the motorist who picks up a girl with the intention of going on a joy ride. Com missioner Butler is right: the police ought to arrest every man found to be attempting to lure the company of strange young women as he drives slowly along thct crowded downtown Streets. ' "Almost any evening one may go along Far nam street and observe men with automobiles soliciting the attention of girls," Mr. Butler de clares, and any one who has his eyes open must have witnessed a scene of this sort. It is then decent folk wish that they could step forward and save the careless, thoughtless victim before she steps into the car. What an ordinary citizen can not do, the po lice and detectives can. Not infrequently the automobile Is one stolen or "borrowed" for the occasion. ' In ether instances it may be owned by the driver, but often it may be run by a son of the owner, Out for what is his idea of a good time. Decent and well-intentioned men do not have to seek feminine companionship through such means, and no one but an irresponsible character would attempt it. The man who tempts a strange girl with the prospect of a ride about town or into the country is the sort of a man who lacks judg ment in all respects. It is his car that later races at dangerous speed and perhaps is wrecked In the ditch. If the machine is not his he will he all the more careless in his driving. The moral danger is even greater. How ever sure a young woman may be of her ability to take care of herself, yet by repetition of such adventures she will grow careless and weak. Modesty must be put aside to accept an invita tion from an unknown man. Sometimes it is never restored and girls 6f this sort may be seen watching and waiting for new invitations from the slowly moving automobiles on the crowded downtown streets. Sometimes an in nocent girl, in a moment of bravado, or under the influence of a more daring associate, will accept the bid, only to repent when miles out in the country and decide to get out and walk home. Mr. Butler declares that this abuse is flagrant, and he has more opportunity for ascer taining its extent than has the average citizen who does not have access to police records. It is an unwholesome and perverting practice, and should by all means be broken up by greater vigilance on the part of the police. Distress in the South. It is astounding that there should be danger of famine and epidemic in the southern states. Travelers returning from visits to the cotton belt have said that the middle west is in pros perous condition compared with .Dixie, but still the public has not been prepared for President Harding's move in anticipation of starvation and disease. The president is not one given to undue alarms, yet he has requested the public health service and the Red Cross to make a prompt investigation of reports of a semi-famine and an epidemic of pellagra. "The threat of famine and plague," his statement runs, "seemed to arise from the fact that depressed markets had made it impossible for the people to sell their stocks of cotton." The shortage of money that resulted, he says, apparently deprived thousands of people of the variety of food necessary to ward off pellagra. America must care for her own, and the president announces that it" conditions arc found to warrant, congress will be asked to pass re lief measures. There is enough food in this country to assure that no portion of the popu lation need go hungry, or lack for healthful diet. American relief organizations have fed Chinese, Armenians, Belgians, Germans and dozens of other foreign peoples, but now the duty comes closer home. Judging from the fact that President Har ding's warning comes without any preliminary public discussion, ground remains for hope" that suffering and want have not progressed to a perilous extent as yet, and that preventive meas ures, rather than solely those of relief, are what is required. Nor must sight be lost of the utter Heedlessness of such a condition of distress be falling any part of our nation. It will not be enough to provide food and medicine, but the machinery of production and distribution inul be so revised and improved that the menace of widespread po-verty and a lowered standard of living will be forever removed. Two thousand hogs were brought by motor truck to the stock yards in Sioux City in a single day. Three truck loads of sheep and forty-six trucks of cattle also arrived. This is business that the railroads have lost because of high freight rates. A group of prominent society men in Paris recently entered a famous restaurant attired in pajamas of striking hues. When the bouncer appeared they explained that they were abid ing by the rule of evening dress, and were al lowed to remain. If the government continues to advance money to the railroads, we may arrive at gov ernment ownership by the method of foreclosure. New York city is on the verege of an old fashioned political campaign, where one ticket is pledging 5-cent street ear fares. Even with . those 185 additional laws which have just gone into effect, the millenium has not exactly arrived in Nebraska. A Lake-to-Ocean Waterway Project to Be Financed by the United States and Canada Jointly. By VICTOR B. SMITH. In tlic.sC days when taxation furnishes the most serious and immediate problem faced by government oflicialp, no project as large as the proposed improvement of the St. Lawrence river can be considered without careful .attention to the method of financing it. In previous articles, The Bee h;is sought to set forth what is involved in the improvement of the river and what the effect will be, both as a source of hydro-electric power and a inrans of cheap transportation trom the Great Lakes country to the sea. Rut what will it cost? Who will pay for it? The answers to these questions constitute one of the biggest indorsements of the project, because they forecast its financing by private capital subject to government control. That gives promise of accomplishing the work with out adding to tax burdens and gives evidence, to6, of the faith of experienced and able busi ness men and engineers in the soundness of the project. If it were proposed to din into the na tional treasury to obtain funds for the work, one might fear that the project was unsound, that the men backing ft were favoring it only because they were willing that the government spend its money on a grand but doubtful ex periment. Rut when competent men propose that the thing shall finance itself, it gains con fidence. The co.-t is estimated by engineers at from $225,000,000 to $252,000,000. This includes the entire work, both those portions necessary to make the St. Lawrence navigable for ocean steamers from its mouth to the Great Lakes and that additional work necessary for the develop ment of electric power. Present plans con template the financing of the entire project on the basis of the revenue from the sale of electric power. Students of the problem on both sides of the international boundary are convinced that this can be done, the number including Mich men ns Senator Lenroot of Wisconsin, Sir Robert Borden, former premier of Canada; Sir Adam Beck, head of the great hydro-electric develop ment on the Canadian side of Niagara Falls, and H. I. Harriman, president of the New Eng land Tower company and former president of the Boston Chamber of Commerce. ' Said Senator Lenroot, who has discussed the question with interested men both of the United States and Canada: The exact plan to be followed is a matter still to be developed. The one most gener ally favored is to have the two governments the United States and Canada organize a. corporation. In which they own the stock. This corporation would then issue bonds to finance the undertaking. The bonds would be sold to investors. Probably they would be guaranteed by the two governments. But the profits from the sale of hydro-electric power would pay the operating charges, the interest on the bonds and a sinking fund reserve suf ficient to pay off the bonds at their maturity in, 8a y, forty years. This statement is approved by others who have investigated the matter. MacElwee and Ritter, economists who have spent much time in investigating the situation, report: It is estimated that the improvement of the St. Lawrence river will develop 4,000,000 horsepower. The value of this power at the switchboard will be at least $15 a horsepower, or $60,000,000 a year. Based on the figures of the 1914 census, the horsepower of the St. Lawrence would afford employment to about j 1,500,000 people. If the power were all used for manufacturing, the value of the raw ma terials would be $2,600,000,000 and of the finished products $4,400,000,000. That is the industrial basis which would have to carry an investment of $250,000,000 for its power. Engineers calculate that electric energy from the St. Lawrence could be deliv ered to New York state manufacturing centers at 4.6 mills per kilowatt-hour. That is only $24 per horsepower per vear of 300 days of twenty four hours each. Eastern manufacturers who made the recent inspection trip down the St. Lawrence were enthusiastic over such possi bilities. On this plan, the power feature of the un dertaking would carry the entire financial load. The advantages gained by opening the Great Lakes to ocean shipping would cost the ship pers nothing. There would be no tolls. Rep resentatives of New England manufacturing in terests have asked why the power development should bear the entire expense and the ship ping interests no part of it. They have sug gested that the middle western states should pay some of the cost, by shipping tolls. . It is possible, of course, to make some such di vision of the cost, but it is not likely. Existing treaties with Canada provide that the interna tional -waters between the two countries shall forever be open to the commerce of both, with out tolls. That treaty might be changed. But the chances are against it. Canada is spending $0,0O().O0O on the Welland canal without ex pecting a cent of revenue in return; this canal is costing the United States nothing at all, but it will be open to ships of the United States just as to those of Canada. Under these circum stances, it is hardly likely that tolls will be charged on the St. Lawrence canal. Objections from New England on this point have been countered strongly.- however, by some of New England's own citizens. The ad vantages of cheap electric power would be so great and the need is so serious, it is pointed out, that New Engtand is in no position to quibble about paying a fair price. "Finance 1" cried Sir Adam Beck at a lunch eon in Toronto in honor of visiting Americans who inspected the project recently. "Finance! Don't worry about finance. It will cost $250. 000.000. Certainlv. What of it? Canada, with 8.000,000 people is spending $90 000,000 on the Welland canal. The province of Ontario, witn 1.500,000 people, is spending $50,000,000 in the Chippewa power development at Niagara Falls. If thc United States, with 100,000,000 people, and Canada together can't put over this St. Lawrence project which will pay for itself then, well, in that case Canada will do it alone." Sir Adam Beck is a man after the late Col. Theoitore Roosevelt's own heart. He is head of the Ontario hydro-electric power commis sion, which has charge of the development of power on the Canadian side of Niagara Falls. He is a man of wonderful energy, great ability and a fixed habit of doing what he starts out to .do "The St. Lawrence development is as cer tain to come as are the waters of Niagara to continue to flow," he said. "The only question is the time. If Canada does it alone, it must await a while. If the United States aids and this river is a resource of the United States just as it is of Canada even if it does endin Cana dian territory if the United States aids, then both countries should reap the benefits within another eight years. "Don't talk to me about whether this should be done or will be done. It can't help but be done. The only question now is when." (A concluding article tomorrow will relate just what steps must be taken to start the St. Lawrence project toward achievement.) Joys of the Southland. It is said that all the richest newspapers are in the north, but what are riches compared with the chance to publish such items as the follow ing, which is a type of what we find in the Georgia papers nowadays: "We are indebted to Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Lander for a basket of fine peaches picked from trees growing at their beautiful home place. For color, size and flavor these peaches were the equal of any of the bet we have ever tasted," etc. Boston Transcript. "Pickled to the Eyes." It is being hinted that the so-called mystery ship became sligM'v intoxicated and lost its wav. Washington Star. j Mow to Keep Well By OR. W. A. EVANS Qurttlont concarnlnf hyina, nit. tion and prevention ol diacasc, sub mitted to Dr. Evant by raadars of Tha Baa, will ba antwertd personally, subject to proper limitation, whare a tamped, addressed anvelopa ia en closed. Dr. Evans will not make diagnosis or prescribe for Individual diteates. Address letters In care or Tha Bat. Copyright. 1U21. by Dr. W. A. Evans. PROTECTING THE BABIES. When T)r. Tiuby King of New Zeahiml trailed across the country from Seattle to New York. braRKlng about the chance for Ufa that babies had in bis country, ii atarted soma thinB. We said it tha New Zealand baby death rate l as low as 50 we may not bp nble to reach It. but we are Roinp to try, and ono thing is certain, the old rate of 100 must ro. We nfiver ljiay reach th New Zea land flRure because they have a great nrivantnira over us. Their climate ta far better than ours. Not even the climate of Washington and Oregon, the best baby climate we have, equals that of New Zealand. They have a far more homogeneous popu lation. No great manses of newly arrived Kuropean peasants, no slums, no great industrial popula tion, no cities of several hundred thousand population. Nevertheless, what we lack In these directions we make up In grit. Theso are the things we are doing: We are getting the babies regis tered, the flies are being put out of business, the milk supply Is being safeguarded, mothers are being taught to breast fe?d, mothers are being taught how to care for their babies. And now, what progress is being made? The American Child Hygiene as sociation recently has published Its annual comparison of child welfare in American cities, reporting on 519 citips. The honor goes to Astoria, Ore., with a rate of 23, less than one half the New Zealand rate. Pasa dena, Cal.; Brookllne. Mass.; Hous ton, Tex.; Richmond, Cal.; Man chester, Conn.; . Taconia, Wash.; Winthrop, Mass., and West New York, N. J., follow in the order named. These nine and 14 others have records lower than the New Zealand standard Of 50 at which we are striving. Since the babies who live in the truly rural districts are healthier than the city babies, we figure that If we can get the cities down to rates of 60, the city and country combined should not be far from the New Zea land standard. Of 68 cities, nearly 11 per cent have rates of 60 and under. The report groups the cities Into five classes, according to sire, giving the three highest and the three low est In each class. The leaders In the group of large cities are Seattle, Portland, and San Francisco. In the next group are Houston, Spokane, and Oakland. In the third group, Taconia, Berkeley, San Diego. In the fourth. Pasadena, Brookllne, and West New York. In the fifth, Astoria, Richmond, Cal., and Manchester.-Conn. Of the 15 on the lower roll, six are from California, three from Washington, two from Oregon, and one each from Texas, Massachusetts, New Jersey and Connecticut. The greater part of California's great showing is due to climate, but some is due to their advanced milk law. The report also gives the three cities in each group with the worst records. Of these Pennsylvania has three. Alabama and Ohio two each, and New York, Tennessee, Massa chusetts, Georgia, Michigan. Indiana and Virginia one each. It ls striking that the cities hav-! ing 10,000 to 25,000 population make the three best and the three worst records. Astoria, Richmond, and Manchester make up the head, and Kunniore, Pa., 225; Eeast Liverpool, O.. 209, and East Youngstown, O., iii4. mane up tne tail. This shows what most health of ficers know namely: that If a liinall town will develop a health de partment, support it and follow its udvice, health conditions will be very good, but if, on the other hand, they try to get along- Without health department, let any kind Of milk' be sold, let things run wild generally, Conditions Will he Worse than tho are in the big cities. H does not seem right that 11 ! cities have rates of" 150 and over I wnen Zi nave reached rates of 50 and under. The people In those nine cities cannot care very much for their children. It Is inconceivable that they are so Indifferent to noor milk, so tolerant of flies, so reckless nl-w.x ,1ia Vie.1,1, .-... . I and the care fo young babies. But we .must remember that 10 years ago there were a great many ; cities with rates of 150 and 20 years ago few -had rates much below that, j The indications are that when j itul,j ia uiiuubii lie WUI know that he has had a race. Anti and Mouth Wash. F. D. writes: "Some one asked if milk of magnesia was good for a mouth wash and your answer was 'No.' I have acid mouth and the resulting soreness and sometimes cavities at the neck of the teeth. Two dentists have told me to work magnesia around the teeth and gums just before retiring, to counteract the acid which is not dissolved at night as in the daytime by food and drink. I have very little trouble with the tender places now and al most never neglect to use the mag nesia." t CDC Why Did Foiernon Resign? Page, Neb.. July 25. To the Edi tor of The Ree: X ace with no un certain degree of amazement that Mr. Peterson, assistant United States district attorney, has resigned, and that hia reason for doing so wua owing to the violent shock his senso of Justice had received wnen Mr. Harding pardoned Mr. Matters after ha had served a small portion of his sentence In the Leavenworth federal prison. Now. Mr. Matters alleged ho was jobbed, and from what I know of the methods used In other eases in the federal bulld liia?. t don't doubt his word for a minute. Was this the real cause of Mr. Pttnrmii't reaiiriiat ion. or was ho 1 ..1m.fl..i a nf fY&nn wnrri lioll- I"J'"B - - tics? It is a notorious fact that bootleggers Who were not jobbed, but who pleaded guilty, and were sentenced to the Douglas county Jail, were released In a few days, and the sanctimonious four-flusher did not resign then, nor did his sense of justice suffer thereby so as any one could notice. This matter of .pleasing bootleggers did not happen once or thrice, or 20 times, but it was a common occurrence, but Mr. Peterson stuck to the job and never once murmured. Look at the court records and see for yourself the sen tence they got, and then go to the. records In the office of Sheriff Clark and see the short time they stayed there before they were released and back on their old job again. I won der why Mr. Peterson's conscience troubles him. - B. J. KEEGAN. , For Foreign Languages. Omaha, July 26. To the Editor Of The Bee: The constitution of the United States' guarantees free dom of speech, press and religion, thus far. It was most probably the Intention of the founders of the country that foreign languages should be permitted. The new sta.te law absolutely forbids forplgn lan guages to children In school hours. It Is not easy to learn a language after one has grown up. The foreign language papers are not the only ones opposed to the law. The law cannot now be patriotic or consti tutional since military rule has ceased. It is not far from prohibi tion of foreign languages to kaiser Iflm. They tried to Germanize Bo hemia but did not succeed, so with other countries. After all. nation alities, like races, seem to be part of a divine purpose. How is it possible there are so many distinct tongues in the world? The American Legion would do better not to be so zealous now since the war has ended to pre serve their good name and retain their popularity. H. C. SIMMONS. About Rallroatl Paseos. Omaha, July 21 To the Editor ot The Bee: I want to call your at tention to the free-pass, scandal Thousands of people are traveling all over this country on free passes just for fun and to kill time. I know two women who spend most of their time traveling on free passes on the Rock Island railroad and I know another woman who gets six or seven free passes each year from the Rock Island Railroad company, and I asked those women if they were not tired of so much traveling, and they said, "Yes, we are tired of traveling but we keep on going Just to use up the free passes which we get easily." A Rock Island railroad man told me that many employes of the Rock Island railroad ask for free passes for their female relatives, a$d those men take those passes out and sell them for one-half the regular fare to other people not their relatives. That same man told m that there is ft gang of expert crooks who manu facture counterfeit free passes and sell them for one-half the regular fare. Tho railroads are losing thousands of dollars each year through those free-pass dead beats because many of those dead beats would pay full fare if they could not get the free passes so easily. The railroads complained of hard times, and they cut salaries and Yes. With Sonic Exceptions. A. P. writes: "Can sweet milk, or cream, or buttermilk be used by a person suffering with diabetes?" REPLY. Yes. except during the short star vation periods. CENTER SHOTS. A lazy man's Idea of unrest is to have to move to keep in the shade. Toledo Blade. Nowadays when a novelist wants a "happy ending he lets them get di vorced. Atlanta Journal. The Milwaukee Journal prints an article on "Milwaukee's Water." What a come-down. Minneapolis Journal. Wc liaa only two Smiths left In congress, which may explain why they are so long beating the swords Into plowshares. Omaha News. A man without faults Is like a girl without a powder puff there ain't no such animal. Wheeling Intelligencer. The man who says styles are shocking is always willing to be a shock absorb r. Chambersburg Public Opinion. A timely motto for the road-hogs would be: "Fliv and let ftlv." Columbia (S. O Record. The man who didn't use to know the gun was loaded Is now holding a lighted match to see how much gas there Is in the tank. Taeoma Ledger. He Still Spouks With Authority. , Chief Justice Taft finds it neces sarv to stop writing editorials, but be is still in position to speak with authority. Eoston Transcript. TV You Piano Buyer Hot Weather Prices on Renewed PIANOS Emerson, Mahogany $275 Hallet & Davit, Rosewood. . 115 Kohler Jc Chase, Mahogany 140 Hobart & Cable, Mahogany 225 Cable & Sons, Walnut 195 Marshall, Oak 21S Hale tt Co., Rosewood.... 85 Steter, Walnut 235 Smith St Barnes, Mahogany 275 Netxow, Walnut 215 Harvard, Ebony 160 Karl bach, Mahogany 175 Segerstrom, Walnut 225 Everett, Ebony 140 Bush at Lane, Walnut.... 295 Camp & Co., Walnut 235 Chase Bros., Mahogany... 215 Kimball, Oak 310 Kimball, French Walnut.. 285 Kranich dt Bach, Walnut. . 225 One Dollar Fifty Cants Per Waak Buys One. Player Buyer Can You Beat It Johnson, Mahogany 415 Johnson, Fumed Oak 485 Segerstrom, Walnut ..... 385 Karn, Mahogany 420 Sthmoller & Mualler, Mahogany 323 Burton, Oak 437.50 Three Dollars and Fifty Cents Per Week Buys One. Tha priea and terms will hurry theso off. Can you af ford to miss this opportunity? 1513-15 DOUGLAS STREET The Art and Music Slore laid off men, and at the same time they are hauling an urmy of free pass dead, beats all over this country lieo of charge. ; Looks mighty bud. docs II not; The railroads are "public utilities and they are forbidden by law to show any discrimination or favorit ism to any person, and those same railroads force sonio people to pay full fure and allow other people to travel on free passes. Looks very tit range, does it not? This whole free pass evil ls a mon strous wrong which should bo cor rected, and tho remedy is very simple. Tho United States government Should Issue an order forbidding any person to ride on a free pass ex cepting actual employes of the rnll roads whoso names are actually on the payrolls of the railroads. Let us have equal rights and equal justice for all. You may publish this letter if you wish. PRESTON' DC V ALL. Soldier Hospitals Scored By War Kiuk Insurance Head Washington, July JS.The John son City, Tcnn., old soldiers' home, was characterized as a "mad house" 'and the Fort Mc Henry, Mil., hos pital described as fit only for a sewage disposal plant today by Col, Charles K. Forbes, war risk insur ance director, before a senate com mittee. Colonel Forbes said liquor and narcotics were sold among the WO former service men at Johnson City and the bureau was powerless to enrrert the situation for lack of ...... jurisdiction. taaoC lit'gal Age for Marriage Cosad, Neb., July 26. To the l.'dltor of The Bee: What is the legal age of marriage of the various' states of the union? F. it. ; Answer: For the men, 21: for! the women, 18. In Nebraska 21 foi both parties. . Cheer for Hiuy-iit-Hoiiis. It is saddening to learn that rail read rates may be advanced and that hotel rales are not coming down, but there is comfort in thinking how much ono can save by staying at home. Chicago News. BVS!HS5 fS GOOD THANK YOU LV Nicholas Oil Company Know the Satisfaction of Having a Savings Account 4 Interest on Savings Interest compounded quar terly. Deposits protected by Depositors' Guaranty Fund of the State of Ne braska. Your funds subject to withdrawal without notice. You will find it an evcr-increasinjr source of pride to you. You will discover its true value when some unexpected turn of events causes you to fall back on it. You will learn that successful business men place a great deal of importance on it in employing men or having deal ings with them. Open your account today with the American and you will soon know tho true signifcance of these facts. One dollar will open your account. It will surprise you how fast the sum will grow if you add to it sys tematically. . American State Bank EIGHTEENTH AND FARNAM STS. " W. Cciselman, Prcsidsnt D. C. Geiselman, Cashier H. M. Krogh, Aist. Cashier Established in 1891 and showing a steady growth for thirty years, with present resources of $17,500,000.00 Is the Record of THE CONSERVATIVE During this period thousands of Omaha people have availed themselves of the safety and the service of this strong institution. Dividends at a rate consistent with safety have been distributed twice every year since organization. You are invited to become identified with us. The Conservative Savings & Loan Association 1614 Harney PAUL W. KUHNS, Prea. J. A. LYONS. Sec. E. A. BA1RD. Vice Pres. J. H. M'MILLAN, Trcaa. 9! Fine, All-Steel Train In daily service between KANSAS CITY AND LITTLE ROCK with through sleeping car betwaan Omaha and Hot Springs Every travel xomfort and convenience is pro vided on this fine, all-steel equipped train drawing-room sleeping cars dining car chair cars and comfortable day coaches service to please ail classes of patrons. Beautiful riverside ride leaving Omaha and into Kansas City. Good roadbed all the way. via the issouri aci ifi L. Omshs SOS a.m. Lv. Lincoln 7:20 s m. Lv. Union 9: IS a.m. Lr. Atchison .... 2:05 p.m. L. Lesvenwortk . 1:55 Dm. Ar. Ksosas City. 3:4Sp.m. Lt. Kansas City.. 4:00p.m. Lv. Independence. 8:53 p.m. Lv. Cofieyville ... :30pm. Lv. Claremoxe ...t 1:0 1 p.m. Lt. Wsgoner ....11:43 p.m. Lt. SaUisaw 1:15 a.m. Ar. Ft. Smith..... J :00am. Ar. Little Rock... 7:11 a.m. Omaha-Hot Springs sleeper arrives Hot Springs 10 :00 a. m. Lay-over sleeper for Ft. Smith may be occupied in Ft Smith until 7:00 a.m. For complete information apply to City Ticket Office, 1416 Dodga St. Phoaa DO uglas 1648 Or Union Station Ticket Office) Phone DOuglas 5570 Omaha, Neb. I' m milll"IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHII IN.MM.NH.mMIMhlMMIW.WI 1 A.b'.fci.JHi-'.